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Chris Evans | 15:30 UK time, Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Just had the craziest conversation re the banks...

...a friend of mine phones me up and he says he has several million pounds in his bank on deposit and that he's worried that by the end of the day, it could disappear.

A little extreme perhaps but stranger things have happened recently. So I ask him what bank he's with and he tells me. Now this bank is not a small bank. In fact it's a very famous bank, a very very very famous bank. Not a bank that has thus far been mentioned in any kind of dim light with regards to its present fortunes. I attempt to reassure him that he should be safe but he's having none of it. No matter that his bank is a household name, he wants his cash out today and back into one of the even bigger boys. The bigger the bank the better is his mantra.

So here's the thing...

He then calls the bigger bank and asks them would they like his business, several million pounds in cash today.

And they say...

"No thank you, we can't accept any more money at the moment."

WHAT ?????????

The banker then went on to explain further, in unrepeatable terms on a forum such as this blog, that they had been inundated with offers of billions of poundsworth of cash from hundreds of thousands of savers from other banks in the last day and a half and that they simply could not process any more deposits of less than TEN MILLION pounds at the moment.

I could barely believe what he was saying. I am utterly confused.

By the way, my friend really does exist, this is not a metaphorical third person.







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  • Comment number 1.

    okay CLP - no need to shout!

    I had a call from my bank today - someone in taiwan is trying to use my debitcard and they wanted to check that it was fraud.

    new card already in the post - how good is that - my money safe and card cancelled!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Maybe the safest place would be in land/real estate... but I would say that wouldn't I? Lyndyloo

  • Comment number 3.

    Tell him not to panic clp it "shouldn't" go awol!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    I could help him with a couple of million pounds worth in the Bahamas if he's interested?....

  • Comment number 5.

    Did you know that if you printed off the fsa rule book it would stand about 19 feet high?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Cant you lend him 3 million? so that his money and a portion of your money is safe! and then we can float the blog as a great place for financial advice on the markets and we use the money for an annual party in the worlds largest jacuzzi!!

    sorted. NEXT!

  • Comment number 7.

    Evenin all

    I reckon he should stuff it under the mattress.
    I just don't get this world money malarky chaos. Banks being taken over by aliens, debt cleared, not cleared, sad, happy, sad, happy, Nat West to be run by the Church of England, Barclays doing heavy breathing phone calls, Disney buying the Bank of England and putting George W Bush in charge etc etc
    Makes me put my hands over my ears and go LA LA LA LA.

    A x

    Elizabeth 1 - Like a Virgin. I believe she was a big Madonna fan, or would have been.

  • Comment number 8.

    LOL Steve - love that idea. But where is the giant jacuzzi, I wonder???

    Surely bricks and mortar is the way to go ....?

  • Comment number 9.

    on a lighter note - have changed mny calender over a day early - lovely picture of johnny in october

  • Comment number 10.

    Surely bricks and mortar is not the way to fo as house prices fall.........!

    Northern Rock has a govt guarantee - put it there.


  • Comment number 11.

    Ah that's better.

  • Comment number 12.

    go not fo...!

  • Comment number 13.

    I mean Johnny, not Northern Rock.

  • Comment number 14.

    tell him to catch a grip, for the love of all that is good and holy . . .

    Quick, succint, mature and measured . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 15.

    the giant jacuzzi is mobile, like the old radio one roadshows!

    so all bloggers (shareholders) get the benefit of wrinkly fingers and toes.

    Then we can also swap sloe gin's, veg from allotments, its just a big co-operative with bubbles..

    Bubbleman he's the chief accountant huh all falling into place ..


  • Comment number 16.


    I'm in!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Of course, bank shares are fairly cheap at the mo and some on way up or he could ask the lassie who won £7million on the lottery where she was advised to put her dosh and was told it would be safe!!!

    Fed up working now and Mr B not gone off visiting so can't get on fb. grump!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    On a question of economics (yes, really!) can someone please answer me this ... politely if you please ....

    Why don't shops order more "larger" sizes in ladies clothes? The larger sizes always fly off the shelves first (by larger, I mean 16, 18, 20 - of which I am one).

    Sale rails in the main consist of 8, 10, 12 and the occasional 14.

