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3....1....6..... THE BLOG THAT IS.

Chris Evans | 15:13 UK time, Monday, 30 June 2008

Just drove to work in a really fast car, not mine and no....

...I didn't do a Jeremy Clarkson, strictly within Her Madge's Highways speeds and all that.

Borrowed it off, or in fact was lent it, by a guy who is currently custodian to the big car, which is now a here and yes I have driven it, although only up and down his drive.

This is a big big car week. The Coburn car is being readied for its first public outing this week at The Hurlingham Club Salon Privee, three days of being stared at by an adoring public inside its very own white picket fence and then we're off to Warwickshire for the weekend to this year's Ferrari concourse, where true fans will get to dote whilst daddy gets his chamois out to buff up another little baby who's having a go for the tro'. More later.

Can't wait to drive home, already thinking about it.

Alright so the weekend saw the Evans' at Wimbledon amongst the great and the good, Terry was there but alas not with the rest of the Beeb crew but in the Royal Box ! How he got in, I have no idea. That night we did Tash's dad's birthday barbie and then yesterday a quick kick back with a night in a hotel and back this morning.

At the hotel, all of us by the pool, not looking great with our bodies on show but having a fab time reading the Sunday glossies full of people looking amazing but who were probably at home dying for a bag of chips and a bar of choccie. I know which subset I'd rather be in.




Enzo still in hospital, still fighting.



  • Comment number 1.

    Oooh poor Enzo - hope you are visiting him regularly - needs to see his dad so he can get better quicker.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Think this could be a blokes blog - cars and stuff - but we are missing quite a few - where are you guys EJR Bingo Maaartin Keith Dan etc. etc.???

    Looks like you have to hold the fort KW!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Yay! Hurrah for Gingembre!! Our saviour of Alpha-Blog-Male on a very, very sloooooow Monday.

    Martin - long time, no hear - you OK?

    Bingo - how's rehab? Seen anyone famous?!?!?

    Keith - have you been squelched into a pool of Glasto mud?

    Dan The Man - missing your wit Dude!

    MfR - any news on that "dream job" - do tell! Or maybe you've run off to be a roadie with the lovely-arms Jon Bon Hovi Jovi?

    EJR - Did I dream you in my imagination-brain-box? Have you been a figment of my imagination ... if so, maybe I should write that book NOW!!!

    4.30 Monday meeting in 10. Stoooopid time for a meeting, on a monday, if you ask me!

    Wanna go play!

    CtD xxxxxx

    PS: Boss back tomorrow :-((((

  • Comment number 4.

    Aha that's why - boss been away CtD will play! How are the mens games coming along on Wimbers?

    Meetings are also normally a total waste of time but 4 30 on a Monday - yukky! Veeery silly idea.

    Beesmum xx

    Hugs and kisses to Enzo xx (((x)))

  • Comment number 5.

    Big hugs for Enzo, hang on in there. Beau now running round in the field with his two sisters after having experienced Noel's magic and hydrotherapy (though he wasn't paralysed before the op, just lame).

    Keep us up to date on Enzo's progress on the blog as we have to miss your show when we're out dog walking!


  • Comment number 6.

    Meeting finished. That just leaves the Minutes. Tomorrow morning.

    BM - I can 'play' when Boss is here but she's very old school, so I may disappear very suddenly if I can hear her Size 5's tippy-toeing in my direction!!

    The other week, after I'd made a flippant comment about something she asked me (in a very plummy but tongue in cheek way) when was I going to grow up ... I responded that I can manage my finances and cross the road safely, so surely that's all one needs to get through this thing called life!! She saw my viewpoint and actually laughed, which was nice!

    Where is everyone today ...........


    Cheryl xxxxxx

  • Comment number 7.

    OMG the pressure.......

  • Comment number 8.

    Young Cheryl, Hi !!!!!

    I just wrote an entry describing my weekend and thanking you for your comment, it posted and disappeared . . .Hmmm.....

    DtM x

  • Comment number 9.

    blog playing up methinks

    BM x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Bloggers and Bloggettes!

