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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Last night, after the show of just one c.d. I had a meeting with my...

...accountant. I find it's the perfect way of coming down after the heady heights of another national radio drivetime emission. Jees if that doesn't ground you nothing will.

So I'm late going home to the extent of it's gonna be way past dinner time. How about a cheeky Monday night chinese, I thought. I called the mrs., she gives the whole idea a huge thumbs up. So, I know where I'm going, it's about half an hour away from where I am at the time. I start to concoct an order, nothing too indulgent but pretty serious none the less.

I couldn't wait to get there, I put the pedal to the metal and about half nine there I was parked outside, engine humming, tummy rumbling. The Lotus Leaf however was CLOSED !


So here comes the crime, the cheeky monday night chinese quickly turned into a monumentally naughty Monday night curry, which we didn't start eating until ten to eleven.

Today though I may even have topped that as, pushed for time as usual, I ended up eating my lunchtime cornish pasty in the sauna whilst at the gym ! It's the only pasty I've ever had that's got warmer the longer I took to eat it.

Yes, I feel slothful, yes I feel sloppy. I am not proud of myself, in fact I feel the need for a cheer me up choccie biccie.

Biccie tin here I come.




P.S. Maybe this all comfort eating due to puppy attention envy. By the way mother and baby doing fine. Chris and Enzo sat in the corner together seriously sulking.


  1. At 03:23 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:

    diet being going for two and a half weeks - no crisps, chocs or anything remotely fun!

    only another six months to go!

    great posting yesterday about dogs but 502 errored - oh well

    Happy Tuesday one and all

    Elm x

  2. At 03:37 PM on 22 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Gosh Christophe...an pasty in the sauna? Didn't it go all limp and floppy...or am I thinking of something else?

    Anyhoo, grate minds etc me and the Badger had a chinese takeaway last eve...also very late...and he had to get up at 1am with (ahem) tummy ache...

    now I fancy a curry

    More Sounds of the Seventies please. Not enough Alice Cooper played on Radio2!

  3. At 03:49 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Ha! Dear oh dear :) I've been there, outside the takeaway, stomach growling, staring incredulous at the "closed" sign... Not had a cheeky chinese for a while actually, I think there may just be one on the cards, so to speak...

    One day I'll have my own house again, instead of renting... then I'll start adding canines and felines to the family :)

  4. At 04:11 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    OOh how naughty not the curry doubt. the pasty in a sauna soggy pastry & crumbs in the coals.
    but needs must.The 1 CD Music feast last night was Fab I found myself singing away to songs that I haven,t heard in years.Enjoy the choccie bekkie. I am stuck in eating my way through a box of M&S ones left from xmas nursing a injured tendon ...not good when I have the London Marathon to run.Carb building whilst feeling sorry for myself Now wheres that kettle....enjoy your week

  5. At 04:19 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Have you turned to the Scotch eggs yet?
    They are the only way forward, and available in most shops and petrol stations.

  6. At 04:20 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    My God, my old CLP,

    It'll soon be my Big old CLP if you continue on that downhill slope - me I've turned over a new leaf for 07 - fresh fruit, brown bread & soup as a daily routine & alcohol only on sat nite. . .the way forward (until the next holiday ..)

    I have to say I NEVER go near takeaways -despite living near the "Golden Mile" in Belfast City Centre (Golden, as in the number of pound coins spent by the younger generation on beers & takeaways), I can hold my head up high and proclaim that if I'm caught in such an eaterie, even once every six months, then thats too much for me. O how pious . . hmmm . . as Bruce Hornsby once said - "thats just the way it is , somethings'll never change, ah bu don't you believe it . ."

    All together now .:
    "Fresh fruit & Veg, Fresh fruit & Veg, . . "


  7. At 04:22 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:


    Well I've had porridge, ryvita with cooked turkey and emmental cheese, a yoghurt..... and a little fudge chocolate.

    And this morning I got up at 6.30 am and bounced round the living room with Davina.

    O MG I can hardly stand now?!


  8. At 04:59 PM on 22 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Chris & Every Blog Op,

    Bingo Star ere.

    EmM - I can answer yer question but I need ter know your sign.
    I seem ter remember yer either Sag or Cap or on the cusp..... tell us just yer date..... but not year.
    Seem ter remember yer around 20th Dec?