    I'm no economics guru, but surely that means the larger sizes are more popular. So, if shops ordered more larger sizes in the first place, they wouldn't be left with gadzillions of smaller sizes to mark down in the sales?

    Phew. That was deep. For me!

    Awaiting your words of wisdom, whilst I lie down and think of Steve's giant jacuzzi!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm in too Diva and Steve

    BM xx

  • Comment number 20.

    As long as everyone behaves. No splashing, running, jumping, shouting or dribbling. And definitely no weeing.

    A x

  • Comment number 21.

    And so say all of us Diva - gave up looking in sales - some of the size 6 tops would only just fit on my hand!

    And why do we have to look at winter coats in shop windows standing outside in shorts and tshirts and sucking an ice lolly!A tell me that A A? getting really grumpy now!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    ctd - I find as a size 12/14 that these are missing in the sales and its either 8/12s left or 18/20 but no middle sizes!

    maybe its the shops we use?

  • Comment number 23.

    BP - there are some high street fashion shops I won't even venture into for fear of being treated like a freak - purely for having a real woman's figure!!

    Even if you're after shoes / jewellery etc the sales assistants can be really rude if you dareset foot into their emporium and you're over a size 14.

    When in Camden recently, I w as gutted as most of the clothes that appealed to me went size 6 - 12. How awful is that??

  • Comment number 24.

    Ctd - I have the opposite problem being a little squirt. All I can find in sales is stuff that's designed for statuesque Amazon women. Esp when it comes to buying a last minute swimming cossie and they only have it in a 44 GG, at which I can only marvel. OR 32FF - is it really possible to be that? Sorry to wander off your valid economic point!

    A x

  • Comment number 25.

    eehh! the water turns a different colour if anyone wee's!

    No dribbling hmm im now 40 so thats me out and it was all my idea as well...

    Cheryl, asked my Dad why larger sizes are not as popular. (hes been in the ladies fashion business for 40 years). It HAS been changing upwards however the vast majority of the population is still 12-16's Often shops are left with the larger sizes (same as shoes) and the unpopular styles in all sizes.

    So we need more larger sized ladies and a mobile jacuzzi of course.

    Im cooking tea tonite clever steve..xx

  • Comment number 26.

    I just can't get my head around that amount of money. Nope.

    Off to see mum's new puppy now. An eight week old springer spaniel. Hasn't got a name yet, any ideas?

    x x x

  • Comment number 27.

    Not having a clue about womens clothes but as a general point - the things in the sales are the ones they cannot sell easily hence the most common sizes will not be there. All these sizes sell well at full price.

    Supply and demand!


  • Comment number 28.

    I can get lots of fashionable larger ladies clothes should I set up a discount fashionable, great service, larger womans store?

    I will do it!

  • Comment number 29.

    bolyn girl - don't get me started on underwear - most places don't stock above a D cup! makes me ashamed to go underwear shopping and I end up in m and S for big and practical

  • Comment number 30.

    Debbie C.....thats a good name for the springer spaniel ...Knickers!

    get down ....

  • Comment number 31.

    Please ask your friend to call me as I have a safe place for his money. Nobody will get their dirty mitts on it! I'll give you my details after the show

    Liz x

  • Comment number 32.

    springer spaniel !!!- Deb anything with the word Mad or Crazy will do or hyper - wanted to call ours scooby doo but Mr B got his way just the once!!

    BM xxx

    Steve - do it!! - discounted clothes and a jacuzzi

  • Comment number 33.

    Supply and Demand! Economics....... There is more demand for houses than supply.... Govt. has set targets for something like 250,000 new houses to be built every year to meet the demand until 2015 - well this year has been a bit of a miss in those terms ..... so the demand increases yet the supply decreases therefore by the rules of economics the price goes up!!!!????!!! But no one can afford (unless your CLP's friend!) or get a mortgage to buy one - Me No Get It! Where do we go from here?

    I think I will just get back on my hay powered horse and head back to my rather dusty Cave!

    Quack :-0

  • Comment number 34.

    I quiet agree CTD.

    I have that problem with shoes as i take a 4 and a half.

    Though managed to get that lovely red coat Twiggy wears in the new advert cheaply as i had some vouchers.

