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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Wednesday, 7 May 2008

This is something that me mum said this morning when we were watching ±«Óătvs Under The Hammer and they were auctioning off a chapel in a...


My mum has a very plain way of speaking. Sometimes right, sometimes wrong but always certain.

I think people of my mum's generation were generally more certain than we are. What about that when you meet those people who are certain. people who have carved out a definite view on the world. I don't particularly have that view of the world. i have a view of some thing but my opinions run out at a certain point, or rather merge into one overall philosophy.

That's the thing with having a big thinking time. I had a five year thinking time when I sorted most things out and now when other people are getting their knickers in a twist about this, that and sometimes the other, I sit back and wonder, what is all the fuss about.

I'm too busy wondering why a worm bothers to be, or why a flower decides to be that particular shade of deep ruby red to worry about whether or not Gordon Brown is "listening" one day after he would whilst reclassifying a drug that all the experts say he shouldn't.

Been breathing a lot today, in and out, deep down to the tummy. Could the stillness last for more than a few seconds ? Not on your life. Not in this mad world today.

The case continues.





  • Comment number 1.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada.

    Well said, Mr. Evans. Lief is too short to concern ourselves with the trivialities of life...unless one subscirbes to the delicious humour of Oscar Wilde, in which case,

    "Life is far too important a thing to be talked seriously about"

    Maybe we should reflect on the words of an eminent theologian:

    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    Either way, I try to live a good life, love those who matter, eschew the company of those who don't and enjoy what I have, rather than lamenting what I do not.

    Cheers everyone.

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 2.

    Well, profound words from CLP and Dr. T. Glad you're both in that place, unfortunately I'm still struggling to reach it. Keep trying though!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris,

    Oooh, this is a good one! My lovely dad (who died 12 years ago) used to say to me "don't think too deeply about life, all you'll get is a sore head". And I know he was right. Sometimes I try to work out what it's all about, try to make sense of everything, but really - it's not worth the effort!

    I believe that part of the reason that people from your mum's generation (and earlier) were so certain of things is because they lived a life that was actually in the real world - now we have so much, sometimes too much, and I think we can find ourselves losing our grip on reality!

    All I know is - this is not a rehearsal, it's the real deal, so we must make the most of it!

    Great blog, Chris.

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon Big Chief and little Hobo,

    profound, profound . .

    hmmmmm. . . . .makes you think . .

    All good here in little ole Belfast, have come to the conclusion this sun aint gonna last all week, so its off to the pub by the river Lagan for a few frosted ones - hope BC sunshine springs eternal as well . .

    Have we made the move to the hostelry yet, Christoff, (had to be lovely in deepest Surrey yesterday!) . . .??

    To me the thinking time has started in the half-hour between waking and washing, before rising and eating, or speaking and listening. CLP's advice a week ago (while nursing Enzo) regarding morning appreciation in solace, with nature, had much more effect than I thought . . "me time" will be more prevalent from now on hopefully.

    Am also trying to cut down evening tv time and plant more audio time . . .quite difficult with programmes as good as Studio 60 on from time to time . .

    thank you all for your continuing informative thoughts and questions . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 5.

    You will get there, AF.

    Everywhere is within walking distance, if only one has the time.

    Dr. T

  • Comment number 6.


    I always breathing's a good habit to have!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Ooooops. Typed in a hurry. Let's go again ...

    I always find breathing is a good habit to have!

    Lotsa Luv

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    My turn, one line only!

  • Comment number 9.


  • Comment number 10.

    Dad just had accident

  • Comment number 11.

    at the hospital

  • Comment number 12.

    Can't post grrrrr

  • Comment number 13.

    off to accident and emergency

  • Comment number 14.

    Debbie C.

    I am sure I echo the sentiments of each of us in this forum when I wish your father a speedy recovery after his unfortunate mishap.

    Dr. T.

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, wise words indeed - your five years thinking time was obviously fruitful.

    I've got to the time in my life where I appreciate my family and friends and keep away from the bad people. It's the only way. I always loved my Grandma's philosophy - "what's for you won't go past you".

