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Chris Evans | 15:17 UK time, Wednesday, 24 September 2008

So this is all I know. Dream last night...

...I was on the banks of a loch in Scotland with some pals. We had been employed by a secret agency whose job it was to go round investigating whether or not tourist attractions were genuine.

We had been asked by the tour guide to wade into the waters to give us more chance of seeing the camel whales that had recently taken up residence here. We did as asked amidst the misty waters and what do you know just a few moments later we saw the huge tails of not one but four of the great beasts.

The movement of their tails was so powerful as they rose up in the air and then slapped back down again on the water's surface that it caused several mini tidal waves to hurtle towards the shore. We were indeed impressed but we were there to investigate. So as the rest of us gasped in open mouthed in awe, one of our party went round the back of the rocks and pulled the plug out.

Immediately the waters beagn to swirl away,

"No, no," shouted the guide, "You can't do this to us, it's all we have."

But it was too late, in seconds the loch was almost empty and there thirty or forty feet below us were four, rather sad, false giant whale tails being operated from above by several Australians pulling ropes back and forth like bell ringers.

They had been caught out, our job was done.

Back at the office our two bosses, a couple of dwarves by the names of Francis and William were swelling with pride at their third successful bust that week. Francis, dressed in a multi-coloured suit of shimmering sequins, stood on a chair and told us he loved us all and how well we'd done. William, dressed in a black suit with white shirt and black tie, all together a more sober character, quietly nodded his head in approval before looking at his pocket watch, tapping it to see if it was still working and then smiling at the realisation that indeed it was.

Next, to all our surprise, Francis jumped down from his chair skipped over to William and planted a huge kiss on his lips.

"William without you I am nothing sweetheart," he pronounced.

"And I you Francis, and I you."

Then I woke up.



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  • Comment number 1.

    i think you will find that as the pregnancy continues, you will have even weirder dreams.

    You need help.

  • Comment number 2.

    Wowser Lambie Pie, wowser!

    I hope that's not a premonition of our mini blog meet next May at a Scottish Lake!

    Off for a lie down now ..... xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Wow!! And I thought my dream last night was bizarre (It involved my rather gorgeous GP and a chain saw!)
    You're definitely coming out in sympathy with Tash Chris and it will probably get more surreal the closer b-day gets!

  • Comment number 4.

    when I have a fever once I dreamt John barrowman was forcing me to reconcile some accounts and wouldn;t let me sleep until they were done

    last night I woke up in the middle of the night after hearing a crash and then couldn't get to sleep due to the ophanage children (the orphanage is a film I saw at the weekend) being in the room every time I shut my eyes and turned my back - very creepy

    super bp x

  • Comment number 5.

    ps - panda girl - whats a GP?

  • Comment number 6.

    Wow... eventful night!

    This was what I can remember from me dream a few days ago...

    I was walking out of a classroom at school down to the Sixth Form house and everyone was out surrounding it, then everyone ran in screaming and I was left out there on my own... There were then people fighting over bread because all the bread had run out. I turned round and it was night time and walked up town went past the petrol station and the petrol prices were £7.27 a litre.. Carried on walkiing up to the corner shop and there were a few thousand people outside it having a riot trying to get in. Then I walked back down and met Noel Edmonds and we pressed some buttons and a missile blew the moon up and then he said somthing like 'NO IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH' and walked off...

    Less cheese on toast needed methinks.

  • Comment number 7.

    Super Bagpuss.... Don't you have the NHS where you live??
    Down our neck of the woods a GP is a doctor or General Practitioner to be ultra precise! My doctor is seriously gorgeous but I'm hardly EVER ill so don't get to see him that much. Maybe I should start that Munchausen's thingy with the kids and take them there all the time!!!LOL!!

  • Comment number 8.

    tom - but you did make me laugh

  • Comment number 9.

    GP - ah doctor - don't really get them called GP outside the medical profession - its just GF is short for girl friend and I was getting confused!

    Glad you have a good looking GP - mine is a stressed (but very good) lady

    super bp x

  • Comment number 10.

    I suppose GP could stand for gorgeous person! When I had a dodgy mole removed from my back he stroked his hand around the area and said I had lovely soft skin and should therefore heal well!!! I nearly died let alone healed!!

  • Comment number 11.

