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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Thursday, 7 August 2008


...when I was out of control, you know, back in the day, if anyone would have asked me I would have said my life was crazy. But looking back, it wasn't. I was crazy but my life was pretty hum drum. Maybe this is why I went a little cuckoo.

Now I have once again rediscovered planet earth, I am sane and my life is crazy again. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way but it isn't half exhausting.

When you spend most of your day, and days, in a pub, you don't do anything, so there's nothing to manage. When you get your life back and your energy back you start starting things again and seeing opportunities and everything. Now I am up to my ears in it all and I have to say I love it.

So, with more energy required, off I went this morning to see The Food Doctor, I get much more tired than I used to and a mate of mine said this guy did wonders for him.

After a highly in depth questionnaire and an equally intimate consultation Ian, the Doc, says he already suspects he knows what the problem is and where it stems from. A lot of it being to do with the way I have been living for the last fifteen years or so.

However before he can be sure.

...stool samples are needed !

Now because I am going away this weekend... I have to take the samples tomorrow and Saturday, spoons and cartons provided and then pop them in the fridge for the weekend until they can be delivered fresh to the lab Monday!

My spit also has to be taken four times tomorrow and frozen for the same purposes.

Hey look as long as it's all worth it who cares.

A brief warning to Marky Mark though who is looking after our house whilst we're away. i know you're partial to a bit of fridge raiding in the night, just make sure you don't take anything off the top shelf son.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Felt quite enthused about the idea of seeing a food doctor but not if it involves poo in fridge! Put them in the ice box and make poo sticks!

  • Comment number 2.

    You left me behind!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 3.

    Seriously, I have come to the conclusion that nutrition has the answers to our ills more than pills and potions.
    Good luck.

  • Comment number 4.

    Ewwww CLP. You just put me off my mid afternoon choccy bar!! LOL!

    My ARF for this week is:-

    Teenage Kicks - The Undertones

    I turn 40 while you're on your holidays (17th), but still feel like a daft 17 year old "in there" !!

    Many thanks, you lovely man!

    Cheryl The (nearly 40) Diva xxx

  • Comment number 5.


    Poo in the fridge? No. No. NO. NEVER!!!!

    My goodness, it would have to be in - no, not even then could I contemplate it! Yuccky doodoo!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 6.

    Sorry CLP is it what we call old age creeping up -

    Just go through the words of the Oldest Swinger in Town!!

    You've just got a few worn parts but as long as they keep going you just have to take longer to do (certain) things!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    yukkity yuk!!! I don't think I could bear to keep my poo (or anyone elses for that matter) in my fridge!! No no no, that's just wrong.

    CLP, you're tired cos you're so busy all the time!! You go to the gym, you fly, you jump out of planes, you buy cars, you move house, you've helped make a baby, and amongst probably countless other things, you also help to entertain millions of people every day!!! Blimey, I'm tired just writing that down!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ha Diva. certainly quells the urge for a snack of any description, doesn't it.

  • Comment number 9.

    Darn it - forgot the ARF

    Final Countdown for Cheryl the Diva's 40th Birthday whilst you are away next week if you please?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Tinsel!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 11.

    LOL!!! Cheers BM! xxxx At least you didn't ARF for oldest swinger .....

    Diets: have tried every slimming club going, joined gyms, power walked, starved, done laxatives (much much younger) and do you know what ....

    Now I am eating what I want, when I want but just being sensible and I'm happy, sleeping well, slowly losing weight ... so they key? Stop stressing about it. Just be yourself. Amazing how well that works!

    I do wish my back wasn't playing up so I could swim again, and power walk and play badminton but apart from that I'm happy happy happy!


  • Comment number 12.

    Hello Beesmum :-)

    I love it when the new blog starts before I leave for the day!! Mind you, a poo related blog is not what you want just before tea is it???

    Off home now, will try and catch up later

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Poo analysis - how interesting! We are what we eat after all.

