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Chris Evans | 16:24 UK time, Friday, 24 October 2008

Just been to see the new...

...went with Saunders and private Pike.

Rebecca, quite fond of Daniel Craig before the screening, now officially wants to jump all over his bones. He gets his bod out again.

Johnny wants to be him.

I want to produce the movie.

And that's it in a nutshell really. That's who we are as people. You are defined by how you look at a situation.

The film was good too. Again, nothing like the oldies, one chase too many if I'm honest but that was more at the beginning than the end. He is a mighty fine actor young Mr. Craig, loves a beer as well I hear, so even better.

Have a good weekend you dudes, let's hope you're all still here Monday.





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  • Comment number 1.

    i'll be here - theres no shifting me

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh I think we'll still be here CLP! Thanks for that review, it tells us all we want to know! Can't wait to see it meself.

    Have a fab weekend and the same goes for every other bod on the show and in Beautiful Blogland!

    A x

  • Comment number 3.

    A good honest review of the movie. Thanks Chris. Will go and see it but no one does bond quite like Sir Roger.

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi BP, beat me again!

    A x

  • Comment number 5.

    ha ha

  • Comment number 6.

    anyone else excited about the firsdt song? I'm hanging on for it

  • Comment number 7.

    007 - has new bond been released in US yet?


  • Comment number 8.

    have a good one yourself you crazy 1-year-ahead-of-yourself cool cat !!!

    DtM x


  • Comment number 9.

    BP - my fingers are crossed for Alaska by Tiny Spark!!!!

    Well you never know ..... one day perhaps!


  • Comment number 10.

    well picked up DtMfB - hadn't noticed that till you mentioned


    p.s. Sudoko done - a horrible diabolical one - what are x and y wings anyone??!!

  • Comment number 11.

    well done sylviab88 (#128 go old early)

    blog you all on monday have a nice one


  • Comment number 12.

    dook - sounds like something that gave sleepless nights in the run up to my maths exam .....

    sorry gang - i don't get James Bond. Just not my styleeee of filum. Sorry xx

    This blog has been posted twice - poor old hopey's posted on the other one all on her own.

    Well done Sylv - not heard Chris Farlowe for ages!

    Hurrah - tis the weekend at last!

    And sorry to disappoint, but I will deffo be here on Monday ;-)

    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    CtD - have all the others gone? there they were merrily posting then suddenly nowt.

    Ahh well I'm definately off now - adios


  • Comment number 14.

    Just about to have an early one meself dook. just had a peek a boo on the duplicate blog!!

    Back later possibly -

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh no, we're back in the parallel universe situation again, can't cope, back to the show.

    A x

  • Comment number 16.

    Now I'm confoosed. Which blog am I meant to blog on?

    Just watched our local news - a half hour "special" on the credit crunch and how its affecting our region.

    I can't help but think that the media help to create panic and unease among the masses. If it were lower key would we all be so up in arms about the state of the NasDac, or the FTSE? Would we really notice that bread has gone up 10p a loaf when purchased as part of a mass weekly shop? Constant reminders of Christmas being just around the corner ..... guess what - we know!

    I appreciate that everyone has different financial circumstances by which they live but I truly believe that things may not be as bad if the media just piped down a bit and let us all just get on with it.

    **climbs off soap box**

    No doubt I'll get shot down in flames by some of you for that, but it's only my opinion.

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 17.

    I agree Cheryl. The media is persuading people not to spend and that will make the situation worse, need to keep the economy flowing.

    Maybe a once a week update would be enough not every single news programme broadcast, every day.

    Off for a bath, so unless I fall straight into bed afterwards...back later.

    x x x

    PS. Don't really get Bond films either, feel like I'm missing out on something though.

  • Comment number 18.

    I'll only be popping on in between Corrie's tonight: date with Robson Green @ 9pm then off to bedski!

    Rock And Roll eh!?!?!?

  • Comment number 19.

    Enjoy Cheryl, hope that you're feeling a little better today.

    x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    I think unless money's tight and i mean REALLY tight you'd not notice things like bread being 10p dearer or butter being 50p dearer but when you have a very limited budget it does notice . .. A LOT.

