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Chris Evans | 15:07 UK time, Monday, 3 November 2008

No more like that thank you...

...just come out of a meeting for all the right reasons, what a welcome relief.

We are talking Children In Need indeed.

After two highly successful years of the Drivetime Dine and Disco, this year we think we have come up with an even better ruse. Still work in progress and with only four days to go before it all has to be signed off, the heat is on but that's how we like it.

We are talking cars, some of the greatest cars in the world and destinations, overnight if you will, and a race track to finish off with. However listen, it's all got to be confirmed but if it comes off, it will be so exciting ! So exciting.

Did Lewis win by the way, didn't manage to catch the race and nobody seems to have mentioned it today ? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Come on you Hamilton.





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  • Comment number 1.

    I like cars - was very concerned when I saw TG last night - what were they trying to do to the presenters? kill them?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with your (CLP's) chat the other day with the guy from Norton and the other guy that owns the racetrack that the British Grand Prix is being held at (sorry about scant details - don't follow motor racing much these days!)


    P.s. you guy's should feel lucky you were saved by the blog - loads more dodgy lyrics where they came from!!!!!

  • Comment number 3.

    that's what I thought BP!

    Here Cheryl, Santa's not accepted my friend request, do you fink that means I'm on the naughty list? :o(((((

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris
    Something different for Children in Need. It all sounds very expensive!
    Well done to Hamilton. What a race, I had to watch it.

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon CLP .....

    CiN is indeed a great cause, but is there any chance, any tiny weeny possibility please please pretty please that means mere mortals like wot we bloggers are can enjoy some of the fun too?

    I don't mean to sound mean, but some of the pledges on Terry's auction and on your own fine Dine and Disco are just quite simply out of our reach. Sad fact of life, but we can't all afford £35K+ pledges for a round of golf / a dinner dance etc etc.

    Shirley, I mean surely, there must be something you and your great team-combined-brain can come up with where your ever-faithful (that's us!) can get involved. Bit like Terry's TOGs - maybe CLP's Blog Dudes.

    Loving your work - keep doing what you do oh so well!

    Cheryl the Diva x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    #To music of winter wonderland#

    Lacy things -- the wife is missin',
    Didn't ask for her permission,
    I'm wearin' her clothes,
    Her silk pantyhose,
    Walkin' 'round in women's underwear

    seee told you!!!!

    Quack ;-}

  • Comment number 7.

    here here Cheryl, I often pledge for a song but can't afford to go above £10/£20 so feel left out! Would love to join the dine/disco sometime but hey-ho!

  • Comment number 8.

    Dook, can I have some of what you're on????
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Thanks Tiggs.

    Any other Bloggers got any ideas / thoughts for CiN?

    Come on CLP ........

  • Comment number 10.

    A great big Pudsey Bear Picnic in Hyde Park. Bring your own grub and drink, and have stalls like throwing wet sponges, coconut shy, dunking of some celebs. Entrance fee and pay for the games. It could be like the worlds biggest village fete thingy...

    just a thought...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 11.

    MWa -does it HAVE to be in Hyde Park - or can we do it like they do the Proms - organise one for Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff etc. Although for the likes of Highland Lass and thoose Waaaaaaay up North we may need one in Inverschneckie too!

    Perhaps more like the McMillian Coffee Morning would suit everyone!


    #There's a bear in yellowstone

  • Comment number 12.

    #Yogi, Yogi......

    Sorry premature posting there!!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    It could be anywhere dook, all held at the same time or staggered or whatever. It was just an idea, not thoroughly thought out in any way shape or form.

    I do wanna organise a proper masked ball though.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 14.


    I agree - one week like last week, was one too many!

    As for CIN, I said this last year - I contribute every year, have done since the very first show. But there is no way "ordinary" people can hope to compete with the people with the big money.

    Next week it's "things that money can't buy" on Terry's show. I just cannot listen to it, I actually find it quite depressing - I hope I'm not out of order to say that. I know it's for a terrific cause, but come on!

    It must surely be possible to let people bid where there is a limit - say 20 pounds - which would attract thousands of bidders. The names could all be registered, the computer picks one at random - giving us "small fry" at least a chance!