    Then i'll write for you a standard compatibility list, BUT remember sometimes if one of yer no-no signs 'as alot of another sign in their moon/ rising that yer do get on with then yer might get on ok or if they were well brought up!!!!!!!
    (Yer know with patience & love).

    Okay All - Ere's me Bingo chat up line -

    First yer add abit extra ter yer IQ.... then yer say, (well I do yer a woman anyway):

    Hi yarrrrrr...... errrrr did you know tha when i'm around beautiful women my IQ of 140 drops ter around 70 - they turn my brain ter mush......

    And looking at you, right now me IQ is about 50!!!!!!!!

    Still i'm single.... don't know why?

    A tell yer, when ever I phone Sally Boazman's travel 'otline I 'ave the same problem.... me IQ often drops ter 50ish - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Prof Plum - Great link on yer last blog - Love The Red Arrows.

    'as anyone been ter the RAF Fairford Air Show?

    Am tellin' yer, yer should go ter that even if yer 'ate planes - great family day out.
    They normally 'ave the Red Arrows there parked. Yer can meet the pilots, then watch them taxi, take off & do their display before landing again!!!!
    Plus there's similar displays/ take offs all weekend!!!!!!!


  9. At 04:59 PM on 22 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    I always think that january is a really bad time for eating healthy food as the body has been bombarded with all that festive stuff and it takes time to get back to eating healthy again so think spring (end of february) to start a new regime, it takes time to get the mind and body back in sync! dont feel guilty Chris soon be back on the right track.
    God I love Amy Macdonald just heard her on the radio and am so looking forward to seeing her live again she is so talented and such a little swettie, like me about 5ft nothing but such a big voice!!!
    Off to do some yoga tonight to make up for all that chocolate that is still hanging around the house should just throw it away but hate to waste it, roll on february Love Jenn xx

  10. At 04:59 PM on 22 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Slow down CLP, be like the French, I understand any meal to them is far more than a Cornish pastie quickie in the Sauna, the French apparently always take loads of time over a meal, time for talk, time for drink, time for digestion. All this I imagine, for not having seen the French eat I rely on TV and Radio for verification. Plus if your busy, like really busy a quick lunch is all you can have. I remember days of a Mars/Marathon bar on the go was the quota.

    Lotus leaf closed! My Chinese closes when they all have a trip to Hong Kong.

    I fancy having a dog, but that`s apparently not allowed. Ok I can have a hamster - but not quite the same really!

    m xxx

  11. At 05:02 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Jean Bryan wrote:

    Pan Yan Pickle Keep up the good work I seach supermarket shelves whereever I get to - I have no luck so far Jean

  12. At 05:28 PM on 22 Jan 2008, gingembre wrote:

    clodagh, loved your post and I fully agree with it all except the bit about the police only chasing 'easy revenue'

    Can I just say that this is just not true, and I have examples to prove it. Firstly it's all about the CPS and getting it through them, and secondly when you do get them to court the outcome can be soooo demoralising.

    All crime has to be investigated regardless of age, creed, colour, seriousness.

    been to a funeral today, never nice, bloomin' cold too.

    Fingers (everything actually) for a Spurs win tonight

    Bonnet de douche


  13. At 06:00 PM on 22 Jan 2008, mrs m wrote:

    Adrian you have a diet like mine then! Thats we had for tea when we got in late last night and I didn't feel like cooking.

    Cuppa tea with savoury eggs at nearly midnight yummmmmmmm!

  14. At 06:07 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Bingo - I'm a Sagittarian xx

  15. At 06:19 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Evening to all, well I was going to have a pasty for me tea.............. am now trying to decide between tea n' toast or eggy bread with maple syrup - both extremely healthy options!! Bingo - haven't attended the Air show at Fairford but for the past few years manage to be driving past the A419 turn off on the first day of the show, on my way to our July family do. Hopefully will make it one year.
    Martin James - hope you're well....... is that reference to animals straight after the line about takeaways a good idea. I was going to make a cheeky reference to menu's. but chickened out.
    Will go now before I upset anyone else.