    I missed most of ARF including the 1st track and no time to listen again . . . . who got it and what was it? please don't tell me it was sunday morning nightmare by sham69 . . . i really reall REALLY haven't got time to listen (honest)

    Got a w/e of doing nowt except a bit of food shopping tomorrow and to me parents on sunday (save on food)

    Anyone else got plans to do owt or nowt over the w/e?

    BEST Bond has to be Roger i also liked pierce (??) not keen on the new bloke though i don't think he has the right gravitas to do the role justice but as per normal no doubt i'll be in a corner of me own.

    I shall await it's arrival on TV at some point in the future.

    Have fun Bloggers

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 21.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada...a city galloping towards winter...

    Firstly, I would like to wish each and every one of you a fine weekend. Whatever merriment and mirth you indulge in and whatever fun and frivolity presents itself, enjoy to the full.

    Incidentally, Cheryl (if I may sidestep to a Facebook riposte momentarily) extra chilli sauce is the order of the day. God Bless Turkey, that's what I intone.

    As for me, the gym beckons post work, then off to order a take out Indian (and a cheeky pint or two in the pub next door while we wait for our piquant taste of the Tandoor) followed by a robustly relaxing reclining couch evening...accompanied by a fine Chianti and suitably superb motion picture.

    To one and all, thanks again for some entertaining commentary and a blog that never fails to raise a cheeky smirk or two.

    Good day to you all...

    Dr. T

  • Comment number 22.

    Dr T .... how wonderful to hear from you.

    The taste of Turkey was indeed delivered to Diva Towers, but as I have no work in the morning, I indulged in garlic sauce atop my kebab. With chillis, au naturel!

    Weekend plans? Mr Diva working Saturday morning so that leaves me to do the weekly shop (heart says Waitrose, credit crunch may dictate Tesco tho). Resting tomorrow afternoon as we're off out tomorrow night to see Mark Steel in Colchester (stand-up comedian). I'm a bit worried as he's meant to be really funny. Funny equals laughing and laughing equals coughing. Oh dear!

    Sunday is a sportsfest ..... the final round of Moto GP from Valencia, then the arm up match of Liverpool vs Chelsea and then the main event of the weekend ..... and this is where me 'n' him might come to blows .... West Ham vs Arsenal. He's a West Ham suppporter, y'see.

    Also need to bake a cake on Sunday. As you do!

    Blimey. That's the weekend gawn already.

    Oh how I'd love a cheeky glass of chianti right now. Sadly, the antibiotics (just like computer) sez no.

    Hey ho. Tap water it is then!

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 23.

    arm up match? now there's an interesting idea. Shall we try warn up ...... ;-)

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh bliss George Clooney this week and Daniel Craig next !! it's all happening for the girlies .

  • Comment number 25.

    so when's johnny depp, russell brand and brad pitt gonna show up???

    off to sofa-land now gang (sounds like a dodgy shop if ever there was one!)

    have the rest of a happy friday. catch up tomorrow.

    sweet dreams - and please be nice tonight: bitterness is such a hard read to catch up with. And I really don't want to have my ears burning again tonight .....


    Cheryl The Diva x x x x

  • Comment number 26.


    The new bond film doesn't come out here until next month.... can't wait though.

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi Everyone!

    Round at a friends with a few drinks and eats ready for a hectic day tomorrow ... funnily enough, fancy dress shopping tomorrow! Birthday on 15th November... fancy dress extravaganza plans. ideas of going as a power ranger! not too sure yet. Maybe danger mouse!

    How is everyone on this autumn friday night??


  • Comment number 28.

    Hey Shorty, I used to love Danger Mouse! Ah the memories of Baron Greenback and Penfold come flooding back.

    I really fancy a chinese now, about to go and drop really subtle hints to Mr Debbie.

    x x x

  • Comment number 29.


    the gooners are get hammered this w/e :-D

    Well i hope so cos i along with Mr Diva and a hammers fan :-D

    here i am sat at me pc with a coffee . . .suck life i lead

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 30.

    singing "danger mouse, he's amazing........"