    No matter what though, I'll still send off my contribution.

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    I would love to get involved for something for CiN but also don't have the funds to pays lots and lots for the auction of things money cannot buy

    super bp x

  • Comment number 16.

    Refering back to CtD's reference of the TWOGS - does anyone know official members and has anyone been to any of their events - or are they a secretive society?


  • Comment number 17.

    I thought that Top Gear was really funny last night and I'm not normally into it much.

    The fact that the tv remote was on the other sofa and my head was practically glued to the cushion had something to do with it.

    Bagpuss by the way, regarding David 10"..... sure that I read somewhere that it was Billie Piper's nickname for him.

    I never bother to bid for anything on CiN, I usually just pledge my donation and be done with it. Blimey it's come around quick hasn't it?

    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    CtD, agree totally, I always feel really left out although I appreciate they want to make as much possible.

    Love the idea of regional fetes but not sure about wet sponges in November, count me out!

    Hope all bloggers well and happy.

    CtD I tried to send an email to your new thingy but it got sent back, something wrong with your sorting office?

    Emma M - my eldest has acute peanut allergy and has to take an epipen everywhere; we had a luck escape when she was 9 months old - she got a tiny bit of peanut butter (der, can't believe I was giving it to her, but she was such a fussy eater and I was trying her with every protein imaginable. Plus these allergies were not so well known about 15 years ago) on her arm and she swelled up like a balloon. Thank God she didn't eat any.

    It's very scary at the time but she's a sensible girl and we have adapted to it all as a family - but I, like you, bizarrly find myself craving peanuts every now and then. Have to save them for our very infrequent visits to pubs on own!

    A x

  • Comment number 19.

    due to various family preferences/ allergies we will be offering a nut free veggi option - that way we should be able to feed those who are veggie and those allergic to nuts in one easy meal!

    Or - basically - we are chosing a meaty option my fella likes and a veggie meal that I like and making everyone eat one or the other

    super bp x

  • Comment number 20.

    Oh boleyngirl you reminded me.

    I agree totally that it's a good idea to stop peanut butter at school. It's such a serious allergy isn't it.

    Haven't fancied a packet of nuts for ages. Really want some now too!

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Ah but what about the pescipeople and the fruitarians?!

    AA x

  • Comment number 22.

    boleyngirl - it should be alright. it was working this morning. N'er mind but thanks anyway xxx

    super_bagpuss - you sure you're not leaving the guests to eat each other??

    just got out of the Monday afternoon meeting: it's all a load of old bagles, I tell yas!

    Babble babble bagel baloney .......

  • Comment number 23.

    Just googled TWOG (should have been TOG!) any way it came up with this site and one of our very own bloggers is a bone fide TOG


    Perhaps our irish fasionista could give us some tips!


  • Comment number 24.

    pecipeople (fish eaters) can have the veggie choice and like it - we are not inviting any fruitarians and if anyone wants that I will bring them a banana - I'm buying there dinner - they could at least like it

    super bp x

  • Comment number 25.

    How about a blog-a-thon.....1,000 blog posts or some other ridiculously high number in a 24 hour period...

  • Comment number 26.

    And then there's those people who will only eat things that have fallen off things...as fruit has feelings too.

    No offence to vegans at all but I knew one once who wouldn't even kill her daughter's nits. I mean, you can't exactly release them into the wild, can you!

    A x

  • Comment number 27.

    boleyngirl - that person would get on well with Hugh Fearnley-Wittingstall then!!

    Can you imagine being married to him? He'd say he's taking you out for dinner and you'd probably end up forraging in a forest or wading into the sea to catch your dinner first ......


  • Comment number 28.

    boleyngirl, that's just bizarre....

  • Comment number 29.

    What about a special ARF where we all have to make a pledge to get a song played, it could be done using the blog onlly like the first record normally is. The thing is it woulld be better if you could be private about the amount you're pledging, don't know how that would work.

    Or, it could be something modest like £20 per song, and all the people who had requested that particular song paid up.