    Still sunny nr Edinburgh. Hope it continues - am off to Limerick on Sunday for a few days to join my oldest and his Oirish wife on their
    holidays - now there's a nice boy and girl inviting the old yin to join them.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Debbie - finkin of ya. Hope all's well.

    Ctd xxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 17.

    Only me again. Sorry Debbie. Meant to say what a time you're having just now.

    Hope he's ok and things start looking up for you.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 18.

    You are so right Christophe. Managed to do a bit of breathing in and out this morning!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hurrah well said SuperMin.

    That's exactly what my mum Renee says when people get spooked by ghosts or graveyards or whatever.

    Mind you she's full of platitudes bless her, deep and meaningful thoughts such as "Ah well, see, two heads are better than one. Even if one's a sheep's."

    And. "Please yourself. That way you know somebody's happy."

    And of course. "Everybody's bonkers 'c'ept me an' you. And tha's a bit funny."

    As for the graveyard thing. I LOVE a graveyard. The more battered the better. One of my favourites overlooking Morecambe Bay houses a tall cross beneath which is inscribed the words,


    Hurrah that'll be me. When I get round to doin' up me little chapel near the beach in Termonfeckin I'll be in me element. Not only will I have nice quiet neighbours but I'll have me phone on the pulpit so I can give out to me hearts' content, and wash me face in the font.



  • Comment number 20.

    Testing, can I post anything yet. Help!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    i dont know about you but i like to make a habit of breathing every day(!)

    deep breathing works though- suddenly you are at one- daniel-son


  • Comment number 22.

    Worth a try.........

    A fence post fell on my dad's head and split his head open. I'm still waiting to hear from him or mum.

  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks for the kind words, fingers crossed that stiches will be enough although there was a lot of blood.

    Tomorrow must be a better day, please!

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Blimey Debbie! I hope he's OK. I have a habit of getting injured before a holiday, so I am currently banned from anything remotely considered 'risky'.......

  • Comment number 25.

    ....also sorry that you seem have received your membership card for the exclusive club that only Bingo and I are fully paid up members of.......

  • Comment number 26.

    ...although others occasionally are granted guest passes......

  • Comment number 27.

    ...that being the EON Club. Evans One-line's 'Nuff Club.......

  • Comment number 28.

    ....and it bloomin' well feels like an eon since I've been able to stretch my legs and blog with freedom.......

  • Comment number 29.

    ....of course the pedants will be out in force reminding me that it is 'aeon'......

  • Comment number 30.

    ....but a quick check confirms that 'eon' is OK. Whatever. A heck of a long time.

    Love to all


  • Comment number 31.

    Thanks Matt and I have to say, don't take this personally, but I prefer being part of the post-a-lot club!

    Dad has concussion and has had his head 'glued' back together. On his way home, wouldn't let me pick him up, got a cab!

    I haven't stopped today, Mr Debbie being great (not!). Early night for me I think.

    Debbie x

    PS. zzzzzzzzz

  • Comment number 32.


  • Comment number 33.

    chris there you go again doing that .......thinking thing.....i try and not to think to much.....and politicians never listen to us mortals thats why i dont vote,there all the same.....and you should know that flowers are the colour they are to attract insects......

  • Comment number 34.

    It’s a cruel cruel summer one and all

    Sometimes romance is dead.

    But that’s another story.

    Only May Bugs to keep me company.

    Adam Ant aka Tony Blair.

  • Comment number 35.

    MfR - I am also a paid up member!

    Debbie - sending you lots of positive vibes

    CLP - excellent blog as usual. Carpe Diem (? spelling) as they say.

    Littlest Hobo - I enjoyed your blog very much as usual thanks!

    Fingers crossed I'll be able to post this in one go!

  • Comment number 36.

    Just an experiment.

  • Comment number 37.

    Oh no I am the only kid on the blog one and all!

    Cpuld Internet Explorer and security settings have something to do with it?

  • Comment number 38.