    M xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Undies. Hell yes!! Look for a 38 or 40DD and you get inundated with 30AA, 32B .... and every single shop on the planet has oodles of 36C's in stock!!

    Yes, you can get 38 / 40DD but very rarely pretty and feminine unless you have the kinda cash CLP's mate is trying to stash at the mo .....

    ... now there's a thought ...... ! ! !


    Boleyngirl - I'd love to be petite, but am touched that you can only marvel at such gargantuan sizes!!

  • Comment number 36.

    Shoes. I'm a size 7.

    Size 7 ALWAYS sells out first!

    I'm common, ain't I ????

  • Comment number 37.

    Deb - it's gotta be Jerry, surely ....

    Jerry Springer.


  • Comment number 38.

    Can't beat that one Diva and he is a bit bonkers too!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    thats the best Cheryl! away to finish tea and plan my shop inc lingerie dept.

    springers welcome.

  • Comment number 40.

    And there's not many doggies out there with their own operas!!!

    Oh no!!!

  • Comment number 41.


    BM xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Alllllright now, baby it's a alllllllright now......

    Well actually it isn't all......

    Dobri Den CLP and ALL......

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - Don't get me started on the credit crunch..... but if you insisit...
    I don't know if yer remember about two years ago when I wrote on the blog a couple of times we're on the edge of a cliff with the economy.. 'ow all the boom period was badly propped up on false debt...
    My light 'earted commentations about bringing out a Credit Crunch chocolate bar (but with a real message behind it).
    'ow all the finance companies were trying ter get everyone ter remortgage their 'ouses, etc, etc damn etc. Remember 'ow there used ter be a dozen buyers chasing each 'ouse sale all keen ter buy at extortionate prices.
    No look at the situation.. what a difference abitta time makes!!!!!
    And people thought I was an eccentric NUTTER writing on the blog. It's a shame I don't get paid for the things I know... but story of me life... ave always been a failure despite aving 'idden talents!!!!

    Anyway enough about me......
    The Credit Crunch....
    I was actually thinking the same thing, as your friends predicament, the other day CLP about am glad I don't ave alot of money as i'd be very worried were ter put it at present if all the banks do collapse.
    And IF they all did collapse... then everything else will collapse.... banks are the heart of the economic cycle.
    So were do I think it will all end. I don't know.
    All I do know is Nostradamus 'as predicted the economic destruction of america and a new asian world super power emerges - Looking like 'e's correct yet again!!!
    So at least it looks like it's not the end of the world otherwise the new super power wouldn't excist. PS gotta be China, the new leading nation of the world. So maybe Chinese banks are the safest place ter keep yer money.
    I 'ave read to that many people will end up starving and fighting for food in america but I think that's abit far fetched.
    But aving said that if everything totally did collapse financially... will the shops end up empty??... it all sounds like the unimmaginable but the unimmaginable is 'apppening now. Indeed the fact your wealthy friend can't deposit a large sum of money into a bank that's mean't to be desperately needing finance was..... unimmaginable last year!!!!
    But I did immagine such things.... all common sense when you think 'ow our economies ave been run.
    Selling everything the country owns off for a quick buck while getting everyone iz up to their eyes in debt.
    Still doing it now with the nuclear power!!!

    I think this credit crisis we are right in the middle now of the storm.. a kind of giant 'urricane but with no calm eye of the storm. The biggest problm is the destruction this storm will leave behind.
    I predict, as i've writted on the blog many a time, the worst recession since 1929.
    I still say 2013 is the begining of the next boom period.
    I also think the Mayan calander ties in with this ter do with the ending of their calender on 22nd December 2012.
    Some are saying this is the date for the end of the world.
    I don't know... I 'ope it isn't.
    Maybe the end of the world as we know it now and the begining of a new type of world.
    Also things in the bible sort of ties in with the crazyness that's all around us at present... and am noot just talking about the economic problems.
    Whatever the outcome we all can see for sure something very strange iz 'APPENING.... ter the world at present!!!!

    It's so easy ter talk all about doom now, when were right in the middle of this crisis. Maybe in five years it will all ave blown over and now will just be another distant bust period.
    Am past caring.... whatever iz gonna 'appen.... it's in the 'ands of the man above!!!! Sorry pc bit.... operatative above!!