    I'd hate to have a gawjus doctor. Imagine the embarrassment factor if you had something slightly iffy wrong with you. Or you had "below stairs" ailments that needed checking out.

    Mortification. Pure and simple.

  • Comment number 12.

    I did have a 'down below' check once on Valentines Day and he said 'I bet you can think of better ways to spend Valentimes Day than this'!!!!
    I'm making him sound like a right letch but he's not at all - honestly!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    LOL pandy - you'll get him struck off if you're not careful!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Good job this is all quite anonymouse!

  • Comment number 15.

    BTW Cheryl - how's 40 treating you?

    It's a breeze really isn't it?!

  • Comment number 16.

    Aw pandagirl - I'm loving it. Having such a ball. I don't know if it's co-incidence or what, but life chez moi is just so grand at the moment. Loads of fab friends, job I adore, busy-ish social life and simply the best husband in the entire world.

    A few months ago I was going thru some weird place, but that's all behind me now and the future is indeed bright!

    how's you doing? you not been on the blog for a bit ....

  • Comment number 17.

    When I was at Doc's being diagnosed - i saw a locum - very nice, almost a familar, comfortable atmosphere. Only after a name had been found and a drug prescibed (4 - 5 visits) and dimissed from the care of the medical centre - did it dawn on me that he used to go out with a friend of mine when we were at Uni he was a student too and some of the states i saw him in balanced out him treating my complaint!!!

    Dreamland is a strange one i don't visit very often, or at least I don't remember. used to have recurring dreams when at Uni but can't remember them now.

    Quack x

  • Comment number 18.


    I agree with DWNB and Pandagirl - your dreams will just get more and more crazy as time goes by!

    Pandagirl: I thought I was the only one who is in love with her GP! Like you, I am (thankfully) quite healthy, so I seldom see him, but when I do ..... well it's nice to daydream! Of course, his wife is gorgeous and a "terrific cook", so it's doubtful that I am in his daydreams!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 19.

    No - been bit busy! New term at school an all that...

    Thinking about changing few things in my life - but not my lovely husband or kids!!!

    I've had some weird things going on for few years now (panic attacks etc) but am thinking 40 is the perfect excuse for grabbing life with both hands and going for it!

    Just got to learn to take a deep breath and get on with it! Easier said than done some days isn't it?!!! LOL!

    Right - off to make Delia's toad in the hole now. YUM!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Locums are alright, but when I was suffering with depression 3 years back, it was impossible to see my proper GP and every time I went (every 2 weeks because of the drugs they put me on) I saw a different locum. It made me very angry at the time that I had to keep going over why I was depressed, what had been donek what I was prescribed etc etc because of the surgery being badly staffed and the GP not having enuff time for his patients.

    As for the docs receptionists ..... Grrrr. Complete wagons!

    ooops. Sorry. Got a bit ranty there ....

  • Comment number 21.

    I love our doctors as you can book most appointments on-line and avoid the dragons on the phone!

    Do they get special training to be like that? I'd love to get a job in a doctors and sort them all out! Make it the only surgery in the UK with pleasant receptionists!!

    Oh no - I'm dreaming again aren't I??!!

  • Comment number 22.

    Oooh I'd hate to be a doc receptionist / gatekeeper. Think of all those germy sneezy people breathing and slobbering all over you, day in, day out.

    Ugh! Gone cold just thinking about that!

  • Comment number 23.

    our receptionists are alright. They don't even ask what the problem is. they only ask if it is an emergency or not. Emergency will guarantee an appointment that day , non emergency = following day. not like the chemists who will yell across the shop floor "Sophie - how much for the latex free ribbed feather lites in banana?" to someone hiding behind the que of grannies and church elders. Now that is a cause for Nightmares!


  • Comment number 24.

    LOL dookegg. I can see it now .....

    Although I have to confess to having a similar experience with some "lady cream" I needed: the over the counter stuff wasn't strong enough, so I got a script for it, then the pharmacist had a major conflab on the phone with another pharmacist in town as to whether he should give it to me, how much they had in stock, which GP it had come from etc etc. Like I wasn't uncomfortable enough at the time ....... !!

  • Comment number 25.

    So who's to say our dreams aren't real life and this is all a dream? Has anyone ever had one of THOSE dreams about someone they've never thought of in THAT way before and then looked at them all differently? Or is that just me?