    Morning Coco (and anyone else lurking)! I don't know about IE - I use firefox anyway, and that didn't stop me getting the one-line treatment for a while. Hoping it's not returned...!

    Am concerned this morning - yesterday the weather forecast said light cloud today, and then sunshine again for tomorrow and the weekend. This morning I log on and it says full sun today and light showers tomorrow! Not convinced about this forecasting. Ah well, at least it'll water the grass if it rains tomorrow.

    Still don't know what to do about the bees. Am considering phoning the landlord and passing the problem onto him... Just don't want him killing them, that's all...

    Managed to catch the sun yesterday, was itching all night, worried I'd burnt, but this morning thankfully it's all turned brown which is nice!

    Happy Thursdays all.


    PS the clock tower bells have just rung 10 o'clock but I swear half an hour ago they rang 11 times. That was confusing.

  • Comment number 39.

    morning all

    great post Chris, and reply from the Dr

    I try not to suffer fools gladly, and all that, and have cut some peole out of my life over the past year or two for treating me like sh**. I think my ex-wife's illness and the final outcome played a huge part in the way I changed my thinking and approach to life.

    My Great-Gran used to 'tell it like it is' and I think that was fine back then but perhaps we've all gotten to sensitive as a nation to be that way now?? Dunno really.

    I was once told to "regret something I did, not something I didn't!" when faced with a dilemma, and for 90% of my life since that's worked ok.

    Debbie - thinking of you and your dad, your nursing duties are on overtime now...hope you get rewarded with a long hot summer of loveliness (spelling???) as you fully deserve it.

    Hope you all enjoy the sunshine out there my blog friends

    MfR - I had a dream last night that I met you and Mrs MfR at The Cottage???? weird one?

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 40.

    i try to stay faithful to the philosophy - past is gone, future might not happen, - live in the moment. That way, there is nothing to think about - just be.

    I love just being.

    I be all the time.

    Sometimes, I need the toilet though.

    Like now.


    See Ya

  • Comment number 41.

    Very Interesting Blog there Christoof man..

  • Comment number 42.

    We are in the misdst of a crazy world...

  • Comment number 43.

    And it won't change until we get proper politicians.....

  • Comment number 44.

    running the show. A mean lets face it.....

  • Comment number 45.

    The present lot in charge of this country 'ave got the backbone.....

  • Comment number 46.

    Of a wet lettuce gone past it's sell by date!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    A mean look at the 10% tax rate insanity!!!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Now all this compensation stuff - Are these people running the country MAD?

  • Comment number 50.


  • Comment number 51.

    Chow! PS Insector Coco - I'll look inter the firefox... Tarrr Coco!

  • Comment number 52.

    Done it again... spelling mishaps... sorry missed the 'P' in Inspector... soz!

  • Comment number 53.

    Gingembre - your comments, agree totally and CLP We have several "friends" no longer about after certain happenings! Live and learn folks!
    Be back later - first day back at work and postie got a hernia. Bit warm in office too.

    Love Beesmum xx

    PS Chin up Debbie - it's all happening at mo so it can only get better. Tried the old rescue stuff on other half - seems to be doing trick - volunteered to go in to a shop and no panic attack!

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh I just wanted to say one and all

    Giigembre. It’s very difficult to lose somebody close especially when they are still young. I lost my elder brother when he was 42. He was an Inspector in the Manchester City Police. I often think of him and remember how we sat down together and talked about his illness. He would tell me how he did not want to die. It was just awful. Having also been let down badly by people, my outlook in life changed and hence I have become a raving lunatic…. or clown . I tend to always look on the funny side of life if possible. Unfortunately people never take you serious but I can live with that. Long as I have music in my life I am quite happy..

    Have a great day one and all


    PS Bingo hope Fire fox works for U2

  • Comment number 55.

    my heart goes out to you regarding your insp brother. I am but a lowly pc in norfolk.

    bingo - I too go thro firefox, give it a go


  • Comment number 56.

    By the way, going back to the brad pitt thing - what was the other film where he was dead and played clarinet or something?

