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Chris Evans | 15:08 UK time, Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Ladies ladies ladies, this morning my wife was having a ....

.... fat day.

Now, the first thing is - my wife is beautiful, she is sexy, she is in a word awesome.

"What's the matter ?" I asked nervously, already suspecting I knew the answer.

She pointed to her midrift and then grabbed a little portion of fleshy skin, just above the top of each of her buttocks.

"This and these," she proclaimed.

"AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH," told you, " but sweetheart they are my two favorite bits of your body, if you didn't have those you wouldn't be nearly as sexy as you are !"

Now here's the thing, I wasn't saying this to make her feel better, although of course I hoped it might, I was saying it because it was true. Those bits are "THE" bits. Without going into too much detail, these are the bits that make the difference - the bits that articulate the hottest thoughts a man can have when it's all going on. It's the same with her bum, it's so peachy, it's so round, it's so uggggggghhhhhhhhhh.

I've been out with skinny girls and they just don't do it for me and I don't know if you've noticed but they often tend to be the ones left on the shelf. Tash isn't one ounce overweight but I fear she may be looking to drop a few pounds. If she does she won't fill her dresses anymore in the wonderful, ample, voluptuous way she does, things need to be trapped, wrapped, gagging, fighting to burst out and bring joy hence and forth !

Dear Deidre,

Oh what am I to do ?




P.S. Ladies you have to believe us when we tell you WE DO NOT LIKE SKINNY, NONE OF US. CURVES ARE IT ! By all means lose weight if you want to but don't do it for our sake - cos' we crave you just the way you are. My wife could put on two stone and I'd stillt hink she was the sexiest woman on the planet.

Hey ho.


  1. At 03:51 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ah Chris, Tash is a lucky woman and you are an enlightened man. Just keep telling her how gorgeous she is and how much you love/lust after her!!! Unfortunately blokes are not ALL as lovely as you.

    The e-mail dumper constantly told me that I was never as skinny as when I first met him and that if I ever got 'fat' (ie over a size 12) he'd dump me. Anyone care to examine my head for me and explain why I put up with it for so long??

    Pass me a cream cake will you??


  2. At 03:54 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Chris you are lovely and she's a very lucky girl. Sadly I need to lose about a stone and then I will feel and look better, but I think most of us girlies think thin is best - i don't know why.

  3. At 04:16 PM on 04 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    ...oh Christophe...dear Christophe...and NOTHING that you EVER say, will truly make her feel better about these, or any other parts of herself that she is unhappy with.

    I know the Badger loves me, but there are possibly several trillion things that I would want to change in and around me, and he has mentioned that he would prefer if I didn't...but if I'm changing the bits for myself, then it should be all right...surely?

    Dear Deirdre

  4. At 04:18 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Here here,

    Am definitely not skinny bird, could maybe do with loosing a pound or two here or there, but, I tell myself every monring, "i'm gorgeous", and I bloody believe it!

    Check nigella out.... what is it that makes her attractive..... those round bits!


  5. At 04:25 PM on 04 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ohhh ellloooooo,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - I am in total agreement with you Christoof man.

    I liken women ter race circuits....

    Imagine a race track too narrow with no curves!!!!

    The faster yer went the futher you'd get away from the prize, from lifting, from... caressing....... the trophy!!!!!!

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    PS I think I might 'ave pulled recently, say might 'ave, women always confuse me but things are going pretty well - know what ama sayin'!!!!!

    Only probs we've got a few misunderstandings already - She's English, dark, I like dark women errr born in england, but 'alf Italian & 'alf Czech & drives a new Peugueot 307 Cabriolet.

    I said, being inter cars, ter 'er "what model is yer 307"
    She said "CC".
    I said "aye?..... that's spanish se, se... I thought you were 'alf italian n' czech"!!!!!

    Confusing life - am tellin' yer!!!!!!

    PPS Prof Plum Man - I'm in total agreement with you on the last blog commentation unless they got married at 18 then they'd be 58.
    But I believe yer can find yer soulmate at any age - over 60..... if i'm still lookin' for me soulmate then i'll still be tryin' ter pull!!!!

    I mean look at the Des O'Connor..... a love god at 60+!!!!


  6. At 04:25 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Richard wrote:

    Chris, you're 100% spot on there mate. Curvy is definitely best!


  7. At 04:29 PM on 04 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe I could give yous a big kiss. What a star you are.

    Lucky for you I'm bloody miles away and can't run fast so you're safe, hahaha!

    But that is SO true. What's wrong with us girls. I'll tell you. We're all sucking up the celeb magazines and getting terrified of any bits of extraneous flesh or any wrinkles forming on our gorgeous faces. Oh yes, we deny this, we say we're not influenced but we bloody well ARE. And I reckon it's not men we're trying to impress so much as trying to divert the criticism of other women. No?

