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Chris Evans | 15:16 UK time, Thursday, 29 November 2007

It all began with Naughty Nick, several days ago he started....

...drinking warm water instead of tea or coffee. And now most of the team are doing the same thing but here's the rub...

None of them know why. Nick doesn't even know why. When I asked him, he said he thought he'd seen someone else doing it so he thought he'd have a go.

We've since tried to find out if there are any health benefits to the imbibing of warm H2O, we even thought of doing something on the show about it but we couldn't find anyone who had anything relevant to say. This is how we ended up having a bottled water expert on the show on Tuesday, we discovered him vicariously as a result of a general "does anyone know anything about water ?" search.

And here's the next weird thing, they're still drinking it and they still don't know why. And it doesn't look like they'll be stopping any day soon.

In front to of me now I have a deliciously cold mug of water and it's gorgeous, warm water - sure if it floats your boat, fill yer' boots but for me, 'er I don't think so.

In other news, in my pub last night there was a lovely couple from Newcastle - Jane and Carl, who'd been to see Top Gear being recorded just around the corner at Dunsfold aerodrome. They had some interesting hot goss live from the set of the hit show, I'm gonna mention it on the show but here's a heads up for you.

This week there are two guests on the sofa not the usual one, JAMES BLUNT and -E--S -----T--, how about that then ?

Plus plus plus, he reckons they announced that this'll be the last series for one of the team !

I mean S--t a brick.

Could this possibly be true ?

So last week, we asked you who to replace PARKY, this week, who would replace who if they were to leave The Top gear show and why would any of them want to leave anyway, it's never been bigger or better.




P.S. I also heard this week that James May is the brother of Brian May from Queen. Is this a wind up ? If it is I've told about five hundred people in the last two days.


  1. At 03:44 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Liz wrote:

    Yes it is true that James and Brian May are brothers. Their parents obviously didn't encourage them to look after their hair. Isn't it weird that since Brian May has been with Anita Dobson, her hair has got awful - must be catching

    Liz x

  2. At 03:45 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Just the five hundred people! I thought this blog was bigger than that!

    I'm not surprised that one of the TG team is leaving. Speaking from my perspective, Hamster hasn't seemed the same since the accident, and in his current best selling book, available from all good retailers and some dodgy ones, he says at the end that he's still not right! Apart from that reason sometimes old favourites need freshening up and the way to freshen up TG would be to change the presenters. Go'arn Chris get one of them on and break the news to the nation with a R2 exclusive!!

    Naughty Nick is the Shepherd and the cluster are his flock! I know WW (other slimming clubs are available) recommend warm water with a slice of lemon in it, because it's absorbed by the body quicker (apparently).

    DD out

    PS The title of your blog yesterday had me singing ABBA all day today, you swine! Best wishes to Lindyloo for this weekend. "and I dream I'm an eagle"

  3. At 03:46 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hello all!
    The warm water thing reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld when Elaine's boss, Mr Pitts is seen eating a candy bar with a knife and fork. One person sees him do it and then another...later in the show Elaine notices that everyone is eating their candy bar with a knife and fork! hahaha! What a great show.


  4. At 03:54 PM on 29 Nov 2007, wrote:

    As the reigning British hangman champion (not really but it sounds good), the mystery guest has to be Lewis Hamilton?

    Plus it says so in the TV guide this week...

    Who is leaving TG? Surely not Clarkson or Hammond so it must be May, which is a shame as he's my favourite!

    His brother, Brian, would make a good replacement...but perhaps just carrying on with the other two and the Stig would be for the best all round.

  5. At 03:56 PM on 29 Nov 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Dearest Christophe...from the short to the long...and the blimey to the ridiklus...

    Hot drinks are better for your insides because when it's hot because your body pushes all the blood to the skin so it can cool down...cold drinks have the same effect...only the other way round...ergo, warm drinks would be more likely to keep your body temperature on a more even keel...

    ...and two...I'd like to have a go on Top Gear. I know b all about cars but I do like going in them. Had I had one this morning, I would not have got quite so wet.

    ...and 3...there is no reason why J. May should not be B. Mays brother...but I can't help you with cold hard facts I'm afraid.

    With regard to Parky. No one can replace Parky. There is, and only ever will be one.

    Where did Natasha go today

    ps apologies in advance if this message repeats, I've had radishes.

  6. At 04:01 PM on 29 Nov 2007, K wrote:

    My Nan used to drink a cup of hot water first thing every morning. She said it 'got her going' - it must work, she lived to a ripe old age and never suffered with constipation.

