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Blog threeee hundred and twelvish

Chris Evans | 14:45 UK time, Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Crazy paving, the sun is out here and it's almost hot enough to fry an egg on...

Ken Bruce's baldie heed.

Panic attacks...

My mate Marky Mark (he of the disappearing Damien Hirst fame) had one such thing on Sunday. Thing is though he had no idea what it was, until, that is, he described it to me. Now I'm no doctor, unlike some other disc jockeys who claim to be, but I have had a panic attack, so I knew the symptoms straight away. Strange strange strange thing.

Mine occurred about seven or eight years ago when I was in a video store in New York on holiday. I couldn't have been more relaxed. I was happy, content - in a good place. I was browsing the store when suddenly I began to feel weirder and weirder, I didn't say anything because I couldn't speak, I felt entirely detached from both myself and the world. I hadn't the first clue where I was and as I tried to reach out to touch the videos my fingers could feel nothing and my vision began to blur. Where was I? What was I doing? Who was I with? Who was I? What was I? Next I started to whimper and after a few moments felt compelled to crawl underneath the counter. It was a good few minutes before I dared even think about coming out.

Back at the hotel a friend came to see me whereupon I burst into tears, another shocker. I did, however, immediately start to feel better. I then proceeded to explain to him (Danny Baker) what had happened. After listening intently, he very calmly said, "oh that'd be a panic attack then!"

"Yeah," he went on, "I had one once, exactly the same, total nightmare, what's it all about eh? What are they trying to pull? I have no idea." Now there's not much Danny has no idea about but this had stumped even the finest mind South East London has to offer. It turned out that he'd only ever had the one, never before or since, and now me also, never before or since.

We are not talking hyperventilation here, which is a result of a stressful situation. This is entirely different; this is out of the blue, bang, from absolutely nowhere.

Tonight we endeavour to discover more.





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP ... I had a similar experience last week at the Arts Center at the Red Dwarf thing. Hattie Hayridge was making us laugh, when all of a sudden I had the most unbearable pain in my lower ribcage, and was drenched in sweat. I started to shake and panic about needing to get out, but I was trapped mid row.

    Calmed down after a few moments but had to go outside in the interval to gather myself.

    Most bizarre, and very, very scary.

    See you at 5.


    PS: THANK YOU for Queen on ARF. It truly made my weekend x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Looking forward to this one tonight - other half's life being ruined by them on and off for last 10 years!!

    Beesmum xx

    Had them myself but not to the extent of having to walk out of the shop not knowing exactly where you are until you get out and feeling like falling over if stand talking to someone too long or even not too long!

  • Comment number 3.

    B-sMum: really truly gutted about 28th !!


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    I may be walking by the river in the Docklands and miss it!

    Have suffered them for a while (since post natal depression). Will be very interested to hear the item and will 'listen again' later.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Can't eat out in case can't escape - no parties - no cinemas - no theatres no big shops and little shops too.
    At worst no answering door/phone/questions from me unless in right frame of mind at that second - boy am I waiting to hear the show and if whoever it is says hypnotherapy/nlp/pills/therapy I will slap him/her!!

    Sore point this one!

    Beesmum xx

    on a lighter note - managed the whole show yesterday coming back from bolt hole and most on friday going!! D spot just as we were going through llandovery - very busy on a fri evening te he!! Him cowering - doggy licking me like I'd gone crackers!!

  • Comment number 6.

    CtD but will the lure of the tub make him head towards you first when he gets back? good for jet lag?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 7.

    I have the silk scarves and ice cubes ....

  • Comment number 8.

    I get close calls with stressed out situations and then the asthma kicks in but I can usually control with warm water before I have to resort to medication.

    Mmmmm healthy place was divine - only 2 people in the pool and 30 lengths later I went outside to the other pool which was like a bath in heat - did another 20 gentle lengths and then lay out on a lounger enjoying the sunshine. Once I'd had enough went in and got into the jacuzzi for two sessions and then out.

  • Comment number 9.

    ooooh Ctd you bad girl - silk scarves indeed - I can supply ribbon tickle ties that you could use and some feathers for fun.

  • Comment number 10.

    LOL Phoenix .... I take it this is from your "other" work bag???

