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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Interesting night last night. All going well until...

...the biggest thunderstorm ever ! And there's us in the middle of a field in what is basically a tin box. I was scared, Natasha was scared, the dogs had their paws over their eyes. I don't know what the risk assessment of an airstream is in the middle of a field during a lightning strike but I think it's probably a good idea we find out before tonight as I see the storm clouds agathering once again.

Having said that, when I arrived home for dinner before Lordy God let loose his weathery wrath, romantic the night before, Tash had now taken things to a different level.

Lit candles flickered in the wind, marking out the boundary of some invisible imaginary wild garden. Fairy lights adorned the canopy, flowers brought to life an already perfectly set table, the barbie all fired up with seabass ready to go. A bottle of rose freshly chilled from the freezer. The distant companionship of Radio 3 comforting in the background. The sun joined in as it set the sky ablaze with an explosion of red wishing us its own goodnight. The crossword, perfectly folded and begging for some attention. And finally to top it all off, in the distance, a lone deer, wondering who we were and what were we doing in her field.

Perfect, simply perfect.

Lucky boy me, why do any of us live in houses in the first place ?






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  • Comment number 1.

    I’m more jealous of Chris and Natasha’s Airstream than I am of his Ferrari. Holidays when I was a nipper where spent caravanning. Chris I hope one day your going to hook that beauty up to a car and take it for a tour.

    I’ve requested an Airstream brochure so`s I can do a bit of dreaming.


  • Comment number 2.

    I am easy about things, no worries, what ever. I have not got any problems with what ever happened/s. Just put and end to it, PLEASE. Then I can get on with life.

    It was all a bit of flim-flam… inconsiquencial nonsense!

    t xx

  • Comment number 3.

    I'm more jealous of the Airstream than the Ferrari, too!

  • Comment number 4.

    CLP, Can't wait for the picture to load up... Your evening sounds absolutely delightful and whenever I go camping I too wonder why I return to houses. You've inspired me to go camping again...

    I'm guessing that you should be fine with your lightening stuff - bit like a car and if the airstream were hit it would go around the outside and down into the earth...

    That's my guess anyway.


    PS FatherofLola - I love your comments. I might not agree but it is vitally important to have many different views expressed (and tolerated) on here. Otherwise we just end up with a fawny-pawny blog which is schmultz to the enth degree and dull as ditchwater. So bring it on, I say and welcome to you and all the other newbies who have appeared recently. Vampire-ish it may be, but we always need new blood.

    pps Welcome back HL and congrats on the new job working out quite so well.

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris you don`t do things by halves do you! Majestic Iconic Airstream, golf buggie in back ground. A serious looking bit of cooking kit! Gorgious wife, who flies helicopters.

    Makes me thing of a song from Chris Rea`s film La Passione.

    Re titled to: Christophe Do You Own A Ferrari.


  • Comment number 6.

    Apparently, the Faraday Principle protects you while you are in a caravan, in the same way that you are protected while you are in a car.

    I have no idea what the Faraday Principle is but it is something to do with a Faraday Cage

    "A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material, or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static electrical fields. Faraday cages are named after physicist Michael Faraday, who built one in 1836.[citation needed]

    An external static electrical field will cause the electrical charges within the conducting material to redistribute themselves so as to cancel the field's effects in the cage's interior. This effect is used, for example, to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and other electrostatic discharges."

    Blah blah blah . Thank you Wikiepedia.

    I think there is no better place to be than in a caravan in a thunderstorm. so close, and yet so protected.

    Buy the dogs some valium.


  • Comment number 7.

    Heeelo Maaartin - must get over this but whenever I see your name!

    I would have been scared to death - used to be terrified of thunderstorms but other half has gradually acclimatised me to them so if they are a way away, I can watch them! Too close and I'm under the dining room table! In a caravan - however posh there would have been a nasty Enzo accident! Other half extremely miffed to be missing all these storms - he loves them!! Yesss weelll!! He's taught the dog to like storms too and the pair sit and watch them - likes fireworks too!! Strange family!

    Sea fog gone now - just chucking it down - just as I did my in basket out basket in basket in car etc at every little helps!

    Hazel - yippee youre back - good luck with the fishes and loaves! Are you a friend on fb yet? I'm afraid it was all a bit of a flurry and I think I am missing a few!!

    Beesmum xx

    Must do some ironing!!

  • Comment number 8.


