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Chris Evans | 09:59 UK time, Wednesday, 29 August 2007

It's one minute to ten in the morning, the stew for tonight is already on and my fingers stink of...

... garlic fresh from the garden.

Lst night the contact sheets from the wedding photos arrived but we were dog tired and had just had dinner and it was almost bed time, so we resisted the temptation to look at them. A thing much harder for Mrs. Evans to do than myself. Instead we've decided to crack open a bottle of champagne tonight and do the job properly.

Hence all this ...the stew, a meal ready to go upon our return tonight.

The stew is also a reincarnation for the chicken we had last night. Fresh from the local butchers, not cheap, not cheap at all but mighty mighty tasty. Compounded by the way it was cooked.

Yesterday, Mrs. E., went to purchase an infamous book called "How to roast a chicken." For those of you who haven't heard of it, it is the modern day cooking bible. And if last night's result was anything to go by, it desrevves the acolade.

A request if you please, what was the name of the antidote movie to Al Gore's Covenient Truth ?

Toodle pip, off to learn how not to crash an aircraft again.





  1. At 10:11 AM on 29 Aug 2007, James Michie wrote:

    Sounds very tasty indeed!

    Not sure if this is what you are thinking of but Channel 4 put out a documentary film called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" which directly refuted Al Gore's theory showing that co2 emissions are actually lagging behind the rate of warming that the world is experiencing.

    Hope this helps!


  2. At 10:18 AM on 29 Aug 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    What a terrific surprise to see you here so early! Are you trying to catch us out?

    No idea what you are referring to re: the antidote movie, sorry. No doubt you'll be hearing about that shortly from dozens of others!

    I need that chicken book. Will be looking for that at lunchtime. You and Natasha are so domesticated!

    Hope you have a lovely evening looking over your wedding photographs. Something to cherish for ever!

    C xx

  3. At 10:19 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Good lordy Christophe, married life is making you blog early again!! YIPPEE YAY, I do prefer it when we're all talking on the same day so to speak.

    MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, stew - I love stew!!!

    Thinking of taking the daughter out for dinner tonight. She survived Reading by the way - and is already wishing it was this time next year so she can go again!!

    Morning everyone else.
    EmM, hope you're feeling a bit better today.
    Clodagh, I'm loving the tales of ham sarnies, pork pies and rum and raisin choc ices!!!


  4. At 10:40 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Wibs wrote:

    the more i hear about you and Mrs E the more i like you! Same age, same outlook as me!

    As a child i used to eat out vegetables and salad fresh from my fathers garden - we had everything we could wish for but never carrots! They would not grow in the soii as it was clay or challk cant remember. I did not appreciate fresh runner beans, tomatoes etc but now how i do!

    My parents were before their time. They have purchased an old shack in Scotland and renovated that for their retirement and retired at 55! Grand designs eat your heart out! Years before any of these programmes, I am so proud of them!

    and now all this is trendy but as a child growing up in the 70's it wasnt the trend and yet my father knew it was better than anything else!
    wow wee love to hear all about your antics Christophe and Mrs E!!!!!!!!!1

  5. At 10:41 AM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Good morning all!

    On monday I saw a cook book about Heinz baked beans. I'm gonna get it for someones christmas pressie but might have to get myself one as well! I do love a good cook book. I am definatly gonna have to look out for the chicken book though. Right am off to read the rest of yesterdays comments xx

  6. At 10:49 AM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Slow cookers are such a boon.

    Is that movie clip you're after 'Al Gore's Penguin Army' on YouTube?

    Jan x

  7. At 11:27 AM on 29 Aug 2007, Jo wrote:

    Slow cookers are the future - it's official. And the smell throughout the day - YUM. Slow cooked rice pudding tomorrow me thinks

    IN OFFICE NEWS - I have had 2 cups of tea but have unfortunately also had to do some bits of work but am now going to start clearing my desk.

    Chris - you should find a good farmer to supply your meat - I use my farm shop down the road and they always have such quality produce, and it's not that much more expensive.

    :o) Jo

  8. At 12:17 PM on 29 Aug 2007, MfR wrote:

    Today is the calm after the storm. Fun and games yesterday presenting budgets, while today is about relaxing and sweeping up the pesky little jobs that there never seems to be time to get round to.

    Jo. No. No. No. Sorry, nothing could ever persuade me to pick up a paintbrush again. Ever.

    Gingembre. I too caught the tattoo bug a couple of years ago and, like you, find them strangely addictive.

    Gym tonight as the training regime begins again.