    That's why I LOVE Gok Wan's show; it shows us how low we can sink with so little justification, and how it's all question of our own perception. If we're feeling a little insecure you can bet your sweet bippy we'll think we're fat. It's a projection, and can be dangerous.

    At the risk of preaching again, I know how this can escalate and get out of control. When my life was at its worst ebb and I felt I had no control over it, I simply stopped eating and sank to below 5 stone. I was seriously unhappy and felt unlovable. Looking back, my nearest and dearest should have simply hugged me close and listened to my (valid) fears instead of just trying to force me to eat, thereby missing my cries for help and prolonging the problem.

    But bless them, they weren't to know. These days I have my own little counsellor in the Genius daughter, who tells me constantly she loves me, and I her. She laughs at me, tells me off, encourages me and thinks I'm the Dogs Danglies. So I know Im OK and though I still get a little paranoid about putting on weight (it never leaves you really), it's not a big issue any more.

    So you know what. Tash will be just fine. Because she HAS to know how loved and adored she is, and that's the key.


    PS. Prof. Plum. Don't be worryin' about me. We're all a bit bonkers really, aren't we. As my old Granny used to say. "It's them 'as think they're not that's the daftest."


  8. At 04:33 PM on 04 Dec 2007, curvy cate wrote:

    Oh bless you Chris and pass the chocolate x

  9. At 04:41 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Still on the subject of desire one and all

    Whatever floats your boat. Be it fat be it thin.
    One thing I have observed though, marriages with large age gaps seldom work.
    Men with money attract younger women and for that reason alone says it all.
    In years to come the gap gets wider and then it's all over.
    If not, as the years go by there is less and less in common.
    Age is definetely a factor in a relationship. For example you never see a young pretty woman with a guy twice her age working for the local council as a park keeper.

    Good evening

  10. At 04:43 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I'm curvy. Hurrah!!!!

    CtD xxxxxx

  11. At 04:55 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    spot on CLP


  12. At 04:55 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    ps: some of us curvy chicks have to lose weight for health reasons though. I've got 3 generations of diabetics in my family and am determined not to become the 4th.

    Since re-joining chubby club at the end of August I've lost 21lbs and feel fab for it.

    Love and hugs all round!

    CtD xxxxxx

  13. At 04:57 PM on 04 Dec 2007, SoosiQ wrote:

    I spent so many years fretting about my weight that I got bored and gave it up. I do go to the gym and enjoy exercise but also enjoy food and the social sharing of it too much to persist with dieting obsessions. The Italians have got their priorities right. Food is nurturing and makes us all happy.
    Moreover, I am not designed to be narrow and waify, I have hip bones and shoulders, but so as long as a dress hits these points but goes in to a smaller waist I am happy. I like have an hourglass form. I don't focus anymore on the bits that curve outswards, but the ones that curve in! If my waist starts to increase that is when I will diet, or buy a corset. Feeling bloated around the middle is horrible and unsexy for us girls.

    Anyway, thank God for men such as yourself. They do exist, but everyone of you is different. Some men get their kicks out of being with a willowy, delicate, fagile doll because it makes them feel macho and strong, but there are enough skinnies out there to keep them happy, so let them get on with it.

    I am ashamed of the kind of women who 'write' for that hideous excuse for a publication (the one that is not cold, and is appropriately a four letter word) as they are much worse than any men out there. To zoom into a photo to show an inch of a bluge of flesh and hold it up as freakish and revolting is the most appauling betrayal of their own sex. They are the kind of women that would make a play for your husand/boyfriend to boost their own damaged egos.

    So the way forward for women is don't diet, but get active in some way. Dance (salsa was made for curves and flesh), do a team sport, walk in the beautiful English countryside (that's the stuff that lies outside the M25 you londoners), have lots of nookie..there's loads of way to be active without going to to the gym. Have fun!

  14. At 05:10 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I AM CURVEY AND PROUD!!!!!!!!!

    I just love you CLP!!!! I have never been under a size 16 and have never been short of an offer. I am single because I choose to be - and because I have never fallen in love but if I just wanted some rough and tumble mange tout - no problem!!! I am told I look awesome bent over!!

    I am also trying to loose weight but that is a health issue not a looks issue as a single mum I need to stay on this earth as long as poss God willing.

    Tinsel you are well rid of him.

    I'm with you sister clodagh, sister tinsel, sister CtD, sister dwnb, sister curvey cate

    Well said the men - CLP, bingo star, richard, KWx

    Actual love to you all

    x x x x

  15. At 05:19 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Tuesday greetings.......... no comment re weight, I have enough to deal with on that subject. Only just realised ...... it's twelve months tonight since the charabanc trip started in Scotland. Who nicked six months of my life!

