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Chris Evans | 10:05 UK time, Monday, 3 September 2007

Alright now, I'm not joking but that was officially the...

....fastest weekend ever.

Friday in the restaurant, late cos' of mental traffic, you know the score, say hello to the peeps, try out the new specials, tell the staff you love them all, bed, a bit of Friday night lovin'and then...


The Goodwood revival, what a thing of beauty. Thousands of people togged up from yesteryear watching blokes who own very very expensive old racing cars throw them round like they are kids soap box carts. And boy do they mean it, this was not a procession, this was, get out of my f£$"&(*^ way now or at least move the hell over ! One guy spins, his beautiful machine hits the wall and disintegrates, the guy walks away... commentator...

"Well it seems the driver is ok, thank heaven but his wallet will be feeling the most pain."

This is big boys and their very big toys stuff.

Lord March and his good lady Janet also found it in their hearts to graciously invite us (me and Mrs. E.) to the "do" at the night time. What an affair !

Acrobats, The Bootleg Beatles, pomp, ceromony and good tables, i.e. quality guests, I won't say who but good chat from the best of the best.

SUNDAY, somehow, we ended up in The Isle of White and we only got back fifty five minutes ago. Still in our Goodwood gear..... don't ask it's a long story.

Need a lie down, not got time for one, sleep when I'm dead.

CLP. 2007.



  1. At 10:44 AM on 03 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning!

    CLP it sounds like you had a brilliant weekend, I think my hubby would have loved to have been there too. He is definately a boy who loves his toys! He goes to Le Mans every two years to watch the racing. Not my cup of tea really.

    It's little man's 4th birthday today and he is so excited it's actually infectious. I love him so much. Speaking of fast weekends, this has to be the fastest 4 years of my life and it doesn't look like it's going to slow down soon.

    I have to practice my speech for the funeral on Wednesday. I can't begin to tell you how nervous I am. I hope I'm saying all the right things and people will be able to hear me, I don't break down etc etc. I think as long as I don't look at mum I may be ok.

    Anyway, off the get the grass cut now as little man has some friends round this afternoon and looks like it's going to be a lovely day.

    Hope you all have a good Monday...

    Love Deb x

  2. At 10:45 AM on 03 Sep 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Morning all!
    Sounds like a hectic weekend alright - but those weekends where you go somewhere, but then lead you onto something completly different are often the best - and Goodwood is a great 'occasion' to visit!

    Me - I had a wedding, christening and funeral all in one weekend....but with good timing and luck with the traffic, it wall worked out well....

    Just book some time for me to sleep next weekend pleasssee!!

    Tickle :)

  3. At 10:50 AM on 03 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Wowser CLP!! And I thought my weekend was busy!

    I partook in a LBT class on Saturday morning (Legs Bums and Torture) (Tums!). All was well until Sunday morning when I discovered my legs were made of jelly and I needed a stairlift installed at Diva Towers. Ouch!!

    We did a car boot sale Sunday morning - I didn't know there was a 6 o'clock on a Sunday morning as well .... early, much too early for any decent folk. We made about £40 which has gone into the "spa break" fund (a jam jar!). Thus far, we're up to a capuccino on arrival and a jammy dodger or two for lunch - so a long way to go to actually pay for the spa break itself!! After the boot sale we took everything unsold to the local "tip" and recycled what we could.

    Talking of recycling .... did anyone catch that prog on Ch4 last night about the people living on a landfill? Took me back to my portacabin hell days as that's the firm I was working for. But not at that site. Rather them than me is all I can say.

    Oh - and I've only had a couple of hours sleep as my darling little black cat brought me a prezzie home at 2am in the shape of a mouse, which was/is very much still alive. Lunchtime today will be going out to buy mouse traps - ugh!

    Long week ahead. Bosses still overseas on business so not much work for me to do. They're back at the end of this week tho so I expect it to go silly busy on Friday - typical!

    Anyone got any filing for me to do ......

    CtD x x x

  4. At 10:58 AM on 03 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Wishes Of Well CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP Man dat iz an event i've never been ter but every year I say i'm gonna go ter -

    But I never get there. Maybe cos it's so far south from Wirral were I live. I think Goodwood is not far from Brighton.

    Anyway I take it that it was the historic event you went to - I hope you went in your Ferrari 308 baby. The 308 is classed as a classic now I think so it would feel at home at the Goodwood event. Probally a few racing there!
    At least I can see it on tv - I'm looking forward ter it.
    I bet Rowan Atkinson was there racing, as always and the Moss aka Stirling.

