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Chris Evans | 15:07 UK time, Monday, 6 October 2008

Alright, hope you had a good weekend and all that, now hear this...

my wife has become a major feeder.

From Saturday we now have a CRISP DRAWER and a CHOCOLATE DRAWER !!!

This is both heaven and a disaster. It's all you ever wanted as a kid and the last thing you need as an adult.

Since the terrible twosome have been installed I have made several thousand more trips to the kitchen than I normally do. Savoury, sweet - sweet, savoury, "All Night Long" as the great Lionel Ritchie sang.

Please enjoy READERS DRAWERS...







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  • Comment number 1.

    Look like heaven to me....we have sweetie drawer which includes chocolate and other treats...but as I don't have sweet tooth, I will go for thecrisp drawer option!!! Although we have a crisp box....the plastic variety kept in a kitchen cupboard, always the rubbish crisps that no-one wants from multipacks at the bottom!!!!

    Like the look of that crisp drawer though..


  • Comment number 2.

    ooooh CLP, a woman after my own heart - with the sweet popcorn too!! I have a snack drawer at work with crisps and sweeties in it, and a cupboard at home with crisps, jelly beans and other nibbles - always keep my choc in the fridge tho - have a drawer for it in there ha ha!!

    Hi dreamer!

    Really am off home now!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    we have a sweet jar and a crip corner but i try not to eat them at all

    also have a multitude of choc and cakes at work but my dried fruit is what i need

    super bp x

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi all, finished work, hurrah.

    Can't come to meet as teen2 has mega Tai Kwon Do competition in Nottingham. Apparently Olympic scouts are going to be there, gulp. Not sure am of the right calibre in any way, shape or form to be Olympic mum.

    Also, a bit unsure of whole concept. You know when you read a book and then see the movie and that is SO not how you imagined them? I have a very clear image of many of you, it would seem wrong if you were different! Also would hate to disappoint in the flesh. I bet you all have a great time thought, am a bit jealous really.

    Actually nearly joined the CLP thing on FB today. But then i saw all the possibilities (bloggers who read... ME! blogger who cook ME!) and I realise that if I get involved I will quite simply be on it all the time, and I can't do it! Just can't. Want to but can't.

    A x

    Copied from other blog, sorry haven't time to read CLP's yet, back in a bit

  • Comment number 5.

    Afternoon CLP

    We have a crisp cupboard! But crisps are not the sole occupant, oh no. The crisp cupboard is the cupboard under the stairs and contains all my vinyl 12" albums (approx 500 of the things), all Mr diva's albums (approx 100), all his cassettes, all the crisps, nuts and savoury snax, all the sweeties and most importantly .... it's where our bottles of spirit live in peace and harmony. So, if you're ever in my neck o'the woods and fancy a JD, gin, rum etc etc (most spirits and liqueurs are present) head for the cupboard under the stairs!

    No good for hide and seek tho as no room in there whatsoever!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 6.


  • Comment number 7.

    Crisp cupboard please CLP although I do have a bit of choc in the fridge!

    Boleyn pleased you qualified - thought I was seeing blog double!!

    Diva - did you see - Dissing may make London?

    Bingo - yo - yo back to 6% down although listening to the waffle in hse of comms I do wonder why!!!

    Mwa - can we hear from you now please? It's safe to come out!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Nope CLP, just can't do it. It'd be a sweetie drawer one minute, an empty drawer the next *sigh*. Seriously. The crisps not so much, but once the choccie ran out...

    I have no willpower there (gave up the fags no problem though). But this I know, so at least I don't buy it. Well, not very often ;-)

    AF xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Diva, that sounds very similar to our cupboard under the stairs. Apart from the vinyls and albums and things. Spirits, crisps, sweets, mixers, anything that'll fit really.

    We don't have a dedicated crisp or chocolate drawer. Somehow I really can't see it ever having anything in it for longer than a couple of days even if we did! Chocolate stays in the fridge, sweets in a bowl (in the wood bin, currently, for some reason), and crisps - I've been through that phase and after starting a bag today decided that they really really really weren't what I wanted after all.

    I think we only actually have two drawers in our kitchen.... and neither of them have been commandeered for food...

    Oh food. I need more of it. Currently I am desiring meat paste, but have my doubts as to whether the local "super"market will actually have any, and if they do stock any, whether they actually have any in stock. Neither is very likely.