    PS: Bingo - will keep a look out for you next time the M18 looms.
    Susan S - Hiya! hope you're soon better - hugs to Charis (and G/F Amy). I believe the tap was running over the whole country but I was in Yorkshire and didn't see dry land until I drove through Oxfordshire.
    MWK & Lyndyloo - Happy Birthday for tomorrow.


  16. At 05:35 PM on 04 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:

    What a FAB blog today.

    Cathmel, EXcellent!!! Cheryl yous is a BABE. ALL of yous is BEAUTIFUL.

    Ok, last blog then I'll shut up and Go Away.

    Just to say that whenever I'm busy and go out lookin' SCALDY, blown around, chocolate on me jeans, hair like Phyllis Diller, I've men round me like flies round shite.

    But when I'm buffed up, lippy on, poutin' fit to unblock the sink, Louboutins on and the Bad Boys out, proud and threatenin', bloody GORgeous... couldn't get a man with a loaded gun and a lasso. What's the Jackanory with you guys? Hahahaha bless yous.


    Ok I'm gone.



  17. At 06:08 PM on 04 Dec 2007, lottie wrote:

    Girls like men who surport them in most things, agree with her that she is sexy and hot, but if she likes to be a skinny, whimpy, musleless stick insect, let her, but tell her what you really think. Be honest

  18. At 06:12 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Zelie wrote:

    Maybe you should be playing a little more Mika to your wife. Or how about a whole show with the theme that big girls (and boys) are beautiful?

  19. At 06:14 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Chris!
    What a luverly bloke you are.
    I do understand how your wife feels.
    But having seen pics of her she is a stunner!

    I am doing my bit to shed a few pounds, just off to fat club where I have lost a stone. Just another one to go and I will be able to squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze into my bike leathers and not resemble spare baggage stuck on the back of the motorbike!

    Great show!
    Sent an e-mail about making a sheep's head out of brown parcel tape instead of paper mache...much quicker!

  20. At 06:19 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Claire wrote:

    I myself am a curvy young lady and my fiance keeps telling me that he loves me the way I am, even the 'wobbly' bits which I keep pointing out that I hate! I think that we just have to start learning to love our bodies and not to keep going on ridiculous diets every week in a bid to get that 'movie star/supermodel' physique. Keep reassuring us - we'll love you even more for it!

  21. At 06:20 PM on 04 Dec 2007, O wrote:

    Although I realise that you are attempting to get women to have a healthier body image, you are not really doing a lot for naturally slim women. I do agree with you, that curvier is sexier but it would be nice to read somewhere that body shape doesn't matter. Slating any body type (fat/skinny) is not helpful & certainly doesn't build up self-esteem.

    I think we should just be happy with what we've got & try to pass on positive body images to teenage girls.

    That's it - off my high horse now!

  22. At 06:22 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Sarah wrote:

    oooh I love you...a real man

    My Hubby shudders at skinny women...thats why I married him. Muffin tops are sexy it offical

    keep up the good work

    happy day


  23. At 06:22 PM on 04 Dec 2007, kitkat wrote:

    I as a woman and a heterosexual one at that think that Nigella Lawson is one of the sexiest women on the telly! I saw a photo of Kate Moss on holiday the other day and I couldn't believe how plain, boring and fairly unattractive she looked - straight up and down - nothing to play with?! where's the fun in that I ask yer??

  24. At 06:38 PM on 04 Dec 2007, JB wrote:

    Chris as a single and rather well rounded woman - dont suppose you got an enlightened single mate going spare have you?

  25. At 09:00 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Craig Hawthorn wrote:

    Oh Chris. It's time you, me and every curve loving man told the female population that curves are cool!

    I just can't understand the obsession with girls trying to look like a lolipop stick. It does'nt do anything for me. Give me Kate Winslet, Nigella Lawson and Scarlett Johansson anyday!

    But I have only eyes for one woman!

    My Jan is the most wonderful person in the world and I don't care if she had something to grab hold of or not - she's lovely in everything she does and everything she wears.

    Mrs Evans sounds lovely, Chris. You are one lucky man to have one lovely girl.....and so am I!!

    Cool 4 Curves


  26. At 09:10 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Big time, Christoff, big-time - curves for me every time

    - I find (and this is personal pedjudice creeping in here big-time), that really skinny girls and boys are completely obsessed about weight, calories, fitness, running, gyming - just all to do with those scales - not fair on the ordinary folk who are happy - like me for example!!!

    Obsession with weight and fitness is brought about by two things - British waif-like-media-obsession - and personal boredom - if you're not happy with your lot, then you are always looking for sometihning to improve - and personal appearance is the quickest, most obvious thing that springs to mind . . . not a good sign.