    Might be a good idea ter stock a few extra tins, or even cases, of food just in case all..... just in case!!!!!


    PS CLP - Something i've wondered is 'ow much money can america keep throwing at the economy until they run out?
    Can they just print more?
    Or will america really go bust?
    Maybe this could be a Fox The Fox question!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Right shipmates ... orf homeward bound now to cook dinnydindindins.

    Will be back later as it's Russy Podcast Downloading nite!!

    aaaaaaaarrrrrrrr me hearties!!

    CtD xxx

    too long on Pirate FB, d'yafink???

    Captain Pugwash. Legend!

  • Comment number 44.

    Got it all.....

    According ter Foxy's expert guest on the show terneet it's all sheep and goats all.....

    Sheep and Goats.... CLP tell yer friend that's the answer!!!!!!

    Tatty bye..... tattty bye!

  • Comment number 45.

    What is it the blog doesn't like, it's not letting me post. No okays, what else?

  • Comment number 46.

    Is it the word bazoomers?

  • Comment number 47.

    Hi CLP...love the show....your friend can invest in my web site www.bigpubguide.co.uk and within a couple of years he will turn his few million into over 10 million then he can go to any bank he wants.

    We are trying to help the pub trade stay afloat.

    Andrea x

  • Comment number 48.

    Is it undies?

  • Comment number 49.

    CtD I was going to say Jerry! Thought of it in the bath just now (imagining jacuzzi). So it'll have to be Bounce I suppose. Or Rusty. Not as good as Jerry, bah.

    Calm down with the lingerie Steve! But while we're back on the subject, I can ONLY find flippin dull bras from M and s to fit me, being a (deep breath) 36AA. Oh the shame! Cheryl, BM and all you lovely ladies out there, what I wouldn't give for some decent bazoomers! Don't want fake ones though. And there's nowhere near as much choice in the squirt section of Next, Principles etc. And most shops don't HAVE a squirt section. So get on to that too Steve.

    Off to Frankie n Benny's tonight for T1's birthday tea, oh yes, us Boleyns love our haute cuisine. Bring on the black and blue blurger with a nice large glass of Hardy's Riddle to wash it down.

    Just remembered I have a gorgeous, voluptuous mate who gets all her undies from some mail order thingy - Bravissimo I think it's called. Nowt for me in there though (head down on table, sobbing).

    A x

  • Comment number 50.

    Aha! It was the M and s thing! Hurrah! Have a good evening all.

    A x

  • Comment number 51.


    It's stupid how the AUTO censor works aint it *shakes head*

    It would be better if it just put **** where the offending word was.

    If the bank share prices keep going down i'll be able to buy Barcs for a fiver :-D

    Steve :-D

    Jerry is about the best name for the dog :)

  • Comment number 52.

    What sad reading the blog makes tonight.

    All those tragic multi-millionaires just not knowing where to stash their loot.

    There must be some kind of support group to help these unfortunate folk through these turbulent times.

    Let's all send them a big blog hug.

  • Comment number 53.

    I'm looking for a new mattress - the one I have got has seen better days. Tell your friend I am very trustworthy and I will look after it for him - I just need a comfortable nights sleep

  • Comment number 54.

    Yay! I'm home. And no cooking!

    The wonderful Mr Diva has suggested a takeaway. Phone call made. Dinner somewhere en route!

    And The Gunners on the tellybox!

    Voluptuous. Good word!

  • Comment number 55.

    How creative can we get in saving or stashing our money other than the traditional banks etc? The old stand by of the mattress has already been mention, a long with a few other ideas. Anyone got any other ideas?


  • Comment number 56.

    Just had value roast beef and it was a tad tough . . . the spuds stuffing yorkies and gravy were nice though :-D

    I'm fully stuffed now

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 57.

    JLFB ..... I propose that just like that Viv woman in the 1960's we just


    We can't take it with us, so may as well have a ball whilst we still can.

    But that's just me ;-)

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 58.


    LOL.......I like that idea.

    Like the name CherylTheDiva.......


  • Comment number 59.

    Thanks guys, I tried Jerry and they won't have it hehe.

    The pup is gorgeous, so tiny and his little tail wagging is just cutest thing ever.