  7. At 04:10 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Hey gang! For the first time in almost 2 weeks I feel up to putting fingers to keyboard. Yep - I too have fallen foul of the dreaded lurgie.

    We had a fantastic weekend in London (17/18 Nov). Alice Cooper was amazing and the ±«Óãtv Good Food Show was sublime. Then went to work on the Monday with a bit of a cough and on waking up on Tuesday I honestly thought I was on my last legs.

    Never ever in my 39 years have I had real flu but the doc confirmed this to be the case, sent me home with a note for my bosses and instructions to stay warm and drink loads (water, not vodka I assume!). By Friday I'd not only deteriorated but Mr Diva also had it. Ugh!! I trooped back to the docs who then dignosed a chest infection on top of the flu and basically I've been at home ever since. I still ache like an achey thing (mainly from coughing) but I'm determined to go back to work on Monday - it'll be December and I have a black crimmy tree to put up in my office, for heavens' sake!

    I've logged on and caught up with you all a couple of times and actually heard a few minutes of the show last night but CLP's amusing ways just made me cough all the more.

    I've lost over half a stone in weight too, but I'm not sure that's good under the circumstances.

    Hazel - happy berfday for tomorrow! Make sure you get taken to the pub at lunchtime and that somebody buys you at least 2 rum and cokes!

    Right, I'll see if this gets thru then endeavour to nip back tomorrow.

    Big hugs to everyone.

    CtD xxxxxxx

  8. At 04:15 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Si wrote:

    Lewis Hamilton v The Stig cool!!

  9. At 04:27 PM on 29 Nov 2007, beatie wrote:

    It's hot water with fresh lemon juice that's good for you.... first thing in the morning cleanses the system ... cheapest detox that i know . Try it .

  10. At 04:52 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Nev wrote:

    Does heating water not just boil out the goodness? Who knows.......!

    James may(!) be Brian's brother but it would seem unlikey as they are about 16 years apart in age. Anyway hasn't he or Roger Taylor been on Top Gear so surely Jezzer would have mentioned it!

    Surely it is not the Stig who is leaving......probably off in a sulk after he had to go an a bus the other week.


  11. At 04:54 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Louise wrote:

    having the most appalling day today and reading your blog cheers me no end - Thanks CLP

    Leb x

  12. At 04:59 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Josie wrote:

    That will be a brilliant top gear!!! I hope its not May thats leaving as I have a really weird crush on him, I especially like it when he talks about wine.

    Hot water is good for you, but I can't remember why either!!!

    Stay warm one and all xxxx

  13. At 05:01 PM on 29 Nov 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Thirsty Thursday greetings...... and Beatie's correct hot water especially with lemon is a good kickstart to the old innards etc.

    Hazel happy birthday for tomorrow - hope the gorillagram turns up at the right place and time this year! Will probably not be able to comment tomorrow hence the early wishes. If I could get some to you, I have some recently bottled raspberry vodka you could imbibe in but it won't pour down this little opening. Whilst I'm send birthday wishes...... MWK and Lyndyloo many of them for next Weds.

    Well, need to do some more work then b*gger off for the weekend!
    PS Bingo hope you are ok? Loved the Capricorn reading.

  14. At 05:10 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Kate wrote:

    I saw a nutritionist as I constantly seem to get dehydrated even though i drink lots of water. She told me that the body cannot efficiently absorb cold water and that you should be drinking water that is at least the temperature of your body, if not hotter!

    Could this be the answer?

  15. At 05:27 PM on 29 Nov 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Just caught up with yesterdays comments..... Clodagh that car park with the spirally ramp - is that the one (that was/still is?) at the bottom of Deansgate?
    Ms L my first car had one of those eyeball indicators buttons on the dashboard; God Bless the banger!

  16. At 05:28 PM on 29 Nov 2007, SoosiQ wrote:

    Someone with links to the show told me ages ago that Clarkson wanted to leave and that he assumed the show would end with him, seeing as he made the show.. a case of ego gone mad.. so unless he's since reversed his decision and Hammond's accident has changed him so much he wants to do different things, then it'll be AA Gill's siamese twin (maybe they are going to do a travel programme together like before).

    As for warm water, well, some believe it is digested more easily than cold water because of there being less temperature difference between it and the body, but frankly I think it's all rubbish. I've just done a whole course called 'Water for Life', and the basic fact is your body needs water to survive, and so long as you imbibe it you will be fine. We underestimate the durability of the body. If anything, drink non-tap water, just simply to reduce the chemical content of what you're drinking.

    So if they LIKE drinking warm water then go for it, but if they are doing it under the illusion that it will bring them health benefits, tell them to stop wasting their time!