  16. At 06:21 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Liz wrote:

    Urgh, bet the sauna stunk after you'd been in there with a cornish pastie - or do you own it!Clodagh - I reckon you're wasted on the blog, you should get yourself on the radio. Crack me up

    Liz x

  17. At 06:41 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Well the Dior bag has been put on that auction site. It had to be done. It was the 1st designer bag I ever bought many years ago but I always see loads of people with copies so its time it went.

    Was in the tranquil Waitrose today and saw Trisha Goddard herself. At least she didn't try to cut the cue infront of me this time! hehe!

  18. At 07:19 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Chris, Beth looks gorgeous. Look forward to seeing some more pictures of her!

    My eating habits are terrible at the moment. My favourite thing seems to be a crisp sandwich in front of the ten o'clock news (channel optional). It has to be really fresh, white bread and preferably cheese'n'onion flavour crisps.

    I did buy an exercise DVD a few weeks back but it is still stashed away in a kitchen drawer! Oops!

    Gingembre, sorry to hear (I mean read) that you were at a funeral today by the way. Hope that it went as well as it could have done x

    Em, hope that you are feeling a little better x

    Missy, just to let you know I phoned the girlfriend on Saturday to clear the air. She called the house that morning after being asked not to. I decided that afternoon to sort things out once and for all, being the grown up. And you know what they say, keep your friends close but you enemies closer! And don't worry about the 'fella' with you looking out for him he will be just fine x

    Everyone one else, lots of love
    Debbie xx

    PS Martin James, nice to see you posting again mate, hope you are ok x

  19. At 07:52 PM on 22 Jan 2008, MfR wrote:

    Oh Chris

    A pasty in the sauna? What next? Pizza in the steam room?, hot dogs in the jacuzzi?

    I hope you cleared up afterwards.

    Been a bit of a traumatic time lately. Not for here, but sometimes blogs have to take a back seat.

    Once again, for many reasons, the crossroads beckon. I feel many changes are imminent, some good, some not so good, but all inevitable. You know when you are carrying around those butterflies in your tummy all the time?, when sleep becomes impossible and those life or death decisions at work about whether some spreadsheet or another needs changing really don't matter one jot and you just want to shove them up their a***s?

    That's where I am. Right now.

    Wish me luck gang, I'm going in....

    Much peace and love


    PS Norman Greenbaum

    PPS In the material world

    PPPS Invisible airwaves crackle with life

  20. At 08:24 AM on 23 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    MfR, I have to say, I'm right there with you...does 'this' really matter etc...the same colleague who took the snipe at me yesterday morning decided it would be clever to accuse me of throwing away two sheets he'd printed, rather than do anything with them in case they made me late leaving the office. This, I can most definitely do without...petty is not my style!

    Anyhoo, re tea. My power steering belt went last eve (sure there is some technical name for it, but whatever it's called it went anyway) most fortuitously in @sda car park where I had tootled after a hard day's work and similar, in order to furnish the badger and myself with a few provisions.

    So, whilst I awaited the arrival of the R@C (other motoring organisations available) I munched on a bit of @sda's hot chicken and a cheese topped bap. By the time he arrived, diagnosed the problem and got me home, the rest of the chicken was cold, which was nice...and I have nothing but praise for the man, who was delightful and also completely mad, so we got on like the proverbial house...

    Finish at 5, home by 7, usually 5.15ish in case you were wondering. So, I heard none of the show either, although I do remember Pan Yan Pickle...mmmmmmmmm...

    and today is Badger's Birthday

    wilsmar, you can see the headline in the good ol' Snu now...martin james ate my hamster!!!

  21. At 09:25 AM on 23 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Ahhh crisp sandwiches..... I'm not entirely sure why I stopped buying crisps. They're certainly better for me than all the chocolate I'm trying not to eat at the moment. Yep Debbie, I agree cheese'n'onion is THE best flavour for sandwiches. The husband never understood them though...

    Went to the gym yesterday and breezed through a session that I really ought to have found difficult, but I'm paying for it today. Made my first ever batch of marmalade last night and could really do with being able to eat some of it because I've also come down with a cold but it's not set yet - so post-exercise aches and poorly-aches combined are making me a bit of a miserable bunny today.

    Hmm. The husband justifiably laughed at me last night. I made the marmalade with 5 pints of water... and only bought 6 1/2 pint jam jars... I do suspect if I'd actually thought at all when buying them, I would've realised that 5 pints plus fruit are never going to fit into 3 pints' worth of jars...