    A lady just ran the door bell asking if I'd seen a westie in the last two hours. It got off the lead, got hit by a van and they can't find it. Now that has made me feel so bad. I asked for her mobile in case I saw it and I've just been out calling for it. So sad.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 60.


    I've got nowt so i'll you spend yours :)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 61.

    that should also have had the word HELP in prev post :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 62.

    Boleyn what gave you the impression I was endowed with the booosuums? Nah!!! I've been caught loadsa times with the old m and s - it just comes naturally! btw check out the boulder holders on internet site - they do some of the frilly fluffy ones in varicose sizes - including 50 aaa (I'm joking!)

    Steve that sounded yuk - ready meal? Decided to put fillet steaks on hold and opt for the wild duck butcher said would be good with my special sauce (something else to put on bloggers who cook). with roast spuddles and runner beans straight from garden - yummy!

    Hi James - Diva will be watching the footie but she'll be back - as they say!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Deb ours got out tonight little b***r. neighbour popped round and forgot to shut gate - when he saw he was off like a shot. We called - nothing - neighbour called - little s*d went and sat outside his front door!!!

    Back in the fold thank goodness - sitting staring at me cos it's treat time!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    I'm back!!

    2 nil to The Arsenal at half time. Won't see the second half tho - Himself taping summit on Sky and the last part of that romcom on Auntie Beeb at 9. Love Marc Warren - naturally funny and vulnerable!

    Hello James - yep, I'm a Diva in every sense of the word. Except unlike the likes of Mariah, Whitney etc I do stuff for myself. Oh - and I can't sing. But then, neither can they!!

    CLP bloggers (if you wanna find us) group on FB.

    B-sMum - another special sauce!! Please please put it on the Bloggers who cook FB page - the BBQ sauce recipe was to die for, so will be willing to try another of your creations.

    Hmmm. Ready meals Steve? Really??? Mind you, we had kebabs delivered. And they were delish!

    Righteo gang, time to turn this old dinosaur of a PC off. I really must look into getting a laptop before this one goes ping and I lose everything.

    Word of the night: voluptuous.

    Sweet dreams one and all.

    Cheryl The Diva x x x x x


  • Comment number 65.

    Thanks Beesmum, I'll be watching the footie when I get home. Another hour before I leave the office.

    May be we'd be better investing our hard earned savings in our local team.


  • Comment number 66.

    Ah bless Bsmum. Scary though aint it?

    My Betty is so old that the gate could be open for days and she would only get as far as the end of the drive.

    Trying not to think of little Archie out there, nothing I can do. Mr Debbie thinks that it's odd that I get upset about these things. Maybe he's right.

    Talking of clothes sizes btw, I have to try some things on tomorrow for this interview. That should be fun......not!

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    Kebabs Cheryl? Haven't had one in...well maybe years. I so want one now. That is going to be my 'Fat Friday' treat this week. Oh good.

    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    World War III broke out today.

    Yep, ladies and gentlemen, I have emerged from my hole in the ground to bring you another incredible episode from my stunningly exciting life of jet-setting and pond-hopping.

    No. Not really.

    But, military manoeuvres did start to take place in the office today. I really can't say too much, probably to your collective relief, suffice to say that I had a full and frank conversation with the head honcho over my extra strong coffee and banana first thing this morning.

    Only the coffee was extra strong, the banana was a regular.

    So, to wider issues.

    Whilst this has affected all of us one way or another, it is mildly amusing to see the squillionaires who have lorded it up on the proceeds of pur pension funds for years suddenly s*g themselves when the 'crunch' that they built the foundations of comes crashing in on the country estates and city pads that they chopper into every night.

    I truly hope we all survive this one, but I believe that we now so far out into unchartered waters that no-one has the navigation equipment to bring us home with the boat fully intact.

    We have never been here before. Nobody knows how deep it is, or how cold the water is.

    All we can do is tie little knots in our pajama legs, blow them up and pop them around our necks and hope that no-one makes us dive down to the bottom and collect that black rubber brick.

    Peace and love


  • Comment number 69.

    Matt - very very true and hilarious!!

    Deb - told here before but folks over back moved but cat used to walk half a dozen streets - busy ones at that to sit in our garden (pre doggy). Number of times I've stood in the garden yelling the daftest name out!! (which escapes me at mo) I took her number so I could phone when it appeared - the phone was busy! Just softies that's what we are!