  17. At 05:28 PM on 29 Nov 2007, A wrote:

    you make me LOL...:)
    your very funny...x


  18. At 05:30 PM on 29 Nov 2007, A wrote:

    Clodagh...... you make me LOL...:)
    your very funny...x


    Sorry forgot to put your name in the other post x

  19. At 05:43 PM on 29 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Good evening one and all

    I'm afriad I have nothing nice or funny to say today.

    Hazel- The house is a tip.
    Clodagh- Iv'e had a few accidents that were of course not my fault. Had a visit from the police once.... but thats a long story.

    Bingo- Aquarius happens to be my daughters sign.

    Well been a long day following a fall down some concrete steps last night in the dark. Good job I was an acrobat in a previous life phew..

  20. At 06:04 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Sam Little wrote:

    All I know about the top gear story is that the people who own Dunsfold aerodrome have submitted plans for the whole site to be redeveloped as eco housing.......a flagship development...maybe the whole show is in jeopardy!!!

  21. At 06:04 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Lotti wrote:

    This is terrible news - if any of the Top Gear team left the show I don't think I could bear it (especially Richard Hammond for whom I, along with the rest of the female population of the UK, have a huge soft spot). There could simply be no replacement for any of them!

    Re: the hot water/detox debate, I'm currently living in Germany and they're one of the healthiest nations I've ever come across - and it's en vogue here to drink hot water with lemon and fresh ginger. Very healthy and warming on a cold winter night.

  22. At 06:38 PM on 29 Nov 2007, jayne and karl wrote:

    there's tonnes of goss to be had at TOP GEAR. We had a fab day seing what goes on behind the scenes. JC swears ALOT and smells of cigarrettes! JM - looks like he just did his last show!
    RH - places what he thinks are good looking girls behind him in all of his shots........you won't see me behind him and I'm not bitter.
    Great dinner and room over the past couple of nights Chris, see you again soon!

    Jayne and Karl.
    You may think that we sound like Geardies but we are actually fromHartlepool (close)

  23. At 06:41 PM on 29 Nov 2007, claire wrote:

    if you add some lemon juice to it it'll kick your lazy liver into doing something (apparently!). As soon as you imbibe something acidic your liver (the control freak organ) goes into purge mode.

  24. At 06:46 PM on 29 Nov 2007, IC wrote:

    Its true, I was there too, Not at the show, but at Dunsfold.

    He was there :)

    I dont think he would beat the Stig or Mansells time, it was very slippery on the track.

    Did you know the LH and James Blunt are about the same height, both are quite short, compared to Lawrence Delalio (excuse the spelling) (He was there too)

  25. At 06:51 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    depending on who's leaving these are my suggestions...

    James - Danny Baker
    Hamster - CLP
    Clarkson - Nick Knowles/Jimmy Carr/Paul Merton

    Not gone for obvious car boys as the other two remaning will do that bit??

    If not, I thought J Saunders was ace last week, and knows her stuff


  26. At 06:55 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Red wrote:

    The dark chocolate looks gorgeous...


  27. At 07:20 PM on 29 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Wrock It.. ness..... Greetings Ter CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Hazel Love - VERY BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE for Friday 30th!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hazel Love the astro sagittarius already dided it - Check out #26 commentation 16th Nov CLP Blog!!! Just for you & fellow sag dudes!!!
    Sag was me 2nd astro reading!!!!!!

    PS Soz ter 'ear about the raddish.... most 'ave a birthdee cake!!!!!!

    Ok ere..... let's get the Bingo Crystal Ball of..... of.... of The Zodiac in operational action...... rub, rub, rub, squeak, squeak, squeak, it's glowing & I can see...... 'old on what's the smell.... fishy.... ahhh it's Rod Coddish & Co Chip Shop Chain..... 'old on no..... am gettin' battered.... (no not me) battered cod.... no fish..... ahhhhh it's The Fishes aka Pisces!!!!!!

    Pisces, I believe this is Prof Plum & Janie Lee Grace!!!!

    Pisces is the most laid back & compassionate of all the zodiac signs.

    Pisces are the most sensitive & inquisitive sign of the zodiac, dreamy & very imaginative.
    They are very spirital, the most psychic sign, a sixth sense & are known for a fasination with prophercey, mystical/ magic things.
    Pisces are very nice compassionate people who will always 'elp others, 'ave a good understanding of others.
    Pisces can be gullible & this can lead too being abused by others which leads to them being escapist, sometimes depressive.
    They are known for being abit shy, very kind & caring, romantic, sypathetic ter others.
    Sometimes they are known for a bossy streak.
    Pisceans like 'umour, fulfilment of life & eternity.
    Pisceans are known for 'aving very good beautiful skin, particularly noticable in face of a piscean female, with big round eyes.

