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Chris Evans | 15:07 UK time, Wednesday, 16 January 2008

WELL WHATEVER IT IS ONE WANTS REALLY. My newest chase started yesterday in....

... New York.

We all dream about this that and of course the other. There are many things I have had in this mad life of ours that at one time I thought would always be way beyond my reach. It's because of this I have learnt that if you want it enough there's always a chance. In fact how about taking that philosophy one stage further, the more ludicrous the idea of it is, the more reason to see if it can be achieved.

There's something, this one thing that I have in the last twenty four hours been told is highly likely to be almost impossible to secure, that I have my sights on.

How am I going to get it, I don't know.

When Walt Disney was told by his younger brother Roy that their company was twelve million dollars in debt in the late forties, Walt laughed saying he couldn't believe anyone had leant them that much in the first place and that he thought money was a passing phase anyway, a fad that people would grow out of ! I love it.

Just for the record Disney then went to ABC televison to get them out of trouble. A few years later having become liquid again, Disney bought ABC televsion which they still own to this date. Or at least they did the last time I looked.

I'll let you know how this search goes, I'm told France is the next link in the chain.





  1. At 03:38 PM on 16 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    ...as in Chase Manhattan?

    Christophe, you are SOOOO cosmopolitan!

    There is something in a book wot I red, that said that if you change the variables, then the chances of a million to one chance happening drop to about 460,032 to 1. Or similar. So, all your philsophising and hypothesising has every chance of becoming real.

    France eh?

    that'll be mange deux

  2. At 03:55 PM on 16 Jan 2008, em27 wrote:


    I hope life does go that anything is possible when you want it enough! I have always been an optimist but i do find that money does attract money!

    I have just sent a parcel to the states for my pregnant friend and it will cost over £80. The content is just my boys old things and a couple of new things! Had to put it on my credit card again! How daft!

    Anyway half way through the week and by the weekend i have got my little chap safetly to his 4th birthday! And i dont think I have done two bad a job, so far he is smart has friends doesnt know any swear words and says please and thankyou!

    love em27x

  3. At 03:56 PM on 16 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    new york, france,is it the statue of liberty,???? or global domination??? whatever you persue may it bring you hapiness.

  4. At 03:57 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Sounds intriguing, can't wait to hear what IT is. Got little one at home with high temperature and four others to look after, roll on 6.30 and thank god for horrid henry!

    Got to go, take care everyone,

    Em xx

  5. At 04:12 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Mr Evans, you make me dizzy! Or perhaps it's just because I had a late night!

    Go for it, whatever it is. I agree, if you want it bad enough it's worth the effort. But what is 'it'? A new home, new company? Let us know how the search goes but what are you searching for?

    Just found out that the 16 year olds last lesson today was sex education. I find this very funny bearing in mind that I have been worried that his girlfriend had taught him too much already!

    On a serious note I am glad that the school are drumming into our kids exactly what they need to know.

    Debbie xx

  6. At 04:17 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hmm.. , New York, Paris, you're not after a life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty for Radio2 HQ - the gateway to Drivetime Listeners:

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Come join the Drivetime core, the happy-go-lucky, the beautiful, the gay, be part of our all-request Friday . .!!!

    Har-de-har . .

    DtM xx

  7. At 04:24 PM on 16 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:


    Whatever it is, you have got to go for it! You are in the happy position of being fairly well known, so there must be one or two people out there, in the know, who can help. Good luck and please, for once, let us know the outcome!

    I went to New York in 1983. My sister lived in the US at the time and she frightened the life out of me and my husband with the thought that we might be butchered on any street corner, so I was terrified. However, I told myself, "I'll be back soon". Still haven't managed it, but that is my dream, my pursuit and I'm gonna do it some day!

    C xx

  8. At 04:53 PM on 16 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Now, Mr Evans, today’s blog! Does it relate in any way, shape or form to nocturnal thoughts or dreams you have been having lately? Has the love of Ducks you like to call Donald influenced you in any way, and do Yankee beans or French Petits pois play a romantic part?

    m xxx

  9. At 04:54 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Looking forward to hearing what happens next! I like that thought, that the more ridiculous the idea, the more reason to see if it can be achieved.

    I didn't think I'd ever get married but here I am 7 years later; one of my dreams has always been to be a mother and hopefully.... well, hopefully. One of these days I'll go for my other dreams, I wonder when I'll next be feeling up for taking a risk and going after one of them?

    Em27, well done for getting him to his 4th with all those things too

    Em M, hope your little one is better soon, and here I show my ignorance but - who is horrid henry?

    Chrissie, New York, New York - hope you get your dream :-)

    Hazel love, I wonder what variables I could change :) that's quite a drop! Every chance of becoming real - I'm going to hang on to that one :)


  10. At 05:02 PM on 16 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    If you really want it badly enough i think you will get it, so don't give up too soon, looking forward to finding out what it is!! love Jenn x

  11. At 05:03 PM on 16 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Now, Mr Evans, today’s blog! Does it relate in any way, shape or form to nocturnal thoughts or dreams you have been having lately? Has the love of Ducks you like to call Donald influenced you in any way, and do Yankee beans or French Petits pois play a romantic part?

    m xxx

  12. At 05:27 PM on 16 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Liz , the best way to make porridge is on the gas hob in a saucepan,one cup of porridge to one and a half cups or water and stir and leave for about 5 mins just stir again when you walk past the cooker or have a free moment when it looks ready it will be, serve with a little milk and syrup, delicious!! Jenn

  13. At 05:47 PM on 16 Jan 2008, wrote:

    So Debbie!
    Did you enjoy The Spices!! I read your post yesterday about saying it was predictable which I thought it was to but still a great show. Know exactly what you mean about Posh, maybe is was a good thing not to be over confident. But when I was there every time she went to sing the Crowd just went mad so she must be doing something write.
    Can't wait for the DVD to come out.