    Well, until Thirsty Thursday anyway.

    Watched Jamie last night and I am now convinced that I am related to Brian. The really spooky thing is that my dad grew up within a couple of miles of Jamie's house.

    Ooh 'eck.

    Peace & love

    MfR - Your green-fingered friend

  9. At 12:25 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon peeps - long time no blog - but I've been lurking and reading!

    MfR - Happy 9th to you and Mrs MfR. Myself and Mr Diva notched up our 13 years since meeting on 19th Aug and spent the day at V wondering where our yoof had gone!

    missy - I lurve the bag. I left a mgs on your blog but it doesn't seem to have reached the light of day.

    Martin - keep going: you're doing grand mate!

    Well, glad to hear that CLP is pulling his own garlic - so are we! And onions, runner beans, borlotti beans, sweetcorn, carrots, parsnips, kale, swede, spuds .... and most other things in season. Yep, the allotment is really doing us proud this year apart from a little problem of ....

    ...rats! Yikes!! We're overrun with the little monsters. We blame it on the lazy creature on thenext plot who has paid for her year and not worked the plot at all. She's covered it in tarpaulin and carpet and the rats love it to bits. Trouble is, they're snacking on our corn on the cobs. The Parish Council won't touch it so basically we're snookered. Ugh!! Mr Diva has laid some traps but so far they prefer the sweetcorn to the chocolate covered peanuts he's baiting it with. Ho hum ...

    Did anyone see Jamie last night? I was thinking of you MfR .... lush! luverley! At least I now know what to do with all those beans !!!

    Hey gang, I'm gonna need some virtual support over the next few months as tonight I'm re-joining Chubby Club. Yes, I'm off to see Suffolk's answer to Marjory Dawes to be recommended a diet of "dust" but no "choclit". Having just turned 39 I don't wanna be 40 and fat. I think I'm about 16 stone, so there's a fair bit to be shed, as it were. Also dily-dallying over joining the gym but I get so self-conscious amongst all the fit people.

    Righteo, I'm off to enjoy my last cheese and onion roll before facing the nemesis of the scales this eve!

    Any advice on not being fat or getting rid of rats greatfully received!

    Love y'all!

    CtD x x

    PS: I could have loved you girl like a planet .....

  10. At 12:32 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Elm wrote:

    hiya everyone - and happy hump day

    Aren't four day weeks great! :-)

    I have a very old (well maybe sixties/seventies) cook book and found a great recipe for tuna which I tried yesterday with a few changes.

    1) small amount of oil in a saucepan
    2)poor ina tine of tuna
    3)add whatever you ahve in the bottom of the fridge (I had onion/corgette/garlic and red pepper)
    4)add a tin of condensed mushroon soup and a can of water
    5) cook for a bit then pour into a oven proof dish and put in oven
    6) make breadcrumbs (great fun)
    7) after 10 mintutes take out oven proof dish, add bread crumbs then cook for a further ten mins

    I had mine with new potatoes and was great, very easy and cheap to make

    Also very filling, guess I will have it for next 4 days!

    Have just gone veggie so am experimenting with food (will still eat tuna but thats about it) - any ideas out there?

    Elm x

  11. At 12:34 PM on 29 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    09.59 - Gobsmacked. I guess your all geared up with internet access now. That`s good news.

    I love stew, especialy in winter after a fresh walk. I also adore a well cooked chicken with a nice crispy skin.

    Thier are two survival things in human beings, made to give us great pleasure, so that we survive. One of them is food and eating and the other I`ve gone off - I think it`s something to do with a few too many vodka`s in the past!

    Sel la vie

    What a nice day again. This is our late summer folkes, make the most of it.

    m xxx

  12. At 12:40 PM on 29 Aug 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Was it....

    The Great Global Warming Swindle, Chris ?

    I think it was a documentary not a movie,

    Ehat a nice evening to look forward to...

    De x

  13. At 12:56 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's all stress - am tellin' yer, from start ter end!!

    I got blog ploiced yesterday. I was writing some support for 'J' about her blog yesterday and her difficult work situation.
    I think me comments were too riskay with the name I have for bad managers too damn naughty - I'll leave it ter the imagination.

    What a waz tryin' ter say waz - not all managers are bad as there are many very. very nice managers out there but the minority sometimes can be bullies and crawlers ter the main boss.

    I've been in your situation J and noticed it in my past careers it always seems ter be the manager under the main boss but above the general staff who is talentless, bullies the staff, yet crawls to the main boss and takes the credit for other peoples work.
    Usually the senior manger is very pleasant and the one with the brains.