    Or, you pledge £20 (or more, whatever you wanted) to be put into a hat for a mention or request.

    Sorry, a bit woolly, am thinking on my feet here (well on my bottom actually as I am sitting down)

    a x

  • Comment number 30.

    Humans are Omnivors - they eat a variety of food stuffs - meat, veg, fruit etc.

    anything else (apart for medical reasons) is just a matter of choice or belief.

    Chickens by the way are also omnivors! (chickens by choice are not veggies!)


  • Comment number 31.

    Bondman, I know I know! I don't actually know how she disposed of them as the only way to keep them alive is to let them live on a human head. Needless to say we kept ouur distance.

    CtD - not much meat on a headlouse though! Anyway, she didn't eat meat.

  • Comment number 32.

    I love that - Omnivores!

    Sounds better than an eatanythingivore - which is what I am!!!

    Can't be done with fussy people. Only things I can't eat are things that look like cat yak - porridge, cauliflower cheese, macaroni, rice pudding .... think that about covers it. Oh and bread and butter pudding - ewww! Milky things really - nasty.

    'cept a cafe latte. they're nice.

    boleyngirl - that's a really good idea! surely the Techno Brigade at the Beeb could set up an online secure site for bloggers pledges .....

    ... CLP are you and the team listening?

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Dook, so does that mean a chicken would eat roast chicken? Is that not cannibalism? I definitely couldn't eat a human, howver peckish I was. Chickens, peckish, ha ha

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    Changing the subject (but only very slightly)

    Tonight ITV3 @ 9pm
    Martina Cole's Women Killers thing - Rose West.

  • Comment number 35.

    CtD does that mean you don't have bread sauce with your Christmas dinner? You've GOT to!

    A x

  • Comment number 36.

    Ewww no. Too cat-yakky.

    BUT i do like onion sauce on roast lamb. And I make a wicked bechemal sauce for a lasagne.


    also milkshakes - banana and strawberry should be banned. only chocolate allowed!

  • Comment number 37.

    JimmyCal - he's playing your flippin' song again!

    Good on ya! xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Oops, didn't realise it was showtime.


    A x

  • Comment number 39.

    boleyngirl - now have a vision of you in a Kylie-esque Show Girl outfit ....

    or maybe it's Lola.

    she was a Show Girl!!


  • Comment number 40.

    boleyngirl, I don't blame you from keeping your distance. I would to. The mind boggles sometimes doesn't it?

  • Comment number 41.

    wont get to listen to the show tonight as circuit training straight after work - the things we do for love!

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening each

    CtD: Well, that's my porridge out in the morning - cat yuk - thank you.

    Dookegg: Invershneckie - that made me giggle.

    I agree with everyone on CiN. While I contribute, I can't even attempt to bid for anything - far too much dosh. I'd be up for a McMillan-type thingy in Holyrood Park or somewhere in Invershneckie. On second thoughts, I'd get lost, like I did a wee whilie ago when trying to find Susan, so best not.

    Did have a look at the TOGs website once and it was just too bizarre. Think they were all on something!


  • Comment number 43.

    LOL Annie - sorry ;-)

    Off home now - via ELH for some bits and petrol. Hate hate hate buying petrol. Speshly in the wet dark. Booooooo

    Laters. P'raps.

    x x x x x

    Love y'all!

  • Comment number 44.

    CtD: Don't mind the petrol getting, but just really hate shopping. Crowds of people - just can't do it.

    Been reading about US elections all day. If Obama doesn't get elected, I'm going for CHERYL!!!!!! for world domination.


  • Comment number 45.

    My take on Children in need is that you give what you can afford, be it 35k, 35 pounds or 35 pence.

    I question the motives of the people who enter the auction of things that money cant buy.

    Is it just showing off that they can afford to spend the equivilent of a couple of years wages for the average person on lunch or a round of golf with some 'D' list celebrity?

    Genuine philanthropists just quietly go about giving money to charity without
    feeling the need to have the fact broadcast on national radio.

    How many of the bidders are secretly relieved whe they are pipped at the post?

    It is just another aspect of the obsession with celebrity.