    Hope you are all well, I'm trying to find some 100% cashmere wool as I would like to knit some baby hats and more importantly sell them!! I figured if I start now will have a collection for Autumn.
    Love to you all, missy xx

  14. At 06:12 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Statue of liberty on one side of the gateway....

    Eiffel tower on the other......? What an impessive


    Roll on nine o'clock....Torchwood's back...

    dood bell off...phone off... bottle o red..


    X R


  15. At 06:15 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Mary wrote:

    intreging young christophe, i`ll wager a few bucks are in it?


  16. At 07:15 PM on 16 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    ...and I was begining to wonder if me mentioning loose women and a certain ex had had an effect on my blogging and with the bp? I had some good blogs yesterday that all got blocked.

    CLP, sorry I mentioned it my friend.

    m xxx

  17. At 08:04 PM on 16 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    ...and I was begining to wonder if me mentioning loose women and a certain ex had had an effect on my blogging and with the bp? I had some good blogs yesterday that all got blocked.

    CLP, sorry I mentioned it my friend.

    m xxx

  18. At 08:08 PM on 16 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Missy, I thought it was brilliant. They looked great and sounded great and were definately singing live, sure I read in a newspaper that there were doubts. There was a real party atmosphere and I'm really glad that I went. I will get the DVD when it appears. I actually thought that the catwalk bit that Posh did was quite good too!

    Suffering for the late night tonight though, I must be getting old!!!

    Hope that you are feeling better now x

    Em, hope that the little'un with the temperature is ok x

    Lots of love
    Debbie xx

  19. At 08:48 PM on 16 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Anything is possible, When You Believe.

    Said Leon.

  20. At 09:43 PM on 16 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    This is what's known as the Law of Attraction! If you really set your mind on something, you can make it happen. You need to send out the right vibes, and not undermine it with negative thoughts that you might not get it.

    Whatever 'it' is... you can get it. That's what I believe, and it really does work!

    Have fun getting there :o)

    K x

  21. At 09:04 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    Hope you are all OK, little one is a lot better today but still off school, the problem with childminding is that I will have to take him out at 3 to pick up the other kids when all he wants to do is lay on the sofa and watch telly.

    Jen - when you become a mum you will find out who Horrid Henry is! He's a horrible little boy who has a brother called Perfect Peter and an arch-enemy called Moody Margaret and he is the hero of all little boys.

    Gingembre - been trying to reply to your earlier message but for some reason it didn't work, hope your little one had a great day and all is OK on the knee front.

    Debbie - think sex education at 16 is a little bit late don't you? I think they first learn about it in Yr 5! I suppose its to make sure they tell all the early starters before they get up to high school. I am so not looking forward to my sons having serious girlfriends......

    Oh wow, Ken Bruce is playing one of my favourite songs ever, Donald Fagen Walk Between the Raindrops - love it especially the key change!

    Off to read a bit more Harry Potter, over halfway through at last.

    Take care one and all, and good luck on your quest Chris,

    Em xx

  22. At 09:13 AM on 17 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Not on a search for the Holy Grail are you Chris?

    Ross Hemsworth

  23. At 09:15 AM on 17 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:



    I was larfin and larfin...and d'you think Jack's ex reckoned he was a bit of an Adam Ant?

    DEFINITELY like the new format...turtley FABULOUS telly!

    Anyhoo, to Thirsty Thursday. As I managed to do a rather pushy red (but thats not for here, and not the aforementioned Red either come to that) all to myself (badgers don't like wine unless it tastes like treacle) before, during and a bit after the aforementioned televisual delight...I'm a bit off it today...me and El Bajo are visiting my Mum this eve for her birthday which was akshully a wee while ago now, but we've all had one poorly or another...and I have to drive...

    So, farther up and farther in...and good to see you back martin...hope all is well...

    prof plum, in the bar, with a radioactive canister

    ps I was SO excited after Torchwood that I couldn't possibly sleep, so for the FIRST time EVER I tried the alphabet thing. I nearly got to Z twice then woke up later...and had to do it again...and don't meremberer to wot letter I got...this is the FIRST TIME I have just drifted off to sleep in blimmin AGES...so thank you Christophe...and I didn't even have to get up in the wee small for a small pea...

  24. At 09:21 AM on 17 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Oh Chris, you ARE an enigma, aren't you? Hmmm...let me think...a restuarant of some kind???

    Rosie x

  25. At 09:40 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello everyone - just had to say - wooooooo hooooo my pursuit of an allotment has come to fruition (excuse pun!) - I got one yesterday!!

    Now I need advice - what basic equipment should I get? Spade, fork, bucket?? Chair, radio, thermos flask???

    This blog made me think of Pursuit of Happyness - anyone seen it? Very sweet film.

