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Chris Evans | 13:42 UK time, Friday, 28 September 2007

For sale, one badly thumbed set of...

... motorcycle theory test preparation memorabilia.

YEEEESSSSSS. Done and dusted, roll on the practical.;

Now this won't be for some time of course as it takes a week off to do it and my next five weeks holiday are spoken for, so we will have to wait and see where that's concerned but for now at least a small sense of smouldering achievement and what's wrong with that ?

In other news, it's pretty bloody miserable for a Friday in London cos' the weather is so pooh. In work early for a meeting with the boss, I have no idea what it's about but no doubt it will all become clear in the next hour or so.

The thing is of late, because I know I've been behaving, there's ever less to fear. It's a great feeling, bring it on.

In the meantime, celebration maltesers are begging and the kettle's on.

Off to France for the weekend, hope you have a nice one and see you on the radio.

CLP 2007.


P.S. Vote for TERRY.


  1. At 02:29 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Oz Mustafa wrote:

    Come on Chrissy De Bo! So u've been behaving yourself!! Far cry from the rebelious Ginger One on radio one back in the golden day!!

    France for the weekend.. fabrique Belgique.. mange tout mange tout.. Belle De Jour.. Belle De Jour....Talking of which.. Last Night !! The Ex Mrs Evans... As Borat might say WAH WAH WEE WAH... it is niiiice!!!

    Loving the show, the team its the best that radio can get.. And a special mention once again to Radio 1, Happy 40th birthday weekend & wishing you, Mr. Evans and the brilliant team a great great weekend!

    From Oz.

  2. At 02:39 PM on 28 Sep 2007, wrote:


    Glad you have come to your senses! Vote Terry. Abso-bleeding-lutely. He is the past 40 years.... and the hair is still the same.... I Double Dare you to lift it the next time you pass! Just like Eric would do to Ern!! ha ha -

    Weather here in Scotland is still. Grey and Still, and a bit nippy, but it's dry and the boats are just bobbing about gently, Nice day for lifting them, (even though I wouldnt' be doing that).

    Hope your meeting goes okay. Hope she is putting you on extended hours.....

    Have a brill Weekend...... I have the weekend with my two fav kids, and my one fav husband.


  3. At 02:45 PM on 28 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Hi CLP and all

    Been SSSSOOOOOOO busy lately that haven't had time to even listen to show let alone blog but it's Friday and I just don't care today. Have taken time out of hecticness and decided to schlog. Bet you're all delighted to hear that!

    CLP - I want to do a massive road trip for my next big birthday (last big one was spent visiting the gorillas in Rowanda) so need to get a move on with taking test of my own. Please can I put in a plea for your motorcycle theory test preparation memorabelia! I promise to put it to good use.

    Especially as I have finally decided NOT to duck out of 'ickle flat buying and so all systems now go for mid October. Am s**** scared now...

    Hope it was good news for Mr CLP with Big Boss Lady.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend - all that rugby. By heckers like, is that how come Mr & Ms CLP are off to France.... How jealous am I.



  4. At 03:22 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Hi di Hi one and all

    Another Friday and another fry up after Bingo tonight. Speaking of Bingo, thankfully I don't live in the Isle of Man, man, but I know it from the past. It always cold there. The gulf stream does pass by the Island of Herm though, bringing up on the beach thousands of little unusual shells.

    Well done for passing you theory test Mr Evans and I hope you get a pay rise.

    Good evening.
    Chips with curry gravy scrummy.

  5. At 03:26 PM on 28 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight All,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I've gone and got meself inter a BIG mess -
    I've got involved in a punch up at me local bingo 'all.

    I waz acting as bingo caller, just calling out the bingo, at me local bingo club, when Aida, abit demented and friend of the Hurricane family, shouted what's the time.

    I said twenty to eight!

    Next thing Bertwynd Hurricane is shouting 'OUSE, 'OUSE, OUSE, OUSE'!!!!!!

    Apparently all 'e needed was 20, 2 & 8 for a full card.