    I had an AS party once. It went down in history as THE worst AS party ever to have had the misfortune to happen!! The girl that did it was dire, and to make matters worse, my mum invited herself along AND THEN wanted to know what I'd ordered ....

    Awful. Just simply awful.

    But yes, if you could please send them to P O Box 666 .... LOL!!!!

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Holy GG's Big Chief!!

    reminds me of sitting exams in Coleraine University, back in Summer '95 . . .



  • Comment number 12.

    Hi CLP

    I experienced a panic attack about 10 years ago in the middle of a giant Sainsbury's outside Southampton - vvv scary and not been back there since.


  • Comment number 13.

    DtM ... it's weird but I never got stressed about exams (except driving test). I had this theory that if you didn't know it by exam time, you never would.

    I must admit that my CSE maths exam has to be the longest 3 hours of my entire life tho. I spent 10 mins filling in the front of the paper, and 2 hrs 50 mins counting bricks in the sports hall!! Dreadful.

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Phoenix now just you get yourself back to work - you are making me s000000 JEALOUS!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hello All, Hope you are all well.

    Not been round for a while - due to a 'tipsy' fall and a very busy weekend bad brusing, masses of swelling and hobbliness has meant that work has taken three times as long!

    This panic attack thing has really got me thinking - does the world just 'go big and scary' - I have a feeling I may have had one or two as a kid but Mum just explained them as 'growing pains'.

    Whats all this about silk scarves eh, I may have to borrow them for my Hubbys return (19.5 days to go!) after 4 months! Yippie, have never been sooooo exited!

    KJR x x x

  • Comment number 16.

    Aw Katie ... hope you feel better soon hun.

    Roll on 19.5 days eh!!

    Cheryl xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    They are showing that monkeee advert again!! Oh Joy!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Crikey Katie - how much tipsy to have hobbliness?

    Beesmum x

  • Comment number 19.

    Black sambuca was involved apparently. It was a very interesting evening though and my friend looked stunning in her bright red wedding dress.

    But the fall, Oh deary me....

    KJR X

  • Comment number 20.

    Thanks CtD, I am becoming unbearable now though! My friends have banned all talk about homecoming for at least the next week. I have banners, and balloons, and a great big smacking kiss waiting!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 21.


    As for the black sambucas - a girl has to do something whilst her man is away, for heaven's sake!!

    Think I'll go for bright red if I ever get married again. Paula Yates married Bob Geldof dressed in scarlet. Probably the classiest thing she did for her whole life!


  • Comment number 22.

    I totally agree, The bride would never have suited white (fab gothic looks - black hair- palest skin I have ever seen) and looked so amazing, it quite took my breath away. Her hubby cried. Ahwww.

    KJR x

  • Comment number 23.

    Hmm, be interested to listen tonight CLP. Had them for the past 2 years or so. Fairly regular, small ones, building up to major one every 3 months or so where I honestly wonder if I'm going to die. Had a few sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy to learn to control them, which I really think helps. You learn to recognise the start and then it's really just me saying to myself over and over, there's nothing wrong with you, you're fine... but it seems to work (most of the time) for me. I also find that, if I can get doing something that occupies my mind early enough (I make cards, which is good for that), I can get away from it pretty quickly.

    Anyway, enough of that. Phoenix, ribbon tickles ties?? Oh god I'm an innocent!! Your day sounds heavenly, by the way :-)

    AF x

    ps Katie, hope ankle better soon, but maybe when Mr KJR comes home you won't need it for a while!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    CLP - ok it may be a panic attack but I'm not convinced.

    Much more likely to be space/time travel and that's you coming back into your body and time here after huge adventure where you've saved the world but because the world is back on the 'right' time line again, you forget all about it.... Just left with weirdy feeling.

    That's what I reckon anyway!


  • Comment number 25.

    Katie - are there any pix? that sounds so amazing .... right up my goth street!

    Cheryl xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Ooh Jen how cool would that be?? Prefer your explanation to mine, maybe I'll just go with that for a while. I do wish the world wouldn't need saving on such a regular basis though. Maybe, in the spirit of the last blog, we could all share in the effort??

    AF x

  • Comment number 27.