    Good days all
    T xxxxxxxxx

  26. At 09:44 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    Tim, just thought I'd let you know I tried the chocolate banana bread recipe you posted on the 8th and it worked so much better than the plain banana bread recipe I already have! Plus the addition of chocolate - well, the husband couldn't get enough of it :) He ran off with most of it to work but I still have a slice left for this morning's coffee...


  27. At 10:18 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    Tim, just thought I'd let you know I tried the chocolate banana bread recipe you posted on the 8th and it worked so much better than the plain banana bread recipe I already have! Plus the addition of chocolate - well, the husband couldn't get enough of it :) He ran off with most of it to work but I still have a slice left for this morning's coffee...


  28. At 10:50 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Guten Tag one and all

    Dreams if only they did come true, but then what would we do? Maybe sometimes it's best they are just an illusion.

    Hazel, not sure what you mean really. If it was my link to Dance Trance, I can explain, when I am mad my music taste changes.

    PS Bingo in the absence of hot gos I can tell you that a famous cricketer who is now dead cheated at Golf.... any ideas who name begins with T.

  29. At 10:56 AM on 17 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    I know I've been absent for some time, but flu seemed to suck the life force from me - I'm back in the office now - that doen't necessarily mean I'm working...

    Now then, why's CLP not on the radio tonight? Is he poorly, is he in NYC?

    You all sound as though things are OK, which I'm very glad about.

    Hazel - Torchwood was indeed fantabulous last night - please tell me this - the clips shown at the end of last nights episode - they're not all happening next week, are they? Surely those were clips from the rest of the series? Wow, felt giddy just looking at them!

    Have had tech probs this morning so have cleaned out the stationery cupboard in deperation at having something to do - that is, I have actually cleaned and tidied it, not emptied it!

    Now though, I am back online, so I should show willing and get something done!


    S xx.

  30. At 11:15 AM on 17 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    No, no, that would be Prof Plum, in the bar, with a glow stick then. It was a not very good cluedo reference to Torchwood...and there is nowt wrong wi' a bit o' hard trance! Have no access to utoob or mispace so can't look at nuffink guv!

    Anyhoo, Tinsel, Cheryl the Diva's yer man for the allotment. But I'm guessing a spade, shovel or similar would be a fairly good first purchase...answers on a parsnip please...

    black hearts indeed

    DWNB, you are getting more and more cryptic. I should watch the additives if I were you...

  31. At 11:49 AM on 17 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Sammie, odd you mention that. I said perSACKly the same thing to the Badger. He is of the general opinion that they were for the forthcoming series...and they wouldn't have shown all that for just one week...it's a bit like the trailers for not very funny films...you see all the funny bits in about 3mins and end up saving yerself six quid...and apparently Jack's ex is Spike from Buffy.

    And is it just me, or is anyone else of the opinion that 'Adele' is dreadful? Her song is SO dreary...and I have to admit that when I hear it start, I turn my radio down...likewise Joss Stone akshully...I'm sure they're both lovely girls, but for crying out loud all that breathy repetitive wailing...........................

    just wundrin

    ps so, who or what is Gray?

  32. At 12:14 PM on 17 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Sammie, odd you mention that. I said perSACKly the same thing to the Badger. He is of the general opinion that they were for the forthcoming series...and they wouldn't have shown all that for just one week...it's a bit like the trailers for not very funny films...you see all the funny bits in about 3mins and end up saving yerself six quid...and apparently Jack's ex is Spike from Buffy.

    And is it just me, or is anyone else of the opinion that 'Adele' is dreadful? Her song is SO dreary...and I have to admit that when I hear it start, I turn my radio down...likewise Joss Stone akshully...I'm sure they're both lovely girls, but for crying out loud all that breathy repetitive wailing...........................

    just wundrin

    ps so, who or what is Gray?

  33. At 12:38 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Oh Hazel............

    It was just fab wasn't it........... & isn't Jack just

    delish as are the rest of them..i know ..I don't care

    that he bats for the other side

    ( but then I think he bats for ALL sides mmmm)

    X R

    or in the hub with a syringe (of DNA)

  34. At 12:41 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Jen wrote:

    I like Leon, he's very sweet :)

  35. At 12:57 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Hazel , Sammie,

    I think its clips from the whole series......

    I'll check on their website..

    X R

  36. At 01:00 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Prof Plum - is it Fiery Fred by any chance?

    Didn't see Torchwood, is it true they are going to show a cleaned-up version for kids? If so when?

    Thought Chris said he was going to a wedding today, but maybe I dreamt it....

    Em xx

  37. At 01:07 PM on 17 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello It Iz iiiiiiiiiiiiii,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Alwight, 'ow's it goin?

    Gingembre - So glad yer not too annoyed with me mix up over your daughters birthdee.
    It was luck that I 'eard CLP do 'er a birthdee greeting - i'd only just got back inter me car after me accupunture, turned on the radio... 2, and 'eard the mention.
    If yer missed it why not do the listen again thingy - It was on about 18.40/ 42ish on Tue.

    Prof Plum - Checked out your Youtube thingy yesterdee - abit rave groove & great photos!!!!!
    Sorry got no hot gos terdee. Although i've 'ead of Bros. Some say they were hot goss's but I can't comment being a bloke - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    Although some of their tunes were ok, maybe abit cheesy, but atleast they weren't affraid of working the keyboard/ geetarr unlike terdays pop performers.