    Ever wondered if we have been put on this earth purely to be part of the Krebs Cycle and to manufacture poo and wee - ie nitrogen cycle?

    Had to poo in bags in a tent at the weekend as completely isolated from all conveniences whilst camping. Strangely liberating.

    Poo in fridges - why not!

    Have a great holiday, Mr CLP.

  • Comment number 14.

    Angel Eyes- Bryan Ferry?

    or anything else, except Sylvia, sorry Beesmum, but I hate that song almost as much as 'love goes where my Rosemary goes' Yeuk

  • Comment number 15.

    ARF Request please

    The Gorillas

    and (not sure what it's called but it goes...)

    I'm happy, feeling glad
    Got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless, but not for long
    The future is coming on, is coming on, is coming on...


  • Comment number 16.

    No JenEwan NOOO, to pooing in bags!!

    Must admit tho I always fancied seeing that science exhibition where they put food in one end and you could see the digestive process in seethrough tubes all the way until poo came out the other end!!

    Now THAT's magic!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Jen - that'll be Clint Eastwood.

    Great album! xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Sparkly - oh yes, really interesting. I'm guessing it's at the Science Museum in London?


  • Comment number 19.

    Font of all musical knowledge - thank you Diva, jx

  • Comment number 20.

    Has anyone got hang-ups about where they poo? (except in bags in the woods!)

    Some people won't poo in public toilets, or at work, or in pubs. But let's face it, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

  • Comment number 21.

    jan ewan - either clint eastwood or dirty harry - sorry - i am the worlds biggest damon albarn fan (catch the bejing highlights for monkey - music co-written by Damon) but I also get those track names mixed up!

    great song though!

    My ARF - ummmmmmmm something summery - anything apart from Spingsteen - how about a obsucure cover of something (not the beatles song)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 22.

    Don't think it's on any more Jen - think it was a few years ago??? But if it is on I'm going!!!

    Anyway, as interesting as poo talk is, must be orf - my dog will be wanting a poo of her very own!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    In public, hehe

  • Comment number 24.

    Ctd - not even discussing poo - I do it, you do it - do we need to discuss it?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 25.

    fUNny You should mention that.

    All the blokes in myhusbands work, when they reach the age of 50 get a letter from a local university, asking them to send the letter back with scrapings of their stool sample (front middle and back - don't ask), stuck to it?

    Apparently is research.



  • Comment number 26.

    oh ohoh I forgot.

    Straight Back Down to Earth

    Curiosity killed the Cat.


    I want to do a bit of ben voulzouzvent poirrot knee bending.


  • Comment number 27.

    Oh alright then one more comment! Diva, I can't poo at work, I just can't. We have those stupid loos where there are 3 in a row, but the doors don't reach all the way up or down, so no sound/smell barrier. Very VERY embarrassing. And it doesnt matter if you wait and make sure no-one else is in, you can guarantee that someone WILL walk in when you're mid-production!

    And on that note ....


  • Comment number 28.

    LOL DWNB!!!!!! Love the idea that there is some pervy bloke (it would of course be a bloke) collecting stool samples purely for his own pleasure!!!

    Don't want to go, this topic is hilarious. However really really going now!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    I'd hate to be the internal mailroom assistant at that Uni!! And why just the men? isn't that a bit sexist?

  • Comment number 30.

    Must go, finish up some work, will have to wait for Bingo's dark tale.

  • Comment number 31.

    I remember having to give a stool sample once, my mum went mad when I finally told her what 'really' happened to one of her tupperware tubs!!!!

    Dieting - I gave up bread for 2 weeks, lost 8lb...worth a try folks!


  • Comment number 32.

    M'off too - thanks for info re song and poo exhibition, chaps.

    I'm happy, I'm feeling glad....

  • Comment number 33.

    ARF - Please consider Breakfast in America by Supertramp!

    Have a lovely hols and hope Marky Mark reads your missive today!!!

    A x

  • Comment number 34.