    Tell Tash to quieten down and treat her curves with respect and tenderness - as I'm sure, you do - stick on a Commodores CD and dance about the living-room to a glass of wine or two.

    Ladies: beware - the more of you there is in the room, the less room there is for nonsense and strife.

    DtM x

    PS Red, - did you catch my note the other day ???

  27. At 10:13 PM on 04 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    sorry gang been off line for a couple of days computer trouble again. now were was i oh yes curves you cant beat em....especially in the right places.

  28. At 11:23 PM on 04 Dec 2007, Larni wrote:

    I don't think you are that unusual Chris, not many men I know like women that are obsessed with their weight. It is more important to feel healthy and happy. Life is too short to worry about a pound or too. True love will love you whatever.

  29. At 11:51 PM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Wilsmar- thank you for remembering!

    CLP- Thnaks for mentioning my 40th party on Saturday night on ARF!!!!

    My Dad passed away on Monday early morning in his sleep after coming to my party. This past few days has been c*@#! I miss him desperately. I'm going to bury Roobear with him so they will always be together.

    40 will be a big and very memorable B'day.
    & Booboo

  30. At 12:10 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh Christoff!!! She is so NOT going to thank you for sharing that with us all!! But bless you for doing so! I loved Mika when he did that song and I love you for sharing what deep down we actually know!!!! Just remember - never forget to tell her that even when you are both in your 80's!!!

    Loved the show as always, honey!! Though was interrupted by our two year old tantruming!!! I don't know how many times I have told her that she cannot interrupt Mummy listening to Drivetime! Would have texted in as normal but dropped the phone down the loo so it doesn't work any more!!!

    Ah well ... it is now officially Hump Day! Halfway there! Yay!

    Huggles Blog Meister!

    Susan, Highland lass

  31. At 01:03 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Did you all survive Tuesday, fellow bloggers and blogettes?

    Lyndyloo - you have our love, thoughts, hugs and prayers darling. And Happy Birthday, though I know you won't feel like it.

    Tinsel - E-mail dumper is definitely that word that I cannot say if he said that to you!!! We will not let you do that to yourself again honey! I'll have a large slice please!

    Em M - that is always half the problem isn't it, that we feel we need to lose it to feel better about ourselves? I just can't get rid of the Mummy belly!

    Hazel love - you are beautiful, so believe him!

    DWNB - that is exactly what Mum and I said last night when we were watching her! Had to laugh when Mum commented on how big her boobies and behind was only to have the wee lass repeat it word for word!

    Bingo Star - Race circuits!? Hmmmm ... thanks ... I think! You are a bit racey without your ball, man!

    Richard - it warms our hearts to hear you agreeing!

    Clodagh - I do love your openness and honesty honey. My first husband went through that whole 'you are so fat' thing (I was size 10 then so shrank to less than a size 8) ... then it was 'I don't love you anymore'. So I left him! Methinks there was a bit on the side ... but now I'm size 14, adored by current Highland lad and our awesome lass ... and can't believe I let No1 convince me of such rubbish! And you're not mad honey! Honest!

    Curvy Cate - here - I got some special chocs today!

    Pro Plum - when you say age gap … how much of a gap?! Not that I’m panicing but there are 7 years between my hubby and I!

    Cheryl The Diva - Yay! So am I!!! Though please do watch the health side with the family history! Congrats on the 21lbs - way to go!

    SoosiQ - I often think I should have been born Italian - I love the food and I adore their outlook on life! And I shall take your advice on board immediately!!! Or as soon as I head North home again!!

    Cathmel - And you are beautiful too! (I have photos of some of the bloggers, hence I can say to some of them that I KNOW they are beautiful!!) ROFL at the image you just gave us all of you bent over! Mange tout!!!

    Wilsmar - what an amazing memory you have!! Sadly we don’t see Amy so much - I had a miscarraige over the Summer and had to give up childminding. But Amy too is going through the terrible twos … though she just turned 3 so what are they then!? And ‘scuse my denseness, but what is a charabanc trip?! Doesn’t sound good whatever it is!

    Clodagh - see, now I have Mika’s song ‘Big girls’ running through my head!!!! Darling - you have just made me laugh out loud … and it’s 12.50am!!! I hope I haven’t woken the household!!

    Lottie - I think we are all just so jealous of Tash that she has CLP!!!

    Zelie - I play Mika constantly!! And my hubby is a big lad and he is beautiful!!!

    Denise - Go girl! Well done on losing the stone! Don’t you just hate it when you put jeans or leathers on and the fat moves to hing above the waist band?! Due to the temper tantrum episodes I missed the whole thread of the sheep’s head thing! What was that all about?!

    Claire - I also found that a certain well known shop’s control pants are just fab for holding the flab! They don’t just push it elsewhere but hold it in!!