    Never been to Fairford, but went to Shoreham airshow last year and it was awesome! Hadn't been to one since childhood. Tragically one of the planes crashed and killed the pilot... not going to stop me going again next year though.

    HL I feel for you with the sniping. When I left my last job I vowed never to work in an office again because I couldn't stand the bickering and sniping. Hopefully I won't ever have to work in an office again...

    Got to go - off for a physio session now to see if we can get my shoulders to work properly :)


    PS Happy birthday to the Badger :)

    PPS Good luck with the yoga Jenn!

    PPPS MfR, as CLP said - if you want it enough, there's always a chance :)

  22. At 10:00 AM on 23 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning!

    Got up very late this morning, but managed to get myself to work on time - excellent!

    Problem is, I fell asleep on the sofa last night and didn't wake up until 01:45!!! Then of course, when I did get into bed, I fell into such a deep sleep that I slept through the alarm!

    Not such a bright day today - in fact it's very dismal here, but it hasn't dampened my mood! Of course spirits have been lifted, as it's pay day today - yippee!!!

    Lots to do, so I'd best get on with it, I'll drop by later. Have a great day all!

    S xx.

  23. At 10:49 AM on 23 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Morning Billy Bunter.

    Yes I'd say it's definitely puppy envy bless you. Listen stop frettin'. There's room in the missus' heart for all of yous, I wish I'd ever found a chap who's half the male equivalent of what you have there in the lovely Tash. Well, maybe I did but I was frettin' too much about my own body issues to spot 'im. There's a thought for you.

    Anyway now. As I speak, my mum Renee has had some wierd concoction on the stove since 6am (I only got back home at 3) designed to tempt me to eat it but alas, a this point it's makin' me want to take her gently by the neck and throttle her.

    Hence the eating disorder with which I have battled since my teens. I'm fine these days, by the way, normal weight and healthy, but it's always lurking and waiting to hijack me whenever I'm stressed.

    What I will never say to anybody who's fretting over their weight is Don't Be Silly. It's so powerful, this urge to comfort eat when stressed or insecure. So what I'm saying to you, Lambie Pie, is that yous is gorgeous and a genius and most importantly, loved and cherished by those who mean the world to you. All is well.

    And the same to all of yous out there. Especially those of yous at the Fat Clubs (Cheryl). All power to you; but you're all fabulous and beautiful. Remember that and you won't go wrong.

    Right I'm off before this corned beef curry with dumplings goes out the window along with my 84 year-old Nemesis.


  24. At 11:22 AM on 23 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    First Magnums in bed and now pasties in the sauna? Oh Chris, you are so decadent. Love it!

    Debbie - thanks for the advice x

    Hazel - what are baisers?

    Bingo - sorry, I am very guillable (I'm a Pisces though so that explains it).

    Gingembre - good enough result last night? I swear I nearly had a heart attack at the final whistle. See you at Wembley x

    Rosie x

  25. At 11:29 AM on 23 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Happy Hump Day bloggers and schloggers, and Happy Birthday Mr Badger.

    Gosh - many of us on here are having turbulent times, aren't we?!

    MFR - you know the blogmunity can be therapeutic so if you want to type out your thoughts, we'll all here to listen and NOT judge. I've said it before, I really don't know where I'd be some days without all my friends on here. Even if we've never met ...

    Why oh why does finding a job take so long? I'm raring to go, ready, willing and able. I've applied for about 18 or so jobs and am still waiting to hear as to whether I've been short-listed. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

    Today is the start of the job sections in the many local papers in the area. There's a lovely one I wouldn't mind and I've sent off for a job pack, so once again .... we wait. Hopefully not in vain (vein?)

    The good thing about being at home is having the time and energy to cook lovely meals every night. I even did some baking yesterday so Mr Diva has gone off to work today loaded down with spiced cranberry muffins. Yum!!

    CLP - pasties in the sauna?? How'd you manage to get it past the sauna police? Did you offer them a nibble to turn a blind eye?

    Also doing my early morning swimming - I got back up to half a mile yesterday - my pre-flu distance! It's nice having time to enjoy a sauna and jacuzzi in the morning, but I'd still rather be at work. Honest.

    missy - good luck with the sale. it must have been hard to part with it.