    But the Faraday principle would only work in an Airstream as it`s made of metal. Most caravans are made of wood and plastic so wouldn`t protect you from lightening.

    Did you know exercise can protect you from depresson? A FACT and that has to be as important!


  • Comment number 9.

    Was on CtD wall to check my message got through and Gingembre you popped up - how does that work? You talking to CtD or me?
    Confused Beesmum xx

    Coco get the heck out of there.

    Tabitha did I miss something? can't find you? Probaly my age!

  • Comment number 10.

    Oh yes and welcome new bloggers - it has been known for folks to get bullied on here!!
    I should be ironing but trying to get piccy on fb with this laptop which has a video confrncing thingy and a rubbish keyboard.
    Its a bit fish eye like and frightened the life out of me! Wont be using that!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 11.

    What are you talking about b-smum? Who gets bullied?


  • Comment number 12.

    to get on facebook!! and now to get piccy on fb!!and I should be ironing!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 13.


    It can be a scary place inside this blog. But not half as scary as it is under my duvet at night. Yeeeeks


  • Comment number 14.

    I am easily influenced though!! if it sounds like fun!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Heeelo Maaaartin - now got goose bumps!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Oooops that 15 should have been answering Maaaaartin and 14 to Janewan

    Freudian slip on the part of the blog!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    B-sMum, shouldn`t you be ironing?



  • Comment number 18.

    Yeeees Maaartin - just tried the camera thingy on this machine and I looked like Dave the dog mascot - off to do ironing - much safer before I get in to any more trouble!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 19.

    Christoof man - I feel sorry for your long suffering wife.... did she know what crayyyyzeeeness she waz getting 'erself into?????

  • Comment number 20.

    Mind you CLP, Tash can't call your marriage boring.......

  • Comment number 21.

    And she iz a capricorn... AND us capricorns are said as the most level 'eaded of all the zodiac signs......

  • Comment number 22.

    So I think CLP boy yuv got yersen a winner there - know what am sayin'!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Ok all ere's me full GP Monaco report.....

  • Comment number 24.

    Whatta damn good race it was. Monaco always does provide an exciting spectacle...

  • Comment number 25.

    As I predicited on the blog the other day!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    my blogs now not getting through, testing testing, one two, one two!

  • Comment number 27.

    Lewis 'amilton was very lucky ter get away with clipping the barrier.....

  • Comment number 28.

    And wooooo do I feel so sorry for Adrian Sutil.....

  • Comment number 29.

    So close to a BRILLIANT 4th until Kimi Raikonein got 'is braking totally wrong....

  • Comment number 30.

    And smacked inter 'is rear end!!!!

  • Comment number 31.

    Dissapointing weekend for Fisichella - gearbox gremilns......

  • Comment number 32.

    Maybe the answer ter F1 is tighten the tracks......

  • Comment number 33.


    Afternoon all!

    Grand Prix Great!

    And... That's not a trailer.... It's a SPACE STATION!!!!!!!!

    Pauly Boy!

  • Comment number 34.

    And make all circuits like the race near Nice.....

  • Comment number 35.

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Am mean why not slow the cars down by adding barriers.....

  • Comment number 36.

    And adding water at various intervals during a race......

  • Comment number 37.

    A tell yer it's the way ter go, way ter go!!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    At least we've got the new Singapore street circuit later in the year......

  • Comment number 39.

    WILL IT...... be another Monaco?

  • Comment number 40.

    Next race in two weeks.... Canada - all about top speed.....

  • Comment number 41.

    I think the Ferraris wil be very strong in Canada!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Lewis will do brilliant ter win but realistically a 2nd or 3rd is what 'e's lookiong for......

  • Comment number 43.

    And Fisi always goes very well at Canada.... maybe a top 8!!!!

  • Comment number 44.

    AND it often rains at the Canadian GP!!!!!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Ok all that's me GP report!!! Soz again about me blog one line problem!!

  • Comment number 46.

    PS CLP - In yer photo above that blue car in the background..... it's not yer new FerrarI is it????

  • Comment number 47.

    Yuv not chopped the roof off, cream leather, lue spray job, aka blinged it up!!!!!

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi all, and welcome to dreamer, you sound like fun!
    Well I think you might find it difficult to leave your lovely trailer in 6 weeks cos the weather will be warmer and you will really feel like you are on holiday!!
    Not sure about those cushions on the bed but each to his own, I thought beesmums comment was hilarious.
    Looking forward to some yoga tonight and I think will be watching desperate housewives with youngest daughter while husband is watching the footie.
    Soon be pay day, It's a shame we have to wait till half term is almost over. Always harder on the purse when they are off school but I think as mine has just left I ought to get her out there working as soon as possible!!!