    Next thing all 'ell broke out when I 'ad ter explain ter Bertwynd Hurricane I was only telling the time and 'e 'adn't won!!!!
    The ploice were called to restore the peace!!!

    I cannot take this stress anymore - AM TELLIN' YER, AM DAMN TELLIN' YER!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP Any chance of playing Dr Feelgood and She's A Wind Up or Athlete and their new tune Hurricane. Blow yer socks off these two beauties - know what am sayin'!!!!

  6. At 03:47 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    OK own up who has broken the blog

  7. At 04:19 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Tony V wrote:


    I get the feeling that not only are you swotting for a motorbike qualification but you are also thinking about getting your pilots licence.

    Am I right?

    I have noticed recently the odd refernce to the odd thing aeronautical and earlier this week you were referring to cold fronts. Thin evidence i know but I also know what happens when you get bitten by the bug. It takes over your life. In a good way too.

    Don't forget, the wind blows anti-clockwise around a low and clockwise around a high.

    Looking forward to tonights show as always. Makes a very boring bus journey home fun.

    It also menas that i get funny looks from other passengers as they have no idea what I am laughing at.

    I was wondering last night what would happen if I were to talk to you live on air while on the bus. Would there be other people listening? Would they join in too? Would people think I'm mad (more than normal that is!)?

    France for weekend? Mange tout!!

  8. At 04:32 PM on 28 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Sorry Prof Plum - it just came off in my hand....


  9. At 04:47 PM on 28 Sep 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Arf everyone...... and a final attempt to get one past the BP. I think the BP have gone PC mad but will try this missive.......... and no apologies as I'm half green/white/gold&red/white/blue.
    Here goes:
    An Irishman walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finished all three, he comes back to the bar and orders three more. The bartender says to him, "You know, a pint goes flat after I draw it; it would taste better if you bought one at a time." The Irishman replies, "Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is in America, the other in Australia, and I'm here in Dublin. When we all left home, we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days we all drank together." The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there. The Irishman becomes a regular in the bar and always drinks the same way: he orders three pints and drinks the three pints by taking drinks from each of them in turn. One day, he comes in and orders two pints. All the other regulars in the bar notice and fall silent. When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, "I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your great loss." The Irishman looks confused for a moment, then the light dawns and he laughs. "Oh, no," he says, "Everyone is fine. It's me..…….. I've quit drinking!"
    A fine weekend to all
    PS - MWK - Spag Bol tonight!! Plenty to share.

  10. At 05:48 PM on 28 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    I tried earlier, but my comment did not go through. Just about to leave, but I had another quick look and saw Wilsmar's joke - utterly brilliant! It has made my day! Mostly because I spend a lot of time drinking to absent family .... well, it has to be done!

    Chris and everyone: have a great weekend.

    C xx

  11. At 05:51 PM on 28 Sep 2007, david such AKA Starsky wrote:

    WELL DONE - I am sure you will breeze through the practical.
    Was the hazard awareness ok ???

    Why doesnt jelly feeze when you put kiwi fruit in the jelly.


  12. At 06:22 PM on 28 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris, come on it's great weather for us Lobsters!

    Did you go to Borough market today? T'was luvrly :-D Was hoping to see you there! Where were you???
    Digging ur new Hi-viz friday drivetime jacket pics

    Pinchy pinchy kiss kiss
    Enjoy your weekend in France
    speak soon

    LEKIDDO - Lord of The Lobsters!

  13. At 06:41 PM on 28 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Sorry Chris I voted for Beatles....I wanted to vote for

    Terry, but, only one vote each soooo.........

    Nice one, well done for passing......

    De x

  14. At 07:08 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Nellykins wrote:

    hey Christophe and gang!!

    congrats on the passing of the motorcycle theory, makes me want to do mine now!

    havnt read the blogs for a while so just been catching up whilst listening to the show (of course). Ya all look fab in your hi-viz by the way, think you could start a trend there!!!!

    Right, think i might head to the pub after your shows finished, i'll buy ya a pint if you give me a malteser!

    Hope you have a great weekend in france.