    CLP, I feel very much the same way as you at the moment. I too spent 10 years partying, eating and drinking far too much thinking that I was living the high life, working and playing too hard. If there was a night out I would be there, and think nothing of travelling to the other end of the country for one night, if there was a holiday abroad I would have my flight booked in a flash!

    I was always busy but usually ended up too drunk to remember what was going on.

    Anyway these days life is much simplier, I met a wonderful man who taught me how to enjoy the simple things in life. I am a healthier person all round, I eat all the right foods and get regular exercise and enjoy every minute of it (losing 3 stone in the process).

    We got married last May and like you are now expecting our first child in December and life is so so exciiting. I only wish I had discovered this life earlier...

    Not sure about the poo doctor..........

  • Comment number 35.

    Ello, CLP 'ow many times do I ave ter tell yer..... lucozade and bananas.... that's all yer need my friend for energy of The Mind... all yer need!!!!
    I am nothing without them!!!!

    As for gettin' cuckoo, it's the only way ter keep sane in an insane world - know waht am sayin'!!!!!

    PS - The stool reminds me of a stool joke ave goot.... i'll bang it on termozza!!!!

    I'll bang this other joke on now that ave promised.... al just wreeeeet it out......

    Back in 5..........

  • Comment number 36.

    Eeew Chris, that's really not nice! Mind you, keeping maggots in the fridge for fishing is pretty nasty too - bleurgh ......

    Anyhoo Christoph, for ARF tomorrow could we please have The Who's 'Baba O'Riley/Reilly? It's one of my favourite tracks and is rather appropriate at the mo, what with all the blog babies due!! I know it's about five mins' long but you could skip the first minute if you really really have to!!

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Apparently, if your poo floats then you're healthy/have a healthy diet, if it doesn't then you need to make changes!

    Just eating walnut studded belgian chocolate, raisin and oat cookies - wonder what that will look like!!!

    Ewwww, grossed myself out now!

    ARF tomorrow - Stool Pigeon - Kid Creole and the Coconuts!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 38.

    Sammie - as the song goes ...

    ha ha ha ha

  • Comment number 39.

    As the first song tomorrow could you please play

    Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle

  • Comment number 40.

    Okay ere's me joke.... I 'ope it doesn't offend anyone... it's only mean't in light'eartedness tones......

    JOKE :

    I waz driving along on me car with the missus when we saw aload of flowers at the side of the road.
    I said "oh 'ow terrible there must 'ave been a terrible accidentation"
    Then abit further on, more flowers at the roadside. I said "oh dear, another lot"!
    Then abit further more flowers at the roadside. I said "this is terrible, three nasty accidentations in this one town alone"!!!!!!
    Then abit further I saw a sign.
    Yeah,a sign....... it read 'welcome to our annual village flower show'!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!

    I said "woooo, thank goodness that's all the flowers were for"!!!!!!!

    Know all I know yer shouldn't joke on such serious things. Flowers by the road often can mean there's been a very serious accident there. Indeed in my local town there waz recently.
    It waz a bad accidentation, a bad one, the van waz totally written off, ended up on it's side. And alot of flowers left at the roadside. But the driver waz fine!
    The van that crashed waz the local florists van!!!!!@@@@!!@!


  • Comment number 41.

    Bingo mate,

    Re the joke

    Not offensive.

    But there again, not funny either.

  • Comment number 42.

    I'm on the long slippery slide to the big 4 0 as well!!! 3 weeks today to be exact - 28th - and I've decided "what the hell" and I'm having a party on 30th! It's been a pretty awful 18 months as I've lost my mum-in-law and a friend to ovarian cancer so I've decided you have to live while you're still here and able to do something about it...
    Hubby hit 40 in March and is competing in the London Triathlon on Saturday - all in aid of the Eve Appeal for ovarian cancer research. Good luck to him!! Maybe I need an aim like that...???

  • Comment number 43.

    hey pandagirl - welcome to the nearly 40 club!