    Jenn x

  • Comment number 49.

    Evening each

    Tried to comment earlier and I was ignored.

    Hazel: welcome back, you've been missed. Chris: Barbie at the weekend? Are we all invited? I could bring the Scottish crowd.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Man that looks good!! Got the thunderstorms here too, 'bout 1am in our neck of the woods. Rumbling and booming away. Bet it was pretty scary in that tin can.

    Debbie, what's all this about being stooopid??!

    Eee I'm excited. I've finally sent the deposit off for our summer holiday, I don't think me and the hubby have actually had a proper summer holiday yet. And so this'll be our first, and last, by ourselves - I am counting down the days more to that than to the forthcoming addition. I am SO looking forward to waddling around on the beach!

    Hello to the new bloggers out there, dreamer and fatheroflola - are there more?

    And hello to mj - not made your acquaintance yet, pleased to meet you!

    Welcome back Hazel, easy does it now, else we'll be back to shufflings in the undergrowth! Glad the new job is fablious :)

    Off for insulin and food now. Lucky me.



  • Comment number 51.

    Chris what a lovely picture, hope the dinner was ok because looking again it seems that Beth is tucking into something tasty under the BBQ!

    Hope that Enzo is doing well.

    Hello to the new bloggers. And as I have said before, everyone is entitled to their opinion and the more opinions the better.

    Coco, glad you are ok today. Next time the cage door is open, flap a little faster x

    CtD, thanks again hun x

    We were due to go to Mudchute Farm on the DLR but change of plan now. Going to a local farm as I'm off with a mate to see Sound of Music on Friday night. Has anyone been, is it any good?

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh Jeni, I won't bore you here, much too dull!

    I'm cool, just been a bit.....well stupid!

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 53.

    Aww, CLP that does sound like a perfect evening (minus the thunderstorm, obviously), you're a lucky chap to have someone who'll do that for you!! And not call you a wuss when you're scared!

    Oh, lots of comments...

    Bingo, pleeeeease tell us what book you were in, some of us are nerds too!

    gingembre, good luck for tomorrow x

    coco, ooof! I'm afraid I don't know what to say. I just hope that you're able to keep flying.

    super bp, jeni, Chrissie, thanks so much for your lovely thoughts x

    Dreamer and Fatheroflola, welcome. As I've found out since I joined this blog, the people here are sweet, open, friendly, occasionally opinionated(!) but always fantastic!

    CtD, sounds like a day to rival CLP's evening. Magical!

    Right I'm off to do some ironing. Beesmum, I'll get you for this!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 54.

    Sorry AF, I'm trying to catch up on posts!

    I really hope that all goes as well as it can do for you tomorrow.

    I'll be thinking of you.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 55.

    AF well my back/knees are killing me so ironing abandoned - did reduce the pile by couple of feet though! Have another go tomorrow - maybe? Hope tomorroow and Friday go OK - we'll be thinking of you.

    Jeni do you look like a lollipop yet? Hope you enjoy your hols - we don't get them as we work from wherever but phones went off at mid-day today - 'cos we can!!

    Sea fog back and still chucking it down - toes starting to join up - quack.
    Back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Me again. B-sMum: Ahhh remember ironing pile yards high when my kids were teenagers. It used to lean nonchalantly against the wall waiting for me - of course teenagers don't do ironing! I get my own back now listening to my daughter, with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smile. Smug, or what??

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Off to watch Spring Watch and the Ospreys at Rothiemurchus.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 58.

    About 1.00 this morning I had exactly those thoughts.

    I was thinking about you, just a few miles up the road, in your tin-can, while the thunder and lightning was crashing around.

    Sleepless or not, I was glad I was surrounded by bricks and mortar.

    Today was a typical day in the nonsensical, pseudo-political world of plc business. Take half a dozen well paid suits, stick them around a table and see how many times they can talk about the same thing, using slightly different language, for four bloody hours.

    And I had to witness the whole sad affair.

    Welcome back Hazel, you've been missed.

    Oh, and Chris. I hope the pub has now gotten rid of its moat. It can't have been good for business.

    Peace all


  • Comment number 59.

