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Chris Evans | 15:06 UK time, Monday, 23 July 2007

I am of course talking about...

... Tiger Woods' biceps.

Spent saturday afternoon with the brilliant FIVE LIVE team they were covering the TIGER WOODS - MARCUS BRIER two ball at The Open on Saturday. We were soooo' close to the play. I mean real close.

Tiger is everything you want him to be, massive, glamorous, focused but to see him waiting to tee off in the far flung corners of the course against a back drop of a Carnoustie housing estate was just weird and then to walk up to his ball seconds after it came to rest and to think that pictures of this little white sphere were being broadcast all over planet earth, it's presence massively important to a multi billion dollar business.... CRAZY CRAZY stuff.

I can't thank Graham and his team enough for letting me hang out with them. It was one of my most favorite days I've had here on planet earth. Not to mention yesterday when I was allowed to go out again, this time following the Garcia match.

"Jim" (or Graham) truly did fix it for me.

Very rarely do I come across people who are in my game and still seem excited about what they do for a living. I love my job and, hand on heart, think I probably always will and it's more than evident that the boys and girls from FIVE LIVE feel pretty much the same way.

No sooner had they finished covering one match they radioed in to see where they could help out next. No set hours, very little in the way of egos, whatever was needed to provide the best coverage, that's what was given.

I don't know if you heard any of what was broadcast but it was world class, the ±«Óãtv at it's very best. After a week of madness (because frankly that's what it's been) this was the perfect antidote for the wobblers everywhere.

CLP 2007



  1. At 03:51 PM on 23 Jul 2007, Cat wrote:


    Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Always good to do something that you truly love and being that close to people you admire as they work.

    Had a weekend holed up in Potter madness as I read the book. Probably should have got out in the fresh air a bit more as we even had some sunshine in the midst of the showers.

    Back to the world of work though and down to earth with a bump after a week off. No more daytime tv watching surely has to be a good thing though!

    Hope all your Mondays were merry!
    Cat x

  2. At 03:52 PM on 23 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Chris, it SO showed that you love your job...most speshully on Saturday morning with Nick Faldo...you were at so many sixes and sevens I thought you were gonna have kittens...

    ...and speaking of cats...Tiger was a brilliant interviewee, and what a lovely smile.

    I could be converted. Or is that rugby?

    Kettle on. Tea off

    ps Keep on keeping on

  3. At 04:02 PM on 23 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva, WOW I love the pink boots! I am feeling the need for some cowboy boots at the mo. So might have to take a look on the net.

    Oh Tiger Woods is a dish isn't he and I bet his biceps are huge swinging those clubs arounds everywhere!

    Hope you all had a good weekend and none of you are flooded, I couldn't imagine what those poor people are going through.
    Well must go and search for bargin boots, missy xx

  4. At 04:06 PM on 23 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I am so glad that you had such a great time at Carnoustie! Certainly, you were in great form on Friday. It must have been so exciting to be close to the action on Saturday - you lucky thing! I don't listen to Five Live but of course I was glued to ±«Óãtv One (can you believe they postponed Last of the Summer Wine on Sunday? I BET there are complaints!).

    Peter Alliss is a genius, in my opinion. The minute you hear his voice, his IS golf and you know you are in safe hands. At one point, he had probably 40 seconds to spare between shots and he proceeded to tell us that everything we could see on screen (all the marquees, the cameras, the technology side of the event) would all to be dismantled and moved on to the next competition. In my mind's eye, I could see the crew arriving to take everything away, working until the wee small hours! His description of the golf action was very good too!

    Glad to have you back, Chris - I miss you too much when we don't hear from you!

    C xx

  5. At 04:08 PM on 23 Jul 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Bloody right as always CLP.

    Not a golfer meself...though I did pot a spectacular hole-in-one at Southport Pleasure Beach Crazy Golf some 60 yards and straight into the Dear Departed Father's pint, the stuff of legend....but I whole-heartedly agree it was marvellous telly and well timed.

    And now I come to think of it, Tiger's biceps.

    The Genius daughter is a hole-in-one golfer; a proper one, mind; having spent some 40 minutes in the bushes looking for her ball, somebody suggested looking in the hole and Hey Presto! Hurrah bless her. Now the thing is this. The said daughter has v. impressive biceps on her and I myself have a pair that would do justice to Popeye. So maybe it's the golf swing.