    I'm so sorry I haven't been on here for ages. I will be honest and say I just simply felt I needed a blog break.I have been finding it difficult to keep up with the blog recently as there as so many comments to read. So you do have to excuse me if you don't see much on here xx

    Poor Enzo xxxxxxxx I dont actually know whats wrong but the word Hospital isn't good xx

    So Norwich has been taken over by a herd of Elephants!!!! I love seeing them all and Norfolk Bloggers please go to see the one in that place I used to work beginning with J and ending in ARROLDS! as my friend Lucia designed both of theirs.

    Work is going well and thinking about increasing my hours after summer.
    Right must have a rest and then see parents as they are coming home from a week in Jersey the lucky things
    Love to you all and go to my blog to see pics of the Elephants. Missy xx

  • Comment number 11.

    hey missy - you coming to the london meet in October? go on ....... glad to see you're ok and doing well. don't disappear completely tho!

    DtM - hello!!!!! Young!!!! Lovin' you!!!

    Sorry gals, I'm such a naughty little flirt!! Always preferred playing with the boys - their toys were always so much better than mine!!!

    Hugs back at y'all!!!

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    What is it with wasps - they just come hurtling through the open door - right at you!!

    You can do it gingembre - pressure reduced now two of you!!

    Beesmum xx

    PS Only you could get away with that CtD!

  • Comment number 13.


    Really busy so just wanted to pop in and say hi, love to all, love to Enzo.....catch up with you all later!

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 14.

    LOL BM, LOL!!!!! I know .... ! ! !

  • Comment number 15.

    Elephants in Norwich - are they on a tour of the country?

    I've got tickets to the inaugural Beach Polo Championships in Poole on Sandbanks beach and I intend to enjoy myself immensely whilst having also bought a ticket for my mum for her 70th birthday - yikes but at least she doesn't look that old yet.

    Gingembre good to hear that the prom went well.

    Missy nice to see you around

    Beesmum, CtD and Clodagh you are still keeping me well amused catching up on the blog.

    All the best to everyone.

  • Comment number 16.


    I'm renowned in this wonderful city of Belfast for thesize, structure, quality, workmanship and detail of my toys, so your words are indeed deserved . . .


  • Comment number 17.

    OMG!!! Is it EJR II???

    Gotta go home now ... drats .. this was just getting interesting!!!!

    Laters mon amies!

    CtD xxxxxx


  • Comment number 18.

    Did Chris just let slip that he and his wife might be expecting?!!! I hope so, that is great news if I heard right!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi again....been checking in but not commented for a while....I just wanted to say hi and ...........
    **Love to Enzo...awwwww, he is such a luv - give him a hug from me...so sad Chris but hang in there.

    ***So is Mrs. Christophe preggers???You mentioned something about her eating habits when you spoke to the nutritionist on your show today.... I could be wrong but the thought popped into my head....

    Anyway, still listen to your show ... long weekend in Canada...so got today off and loving listening :-)

    Take care all and love to Enzo
    Joannie xxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Dont forget Enzo, more important than any of the shallow 'celebs.' He needs you.
    Get well Enzo

    Liz xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Great to see all the good wishes for Enzo, but how is little pooch doing? Missing big brother?

  • Comment number 22.

    PS - loved the email about that very special girlfriend. How good would that make you feel to know someone went to so much trouble.

  • Comment number 23.

    CTD did you break EJR as I havent seen him blog since you got the hot tub lol

    CLP please think about doing a video report on Enzo for the blog...theres so many of us here that want him well again and it would be nice to see footage of the 2 of you together :)

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hopes ... LOL!!! He has gone VERY quiet, hasn't he .....

    Rob .... are you there .....

    Anyhooo .... CLP:

    Please do not do that again.

    Do what?

    I got in my car to come home, proceeded to nasty very busy right hand turn and then hear the words GASTRO PORN followed by the vocal talents of Simon Le Bon claiming to be Hungry!!!

    You almost lost a listener my man, not to mention one of your most prolific bloggers!!

    Yikes indeedy!!

    Dinner in over. Murray losing at Wimbers.

    Much love gang

    CtD xxxx

    PS: If Mrs E is preggers, how will it affect her swing?

  • Comment number 25.

    Dinner in over? Shall we try oven?? Now there's a novelty!

    x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    Blinky Blimey Missus. No posts since 6.50 pm - must all be watching wee Murray at Wimbers.

    He's doing good gang!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Nice one Andy.