    As for the 'celebrities' who appear on the TV show for CiN, how many are just there because its the only way of them getting a gig.

    Cynical, moi?


  • Comment number 46.

    No, TTT, just being realistic maybe.

    I, too, wonder, although I think most of the celebrity people are genuine in wanting to raise money for children.

    Can't quite get my head round the 'money can't buy' thingy though.

    However, I do hope some of the money raised goes to Save the Children. It's the best-run children's charity in the UK. They are my favourite charity and myself and my 3 little grandsons send them a donation at Christmas, Easter and all their birthdays. Hopefully it goes to children who have a lot less than my 3 little'uns.


  • Comment number 47.

    I was always led to believe that charity begins at home. I do sometimes give money to the poppy appeal (no i don't ever take a poppy) Mainly because without the armed forces i wouldn't be able to live my life as a (FREE) man. Not really into animals so they get passed by and medical charities as well as i believe the Govt. or private companies should be stumping up the money.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 48.

    PS: Talking of genuine, quiet philanthropists: Check out Tony Hawkes website. I know I've mentioned him before but he's a really caring person and deserves support.


  • Comment number 49.

    Evening Steve

    Having worked for an Armed Forces charity in the past, I wouldn't give them anything. Also, not a penny to Guide Dogs for the Blind.
    There is an awful lot of money floating around that area. Only my opinion and I could be quite wrong. But no, not a penny.


  • Comment number 50.

    I know that I have mentioned this before but my parents started and run a wildlife charity for which they recieved MBE's.

    So I am biased as I am both an animal lover and very proud of my parents.

    I think that there are very large and well known charities in all sectors and I choose to support the lesser known ones usually. Often the local ones. They are most likely to need the support.

    I suppost right now though alot of people can't afford to donate. I find myself more often these days telling the 'Big Issue' man that I don't have anything for him. And it's true.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 51.

    ooh charity talk. I work for a grant making charity - we collect the dosh and then give it out to animal charities. We often help the smaller ones, that are just surviving. I agree it doesn't seem right when charities have millions and millions in reserves. What we get in, we give straight back out again every year.

    Debbie its so lovely to hear you say your proud of your parents - you don't hear people saying that very often.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    You're right Debbie. Charities lose out during a recession, particularly the local ones. Mine is struggling just now but we are strongly supported by local donations.

    I'm into fundraising through Charitable Trusts. Let me know if I can help your parents charity. Have loads of Trust Funds in my files.


  • Comment number 53.

    Thanks Tinsel. And thanks for that offer Anne, shall be in touch. With their website details too.

    Mum and Dad raise money mostly by a very small entry fee to the animal centre. So they are not only hit by these hard times but this blooming, horrid weather.

    x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Hellooooo ... I survived! couldn't face ELH so did that nice Wtrs instead, and petrol from a garage I've never used before!

    Annie #44 - let's hope Obama gets the gig then!! Other than that - if anyone wants to "second" Annie's nomination ..... ;-)

    Charities: I tend to support only the ones I believe in: I've done 2 x Moonwalks for breast cancer charities, raising about 2 grand in the process - that's something I'm incredibly peoud of. Also did the Race For Life this year (some of you even sponsored me - thank you!). Tend to support local branch of CPL more than anything else.

    Right, dinner calls. May seez y'all in a bit .

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Debbie: Will send you a message on FB.

  • Comment number 56.

    Cheryl you are very right to be proud, weldone you!

    MfR please remind me, you raised money recently didn't you? I'm really sorry, that was a day that I had to skim through posts. But my memory has just been jogged a little.

    Ok Anne, thank you.

    x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Bloody hell. Have just battered to death with my shoe a humungous spider. So - conkers don't really work then??



  • Comment number 58.


    Name Introduction : Bertwynd Hurricane,


    Yes everbody, i've learned a nnnnnew, new word - 'blog'. I am becoming very MODERN and with it, now that I have taken uuuuuup, up computing!!!!!!!!! (8)

    I hope everybody had a very pleasant weekend. Myself and my wwwwife, wife WENDY Hurricane were at our regular cccccar, car boot pitch ON Sunday. We have a little stall there and SPECIALISE in sssselling, selling one line of merchandise only, boots!!!!!!!! (8)
    Yes if your going to BE up to yyyyour, your knees in mud, we CAN help with our car boot bbbbboot, boot stall!