    Pandagirl, I went through some weird stuff including panic attacks (what a scare!) for a while in my late 30s (mostly connected to school, and also a horrendous car crash I'd had the previous year). I am now on the other side of 40 and my life has honestly never been better. Changing job helped, my lovely man, my gorgeous girls and me mates.

    A x

  • Comment number 26.

    Allllright now, baby it is alright now......

    Privyet Christoof Evans and EVERY blog operatative.....

    Bingo Star ere.... near a 'ill somewhere in derbyshire...

    CLP - Wooooooo FREAK OUT ....... WHATTA COINCIDENCE..........
    Last night at about 22.00, aka 10pm, I waz on the net looking at Scottish 'olidee cottages/ castle accomodation around the Loch Ness area.... 'onestly 100% true all!!!
    Just like yer dream.... spooky!!!!
    Yeah am planning ter bring Inna ter the UK for a month and showing 'er all of the UK's best sight's..... starting with 'aggis close ter Nessie!!!!!
    Then Wales, Blackpool lights, The Lakes aka District ones, Birkenhead Bus Museum, London (maybe even Western 'ouse included) and finally Cornwall!!!!
    100% true am tellin' yer.... 100%!!!!@!

    ALL - BIG 'plogies ter all who writted blog commentations aimed at me on the last blog and of which I aven't replied too. I don't mean ter be rude, I don't... I want ter reply to everyone but am so stressed out terdee me mind won't allow it.... BIG 'POLOGIES!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - Ave just been testing me towel weight after the article on your show.
    Ave cut me big bath towel into a metre square and am trying ter weigh it ter see if it's a 600... aka grammes!!!!!
    But it's too big ter get onto me kitchen scales..... am in a mess ere.... 'elp!!!!
    Plus 'cos ave now cut me towel... ave goot shreds 'anging out.... ave ruined me towel... ruined all!!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    i don't seem to dream these days :(

    On the subject of GP surgaries . . . Ours is a NHS Trust one and I seem to have no problem getting to see the Dr of my choice. My missus and my mum on the other hand have LOADSA trouble so i normally fone up and book it for them. The "Dragons" seem ok to me as i have a laugh with them when i go in.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 28.

    Steve, you silver tongued devil. Still, if you've got it, flaunt it!

    A x

  • Comment number 29.

    Boleyn Girl,

    I'm sure i don't know what you mean *whistles innocently*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 30.

    Billy Joel, Moving Out. I love this song, and My Life.

    And now I'm really fancying a pasty and I never eat pasties. Think it must be time to head for kitchen and think about what's for tea. Unless I'm in a dream and it's already sorted.

    A x

  • Comment number 31.

    Steve, the word would be a much duller place if we couldn't twinkle innocently from time! Innocent twinkling makes the world go round!

    A x

  • Comment number 32.

    That should read "from time to time". Not some Dr who type concept.

    Off now

    A x

  • Comment number 33.

    sequins??????????? scarey!

    10 out of 10

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening each

    Now that is one interesting dream Chris. An analyst would have a field day!

    Most of my dreams are of the nightmare variety - not nice at all.

    Have just been trying to beat everyone on Scrabble and Wordscraper and none of my letters will move - am I dreaming?


  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Annie

    Scrabble has been realy slow today - but hang in there. Wordscraper can be iffy too. Think FB is getting overloaded, praps?

    Wasn't The Restaurant good! Love that programme!


  • Comment number 36.

    Cheryl: Got in late after watching my little boys trying not to drown at their swimming lessons. Think I have a hard-hearted daughter - I was so stressed and she was chatting to the other mothers while her children were drowning!!!

    Came home to watch Who do you think you are - and there's bleedin' football on.

    Will have another go at FB but am heading off to bed with book soon.


  • Comment number 37.

    We've got Who Do You Think ... on here. It's that posh polo playing bird from Strictly. Jodie something? No, not Marsh ....

    We're off to bed soon too. Out last night and done in tonight.

    Thank goodness it's nearly Thirsty Thursday ....

    CtD xxx

    PS: Where's Debbie today?

  • Comment number 38.

    Must just be daft Scottish footie then.



  • Comment number 39.

    Did anyone read about the fact that good smells when you sleep give you good dreams and bad smells give you nightmares? What was Chris smelling last night...