    28th aug is Mr Diva's b'day too - but he saw 40 a couple of years ago!! hehehehe

    Good luck to your hubby xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Ewww poo. Nope, I really can't comment on that. Stinky, that's all I will say.

    Cheryl - you share your birthday with Mr Jumpy! :D



  • Comment number 45.

    jumpy .. and Robert de Niro and that bloke who sang in Dexy's Midnight Runners!

    Madge is 16th Aug - hope i look that good when I hit 50 in 10 years time!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Thanks Cheryl! Not sure how I'm feeling about it yet... Got a holiday to take my mind off it for the next couple of weeks. Still feel 18 inside (most days!). Some mornings I wake up and remember I've been married for 14 years, have a mortgage, 2 kids and a dog and think "how the heck did THAT happen"??!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Almost with you there pandy ... married 12 years, but no mortgage, no kids or dog. Just a lazy old lady-cat who rules the roost! But yeh - still feel 18 inside - hence my ARF request for this week!

  • Comment number 48.

    Good song! Sure there'll be a few like that at my party...

    My choice for ARF would be Roachford's Cuddly Toy.

    Played it at my 21st and intend to play it at the 40th bash!

    Hope you have a great 40th Cheryl x

  • Comment number 49.

    you too pandy. and enjoy your holiday!

  • Comment number 50.

    Hey all,

    Poo in fridge hahahahahahahahaha as long as it's not mine

    As for all o' you reaching the grand old age of 40 ..................................


    CtD you met me an i'm 44 and dont look it or act it, life began at 40 an I went wild and loved it and you dont look your age either. Embrace life whatever your age, I cant wait to be 50 ,,,,,,,,,,, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOT lol

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Awwww Errol - that's a lovely thing to say. Please don't follow it up by telling me I look 54 !!!

    And I ain't grumblin. Bring it on is my new mantra!

  • Comment number 52.

    Can I join the 'almost 40' group?? My 40th is on 1st Sept - a group of us are going to La Manga to celebrate - watch out spain!!

    Chis - ARF - travelin' man by Stevie Wonder, because you will be and I love it.

    Ashling x

  • Comment number 53.

    Just a last minute wax of the moustache and I'm ready.

    What a weekend of passion this might be,

    Bingo, as Bernard Manning said, can't please all the people all of the time.

    As for Poo well brings a whole new meaning to anything off the top shelf.

    CHOCKS AWAY....................

  • Comment number 54.


    anything by The Toilet Bowl Cleaners

    Everything Comes Down to Poo
    by SCRUBS

    "What A Curious Stool"
    by MasonR

    by Beer Softened Stool

    CtD 34 ok

    anyone else got some good ARF relating to todays blog

    If I offend anyone with my requests..........................................................................................................................sorry lol

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    For ARF

    We're heading South to Penrith for 'Potfest in the Pens' - an International Ceramics Festival. Could we have Kylie - Spinning Around please?

    (pottery wheels... Spinning around... Geddit?)


  • Comment number 56.

    Collecting poo samples. Cling film around top of toilet. Makes the job much easier, so I've been told.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Errol ... howz about ...

    Dear Poodence - Siouxsie and the Banshees

    Any others .... ?

    CtD xx

    PS: 34 - yeeeeessssss!!!!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Poo's that Girl - Madonna?

    x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    My Generation - The Poo

    errol xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    A Case of Poo - Prince

    The Last Pong - Poison

    Now we are getting silly but it's funny

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    hehehehehe ....

    Anyway, giant vegetabubbles. Are you serious? How on earth do you dig up a 17' parsnip and a 19' carrot? Surely you'd hit the water table!?!?

    Our parsnips last year averaged 2' long and digging them up was a real mare!

    Answers on a postcard please ....

  • Comment number 62.

    She Loves Poo - The Beatles

    From Me To Poo - The Beatles

    All Poo Need Is Love - The Beatles

    .... bit of a theme there Mr McCartney????