    A few weeks ago it was the modern event with all the latest motor racing stars and cars there and many from the past.
    I can't believe i've not been yet - damn STRESS!!!


  5. At 10:59 AM on 03 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Good for you ...your a long time dead

    What a brill weekend

    No time for gliding then?

    De x

  6. At 11:06 AM on 03 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Lundi heureux!

    What a great time! V. envious as I've always wanted to go. I think I'd be really upset seeing something like that just smash to pieces though.

    Had a quiet one myself with the bears, some books and Sunday lunch with the parents.... bliss!


  7. At 11:07 AM on 03 Sep 2007, wrote:


    Please spell the Isle of WIGHT properly will you! Otherwise you'll not be allowed back........tsk.

    I was on the ferry on Friday morning with an old MG and a vintage Bentley - no guesses where they were heading.

    Jan x

  8. At 11:24 AM on 03 Sep 2007, wrote:

    How on earth did you end up there!

    What did I do...... nothing as have been laid up with a cold all weekend. M.E and colds do not mix!

    Oh thank goodness Phil and Ferne are back! My friend says I should go on there about my benefit problems!

    Well I'm off, was meant to be going to Wroxham but not sure if I feel up to it, we shall see. Love to you all, Missy xx

  9. At 11:50 AM on 03 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Wishes Of Well again ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    I forgot ter mention... talkin' of missed gigs.... I've missed out on two last week.

    The first..... I hear unfortunately R2 was struggling ter get someone ter cover for The Bruce.
    In the end the welsh dude.. The Jones, not the Tom, but the Aled was drafted in.
    Can I just say I woud 'ave done it and my fees would ave been alot lower - know what am sayin'!!!
    Mind you so are me listeners numbers........ but that's a different story.

    Imagine it radio friends......

    MONDAY - we could open with WROCK.
    Say abit of The Darkness... either Knockers or Dinner Lady Arms..... i'd say the later.

    TUESDAY - open with WROCK.
    Mmmmnnn... Greenday and either Wake Me Up When September Ends or Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.... i'd say the September one.

    WEDNESDAY - Lesley Douglas, aka The Controller of R2 would be coming ter 'ave a word with me about ter much WROCK. She'd say Bingo, i'd say please call me Bin. She'd say less wrock 'Bin'. I'd say don't worry i'm in control of it - chill Lesley... friend!!!!

    I'd open with Coldplay... just ter tone ert down abit - know what am sayin'!
    But really it's gentle wrock, without The Douglas noticing.
    Either Yellow or Clocks... errr no i'd go for Fix You.. as i'd be fixin' the wrock stiuation. Or at least the R2 boss would think so - know what am sayin' dudes!!

    THURSDAY - Up it again... Queen either Headlong or Headlong.
    In fact it's so damn fast n' guten, I might just play it twice.
    Imagine it... "Ello, ello radio wrocas that was Queen and Headddlongggggga that we've opened with and this next tune issss Headlong againnnnn..... Playyyyya"
    I get a feeling by know, sorry now, The Douglas would be beginning ter become abit of a wrock groover herself - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    FRIDAY - I would have converted Lesley Douglas, i'm sure of it. She'd say 'Bin' what are yer opening with terday.
    I'd say the full 8 minutes of Meatloaf - Life Is A Lemon And I Want Me Money Back.
    Lesley might just say 'Bin' - NOT wrockin' enough. Open with some Megadeath!!!!
    I'd say what if we play them back ter back. I'm sure she'd say DEAL........
    I'd say I can't see the Edmonds.... aye. Deal Or No Deal!

    Sorry was this blog comment abit more mad than usual - sorry!!!!


    PS Chris any chance a playin Against All Authority and Stand In Line or A Change Of Pace and I Wanna Be Your Rock And Roll. Both most appealling tunes ter...... The MIND!!!!!!!!!

  10. At 11:57 AM on 03 Sep 2007, Elm wrote:

    Had a great weekend as well but went very quickly, was out Fri and Sat night (been a while since we could say that) and TLOMY got the floor finished!

    This week I am going to paint the skirting in the evenings and he has to ut up the new blinds and curtains we bought on Sunday and then (after 8 months) I might have my downstairs back!

    Elm x

  11. At 12:42 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Good moaning one and all

    Goodwood sounds more than just a wild day out. Chris did you get on the wrong coach home?
    The IOW is the number 42.
    Bingo. I was listening to Steve Wright on Sunday and yes he played Cherish!

    Just had a fry up for lunch, my idea of botox. Well, you put weight on and the wrinkles fill out.