    Keep them drawers well stocked CLP. And keep an eye/ear/tastebud out for when madam's tastes suddenly change :) for change they will, and it will be overnight, and you will have NO WARNING!!



  • Comment number 10.

    Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum...


  • Comment number 11.

    Very true Jumpin -

    CLP just be thankful its not sushi or other such smelly stuff

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Right, back. We have crisp shelf, mostly Walkers Baked, Doritos too. Chocolate section in cupboard restocked 2ce a year when this 2 teacher family reaps the benefits of end of term presents!

    A x

  • Comment number 13.

    Yep - saw that DD may make Docklands. Hope his pa's alright tho.

    Need to ask ..... you know those crisps that come in a tube and once you've popped, you just can't stop ..... well has anyone tried the new ones - they're not in a tube, but a posh bag, currently on special offer in my fave supermarket at 99p a bag - more than enough for 2 to share.

    they are quite literally, to die for. speshly with humous!

  • Comment number 14.


    My tastebuds have changed. And everything we have in stock to fuel my cravings is sweet.

    And I don't want sweet any more.


    And no I don't want cheese either.


  • Comment number 15.

    crisps live in rubber cupboard,
    chocolate lives in fridge.

    have a great time at the meet one and all

    L xx

  • Comment number 16.

    And has anyone ever succumbed to crisps and chocolate in the same mouthful? for this I recommend w@lkers ready salted and galaxy choc at room temperature.

    Have we hit on our speshlist subject today?? a crispy blog!

  • Comment number 17.

    LVA - wos a rubber cupboard. my mind is now in overdrive!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    I thought Friday was Crisp Day!

    A x

  • Comment number 19.

    In a posh bag? Don't they disintegrate into a crumbly mess? I thought that was the whole point of the tubes...

  • Comment number 20.

    my fella eats salt and vinegar crips and milk choc digestives in the same mouthful - yuck

    and he doesn't put a pound on

  • Comment number 21.

    Ooohhhhh crisps and chocolate. Now there's a thing. Even better are prawn crackers and melty chocolate....

  • Comment number 22.

    Cadbury's Animal Bar, Ready Salted Crisps (or in older times and preferably Smiths with the little blue salt packet) in a sandwich! Childhood memries!!!

    DD out

    PS Welcome to Rotherham!

  • Comment number 23.


    rubber cupboard is where you throw everything and anything

  • Comment number 24.

    Hmmmm! In my dreams to have a stocked cupboard/drawer with things like that. My problem is I NEED to eat things like that (oh I know the woman CLP had on last week said that ectomorph's shouldn't but it is alot easier/healthier to put weight on with these things than lie to the dietician with stones in one's pockets!!), however Mr Egg shouldn't even look at them being an Endomorph. I have to hide my stash - or not buy any so he can't eat them.

    Granny Egg has a biscuit box full of yummy biscuits, however she ALSO has a chocolate biscuit box for all the twixes and such like. They also have a tinnie weenie shop that stocks crisps.

    Quack x

  • Comment number 25.

    Awwwww man!! crisp sarnies. yes!!! yes!! yes!!!

    now want to concoct a crisp and choc spread sarnie!! just out of curiosity ....

  • Comment number 26.

    LOL LVA - very funny. like it!

  • Comment number 27.

    For maximum effect, try salt and vinegar crisps with that chocolate spread on your sandwich :)

    A decent slab of cheese might be a good addition too, I always like a good cheese and crisp sandwich.

    Another good combination is cheese and marmalade (or cheese and jam).

    Or chocolate cookie sandwiches... mmmmm white bread and proper butter with a yummy crumbly chocolate cookie in the middle....

  • Comment number 28.

    Grief I'm really drooling now. Not a good look...

  • Comment number 29.

    white bread and salt and vinegar popping crips - my student food

  • Comment number 30.

    JO is spinning in his Yorkshire grave-y!

  • Comment number 31.

    Now here's one from my grand-dad .....

    Extra mature cheddar (or a good Stilton) with Christmas cake.

    Everyone used to think I was mad at that one, then Mr Diva and I went to the Ivy between Christmas and New Year and it was on their dessert menu!

    Try it -it's fab!

  • Comment number 32.

    white bread real butter and cheese and onion crisps yummy

  • Comment number 33.

    Oooh Cheryl, completely agree with that one!!

  • Comment number 34.

    banana and sugar sanwich - thats from my Grandad

  • Comment number 35.