    MFR: Know exactly what you mean. Was at a voluntary sector information day last week and had the usual suspects attending: local councillors and the relevant MSP: Everyone had the right words - BUT they were only words - soundbites - didn't actually mean much.
    Anne x

  • Comment number 60.

    Beesmum - 2 t-shirts and a top hahaha. Of course, that *does* mean I've forgotten to do the washing...

    AF x

    ps MfR I also work for a plc. Sometimes the sheer amount of waffle just amazes me!

  • Comment number 61.

    Cant post whats happening?

  • Comment number 62.

    Think I must have been bingoed!

  • Comment number 63.

    girlracer, try putting the ......... at the end of your blog. I think it worked for MfR, not sure about bingo!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 64.

    One Line at a time methinks

  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.

    Cathmel love to be friends on fb

  • Comment number 67.

    Jeni love to be friends on fb

  • Comment number 68.

    Girlracer52: Get on to CLP bloggers and you can be friends with all of us. Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    cant seem to reply on fb either?

  • Comment number 70.

    already on annie but cant send

  • Comment number 71.

    sign off now, fed up!!

  • Comment number 72.

    saw forgetting sarah marshall at the cinema - rb was brilliant totally brilliant and very very very sexy!

  • Comment number 73.

    Girlracer52: Sign up, have a look at CLP bloggers and we're all there. See you soon.
    Anne x

  • Comment number 74.

    this is not working!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 75.

    oh yes it is - try again
    AF don't know how we manage to make so much washing just the 2 of us but I hoard that as well as ironing!!
    so sorry you and mfr work for big co's --been there-- what a huge waste of time and money most of the time!! and meetings - oh please!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Anne just having a quick blog then will be doing my hoemwork on fb tosee what it does Girl racer reckons she is on clp bloggers?
    Pleased I'm not the only one not over sure about fb


  • Comment number 77.

    cathnel - want to see that and
    satc- and indiana - but have to wait for dvd cos huge as our community is - no piccy house!! and other half wouldn't go anyway - no amount of rescue spraycould get him there!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 78.

    this keyboard isreally annoying me!!
    back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Good evening bloggers, blogettes and lurkers,

    As per usual I stayed up with the night owls and tonight I am determined to go to bed before midnight.

    A big hidedi to new bloggers - I have a tendancy to appear either at lunchtime whilst at work or in the evening when I get peace and quiet to read all the blogs and answer back.

    Beesmum - weren't you doing the ironing ??? What thunder and lightning must have missed my part of Dorset.

    Mind you got a letter from network rail today (28th) letting me know that they will be replacing the track starting 27th!!! a bit late notice and it will all happen during the night - oh joy!

    Hiya girl racer - find CLP Bloggers and go to the names and click add friend you can then add a personal note and send and once the friend agrees you get them - Oh yes if you get instant messages - please answer them as this is a newish part of FB and allows us to chat one to one.

    Phoenix out

    Hey coco - leave that trill alone and stop playing with the mirror ball you know what it does to your balance. seriously I hope you are ok

  • Comment number 80.

    Chirpy Chirpy Cheap Cheap one and all

    Just had to say Phoenix I have a indeed a revolving mirror ball in my cage and I like dancing on my perch.
    But who knows where this bird will end up next.


  • Comment number 81.

    coco - I have tried to post in bird metaphores but I just can't do it!

    Came out of a totally controlling relationship 6 six years ago. Don't want to give details here but it is possible to have life after being caged (I managed one) and the bottom line is that no-one should ever make you feel that way and you are in control of your life......................

    Love me x

  • Comment number 82.

    Thank you to all for your lovely welcomes!!! Feel very wanted! Esp SuperChrissie, SparklyTT, Jeni, Gingembre, AF and Jenn! Hope I haven't missed anyone who was gave esp nice welcome! Not nervous anymore.

    Didn't realise FoL was new too!!! We are obviously new CLP bloggers with opinions!!!

    And Coco you indeed inspire. So thank you for getting me to join in. I have been in a relationship with more ups and downs than....can't think of a good metaphor! But we are both still here and working hard to stay together. As ANC said we must all control our own lives. Noone else is going to do it for us....and since we're only here for a very very short time may as well be happy!!!