    Also, CLP doggie was late going for swim in sea cos of the ice cream thingy the other night! Right laugh.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Why am I bothered - dont like brad pitt over much!
    Must get on with some work - gingembre brought back a few - I wish I had known then - memories!!

    Beesmum xx

    Must just tell - told the old man he looked like a match stick after his pm in the sun Tuesday (red face and white body) didn't take too kindly bearing in mind he's a tallish 15stone and legs like a rugby player! tee hee!! he doesn't do shorts - don't know why - got cracking legs!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Debbie - good job you are not working isn't it? who would look after Mr Helpful's(not) mater otherwise?

    Beesmum xx

    I reeeealy must get some work done!!

    CLP 'spose you could get to my bolt hole in a helicopter but on 1 in 7 hill so may have a bit of difficulty landing?

  • Comment number 59.

    and there's lambs in the field too - might scare them!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Gingembre - Thanks i'll give it a try!!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    PS Further ter me little share tip yesterdee... remember all I think th stockmarket is going ter make lower lows...

  • Comment number 62.

    And were nowhere near outta the woods yet financially. I think it will get worse beforw it gets better....

  • Comment number 63.

    But just of late the stockmarket 'as made a very powerful move upwards....

  • Comment number 64.

    A little suprising considering the poor economic outlook!

  • Comment number 65.

    When yer in a 'Bear Market' even the good companies still suffer with falling share prices....

  • Comment number 66.

    Thus making it very difficult ter pick winning investments!

  • Comment number 67.

    Some of my favourite companies 'ave themselves suffered from falling share prices....

  • Comment number 68.

    Depsite the fact they are still performing strongly.

  • Comment number 69.

    Usually in a 'Bear Market' it's best ter lock yer money away.....

  • Comment number 70.

    In a building society account until the economy starts ter pick up again... then..

  • Comment number 71.

    Yer can really watch yer investments grow on the stockmarket!

  • Comment number 72.

    Thre share I tipped the other day does look like one of the few that might buck the trend at present.

  • Comment number 73.

    Ooh, it's all a bit over my head Bingo love!

    AF x

  • Comment number 74.

    Another that looks good is Telecom Plus - am not init but...

  • Comment number 75.

    I've read very good things about it!

  • Comment number 76.

    Am outta ere - sorry ter bore anyone but a few who dabble might find it interesting!

  • Comment number 77.

    Alright Flower - It used ter be over my 'ead - took me over 10 years of losing money ter finally master the markets!

  • Comment number 78.

    And even now I still make mistakes - I've lost abit recently!!!

  • Comment number 79.

    When we're young we think our parents never saw things we did. How wrong we are though, they saw it our way and moved on I think.
    Anyway - yeh, that classification madness - see this:

    Things are fine today, the buzzing stopped for a while.

  • Comment number 80.

    how to solve the classification "issue" in one swoop...

    get rid of class c altogether and grade everything either a or b.

    if they insist on having c, then make it for legal drugs only.

  • Comment number 81.

    Greeting and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada...only five days until my excursion back to Blighty...


    There's nothing remotely lowly and everything honourable about being a PC.

    You chaps and lasses do a fine job and we all owe you a gargantuan debt of gratitude, as we do firefighters, doctors, nurses, teachers and all those with a true vocation to help others.


  • Comment number 82.

    Dr T: you are absolutely spot on!

    C xx

  • Comment number 83.

    I don't worry about worms, I worry about how I am going to pay the Council Tax, the Electric Bill and the Gas Bill.
    I know which one I would rather be doing but as a rule worms don't generally wake me up at 3 in the morning.
    Having said that though, the happiest you can be is if you live in your own world, don't watch the news or read the newspapers, watch dvd's you like and don't bother with the telly.
    Love to you all.

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi Chris
    I caught the end of your piece on the man with the hiccups last night looking for ideas - only got the end so don't know if this was covered already but he could try emotional freedom techniques(EFT), honestly not a wind up, has shown a lot of success with a wide range of symptoms - get him to check out www.emofree.com

  • Comment number 85.