    A Fulham-esque comeback if ever I saw one.

    Who's next? Some bloke called Rafa.

    Pah. Easy. Spaniards never win anything.

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 28.

    CTD- What meeting!!!!!!! Why has no one told me about it?! Can you give me the details on FB please! xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Nice win Andy - didn't watch until last few mos just knew it was going to go on forever but he has certainly changed for the better from last year!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Ctd - anyone remember the friends essipode where phoebes gives joey a very happy dog - then gets back later after joe has made him very sad -"I've broken the dog"!!!

    Have you broken EJR?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 31.

    by the way what was in the over?

    BM x

  • Comment number 32.

    missy - tis on fb

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Big hugs for Enzo, Christoff - thanks a mil for keeping us updated! And sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! Don't know what the rest of the bloggers and blogettes feel (though I can guess), but I do love to hear about the exciting things going on with the Evans Clan!

    Annnnddddd .....

    you played the Ping Pong song today!!! Good on ya!

    Wimbeldon - Go on yersel' wee man!!!! Woo-hoo!

    Dr Who - No way!!!! No Way!!! What?!

    Huggles all round .... a bitty under the weather, so will have to catch up at a later date ..... bump is causing problems!!


  • Comment number 34.

    blog p go away - Suse you OK?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 35.

    You and bump OK? take care!

    Love Beesmum x

  • Comment number 36.

    will check fb

    BM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    morning all

    I think it was mentioned on here quite recently but I watched a great dvd last night - 'standing in the shadows of motown' and - it's absolutely brilliant, if you like that sort of music.

    Andy Murray eh? Well I have to say I just don't like him, sorry to pour on the parade but there's just something about him.
    I have a bet with a mate that he'll never win Wimbledon which is win/win really because I get ££'s if he doesn't but Britain get a winner if he does! I think it's his anti-English thing that I dislike, can't quite put my finger on it really. I hate being negative about a Brit in sport too,

    Anyway, the sun is streaming through he windows at chezGingembre this morning, MrsW is back from her jolly and is sleeping it all off, kids in front of tv and the kettle is calling to be switched on for the 2nd cup of the day

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 38.

    ps...let me know about the 12th in Reading if you're about, I won't have internet next week to arrange anything. I'll go into Reading on the Sat morning, let me know where to sit!

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi All,

    Good morning etc... I have not been broken but may be yet!! I have returned to a 4 figure inbox (and there is not a 1 at the start of it) so am wading through that both day and night as well as adjusting to GMT and the UK. I travel a ton and have never felt this let down by the UK before. It is a glorious sunny morning but I was sighing and grumbling as I walked into work this morning - the three people I said good morning to did not respond, there is trash all over the place and I had a shopping bill last night I could not believe so that i had to stand int he check out queue and read the recipt. I know that they say that the most dangerous time is just after a hol and they are quite right - really unchuffed with being int he UK right now and heard on Radio 4 this morning that there is a Canadian Minister here to drum up support to emmigrate there - well I am off to canada in October for some work so am going to have a good look around whilst there.

    Sorry about not being on the blog at all since I have been back but I really am just snowed under with work so will be quiet until I have shifted the back log. Add to that Michael (who i share an office with) retiring yesterday then i think the mountain may get a little higher.

    The weekend was great - Slainte were awesome as Rosies in Oxford - I met with Red from the blog (shame on you for not joining me and my pals) met some nice ladies that night who were oddly enough on hols from NZ!!!! What an odd world. We had a great evening and I was even coaxed into some Irish dancing (unheard of). Hope you all had a good one. Kirk - will be in Sussex over the weekend I am afraid so not able to appear i am afraid.

    CtD - are you flirting with other men young lady!!!!!!? Well good on ya;)

    Right...the mountain awaits :( boooohoooo

  • Comment number 40.

    Hi everyone,

    Well, Andy Murray certainly put us all through it last night didn't he?! I have a thing about Tim Henman so I could never bear to look at the TV when he was in a similar situation! I used to think Murray was a bit of a grump but I think he's really changed his attitude now, he's growing up I suppose! Good on him, it was fab telly.

    Going to be a scorcher here today, I won't go on about sitting out in the sun or I'll upset those of you who have to go to work again! Have fun whatever you're up to.