  • Comment number 31.

    'he's the fastest, he's the bravest, he's the best.......'

  • Comment number 32.

    Evening each

    Well, Fri night wine club truly non existent tonight!

    How is everyone who`s out there anyway?!

    Cant wait for next Sat myself...have VIP tickets for the local picture house to see Mr Craig in full glory... have hated Bond films til the last one...worth seeing just for the blue trunks girls!

    Quiet night tonight... busy stupid day at work which also involved standing outside for periods and freezing our toes off... and other bits i daresay! but successful so a glass of bucks fizz was taken in celebration!

    Weekend, work tomorrow,dVD and takeaway fest tom evening, gym sauna,jacuzzi and chill out on sunday... job done!

    Nighty night to you all... sweet dreams!

    mSc x

    PS - harking back to yest blog and haircuts etc... we still have a Binns in my town and it still has said hairdressers in it...
    backward? Us?! never! x

  • Comment number 33.

    oooh..everyones appeared...hello!

    and my ex`s best friend was nicknamed Penfold so cant ever think of Dangermouse without thinking of him!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 34.

    SJF, I think if Green is not playing you could be in a chance.....judging by his last performance ....of course :) :)

  • Comment number 35.

    Evenin' all

    have to admit I don't get James Bond either but then again I didn't much like Batman until the last one so might give Mr Craig a try. Remember him from My Friends in the North with Christopher Eccleston?

  • Comment number 36.

    Hahahaha! It's so close to being a done deal with Danger Mouse. Love it! Deffo not going as a chocolate bar!! (See Go Old Early post 157 for reference... i'm not just being random!haha)

    I have a freind nicknamed Penfold... she's a she... named so after she decided it might be a good idea to shave her head... no no no love, not a good idea!!


  • Comment number 37.

    SJF102 - Not often you see the words Roger Moore and gravitas is the same sentence.

    Best Bond has to be Sean Connery. Roger Moore was merely a pastiche and how can you take a man seriously whe he is wearing a safari suit. Spitting Image had him down to a tee.

    Mind you RM was good as The Saint back in the day.

  • Comment number 38.

    Hello MizzDonDee...hmmm...so who was the best Batman? Val Kilmer? Michael Keaton? Not too sure here.

    Now Mr Debbie is getting narky at me tapping at keyboard. And dinner is ordered hurray!

    Back soon x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    Bruce West he was the best Batman...the guy from the 70's prog for you youngsters out there :D

  • Comment number 40.

    Val Kilmer was in a film version of The Saint, it was an absolute stinker!

  • Comment number 41.

    Val kilmer for SURE!!!! Mr kilmer was even brilliant as Elvis in the tarantino film "True Romance".xXx

  • Comment number 42.

    Kyle I remember Ian Oglivy as the Saint. Actually I think that he was my first love!

    Getting very nostalgic here tonight.

  • Comment number 43.

    Val was ok in Top Gun..or was he the bully?

  • Comment number 44.

    Now I loved Val Kilmer in The Doors movie. Those leather trousers.......*swooon*.

  • Comment number 45.

    The last Batman was amazing MDD-sat spellbound all the way through.

    and have always loved Daniel Craig since seeing him in Road to Perdition and more latterly Layer Cake.. great film! Counting in sleeps til next sat now!

    Good luck with the fancy dress shorty... hope we get to see some pics on FB...if u are around on there?

    right...really off now... book and sleep beckons..at this time on a Friday night..pathetic!

    sleep tight all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 46.


    I think you'll find he was in batman origianlly in the SIXTIES :-D Although the kep on showing it in the 70's. I stand by to get shot down for being incorrect though.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 47.

    I've watched a few of the old Batmans on one of the digital channels recently and I can't get over how camp they are.

  • Comment number 48.

    The sixties...oh my god I'm older than I thought...and it was Adam West not Bruce..doh

  • Comment number 49.

    Nite Scooby x

    True Kyle, very camp but classic television ......'Kapow'!