    I will post some on FB page when I grab someones camera! (was a bit too tipsy to remember to use mine... oh dear the shame of it all!)

    The music was brilliant too! Hence the swelling and bruising - ah heels so beautiful yet such sorrow after!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 28.

    Katie .. .when I went to that wedding back in April (THE HAT, THE HAT!) I danced so much that I was hobbling around for about 3 days after the event!!

    I just couldn't help meself! It was The Cult that really did it ....

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 29.

    AF - next time you feel the need, give me a shout and I'll be right there with you, a saving we will go.....


  • Comment number 30.

    Lol Cheryl, The awfully sad thing is I have very vague recollections of dancing to 'superman' with my friend on my back doing all the actions for me... (approx 1.30am - pre fall)

    Urggghhh I must have looked so pretty at that point! Of all the things though.... Superman!

    K x

  • Comment number 31.

    Blinky Blimey ... Superman indeed. Shame on you woman!!!


    C xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    AF - katie wont need her ankle? naughty girl!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Red wedding dress - oh yum or black even - time over again please!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Please somebody take these doritos away from me....

    Panic attacks. Hmm. I've never been sure whether it's panic attacks or something else that happens to me. Certainly not hyperventilation, but definitely stress induced. Usually by hordes of people. The world is detached, everything gets much louder, everyone stops making any sense, and I start crying and can't move. Thank goodness hubby knows what I'm like and is able to guide me out and away, and also knows to keep concerned friends and parents away from me until I've remembered who I am. Shudder... Looking forward to that bit of the show.

    Grief what's all this about tickle ribbons and tipsy wobbliness?! Sounds like a certain someone needs letting out of work, and Katie I feel like counting down the days with you - you sound well excited!!

    I have had a very successful afternoon in the fabric shop. Even if I don't manage to pull off the pocahontas look (having short hair and a baby bump) I will have a nice dress :) with feathers for my hair and everything...

    As panicked as I am about making this dress, I am actually getting quite excited about it!



  • Comment number 35.

    jumpingbean, I hope there'll be pictures!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 36.

    jumpingbean .... i was like that when I did the Moonwalk. Everyone was really stressed about their bra decorating - I loved doing mine.

    The feathers chaffed a tad tho!!

    C xxxxxx

  • Comment number 37.


    Funny you should mention it, but I hate the "yeh no" thing too. The biggest culprits are my sis-in-law and my besty friend. Strangely, they both caught the "yeh no" bug whilst pregnant. They spoke perfectly acceptable English before falling with child.

    It's so bad with one of them that if you ask if she would like a drink, it's "yeh, no, no. yeh" .... really, really annoying. Poor language skills. No excuse!

    And you never know where you are with them. You ask a simple question and get a procession of yeh no yeh no. Sorry love - is that a yes, or is that a no.

    I blame Vicki Pollard!!

    Just got home from work and Himself is in bed with a headache. Boo.

    Ciao for now my lovelies!

    CtD xxx

    PS: v.v. quiet in here - are you all watching Andy Murray at Wimbers?

  • Comment number 38.

    Ew Christoff. The panic attacks. Scary things.

    The one and only one that I experienced was whilst in Malaysia with the Genius daughter. I was completely relaxed and happy, if a little disoriented from the flight, but at peace with the world. I left the daughter lying happily on her bed after a hard day on the sun-lounger and dived into the shower.

    Suddenly I felt really light-headed and a pinprick of light appeared before my eyes. Blinking, I thought it was something oddly like a migraine starting, but the speck of light opened out until it was the brightest white aura, my head started spinning and I went completely numb down the whole of the left side of my body. I couldn't speak or think straight. The only thing I could do was to hit the deck, shower still full on, and I must have started whimpering as the daughter suddenly appeared. I can only remember her voice saying, "You're ok, mum, I'm here.." and her hands holding my face as I crouched in the foetal position, truly believing I was having a stroke.

    Anyhow, a couple of hours, some sleep and several pints of water administered forcibly by the daughter later and I was right as rain.

    "Crikey, I'm so sorry, sweetie.. You must have been frantic?" I whimpered, upon coming to, sheepishly. "What the hell was that all about?"

    "Ah, no probs, mum." She replied tenderly. "You're just bonkers, that's all."