    Em xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Glad your not broken Rob and sorry about your mountains lol

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Morning peeps

    Glorious sunshine here in Essex and at home in Suffolk. Way too nice to be in an office if you ask me!

    BM - it was poussins in the over. I could live on chicken but when you don't get in until gone 6, a whole chicken takes too long to cook, but poussins only take about an hour. Served with salad off the lotment and new potatoes. It was delish. also had the first beetroots of the year - drizzled in balsamic and steamed in foil in the oven. Yuuuummmmmm!!!

    EJR - poor you! i remember those days of multi emails after getting back from hols. Keep with it and you'll have caught up before you know it!

    btw: was only flirting coz I thought you'd left me!!! Did you see the schtick I was getting? They all thought I'd "broken you" ... how cruel .... as if!!

    Boss back in today, so looking forward to her tales of China.

    missy - did you see the Oct meet thing on FB? Sat 11. London (poss docklands).

    Right, gonna check FB account then do some real work ... now, where's that coffee .... ? ? ?

    Mega Hugs

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Good morning all,

    Not been around for a few days due to being in Manchester and then ... well, you know how it is, you go away for a few days, come back and need to just listen to the conversation a bit before joining in!

    Didn't see the Murray match, heard about it though. Not really that interested in him, I think I've only ever seen him smile once. What's so awful about smiling, man?! Mr jumpingbean has been coming home for his lunch and commandeering the laptop to watch as much tennis as possible while he's eating, we generally watch the ladies though as their games are far more interesting.

    Gingembre - 2nd cup by quarter to seven?! Blimey. Am impressed. You must be climbing the walls by 8. Remember that ceiling fans will not support the weight of a 3 year old boy, even when dressed in a superman costume. Even when dad is hyperactive on caffeine consumption...

    Susan, hope Bump isn't causing too many problems and that you're feeling better soon! Thinking of you :) xxx

    EJR, good to see you back! Here's a big smile for you :D the English aren't all mopy dopey ;) But, yep that's what happens after being away for a couple of weeks - mountains grow remarkably quickly. Hope you manage to wade your way through it all.

    Whatcha doing in Sussex that weekend then? I'm off to Goodwood that weekend, I am so excited about it, I can't believe how many quality planes and cars I am getting to see this year!!!

    The weekend in Manchester was a good 'un, despite it seeming to be sunny everywhere except there. Arrived at an unexpectedly decent hour on Friday night, missed all the traffic, and had a good nights' sleep! Really unusual for that to happen. I think over the weekend we saw pretty much everyone who is really close to us, caught up with news and compared bumps with others, saw all the babies that last time we were up weren't even bumps, and got to dress up as a Native American (got to be PC here I suppose...) for an evening too :) Happy days! Sunday was pretty special too, jumpingbean was loving church, I was singing my heart out, loving being with Family :) and we saw people get healed! And as if that wasn't enough, we even managed to make it back home to Sussex in time for a good nights' sleep on Sunday too. All in all, a Very Good Weekend.

    Paying for all the excitement now though, we are both shattered (that'll be the 2am bedtime on Saturday probably) (we are not teenagers any more, evidently) but the jumpingbean doesn't seem to have realised that it can calm down now, as it has been kicking and punching and wriggling pretty much non-stop all weekend and since. Joy....

    Right, better make a move while I have the chance. Glorious sunshine again today, wonder how long I'll be able to stand the heat if I go out?


    jumpingbean and me :)

  • Comment number 44.

    Buenos Dias one and all

    What a great show last night, loved the Spanish theme. Like being back in Majorca.
    Tis hard when you return from hols and get back to routine.
    I think we all are a bit cheesed off with Britain though. The UK is too overcrowed and the

  • Comment number 45.

    Government do nothing.

    Oh been bingoed.

    Anyway thought the tennis was brill kept flicking back from corri.
    Don't usually watch tennis would rather watch paint dry but that was one heck of a match.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 46.

    LOL coco - I was Corrie flicking too!! Ooooh, that Liz is a one .......

    Have just updated the FB CLP page re October meet.

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 47.

    good morning -

    work been very hetic as I do my job and learn another at the same time!

    this weekend off to mighty boosg festival - anyone else going?