    O - we all like to get on the high horse now and again! And I have a very skinny friend who is naturally slim and hates it, so I guess we are never happy, eh?

    Sarah - your hubby is a lucky man then! But what on earth is a muffin top (I am being so dense tonight!)?

    Kitkat - have to agree - though she annoys me cos she knows that she is amazingly sexy! Why do I never look like that when I’m cooking!?

    JB - Mr Right will be there honey!!! Shame Craig below you isn’t single! Lol

    Craig - you sound like such a lovely guy - Jan is a lucky lass!

    Dan the Man - I like you!!!! Lionel Richie …. he does it for me too!!!

    Lazykev - glad you got back online to say that! :o)

    Larni - Wise words! Life is way too short to worry about most of the things we do worry about, eh?

    Huggles you wonderful bunch!

    Susan, Highland lass

  32. At 09:00 AM on 05 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Happy birthday Lyndyloo!

    Thinking of you all

  33. At 09:12 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:


    So sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad a couple of years ago and have many regrets about our last meeting.

    Keep the happy memories alive forever.

    Thinking of you and sending ....


    Cheryl xxxx

  34. At 09:17 AM on 05 Dec 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Chris - you are so lovely.

    Tinsel - my ex used to say to me that my boobs would be "a ten if you were tan" (I'm a classic English Rose) and that my ass was "only a grade B". I am a size 8!! Luckily, Mr P thinks I'm perfect, pale skin and all.

    Em M - depends what you mean by thin, I think. I know Keira Knightley is naturally slim but I don't find her that sexy, to be honest. Give me a volumptous Monroe anyday.

    DWNB - nice one!

    Clodagh - difficult times but still a fab attitood. And you're right, I think we definitely dress for other women. We're soooo much more critical than blokes, aren't we?

    CtD - congrats :)

    SoosiQ - amen to that!

    LyndyLoo - sorry to hear that. Big hugs.

    Susan S - a muffin top is the roll of flab that hangs over the waistband of a pair of too-tight trousers.

    RosieRoo x

  35. At 09:33 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I think CLP should dedicate a show to CURVY LAYDEEEZ EVERYWHERE!!!!

    And hey - it's the most wonderful time of the year!

    Ding Dong

    CtD xxxxxxxx

  36. At 09:34 AM on 05 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Susan S I am in awe of your posts - do you make notes??????? Fantastic!

    Clodagh, I'm 100% with you on Gok. I love that man, I love the way he does so little and yet helps all those women to absolutely love themselves. Brilliant, genius programme.

    Great posts everyone - love you all!!

    T xxxxxxxxx

  37. At 09:51 AM on 05 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:


    I just had to say I'm so sorry for your loss, sweetheart. It's so painful I know but in time you will have so many cherished memories.

    When my little daft daddy died 16 years ago it broke my heart and changed my life forever. Not all for the worse; it made me grow up sharpish, and realise how precious a girl's relationship with her father really is, and live as he would have wanted me to, as if I'll live forever and die tomorrow.

    But he's still with me. It's uncanny. So many times when I'm feeling low or stressed, or more poignantly when my mum, bless her, 84 now and daft as a brush, is driving me right round the bloody bend, from out of nowhere will play his favourite song, Frank Sinatra's Strangers In The Night, (or Stranglers In The Night as he used to call it), and I'm transported back to him taking me on the dance floor and having me put my feet on his as we waltzed around the floor. It makes me laugh and cry all these years later, and brings me to realise that life is a cycle, we all have to lose people eventually but the important thing is to keep their souls within us and cherish each other today.

    Lots of love to you, sunshine, this too will pass.

    And to Cheryl and all of us, boys and girls, who are lucky to remember our loved ones with laughter and love. It's a priceless thing.


  38. At 09:55 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Christoff, bloggers and blogettes! Happy Hump Day!!

    lol Tinsel!!! I scroll up and down like a yo-yo and go cross eyed! :o)

    RosieRoo - yup - got one of them! Except when I put the control pants on! What a palava it is getting into them though!!

    Lyndyloo - hope you got some sleep honey. You and your loved ones are very much in our thoughts today.


    Susan, Highland lass

  39. At 09:56 AM on 05 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Lyndyloo - so sorry, missed your post first time I read through. Just wanted to send much love to you at such a sad time. ((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))

    T xxxx

  40. At 09:59 AM on 05 Dec 2007, DaveS wrote:

    Chris Chris Chris, will you never learn. It doesn't matter how often we tell our women that we love curves - They go away and read their girly magazines which tell them how great all the skinny girls look and for some reason, they believe the girly magazines more than they believe us. When will women realise the curvyliscious truth?

  41. At 10:01 AM on 05 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Lindyloo - Bit late but wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY - makes you a sagittarius!!!!!!

    Very sorry though to hear about your sad news, my thoughts are with you.