    It's a difficult position your in J but all I can suggest is it might be worth having a one to one with the senior manager if he's approachable.

    Sometimes it isn't easy, I've ended up leaving jobs because of this and it's one reason why my drive and determination ter make it big on the stockmarket and be my own boss is so strong.

    PS I hope this blog gets past the blog ploice. On a light hearted note - this is why I couldn't be famous blog friends - I'm such a sensitive yaung man!!!!!!
    Yesterday I waz left in total pieces after me blog didn't get through - a tell yer!!!!!
    Distraught and comptemplating ringing the Priory clinic hotline, I waz- it's waz only the Drivetime show that got me through it - know what am sayin'!!!!
    Now I understand why so many celebs end up in re-hab.

    Agggghhhhh......... sssssttrreesssssssssssss!!!!!


    PPS Christoof - I'm damn glad the plane yer learnig ter fly/ crash, isn't one of those 1,500mph babies or yer nice dinners you've been eating would....... I'll leave this ter the imagination too........ stress again!!!!!

  14. At 01:24 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello again.

    MfR - I've not been home in time to watch Jamie - but I just pre-ordered the book which comes out next week I think, which looks fabaroonie.

    CtD - RATS! Yukkity yukkity, and I thought I had problems with the slug fest!! Do they stay away while you're actually there? Don't think I could go otherwise. I thought if you didn't look after your allotment you got kicked off??

    No sensible advice re fat problem, except, yes, eat lots of dust ... and no going into cake shops and saying "I want that one". But I am sending you lots of success vibes!!! Am sure you'll do it!!!


  15. At 01:30 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere... again.

    CLP I waz just gonna recommend playing a very appropriate tune terday.

    What with the unveiling of the Nelson Mandela statue in Westminster terday - one of the greatest world leaders we've had, how about playing 'Mandela Day' by Simple Minds.

    Absolutely brilliant tune - be a great opener for terday's drivetime show!!!!!!!!!


  16. At 01:43 PM on 29 Aug 2007, martin james wrote:

    Piper aircraft Chris? Training planes are always Piper`s! I went solo in a 1959 Piper Cub, G-AYPR. Did engine failure and restart exercise in a Cessna 150 Aerobat - good fun. I`m just a bit jealous mate.

    m xxx

  17. At 01:51 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello lovely people!

    Well where did the weekend go, it absolutely flew by for me! Me, Mum and Dad took little man to a railway museum and then to Hedingham Castle yesterday and we had a great time. Mum and Dad bought him a toy sword though which isn't so great. Poor Betty sees it and runs as little man has decided she can play 'baddie'.......

    CtD, my Dad had the same problem but couldn't put poison down as it would harm the squirrels (still vermin I know but hey) also wouldn't do the cat much good. I'll have to ask him what he used in the end.

    Gingembre, tatoos are ok in the right place I agree. Read your post and thought of David Beckham!

    Anyway, we are still waiting for my Nan's funeral can you believe it? My aunt flew on holiday 4 days after Nan died so we have had to delay the funeral until next Wednesday. I don't know how I feel about this really, it's horrible for Mum at the moment. And the thought of this speach is making me feel ill I think. I've had this headache, sore neck and shoulders since Saturday. I could do with a massage.

    Love Deb x

    PS. CLP, what a lovely evening to look forward to - Enjoy x

    PPS. Em M, Hope you are feeling better today x

  18. At 01:56 PM on 29 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Bingo - thank you. I may try that but big boss thinks sun shines out of little boss's nether regions...

    C-t-D - when I had a rat's nest under the tree in our garden (many moons ago) and a tribe of mice living in the pantry, I got told to talk to them. Spoke to the rats and asked them to keep out my way because they scared me and asked the mice to leave as their home was not in my home and I'd have to bring in the exterminators if they stayed. It worked! Mice in larder upped sticks and left and rats kept well away, all except one rat who came to the back door to die, very odd...

    Good luck with fat club... and what is the first rule of fat club?


  19. At 02:03 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Grrrrr!! Just rang the Parish Council about the rats and they "will be writing to all allotment owners in the new year" to invite renewals. They are soooooooooooooooooooo useless! Talk about cash cow for the parish council. It makes my blood boil!

    Anyhooo ... HL: where are you????

    CtD x x

  20. At 02:06 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Aw J, I love that story!!! Do you think it will work on slugs??? I'm going to try it anyway!

    As long as they don't all come to my back door to die - ugh!