    LOL! My cat has just made a real meal of getting in through the catflap. You think she'd know by now - after all, she's only been using the flap for ten years. Best just put it down to her age - feline dementia perhaps??

    Will check back later, you lovely people!

    Take care.

    CtD xxxxx

    PS: we're busy doing nothing .....

  26. At 11:36 AM on 23 Jan 2008, A Viewer wrote:

    CLP, I did`t want your wrong to go to court, but if that`s what you want.


  27. At 12:14 PM on 23 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I don't know were ter start. So much ter write about, so much ter say, so much going on.
    Do I start with astro readings, with world recession, with Nostradamus finds, with jokes, with 'umour, with .... music, with a reply ter CLP's food incident, or Em M's astro clash reading???????????

    I'm totally stressed, overwhelmed!!!!!!!!!

    Tell yer what a quick swig of lucozade as first aid, abitta valiumn & I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay Em M...... your first ere :

    Looking deep inter The Bingo Crystal Ball Of..... The Zodiac.. i'm getting your birthdee as the 20th of Dec or the 21st....... VERY close the the cusp which makes you a complicated case of..... The Zodiac!

    If your a typical Saggitarius the two signs that you will, NOOOT, typically get on with are Taurus & Cancer. I see cancer as the one you might as most problems with ere.
    Your three signs were things maybe turbulent (with or without baked beans consumed) are Pisces, Virgo & your opposite sign of Gemini.
    Usually all signs can either clash or get on with their opposite sign - there's no definate either way BUT and it's a damn big BUT, as yer near Capricorn, with yer birthdee date, you may ave influences ter complicate the case in question.
    Capricorns opposite is Cancer... and one of your two no-no signs are Cancer so I see this sign particularly as a clasher with yersen.... Em... M.
    Also... yes there's more, Gemini is one of Capricorn's two no-no's, 'ence Gemini stands out two as a sign yer might clash badly with too - know what am sayin'!!!!

    'ope this 'elps Em M!!!!!!!!!!

    Yer see blog friends... told yer I waz gonna talk about other people than meself!!!!

    Talkin' of which while the Bingo Ball is glowing i'll do me Gemini astro reading on the later blog - The Exciting World Nostradamus Recession & The Economic Downfall of America blog comments can wait!


  28. At 12:34 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:


    All those on facebook please check the group page as we have an annoucement to make (of sorts, we need some decisions)

    If you are not on facebook and would like to join, please ask gingembre for details (sorry mate, you are much better at explining it all then me)

    Elm x

  29. At 12:38 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Have to say can't think of anything worse than a pastie in a sauna!!!

    Crisp sarnie though - now you're talking :-))

    MfR - hope you're ok.

    Hazel, are you baking the Badger a cake?

    I cooked Jamie's shoulder of lamb on Sunday. It was delish, but my tummy's not been the same since!!!

  30. At 01:42 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Awww ... I did a huge post earlier and it ain't appeared.

    Bah Humbug!

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Happy Hump Day

  31. At 02:13 PM on 23 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello again,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Rosie Roo - DON'T put yersen down!!!!!!!
    Pisces are one of the best signs of the zodiac, caring, kind....... compasionate AND passionate.

    And anyway my mind is so confused I can't, meself, remember if I did or did not audition for The X - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    No! Nor do I Rosie!

    Rebecca Fox - I 'eard CLP saying yuv goot a problem with the liquid, same ere.
    Do you want ter attend the next 'AA' meeting that I go ter regular??????
    I 'ear at the next one we learn ter change a wheel!!!


  32. At 02:14 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    HL - happy birthday to badger. Good luck with the sniper - just shoot him/her down in flames by taking the higher moral ground and always keep records of your conversations. If you need proof just ask them to put their complaint in writing so you can investigate and take further action.

    What is A Viewer on about?

    Bingo you're priceless along with Cheryl and Clodagh I always look forward to reading your posts.

    Elm I'm loggin on as I type.


  33. At 02:17 PM on 23 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Just to say that I am a tad concerned about Bingo's glowing ball...but then I may have got the wrong end of the stick...

    anyhoo, RosieRoo, baisers are kisses in French (not to be confused with french kisses, other types of kiss available) and I was trying to be topical...hope you're doing ok...

