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Chris Evans | 14:59 UK time, Wednesday, 21 May 2008

First shake can well...

...and now in order to obtain rapid and optimal effect, you should spray the excrement from a distance of 3-5 cm with slowly cirlcling motions evenly for several seconds.

Gentle pressure should be applied to the spray button to ensure an even spray...

Whitish discoloration indicates that the surface of the poop is treated. The hardened doo doo can then simply be picked up and disposed of.

These are the instructions of a product that has saved our lives, or at least our carpets, over the last week or two.

No nasty niffs, works in seconds...your one stop shop for cleaning up plop. Hilarious.

Alright so after five days of merriment it was back to the gym today. Owwwwwwwwwwwwww! It really hurt and what with the big game tonight I fear the scales may soon, once again, be turning in the wrong direction.

Moved the house yesterday, moved the cars today, the eggloo arrived this morning, (a new house for us - a new house for the chickens) and the caravan arrives tomorrow.

Photos will follow. I promise.





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  • Comment number 1.

    COME ON GUINNESS - Shiny Black Ferrari, 250 GT California Spyder; spot lighted in dreamy setting with the words, “Keep a Cool Head with Guinness Extra Coldâ€

    But then I thought of the associations with drink and driving, oh cock!

    martin james

  • Comment number 2.

    I've Been Wii Fitting for 20 Days now.

    I've lost 8lbs in weight (11 since I started 5 weeks Ago). And I can do most of the aerobic exercises on the Wii without collapsing in a shuddering heap any more.

    I'm getting up at 6.30 in the morning, before everyone else, to get my exercise time in. I think I'm fit enough to Start Davina now.

    Also - Am walking the whole marina, every day at lunchtime. Extra 2000 Steps a day, maintains weight - every 15 steps over that, uses 1 calorie.... it really really works.

    Throw the cars away. Walk!


  • Comment number 3.

    Congratulations and celebrations, I want the world to know you're happy as can be . .

    Cause we're moving on up, moving on up. . .

    Our house, in the middle of a street, our house, in the middle of a . . .

    Cause he lives in a house, a very big house in the country . .

    DtM . .

  • Comment number 4.

    Crumbs DWNB I'm exhausted reading that!!
    CLP can't wait for the photos!!
    DtM - very clever!!

    Beesmum xx

    Bingo try the Sarah Shurety books (think thats how you spell it)

  • Comment number 5.

    Might be Surety??

    BM xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Thats got to be the ARF hasn't it Dan - Moving on up Moving on up by - oh here we go again - can't remember M people person - engage brain - no - no good!!

    Beesmum xx

    Got it - Heather something?

  • Comment number 7.

    I like the idea of walking, but they frown on marching along on motorways!

    TL xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Oh Yeah, ARF.

    No NO no - Is Only WEdnesday HUmpDay.

    Tomorrow for requests.

    Don't confuse me.

    But yeah, lets go for M People, Heather, with the Big Hair.


  • Comment number 9.

    That's now officially driving me MAD! PLEASE someone remember her name .........

    TL xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Heather Small I think

  • Comment number 11.

    DWNB01 WII fit - congrats - that's something I've been considering getting but as I don't have a WII I would have to fork out for that as well ..... lottery/Ernie could I have some more money please.

    Freeze dry stuff sounds really really good does it work on fur balls????

  • Comment number 12.

    Christoff if yous don't SHRUP about the freezin' of the poo when I've me fork hoverin' over me shepherds' pie or about to get me laughin' gear round me choc-ice I'll come round there and give yous such a slap.

    Mind you it puts me in mind of a marvellous poo story as recounted by my old War Hero Granddad.

    During his time as a taxi-driver in Wigan round about the time of the last Unpleasantness, a drunk left shall we say a deposit on his back seat.

    About to dispose of the offending article and in high dudgeon, granddad delightedly spotted a young policeman. So he covered said poo with his cap, summoned him over and declared that he had captured a budgie.

    Approaching gingerly, said bobby slowly, carefully, lifted the cap ever so slightly and
    GRABBED the budgie.

    Granddad said the night in the cells and the subsequent batterin' by grandma was well worth it.



  • Comment number 13.

    Heather SMALL - Yessssssssssssssss!