    James in office?!! - not good at this time of night!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 70.


    Actually I'm in the US so it's only 4:33PM here. Would rather be home though..


  • Comment number 71.

    Evening each

    Chris: I want that man's problem!!

    Debbie: My Springer Spaniel was called Bonnie - and she was.

    Welcome back from holiday everyone - you were missed. Off to FB cos I've got lots of messages and a new friend!! And people to beat on Wordscraper.

    Back later.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    ah ha James - forget you overseas folk! Dragon has to keep reminding me her time!!! when she's in US. Stooooooopid Woman!!

    Hi Annie ! We all want that mans problem!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    thats me btw not Dragon!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 74.


    Us expats make the world go round. You would have no way of knowing where I was, so no probs.


  • Comment number 75.

    Cant resist it - watching sister act again - classic! the nuns with the helichopper pilot and Maggie Smith - spread out and try to blend in!! Hilarious!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    James - flying the flag then and telling em wots wot!!? Way to go boy!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 77.


    Great film, haven't seen it for ages. In the category of Nuns Films (strange category that) Nuns of the Run is a fav of mine.

    Always flying the flag.


  • Comment number 78.

    But why do I always cry at the end? - big softy dipstick me!!

    Nearly hometime James ?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Yup, heading out now. Enjoy the rest of your evening. It's been nice chatting with you.


  • Comment number 80.

    See you James - if on fb join CLP bloggers and you can see just how bonkers we are!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Howdedoody. Am back, having beaten absolutely no-one on Wordscraper.


  • Comment number 82.

    Yippeee! Have just booked to go toNew York for my birthday in December (sad time last year) so time to go out and party...any good ideas?????? Lyndyloo :)

  • Comment number 83.

    Morning Morning Morning Morning

    That's 4 mornings. One morning for each goal scored by The Gunners at The Emirates last night.

    Get in!!!

    Lyndyloo - that's so exciting! Never been to USA (just not my bag - sorry!) but do love city breaks. I'm sure DD and maybe Matt will be able to offer some suggestions.

    Matt - your post was sooooo funny to read. Esp the banana bit. You are a dude - don't go changing!

    Hmmm. Nuns films. Can't add anything to that ...... Hugh Grant having never (to my knowledge) donned a habit for the camera!

    It's absolutely lashing down here in not-so-sunny Suffolk this morning. And windy. Which means by the time I get to work in just under 2 hours, I will resemble a dragged thru a hedge backwards thing.

    Happy Hump Day

    Catch up laters.

    CtD xxx

    PS: A pinch and a punch .... is it really October already?!?!?

  • Comment number 84.

    morning all

    I saw the best show that i have seen in a long time last night - disneys beauty and the beast - the stage show.

    Although only in my local theatre it was amazing and everyone in my party (and the theatre by the looks of things) had a great night - so if you like a good musical - look at for it at your local theatre.

    Just like to share the good reviews when I get one!

    Steve: You're not my other half in disguise are you? he had roast beef ready meal last night but I don't know what he thought of it (he didn't come last night - girls only)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning each

    Well raining here oop north for a change...getting boring already and yup, CtD it is October-unbeleivably!

    Sat here, having got up at 6.30 on my day off awaiting my new washing machine. Please tell me why, in this modern day and age, the big stores cannot give you a more accurate time slot than within 4 hours?! But, suppose it gives me time to tidy up..... oh what the heck - FB and here takes precedent!

    SBP- play sounds great - have never seen it and have always wanted to..will keep eyes peeled.

    And as for ready meal roast beef.... urgh i

  • Comment number 86.

    Sorry - half post sent - stupid pooter!

    the rest of that shoudl be - have never tried it but everyone unto their own!

    Dragon - hope dress fitting went well!

    and i`m sure we are all sending best wishes to Highland Lass awaiting the new arrival this morning-about now hopefully! x

    Jumpy - how are u doing?not long to go now!

    Anyway, gonna reboot this and will be back later.. love to all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 87.

    to all 'grass munchers' out there today - its world veggie day - how about everyone spend the day trying to be a veggie!

  • Comment number 88.