  21. At 02:09 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    oooh, last one today I promise. Just wanted to say to Prof Plum - good luck for tomorrow!!!! Make sure people know where you are, and get someone to call you after 30 mins or so on your moby, just in case you need a quick get away!!

    I'm sure you won't - I'm sure you'll have lots of fun in the afternoon ...

    I met my man on an internet dating site, four and a half years ago. It's the way forward guys and gals!!


  22. At 02:10 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh heavens one and all

    I think my blind date has put pics on Chris's site! It's on yesterdays blog under the name of Steve J. I think one of those hunky guys is my blind date. They bring um up good.. look at pic 3 baby being spoon fed on beer.........

  23. At 02:17 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:


    Bingo Star ere... again.

    J - Unfortunately that's often the case.... there not secret lovers are they?

    Yer often find they are J!!!!!!!

    If so maybe yer could phone 'is wife and tell all if it is an 'e were talkin' about 'ere.


  24. At 02:19 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Debbie: I had to give a speech (with a microphone!) last night in front of lots of people.
    I'm hopeless at this and always try to get out of it if possible. However, this time I decided I was a grown-up and I could do this. I wrote my speech, went over it lots of times, changing bits, and then practised it at home (alone!) lots of times. It went brilliantly - every time I started to get nervous I blocked out the "I can't do this" thoughts and decided I was going to enjoy the evening.

    I know you won't have the enjoyment bit at your Nan's funeral, but if you practice your speech as much as you can, you'll feel much better when it comes to actually doing it.

    Good luck.

    Anne x

  25. At 02:41 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    j - is the first rule of fat club not to keep calling ones-self "fat" ??

    Respect Mika's chant of Big Girl You Are Beautiful? That's Ok for him to say - he doesn't have a full social calendar and no ballgowns!

    Embarrassing story: Last time I wore a "posh" black dress (it was a strapless number with a big prom style skirt in tafetta), as we were waiting for the cab to take us home after a velentines ball I sneezed and the zip pinged apart, which meant I had to hold my dress up for the journey home, or risk giving the cabby an eye full! The dress is still hanging in the wardrobe with a busted zip!

    1st rule of fat club - don't cheat as you're only cheating yourself?

    Please, j, do tell!!

  26. At 03:02 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Di wrote:

    CtD - The trouble with diets and dieting clubs is that you constantly think about food. My advice is - try not to think about food - it's mind over matter. Good luck.

    Elm - try this:

    Fresh tuna steaks cut into 1" cubes and marinated in plenty of soy sauce (dark not light), thinly sliced fresh ginger, lemon juice. Half an hour will do, though a couple of hours is better.

    Stir fry 1 fresh chilli, chopped spring onions and 1 red bell pepper (any sweet pepper will do). After a few minutes add the dish of tuna with all the marinade. Cook for 4 minutes then add 'straight to wok' noodles. Stir & serve. Fab!! (also very healthy)

    Di x

  27. At 03:25 PM on 29 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    Ah, C-t-D, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you....

    They may well tell you tonight, but don't breath a word of it again....


  28. At 03:27 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello again,

    Bingo Satr ere..... yet again.

    Errrrrrrrrr......... Tinsel, slugs..... the only way ter get rid of em is :

    1 - Get a torch

    2 - Get a container

    3 - Get out inter the problem area in question at about 11 pm (23:00) and believe me the little buggers will be everywhere. If it's been raining too they go ape!!!!!!
    I've found two or three nights of this and the garden will be totally slug free.

    The only problem i've nearly been arreasted a few times as the neighbours think there's either a peeping tom crawling around the Starr's garden or an SAS trained burgler about ter burgle - know what am sayin!!!!


    PS I humanely, slugly, dispose of the slugs by tipping them out of the container into the waste land near me 'ouse.
    Just in case the RSPCA persue me for cruelty ter wildlife - know what am tryin ter say!!!!!!!!

  29. At 03:37 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Red wrote:

    Prof: I met the gorgeous Mr R online - it's amaaaaaazing what you can find on t'internet! Anyway, do please make sure you get someone to phone you - when I was looking I used to get someone to call an hour into the date and then I'd call them when I was home safe. Only one person was offended which left me a bit speachless...! Why?? Anyway then you can have lots of fun!
    CtD: Good luck with fat club. I used to be a marjorie dawes myself but ate pretty much everything I could see when I was pregnant. I'm not good with diets as I obsess about food which isn't good either... hmmmm


  30. At 03:39 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    End Of

  31. At 03:40 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    how on earth did you get away at not looking at the pictures.
    teach me the way oh wise one,
    my mrs would have gone right into one.
    "oh you dont love me any more"
    and all that jazz.

    or did your wife throw a strop hence you making dinner.

    umm will never know

  32. At 03:49 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    your dinner sounds yummy..... as we're sharing dinner ideas.....tonight ours will be roast pork, with red cabbage, mashed potatoes, roasted carrotts, courgettes, peppers etc..