    Somerset Phoenix you're a star ... now I can sleep tonight, I'll be able to drive tomorrow, I won't lose my job .......


    TL xx

  • Comment number 14.

    I`ve got a good Poo, Plop, Poop story/joke thingy, but I think Chris has heard it before!

    martin james

  • Comment number 15.

    Well I haven't so please tell Mr Martin.

    Clodagh - they're coming to take me away - laughing out loud at my computer again!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Ta Phoenix - Small - thats the lassie!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Travel lass I do that a lot - Forget - it will drive you bonkers!! until one the smarty pants here puts me right as usual!! Poor old soul.

  • Comment number 17.

    that should be one of the smarty pants

    BM xx

  • Comment number 18.

    You lot are completely bonkers.....

    But bonkers is good.

  • Comment number 19.

    Laughter I hear is good for the soul

  • Comment number 20.

    I'm bonkers too, so that's okay.

  • Comment number 21.

    B-smum are you on fb ????

  • Comment number 22.

    Good luck with the caravan - does Tash know that this is now home as you've had to sell the new house to pay for the car!!! Still maybe there's a few bob to be earned running a caravan site!

    DWNB - Sounds far too healthy all that exercise .... mind you being fit enough to start Davina does have a certain appeal!


  • Comment number 23.

    You're welcome travel lass

  • Comment number 24.

    Guten Haben one and all

    I think I have seen that frozen stuff in Icelands.

    Man U 2 Chelsea 1

    Good evening.

  • Comment number 25.

    Phoenix - not on fb but have promised several folks here I will have a crack when I go to bolt hole in Wales this week-end. - have trouble with Indiana Jones walls coming in upon me with firewalls etc on this computer - work and all that I spose!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Will check in next week and see how you are getting on - the TFI tshirt group is an excellent starting point to locate other like minds.

    the watershed for me is approaching and I must be back in my soundproof cell for the night.

    Seriously off to a folk concert tonight.

    Music is also good for the soul

  • Comment number 27.


    Ave just 'eard Wrightie play me favourite tune.......

  • Comment number 28.

    That's in the charts at present.... Royworld with Dust!!!!!!

    Totally brilliant tune!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Aye man do I love that new Niel Diamond tune too!!!! Totally Amazing Grace... it's is totally amazing!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Radioing out Bingo?

    Great tune yes.

  • Comment number 31.

    Martin - hiya!!

    Howz it hanging dude?

    Good ta have ya back.

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Coco dude - Yep that's 'ow tunes should be made.... flamboyant, charismatic and.... WROCKIN!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Ave Spelt Neil wrong!

  • Comment number 34.

    Got VERY BIG GP news - i'll bang it on later!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    Phoenix my niece is on fb - dare say she has a few things to say about me - how do you search by name - group or what? If I give you her name can you just have a butchus?

    Martin poop story please - you must be an oldie on the blog from the comments but ever since I saw your name that expression "Heeeellllo Maaartin" has been going round my brain. You know the Richard Briars show with wotsername from Calender girls ( the one whose hubby was cheating on her) as his wife. Here I go again - Now what was the name of that show!! tee hee!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon each

    Martin: nice to see you back. Hope you are well.

    Phoenix: I was at a folk concert last night in Birnam (up the A9) - Fiddle Rendezvous with Mary Anne Kennedy on the clarsach. Great but I was dozing off even with all the fiddles. I'm sooooo tired, didn't get to bed till 1am and up at 6 this morning. Early night for me I think. Enjoy your concert.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 37.

    BS... I think it was Ever Decreasing Circles (Penelope Wilton). Wow! Didn't know I could drag such things from my brain at such short notice!!

    GS x

  • Comment number 38.

    B-sMum, can`t tell the Poo, Plop, Poop accident/joke/story thingy B4 water shed!

    You`ll have to wait, can`t even hint!

    Cheryl, good 2B back. It`s all changed a little, the blog seems to have lost some familiar names and gained a few new ones?

    I like Chris`s new wheels, but Ferrari 275 GTB/4 NART Spyder gets my vote for best ever car.

    Haddock, mash and a poched egg this evening. Yum, yum.

    Can`t honestly say I`ve been off the UKnowWhat, but I have tried to limit it.

    Think I`ve got myself a holiday booked, a retreat at a Budist place in the country.

    martin james

  • Comment number 39.