  • Comment number 40.

    Probably Tash's milkiness Tom!!

    btw: have you checked your FB today young man!?!?!?

    And what did you purchase in town by way of reading matter?

    Cat just thrown up - now that's a nice thing to gave to do just before going to bed. Will probably have dreams of porridge and macaroni cheese now!

    Right, off to bed with Mark Frith.

    Nitey night dreamboats!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    No I havent found facebook yet today.

    And I bought Richard Hammonds new book from after the crash with the stories behind the polar race.

    (Brighton just beat Man City!!! Man City the biggest club in the world... my foot..)

  • Comment number 42.

    Oh also rather odly I saw a book by Tony Benn in the shop...

  • Comment number 43.

    What a dream!!! CLP - maybe it means you must be wary and fully investigate something going on in your life (or you are considering). It may be spectacular but, just maybe, it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Or maybe even, the larger than life people in the world are not always what they seem and it is the smaller (or dare I say it - more ordinary) folk who are genuinely there for you!

    "Dreamterpretation" over. Reaching 40 and going beyond has been the best! Feel comfortable in your own skin (well it does get looser as you get older!!!).

    Have a great Thursday everyone.

  • Comment number 44.

    morning all

    I have the most vivid dreams that I sometimes take all day to get out of my head, some good some bad. I did have loads that my ex-wife kept telling me she was really alive and I was he only one who knew and to keep it a secret! My most common is the one where I can't be heard no matter how loud I shout, can'y hurt no matter how hard I hit, can't shoot no matter how hard I try to kick it!!!!!

    Watched the mighty Spurs hammer the barcodes last night...wait, that was a dream because I actually sat through 90 minutes of dross. Poor isn't the word for it. Was more Bamber Gascoigne than Paul!!!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 45.

    I have a cheshire cat grin on my face today - not onoy have i been to the gym this morning - I am at my desk before the early girls!

    didn't really dream last night - was probably too tired too dream (is that possible)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 46.

    Fab and interesting dream which on the surface seems random ( as they often are) but I am sure if you start to unpick the symbolism contained in it, it woud actually be a truly interesting indicator of your mind! LOL

    Oh! Hi all, newbie here.

    Great listening to Rex Maughan talking about Aloe Vera and his ethos for helping others. What a truly nice man. Of course I am biased as I am a newly signed up distributor!

    I had a dream the other night about all sorts of interesting vehicles flying toward me. Thats wishful thinking as I do need a new car, but now my mind has throught it I shall expect it to happen. Obviously don't want them flying through the air as they might hit me and kill me! But maybe the universe is telling me that actually what I want is already on its way! Woo hoo.

  • Comment number 47.


    the Jodie you're on about is Kidd i do believe, although not having watched the telly i wouldn't know for sure.

  • Comment number 48.

    hiya folks :-D

    I heards that Ello Vera bloke as well but found him hard to understand as i (now) think he spoke to fast (bit like chris does sometimes)

    Oh well another day another dollar (or is it only half a dollar these days?)

    Not looking forward to the 9th Oct although before that i've got the 4th which should be good as we've got (hopefully) loadsa friends coming for a booze up :-D

    Wahst everyone else upto today? apart from working that is.

    Best i stop before i ramble too much

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 49.

    pay day in bagpuss towers - I can afford to put petrol in my car again

    super bp x

  • Comment number 50.

    WAHST??? . . . .. . i really should proof read what i type *shakes head*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 51.


    Morning you lot

    Steve - you really will have the pedants of the Blog on your lovely back, my dear!!

    Don't think I deampt (?!?) last night - went to bed about 10 and it seemed like 10 minutes later the alarm went off and it was time to make sarnies etc etc again and again and again.

    Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow!

    Bagpuss - I am really truly jealous. Bit broke this month thanks to car tax and we get paid on the 4th of each month. That seems ages away ....

    Worried about dear friend (Friday night friend) - had an email last night to say that hubby was moving out. Have tried to contact her this morn but thus far, zilch. My heart goes out to her and I really hope she's as alright as can be expected.

    Right, off to Faceache to see if its my go yet!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I've been out of the loop recently and sorry that my first post back happens to be a rant.

    Doctors' Receptionists - I was one (until promoted to Secretary a couple of years ago). We're not dragons; we're trying to help. Trying to please 10,000 patients is not an easy task, let me tell you.