    Must go, will be back later.

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Kyle you're so right it was so camp....all that tight costumes even before spandex was invented!

  • Comment number 51.

    Speaking of campness...Little Britain beckons...

  • Comment number 52.

    evening all

    have a great weekend y'all
    big hello to our esteemed friend from Vancouver

    Got tickets today for Oasis at Wemberlee next summer, nice one

    come on Spurs, give us fans at least a point to get excited about this weekend????

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 53.

    If anyone still there just stick bbc4 on tv - thought I had died and gone to heaven - Jeff Beck and now its Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton ooooooooooooooo wow

    Beesmum xxxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Beesmum, hope you had a good Friday.

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi James - yeh not bad - could be better! Was hoping to play a bit more this pm but work called as per usual 4 onwards on a Friday!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Back to the Bond/Batman theme...according to Wikipedia, Adam West was offered the Bond roll in Diamonds are Forever...who would have thought.

    Now Eric Clapton...do you have The Autobiography beesmum?

  • Comment number 57.

    Mizz dizz - no - don't much like as a person - as if I know him personally! haha! just his music - would it change my mind about him?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 58.

    No it wouldn't.....he was a drug riddled a*se...and how he can even remember what happened to be able to write an autobiography is beyond me! In fact it's a miracle that he's still alive!! Can't fault the music though.

  • Comment number 59.

    Ah ha just as I though! Not changed my mind then! Just stick to his music then.

    James - you nearly finished work yet?

    Wasn't Clooney batman - or was that wishful thinking on my part?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Clooney...swoon...he'll always be Dr Ross in ER.

  • Comment number 61.

    darn and drat never did watch ER - bit late to go through all the dvd's now he's older and munchier!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 62.

    As we are on the theme of 60's TV shows, my absolute favourite was The Avengers.

    I missed the Honor Blackman series as it was past my bedtime, but somehow managed to watch the Diana Rigg/Emma Peel seies. Leather jump suits and a Lotus Elan!

    Also just remembered The Man from U.N.C.L.E. , Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuriarchin.

    Rambling a bit now but not to worry Matron will be along with my medication shortly.(ooh Matron, don't start me off on Carry On films).

    Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh Kyle..bet you fancied Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) in Bewitched :D

  • Comment number 64.

    Beesmum...don't go back no never look back...is that a lyric or summat??

  • Comment number 65.

    Kyle - how we long for decent belly laugh films and non political/sick/don't dare say the wrong thing etc etc stuff for entertainment! Loved Avengers Uncle Persuaders, Saint and all those!
    Bring back Sunday night at the London Palladium! ( well not quite but close)

    BM xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Looks like abody's gone...night night

  • Comment number 67.

    Beesmum, work done for the week yay!!! Clooney was batman. Adman West now plays the wacked out/paranoid mayor of the town in the cartoon Family Guy.

  • Comment number 68.

    I cannot understand why nobody voted for Sir Roger he was the ONLY Bond James Bond!!!!

  • Comment number 69.

    I couldn't agree Moore (pun intended) sadman......

  • Comment number 70.

    At the time I was a bit young to realise it but yes in retospect I guess i did fancy all the leading ladies, although Samantha was a bit mumsy.

    When I did realise what was going on I had a crush on Wendy Craig when she was in a programme called Butterflies.

    This is a bit like being in the psychiatrist's chair.

  • Comment number 71.

    Oh come on people Roger Moore was a rubbish James Bond.

    On a par with George Lazenby in my book.

  • Comment number 72.

    Ted...the part Adam West was offered in James Bond went to George Lazenby.
    Kyle wasn't Wendy Craig even more mumsy than Samantha? I loved Butterflies..so innocent and wasn't Rodney aka Nicholas Lindhurst in it? So many questions....

  • Comment number 73.


    This mumsy thing is very complicated.
    Sometimes mumsy is good and sometimes its not so good.

    It's a man thing, or more probably it's just me.

    Yes, Nicholas Lyndhurst played the youngest son and Geoffrey Palmer played the husband, which brings us onto Reggie Perrin.