    Well done GS - Martin was the bloke next door wasn't he?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hey Martin, how have you been? Good to see you back posting, have you been lurking?

    I have had a lovely afternoon in the garden today. MiL grows Marigolds, Bizzy Lizzies, and Geraniums from seed and I have been busy planting and weeding etc.

    DWNB congrats on the weight loss, my mum uses one of the Wii thingies with my sister. So they really do work then?

    Off to sit and admire my hard work for a bit.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Beesmum, if you join facebook you will be hooked honestly. Or is it just me! Ha ha x

  • Comment number 42.

    Debbie - will give it a crack this week-end but have an idea my work will pile up even more than it is now!! Naughty!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Humpday greetings........ no poop stories -well not of the animal kind.

    Alright flower - really sorry... - I think you'll find "it hits you" after the funeral. Will put 'Mum' and you on me prayer list.

    Cathmel - not on FB can't get access from work and don't often switch on at home as the time runs away in the evening.

    HighlandLassSusan- what lovely news - love to Charis and your bump.

    Martin - nice to see you back in contact. Hope you're well.

    Now off to do the ironing I was supposed to do last night..... I am convinced I was abducted by aliens as I was also going to bake blueberry muffins and have some steamed asparagus for me tea. None of which happened and I have no idea what I did instead. I was only drinking tea - honest!
    PS Come on you Reds......

  • Comment number 44.

    Oops, yep you are probably right Beesmum!

    I've had a sit in the garden and suspect I am turning into a bit of a bird watcher. I noticed Goldfinches, Sparrows, Collared Doves and a Robin all visiting today. So relaxing watching them, must do it more often.

    Ahh Wilsmar, blueberry muffins how lovely. I bought some cherry carte d'or ice cream today and got stuck into it whilst putting the shopping away. How terrible is that?!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 45.

    Hello again all

    D'you know, you lot are all just lovely aren't you... Thanks to everyone for your lovely messages of support, am now trying to concentrate less on what I think I "should" be feeling.

    Heavy day tomorrow - uncle and wife flying in from US, going to visit them and other uncle and wife. Spoke to UK based folks last night, they're devastated. Then on to funeral directors and hotel to arrange the whatchamacallit after the funeral. Whooo...

    Anyway, enough of that. CLP, can I just ask, does it really say "doo doo" in the instructions??

    AF x

    ps Beesmum and Debbie, do you live out in the country cos it just sounds lovely, sitting out watching the wildlife. Am an urbanite meself... Mum and dad's place is out in the country, sat out on Sunday night for a while just listening to the birds and sundry other animals. Damn peacocks are loud though!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    Hey AF, glad that you are still posting. I hope that you have a restful night tonight so that your day tomorrow is a little more bearable for you. This is a lovely place to come, I hope that you don't 'bugger off' as you said, the people here are blooming brilliant. I love 'em!

    I live near Epping Forest in Essex, quite a bit of farmland around here too. I'm just close enough to a train station to be 25 minutes from London, not a bad place to live at all.

    The birds have been busy picking the moss from my lawn too today. I have enjoyed slowing down and taking things in today. Job for tomorrow, sort out the pesky greenfly on my favourite rose bush.

    Love to all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening each

    Debbie: I read somewhere in a gardening book that if you plant garlic under/around roses, then you won't get greenfly/bugs/etc. Give it a try.

    AF: Words can't help right now, but be assured that everyone on here and FB are thinking about you - they're a lovely bunch.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Well I have garlic bulbs, plenty of them in fact. MiL loves garlic so I stocked up. At least I know she doesn't sleep hanging upside down in the wardrobe I suppose. Did wonder for a while.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 49.

    Debbie: Stop it!!

    Who was doing the ironing earlier? I've got some and can't be a***d doing it, but if I don't I'll have nothing to wear tomorrow. I need to be decent because we're being INSPECTED by the Care Commission. Bums.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 50.

    PS: Bs-Mum: Fragrance2u website. Lovely perfume, cheap. Just had to have another internet shop the other night. All your fault.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Have changed to a shiney new persona to see if I will actually blog more than one line at a time...................................

  • Comment number 52.





  • Comment number 53.