    Morning all, well highland lass will be in surgery about now, bestest wishes and congrats to her and hers!

    Raining here too, again, I am waiting for the one day of dryness we have per year in wet welsh wales. Think I may have missed it this year when on hols.

    I would like to suggest Rubenesque as a word for today, my old boss used to say to me... Darling you are not chunky at all just Rubenesque... lovely. He was just a little bit camp!

    Cheryl you are not alone with the shoes.. I am a size 8... Nightmare unless you want to buy 'specialist shoes' designed for men mainly!

    KJR x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Katejr - Rubenesque - love it! My GM says i`m Rubenesque - makes me smile!

    and I`m also a size 8 shoe... either not many to choose from or bargains in the sale!

    SBP - having an `other half` who is veggie i will be doing my bit today and not eating half a cow (sorry!) whilst he is not! Something delish and veggie from the bloggers page for tea methinks!

    mSc x

    PS - still no washer... still no tidying up done...oh well! x

  • Comment number 90.

    I'm sorry but most of us have worked really hard all our lives and don't have 3 million to show for it.

    To have 3 million in profit means that somebody (lots of somebodies) has lost 3 million. It just doesn't seem right that some people have so, so much and others don't.

    I think I'm a latent communist.


  • Comment number 91.

    Loving Rubenesque!!! It's like describing true red-heads as Titian.


    "Specialist shoes" - are we talking drag queen here Katie??? I'm sorry but gold open toe stilletoes in Size 11 is just wrong chaps!

    SuperBP - sorry but I can't do veggie day today as we have two divine rump steaks in the fridge for tonight's dinner. They will be served with roasted vegetables and cous cous tho if that counts .... ?

    Scoobs - new washing machine!! 'citin!

    Right, I'm gonna drag my Rubenesque self downstairs to put the kettle on. Just call me Polly!

    {{{HUGS}}} to Susan .....

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Morning all - wall to wall blue at the mo but a bit on the blowy side!

    Hopefully when Mr B pops off visiting later will put my veggie recipe on bloggers page but afraid like Diva I have a couple of chunky fillet steaks awaiting in fridge. Will do a mass of stir fry veg with them tho'. and proper chips maybe?

    Rubenesque - haven't quite got the top bit for that. Ah well!

    Work calls - back later

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    I am going to start a campaign to have Mark Radcliffe replace Steve Wright permenantly.

    The big show has run it's course and Wright and Co are just going through the motions.


  • Comment number 94.

    I'm with you TTT - altho I do like Ask Elvis!

    Morning all!! So Susan is having the babe this morning????

    Need to catch up, just wanted to say hello.

    I took doggy out for walk this morning just as heavens opened. We both got soaked - she took one look out at the park being battered by side-ways rain and and she virtually DRAGGED me home ha ha - clever girl!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    TTT - hmmmmm you could have a point, although I'm not as keen on his female sidekick this week as when Liza Tarbuck sat in with him - she was really funny!

    Music played by MR is much better tho.

    On another note: I downloaded Jonathan Ross's podcast this morning (no Russell pod as yet??). The JR show is on for 3 hours - the podcast is only 45 minutes!! How's that??? Russell's show, 2 hours - usually gives a podcast of just over an hour - usually about 75 minutes or so.

    Auntie Beeb - sort it aht!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 96.

    PS: Richard Hammy Hammond does a good turn too - why limit him to Bank Holidays??? Maybe next time CLP takes a vacation .... ???

  • Comment number 97.

    I'm with you on Liza T CtD - she's very funny, and the pair of them together have a really good rapport (posh word for a Hump Day eh??)

    Debbie - how about Gerry (for the springer spaniel??) Or Tigger? or Zebedee??

    When we got one of our cats, we wrote all the names we liked on little bits of paper, threw them up in the air and whichever bit the cat jumped on, was his name. He was called Bubbles in the end :-)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Does anyone know if any of Richard Hammond's shows are available as a podcast?


  • Comment number 99.

    James - have you checked iToons? Hamster hasn't done one for a while but if it was ever "podded" they may still have it available xx

    Debbie - springer spaniel ....



    CtD xxxx

    ps: Deb - how's the outfit trying-on-marathon going???

  • Comment number 100.

    I'll give it a try.




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