    Keep on truckin'

    Nellykins xx

  15. At 09:26 PM on 28 Sep 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Have a great weekend chris, well done with the test, weather was pretty yuckky here today too, but got really nice around five ish so I took wee man out to try out his brand new spiderman wellies, a really nice way to round off the week, have a good one all, xxxxxxx

  16. At 11:33 PM on 28 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Have a great weekend all, tomorrow night a lovely friend, her husband and her little boy are coming around for dinner. So looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend, I hope!

    Just been watching Mr Ross and off to bed now.

    Nite Nite,

    Debbie xx

  17. At 11:44 PM on 28 Sep 2007, chris jones wrote:

    Hey Chris, I live down in Carmarthen, you don't have to take a week off work to do your bike test! come down here and we'll get you through it in three days!!! C.B.T included!!!

    we'll have a blast...... Friday, Saturday, Sunday, test on Monday..... What more do you need. So whats keeping you, you don't have any more excuses to stop you getting on two wheels. " GET ON WITH IT!!!"

    All the very best luck for the future,
    Absolutely fantastic show, Havn't had so much fun listening to the radio since...... well, ever.!!

    keep up the amazing work.


  18. At 11:44 PM on 28 Sep 2007, chris jones wrote:

    Hey Chris, I live down in Carmarthen, you don't have to take a week off work to do your bike test! come down here and we'll get you through it in three days!!! C.B.T included!!!

    we'll have a blast...... Friday, Saturday, Sunday, test on Monday..... What more do you need. So whats keeping you, you don't have any more excuses to stop you getting on two wheels. " GET ON WITH IT!!!"

    All the very best luck for the future,
    Absolutely fantastic show, Havn't had so much fun listening to the radio since...... well, ever.!!

    keep up the amazing work.


  19. At 01:55 AM on 29 Sep 2007, wrote:

    We're in Spring here in good ol' Down Under, and what does it do? Hail non-stop all yesterday. And really cold today. At least I'm all rugged up in my Port Power scarf. We're gonna win the AFL Grand Final today!

    Good onya for passing your test, Chris! I can't even drive a car let alone a motorbike!

    Luv from Down Under,

  20. At 08:55 AM on 29 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Morning bloggettes and Christophe if you are bothering to read this while in La Belle France. Dull and miserable here today - went to see Alistair Campbell last night - very good, witty and eloquent.

    Noooooooo - vote for the fab four!

    Mange tout et Bon voyage.

  21. At 02:27 PM on 29 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Oooh I just fot back from France, been to Bordeaux for a week seeking nice wine and food. Was fab. Ah well back to the grindstone blog then work. In that order of priority. lol

    JK Nonegreen

  22. At 08:20 PM on 29 Sep 2007, kazz wrote:


    Well done Christophe on passing
    Your theory test.

    I have a new motor so can listen
    to you in car now. Made sure I was
    out at five yesterday so I could do so!


  23. At 11:46 PM on 29 Sep 2007, Q wrote:

    Last chance ....vote for the Fab Four ,,Quick


  24. At 12:47 PM on 30 Sep 2007, dave wrote:

    CHRIS A QUESTION; What was the track you played FRIDAY 28th where you described girl&boy on boat drifting down river ?

  25. At 08:58 PM on 30 Sep 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Monsieur Frenchie,
    How was le weekend??

  26. At 10:45 PM on 30 Sep 2007, BigBump wrote:

    YIPEEEEEEEEEEE, The best man won, lets hear it for Sir Tel!!!!

  27. At 08:18 AM on 01 Oct 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good morning everyone.

    Had a great holiday, loved spending 24/7 with MrsW and the jam-eaters. Being a gingembre I don't really have much of a tan. Youngest ankle-biter started crawling too - very exciting times around the pool???

    It's taken me an age to read all the comments on here, don't think I can put in my tuppence worth as I'll be typing all day. There was one though about having your breath taken away - well MrsW did that to me one night last week when she appeared in a new dress - wow! I swear I fancied her all over again like it was the first time I saw her.