    Charming. Anyway, I like to think of it as the brain crashing and re-booting.

    Or maybe I am bonkers.


  • Comment number 39.


    I have found with panic attacks that the fear of the attack happening again, for me, is awesome and overwhelming.

    I do anything I can to prevent them but this can cause anxiety on it's own. You sometimes avoid places or situations where it occured before. Totally counter-productive behaviour.

    Sometimes you can fight them off with learned methods. But when life suddenly get a little hard, you feel fragile, they take over.

    This has happened to me over the last week. I've had a few a day. I have been meeting my husband from work just to get out of the house and be out with people.

    But it passes and things settle. You cope again and get on with life. I yearn to be the person I was before these started and hope that one day I will be her again.

    Tried hypnotherapy (not for me I'm afraid) and counselling but the answer ultimately is in each of us to deal with on our own.

    Blimey, sorry for going on. The subject is just very close to home right now.

    Debbie xx

    PS. Mary thanks for everything hope you having a good week x

  • Comment number 40.

    Aww {{}} debbie

    CtD and Beesmum - sorry out of work so heading to the healthy place until employment agencies pull their collective fingers out and find me something to do. Starting cabin fever early so hence the get out to healthy place clause in my day.

    As for the ribbon tickle ties you can make these yourselves - satin ribbon inch wide any colour you like. on each end put a fluffy thingy and off you go. You can use for tying, body decoration and plain fun.

    CtD you made me smile I've seen some of the horror stories in real life and no I've definitely not bad - booked up until Sept fri/sat nights after 6 years. I like a laugh - do 3 games, raffle go through toys and other bits and then clothing then its all down to the ladies themselves - sometimes I don't finish until 1130 as they are enjoying themselves and I believe quite a few of the pictures are on FB...

  • Comment number 41.

    Yo, Fry an egg on The Bruces 'ead, yer mad!!!!@! I thought 'e was an egg already aka 'umpty Dumpty!!!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Phoenix - didn't realise AS - how dumb am I - never been but done the old p/ plans meself to keep me in food when I escaped from ex!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Ave got............

  • Comment number 44.

    Clodagh - frightening - do believe daughter was correct however - not panic - dehydration - does very weird things!!

    Beesmum xx

    or bonkers of course - for not drinking wattter!

  • Comment number 45.


  • Comment number 46.

    Good news......

  • Comment number 47.

    Am off inter re'ab for two weeks!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    Yes two weeks blog friends......

  • Comment number 49.

    So I probally won't be able ter blog for two weeks!!!!!

  • Comment number 50.


  • Comment number 51.

    The reason why.... ave become a little unbalanced!!!!!!

  • Comment number 52.


  • Comment number 53.

    Panic Attacks

    Darling boy, I have suffered these annoying occurrences for the last thirty years tied in with agoraphobia.

    Nowadays they are reduced simply due to understaning my own emotional needs, what is likely to make me wound up and speak about it.

    Also, reduce caffeinne intake massively, the dam stuff is everywhere and I felt so much easier after a few days.

    Still can't get out and about without a car, but learning to accept your limits is all part and parcel of the great plan, Chris. I accept it, I have to, to do otherwise is just sooo stressful that it ain't worth it sweetie xxx

    Chris...if you want to talk via email, feel free.

  • Comment number 54.

    Can I just explain to you all some of the symptoms?

    Numbness ie down one side, face etc....this is caused by over breathing, you get all the carbon dioxide out and once you realise it and calm down a bit, the body naturally sorts itself out. I have always used my hands cupped together over my nose and mouth to get some of it back into me quicker, or a paper bag is good too.

    The things with vision.....bright lights, white aura etc....again, all down to overbreathing and your body trying to ease itself.

    Can I offer any help to those of you who are in this predicament?

    I was given a book which I kept with me every day for a good many years and which those who are suffering, including Chris, should read...


    She wrote a good few books on the subject and I would not be in the place I am today without the good ladies help.


  • Comment number 55.

    BINGO - come back - where are you? whassupp?

    Love Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Bumbelina - see blog 5 tried that book too - so good lent to friends but you make my point - it still happens?


    BINGO!!!!!!!! where are you?

    Love beesmum xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Now am really worried - BINGO????????
    Speak to us!