  • Comment number 74.

    there's been a cock up on the catering front cj!

  • Comment number 75.

    I didn't get to where I am today by drinking wine and posting nonense on the Chris Evans blog.

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi guys. Only here now cos i've been drinking wine and am posting nonsense.

    Lovely people on facebook I'm sorry if i dont' reply but it's so hard!!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    Saturday morning greetings everyone!

    Well, MrS and I have been awake since 6.10am. WHAT is that all about? I have spent the entire week looking forward to a lie-in, and we've been up almost since the Shipping Forecast! (which is not good by the way - horrendous weather in Scotland).

    Well, hilarious stuff on the blog last night. Kyle - you are really very funny! And all the chat from the 60's and 70's programmes - takes me back, I can tell you.

    Now off to start the washing (which is endless) and then clean the house while MrS hits Tesco. Then, we are off to see Ghost Town, starring Ricky Gervais, which is getting brilliant reviews. I am astonished my lovely husband has agreed to see it with me - he hates going to the cinema!

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    C xx

    P.S. Pierce Brosnan was a tremendous James Bond, I thought. Can't watch these new Bonds .... I just don't do "real" violence!

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning sweet things

    Enjoyed the catching up reading - great stuff!! Would love to see pix of a Dangermouse fancy dress costume!

    Been awake for a while - Chrissie: book by the bed? Then you can stay in bed reading. That's quite nice.

    Mr Diva left for work at half five this morning and I'm just mustering up the energy to go and do the shopping. Really don't feel like it, but needs must.

    The sun's out here but there's also a layer of frost on the car so it's gonna be cold out there. The weatherman on ±«Óãtv just said we'll all be digging out our winter woolies this week and there may be a smattering of snow in some parts - yikes!

    Enjoy your Saturday - whatever you're up to!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Eugh! Just been given the kick up the backside I needed ...... John Torode on Saturday kitchen!


  • Comment number 80.

    morning/afternoon everyone,

    Pouring with rain here, but off to play football anyway. You know what they say, "a rainy day at home is better than a sunny day in the office."

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • Comment number 81.

    creeeeeeeeeaaaak.tiptoetiptoetipoetiptoe.rustle rustle rustle slurpslurpslurp smash
    thump woops. he he he he he

  • Comment number 82.


  • Comment number 83.

    boleyngirl ....... what are you up to? all that tippy toeing about .... you'll be waking everyone up .... !!

  • Comment number 84.

    Boleyngirl are you ok? LOL!

    Had a busy Saturday here with LM's friends Birthday Party and shopping etc. Looking forward to a bath and chiling in front of the tv very soon.

    I had a mum at school yesterday ask me if LM could go round for tea after school one day which was really lovely. Chatted to her loads at the party today and it turns out that she lives just around the corner. Quite pleased about that.

    Recently started to get on with another mum, my aussie mate. I feel like I have known her forever and LM and her little boy are good mates too. We are planning to go out for some 'tinnies' one night soon.

    Anyway, hope that everyone has had a good day. Don't forget to change those clocks later.

    x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Well, it's all my own fault - never count your chickens .... and all that.

    After outlining my plans for the day, we ended up being forced to stay home! We did try to get into town, but Hurricane Katrina (and all her waves) was paying Glasgow a visit today, so Ricky will just have to wait!

    Debbie: how nice that you are getting to know some of the other mums. I completely missed out on that because MsS had a childminder from when she was five months old. We were so lucky, we had the best childminder in Glasgow (I think!) but I do have some regrets that I've always had to work since our daughter was born. I think it's great that you are making new friends.

    To everyone else, have a lovely Saturday evening, I'm just getting ready for Strictly and then the X Factor - I think Cheryl Cole is a sweetheart!

    C xx

    P.S. Cheryl, I was reading my book this morning and then a great big spider came out from under the bed, causing me to run downstairs! I've been looking for him all day - to no avail!

  • Comment number 86.

    Hiya girls, can't talk about earlier, too traumatic.

    Chezza, I am cooking curry to The Barry Manilow Collection! Thought of you!