    KW - Reading on the 12th - what did you want to do? lunch would be great but would need to check with 'im indoors first

    anyway - no peas for the wicked

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 48.

    Ooer I know CTD but then she is a very attractive woman..... if you like a duck face with a bleach blonde wig...

    Maybe she is going to make a play for Norris.


  • Comment number 49.

    LMAO!!! She'd eat him alive and then some!

    I reckon she wants to do the lambada with Liam ......

  • Comment number 50.

    Funny CTD. But no, I think it's 2-1 on the sleazy guy from the betting shop. Before too long though the Irish husband will return to kill him. Gosh I could write the script....

    Buy the way anyone want to buy some old vinyl 45's and Lp's.


  • Comment number 51.

    Put them on "that" auction site coco .... look what happened to claire and her programs!

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh poop I'm being bingoed!

  • Comment number 53.

    Morning all

    Very excited about the October meet up now and Mr Debbie is coming too.

  • Comment number 54.

    Off to docklands again this afternoon to do some shopping.

  • Comment number 55.

    Give up now. Try again later. Bye :-(

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning each -

    Welcome to the up to your ears in work club EJR. Switching air con. on and away I go!

    Back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 57.

    LOL!! Just thought ... new name for our dreamboat ...

    "Not so EJR" ?

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hey all

    been a while...and have tried to catch up...but impossible unless you have scanner built in to brain! so will have to make do with quick skim over the blog!!

    Just back from seeing friend who is unwell in Holland. She is doing brilliantly. Was real emotional but also had some laughs as us girls do!

    BUT....while was away Alfie decided was good idea to eat a nail...thankfully our girl saw it go in, but couldn't unlock his jaw to get it out. so she felt to blame....even though she actually saved his life! So emergency vet trip for Alfie and co.....and I wasn't even here!!! Getting that call while in emotional state was not the best. But he had op and has come through it all with stitches and scar to show for it! (other half quite proud of him!!) Regular trips to vet this week. Vet really pleased with him. :)

    CLP - Alfie is sending Enzo big doggy hugs. Paws crossed for him.

    I'm off to the dentist now..... so catch up later.


    Ps Well done Andy Murray,brilliant tennis, but prefer his bro, he seems like nicer guy?!

  • Comment number 59.

    Last try before have to go and be busy.

    I haven't watched any of the tennis, not really into it to be honest. I don't like Murray's anti-English stance but it would be nice to see a Brit win. Just to see him smile!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 60.

    Ever have one of those days where you want to join in, but can't think of anything to say? Cars and tennis, can't really get excited about either. Of course, it'll be a different matter once I pass my test (well, about the cars, not the tennis...)!

    Hello all, it's a cracking day oop north, and I wish I was out in it. Might go to the park for lunch :-)

    Dreamer, so glad you had a good visit with your friend, even if the circumstances are not so good.

    AF x

  • Comment number 61.

    Good one CtD not so easy!!

    Just a thought EJR as you were grumbling and mumbling to work - did you say good morning with your mouth upside down? not likely to get a response unless you smile? Cheer up chappie!

    Dreamer - forgot you were off to see friend - pleased went ok. Alfie in trouble already!! be warned many to come!! found a couple of puppy pics of the man I'll try and put on fb - forgot how cute he was - and how little!!

    He's just arrived in office to cool down - sensible doggie!

    Break over - back to work!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 62.

    This week's woman's minute topic - brilliant!!

    Can I opt for a CHEF dressed as a FIREMAN!?!?!


    CtD xxxxx

    PS: Have a tale relative to last week's WM (date) topic, but will have to type it when at lunch as a bit long and boss back from china!!!

    rob - smile hun!! frowning gives you frinkles in all the wrong places! xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    as does too long in the hot tub!

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh wow such wide topics to join in with - just where does a girl start.... er good day?

    Caught some of AM's match last night whilst childminding - we played cluedo which was fun - haven't played that one in years.

    Still searching for work but at least all the bills covered this month so relaxing for a change. Weather here is due for rain this pm but no sign of it at present - very warm outside may have to head for healthy place to relax in outdoor pool.

    CtD what did I miss a chef in a fireman's outfit what fancy dress party did you attend recently then.