    Wishing for you all of the best xx.

    Plus I forgot to mention that I heard CLP mention Lindyloo on his show.... thought it was for yoursen!!!!!!

    Wilsmar - There's no need to look out for me as believe me you wouldn't want ter meet me - I 'ave an effect on people that can lead them ter rehab themselves, plus i'm rarely outta rehab nowadays so don't go up the M18 much, although I did take the advice of the samaritans recently....

    I rung em up ter tell em me problems, they said you sound like you need a good 'ard shoulder ter cry on.....

    So I brokedown on the 'ardshoulder of the M6!!!!

    The motorway ploice threatened ter arreast me unless I moved on!!!!

    SusanS - Thanks for the compliment about my compliment, but don't remind me of being racey - been tryin' ter get inter the motorsports game since I was about 11 but can't damn afford it!!!

    Clodagh - Yer say 'All of yous is beautiful" - thank you, nobody 'as ever said that terrrrrrrr me before!!!!!!!

  42. At 10:02 AM on 05 Dec 2007, clodagh wrote:


    That's Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.

    Jaysus. Prof. Plum you're right.

    Ok I really AM off. I've a canoe to catch.


  43. At 10:06 AM on 05 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Lyndyloo - really sorry for your sad news, what a horrible time you have had of it lately. All I can say to you is treasure all the special times you had together, i have only met my real dad once (his choice), but I bet your dad was a great guy x

    Love to everyone,

    Em xx

  44. At 10:11 AM on 05 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good morning

    Lyndyloo, so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love xx

    CtD, congrats on all that weight loss I wish I had the willpower.

    I told my husband that Chris Evans said he would still find his wife sexy if she put on two stone. He replied 'I never said that you weren't sexy, just that you had let yourself go'.

    Debbie x

  45. At 10:47 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Cashier number one and all

    Well the emotive subject of weight has brought around a big debate.

    At the end of the day it's the person that's important, not what they weigh in pounds shillings and pence.

    Susan S Age gaps... well I was really meaning grooms on zimmer frames getting married to nubile ladies. I think most ladies prefer older men though or am I wrong?

    Clodagh. Madness is just a state of mind (he he).

    Bingo. How about a shoulder of Lamb.

    Guten Tag all

  46. At 10:49 AM on 05 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    LOL Debbie - sorry, don't know why but Mr Debbie's reply made me laugh out loud!!

    Bingo, when are you going to do Gemini (me, me, me!!)??

    T xxx

  47. At 10:55 AM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Debbie (And everyone else!)

    The 'flu diet' has helped with the weight loss. Although it's nice to be semi-slinky for Christmas, I wouldn't actually recommend it as a plan of action!

    The hard part now is not putting it all back on again - yikes!

    CtD xxxx

  48. At 10:56 AM on 05 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Again,

    Bingo Star ere again,

    Forgot ter mention, gotta very special Christmas message coming to you in the style of me mate Sven -

    Pudding that is dark, black, not the breakfast one, but the Christmas one.......

    I LIKE IT....... I LIKE IT ALOT!!!!!!!


  49. At 11:23 AM on 05 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Prof Plum Man -

    When you say a shoulder of lamb......

    If yer mean that beauiful ex model aka Amanda Lamb who presents that A Place In The Sun programme...... Just the kind of shoulder i'd like terrrrrr cry on.... YES PLEASE!!!!!!


    'ope this 'elps!!!!! It'd 'elp me - am tellin' yer!!!!!

  50. At 11:47 AM on 05 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Hey Clodagh, you've just made me remember something again!

    'Blueberry Hill' by Fats Domino

    That's the one.

    What a strange, sad day. I hope everyone is warm and safe and dry...

    Bingo, only if it hasn't got peel in it

  51. At 12:42 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Tinsel, yep I suppose it is funny really isn't it! I don't think he was trying to be though.

    I used to be a size 8, this was when I was in my early twenties and people used to worry about my weight. Being 5"7 I was told that I was too skinny.

    I remember in school, the boy the girls all fancied said to me once 'if you had boobs I'd go out with you'. Now if he could see them blimey, up under me chin on a good day!

    I'm now size 14 and would love to drop to a 12. What I find is that you can wear flattering clothes and cover any lumps and bumps but it's the extra weight on my face that I really, really don't like.

    Debbie xx

  52. At 12:44 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Nev wrote:

    Anyone know where I can get a canoe - preferably not too seaworthy?