    Please could we get to see some wedding pics on your blog please CLP & Mrs CLP??

    yours hopefully

    Leb x

    p.s. enjoy the evening with pictures, champers and stew!

  33. At 03:54 PM on 29 Aug 2007, wrote:

    CLP - did the magazine thing happen in the end? If not, will you put your wedding pix on your external photos site so we can all wallow in the collective glow of you and Natasha?


  34. At 04:14 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello yet again,

    Bingo Star ere... again, again.

    CtD - That kind of talk..... you'll end up coming back in the next life as a slug... believe me and then you'll be even more terrified of Jamie Oliver than you might be know, sorry now!!!

    Chow again!

  35. At 04:42 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Louise wrote:

    Me again.... I notice a fair few of us have requested to share a peep your pictures..... any hope for us?

    Leb x

  36. At 05:01 PM on 29 Aug 2007, j wrote:

    I wasn't so kind to the slugs! I tried everything and ended up with a scene out of 'chain saw massacre for slugs'. I had one skewered with a toothpick, two floating in a small pot of beer, one mass of mess following the salt treatment (dear god, first and only time doing that one, how gross is that....) and one just plain, ole-fashioned squashed.

    Thing is the death ground seemed to work and scared off the slugs but it did give me an unpleasant feeling every time I saw it!

    I'm told copper wire is a better, slightly more humane way forward.


    (Bingo - Now you're talking. If only I could get photographic evidence!!!)

  37. At 05:02 PM on 29 Aug 2007, John wrote:

    "The great global warming swindle" I sent you a copy to the bbc at radio 2. Tis a good film with obvious bias but no more so than Al Gores stuff.

    JK Nonegreen

  38. At 06:51 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Anne G, thanks for that. I have a few changes to make but yes, I must practice. I don't know whether to read from paper or make eye contact with people....I just have to hold it together and get through to the end.

    Now, slugs. I have heard that broken egg shells scattered around the base of their favourite plants, keeps them away. They simply can't get over them! That and human hair.

    Love Deb x

  39. At 07:20 PM on 29 Aug 2007, SammyM wrote:

    HOW RUDE......

    SammyM Jnr only went and kept his/her legs tucked up for the entire duration of todays prodding and poking, the scan lady said she couldn't see any boys bits but it may be doing a 'crying game!!!!!!!!!'

    Have just read everyones blogettes and now would LOVE roast chicken, instead am going to boil up a heap of pasta and pour Loyd Grosman all over it - not quite so appealling eh????

    Jo - Hope the desk clearance went well, bet you'll not look in that box for the next 6 mths!!

    See you all soon


  40. At 07:55 PM on 29 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    CtD. Fat club be buggered. Has the fabulous Gok Wan bin' chewin' a brick or what. Yous is Gorgeous and don't you forget it.

    I wish we weren't all so obsessed with being fat. We should just concentrate on not eating shite and keeping our energy levels up.

    But remember this. Outside every thin woman is a fat woman tryin' to get in.

    Anyway, it's 27 years today that my Gorgeous little Genius daughter swashbuckled her way into my world, leaving her daddy and me poleaxed with happiness and me wondering whether I'd ever walk again. Bloody ouch.

    Said daughter is celebrating her birthday by being taken off Tegypt by her boyfriend, where he'll no doubt be thoroughly pissed off with Tutenkhamen, wierd breakfasts and duty-free shops upon his return. Which serves him right for cruelly tearing my baby from the arms of her poor distraught mother at this auspicious time.

    Pfff alright then, maybe I did do a little Jersey Over The Head lap of the garden after she'd gone off with half my wardrobe in her suitcase(and a meat and potato pie and a large custard shoved in by nan Renee on the quiet...."That lad needs summat to eat while he's waitin' at that airport. And not just that rubbish you buy there. 'E needs summat that's looked over a gate."); and leaving my list of instructions on How To Behave in her absence stuck to the fridge door.

    But it's lovely to see Mein little Fuhrer so happy and glowing and, well, sorted if you know what I mean.

    Bless her. Happy birthday sweetheart.