    Beesmum xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 58.

    must off to bed nite all - bingo? you teasing or not - drifting through at this time of night? 'fraid I'm a bit of a night owl!
    be awake for a wee while yet but not on 'puter - reading - ipod -reading ipod --

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    took ages to read all yesterday's blog and todays so very quick points

    thanks to all those who explained what chris meant in his blog -hmmm..sure as a broadcaster he is quite capable of expressing what he meant and was struck by the fact that he referred to his "intelligent" friend who wanted to change the world...well enough of that ..just remember that we live in GREAT Britain because we took so much from the rest of the world - we can't now suddenly get tired of trying to solve the world's problems...if you look far enough back WE started many of them ;)

    CtD loveley to have you back...silk scarves will be great after the hot tub...got to look after your back...it was not for me you see :) Oh and I am pretty much travelling until Xmas so just go ahead and arrange any meet ups and I shall try to get to them betwixt trips.

    Right . in Auckland counting down the hours till my next flight....back in blighty soon.

    take care all ;) toodle pip

  • Comment number 60.

    morning all

    I don't know anything about panic attacks, other than knowing of people that dh have.have had them so I won't make any comments if that's ok with you in case I totally get it wrong. All i will say is that it sounds awful and my thoughts are with you and if there's anything I can do you know where to find me.

    OK, a meet up looks imminent and I wish to get involved... I will be away (off blog too) for 2 weeks 7-18 July which will have me 10 miles north of Reading so on the Saturday (12th) I will be able to get into Reading and be available for drinks during the day I reckon. If someone with local knowledge tells me where to be, I'll get there.

    EJR - get home safely

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 61.


    went to Radiohead last night - great gig - at work now - would prefer to be i bed - will type later when I have woken up.


  • Comment number 62.

    Morning hunnies!

    At last. The proof. There is a god! ...

    Ch4. 21.13 Hrs, Tues 24/6/08 ...

    Gordon Ramsay dressed in a fireman's uniform.

    Thank you!

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 63.


    Batty Betty here. You know what. I canNOT drink water. I know I should but it makes me feel queasy drinking it. Yes yes I know I'd drink it if I was stranded with me camel in the Sahara but in the meantime, I drink juice, milk, whatever but not water. I reckon it goes back to being poorly when I was little and Renee forced an aspirin down me neck. The thing got stuck and I was subjected to Renee's best efforts as an ex-SAS Land Girl, trained by the Chinese Riot Squad, to gently persuade it down me gullet with the aid of a small reservoir.

    It's like yesterday. Any road up, water's not for me.

    Oddly enough, I find a Nice Cup of PG Tips more refreshing than anything. Milk and sugar thankyou very much. And full-fat milk, none of your calamine lotion. I can often be found sunbathing with a cup of lemon tea. Before Renee comes out, that is, and tries to adjust me seat without tellin' me and I end up like last week's sausage butty with legs akimbo and the Tourrette's re-discovered.

    And yous think I'M bonkers. The woman is a dangerous psychopath masqueradin' beneath a sweet exterior.

    Oh no, Cheryl. Not Gordon Ramsay. Babe, I wouldn't touch 'im with 'is fireman's ploe if 'e was covered in chocolate and fifty squid notes. I'd give 'im a slap, me.

    Mind you I have highly questionable taste....


  • Comment number 64.

    Or even 'is fireman's pole.


  • Comment number 65.


    Just a quickie .... have put a suggested date on CLP page on FB for London meet.

    CtD xxxx

    Swwoooooon xxxx

  • Comment number 66.

    At last. The proof. There is a god! ...

    Ch4. 21.13 Hrs, Tues 24/6/08 ...

    Gordon Ramsay dressed in a fireman's uniform.

    Thank you!

    CtD xxxxxx

    LOL damn i missed it

    Panic attacks ...mum suffers from them badly if confined...me i just have stress attacks which trigger off all the symptoms written in the blog...

    bumbelina I wish id met you 5 years ago as I think you might have saved my sanity (its still in question)

    Ive never felt closer to you guys really I havent


    Sara xx

  • Comment number 67.


    it's bound to be repeated again later this week on E4 or More4 ... or you can do the 4 on Demand thingymejig, like the ±«Óãtv iPlayer.