    CLP - your caravan looks amazing. We had just decided (well I guess I decided!) we would go camping for our hols this summer as getting new addition to our family this weekend - black lab pup!!!! So off to investigate camping gear and buy puppy gear today!! Outdoor life is def way to go. As long as have supercool coolbox for the refreshments! The folks used to have static caravan until last year and it was fantastic for taking you away from shopping, tv, pc's(!), and of course any worries re work, family, relationships.....life just seemed to be easier when you were there. Even if just for one night. So we can't afford the caravan option and think the tent will be a blast......but ask me again after we have done it!!! Planning a 'trial' weekend in 4-5weeks time.

    Debbie - Sound Of Music was abs fantastic! Saw it with Connie last year and I cried......

    Off to tent investigate and puppy purchases await.....so excited!


  • Comment number 83.

    good moaning

    ironing - well life is too short! i would love an ironing lady but not quite well off enough to merit it but then i would get my bedding and everything ironed! As it stands I just do work clothes and good tops, everyhting else is left for the creases to fall out. Mr bp would wear anything no matter how bad it looks so I do his shirts etc too but only whart really needs it.

    I did used to be an ironing person for someone (5.5 an hour I seem to remember - a fortune when i was 16) so I can do it, just really cannot be bothered.
    Would also love a cleaning lady to hoover, do the bathroom, wash floors etc but not just yet - something to espire too.

    coco - we are all here if you need us - don't be afraid to fly and you can talk to us here if you need to.

    af and clodough - big love coming your way

    all - please say happy thoughts - its my engagement party this sat after 5 and half years of waiting to be asked (wedding next year) and I would really like some dry weather in the south downs region - thats all ;-)

    sign off for now - my large multi national firm actually expect me to work while I am here

    super bp x

  • Comment number 84.

    Chris -

    Love the Airstream - what an idyllic way to live for a few weeks (don't think I would want to live in one for ever though). Lovely to see Beth in the picture and Enzo in the previous blog - hope his recovery is going well.

    Hope the weather changes so your BBQ food doesn't get to soggy! In fact how about a hopeful "Here Comes the Sun" by George Harrison for ARF!


  • Comment number 85.

    CLP - aww! Loving the image of Enzo and Beth covering their peepers with their paws - so cute!

    AF - good luck today. Hope the funeral goes as well as they ever can.

    DeRedHead - you read my mind on the ARF request but I've got something else up my sleeve so keep that one for yourself x

    CtD - what a lovely day! I've been eyeing up some Romeo and Juliet tickets for later this year in Stratford. Mr P's never seen Shakespeare 'live' before so I think a trip is in order.

    Super BP - sending sunny rays and blue skies to you for the weekend. Have fun! x

    SATC? Not all it was cracked up to be, to be honest (too much hype) but well worth a watch if you're die-hard.

    Thirsty Thursday already!

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 86.

    The Deepest Greetings Ter ALL Of Mr C. Evans....'s British ±«Óãtv Blog,

    Bingo Star ere........

  • Comment number 87.

    Did you 'ear the jokes yesterdee on CLP's show?????

    Err they are all.....

  • Comment number 88.

    Someone contacted the show with......

  • Comment number 89.


  • Comment number 90.

    Soz blog won't work...... (but it will with dis message)....

  • Comment number 91.

    Told yer......

  • Comment number 92.

    Try again with the joke.... I live on a boat but.....

  • Comment number 93.

    It 'as it's ups......

  • Comment number 94.

    Good morning Christoff honey!

    I am loving the photos in the blog - your bloggers and blogettes do appreciate it! I am not showing hubby your ‘tin box’ though - he’ll be installing one in the back garden and moving us out there while he fills the flat with lodgers!

    How lovely to come home to a BBQ set out so beautifully by your better half though! I can’t remember - sniff, sniff - the last time - sniff, sniff - my other half did anything so romantic! You are one lucky man, Christoff, but you already knew that and count your blessings, don’t you?!

    Weather has taken a turn up here in the Highlands too, though we are not as wet and stormy as down South! Hope your fairy lights stayed put!!! I’m guessing pooch didn’t spot the deer? I was forever losing my greyhound in Culloden forest, as he went on an adventure chasing a hind or stag or rabbit! And if I didn’t lose him there, it was to the No 3 bus that went round the area!


    Susan S

  • Comment number 95.

    And downs!

  • Comment number 96.

    Got there eventually all!!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Next joke... All this boat talk is ok but don't.......

  • Comment number 98.

    Go..... overboard!!!!! Nnnnyyyyaaaa!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Ok so there are the listeners jokes... ere's a nautical Bingo Star joke.......

  • Comment number 100.

    There was a boy stranded in the water but it was ok as.......


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