  • Comment number 63.

    Ew Lambie Poo.

    Just when I nip in here to wish yous all a quick Slainte from County Kildare, yous is talkin' poo and spit.

    Ew. Beaaarth. However it fondly reminds me of my Old War Hero Granddad, who found himself in urgent need of a visit to the little boys' room whilst in the pub, and needing to leave his pint on the bar. Concerned for the conservation of said pint of Tetley's, he wrote a note on the beer mat and placed it on top.

    "I HAVE SPAT IN THIS PINT." It read.

    Imagine his chagrin upon his return to read underneath,

    "PS. SO HAVE I."



  • Comment number 64.

    Hello Clodagh!!!!!!!!! We miss you!!!

    Sammie - I am loving Stool Pigeon!!! Brilliant idea!!

    Im too tired to think of any other poo songs!

    Anyway you lot, have a lovely evening, see y'all tomorrow. Thank goodness we've worked out how to make the blog go on after 500 seeing as CLP is being so selfish and leaving us for 2 whole weeks!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 65.

    PS - CLP and Tash - have a lovely hols, look after each other and PLEASE let us know how Enzo is!!! We'll miss you.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Just a quickie. I am so rubbish at facebook. Every time I log on I seem to get taken into my daughter's fb site!

    Anyway just wanted to say Gingembre, have just had a look at Mrs Gingembre's website and it is AMAZING!!! How can she do those fantastic dresses for such great prices??? I need to find a man and get married so I can wear one of them!!

    Nighty night!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Captain's Log, Star date Fifteen Twenty poo
    We have been captured by the Stoolies, during a peace camp to discuss the position of number two to the new head of the security council. Unfortunately the Stoolies flew in on an air wafer, and took us by surprise. They have collected a sample of every being at the camp and are holding out for a ransom. The leader is a little squirt who looks like he will follow through with his plan to leave a skid mark on the Loo-niverse.

    Have a great hol Chris, and I'd like for the ARF Walking on sunshine by Katrina and the (splash back) waves!

    DD out

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening all, If I need a ballgown MrsW is the place I will head for - I'd love to get married but first have to find the right man (a left will do as well).

    Good luck to everyone planning births and marriages.

    My ARF not that it ever gets picked would love to hear Silver Dream Machine - hawkwind or SunChymes - Dario G

    Its our RNLI Flag week this weekend and I will be out and about with my bucket for small change, if you spot me be nice.

    Chris and Tasha enjoy your break and I also hope that Marky reads your message about the icky stuff on the top shelf.

  • Comment number 69.

    ARF? California Girls. Beach Boys or David Lee Roth. Perhaps the later, for a change.

    Have a great holiday Mr and Mrs CLP.



    PS What was the stoat joke......?

  • Comment number 70.

    Of course CLP ther is always

    Spit in The Eye of the Tiger!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Tinsel/Phoenix -

    I had a peep at felicity's web site when it first started and have been hinting at my nieces ever since - no chance unfortunately for the forseeable next 10 decades so may just buy one myself for the heck of it - they are so reasonable and gawjuss with knobs on!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 72.

    and my two were SO boring!

    BM !

  • Comment number 73.

    California Dreamin, the Mamas and Papas for ARF today please.

    Have a great hol Christoph et al. Off on mine next sunday, cruisin the med. sheer bliss.

    Sorry I won't be here for your birthday CtD but have a fab one. Mine is soooooo long ago now, I can't remember it. Had another milestone since then anyway, himself took me to Venice, now THAT was unforgettable. Lin x

  • Comment number 74.

    Poo in the fridge? BOTTOM shelf PLEASE!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    morning all

    wet and damp today in norfolk, me and #1 son off to get our hair cut inabit in readiness for our hols next week. Then some shopping to do.....wow my life is 'on the edge' isn't it??? Working all weekend before jetting off on Tues.

    Thank you for all the kind comments regarding MrsW's website.