    Welcome back Rob sorry to hear you have four figure email mailbox to catch up on and a colleague retirement to add to stress levels - you will have to relax in the evenings to reduce stress levels and get back into the old grove.

    Enjoying history programme Richard v Saladin all very educational and interesting.

    Good luck to Enzo - hope he gets well soon and to Alfie with his nail mishap.

    Beesmum enjoy your day and to anyone else out there.

  • Comment number 65.

    CtD just read your #63 - ROFL - thanks for that

  • Comment number 66.

    CtD Whats womans minute this week - missed last night as all the machines here seem to be fighting back!! music player would not work - no idea why - copier says it's printing when it's not -power surge thingy just cut in but obviously not quick enough so computer re-booted and air conditioning vibrating and not in a nice way! noise and headache or cool? Cool methinks!

    Back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Phoenix - did you not see Chef Ramsay on his F Word last week? Dressed as a fireman!! Still swooning!!!

    and btw - who are you calling "the old grove" (#64) - LOL!!!!

    BM - this week's WM topic is:-

    A man in uniform, but which one!?


    Mange tout indeed!

    Peas in jars as we speak!!!!

    CtD xxxxx

    PS: Docklands shaping up nicely - any more takers or shakers?

  • Comment number 68.

    CtD its a old vinyl remark.... meaning stuck in the old ways once more.

    Nice one for WM - I always enjoy what the answers are.

    Your peas in the jar must be doubling recently with all this allotment food building up Mr Diva.

    Sorry can't travel far at present

  • Comment number 69.

    Cheryl - forgot to answer your previous question, big 40 is in December so am 39 for a good few months yet!!

    Phoenix - didn't know you were a childminder! I love Cluedo but sadly some of the kids I mind are a bit young for it, I was playing Build a Beetle at 7 this morning!!

    Hope you are all well and enjoying this glorious weather, torrential rain forecast for tomorrow!

    Em xx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Em - I'm not a childminder - I was looking after my friends children whilst they went out last night ages are 11/10 and 2 but enjoyed playing cluedo with the older two whilst the youngest crashed out asleep.

    We are due the borderland of the rain this pm but its absolutely gorgeous outside.

    By trade I'm a business analyst but sadly out of work at present due to redundancy from a project management role - checking online vacancies and chasing employment agencies most mornings and relaxing in the afternoons.

    It doesn't matter what your real age is only how old you feel. Mind you the 40s are extremely liberating as you can do almost whatever you want and blow what people think.

  • Comment number 71.

    can we have a womans minute for engaged copules? I cannot join any of them at present and would like to be included :-)

    will let you know about london meet closer to day - its around my mums birthday so i will ahve to find out what she wants to do first.

    super bp x

  • Comment number 72.

    ps - anyone going to listen to the Beatles tapes at 1:30 today?

    I will - well it is the beatles after all :-)

  • Comment number 73.

    Phoenix #68 - you missed my point. I was being roooood!

    emma-m: a christmas berfday ... how 'citin!!

    Super BP - you can join in with this week's WM ..... man in uniform .... ??

    dunno about you lot, but I really miss the original format of WM. I enjoy the current version but nothing beats yelling at the radio in the car in a random way!

    Just did some tinternet shopping at lunchtime - managed to spend a small fortune without leaving the building!

    Right, gonna post this then beguile you with my disasterous date tale ....

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 74.

    don't I need to have a man in uniform to play? or wear a uniform myself - did I miss the point? I don't think a pinstripe suit will please anyone and thats just me ;-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 75.

    OK. I used to work behind the bar in a typical "estate" pub ... you could set your clock by who would come in when, on which evening and most of the regulars had their own special glasses.

    I was 20 at the time and as often happens when you work in a pub, got invited back one Friday night to a party. At this party I met this gawjus wannabe rock-love-god. Skin tight jeans, black t, long hair - not unlike Steve Harris from Iron Maiden. We hit it off and he offered to meet me from my next shift at the pub and take me out for the evening.

    My next shift was what used to be called the "graveyard shift" - 6pm - 8pm. The commuter crowd, popping in for a swifty before going home to get nagged at, the sweaty suit brigade. Anyhooooo, I got all dollied up looking forward to my date with Mr Loverman-to-be.