    Tinsel, no, our lovely friend is. I have something altogether more delishus for him to get his teeth into, but, obviously that's not for here...

    CtD, it's there! Just a-waitin' for ya! You KNOW it! 18 though eh. Having been there a couple of years ago it's blimmin soul destroying sometimes! You and Jeni could set up a yummy jam and marmarlard business...just an idea...bless you lovely girl!

    Thank you for all your lovely Badger wishes. He doesn't really know what to do with them, but it's lovely that you all care!

    elm, don't got facebook, can I help though?

  34. At 02:23 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    Elm - I'm on Facebook - what's the Group called?

    Bingo - don't get me started on world recession... The whole world will talk itself into recession if we're not careful - drives me nuts. The Indian and Hong Kong markets have grown at an incredible rate over the last 12 months - it;s the nature of these things that what goes up (at such a rate), must come down.

    Also, the US markets have been falling for ages - why do you think the $/£ exchange rate has been so good (for us)? It's true what they say about the US sneezing and Europe catching a cold - unfortunately for us, the euro is slightly more protected then sterling, as we have such a close alliance with the US markets...

    Hold tight people - it will improve... I sold some shares last November at £6.70 - the same shares are now only selling at £4.23! It will get better - just be grateful you're not retiring today!

    Rosie, I'm Pisces too and know just what you mean (she types, while removing rose tinted glasses to clean them...).

    Work has been a good laugh today - all sorts of subject covered - make up, perfume, dancing and 'fun' drawers!!!

    Counting down to later - very excited!!!

    S xx.

  35. At 03:13 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Do you ever feel one and all

    That something strange is happening in your life. Not to say it always seems that way to me anyway.

    Changing the subject I am admiting murder. Yes... that of one Guinea Pig. I must add it was a mercy killing, performed by adding a paracetomel to it's drinking tube. Ok so I am a murderer but I could not afford to take it to Switzerland where such act's of mercy are allowed.

    Does this make me a bad person?


  36. At 03:25 PM on 23 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    HL - I think the time to worry about ole Bingo is when the wrong end of his stick starts a-glowin!!

    Bingo - can the stars predict a dream job for a 39 year old Leo?? Please ........

    Out of boredom, I have "invested" in a certain hand-held ames console designed to train my brain. It arrived this morning and I am absolutely HOOKED! It's already on re-charge.


    Liver and bacon for tea tonight, but tempted by crisp sarnies!

    CtD xxxxx

  37. At 03:48 PM on 23 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Gingembre. Indeed, and that's exactly what I meant when I said your hands are tied. It must be so frustrating for you guys on the coal face, and I wouldn't swap places with you for anything. But my point remains, I'm not convinced.

    I've friends in the police, both local bobbies and one long-standing family friend in particular who shall be nameless but was right at the top of his game in the Flying Squad, I wish I could spill the beans but I'd be flayed alive, hahahaha; and I've also had some experience of policemen behaving with both crass insensitivity and like power-crazed arrogant bullies. So I do have a little insight into the problems and I'm not unsympathetic.

    Any road up I just thought I'd report back that as a stroke of luck, the gardener has arrived and is currently scoffing Renee's curry creation, making ill-advised noises like, "Mmm, delicious."

    I've been making the old scissor motion with the hand across the throat at him behind Renee's back but he hasn't taken the hint. Poor lad. There'll be plenty more where that came from, bless 'im.

    Meanwhile, a very happy birthday to Mister Badger. You and your lovely missus get that cake down yer necks and have a blast. It'll be my turn next. Hurrah.

    And Liz. Ah tanks babe. But I'd be crap on radio. I'm better behind the parapet, leave the good stuff to the likes of our Lambie Pie and the Togmeister.


  38. At 01:52 AM on 24 Jan 2008, Stephen Appleby wrote:

    hi chris, great show lol in my taxi in the evenings listening in!

    got a tip for new year resolutions next year - start them off WELL before the new year! i joined gym, started eating healthy in september and still keeping to a healthy routine!

    All the best Stephen from Chester

  39. At 04:46 PM on 01 Apr 2008, trevor whittle wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    have you got us out of the pickle of Pan Yan deprivation yet?

    I would greet your success with relish

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