    Cheese and onion crisp sandwiches with butter on one slice and tomato sauce on other - Yum.

    Beesmum xxx

    What are we like? - Jamie would have a heart attack!!

  • Comment number 36.

    those "posh" crisps are called P****les Select.

    Velly velly nice!!!

    I've got 4 Christmas cakes to make this year! Best stock up on the Stilton ...

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon each

    Chris: That is one organised girl!! Afraid my drawers are full of rubbish.

    Crisp sarnies: Love 'em.

    Jumpingbean: Your sandwich combinations are 'interesting' to say the least. Yukkie.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    I think I am nearing the last of my birthday chocolate. As I type I am tucking into my roses* - only one more box to go of eclairs Its been a hard job these last few weeks but someone has had to do it........

    *beginning to feel a bit ick now - only 2 more to go

  • Comment number 39.

    Hmmph! Just had a long post already to send when that damned rascal cat decided he wanted to say something and it all disappeared!

    Oh - jumpingbean - yep that's the last line of saying/prayer thing i mention on the other blog!

    well - bored now - bank reccie done, cat being a pest and jumping at my throat (and that's without I.Ms!!!!)

    Another Mug of Tea called for.


  • Comment number 40.

    What a subject to get everyone talking.

    No crisps in the house. Chocolate in a drawer in the fridge though and Hotel Choc.... in box in sitting room - allowance one per day.

    Sarnies: granary bread - real butter, banana (slightly ripe so mushy) and brown sugar.

    PP it's black clouds in the same town as you.....

  • Comment number 41.

    Dookiegg - my mum currently has two kittens in her house and they are causing mayhem luckily they are leaving home in about a home cos they are going down the bottom end of my sister's garden as stable cats. They are gorgeous though and certainly don't sit in pockets quietly.

  • Comment number 42.

    We have a crisp cupboard, and a sweet / chocolate bowl. Much more a savoury kind person, me.

    I like plain and simple hard boiled egg (home grown free range of course)mashed with light salad cream and scoop[ it onto any flavour crisp you desire.

    Or for something a little different, salad cream again, grated mature cheddar and lickle cubes of apple - pref granny smithe, again mixed and scooped.

    Or marmite sandwich layered with frazzles

    I could go on.

    And probably will....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 43.

    marmite and cheese marmite and crisps marmite and egg marmite and marmite - must stop!!!

    Hows the puddy tat Mwa?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Twixs duncked in coffee!!! Ohhh yum! Not a huge crisp fan (although friends will disagree!) loved smiths crisps with the wee blue salt packet only because i don't really like salt and like having the choice!

    On the healthy front - Dehydrated Mango type crisps or Parsnip ones


  • Comment number 45.

    Chocolate spread and peanut butter - marvellous...


  • Comment number 46.

    cheese spread and marmite on crackers.

    now that's nice!

  • Comment number 47.

    It has to be a nice ham off the bone with Walkers Ready salted. And the bread must be white. A pleasure rarely indulged these days.

    Dookie, Lordy, parsnip crisps! I tried them once as I love parsnips, but those crisps repeated on me for a week!

    And I can't stand those crisps with flavours like "Roast Lamb stuffed with apricots and fennel garnished with minty peas with a hint of ginger" Please, it's a crisp. And they always taste stale.

    Walkers every time for the Boleyns. Annie and any other northerners.ex-northerners - do you remember Tudor crisps? Pickled onion, mmm. Golden Wonder cheese n onion used to make me feel sick. And I once ate so many twiglets i WAS sick. Thirty years ago. Can't be in the same room as a twiglet now.

    A x

  • Comment number 48.

    wow all this talk of sweets has been homesick for a curly whirly....... and a 5 penny mix-up....

  • Comment number 49.

    home made chips with grated cheddar cheese

    now that is good

  • Comment number 50.

    Hello 007. Long time no speak ;-)

    CLP now playing James Morrison. Enter one very squishy Diva xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    LOL CtD

  • Comment number 52.

    CtD, did you listen to the concert on Friday? Was it good?

    A x

  • Comment number 53.

    Pickled onion Monster munch have shrunk INHO. It used to take 2- 3 bites of the foot now I can get 2-3 feet in my mouth (no comments Mr Egg thank you!)


  • Comment number 54.

    007 no what you mean I miss lots of things, espesially real cream cakes

  • Comment number 55.