    Lavender is the plant to put by roses to keep the aphids at bay ..... I have some lovely pink plants coming somewhere in the post from a wellknown bulb company. Enjoying CFS as well as others.

    The folk concert was brilliant PJ Wright and Dave Pegg (Jethro Tull and Fairport Convention band member) wow these guys although getting on a bit really were fab to listen to and made us laugh with some of their stories.

    Beesmum - speak to your niece and she will explain how to sign up and start hunting for groups and friends - I personally don't use my outlook address book as I inherently don't trust anything on the internet to interact with my email mailbox.

    Must go and get some sleep


  • Comment number 54.

    Debbie - goto my ex-in-laws website - greengardener - they're ace, and all garden friendly etc etc

    well Rosie, the mighty Spurs are the most successful London team this season....who'd have thought it eh?

    well done ManU, won't bang on about it on here but thought some of Chgelsea's antics were v poor, all about the karma I think?????

    alright_flower - have a good day today, the thoughts of a blog community are with you x x

    regarding the fb petition to get me a TFI Tshirt...I'm humbled and thank you all - Chris doesn't go on fb but let's hope he gets the hint form on here eh? You're all stars x x

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 55.

    Off to the physio this morning, big day ahead today...

    ...doing some 'supervised' running, first time in a longtime. The last time I ran my knee snapped from underneath me!!!!!

    Tad nervous


  • Comment number 56.

    Bonjour everyone

    Martin - it is I - Elm (wiggle glasses)

    can't remember what I was going to say now so hi to one and all - the weekend is nearly here :-)

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 57.


    Was going to relay my poo in the pyreanees story but have welched out...

    Thank you to both Tinsel and C-t-D, will get myself along to the garden centres this weekend and see what is on offer. Tis the Allotments Association meeting tonight and I'm scared but going to go along.... all very exciting.

    Martin - welcome back and moderation is good!

    AF - I have no words but lots of love,


  • Comment number 58.

    Gingembre - I actually looked/searched on eB@y last night for a TFI t-shirt. I honestly, hand on heart, would have got it for you and posted it.

    but there weren't any.


    I would have done it tho.

    Well done Man U - only watched the first half and then caught the penalties as The Apprentice was on at the same time.Won't say who got fired in case anyone's taped it, but SHOCKER!!!!


    Laters gang!

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Week off next week - wooooHooo!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Morning all,
    Agree with CtD re: apprentice, that one gone was my tip to win so all bets are off ! So is nx week off due to shock? Love watching the flower show too but it's beginning to make me feel a bit lazy garden-wise- but am hooked so cant stop.

    Good luck today to A Flower, to Clodagh and Gingembre- but can I ask the friendly blog, as a 'new' one, what's the story regarding the TFI Tee? Did you have one originally and what brought about it's demise, OR how far back in Blogs should I go to find out ?

    A poo story would have to be good to compare to Brian Blessed and the climbing everest poo story on 'HaveIGotNews4U' a couple of weeks ago.. belly-ache-funny.


  • Comment number 60.

    CtD, Debbie, Somerset Phoenix, Bright Annie.....so jealous of your gardening skills.

    Our garden was extremely high maintenance when we first moved in six years ago. We are still in the process of converting it to low maintenance, but still with lots of greenery and plants - didn't want to lay patio over EVERYTHING. However, I'm very ashamed to say I rather enjoy the destruction element of gardening to the exclusion of all else (eg, all my family and friends said I'd NEVER be able to get rid of the triffid-like pampas grass, which was taller than myself, but with just a spade and some determination I managed to rip it out of the ground completely a couple of years ago, and it hasn't returned). Anyway, ferocious digging and destruction seems to be my forte, its very satisfying, and now I am left with a lot of bare earth, thinking erm.....what do I do now. Need the nurturing instinct to kick in, I think.
    Do you think if I just sit out there for ages drinking wine, it might kick in?

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all,

    Obviously weren't listening to the Walker this morning CtD, gave the whole lot away re the Apprentice!

    I kept up with the footie score via the ridiculous medium of fb, people updating their statuses. I couldn't keep away from it, it permeated EVERYWHERE.

    Do you realise this blog keeps me more up to date with football that any other medium...! I'm actually having a fairly decent conversation (bluffing my way through with info gleaned from here, mind) with a mad ManU fan...