    Gaby - what a freak game on Sat for your boys, was great to watch from a neutral point of view.

    MfR - great result for your boys, shame you didn't nick it at the end.

    Jo - had the baby yet? - love to you and yours x

    missy - how's the dating going?

    Em M - how's the boy getting on at big school?

    DWNB - I too have a story to tell from Sudbury....

    martin - where are you? Are you ok? Thinking of you mate.

    ChrisseS, Tinsel, HL, Prof, Bingo, Sammie, Phoenix, mwk, CtD, Debbie et al - great posts, loved catching up with the past 7 days events.

    There are a few new 'uns on here too - welcome to you all, this is such a nice place to visit.

    Oh well, loads to do today - back to work tomorrow - boohiss.

    Bonnet de douche


  28. At 08:59 AM on 01 Oct 2007, Gaby wrote:

    morning Chris and morning all,

    Well done with your theory test!!!

    Hope you had a bonne weekend en france - petit pois, petit pois.

    Gingembre - welcome back - glad you had a good holiday - ah, that was lovely what you said about Mrs W.....

    Yes, the boys had a freaky game on saturday - have been reading the 606 message boards and the general consensus seems to be that it was a great, open game and well done to both teams for such entertainment etc....PHEW!!! - thankfully, not too much analysis!!!!.......HOWEVER, they were all over us!!! (technical term)....thankfully gazza didn't let Al get a look in on MOTD - otherwise he would have still been going on about our defence until the MOTD repeat came on on the sunday morning!!! sorry to any Al fans - love him really!!

    Phew, got that off my chest......



  29. At 09:12 AM on 01 Oct 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Gingembre - welcome back - glad you had a great holiday. You were missed, you know!

    Big Bump - yes, isn't it brilliant for Terry Wogan! I am so pleased for him, the man is just a legend!

    Missy - still no word from you - how are you? I know you were feeling really tired last week, hope you are o.k.

    Everyone else, have a great Monday!

    C xx

  30. At 09:40 AM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    is the blog fixed yet Auntie???

    CtD x x

  31. At 09:45 AM on 01 Oct 2007, Em M wrote:

    Welcome back Gingembre,

    It hasn't been the same on here without you.

    Thanks for asking how my little boy is getting on at high school, things seem to be much better now thanks, the school have been really understanding and he's helping next week when Year 6 come up for their visit, he has to dress in World War 2 costume, any advice would be gratefully received! There is a new headteacher and I have been so impressed by her, she seems dynamic and strong, but caring at the same time.

    Less than two weeks til my sister's wedding and I don't think my dress will fit unless I lose a bit of weight. Can't face detox again, anyone got any less drastic ideas?

    Missy - come on, put us out of our misery - had any more dates? My life is so boring so I have to get my excitement through yours!

    Chris (and Mrs E) - hope you had fun in France, and you weren't too depressed by some of the rugby results.

    See you at 5,

    Em xx

  32. At 10:18 AM on 01 Oct 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning All,

    Gingembre, glad that you had a lovely holiday. Welcome back x

    Em M, good to hear that your little boy has settled in nicely. Hope that he is enjoying school now. My 'baby' starts school nursery lunchtime and while I'm nervous he seems to be so excited. For the first couple of days I'm going to take him and pick him up, then my childminder will take over.

    Hope that everyone had a good weekend. I'm pleased to say that my weekend was great. I don't know what we are doing right at the moment but long may it continue....

    Love Debbie xx

    PS. Em, have you thought about the Special K drop a jean size in a week or two diet? x

  33. At 10:39 AM on 01 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    'ope everyone 'ad a spiffa of a weekend.

    I 'ad a great one. I was working but it was still guten.
    Yesterday I went upto Scotland in me truck. Beautiful sunny day up there with the brilliant Kenny Everitt show on.
    It was great ter 'ear again just 'ow good 'e was.
    I was only about 10 at the time 'e 'ad 'is show both on radio & tv and used ter find 'im very, very funny if not abit embarressing watching 'is tv show with my parents in the same room!!! LOL!