    Our Practice implemented online booking of appointments, pre-booking and now stay open until 8:00pm and people still moan!

    I think we should be proud of our NHS - there's not many places you can live that offer free healthcare and in my opinion, if you want better service, go private and pay for it!

    Phew, sorry about that. Just fed up of the bashing the NHS gets.

    How is everyone anyway *said meekly, peering from under eyelashes*

    Gingembre - what is going on at WHL? Did you hear El Tel might be temporarily supervising Newcastle? I'm soooo jealous!

    By the way, love the dream Chris, made me laugh out loud. I rarely remember mine.

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning Rosie

    Wow! I wish our practice stayed open til 8pm - perfect! I've nowt against docs receps per se, just the ones at my practice! It goes like this ....

    You ring up at 8.30 am (when they open) for an appt, eventually get thru after at least a dozen engaged tones, only to be told all appointments for the morning have been filled and to ring back at 2pm for an afternoon appointment. Then you ask if you can have an afternoon appointment because being at work you can't guarantee you'll be able to ring back at 2, then they get all stroppy and huffy and say no, ring back at 2 or again tomorrow morning ..... ugh!!

    I've given up with the docs now and just go for the nurse practioner instead - she's wonderful!

    Yes, our NHS should be applauded but sometimes I do think the red tape side of it gets a bit messy.

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 54.

    I think I know what this dream represents.

    It's to do with the repetative playing of Will Young on Radio 2. Obviously someone is pulling the strings.
    I'm sure he also wears sequins from time to time.

    Think I'd better leave right now.


  • Comment number 55.

    PP - can definitely see Will Young in a be-sequinned romper suit. And maybe matching bowler hat? Cane?

    CtD - I know it's annoying but you're one of the many hundreds that call that Practice every morning. The appointment slots can only go so far.

    I blame the media for scaring everyone into rushing to their doctors on crazy whims.

    Apparently, chocolate IS good for this week.

    I'm still waiting for the article that says cigarettes boost your immune system...

    Ho hum.

  • Comment number 56.

    I tihnk the Government are also to blame. Again.

    In our area, they have agreed to build approx 8500 new homes. A mix of local housing, affordable housing, retirement housing etc.

    BUT ...... and this is the biggie ....

    No supporting infra-structure. So, no new docs surgeries, no new dental practices, no new schools, no new shops ... just cram 'em all in to the existing services, which are already over-stretched.

    Suffolk used to be a lovely part of the world. It had retained its quaintness, its charm, its ruralness. Now, sadly, our market towns are turning into cloned high-streets, akin to the bigger towns. The villages are spreading and sprawling and joining up with the towns, and the green fields are slowing turning into concrete metropolises (metropoli??)

    Ne'er mind, eh?!?

  • Comment number 57.

    Blimey. That was deep. For me!


    x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    hey rosie

    WHL is a shambles at the mo, any team that makes Lennon look good is in trouble. Couldn't believe the tripe on show last night. At least Pavlova or however you spell it has scored which is more than Keano or Berba can say???
    As for the league position the only consolation is that we can't fall off the floor!


  • Comment number 59.

    Allllright now, baby it's a allllright now......
    Took 'er 'ome ter my place,
    Watching every moooove on 'er face,
    She said "LOOK, what's your name... baby"
    I said "Star with one 'R'"
    She said "Are you tryin' ter put me in shame???"
    I said "SLOW, don't go so fast"
    "Don't you think that love can last"
    She said "LOVE, Lord above"
    Now you're tryin' ter trick me in love" oww,
    I said "I can't 'elp it, it's 'cos am a capricorn love"...
    Alllllright now, baby it's a alllllright nowwa,
    Alllllright now, baby it's a alllllright now, yeah,
    Alllllright now, baby it's a alright now, baby, baby, bayyybaaaaa........

    Dobra ye oootra (good morning in russian)CLP and ALL Of This most fine Blog,

    Bingo Star ere........

    Goot mesen inter abitta of a mess all.
    Ave been for scuba driving, sorry diving lessons, yeah just in case the seas do rise!!!
    Any way ave goot a problem... on top of being late for me lessons, a keep losing me flippers. Now after the third damn lesson ave gone and lost them yet again......
    Me diving instructor said ter me "your attitude to these lessons is...... flippant"!!!!@@@!!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    ooh Bingo, you are a hoot hunny!