    And Happy Birthday also to Lenny Henry, Michael Jackson, Vlad the Impaler and next door's parrot.


  41. At 08:35 PM on 29 Aug 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Christy, we seem to be having a foodie week this week!! Married life is making you all domesticated! Id love to grow my own veg, might have a crack at it next year, The other half fancies getting a few chickens, but I saaaaid NO,NO.NO!! Im terrified theyll attract rats!! Being a country girls Ive had a few close encounters with the disease carrying vermin, AN I HATE EM..
    Sammy, how did your scan go?, Im crossing my fingers for a girl too but we are waiting for the surprise!! Our son is 5 so a little guirl would complete the package but two boys would be lovely too!
    Anyone know where I can get the chicken cookbook?

  42. At 09:33 PM on 29 Aug 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Right. Night all, off for a hot date with me bath and me loofah and a bucketful of wet compost.

    And if anybody's in need of cheering up, go at once to Sir Pository, the Togmeister's page and listen again to the very last part, a propos If You Hate Your Job.

    I've been giggling me socks off all day. And it reminded me very much of the time he completely corpsed whilst attempting to read out the directions on a roll-on deodorant, which read thus,

    "Remove cap and push up bottom."



  43. At 10:01 PM on 29 Aug 2007, lazykev wrote:

    evening one and all...busy busy today.i havnt blogged for a few days just been in and around...we use to have stew 3 nights a week in winter when mother use to cook for us kids...never chicken tho,.

  44. At 06:42 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning friends

    Quite a quiet 24hours in blogsville?

    I'm glad the scan went well, how frustrating that you couldn't see what you were looking for. My first was a surprise but I did know what the next 2 were going to be. Good luck anyway,

    Off to Bewilderwood today with 2 of the jam-eaters. Not been before, it's a new place just opened this summer and looks quite good.

    I think I wrote too much yesterday morning as I hae nothing to say today.

    Prof - be safe on your date. All the advice on here re: phone calls n stuff is top stuff. I hope you have a great time.

    Come on sunshine. let's be 'avin ya


  45. At 08:51 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Debbie: your very welcome. When I said it was brilliant, I didn't mean my speech but the feeling afterwards, having got through it without fainting, was.

    Double spaces between each line, thumb on the page moving down as you speak, then you'll be able to look up now and then and still keep your place.

    No sun in the Lothians today and slugs all over my garden - gross. However, I did see a little hedgehog scampering about. Hopefully, it looks on snails and slugs as delicacies.

    Anne x

  46. At 09:10 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    Thank you for your kind words but afraid the date is off as my idea of lunch was not Mc Donalds as suggested and I can't find my phone recharger anywhere. Think I will spend my afternoon off doing a bit of train spotting instead.

    J. Slugs on sticks great, although I must not give Marge any ideas, or she will be subsituting for sausages.

    Have a gooday all

  47. At 09:45 AM on 30 Aug 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    J - If you'd like ter get yer booss, sorry boss errr set up in a compromising position maybe I could 'ave a friendly word with a showbiz friend of mine who's very influential and got contacts in that area. 'is name is Wrightie and I do believe 'e knows someone called Groovydale aka The Winton, aka The Sweep host errrrr... who is abit that way - Dale that is, NOT Wrightie.
    Maybe the Winton could somehow lead yer boss astray and hence yer could get yer revenge - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!
    Job done!

    Prof Plum - errrr abit of a coincidence the train spotting. My favourite magazine is 'Rail' out every two weeks.
    Damn i've just let one of me nerdy secrets out....DAMN MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mind you fellow capricorn operatives the Pete Waterman & The Rod Stewart are closet rail entusiasts from what av 'eard so maybe actually it's the NEW trendy hobby - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  48. At 09:56 AM on 30 Aug 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Aw Prof, sorry to hear that - but he obviously wasn't worthy!!

    There are some great internet sites out there - hopefully this won't get BP'd cos I'd recommend Dating Direct. Have a look!! Then you can put a few feelers out and see what response you get, and it's FUN!

    Di - am LOVING that recipe for stir fry tuna!

    CtD - I CAN'T do the salt thing, it's so yuk!!!

    Also, I'm trying really hard to have an organic veggie patch, and I didn't want to kill anything, just put them off!!! Plus, wouldn't the salt get absorbed by the veggies?? (Or am I being thick?)

    Bingo - if you'd like to come round and do the torch/tin thing, you're more than welcome (I won't report you) - how are you supposed to pick them up? Chopsticks???

    Gingembre, Bewilderwood sounds magical, what is it???


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