    Boleyngirl - he was on Ken Bruce show Friday morning. Did 5 tracks: 2 from Undiscoverd and 3 from new album.


    Only wish I could download it as an MP3 for my pink pod ......

    Gotta wait for Santa to bring me the new album. We have a cut-off after 1st October that we're not allowed to buy anything for ourselves - we write it on a list for Santa!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Dookie, we always have those at Halloween, better order in a box this year as we're having party. Also haribo eyeballs which squirt blood, and dead man's fingers. So has the number of feet in a bag also declined? Hope not, what a swiz.
    A x

  • Comment number 57.

    Boleyngirl: I do remember Tudor crisps. You have to say it with a Geordie accent, though.


  • Comment number 58.

    WOOOOOOOOO! My Little Coz is on EyeToons WOOOOOOOOOO! Can't actually believe it WOOOOOOOOOO! Sounds great WOOOOOOOOO! Must have on ARF - does any one know what the criteria is for getting song on ARF i.e. has to have been a hit, released for so long, on R2's play list etc?


  • Comment number 59.

    CtD, our cut off point is next Sunday, Boleynman's birthday. So I've still got a week to spend spend spend! (Sadly no dosh though. Still that doesn't usually deter me).

    What were the new tracks like?

    A x

  • Comment number 60.

    Anyone remember Hedgehog Crisps?

  • Comment number 61.

    Annie, yes. TyudA.

    A x

  • Comment number 62.

    Ctd - were they the really odd flavours? I think I do

  • Comment number 63.

    They were really good. I didn't really know much about JM and then caught him on that Concert For Diana last summer. then we went to V Festival last August and he was playing on the main stage - we managed to get quite near the front and I enjoyed every second of it.

    Undiscovered is fast becoming my fave album ever, but the Foo Fighters are just hanging in there. Just ......

    Very excited about getting his new album. Have told Mr Diva he'll be single by Boxing Day if it doesn't arrive on the morn of 25th December!

  • Comment number 64.

    Woman's Minute ... my one film before I die:-


    no contest! xx

  • Comment number 65.

    I remember hearing about hedgehog crisps, never saw them and definitely never ate them. Did they hurt your mouth? Did they come with a sachet of fleas?

    A x

  • Comment number 66.

    LOL boleyngirl - that's really funny.

    loving the blog today. this one could run and run ....

  • Comment number 67.

    The thing is if you buy them in you will always eat them.

    However I cannot resist chocolate Brazil Nuts.

    DD Be nice to meet you and anybody else that is daring enough!
    I remember long ago the first Blog meet arranged by Moose. It happened to be the worst weather envisaged and was cancelled.
    Let's hope it's a day for a bit of fun, a laugh and who knows a game of darts!

    Phoenix. This morning was freezing in London so I suppose here was quite balmy.


  • Comment number 68.

    Every one with a pod - please, please, please check Tiny Spark - Alaska out on eyetoons. Let me know what you fink. That goes for you too Mr Christophe Lammie Pie if you're lurking (does he lurk?)

    Quack (woooooooooo! Calming down a bit.......and breathe!)

  • Comment number 69.

    PS Boleyngirl Tudor Crisps the best!

  • Comment number 70.

    Hey CtD, My hometown's claim to fame is that James Morrision lived and went to school here. I think he b.............d off to Cornwall when he was 11, but according to Rugby's FM he is "Rugby's own James Morrison"

    Oops you know where I live.

    Agree Undiscovered a fab album. And I think I also agree with your film choice. There are so many to choose from, but that one hit's the spot EVERY time. I bought the CD in a sale this summer, can't play it yet as it has loads of Christmas songs on. But come December...

    A x

  • Comment number 71.

    LVA130 - Ooooooo real cream cakes, hmmmmm

    CtD - Love Actually is a great movie, always an xmas fav in our house a long with xmas vacation.......

  • Comment number 72.

    I remember hedhehog crisps, also Piglets, crisps shaped as hollow puffed up pigs in smoky bacon flavour - they were tops.

    And proper cheese and onion ringos - like polystyrene and you could get about 12 on one finger....

    depending on which finger you used!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 73.

    Chips and cheese - sooo good 007 Mr B.

    Can't get fresh cream cakes LVA where do you live? in the jungle?????

    I am now absolutely starving!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!

    How come CLP is hot and the rest of us are freezing to death? Is he being sarky only half heard thanks to the usual phone call after 5!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Oh, yeah...