    Although I 'ave ot abit of hot gos ere - I don't know if it's just me but everytime Wrightie plays the new Britney tune I keep getting feedback of a chicken...... looooooose, in 'is studio.
    I've know 'ad ter resort ter sending 'im an e-mail everytime 'e plays it - just letting 'im know about the...... chicken!
    Is it just me or anyone else aving the same chicken feed.....back as me?

    Talkin' of chicken feed am off ter 'ave me lunch!


    PS Grrrrrrr8 ter see Rich Al is back on R2 - 'ope 'e plays 'is long song ter while filling for CLP - Aye Rich.... doing yer long song - Got some Pink Floyd?

  38. At 01:17 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Just been and bought my first purchase HL - it wasnt a spade, it was a stainless steel flask! Well I will need regular hot tea to keep me going!!! Been looking at mulch sheets too - oh the glamour!!!

    Ah, CtD - I couldn't remember who it was... she of the mega veggies! Tips please Cheryl!

    Adele - I agree - dreary dreary, chasing pavements, what's all that about?

    T x

  39. At 02:09 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Jack's the man for me!

    Interestingly, have been having an e-mail exchange with a friend today over dating and the difficulties of meeting people. In her opinion, straight women should have a relationship with two men at the same time;

    1st - for conversation, culture, help around the home, career support - a gay man

    2 - sex - a straight man.

    In this way, all her needs are met. Failing that, she says, find a woman you fancy!

    She's a smug married and not much help! However, I just want Capt. Jack to be my 1 & 2!!!

    Deeeeeep sigh!!

    S xx.

  40. At 02:20 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Hazel, I agree, I can't listen to Joss Stone either. There is only so much 'baby baby baby' wailing I can bear. Don't quite get Amy Winehouse either although I feel that I should!

    Update - Had a bitter row with the eldest last night. He gets 500 free minutes talk time and has used half of this in 5 days. Talking to his lovely g/friend. She has no credit at the moment.

    We can't get another £350 bill so have to monitor his phone every day now. Is there never any end to it!!! I called his g/friend a really horrible word to that I'm not too proud of. I meant it but shouldn't have said it out loud. Deep breaths!

    Tonnes to do better get on with it. There is no such thing as a day off!

    Back later,
    Debbie xx

    PS. So where is CLP tonight then?

  41. At 03:16 PM on 17 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    PS Prof Plum

    The Golfer..... was it Mr T? - Mind you though didn't know 'e played golf & last time I checked 'e was still alive...... as I am..... I think?


  42. At 03:20 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Christine Birch wrote:

    Totally with you on this. Just takes some positive thinking and determination. Hubby and I decided to move to France back in 2001. Sold up here, bought a run down cottage & barn. Had a great time for a few years, moved back over here, bought another house when people said we would be hard pushed to afford it, now the proud owners of houses in two countries. Anybody can do anything if they want to do it bad enough. I want to do the Weston S-M Beach Race (hubby won't let me do the Dakar and for me this is the next best thing!), people keep telling me I'm mad and that I can't, but I don't believe them!

  43. At 03:37 PM on 17 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Lisping ciao bellas as I'm orf to the dentist for a HOOOOGE filling...

    See you all for ARF!

    ...now Tinsel all you need's a foldy-outy chair!

  44. At 04:29 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Steve Judd wrote:

    Must be a little Pea Jar?

  45. At 05:20 PM on 17 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Yes if you set the sites at a reasonable level, you should be able to achieve anything within this range,
    Acheive within the 1st Range, you can then ste yourself up a range, acheive again and so on.

    Having worked for myself for 25 years, I now find more satisfaction in doing Charity walking, not quite on Botham scale.

    The last 10 years I have been raising money, all for LOCAL NORTHAMPTON Charities by organising and taking part in various Mountain walking challenges.
    The sheer joy of satisfaction on EVERYONES Face at the end of all the challenges is a site to behold, especially knowing the pain most of them have endured before completion of the treks.
    I know that I shall never be a millionaire, but eh, satisfaction from my walking exploits far outweighs that.
    Having lost 5 close friends/ family in recent years to Cancer, life is given a different meaning.
    Joy now though, my first Grandchild was born last Saturday, my turn to have excitment on my face.

    Thanks Chris


  46. At 05:29 PM on 17 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Tell me Richard Hammond hasn`t learnt to fly!

  47. At 05:52 PM on 17 Jan 2008, M wrote:

    Just tuned in. Where are you guys? Thirsty Thursday's not the same. Come back soon!
    Miserable M!

  48. At 06:22 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Gaby wrote:

    Chris et al,

    I love that....... 'money was a passing phase anyway, a fad that people would grow out of'....brillliant.

    Good luck with whatever it is Chris...as always, you are an inspiration.

    Many, many apologies for having 'tuned out' of the blog for a while...I have been most definitely tuning into the show and have lurked now and again here, but I have been as good as absent. You guys have been so reliable on here and have been ever-present. It's been lovely to read...thank you.

    Must dash off now but already looking forward to Chris' next missive...and, of course, all your replies.


    ps Gingembre and MfR.....I always think of you both when I see your respective team's news. Gingembre, I spent a cold, wet and frankly sobering night at the Madjeski for the replay against your boys....their support was absolutely brilliant. Ours wasn't so good......so they kept offering to sing a song for us!! lol!!!