    ARF - step on, happy mondays please

    Bonnet de douche


    you're twisting my melons man

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all!

    ARF - Jump Around by House of Pain - please??? It's such a happy song!!

    (Although Girlracer, you did pick the one song I 'sing' for karaoke, so if you get lucky I'll be happy too!!!)

    In work early today - I want to get home and prune a massive bush in the garden. Gingembre, you think you live on the edge?? Try mine ;-))

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    its damp here too - had to wear jumper to work and feeling very winterish - very hot last night though - until the rain woke us in the early hours - what me - job ready out the weather - thanks

    Mr bp thinks I should be a film critic - most films I can sum up as a couple of words and when he applied to review films for the local paper he said I could go along and have 'word from the bird' - inspired but they didn't take him up on the offer!

    will be lurking quite a lot today - its a quiet one he in office land

    super bp x

  • Comment number 78.

    'Tis a bit damp in our neck of the woods and all.

    Beautiful weather yesterday and I was either out on that ridiculous hunt for a tin or fast asleep - was so tired!

    Today however. The Fabulous Aunt will arrive this evening, and I shall put some more biscuits in the oven in preparation. Freezer biscuits. What a genius invention!

    Mr Jumpy has requested treacle tart to take in to work for his birthday next week so I will do the first practise run today for the Fabulous Aunt and get her verdict on it. And hope she's not on a diet or anything.

    Hope the weather clears up wherever you are, some nice fresh sunnyness is what we need!



  • Comment number 79.

    jumpy .... tell fab aunt that nothing contains calories if consumed on a fri / sat / sun.

    back later - just off to grab the boss before he disappears for the day!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    ARF. The Devil Went to Georgia by The Charles Daniels Band.

    Hope you have a lovely holiday Chris.

    I am off on my hols to Alcudia tommorrow. Just waiting for the boss to come back from watching the cricket in London.

    So i can go home early and finish my packing.


  • Comment number 81.

    Michmel... I wanna be a boss one day. So I can go and watch the cricket on a work day if I so choose!!

    Diva - it is going to be a case of Wednesdays don't count in dieting for the forseeable future - what happens when friends gather every week and consume copious amounts of biscuits and puddings!



  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all - seems I am only one with the sun - I will pass it around!

    Going to be quiet here with all off on hols! Hope you all have good ones!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 83.

    I am Debbie-C


    My ARF request is:-

    Disco 2000 - Pulp

    Thank you.

    Debbie xxxxx

  • Comment number 84.

    CTd - why you post as Debbie?

    beesmum - I'm going nowhere (hols in Sept when the kids go back)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 85.

    SuperBP - Debbie's out for the day with Little Man and forgot to post her ARf so she just texted me ask asked if I wouldn't mind doing it for her. So I did :-)

    Soooooooooooooo glad it's Friday.

    And had naughty dream last night about tattoo man!

  • Comment number 86.

    ask asked? what's that about???

  • Comment number 87.

    Good day to you fair Christophe, Mrs Christophe and small Christophe to be! I'm sorry to say that I have no note for my absinthe, and no excuse apart from work malarkey...which is all good...but I DO miss you, and I've no time to catch up! Not even today...this is a wee skivette...prior to putting the kettle on...sorry to hear you're crook mate...the badger has a nasty infection atm, and has also needed to deliver 'samples' to the doc...more from the front end though...but that's not for here! Hope you get sorted son!

    Anyhoo, Happy Friday you other lovely bodies! I've been SO STOOPID BUSY and lovin' it lovin' it lovin it, I'm likin' it like that etc, but I've also lost all my contacts.

    This doesn't involve crawling about on the floor while everyone stands still by the way, but I'd be eTERNally grateful if everyone who knows where I am could email me please...x

    ...and as long as MarkyMark doesn't take it into his head to play Poo Sticks...

    Just because I'm not around don't mean I don't LUV YA!!