    Today I visited Bingo Star again and he's got himself INTO trouble. Apparently he's gone and broken into the MATRON'S office and bbbbbeen, been using her computer. Even in rehabilitation he CAN not bbbbehave, behave himself!!!!!!!! (8) They should keep the idiot locked iiiin, in there, permanently!!!!!!!! (8)

    Any way he asks me to pass on the message that LEWIS Hamilton won THE motor car racing championship.

    He also says he is very GLAD to see tttttthe, the back of George Bush, USA president. Bingo says he really DID think Mr Bush was going to start world war three, from his aggressive, highly flawed foreign policies. Either in an intential or naive way, PERHAPS, naive the more worrying of tttthe, the two.
    At last the world can breath A SENSE of relief.
    Bingo says he is very surprised that we aren't seeing the first female PRESIDENT, Hilary Clinton.
    But of the two remaining candidates he hopes Mr Barrack Obama will come out oooon, on top.
    He thinks Mr Obama will make a very GOOD president. Fingers crossed!!!!!!!! (8)
    He adds nobody could be as diabolical aaaas, as Mr Bush.

    He also says hello to Highland Lass Susan. He ADDS thank you for tttthe, the offer of a cake. He adds talking of buns iiiin, in the oven, congratulations on your new baby.
    And DID you realise you got A mmmmmention, mention from Mr Chris Evans on HIS national wireless show a couple of wwwweeks, weeks a go?
    He wished yyyyou, you congratulations courtesey ooooof, of Cheryl The Diva sending the MESSAGE ttttto, to him!!!!!!! (8)

    He also says tttto, to Sparkly Tinsel, hello and will you be getting yyyyour, your sparkling sparklers ignited on the 5th oooof, of November?

    I had better go nnnnow, now everybody. Tomorrow, while Bingo Star is locked in rehabilitation, I will tell you ABIT of gossip about him, just to show you what a buffoon the mmmman, man is!!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 59.

    Bingo: Away and lie down. xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Can someone tell me what exactly is wrong with Bingo?


  • Comment number 61.

    yes, you are talking what am thinking. I quietly and happily contribute to charities close to my heart, and am determined not to be browbeaten in to feeling guilty for not giving my every last piece of spare money to charity.
    Do you know I nearly got arrested once for screaming at a beggar... He was sat on his a&*e with a can of lager at 7.30am when I was on my way in to work and asked me for money. I was feeling particularly put upon, because my husband had just lost his job and I had to go to work to bring money in, and leave my 5 week old baby.... the git was still sitting there, the remnants of about 7 cans laying around him, and he asked me for MORE money. How dare he sit there all day doing nothing, when I was out of the house for 10 hours away from my precious baby so that I could provide for him without asking for handouts. Luckily the police saw my side of it, and advised me to cross the street when I saw him! Humph.

  • Comment number 62.

    I get a bit upset sometimes.

  • Comment number 63.

    DWNB - best ask the man himself! Think he just gets a wee bit over-excited!

    F1 overdose praps?

    Annie - the conkers are going in the bin as of now!!!

    Nite nite peeps.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    TTFN CtD

  • Comment number 65.

    Night CtD. Think Mr. Diva might have been right all along??


  • Comment number 66.

    I think Bingo (sorry, Bertwynd, I know you are in charge at the moment) has a number of issues, but the most obvious one at the moment is his keyboard sticks on certain letters. You can get a gadget for that Bertwynd mate. Still, you both make me laugh so who cares!

    A x

  • Comment number 67.

    Bon evening one and all

    Your charity gig sounds very exciting Mr Chris.

    Well look now Jeremy Clarkson having his wrist slapped now.
    We are spiraling into Hush Puppy Humour.
    What will happen next reruns of Morcambe and Wise.
    Very busy at the mo so not much time to blog any spare moments are spent watching video clips of Russell Brand.