  12. At 12:58 PM on 03 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Great to hear all about your weekend. Sounded terrific! Interesting to hear about the "Friday night lovin'"!

    My weekend was mixed, lots of domestic chores that I hate. Went to see the most depressing play ever on Saturday!

    Debbie - all the very best to you for your speech on Wednesday. It will be so difficult, but try to be really brave and speak loud enough that everyone can hear you. I asked someone I know who makes speechs regularly, how to do it. He said the way to get through it is do not look directly at ANYONE. You look into the middle distance, i.e. the flower arrangement at the back of the church/funeral parlour. Hope this helps a little. Happy birthday to your wee guy!

    Hope everyone is o.k. this lovely Monday.

    C xx

  13. At 01:03 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Chrissie boy,

    I tell you, you really know how to live, ha ha . . .

    How do you cram so much in - unbelievable . . . life just gets better & better ...

    Had a great wkend over here too - many friends, good food and nice wines - still recovering . .

  14. At 01:09 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Your weekend sounds fab Chris, I wish I had half as much energy as you! As you all know I have been detoxing so I said no thankyou to two barbecues. I know you probably will think I'm mad but I love waking up without a hangover - it's the best feeling ever.

    My son starts high school tomorrow and he is so worried, he's chewed all the skin on his thumb to bits. What can I do to put his mind at rest?

    Em xx

  15. At 01:20 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    MfR - what a great posting, sounds like you had a great day. My old man is an egg-chaser so I haven't that pleasure. I did take him to a rugby game a few father's days ago and we had a day similar to your description. Shame my Spurs threw it away, but all credit to Fulham for plugging away. OMG have you seen Heskey is back in the England squad????

    In the middle of my night shifts, been soooo busy this weekend.
    MrsW and me are celebrating our wedding anniversary today. Won't really see her 'til tomorrow but we have some lovely stuff planned for Weds.
    PIcking the folks up from Stansed tomorrow afternoon, hope I have a less eventful time than when I dropped them off!!

    missy - get well soon - x

    Great postings this past 7 days, thanks to you all for making it such an ace place to be


  16. At 01:32 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - just reassure him that everything is ok, that he will love it at high school, meet new friends, play loads of sport, do so many new subjects in practical form. Perhaps make his favourite dinner tonight? I suppose try not to let him see any worries you have, let him see a proud mum and let him take that warm feeling with him as he leaves you tomorrow morning.

    Don't know if that helped, good luck to little M and hope it all goes well. What school is it?

    The detox sounds good so far, glad you're feeling great. I'm not - nights are a killer!!


  17. At 01:41 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris et all,

    Not been around much of late, sorry about that, but it's been one thing after another (including work getting in the way) I've had my poor old Mum in and out of hospital, she's taken to falling over on a very regular basis, abd I've got to know at least half a dozen ambulance crews (they are gods - don't you think) anyhow I think she may be on the mend and let out towards the end of this week - I don't have any of those children things but I'm certain that parents once they reach a certain age are just as much of a worry, esp if they live alone.

    Sorry.....waffling on there, now a nicer topic GOODWOOD what a fab place, I once had the honour of going round the track in my/our 1947 dodge saloon. I used to be really into hot rods (still am if truth were told). Anyhow a bunch of us arrived at the Festival of Speed one year, just to watch, and Lord March became aware of this group of superb cars (chums and meself) and invited us to have a whizz round the track, there was my ex and me in the Dodge and some close friends in thier 1936 Chevy Pick up, a few model A's and B's and a couple of gorgeous thirties fords....Super day had by all!!!
    Would love to go to the revival weekend one year, think new man would love it too.

    Glad you had a super weekend Chris and Mrs E
    better get on with some work I guess, before rushing to doctors, chemist, hospital - it's wearing me out!

    Take care all

  18. At 02:13 PM on 03 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere again.

    Prof Plum - Sorry I missed Sunday Love Songs with Wrightie. Yer say 'e played Cherish... It doesn't supprise me in the slightest.

    Wrightie... 'is show 'as always been so full of love and passion. That's the kind of top airwave operative 'e's always been - know what am sayin'!


  19. At 02:51 PM on 03 Sep 2007, kazz wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    How do you do it - sounds
    great you certainly grabbed
    the weekend by both horns!

    Mine was quite tepid will
    have to plan a bit better I

    Hope your colds better Missey


  20. At 04:46 PM on 03 Sep 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    Goodwood went last year great day out.
    hate the idea of classic cars being smashed up by wana be race drivers.
    ok ok im just a jealous guy

  21. At 07:19 PM on 03 Sep 2007, BSASusie wrote:

    Hi CLP

    This is the first time I have blogged so hi all.