    Trust me - tis worth it!!!!! LOL!

    I was hyper before last night with talk of hot tubs and tickle stix. Now, well .......


    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Oooer - dearie me - whats up CtD?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Clodagh - water good for the complexion - not enough and you end up like me - a wrinkled prune!! Keep taking the juice!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 70.

    B-sMum - nowts up but my wonderful mood!

    It wasn't so much a Grrrrr as in growling, more of a


    as in "down tiger" !!!!

    Hey ho!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 71.


    This blog is a really cool place to hang out - which is why it will be lovely if you can make the meet in Sept ....

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Hello, just a quickie to introduce my brand new, sparkly moniker. Can't really linger today unfortunately; am doing two people's jobs and at the beck and call of a useless GP.

    Oh well. Pay day soon = new shoes!

    Lovin' your AS story Cheryl - why was the rep so bad?

    And Katie - brilliant! Have fun fun fun when your hubby gets back - I'm sure you will.

    Nipple tassles anyone?


    Rosie x

  • Comment number 73.

    morning (again)

    Been for a run this morning 'outside' OOooOOoooh, last time I did that my knee snapped from underneath me, all ok today, lungs weren't impessed though!

    Now off to work, wonder if Chris has unpacked 'the' present yet????????


  • Comment number 74.


    My AS party "host" was really, really depressing. She had just split up from her fella and was going through an emotional turmoil. We played bingo, but it wasn't fun bingo - more like a children's party version rather than a giggly girly version. Very bizarre. She had no va va voom.

    And as for my mum wanting to see my order ..... then insisting on showing me her order - ewwwww!!!

    The funniest thing to come out of the whole episode was that when the goods were delivered I took the bits into work that my colleagues had ordered. At the time I was working in a very small office (5 of us in total). Two of the women had ordered the same product ("eggs") and immediately dashed out to "fit" their gadgets then spent the rest of the day running up and down the stairs, comparing notes!

    That's gotta be one of my best days at work ever! Esp as one of the women was the boss of the company!

    If this gets BP'd before you've read it, I'll email you on FB!!!!

    Have a nice day!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 75.

    CtD - eggs?? my face must be a picture right now, that's so funny! What was the result of the product trial hehe.

    Thanks for the giggle.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 76.


    A very happy boss!!!

    CtD xxxxx


  • Comment number 77.

    CtD - Remember Mr Nasty? Pity they couldn't have done the same for him. Might have still been working there.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Where would he have put them? I'm not sure men are genetically designed for such delights, are they???

  • Comment number 79.

    I've been to two parties over the years. The last one was terrible, the rep had second hand things wrapped in cling film. Not for here.

    I'll quit now before I get BP'd for the first time!

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 80.

    I have been to a AS party - run by my sisters friend - my sisters and mum were there (my mum is still young and therefore not really an embarressment factor)

    had a great time, got to play with the toys and bought some very flattering undergarments (and, at my size, thats not easy!)

    I think all women should go to one once - much better them my experience of strippers in a converted scout hut in essex! Chicken and chips is a basket anyone :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 81.

    Super BP - have you ever been to the Circus Tavern in deepest darkest Essex? We saw The Dream Boys there eons ago ... it was hilarious but not for the "me" of 2008 !!

    Debbie - CLING FILM

    Eugh!! That Is Gross!!!

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Maybe we should have a bloggers AS party ...... ! ! !

  • Comment number 82.

    what do you reckon is the male equivilant of the AS party? The wii party? the xbox360 party? (other games consuals are available - I should know - we have most of them)

    super bp x

    ps - would a virtual AS party work?

    we could fb group it!

  • Comment number 83.

    As this seems to be a very girly focussed production today, I just thought I'd advertise a "party on the moose".

    You know the location!

    btw Bingo is trying to get back on an even keel, and is therefore presently engaged in taking off his one stiletto heeled thigh high patent leather boot!

    DD out

  • Comment number 84.

    I can't wait to see how CLP gets the subject of this blog into 2nites show!

    Oh and by the way clingfilm!!!! eeuw!

    DD out

  • Comment number 85.