    Happy days, nearly the weekend :)


  • Comment number 62.

    Choccypud - the bbc homepage has got gardening for kids ;) on it today - if I had my own garden (as opposed to one owned by the landlord) I'd be going for everything on the easy-to-grow section! Aided by a few white wines that might be quite fun :)


  • Comment number 63.

    Dear thechoccypudismine

    I've learnt all my "gardening skills" from Mr Diva. We got the allotments in 2004 and I was a complete novice. You learn lots from the "old boys" on the allotments too.

    Hmmmm ..... if Mr Diva is the professional, does that make him Mellors to my somewhat Diva-ish Lady chatterley!?!?!


    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning each - First thing I thought about was you AF - like I said, keep blogging!

    Debbie I've tried lavender and garlic for my tiny patch of roses but I find a bird feeder is best - blue tits and sparrows all over them picking off the wee bugs!

    AF unfortunately don't live in country - commuter city - but work at bottom of garden so tend to see a fair bit of the old wildlife you would normally miss!! Used to have a field at the back of us but Bovis - other builders are available - decided to plonk a massive estate on it - Oh Joy! Luckily we had planted trees in anticipation! Would love to move but postcode lottery and all that!!

    Ta for the fb tips all. Feel like a stupid old git but I'll have a go with help of niece!! Yikes!

    Anne - just going to do my week-end shop - on internet of course - keep shopping!!!

    Back later - stacks of work - oh joy

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Just read your blog gingembre eeek - gone all goose bumpy!!! good luck with the old essersizes!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 66.

    TFI T SHIRT FOR GINGEMBRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Better go - must book my delivery slot on every little helps. in your trolley -out your trolley -in your trolley -in the car -out the car - not for me ta!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi meandjumpingbean...thanks for the tip.... "gardening for kids" sounds perfect for me! I'll take a look later.

    CtD....my husband is worse than me with gardening. His approach is to disappear out on his bike for hours, mumbling that "I'll think of something" to do with the garden whilst he's out.

  • Comment number 69.

    Just ordered my stamps on internet - shopping now.
    Later x

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 70.

    I'm eating Booja Booja truffles.....

    Must increase exercise regime accordingly.

  • Comment number 71.

    Heeelllooo Maaartin
    Can I have my poo story yet?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Gosh, I'm bored! Roll on Friday but you kow what might keep me entertained? Poo stories from Martin and JenEwan - pleeease! I could do with a chuckle.

    Martin - on a seperate note, good to have you back.

    How amazing was the footy? Ronaldo missing a penalty; Drogba red carded and Terry falling over? Perfect viewing for a neutral.

    Gingembre - COYS!

    Keep smiling,

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 73.

    I did the same CtD, watched 1st half, watched Apprentice - what is wrong with S'rAlan, how can he get it SO wrong????? my fave is now gone too, Then watched the penalties - how nailbiting was that???? Think the rain made it even more dramatic. Poor old John T. Thought Avram Grant was lovely to him.

    Well flat sale is still going through - made a bit of a boo boo though - forgot about stamp duty!! Had to take out an additional mortgage last night. What a div.

    What's the poo freeze stuff called? Would like to have a can of that in reserve ....

    Martin, lovely to see you back mate.

    I must away to the allotment tonight - haven't been there since sunday and we haven't had a spot of rain, everything will be shrivelling up!!

    T xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Well one and all

    What a match great and I don’t even like football!

    AF. Sorry to hear your news. It kind of brings back memories of my lovely Mother. Everyone thinks their Mum is the best I know but mine even died on Good Friday that year so that’s proof. She worked so hard to bring up a family of four as did my Dad. They even stood a market stall every week for extra money to provide the family for what they themselves missed out on. My Mum was in her forties when I was born she already had a daughter 18. What a shock I must have been.
    Anyway we always had lots of laughs in the family which I remember with a smile today. So keep smiling for your Mum AF.

    Hope Gingembres knees pass the road test. And I was wondering if I got a white tee shirt and wrote TFI with a felt tip whether that would do?

    Clodagh Hope your Mum gets on ok too.


  • Comment number 75.