  • Comment number 68.

    PS I think John Sargent and Jo Brand could be twins.

    Or even the same person has anyoone seen them in the same room together?

  • Comment number 69.


    A person with more than one identity, the very idea.


  • Comment number 70.

    I know Ted it's quite shocking dontcha fink.

    Heavens above forget who I am sometimes.

  • Comment number 71.


    Taking JLFB007's "Blog-a-thon" idea a little further. I've had a serious think about this and I've come up with what I think is a brilliant idea (though Moose said that we all think our own ideas are brilliant).

    Why not have to pay £1.00 (other monetry amounts are available) for each blog we make on CiN day. That way we can all afford to do our bit for CiN without it breaking the bank. If you want to pay out lots you just blog more!!!

    Give it some thought. I think it could work!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 72.


    that that would not be fair poor CTD would need to take out a new morgage

  • Comment number 73.

    Serious question though
    Could the ±«Óãtv provide us with a Morcambe and Wise Christmas Special Through Derek Acora.

  • Comment number 74.

    Discount for bulk?

  • Comment number 75.

    Oh no Ted the jokes were dead years ago anyway.

  • Comment number 76.

    I was refering to 72 not 73.

    M and W belong to gentler times when two chaps could sleep in the same bed wearing stripey jim jams and nobody would bat an eye.

    Perhaps they should remake some of the old shows with Brand and Ross.


  • Comment number 77.

    erm.. well yes great idea. Russell Brand and Johnathan Ross do Eric and Ernie. But they don't wear glasses TTT they can't do that hilarious thing of jiggling the glasses up and down

  • Comment number 78.

    I think discount for bulk could work.... You could buy 1 blog for a pound or 10 blogs for a fiver... or in CtD's case 100 blogs for a pony etc etc....

    It may need a bit more work but the basic idea is still sound me thinx xx

    (Booboo has taken to her basket)

  • Comment number 79.

    Would that be a real pony Lyndyloo.

    Well thanks for making me smile what would the world be if we did not have comedy.

    bon nite

  • Comment number 80.

    Morning all,
    I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't have thought it, but you know what they say "timing is everything!". I also know that I probably shouldn't type it on here and anticipate being roundly condemned for it but ........ did anybody else wake up to the news of Obama's Grandmothers death this morning and think, hmmm that was handy timing!

    I'm sorry! I know I'm an old cynic, and I shouldn't have thought it, but then my missus woke up and saw the news and said exactly the same thing without any prompting from me whatsoever!

    DD out

    PS I'm so sorry!!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    DD - nope, that was my first thought too. What cynics we have all become in this age of media-rule!

    A x

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning each

    Don't think you'll be alone on that one DD.
    Did the same myself and yes, I'm sorry too.


  • Comment number 83.

    Morning - pay per blog? sounds like a good idea but not sure how they could do it - would we be on a trust issue? ie people donate at the end of the day when they have finished blogging - just remember not all people have credit cards or are happy with internet paying!

    we had a cake bake yesterday at work for a local charity who really need the money to keep going as there government funding has been cut - this is a charity that helps disables adults and children lead a "normal" life -

    i prefer giving my time to charities rather then my money but as i get older I am becomming cash rich and time poor so are brginning to have to donate more - and it will get worse when i start a family! if I'm in a bad mood and I see a begger I offer them my debt - that tends to shut them up!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 84.

    morning all

    hope you're all well out there today?

    Car is in the garage today, poss quite a lot wrong too....something about the engine management system??? All I know is that it's been running on kangaroo petrol for about a week!!!

    As for CiN well whilst I agree with all the reasons for letting us mere mortals 'have a go' instead of the rich, once a year listeners to the show, the whole point is to raise a bg load of cash so I can't see them changing the format. I get really fed up when the bidding goes thro the roof, but it's all about the charidee I guess.

    OK, I've literally thought of this whilst typing...
    ...How about a meal at The M with Christophe for all bloggers, £100 a ticket, all money to CiN?