  49. At 06:53 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Hathel, hope the dentitht wathn't too painful. I hate it when you thtart dwibbling coth you can't feel your tongue ...

    (I'm almost ashamed to admit it but I already had a foldy-outy chair!!!)

    Debbie - I had the same problem with my daughter!! (Do your son & my daughter were separated at birth???) The solution was to take away the contract phone and get a cheap pay as you go phone. It worked a treat. I put £20 on it a month, which means she gets free texts after 7pm so she can always stay in touch even if she has no credit.

    hope that helps

    T xxx

  50. At 08:25 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Hi Tinsel, do you think that teenagers get horrible to make it easier for us when they finally 'fly from the nest'? Mother Nature sort of kicks in so that when they go it's less painful? Just a theory :-)

    Thanks for the advice. The only thing is that his phone is on a 18 month contract and to get out of it would cost about £300 according to Mr Debbie. My son won't text her at the moment because she has no credit and can't reply. He has free unlimited texts. I knew it was a bad idea getting him a phone on contract. Can I say I told you so yet to Mr Debbie do you think?

    After reading your post I mentioned your suggestion to Mr Debbie and he now has that look that tells me he is thinking. It might be about what is on tv in half an hour mind but he is definately thinking!

    Mr Debbie is 40 on Sunday, having a bit of a get-together at the local Saturday night and lots of balloons to blow up tomorrow. Must remember to get him a cake, Power Rangers or something!

    Hope you are all well
    Lots of love
    Debbie xx

  51. At 08:25 PM on 17 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Phew this work out video is killing me one and all

    Bingo I did post earlier about Mr T, but got blog policed........ However Erm M was spot on. Best say no more nudge nudge wink wink .

    Apart for my story about .................

  52. At 08:31 AM on 18 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello, Ello, Ello, CLP & ALL Who Are Reading This, That's Reading not The Place Reading Although I Suppose Yer Could Be Reading This In Reading,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Ohhhh dear, Ohhhhh dear, oh dear....... me 'air..... me 'air as gone totally wrong!!!!

    Blog friends i've gone & taken yer advice ter instead of the Just For Men Look & gone for the Philip Schoffield looook ter 'ide me grey 'airs.

    So I went ter me local chemist (not the one that i've got a court order on banning me an 'undred yards around it after the chemist assistant chemistry dating agency incident) but another chemist store.
    Anyway ave bought Just For Men & tryed ter go for the Philip Schoffield luck, takin yer advice ave died, sorry dyed all me dark 'airs grey. Only problem, now keep getting asked for me graph - I keep getting mistaken for Rhydian outta The X Factor!!!

    PS Prof Plum & EmM - Never 'ead of Fiery Fred plus MrT didn't play cricket either so as usual I was totally wrong.

    PPS Prof - 'ope the fitness vid iz working but if it's killing yersen errrr...... try abit of lucozade n' bananas just before yer start yer work out!!!!!


  53. At 08:33 AM on 18 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Thag you Thinthel...

    Since last evenings trip to the dentist (he's brilliant and I've told him if he ever moves or retires I'm going to haunt and stalk him til he sees me!) I have a fat right cheek (B-I-G filling top, back) and I have ear-ache and can't feel my nostril!

    Hence, I feel as though my eye is hanging out quite hideously (although the Badger says it doesn't look as though it's bulging but that's not for here) I still reckon I'm a bit eye-y if you know what I mean.

    The drive up there was blimmin' dire too, the road was a nightmare with accidents and single lanes for roadworks...and the RAIN. Blimey. SO glad that the Badger drove me. I think I'd have ended up in a flat spin...and he's so capable...definitely the sort of bloke you need in a storm...and driving you to the dentist!

    I shall mainly be drinking from a straw

    "Reading II: The Gabster Returns!!!"

  54. At 09:06 AM on 18 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Greetings Christoffe from West Cork to New York.

    Ah, New York. I've pursued many an idea in New York. In fact when I have me last Good Idea me ashes are goin' off the top of Trump Tower or the Empire State Building or wherever the daughter chooses to chuck 'em.

    Now then. All this stuff about the nookie and the peas in a jar. Freud would 'ave a field day with you, bless you. In my experience it was more raspberries than peas, and let me tell you I ended up with lots of raspberries.

    Mind you, I have to say thank goodness I did once succumb to the ex-hubby's attempts at foreplay- namely half an hour of beggin' followed by the promise of a new handbag (that was the clincher), some 27 years ago or the Genius daughter would not have thrashed her way into my life and made it all worthwhile.

    Indeed, thank the good Lord yous chaps ARE all obsessed with the nookie, that's why we're all stll here, not squashed in between bits of rock along with the dinosaurs.

    Mind, thank sweet Jaysus for the 'eadache pills.

    Petit pois.


  55. At 09:08 AM on 18 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Greetings Christoffe from West Cork to New York.

    Ah, New York. I've pursued many an idea in New York. In fact when I have me last Good Idea me ashes are goin' off the top of Trump Tower or the Empire State Building or wherever the daughter chooses to chuck 'em.