    And I'm ready to take a chaaaance again, with yoooooooooou!

    And Bingo, thinking of you too - we could write the songs that would make the whole world sing, songs of love and special things!

    Debs, some of my best mates now are people I met through my children whem they were little. Enjoy those tinnies!

    Trash TV tonight, it has to be borne.

    Evening all,

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Chrissie, it's been quite windy here dahn sarf today too.

    I know what you mean about missing out with the school thing. When the teen was at Infants/Juniors I had a childminder drop him off and collect him everday.

    It meant that I didn't get to know the mums properly, at birthday parties for the kids I didn't really know anyone and felt awkward.

    I think it would have helped both me and my stepson bond more if I had of been more involved.

    So this is another reason why I do not want to go back to work full-time and want to be as involved with LM's school life as possible. I'm really enjoying it. Does that make me selfish? (don't ask my husband).

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    Oh no, just find out that my aussie mate's little boy is in hospital. Now that is too spooky! Doctor gave him the wrong medicine. Off to the phone.

    x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Debs, positive vibes coming your way, hope your friend and her little boy feel better very soon. xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening each

    Blown down the A9 today and now back home.

    Congrats Jeni on your georgous little Benjamin.


  • Comment number 91.

    The doctor gave him ear drops instead of eyes drops for conjunctivitis. 10 x the strength of eyes drops. His dad is with him at hospital and she is waiting to hear from him. Bless her.

    x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Doc needs an eye test then if he can't read the labels properly :(
    More good vibes heading your mate's way Debbie.
    On the non-full time working mum thing, if I ever get to the having kids stage I think I'd want something part time once kid(s) was / were at school. I'd certainly want to be about when they were growing up but I'd want something adult too (that's the selfish bit to me ;) )when they could manage without me for a few hours. Long way off affording small wailing things yet, so I'll keep dreaming of the part time life.


  • Comment number 93.

    What a night!

    The couple next door had the wife's elderly mum round to feed the cat while they are away. She lost her keys in the field over the road, came back and she has left windows open, locked out.

    Mr Debbie couldn't do much other than call the family to let them know.

    So I've just made her sit in with me and have a cup of tea while she waited for her other son. Couldn't, wouldn't leave her out in the cold no matter how much she said she should.

    She is off with him now, worrying about getting told off bless her.

    And my aussie mate's boy is fine, no long lasting damage. But the doctor is going to be getting a complaint on Monday for sure.

    Ozgirlie, spot on. Thanks.

    x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Debbie: What a night you've had - and it's only 8 o'clock!! You should have given the old yin Gin - that would have sorted her out.

    Don't forget to put the clocks back an hour tonight or you'll be up far too early tomorrow.


  • Comment number 95.


    Trust me on this one - having kids is not a part time life.

    Hang around here long enough and we will regale you with Terrible Tales of Troublesome Teens.


  • Comment number 96.

    Well my three are teens no more but last night we went to International Starters in Aviemore and daughter and her youngest child managed to set the paper napkin on fire with the elegant candle in the middle of the table!!

    She has always been an OOPS person!! The flaming napkin was put out in the water jug before the fire alarms went off.


  • Comment number 97.

    CtD: Just listened again to the beginning of Thursday's show. Well done on getting a mention for Jeni's little one. xxxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Been pouring with rain all day. Not much fun at all......

  • Comment number 99.

    Annie G: I can just picture that :) I'm the sort of person who wears white tops only to get tomato based sauces splatted down them. The bf keeps saying he'll get me a bib for christmas, still waiting 7+ years on! I really ought to buy orangy-red tops to wear all the time instead...

    TTT: I'm fully aware kids are not a part time life choice, hence not having them yet. I was refering to part time work once the kids are at school.


  • Comment number 100.

    Ozgirl: It was really funny. Waiters/waitresses appeared from nowhere wondering where the smell of burning was coming from. That's the second time it's happened. The first time the burning napkin was buried in the ice bucket! God knows what'll happen the third time. Probably she'll burn down the entire restaurant!



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