    The moderators will know who the top 20-30 posters are so it would be fairly distributed I'm sure!


    bonnet de douche


    PS, I emailed the show yesterday re the TFI memorabilia, I felt really rude and cheeky but thought I'd chance my arm

  • Comment number 85.

    PPS - been lisrtening to an old Gwen McRae cd recently...what a voice

  • Comment number 86.

    With the Diva at the head of the table obviously! Ginge!


  • Comment number 87.

    Ginge, that's not a bad shout actually!

    Apart from locality for some of our regular northern bloggers, and Chris' previous assertions that perhaps it's better that we don't meet up.

    Another thing though, can we only count from the point where Bingo was able to post more than one line, otherwise we'll have a fight for who really should be at the head of the table!

    and obviously PP and TTT will have to share a seat. Honest PP, that is a joke!

    DD out

  • Comment number 88.

    PS just trying to get my number of posts up, to ensure I get an invite in case it happens!

    DD out


  • Comment number 89.

    Fancy killing your Grandmother for public sympathy!

    DD I have my suspicions on the real identity of TTT, nudge nude wink wink.

  • Comment number 90.


    Gingembre / DD - love that idea! But I really don't feel I should be head of the table, after all, I was't part of the gang from "Day 1" (or so I keep getting reminded!)

    Seriously brillig idea tho.

    Obama - yep. Me too. Oooops.

    And what da ya know ... I left here at half five last night with all trays empty. No filing. No typing. Nada. It seems the account handlers worked late last night and it's gonna be a busy day - hurrah!!

    So - onwards and upwards.

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 91.

    Senior Bloggers (ie long time ones not ageist) for me were Hazel and Clodagh so they would have to share a high seat.

    Shame on you all for being so cynical this early in the morning... tut tut

    I have a note from my charity for not blogging for a while.

    As a few of you may recall I do charity work for my local lifeboat station so between them and my other supported local charity the Dorset Youth Cancer Trust (they do short breaks/holidays for young people from all over the country). I also have an adopted horse through Horse Welfare Society and still support The Poppy Appeal and Help for Heros so there's not a great deal of small change left for other charities especially those that send you stuff through the post.

    Off now to work and I like the idea of pledging a blog post - you do recall that R2 does a pledge a song day on the 14th in any case. I will also hopefully be on the phone lines taking your calls on the night once more so you might just get me if you phone in.

  • Comment number 92.

    SP - how did you get that gig - that is something I woudl love to do!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hey - just out of pure curiosity, I just went back into the blog archives ....

    My first blog post was on 29th November 2006.

    So only just missed out on being "an original"

    Re-read some of my portacabin hell entries - this place has really helped me over the rough times. I sounded so unbelievably unhappy back then.

    Nice to see some old names too - if you're lurking "oldies" ...... come back!!!!

  • Comment number 94.

    Bagpuss - just lucky I guess.

    Seriously working in large companies previously on community support committees - connected to other companies likeminded people you get to hear of which companies are providing the call centres and simply make contact and see if they want volunteers. Most are really happy to take outside friends, family and staff and staff from other companies as phone lines for regional centres are open from 7pm until midnight. I once went all the way to British Gas in Southampton to help one year. Most years it has been local in Bournemouth.

    Ask around or the ±«Óãtv will point you to the nearest one through their feedback on CiN site.

  • Comment number 95.

    Morning all

    Boy I'm tired today, LM did not want to stay in his bed last night. Blooming nightmare.

    Cheryl I'm not far behind, just had a peek and I first posted on 5th December 2006. Back when Chris was visiting different families with the show for a week.

    x x x

  • Comment number 96.

    found a posting of mine dated 14th Feb 07 - must have posted in my job before but it will take too long to check - also i don't seem to have settled on a name back then!

    Supe bp x

  • Comment number 97.

    I've found postings of mine back in October 2006, but can't be bothered to confirm which day I started!

    At the end of the day, does it matter???

    DD out

  • Comment number 98.

    DD - not at all - i think one or two of us are just a bot bored thats all -

  • Comment number 99.

    oooh sorry. i only looked out of curiosity. wish i'd not said anything now.

  • Comment number 100.

    ctd - I'm not moaning - after all i did go back and check myself


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