    Now then. All this stuff about the nookie and the peas in a jar. Freud would 'ave a field day with you, bless you. In my experience it was more raspberries than peas, and let me tell you I ended up with lots of raspberries.

    Mind you, I have to say thank goodness I did once succumb to the ex-hubby's attempts at foreplay- namely half an hour of beggin' followed by the promise of a new handbag (that was the clincher), some 27 years ago or the Genius daughter would not have thrashed her way into my life and made it all worthwhile.

    Indeed, thank the good Lord yous chaps ARE all obsessed with the nookie, that's why we're all stll here, not squashed in between bits of rock along with the dinosaurs.

    Mind, thank sweet Jaysus for the 'eadache pills.

    Petit pois.


  56. At 09:09 AM on 18 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Thag you Thinthel...

    Since last evenings trip to the dentist (he's brilliant and I've told him if he ever moves or retires I'm going to haunt and stalk him til he sees me!) I have a fat right cheek (B-I-G filling top, back) and I have ear-ache and can't feel my nostril!

    Hence, I feel as though my eye is hanging out quite hideously (although the Badger says it doesn't look as though it's bulging but that's not for here) I still reckon I'm a bit eye-y if you know what I mean.

    The drive up there was blimmin' dire too, the road was a nightmare with accidents and single lanes for roadworks...and the RAIN. Blimey. SO glad that the Badger drove me. I think I'd have ended up in a flat spin...and he's so capable...definitely the sort of bloke you need in a storm...and driving you to the dentist!

    I shall mainly be drinking from a straw

    "Reading II: The Gabster Returns!!!"

  57. At 09:53 AM on 18 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Mornin' all.

    So - where was Mr Evans last eve? Any clues? Is he back tonight for ARF??

    Tinsel - congrats on becoming an allotmentee! We've just paid the Parish Council our allotment rent for 2008 - shock horror - it's gone up to £12 a year. LOL!! Bargain - I can spent more than that on fruit in a week in Waitrose .....

    You will indeedy need a foldy-outey-chair and a recepticle for drinking from (and something to drink if your allotments don't have drinkable running water). BUT beware of drinking too much whilst digging as nobody wants to fall prey to the needing a tinkle at the allotments syndrome! A couple at our allotments have actually installed a camping porta-loo thing in their shed - genius!!

    I'd also recommend a good pair of wellies and a healthy supply of gardening gloves to stop those digging blisters. A good fork and spade to get your soil turned over, a hoe in the summer for weeding (saves bending down!!) and a compost bin (you can make your own with pallets and string). Horse poo is also good. As is a wheelbarrow. Horse poo tends to be heavy!

    You'll need to start thinking about your onions and spuds soon. Spuds need to be chitted before planting. Start saving your egg boxes as this chitting of spuds easier. Trust me!

    Good luck - keep us all informed of your allotment successes - I'm sure there will be many! What are you planning on growing? Grow stuff that you can make stuff from as it saves a fortune on presents (jams, chutneys, pickled onions etc)

    I spent yesterday pounding the pavements seeing recruitment agencies and signing up for job searches. I was pleasantly surprised when my typing speed came out at 60wpm! I've got a couple of irons in a couple of fires, so fingers crossed that interviews soon follow.

    Debbie/missy - glad you both enjoyed the Sprices. I know what you mean about the DVD coming out. When I saw Take That in December they were filming, so I'm now becoming obsessive as to when the tour will be in the shops to buy. Please let it be soon. (oh - and Howard, if you're reading this ... I would!!)

    OK - I'm now off to fill in an application form for a nice jobby wobby (no, not as Russell Brand's PA although that would be fab!!)

    Laters amigos

    CtD xxxxxxx

  58. At 10:02 AM on 18 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Mornin' all.

    So - where was Mr Evans last eve? Any clues? Is he back tonight for ARF??

    Tinsel - congrats on becoming an allotmentee! We've just paid the Parish Council our allotment rent for 2008 - shock horror - it's gone up to £12 a year. LOL!! Bargain - I can spent more than that on fruit in a week in Waitrose .....

    You will indeedy need a foldy-outey-chair and a recepticle for drinking from (and something to drink if your allotments don't have drinkable running water). BUT beware of drinking too much whilst digging as nobody wants to fall prey to the needing a tinkle at the allotments syndrome! A couple at our allotments have actually installed a camping porta-loo thing in their shed - genius!!

    I'd also recommend a good pair of wellies and a healthy supply of gardening gloves to stop those digging blisters. A good fork and spade to get your soil turned over, a hoe in the summer for weeding (saves bending down!!) and a compost bin (you can make your own with pallets and string). Horse poo is also good. As is a wheelbarrow. Horse poo tends to be heavy!

    You'll need to start thinking about your onions and spuds soon. Spuds need to be chitted before planting. Start saving your egg boxes as this chitting of spuds easier. Trust me!

    Good luck - keep us all informed of your allotment successes - I'm sure there will be many! What are you planning on growing? Grow stuff that you can make stuff from as it saves a fortune on presents (jams, chutneys, pickled onions etc)

    I spent yesterday pounding the pavements seeing recruitment agencies and signing up for job searches. I was pleasantly surprised when my typing speed came out at 60wpm! I've got a couple of irons in a couple of fires, so fingers crossed that interviews soon follow.