    Careers suited for the typical Pisces - It never fails too amaze me 'ow often certain signs you will always find in certain careers.
    If you went into any school you will probally find something like 3 out of 10 teachers will be pisceans - the best suited job for a pisces!!!
    Pisceans are very musical too & like the theatre, drama, acting, ballet.
    Also charitable work suits as they like 'elping others. Advertising & public relations will also appeal - working with people in a none pressured laid back enviroment!!!!!

    Leisure Persuits - They love seafood restaurants, theatre, films, fantasy, music, craft, psychic fairs, watersports such as jet skiing, wind surfing.
    Also known for being involved in art. Painting, very creative, perhaps in fashion too.

    Illness Linked To A Piscean - Gladular, gastro/ abdominal & lower legs/ feet & bones around the feet.

    Famous Piscean Females - Drew Barrymore, Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor, Melinda Messenger, Sharon Stone, Cheryl Baker, Ivana Trump, Cindy Crawford, Eva Hertzigova, Vanesa Feltz, Patsy Kensit, Elaine Paige, Janie Lee Grace (Wrightie's Eco Friendly Operative Friend), Charlotte Church & Jilly Cooper.

    Famous Piscean Males - Jon Bon Jovi, Roger Daltry, Daniel Craig, Bruce Willis, Micheal Caine, Tommy Tune, Albert Einstein, Vijay Singh, David Gilmour (One Of Me Geetarr 'eros), Alain Prost, Josh Groburn, Gordon Brown, Chris Martin, James Blunt, Steve Irwin (Ohhhh yeahhhhhh...... WHAT a beauwwwwlleee..... WOW... WOW.... this croc.... e's lookin' at me, e's lookin at me!!!!!! - Sadly missed), Fats Domino, Prince Edward & Jonny Cash.

    'op this 'elps!!!!!!

    PS Prince Edward - Pisces / Sophie Ryhis Jones, Countess Of Wessex - Capricorn.... they are a very, very good astro match - be very suprised if they ever split up!!!!
    Also Pete Doherty - Pisces / Kate Moss - Capricorn - Again very good astrologically. If Pete Doherty can overcome 'is problems they would probally never split as again a very, very compatible astro match!!!!!


  28. At 07:25 PM on 29 Nov 2007, lazykev wrote:

    top gear top programme,top presenters,top awards,top top tv

  29. At 09:44 PM on 29 Nov 2007, Blue Man wrote:

    I went to see TG being recorded in the last series and it was brilliant, the 3 lads are just as funny off screen. It will be a sad day the 3 are no more, and like a few others on here, my money would firmly be on the hamster.

    Even though i have been there i still dont know who the tame racing driver is, some say he breathes from his belly button and was born on the dark side of the moon, all i know is he is called the STIG!

    Anyone know for sure?

    Captain Slow is Brians brother? i guess its not beyond the relms but surely Jezza would have made many a Queen quip during the last few years if he was?

    Anyone know for sure?

  30. At 10:48 PM on 29 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Bingo great stuff

    What can I say but spot on with the astrology. I really enjoyed reading. Some accurate stuff there to be sure.

    Have a great day Hazel.

  31. At 01:31 AM on 30 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Doesn't look like James May and Brian May are related, looking at their bios on Wikipedia. Sorry, Chris, looks like you've got 200 people to set straight.

    I just wish they'd show new episodes of Top Gear here soon. Hamster hasn't even had his accident yet. As for one of them leaving... I don't want any of them to leave! Well, if CLP takes over, maybe I'll survive.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  32. At 01:55 AM on 30 Nov 2007, john wrote:

    Captain Slow and Hamster are ok but not very important. JC is only to be permitted to leave Top Gear to take up higher office such as head of state or Prime Minister or best of all Dictator for life.

    In fact if JC leaves then TG is over and excluding Radio of course if TG is gone and Dr Who is minus Billie and David Tennant then I will pack in Tv alltogether after all what else is worth watching?

    JK Nonegreen

  33. At 09:19 AM on 30 Nov 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Happy ARF!

    Now then. I have to admit to something. I thought James Blunt was dead. It only occured to me last night, during a sleepless fidget, that it is James HUNT who is dead...Gawd bless him!

    Thank you for all your birthday wishes! Bingo, have just read 16th Nov #26 - Thank you darlin'! Also, today, Winston Churchill's birthday so I shall be seeing him on the beaches a bit later.