    Sad the early departure of Kenny Everitt & Freddie Mercury, both very similar characters in my mind. I mean the fact I was a big fan of their work, they both weren't scared of pushing the boundaries in their work with immense talents but sadly they both died young very similarly.
    Yeah both two very similar people.

    Great ter 'ear the Smashey & Nicey dudes.

    Total poptastic groovers - am tellin' yer!!!

    I was enjoying their funktastic groove show so much that for a minute I felt guilty blog friends - I was feeling disloyal ter Wrightie & CLP!!!!!!!

    Good ter see yer back on the blog Gingembre.
    Only probs the blog 'as 'ad some kind of problem the past week - not accepting post, very slow at accepting or the posts come up twice. Some kind of technical 'itch and itch too!!!!

    Talkin' of getting 'itched i've got a joke about me divorce.
    I'll bang it on the blog later. That's if the blog ploice allow it!!

    PS Great result in the GP. Lewis Hamilton winning in the rain. He is some talent.
    The best drivers always shine in the rain as it's more about driver skill in the wet, were as in the dry were it's more about the superiority of the car.
    And Alonso got his Karma crashing out!!!
    Grear result for Fisichella he was leading the race at one point until Alonso crashed and because he had to do a pit stop under the safety car it dropped him to a still brilliant 5 place. Shame, I think he was on for 2nd or 3rd.
    And brilliant result for Fisi's team mate Heiki Kovalainen who was lucky with the timing of his pit stop, held off Kimi Raikonen brilliantly ter finish a BRILLIANT 2ND!!!!!!!!!
    Should make the track wet purposely I think!!!


  34. At 11:36 AM on 01 Oct 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Bingo dear - did you forget your medication this morning?

    Anne x

  35. At 12:03 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Karen wrote:

    Oi, oi. Bonjours mes petits chaufleurs. i too have been behaving well for a good while now.....but sometimes feel like breaking out and re-visiting the reckless days. Increased contentment, not increased responsibility, encourages u to behave as u should. When u are contented u don't want to hurt or embarrass those involved in ur life.
    I am considering changing jobs- I am a teacher - and have a million and one ideas, just need to put a few in to practice. My new springer spaniel, Hank, is 12 weeks and totally alpha male. Taking him for bouncy walks is making me rethink stuff. spend too much time at work and not with the real people who matter. My partner has been telling me this for years.....why have I not listened? Things are afoot, a change is oin the air...look out world!
    Muchos lovos xx

  36. At 01:45 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good aft everyone hope you all had great weekends.

    Congrats to Sir Tel for being Radio 2 icon of the last 40 years.

    Em M - costume for son - a real easy one is as an evacuee.


  37. At 02:09 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    poptastic one and all

    Hope the blog is working today.

    Great radio over the weekend, really nostaglic and funny.

    Oct 1st and the shops are full of Halloween masks. I love fancy dress but nobody I know seems to have the same enthusiam for it.

    Glad you had a nice holiday Gigembre, did you hit any hot dance clubs in Ibiza?

    Bingo I'm wondering if you drive your truck like an F1?

    j. Becareful what comes off in yer hand!

  38. At 02:42 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Stewart Gates wrote:

    Well done mate! I know the feeling as I took & passed my LGV (HGV) theory last year and now amongst other things I drive a big artic...
    The worlds your oyster - feel the wind in your face - don't wait too long for your test and keep practicing

  39. At 03:16 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    me again,

    I'm hoping one of you bloggers/blogettes, or indeed CLP himself can help me out?

    ....my TFI Friday tshirt has finally bitten the dust and I'd love to get another.

    Can't find one on t'internet - any ideas?


    oh, size L if you can help x

  40. At 08:30 PM on 04 Oct 2007, Phil Hicks wrote:

    Chris make my late afternoon, when I am deliving Car parts round the Gloucestershire area.
    So good to see he has changed from the way he used to be on earlier radio shows.
    But you are as you are, but their is a time and place for it.

    His show is well worth waiting for, a complete change from all the other radio shows

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