    At precisely 7.50 pm (ten mins before the end of my shift) he strolls into the pub (he wasn't a local, so was a complete stranger) and to my utmost panic and sheer horror, he was dressed quite literally head to toe in skin tight red leather. From the bikers jacket, to the rather obscenely tight leather trousers and even red leather boots.

    Cue lots of sniggering from all the old codgers propping the bar up - even the jukebox ran out of music at just the precise moment.

    Needless to say, the date was a one-off, mainly due to his rather ahem ... interesting dress (non) sense and matching red Cortina estate!!!!

    I'm 39 now and still recovering from that trauma!!!!

    so - anyone coming to Docklands in October - do me a favour and leave the red leather in the closet!!

    Ciao bella!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 76.

    CTd - thats my outfit out the window - what about black leather?

  • Comment number 77.

    Black's kool - but please not so tight!! makes me eyes water!

  • Comment number 78.

    Last day in the old job today, start the new one tomorrow. Don't have to go far just 2 floors above where I sit now.

    Feels a bit strange as i'm not leaving the company just moving to a different department. Not to worry though, new career starts tomorrow...the world of Finance awaits....yipee!

    Good luck Enzo!

  • Comment number 79.

    Aw Rusty ... not another number cruncher!

    Good luck in the new position.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Ctd... did he play lady in red in the car?

    Now then I do have a little black PVC number I could wear.... it's a La Criox Darlings.

    Pheonix hope you get sorted out with the job meanwhile enjoy the break.


  • Comment number 81.

    CtD I am not known for controlling my fits of giggles - ever - even if inappropriate - if he had walked in on me I would have just burst out laughing which would have made him turn tail and depart. You actually went out with him for a night? Where???!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Phoenix - make the most of the break - I haven't stopped working since I was a foot high (or so it seems).

    Let me know when rain reaches you - I have an almighty huge chair cover drying on line which will need to be rescued!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 83.

    CtD how long you been married - still peas going in the jar??!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 84.

    BM - he took me to some iffy pub in deepest darkest Chelmsford. Never before have I been so glad of dark corners.

    then there was the disasterous Cortina Estate snog when he took me home - eugh!!!!!!

    Peas in jars ... need a bigger jar, BM, need a bigger jar!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    CTD - whats wrong with number crunchers - we make the best friends to have around and you never need to buy a calculater :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 86.

    I'm just jealous. Love words. Hate numbers.

    Had to use a calc on saturday to work out the train fares: £75 between 5 of us.

    and yep, I did get the **** ripped out of me!!!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 87.

    What size of jar do you require lol

  • Comment number 88.

    Well, you know in chip shops you have the pickled onions on the counter .....

    x x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    I love wrods as well - read 3-4 books a week and have a couple of books in me waiting to be written - nothing too heavy - mummy fiction as I like to call it!

    Should we start a book club where we all read a book then on a pre organised day blog about it? whose in?

    super bpx

  • Comment number 90.

    Hows that for an offer CtD!! naughty wickerman.

    Uniforms - yees!! known a few in my time but they make me itch!! Can't wear wool!!

    Went to a very posh do once and sat between two very nice ossifers and gentlemen who were both a bit persistent in the arm leaning department. By the end of the night my very bright pink arms could have directed all the planes at heathrow into their loading bays!!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Thick and fast, BM, thick and fast .....

    I always think uniforms look bestest discarded on the floor ..... but that's for my mind, and not the blog!

    Super BP - love reading and WILL write a book one day. I've submitted short stories to women's mags and cherish my rejection letters with the utmost pride!

    A book club would be OK but I don't read as quick as you - only really read in bed, or on holiday (8 books a fortnight anyone?).

    Finished Marian Keyes book last night (wonderful!!!). Undecided what to read next: Ben Elton fiction offering or something a bit heavier like che Guevaras biog? Also bought a couple of paperbacks on the history of the River Thames and Tower Bridge at the weekend.

    How diverse! And no pictures.

    BTW: lovely boss lady is back. We talked acupuncture and she said I could take as much time as i need for future acu sessions!! Hopefully next Weds then ....!!!

    Pin Pin!


    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 92.

    I could get one of them jars for you and i will wear my chefs uniform for you but havent got firemans LMAO!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    cheeky Wickerman, cheeky!!!


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