    The Badger is still a poorly bear in bed, so tonights celebrations will be without him unfortunately...not sure JD and night nurse (other over the counter medications/types of nurse available) so he'll be snuggling up sur le sofa whilst I'm not. Hey ho...wishing him very better very soon...he really doesn't do ill at all well!

    Plum, I really feel for you, the Christmas goose is still on schedule should you need, and I hope your bruises go a really cool colour!

    Wilsmar, thank you...I got a dripette...DELISHUS! Am still holding stake against black eye caused in bakewell incident...

    Happy birthday to anyone else
    and some extra BIG KISSES FOR EVERYONE

  34. At 10:25 AM on 30 Nov 2007, Gary Puttock wrote:

    Please no don't let it be true!!!!!

    The chemistry between the 3 is unique it just won't work if another face is bought in.

  35. At 10:43 AM on 30 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning

    The blogs seem to be better today so fingers crossed.......

    Happy Birthday Hazel, hope you have a lovely day x

    Sorry that so many seem to have been struck by horrible germs. Mr Debbie has just got over the flu so I'm hoping that the rest of us have avoided it. Saying that, little man started coughing this morning. We are due our flu jabs next Thursday. He is asthmatic too so I really hope that he will be ok.

    Every now and then I have a mug of boiled water with a slice of lemon in it in the morning. Also, when I have a sore throat I find this with a big spoon of honey quite soothing.

    As for Top Gear I don't watch it that often but find it highly amusing when I do. Mr Debbie and the eldest insist on silence when it is on. Maybe a 'Do not Disturb' sign on the lounge door would be a good idea.

    Catch up again later
    Debbie xx

  36. At 11:33 AM on 30 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hello Bloggeroonies!

    Good to be back on the blog. The Bahamas was great. All jobs done and ticked off. Future husband (he doesn't know yet) has peomised that we'll spend some more time together next year YIPPEE!

    If anyone on TG was to go then I think that the Hamster driving off into the sunset in Oliver would be funny. I wouldn't want to see any of them go but I suppose that life moves on and things change. That's just the way it is.

    Thanks DD for the good wishes for the ABBA birthday party this weekend. I'm really excited now. Will be having hair and nails done and being all "glam"'d up in preperation.

    For now though must catch up with my ife
    Bonne chance!

    & Booboo

  37. At 11:38 AM on 30 Nov 2007, Nev wrote:

    #23 Claire - great news then as long as I have lemon in my gin and tonic my liver will be OK!!

    Maybe captain slow is leaving to use his musical talents playing keyboards with his 'brother' on guitar for Queen!!....maybe not!

    Hazel - I had a similar thought and was looking forward to James Hunt showing Lewis how it is really done.


  38. At 01:23 PM on 30 Nov 2007, Andrea wrote:


    Not sure if I dreamt this, but.....................

    Did they mention on the show this week that a certain brand of Champagne was reduced at Asda, can't remember the brand and how much it was selling for. Does anyone remember this or am I officially going mad????????


  39. At 03:30 PM on 30 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Andrea, tried replying earlier hope this gets through.

    Dom Perignon £30 at Asda. Enjoy x

    Having a Bad Boss Day again today. Mr Debbie told me to pack the job in if Mr Angry is rude to me again this afternoon. Watch this space ......

    Debbie xx

  40. At 03:41 PM on 30 Nov 2007, wrote:

    tum te tum te tum te tum
    tum te tum te tum tum
    tum te tum te tum te tum
    tiddley diddliey tum tum.

    I thank you.

  41. At 04:31 PM on 30 Nov 2007, hazel love wrote:

    I have had sausage roll, pork with apple sauce and a cream cake. I'm not feeling of my best, but I think its fair to say that I have lined my stomach pretty well...

    Thank you for a lovely birthday

  42. At 10:09 PM on 30 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I cannot believe there may be one of the team leaving Top Gear.

    I've found the perfect replacement for either of them.........Me. I can be offensive like Clarkson (I'm also from the North), I can drive badly like Hammond and I can most certainly drive slow like May.

    My money is on the Hamster leaving. Would be a shame but he seems to have loads of other projects at the moment.

    A quick Google search reveals that Brian May is not related to the James May from Top Gear. Strangely enough though, Brian May does have a son called James!!!!!

  43. At 05:58 PM on 02 Dec 2007, Anne wrote:

    I hate tea and coffee, so during the five months of winter out here in Durango, CO, USofA—I always drink warm water! LOL. It actually soothes my intestines, and makes me feel warm and comfortable....(inside), maybe because it takes the chill out of my bones?! As it is perpetually below freezing from October through April out here, my London body needs the chill removed. Hot water rules!

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