    Maybe CLP would like to "lend us" The M for our bloggers AS party - and I see no reason whatsoever why the chaps can't attend either! You never know CLP - Tash may pick up a bargain or six!!!

    DD - do you have a hotline to Bingo?

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Yep gross totally agree. Scarred for life here. You won't find clingfilm in my kitchen anymore. Foil only.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Doesn't that cause friction Deb?

  • Comment number 88.

    Not to mention the crinkling noise .... but I guess that at least you can recycle it!!

  • Comment number 89.

    Ouch! LOL Cheryl!

    But they could double up as ornaments on the kitchen window ledge. Might look pretty when they catch the light!

  • Comment number 90.

    or scare away the window cleaner!!!

    stop it woman - we're in danger of turning the blog into a flippant place!!!

    Not to mention getting EJR all worked up if he reads the blog before boarding his plane home!!

    Now there's a thought ........

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 91.

    Now that really did make me laugh out loud!

    Ok someone please change the subject.

    My poor window cleaner, he's really nice too!

    Debbie xx

    PS. I'm still laughing!

  • Comment number 92.

    Urrrggghh, just signed in and am choking on my soup.... Cling film, Gross!

    Love the sound of an AS party ! Could have done with it over the past 4 months!

    I once heared that men cant attend such parties as it would then be classed as an orgy.. May just be an urban myth!

    SuperBP, think the male version might be standing round in the pub grunting about football and looking at 'Girrrrllz'.

    KJR x

  • Comment number 93.

    New subject ....

    Workplace Kitchens

    Why, oh why oh why are they so minging. In particular, the fridges. In our fridge here there's out of date yogurts, out of date pate .... just about out of date everything. And at my last workplace someone put a cheese and ham roll in the fridge that actually grew a fur coat to keep itself warm.

    Do these people behave like that at home? If so, please, please do not invite me round for dinner! No way Jose!!

    And as for just dumping your dirty cups/plates/cutlery in the sink .... UGH!!!! I despair.

    Rant over.

    Over to you lot ....

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    Sorry for lowering the tone chaps. I won't comment again until I have something intelligent to say. I may be some time.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 95.

    well done Cheryl, this subject is much more refined! Lol!

    We have 2 x kitchens here and I refuse to use the downstairs one due to there being some strange green stuff growing on the work top.

    Why are people so lazy! AND (deep sharp intake of breath) why do they use the tea towel to mop up spillage!!!

    (Oh I think I need a lie down now...)

    KJR x

  • Comment number 96.

    PS on this subject any one got tips on dealing with a very smelly employee? I have the subtlety of a house brick.

    KJR x

  • Comment number 97.

    I'm back!

    At my second from last job, we had signs in the kitchen informing people to put their washing up in the dishwasher. They were largely ignored and what is worse, people would leave used tea bags in the sink too.

    Tea towels, yep we had that too Katie and once watched a man wipe his mouth with it when he finished eating.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Katie ...... when's their birthday? have a whip round and buy some toiletries for the "victim".

    or in secret santa?

    C xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    CtD, very good idea - not until Nov, but he smells awful now!

    I dont have to work with him happily but his colleagues are complaining badly! Apparrently he smells like gone off milk. Which gets worse though the day, they have been very vocal about it and he just laughs it off, I now have to get involved but sadly dont do subtle! He he!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 100.

    Workplace kitchens, don't go there! I work in a small office where I used to be the only one to make the drinks, wash up, tidy up etc.... After a few months I saw the error of my ways and now look after me, and me alone. I stock the fridge with whatever is needed for the week and replenish if needs be but that is it. If I see something out of date I leave it on the counter top for the day and if it's not gone by hometime I bin it. I feel sorry for our cleaner as there is very often dirty crockery etc.. left out by the others which she does do but I think it is plain bad manners. Hopefully the co-workers that I have to tidy up after never invite me for dinner at their house, what must their fridges at home be like and their pots and pans??? The cleaner assures me that there are places a lot worse than ours and she is fine with it!
    Rant over!

    Regarding smelly co-workers - a difficult thing to tackle, I guess I would get the boss or HR to deal with it! However if you are one or both of those a quiet word out of earshot of others may have the desired effect.

    EJR - mission accomplished!

    A x


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