  53. At 01:00 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Me wrote:


    Just felt I should write in as I am getting curvier (large size 12) from when I was 18 (small size 8) and I hate it but never having to work for my figure means that i find it hard to stay of the cakes now Chrimbo is coming and I'm rubbish at christmas,

    For years family said to me to eat somthing and now i get - you're getting round - is there anytime that your weight is at an acceptable levell? b/f would like mt to lose some but he says for me not for him.

    large age gaps - once loved a man 14 years older then me but he wouldn't make a go of things as he said in the fuure I would feel different and he would be left with no-one - many years later i still wounder what would have happened if we had made a go of things - he wasn't rich or anything, just a great guy


  54. At 01:02 PM on 05 Dec 2007, jonahwood wrote:

    Hi all

    Putting on a couple of stone is one thing, but my hubby has grown beyond recognition and let me tell you, that's NOT sexy!!! It's so horrible because I find it so unattractive (and believe me, I'm not perfect and have gained a few stone since we met (around 2and a half) but he's grown a whole PERSON!

    I try to point him in the right direction but he doesn't seem to care so will you all please send some willpower this way in the hope that, collectively, we can will him into thinking about a change!

    Many thanks and Chris - I LOVE YOU TO BITS! XXX

  55. At 01:31 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:


    I'm sending Mr D my special 'itchy bum' vibes for being so insensitive.

    I bet you're absolutely gorgeous just the way you are.

    And as Clodagh said earlier - watch Gok tonight at 8pm - his philosophy is that every woman is beautiful, it's just that so many of us have this awful self-image - I really do believe he's right.


  56. At 01:51 PM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    OH which website can you buy a canoe on?

    Must be high on everyones Crimbo list. Imagine hundreds of people on Christmas morning ready to do a Reggie Perrin down by the sea.

    Bingo You could write to Nancy Lamb with a wish you were here sort of message.

  57. At 01:59 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Tinsel, my turn to laugh out loud (which was quite a strange sound given how sore my throat is!).

    I am so going to have to ask Mr Debbie if he had an 'itchy bum' today when I see him.

    I have never seen that program but I did see him interviewed once and he seemed lovely. I will make a point of watching it tonight.


  58. At 02:24 PM on 05 Dec 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Chris

    You are both lucky to have each other xx

    I'm curvy but beyond the sexy curvyness lol

    Today will be my last fat birthday serious action will be taken after Christmas - New Year new me!

    Wilsmar - how sweet of you to remember our birthday's, you've made my day. Thank you xx

    Lyndyloo - Sending you and your Mum lots of love and {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

    You are all a great bunch and I miss you xx One of my other new year resolutions it to make time for blogging xx

    Take care
    Mary xx

  59. At 05:30 PM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:


    What can we say? Nothing can ease the pain of loss, and to have two losses so close. My heart aches for you.

    Roobear will be perfectly happy buried there beside him.

    Take care sweetie......


  60. At 06:13 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    poet man :)

    back in a bit

    X R

    curvy celt..........

  61. At 06:23 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    ...no words but huge hugs x


  62. At 06:29 PM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh how I (and nearly every woman on the planet!) can relate to how she feels. I don't know of any woman who is entirely happy with her body! My husband says the same as you Chris, "You've got a great body etc" but when I catch a glimpse of my stomach aaagghhhhhhhhh
    The images of women on telly and the media don't do much for our confidence. How about a "Lets all love our Bodies/wobbly bits" campaign Chris?


  63. At 06:50 PM on 05 Dec 2007, x wrote:

    Naughty Mr Debbie.............!

  64. At 06:53 PM on 05 Dec 2007, JF wrote:

    I'm naturally skinny, eat loads, don't put on weight, and just as you suggested Chris, on the proverbial shelf.
    What is a girl to do? By your reckoning I'll be stuck here forever :-(
    Ho hum x

  65. At 07:46 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    HELP Can anyone let me know what channel Gok Wan is on, just about to sky plus it while I have a shower and can't find it!

    Debbie xx

  66. At 08:09 PM on 05 Dec 2007, JF wrote:

    Gok on channel 4 (though by the time this is posted it may be too late!)

  67. At 08:39 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Thank you, I've found it. Just popped in while the adverts are on, I am in awe of this man what a star! I wish I had him for a friend, can you imagine going shopping with him?

    Debbie xx

  68. At 09:11 PM on 05 Dec 2007, Red wrote:



  69. At 09:52 PM on 05 Dec 2007, wrote:

    lyndyloo - I am so sorry to hear you very sad news. It was the first anniversary of my Dads death last October. As painful as it is you will be ok and I'm sending you loads of love.

    Clodagh - lovely to hear the Togmiester spreading you wisdom over the airwaves.

    x x x x x x x x

  70. At 06:27 AM on 06 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    Chris Evans rocks ..:)

    Gok wan rocks....:)


    ps the world needs more of the same.... & as for Dan........mmmm

  71. At 07:30 AM on 06 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    Chris your wrapped & trapped line is lovely along with the rest of it...Tash is truly lucky & vise versa..:)

    Dan..your in a beautiful place...globaly & otherwise..
    Hope the Rum Swizzle enjoyed you, & you it..