    Debbie/missy - glad you both enjoyed the Sprices. I know what you mean about the DVD coming out. When I saw Take That in December they were filming, so I'm now becoming obsessive as to when the tour will be in the shops to buy. Please let it be soon. (oh - and Howard, if you're reading this ... I would!!)

    OK - I'm now off to fill in an application form for a nice jobby wobby (no, not as Russell Brand's PA although that would be fab!!)

    Laters amigos

    CtD xxxxxxx

  59. At 10:02 AM on 18 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Thag you Thinthel...

    Since last evenings trip to the dentist (he's brilliant and I've told him if he ever moves or retires I'm going to haunt and stalk him til he sees me!) I have a fat right cheek (B-I-G filling top, back) and I have ear-ache and can't feel my nostril!

    Hence, I feel as though my eye is hanging out quite hideously (although the Badger says it doesn't look as though it's bulging but that's not for here) I still reckon I'm a bit eye-y if you know what I mean.

    The drive up there was blimmin' dire too, the road was a nightmare with accidents and single lanes for roadworks...and the RAIN. Blimey. SO glad that the Badger drove me. I think I'd have ended up in a flat spin...and he's so capable...definitely the sort of bloke you need in a storm...and driving you to the dentist!

    I shall mainly be drinking from a straw

    "Reading II: The Gabster Returns!!!"

  60. At 10:13 AM on 18 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Debbie - think I would take away phone and use it myself and get him a cheap PAYG, can't he see that its not fair that you should pay his bills for him? I am dreading the teenage years, I will be coming to you all for advice!

    Prof Plum - can't believe I got it right! You've shattered my illusions though, he was a hero of mine in his TMS days, he told it like it was.

    Em xx

  61. At 10:23 AM on 18 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Chris, can you dedicate ARF to that brave pilot who crashlanded at heathrow t'other day please? (Sorry - don't know his name!)

    A hero if ever there was one!

    Maybe the first song could be Wind Beneath My Wings. Or maybe not.

    Have a good weekend!

    Rosie x

  62. At 10:43 AM on 18 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Oooh one of these days I'll get my name down for an allotment! 'til then I'll be frequenting the greengrocers which has only been open a month on our high street. Gorgeous little shop... Next week's big thing is to make some marmalade. Just finished my last jar so I thought I'd try and make my own, then at least I can control how much sugar goes into it. Any suggestions for reputable marmalade recipes or are they all much of a muchness?

    Finally watched Torchwood last night with a couple of beers, ooh la la that was fun :D the husband didn't see what all the fuss was about but that's ok, means Captain Jack's all mine!

    Today is packing for a trip up to Manchester to sign away our old house, I'm SO hoping the roads aren't as bad your experience Hazel :( that sounds horrible. Bless your badger for driving you - was the drive to your mum's ok after the red?

    Hope Friday's treating you all well so far :)


  63. At 10:59 AM on 18 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Em, that is a good idea. I am going to suggest that to Mr Debbie. Trying to get the eldest to get a part-time job for weekends. Last year he worked at our local clearing tables and helping in the kitchen. They don't need him now so he has no money!
    It all kicked off at home again last night when I found out that he is whining to the g/friend's mother about me again.

    By they time your children are teenagers I'm sure to have all the answers!

    CtD, good luck with the job searching.

    Bingo you really make me giggle, thank you!

    Blimey it's freezing in this office today!!

    Debbie xx

  64. At 11:31 AM on 18 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Good morning all.

    CtD - Chitting my potatoes????? Bit too technical for me my dear - please explain!! Thanks for the other tips tho'! Funny enough I did think about the tinkle problem when I was looking at thermos flasks - so I only bought a half litre one!!

    Tomorrow I shall buy a spade and a fork. We're lucky that we get horse poo delivered, so I may just get a bucket to start with ... ooh, so exciting!!!!

    Mad-Eye Hazel, hope you're feeling more human soon.

    Debbie - I think you're right - Mother Nature makes teenagers become horrid so instead of being upset that they're leaving we can't wait to get rid of them ha ha!! Hope you get the phone situation sorted. As for g/f, if you can, just sit back and ignore. It will eventually go away, hopefully. Sometimes it's good to be an ostrich.

    T xxxxxxx

  65. At 11:44 AM on 18 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Debbie - Story of my damn life..... people 'ave always laughed at me.

    Only joking Deb.... well actually i'm not but that's why i'm tryin' ter become a comedian..... if yer can't beat em join em - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    At least then if people laugh at me then i'll be 'appy aswell as them. Mind you the way my life goes that'll be the only time people won't laugh at me when i'm telling jokes...... I can't take this stress anymore.

    PS Sorry ter 'ear with me ear about the phone problem with your eldest. Just an idea - ever thought over buying them both a long range walkie talkie set - save on the call costs!

    PPS Ere's another joke - don't know if i've banged this before on the blog but ere goes :

    Why did the keyboard player get arreasted?

    'cos 'e got 'is organ out in public!!!!!!


  66. At 11:51 AM on 18 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Don't take his whinging too personally Debbie - it sounds like he's just trying to look big in front of his g/friend. I doubt if he really means the things he's saying. I know I used to do that - I remember whinging pretty badly about my parents in front of my friends, but I loved and love my parents deeply and if I could go back I'd take back all the things I badmouthed about them because they weren't true, and it was just to make me look bigger than I was. I agree with Tinsel - sometimes being an ostrich isn't too bad a thing. Teenage years thankfully don't last for ever...