    Gingembre, Rosie and any other "Blues" out there ..... come over to the Red side of North London. The atmosphere is grand, and there's plenty of goals to go round ...

    ... having said that, we've got Hull this weekend. Yikes!

    Up The Gunners!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    sorry Cheryl but I couldn't sit in that library if you paid me!!! Need passion and excitement in a ground x


    ps, it's lilywhite, not blue lol

  • Comment number 62.

    They do good donuts at The Emirates!!

  • Comment number 63.

    oh, you should've said earlier

    fickle? moi?

  • Comment number 64.

    CtD - Ello Chezza.... since ave been ter the BIG gig in Ukraine as a way of being respectful ter The Paul Rogers am banging bits of Alright Now on the blog until September ends!!!!!
    Reminds me of a Greenday tune!!!

    Poka snova!

  • Comment number 65.

    Bingo .... wake me up when September ends, will you hun!! xx

  • Comment number 66.

    oooh dear. oooh dear oooooh dear indeed ...

    just happened to talk of christmas here in the office. i said about my (expensive!) black christmas tree with its pink and silver shoes and boots to adorn it, and where would it go.

    boss not happy. boss not happy at all. i said it would go up about 8th Dec, and was advised "try the week after" ... oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    please tell me december in here isn't going to be like december in some mizzog non-christmas place.

    on a real downer now. :-(

    and there's only 3 more Diva pay-days to go .....

  • Comment number 67.

    ps: maybe i'll get flu again and be at home ill. that would be preferable.


  • Comment number 68.

    Bingo - maybe I should get The Darkness' christmas song on loop in the office and start playing it now .... brainwash them!!??


  • Comment number 69.

    cant believe you have got me thinking nay.. even worrying about xmas. I never worry about it.. hmm must be that I am now 40.. Where can you get a black xmas tree?
    you must be a goth. Bet I have a dream abouth a goth father xmas!

  • Comment number 70.

    lol stroudsteve .... love all things goth! and yes, i am 40 too.

    black christmas tree was purchased online last year. it's approx 30" high, black and beautiful. just goog artificial crimmy trees and you should come up trumps - loads of sites out there! also got a purple one which i kit out in red decorations and red lights. very kitsch. very me!

    it's only 3 pay days and 91 days to go gang .......

  • Comment number 71.

    Morning/afternoon all!!

    Your dream CLP - you interviewed Ellie so of course you were going to dream of water and swimming! Can't figure out as she's a Midlands girl why she goes to a Swansea school - probably got a pool unlike the schools round here!!! Her elder sister was a scream on one of the interviews on the local news - she was explaining about filming her sis and towards the end she just lost it and the film shows the camera going all over!

    Diva - xmas - noooooooo!! not yet not for ages!!! (I have *choo choo* contact)!!

    Loadsa work - back later

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Really? FB me!! Very intrigued ..... xxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Can't at mo will do when I can!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    well with only 3 paydays I better buy a new wardrobe, its lots of jumpers for me from now on! dont think my wee hoose would suit a goth tree, however you paint a great picture!

    Now im going to have a dream about a goth father xmas bringing me a pair of goth slippers for my 40th xmas!

    what would goth slippers be like?? COOL.

    tHE FOX SHOULD TELL US who invented slippers?!!

  • Comment number 75.

    I'm refusing to even think about the end of December until the month actually comes around

    "Bah humbug"

    *wanders orf whistling Easter tunes*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 76.

    stroudsteve - are you saying Santa isn't a goth? oh no ....... choker!

    Goth slippers would be black, naturally, there'd need to be an element of lace - black or deepest purple would be good, and they would have to have claws about them somewhere. Or bats.

    Too many Steves all of a sudden on here - but that's not a problem chaps!!


    PS: SJF - is the C@dbury's Parrot song an Easter Song? Reminds me of Russell Brand .....

  • Comment number 77.

    picked sloe berries yesterday soaking in gin as I write.. in several weeks I will lose the ability to whistle.

  • Comment number 78.

    that sounds good! we want to do sloe gin this year but there's not many sloes around here. will have to stick to the home made wine instead!

    hic xx

  • Comment number 79.