    Dr T and Chrissie

    Thank you very much for your kind words.

    I'm in a bit of a mood this afternoon, no actually I've got the hump bigtime...

    ...I've just found out that Mr Blair, whilst being PM, claimed back his tv licence fee on expenses????
    What's that all about?

    But here's the hilarity, John Prescott claimed nearly ÂŁ8k on food expenses (and now according to him he threw most of it up later???)
    What's that all about?

    Grrr, hmph and very many swear words


  • Comment number 86.

    Gingembre - I join you in the very many swear words. grrrr

    Don't suppose you are in one of those premises which "come with the job" I presume they are all gone now? Ex with no brain and I had one - they were all the same over the county so we used to swop carpets!!! Very young and very foolish but some great parties, specially at mine when landlord supplied us with barrels and a cooler - it was That summer!!

    Listening to J Vine over the hols about your neck of the woods - hope you are not too near the encroaching sea water?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 87.

    and several big bags of ice cubes - discovered the dye came out of a swopped carpet - all had red bottoms and various other parts, including best friends little ones nappy when she came down to join in the fun!

    BM x

  • Comment number 88.

    Those were the days - or not?

  • Comment number 89.

    That’s what my Nan always said to me. I lost her just a couple of days before her 96th birthday earlier this year. Being “cheery” was an upbeat philosophy, getting on with day to day living, never giving up, and always looking on the bright side of things. Missing the people we lose is hard.
    My own “big thinking time” was forced on me. My Nan said more than once that she thought all the time lost and all the pain and suffering I had to go through were to put me where I was meant to be, doing what I do, helping others - pretty much like yourself in a way, giving something of yourself to keep people’s spirits up and trying so hard to encourage everyone to keep cheerful. I hear it a lot in your radio shows.
    A bad skiing accident in 1991 and me developing M.E. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome left me unable to walk, disabled, and pretty much confined to bed and staring at a ceiling for 5 years, my first wife leaving me, and generally feeling my life was over, at times being as far beyond hope as anyone can be. Maybe for some of us lost souls this big thinking time is necessary to enable us to get us back to being true to ourselves and make us the people we were always meant to be?
    In the end, I decided I couldn’t possibly be the only one on their own and looked at what I could still do, which basically at the time, as ill and as weak as I was, was just to drink, eat, and talk. A small ad in the local paper asking for people looking for friends to get in touch resulted in hundreds of people coming forwards. Devon Social Group was followed by Cornwall Social Group, Somerset Social Group, and Bristol Social Group, as more and more people wanted to join.
    My health while I have been on this rollercoaster I set in motion has gradually improved, I can walk again, I’ve travelled the world, and I have even managed to ski again for half an hour. I met my second wife Cathy, and we married in a helicopter in the middle of a Social Group holiday to Las Vegas in 2002, and we now run The Social Group together. A lot of long hours of hard work and dedication have reached out and helped thousands of people to find friends and enjoy a better life. Some have even married and started families, which is quite a thought.
    Life isn’t easy, and the one thing we can be certain of, is us not having all the answers. All through history, it’s clear that every single society had got it wrong in some way, so it’s pretty certain that much of what we believe today is wide of the mark. All we can do is what my Nan always encouraged, to live our lives to the full, make things good for those around us, be nice to each other, and try to have fun.
    To the end of her days, my Nan was always amused by the memory of making me laugh so much on a weekend in Blackpool that I had needed to leave the room to stop my tummy hurting. And isn’t that just how life should be?
    The world has too many people fighting over too few resources, while the politicians tax us too much and let us all down. But what are you going to do about it? Be a whingeing killjoy and let it all get to you? Or just get on with the time you have, make the best of things, and try to enjoy everything as much as you can?
    What was it that Woody Allen said? “Life is short and then you die.”
    Life is what you make it, my Nan always said. I've spent the last decade trying to make it a good one for as many people as possible - keep up the good work Chris! It's good to have you back with us and on the radio doing what you do!


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