    Nice 'recipe'

    X R

  72. At 09:33 AM on 06 Dec 2007, Sandra wrote:

    Hi Chris - it's lovely to hear that men really do like curvy girls - as a curvy girl myself ( my hubby-to-be says I'm a 36-Flippin-Fabulous with proportions to match ) I'm happy in my skin and it gives me a warm feeling to know that other blokes find my curves sexy too !!

    Love the show - listen every night on my way home !! keep up the great work.

  73. At 12:05 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Irish-Stu wrote:

    Curves! Curves! Curves! The more the merrier! Curvier than a Grand Prix racing circuit!

    My own lady - light of my life - is voluptious and curvaceous and all those other wonderful words that make real men weak at the knees yet she is adamant her body and her looks are both hideuous. But I love her, everything about her and cherish every moment I can spend with my arms around her and I wish she and women like her could see how beautiful they really are!

  74. At 01:45 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Debbie - was Mr Debbie's botty one big itch???

    Do tell .............

    Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone - I saw Marilyn Manson last night at Wembley and (although not everyone's cup of tea) he was awesome!

    Take That on Friday .... talk about contrasts!

    Live long and love good!

    CtD xxxxxx

  75. At 01:51 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Debbie - was Mr Debbie's botty one big itch???

    Do tell .............

    Happy Thirsty Thursday everyone - I saw Marilyn Manson last night at Wembley and (although not everyone's cup of tea) he was awesome!

    Take That on Friday .... talk about contrasts!

    Live long and love good!

    CtD xxxxxx

  76. At 02:22 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    This Blog is brilliant, isn't it .........?

    Like a councillor's couch-

    but nicer and warmer, and,

    we all benefit...........:)

    X R

    and - the councillors are gorgeous...lead by Clodagh?!

    D how was Christmas dinner? XX

  77. At 02:23 PM on 06 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Red and Danny
    Up a tree

    He he he! Is this going to be the first blog romance?

    Let me know if I need to buy a new hat

    ps Bingo, I'll see you in the BP cells I spec. They took loads off me yesterday! I wouldn't mind but they weren't even RUDE!

  78. At 02:47 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD, I won't type the first answer that came to mind as it may appear too crude!

    I daren't actually ask the question last night in case I confirmed all suspicions in this house that I really am mad. However, careful observation did prove that all was well in that department.

    Tinsel, better luck next time.

    Lyndyloo, hope you are ok today. Thinking of you.

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

  79. At 02:49 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    Why do you take my posts away?
    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    I really was polite today!

    I cannot say I understand
    Why some get through
    And some do not.

    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    No Christmas card
    From me this year!

  80. At 02:50 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hazel, if this gets through I'll be amazed, I've been in the BP cells all morning!!!

  81. At 03:18 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    hazel love


    R x

  82. At 03:21 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Anna wrote:

    But when does curvy become fat? When is it not ok? Ive spent all my adult years thinking i was fat and then looking back and realising i wasnt, but i am now and how i wish id appreciated being thinner than what i thought i was but maybe im not as big as what i think i am now, maybe im nearly as thin as i was.... and so goes on the sorry tale.

    Maybe i am better than i give myself credit for, and my husband is very happy, and as a size 16/18 with the hourglass to boot cant be all bad, and yet... we still arent satisfied.

    Probably not helped by all the people that ask when my babies due. But you've all heard that one before!

    Breathe in, shoulders back, make the most of the assets.

  83. At 03:26 PM on 06 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    The time has come, Citizens, to stand and fight to be heard.

    Thank you Susan for the anthem...

    ...am now feeling very wolfie...or foxy...

    ps RIP Hilda Braid - a fabulous and under-rated actress

    Tinsel, and anyone else come to that, bang on your pipes with a spoon...

  84. At 03:31 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Red wrote:

    hazel love


    R x

    can you buy virtual hats then............
    I'm joking I'm joking..'onest guv...!
    & Dan

  85. At 03:35 PM on 06 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    The time has come, Citizens, to stand and fight to be heard.

    Thank you Susan for the anthem...

    ...am now feeling very wolfie...or foxy...

    ps RIP Hilda Braid - a fabulous and under-rated actress

    Tinsel, and anyone else come to that, bang on your pipes with a spoon...

  86. At 04:13 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    Why do you take my posts away?
    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    I really was polite today!

    I cannot say I understand
    Why some get through
    And some do not.

    Oh Blog Police
    Oh Blog Police
    No Christmas card
    From me this year!

  87. At 05:53 PM on 10 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Chris how abouut posting a Mission on www.mymyssion.com to find the most curvaceous listener nominated by another listener. We could consider a prize for the winner.
    Great show.

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