  67. At 12:05 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Guten Grief one and all whats happened to the blog? More repeats than TV on here today.

    Hazel-Hope your face has unfrozen.
    Bingo-So you are going for the Max Headroom look like Rhydian.... Which reminds me have you seen the new talent lookie likey show on Saturday? Cher to win.

    Em M Honestly he did it in a good cause for Charity. What a great guy Freddie Truman.

    Have a great weekend all.

  68. At 12:28 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    Well - I have had good news today - there's a piece of work I wanted to take over. I know it much better than even our techy guys, it will involve attending Industry level meetings, will raise my profile and will ensure that this year I get a decent rating (for once!!!). OK, OK trying not to count chickens, but I've been told I am 99.9% certainly going to get it - yippee!!!!

    On another note, a certain nice chap that I used to date, who I have been out with recently and helped me out when I was in a dire muddle with trains the other week, has finally sent me my Xmas card. Inside it was a gift voucher for La Senza (other underwear retailers are available), with a message telling me to spoil myself! Now, I am seeing this guy tonight. is he trying to subtley tell me something, or should I just continue in the platonic manner and see what happens? Aaaagh - problem is, I'm not sure I want to move into 'that' space with him again!

    Finally, Debbie and Tinsel - OMG - I know just what you mean! My 'Madam' was 16 in December, at which point she gleefully told me that she could move out at any time. My retort? "Yes and I can throw you out any time." I've had the phone issue - £300 - it's not funny at all.

    Today, she didn't turn up to school and she has an exam this afternoon. She's not replying to any texts or calls.

    Sometimes, I really don't like her, but I will always love her - as grudgingly as I may admit.

    HL - Hope you're OK. My mum had a tooth out this week - very traumatic - her face is black and blue!

    See you later,

    S xx.

  69. At 01:32 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Relax Tinsel - it will all come naturally, trust me!

    One of the first things we did was to invest in a couple of good books on allotmenting and how to grow fruit and veg. We would have been lost without them!

    Chitting is laying your seed potatoes (baby-spudlets) out (we do it in our greenhouse in the garden) and waiting for them to grow little shoots before you plant them. We lay ours in egg trays to stop them rockin' and rollin' all over the greenhouse bench. Spuds are great to grow as it means never having to lug a heavy bag of potatoes back from town ever again. Ever! Bliss!

    Oh - and they taste better!

    And don't get me started on parsnips ......

    Hazel - are you back to normal yet dear? Dental treatment - you're very brave. I need tranquilisers for a check-up!!

    I feel really tired today - must've been that early morning swim I had.

    Now, where's I put that kettle ....

    CtD xxxx

  70. At 02:02 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Good ARF to everyone - although I liked Richard Alinson last night I missed the CLP banter - I hope alls okay as there wasn't a blog yesterday either.

    I am sans broadband at home yet again - can anyone recommend a decent supplier to change to - must have phone as well. Basically I'm not getting emails, or internet sites but the router and the company say I'm connected. (sigh)

    Enough rant over - I have family visitors down for the weekend and have been out food shopping which for me is an adventure as I know what I like.

    Hazel I hope you are feeling better after your trip to the dentist.

    Gingembre - how are things going with the knee?

    Tinsel - I have a three pringed hoe thingy which you twist so you get a work out as well and it is great. My garden is large enough to plan veggies but with just me to feed I put stones on part of it and have the swing seat and chairs on it instead.

    I do enjoy watching and listening to all the birds I get though and have loads of blue, great and long tailed tits this year along with the family of robins, blackbirds, dartford warbler, ring doves and fat woodpigeons along with loads of sparrows and brown birds - green and gold finches and later I'll expect the chaffinch to arrive - one year I got a woodpecker and my mum has had nuthatchers in her garden in Somerset and the sound is really nice.

    Must be off lunchtime ends

  71. At 02:39 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    oooh Phoenix - a three pringed hoe thingy sounds very exciting - wonder if it will come up on google???? :-)

    Chris was at Richard Bacon's wedding yesterday according to t'papers, but hopefully he'll have recovered sufficiently to do ARF tonight!!

    I'd like to request CUBA by the Gibson Brothers as the opening track please pretty please? In honour of my first Salsa class tomorrow - inspired by Sal!

    Have great weekends all - and Debbie - remember - pay as you go and keep your head down!!!

    T xxxxxxxxx

  72. At 03:21 PM on 18 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    You know how they say "pride comes before a fall"? Well, afetr preening my feathers at the good news about work - I went out at lunchtime, only to fall over at the petrol station!

    How embarrassing...

    S xx.

  73. At 04:05 PM on 18 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:


    Which I'm pretty sure is some kind of insult in some foreign language or other...

    Anyhoo, thank you ALL for all your lovely dental sympathy. Am a lot betterer now and looking forward to eating something non-pappy for my tea!

    Jen, re the vino...tsk tsk...was told by yer man not to drink anyfink too hot or too cold...so I had some more...at room temperature...which was JUST right...I call it the 'Goldilocks Ideal'...

    all set for arf

    No Reds were harmed during the making of this movie.

    Clodagh, across the pond HELLOOOOOO! HOW'RE YA DOIN'?

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