    DeRedHead - mine just ran it's course, I mentioned it on here a while back and it's been like a snowball gathering pace ever since! That's the beauty of this blog.
    I've also been on ebay, as well as other websites looking for my replacement. Kind of on a mission now, when it only started out as a thought. Funny how these things escalate?
    Come on CLP, pleeeeeeeeease x

    Well as Elton once sang - "I'm still standing!"
    I was soooo nervous but was well looked after by my physio. Didn't overdo it and passed the test, now I can 'up' the rehab work in the gym, must keep my feet on the ground though, the tortoise always beat's the hare etc

    I did text the show last night asking for a song for alright_flower, wasn't able to listen after 5.30 tho, hope she got one???

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 76.

    martin, good to see you mate. You were often mentioned/thought of during your brief absence. Hope all is well x

  • Comment number 77.

    Pleased it all went well gingembre. Take it steady now, don't overdo it!! Listened to most of show but didn't hear anything for AF but she knows we are with her A?

    Thats stamps ordered, every little helps done, washing on line, just my butcher to email and I can get some work done. Naughty person!

    Beesmum xx
    When I'm on fb I will take piccies of my jungle of a garden - according to Chelsea flower show green is in though?!!

  • Comment number 78.

    Haven't watched any of CFS this year - does anyone know how Olivia Harrison got on in the medals on Tuesday?

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 79.

    If I recall Cheryl she got a silver gilt. good as not goo many golds this year!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 80.

    too many even?


  • Comment number 81.

    The Laurent Perrier garden was best in show and that was all green (like mine)!!!

    Actually the reason is - we got some woodbark to put round the roses and it had spores/seeds of wild strawberries in it - it is now ALL and I mean all over the flippin garden. Oh Joy!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 82.

    By the way - your earlier blog coco - well said -
    Keep smiling for your Mum AF.

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 83.


  • Comment number 84.

    Ter ALL Of... The Blog....

  • Comment number 85.

    Martin - Good ter see all the wishes of well...

  • Comment number 86.

    On the blog - same ere.......

  • Comment number 87.

    I was just thinking of you the other week. Also wonder were Hazel Love is????

  • Comment number 88.

    We went to Chelsea Flower Show a couple of years ago and the Laurent Perrier garden was just simply stunning, as was the Cancer Research UK garden that year.

    I think it was 2006. We also went the year Diurmid Gavin did his acrylic lollipops - bizarre, but strangely captivating. Also silly busy due to all the media interest.

    Hampton Court Flower Show is nice - I think it's July time.

    Cheryl xxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Aye all gotta new joke popped inter me 'ead... wonder if anyone wants ter 'ear it?????

  • Comment number 90.


    Hazel's fine and dandy. I'm sure she'll be back soon!

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Go on Bingo share a bit of brightness with us.

    My mum's friends' garden has won her 13th Gold this year - grows great herbs... Jekka

    AF hope you are keeping well

    CLP - please dig out something from TFI for Gingembre if you can't supply a tshirt.

    Pretty Please


  • Comment number 92.

    Hi everyone, I've been trying to text the show for weeks now to no avail. So I have overcome my paranoid fears of not being good enough and decided to join the blog instead!
    Love the blog, love the show, love Chris, Jonny, Sally and Foxy. Thanks for all the fun. XX

  • Comment number 93.

    Gingembre- How did the Physio go? Hope it went well

    Thechoccypuddingismine- My gardening consists of putting plants in and hoping for the best. I have been working on the fella's garden the last few weeks and it is my first gardening project. So will let you know how I get on!

    Speaking of the garden taking some photos of the garden this weekend for my blog, but please dont get your hopes up. It is a working progress.

    Who watched Chelsea (flower show) last night. Wow I love flowers! They are just great!

    CTD- I also looked on ebay for a t shirt, but no look, we shall keep looking!

    Now off to see Indiana with the fella and then having a meal out with the clubcard points we have earn't.

    Missy xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Glad ter 'ear Hazel Love is guten!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Okay ere's me joke... don't know if it's funny though - might ave the opposite effect......

  • Comment number 96.

    Damn blog won't work now.....

  • Comment number 97.

    Don't know why the blog does this....

  • Comment number 98.

    Maybe one of the beeb moderators doesn't like me????

  • Comment number 99.

    I just don't know why thses comments get through but not what i'm trying to write..

  • Comment number 100.

    Try me joke again...


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