    OOO yummy sloe gin!! guaranteed out cold and zzzzing after just one!

    Beesmum xxx

    Diva - if I had a brain I would be dangerous - just thought of something!

  • Comment number 80.

    could of course just use it as fuel for my space rocket! hasnt CLP got a vineyard? do you guys make the dandylion/ berries stuff?

    Bet that would give you amazing dreams!

  • Comment number 81.

    s/steve - me and Himself have an allotment. this year we've made gallons (literally!) of jam: strawberry, blackberry, blackcurrant, raspberry, gooseberry - Himself sells it at work for 2.50 a jar. Made a fair bit this year. All proceeds go to next years seeds / netting / canes etc.

    Also for the first time this year he's started making wine: done a few kits which are alright, but now have blackcurrant (2 lots) and white currant (1 lot) on the go. Apparently they will be ready early 2009.

    Still to do are the pickled onions (ugh - nightmare, but worth all the effort), and we want to preserve some of our garlic this year - possibly in Olive Oil? Any advice gladly received.

    Also lifted all onions and spuds: garage full of 'em ready for the winter.

    Just like The Good Life but without the Aga! xx

  • Comment number 82.

    wow. thats fab! doing pickled shallots at weekend but im not allowed to eat them when ready:( gives me well ..makes me un popular.

    you have inspired me to grow some more stuff!
    going to grow ... grow a.. a lemon tree!

    yip lemons for the gin thats left over from making sloe gin! Circle of life.

  • Comment number 83.

    LOL!! do we have a lemon tree climate?

    tip of the day: when you do your shallots, pop a chilli in the vinegar (prick it first with a needle to release the heat). Makes pickled onions even more fabuloso!

  • Comment number 84.

    Blimey how do you remember such detail in your dreams? I can recall themes or vague feelings but not that detail.

  • Comment number 85.

    Hey I'm back!

    Landed at silly o'clock at Gatwick this morning and, after mix up with luggage, managed to get to bed at 3.30 am. Up again at 7.30 so no time for dreaming, wierd or otherwise.

    Anything exciting happen while I've been away?

    MV x

  • Comment number 86.

    I normally remember all the details - also do have those strange dreams about people I know or work with and it is strange having to face them in the morning

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 87.

    Christoph here you go again obviously eating cheese late at night you know that it will give you weird dreams! :-) will you never learn…..

    I have said on here before (not for a while I will admit) that I rarely dream at all. I guess that I do if you listen to the experts it is juts that I do not remember them, shame really. Note to self eat more cheese!

    I hope you are all well, thanks for the messages on FB much appreciated. ;-)

    Keith the NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 88.

    Is there really a connection with what you eat before bedtime and dreaming? I know the old wives tales of cheese - but how come milky drinks help you have a peaceful sleep as they are both made with the same thing?

    Quack x

  • Comment number 89.

    thursday afternoon fun:

    the most inappropiate songs for a situation

    first wedding song: white wedding (Billiy idol)


    should be worth a laugh

  • Comment number 90.

    Like it BP!!

    On seeing someone dressed in the most hideous fashion, having the worstest bad hair day in history .....

    Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Andy Williams

  • Comment number 91.

    at the asthmatic society opening party: air that i breathe - the hollies

  • Comment number 92.

    AGM of the Altzeimers Society:

    always on my mind - elvis

  • Comment number 93.

    Super BP - this is difficult in not being too offensive. thought of loads but scared to post 'em!!


  • Comment number 94.

    its turned a little I'm sorry I haven't a clue - and I say roll with it (the breadmakers AGM - oasis)

  • Comment number 95.

    Ctd - I have the problem - everyone this is meant to be fun!

  • Comment number 96.

    during a flu pandemic .....

    Catch - The Cure

  • Comment number 97.

    Handgliders annual conference - wind beneath my wings

    Stock Market Traders xmas do - Loadsamoney - harry enfield

    Struck off doctors group session - Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi

    This is a bit like that guy who does the hospital radio sketch -sometimes appears on Radio 2 on Saturday early afternoon

    quack x

  • Comment number 98.

    I had a dream last night too, and i have ginger hair - weird.

  • Comment number 99.

    dookegg - I know who you mean - he is funny

  • Comment number 100.

    Stalkers group session : Can's Stay Away From You - Gloria Estefan

    x x x


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