    Mum cat still seems to have one or two in her belly and they are moving. Its either kittens or a bad case of wind.

    Gloucester still AWOL.

    G pigs and rabbits escaped drowning yesterday, but only just. had to restock on all the essentials today.

    bah humbugs and cadbury eclairs

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 75.

    Beesmum, how about chip butties?

  • Comment number 76.

    Ringos! Yes! Yes! Yes!

    And those Salt n vinegar whirly things.

    Dookie, as I am a committed techno-phobe I have no idea what you are talking abouut!

    A x

  • Comment number 77.

    Ah yes, KP Twists.

    You can get similar, but they're not the same as in my day....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 78.

    007, I just can't eat aa chip butty. My mother once told me they were common! Now it's not that I agree with her, never do really, but I can't eat a chip butty.

    Think I need help.

    A x

  • Comment number 79.

    Well I'm off home! Cats packed away in travel cage, post stamped and heading to a post box near you!

    Just remembered weird sandwich.... F-I-L mistook tub of vanilla ice cream for marge, spread on his roll then on with the mustard, roast beef and pickled onion - NICE(!)

    Quack (wooo!) (see#58)

  • Comment number 80.

    Never went for Cheesey Balls either.

    A x

  • Comment number 81.

    007 Mr B - yeeeeees!! yeeeeess!! chip butties also a must - with tom sauce of course and loads of butter so it dribbles down your chin!!

    Love Actually just has to be the one - got on dvd but still watch every so often along with Pretty Woman whenever on those freeview channel thingymebobs.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    we have a 'naughty' drawer....but its not for chocolate or crisps!!!!!!



  • Comment number 83.

    LOL boleyngirl. That's something my mother would have said........ I don't eat them either, partly because you can't get good chips here, and they are not exactly high on the healthy food list. Not that I won't mind one occasionally......

  • Comment number 84.

    007 - Mr B only my home made chips will do!!! big fat chunky ones!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    Beesmum, ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Gingembre - please do tell!!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    007 - Promise if you ever pop over the pond to do some speshly for you!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    What pond? You don't mean...

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh lordy, now I am SERIOUSLY hankering after a good chip curry barm.

    I don't think anybody down here would have a clue how to make a decent one of them...

    Covered in red sauce and mayo...

    Gingembre - behave!! (do tell!)

  • Comment number 90.

    Gingembre: What on EARTH could you mean??? Do tell. Or possibly not as you may be slapped by the BP.


  • Comment number 91.

    Jumpy, I'm sorry but that sound seriously disgusting. Do you eat it with a spoon?

    A x

  • Comment number 92.

    B-sMum, you've got a deal.....

  • Comment number 93.

    Nope it's not disgusting - you've got to have the right curry sauce though, and proper fat chip shop chips, and a HUGE soft white barmcake. Red and white sauce optional.

    You eat it with a fork until it's physically possible to pick it up :)

    Maybe it's a wythenshawe thing.... :)

  • Comment number 94.

    okery dokery 007 Mr B will use my organic tom sauce as a treat!

    Right that's me off to try and catch the postie - hopefully will pop back later

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Dook that sandwich sounds hilarious :) Did FIL actually eat it??!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Boleyn - didn't realise we had Mr Bond on here?

    Jumpin - I also like to dip my home mades in to curry sauce - will do that as well alright James?

    Beesmum xxx

    Post all stamped - hopefully postie will be late otherwise got to go in to town for the 6-30 and my car on vapours - oooer!!

  • Comment number 97.

    BM, 007 My giddy aunt! I've come over all unnecessary!

    Jumpy, hmm, take your word for it...

    Right, after 45 minutes speed blogging I am actually feeling a bit dizzy. Off shopping, with CLP on radio of course.

    A x

  • Comment number 98.

    Beesmum, the curry sauce sound great!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Wowee!!! Don't think I've ever seen a blog take off so quickly ha ha!! Food is obviously our speshalist subject for mastermind!!!

    My ambition when I was little - crisp flavour tester. I love crisps, always have, always will. And agree - crisp sarnies HAVE to be on very dough=y soft white bread with butter. MMMMMMMMM tea time I think!!

    Oo, before I go, I'm finding the movie question really difficult! Do I go happy, sad, eye candy, sing-a-long??? But Diva I think you may have done it with Love Actually - it's got a bit of everything!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    I think my movie would have to be the first Pirates of the Carribean :)


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