    Ooooh, ARF...erm...Pretty Woman, Roy Orbison...just for the dududududummmmm...please...

  • Comment number 88.

    ps Hope you get sorted SOON. Not son. I've never called anyone 'son' in my life. I've maybe said 'oho yerssss sonny jim??' or even 'que? sonny juan' but never just 'son'.

    Yes, it should say 'Hope you get sorted soon'.

    Now I feel better.

  • Comment number 89.

    Bagpuss - hoping for bank hol week in bolt hole meself - did you just see that pink pig flying overhead? Fingers crossed anyway!

    Diva asdf ;lkj !!!!

    Anyone heard from easyjob? has he gawn and left us already?

    Back later - every little helps due soon

    Beesmum xx

    It's clouded over!!! boo

    ARF Mr CLP still going for Final Countdown for Diva's 40th Birthday next week and you will not be here!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Morning each

    Working again.... boo! But its ARF yay!

    My first ever request so please can i have Teenage Kicks by the Undertones, Disco 2000 by Pulp,Final Countdown by Europe or anything else the lovely bloggers have already suggested?! I know its cheating but i cant think of any better songs to go with!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday, hope the Scottish thing goes well and everyone is happy bunnys...

    Lurking later..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 91.

    Oh, and happy holibobs to everyone going off...I`m with Tinsel and waiting til Sept...not long to go - started counting it in sleeps already!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 92.

    mSc - I think we've got it right. Firstly, it's easier to get to work at the mo cos everyone else is on their jollies, so traffic is nice and light. And then in Sept, everyone else will be back but we'll still have something to look forward to! Win Win!!!

    Can't wait for mine either - just over 6 weeks to go now ....

    T xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Tinsel - are we going together?! i got the same amount of time to wait! but yup,agree with all...and cheaper too...so more money to spend on bags, shoes, wine.... yay!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 94.

    i'm going w/c 15th august - does that tie in with you lovely ladies - going to Devon - hope its sunny

    super bp x

  • Comment number 95.

    Alwight CLP and Most Bloggers,

    Bingo Star ere,

    CLP - Woooooooo or should it be Poooooooo I 'ope Marky Mark made it through the night without raiding the fridge or like yer say 'e could be in for a nasty suprise.
    'ope 'e didn't reach for the nearest thing and found what 'e though ter be a left over piece of yuletide chocolate log!!!!!
    Tell me Christoof... do you 'ave a diet with alotta seeds in it, alotta seeds?
    My mother always said beware of the top shelf, you only find seedy things there - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    If we're choosing ARF, from The Blog, terdee, for later terdee, then 'ow about..... 'Itchy Poopzkid' and their most appealing tune 'Flavour Of The Night' or 'Small Faeces' and 'Just Passing'!!!

    PS - The stoat joke waz...... MAD!!!!!!!

    PPS Got another joke ere all........

    There wazza 'ip 'op (hip hop - (with the ayches)) artist who preached ter the fans in 'is lyrics not ter do certain things but all of those 'e said not ter do... 'e did do 'imself!!!!!!

    'e was full of 'iphopcrisey!!!!!!@!!


    PPPS - 'ope Nostradamus iz wrong about the Olympics!!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    sorry w/c 15th sept - don't know where I am today

    so hungrey - lunch at 12 - diet until then and lovely jkt potatoe to look forward to - so please stop talking about lovely tarts and cakes
    super bp x

  • Comment number 97.

    Missed the Stoke joke - what was it please?! anyone?!

    And Bagpuss - you are off before us i beleive - hope the weather holds for you..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 98.

    Ah - no you are not bless ya! I off the same time, but escaping the country to all things Italian.... shoes, bags, wine, food...see a theme developing..??!!

    But have a lovely time still applies!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 99.

    Bingo mate,

    You just get funnier and funnier.

  • Comment number 100.

    Bagpuss, I'm off on 22nd Sept - to Dorset.
    Me, dog, pub, beach ... holiday done!

    T xxx


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