    Thank you so much for reading my text out to say hi to all the hard working marshals at the Goodwood Revival. My mates have inundated me with texts and emails after hearing it, you even made one almost drive into a ditch on the way home from work! Cheers for saying ''hello Sooooos'' at the end too, everyone shortens my name to that and I love it! Sounded even better you saying it! That's made my day.

    I had a great time marshaling at Goodwood but I know where you are coming from with the smashes. However we look at it that if they can afford to own the cars in the first place they can either afford to loose them or get them rebuilt.
    It is great to see them being raced properly. I got into the spirit dressed up in my 2nd WW ATS motorcyclists uniform on Fri & Sun and Skirt and 4 pocket jacket on Ladies Day on Saturday. I think I must be the first flag marshal to marshal wearing a skirt! My BSA M20 was on display and I was meant to ride it round the track on the Sunday but it developed a problem so I jumped on a mate's Matchless instead. It was a great experience!

    For whoever mention Rowan Atkinson, he had his best result yet, 5th in a blue Mustang. He's a really nice guy to chat to and loves his cars.

    Nice to chat to you all, hope I was not too dull.

    Keep up the great work Christophe.


  22. At 07:45 PM on 03 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:

    Gingembre. Thanks mate. I would say lets go to the reverse fixture, but it is on Boxing Day and I would need one of those gold-plated passes to get out that day. You know, the ones that don't exist......


    I've never been to The Revival, but have been to the FoS for the past few years. We missed this year as we were on the Road Trip.

    We first went on a corporate thingy and we got hooked. I've nearly always been able to wangle some pass or another from one of the big car companies. Well, I've got to get the odd perk or two working in the industry.

    Went for a run tonight and felt so good I was about to go round again, but something went slightly awry and I had to settle for a hobble home. Blimey, anyone would think I was about to turn 37 or something......

    Must dash (well, I would if I could), HPaTDH needs finishing before HK.

    Peace & love


    PS Peace Sells.....But Who's Buying?

    PPS September 18th 1970

    PPPS October 4th 1970

  23. At 08:18 PM on 03 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    same here chris the weekends seem to fly by and when im a work it seems to last an eternity....thats karma i suppose

  24. At 12:25 AM on 04 Sep 2007, Jill wrote:

    Chris and fellow followers

    Yes, the Goodwood Revival was brilliant - was there on the Sunday, and the air displays (Spitfires etc) between the races were stunning as well as the classic car racing which was oh-so-exciting. Recommend the event to anyone, it's a great atmosphere. I had so much else to do, but forgot all about that when I was there, and really enjoyed every minute there.

    Didn't end up at the Isle of Wight though - presume one of the party people had a helicopter or private plane, offered you a ride and that's where you landed! Good place to go of course.

    Love to all - Jill xxxx

  25. At 09:27 AM on 04 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Just eating my bowl of brown rice and apple.....

    It's a rice day today, I like rice but I don't usually eat it for every meal.

    No 1 son went off with his friends to catch the bus but apparently it was really late so he was probably late on his first day, not a good start. I will think about him all day, he's dyspraxic so he's only just doing the things everyone else's kids have been doing for years ie riding a bike and tying his shoelaces. I bough him a new watch for school but he couldn't wear it because he couldn't get the hang of putting it on!

    Will post later to let you know how it went.

    Em xx

  26. At 10:06 AM on 04 Sep 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Debbie - hope your little boy had a good birthday.

    Will be thinking of you on Wednesday when you give your speech. Can I suggest that you look for an inanimate object in the distance, and when you make your speech, fix your eyes on it. It will seem as if you're looking at people, but you won't be distracted, and hopefully this will help you.

    jillygoat xx

  27. At 10:40 AM on 04 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And Debbie.

    Yes indeed, good luck for tomorrow. Trust me it will all be over in a flash and you'll be glad you did it. For your nan.

    Bless you.


  28. At 06:20 PM on 04 Sep 2007, wrote:

    The Revival was great -and wonderfull weather. Went in the '66 Ghia, both dresssed in matching cream and white.
    Saturday was the best day for the racing.
    Stopped by the Mulberry on Monday for lunch, all in all very good and charming service. Have you thought of supplying Gospel Green sparkling cider (just up the road from you ) it's v.v. good.


  29. At 02:32 PM on 07 Sep 2007, MARTIN SOUTHERTON wrote:

    Saw you at Goodwood, you should have bought the breadknife the vintage shoes she was looking at on our stand, tight wad!!!

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