    Of course, mine only comes out on display during our annual barbecue's caber-tossing and hula-hoop championships and is at its best after the preparatory 3 vodka tonics but before the Harvey Wallbangers, when it goes a bit pear-shaped and I can all too easily end up in the flower beds like a stranded beetle on me back and squintin' like a basket of whelks. Not a pretty sight.

    Like all forms of sport, I have spent my miserable life avoiding the golf as I believe it is most undignified for a young lady of such delicate constitution as myself to partake in smashing one's opponents to within an inch of their lives with a bit of mouldy wood and a shuttlecock.

    Ah well alright yes yes yes it's because I'm CRAP at it.



  6. At 04:17 PM on 23 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Actually one and all

    I am sick, sick, sick up to here with golf. But then never was into sports. Grand stand theme music,signalled bugger all on TV for the next n hours.

    What about the poor flood people? That must be really awful.

    I'm off back to Majorca soon can't wait.

  7. At 04:26 PM on 23 Jul 2007, Nev wrote:

    Lucky boy Chris

    Remember last year actually being behind the 14th at Hoylake when Tiger holed out from the fairway - didnt see a thing, too many people!!!

    Working on getting a day at the seniors open this week..must be getting old as I can remember the players when they were in their prime!


  8. At 04:28 PM on 23 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Sounds like you had a great day. Your own enthusiasm for what you do shines through, and it sounds like you got the same impression from your Five Live colleagues. Now, if only the rest of us could feel that way about our jobs! Oh well (sigh).

  9. At 04:39 PM on 23 Jul 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Fantastic end of the Open yesterday - all the drama you'd expect - and I am a bit biased since Harrington finally got his hands on a major. Excellent...there'll be a pile of kids out playing golf as a result of that!

    (Weather permitting....!)


    PS - CTD - Hope your patient is doing well, sorry to hear about that. Plus - make sure that the carer gets some care as well!

  10. At 05:01 PM on 23 Jul 2007, andy gallacher wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just like to apologise for my brother who heckled you a couple of times while you were 'working very hard' inside the ropes with Tiger and Sergio.

    Great show!!


  11. At 06:23 PM on 23 Jul 2007, The Kate wrote:

    Sounds lovely....lucky you...!


  12. At 06:59 PM on 23 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP and fellow bloggers,
    I've been away for awhile! Came home from adopting my daughter in China 10 days ago, motherhood is fab, except that Alice's schedule makes it tricky to hear the second half of the show!
    I was on the radio today! Radio 4, about adopting from China.
    Christophe - coongratulations on the engagement and impending fatherhood, if it's anything as good as motherhood you'll have a ball.
    Never sang so many songs in all my life (and they HAD to include me singing on the prog today!)
    All the best,
    Alice's proud mummy!

  13. At 10:30 PM on 23 Jul 2007, CT wrote:

    glad your happy with your chinese takeaway Kes44p

  14. At 06:58 AM on 24 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Another fine day in Gotham City?

    I remember quite a few famous sportsmen I've met being as big as brick outhouses, but will never forget how 'ickle the stunning Gaby Roslin was! I was sure she'd be 6'+ ?

    I only saw bits of the golf as I worked Sunday, but from what I did see it was a great end, shame about Garcia not holding on but credit is due to PH for keeping it all together and winning.

    HL - oh it was good, I'm a very proud daddy at the best of times but there are days when they just take my breath away.
    Ctd - glad to hear all is on the mend with MrD.

    I'm on nights tonight and tomorrow, but will dip in as best I can.



  15. At 09:10 AM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    "glad your happy with your chinese takeaway Kes44p"

    That's derogatory CT.

  16. At 09:13 AM on 24 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    I've been away for a few days ... did I miss something???

    IMPENDING FATHERHOOD??????????????? (#12) - tell me more!!!

    Oh and Kes44p - congratulations by the way - the best things are always worth waiting for xx

  17. At 09:36 AM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:


    I've missed too many progs it seems - fatherhood!!!!!!!??

    You've been spending some nights on the sofa yourself then.......

    Jan x

  18. At 09:50 AM on 24 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Kes44p - your daughter is utterly beautiful. Congratulations! And yes, I'm with Tinsel on this one - where did you hear about Chris's impending fatherhood?! If this is the case, I'm really not surprised because you can hear in his voice when he speaks to children on the show - he is so ready to be a dad. Yep, Mother Nature - she comes for most of us in the end!

    Gingembre - I know just what you mean about our children taking our breath away. One minute I am yelling at my 16 year old daughter and the next I am in tears because I am so proud of her. I really could never imagined that love could hurt so much!

    C xx

    P.S. I'm feeling fairly distraught this morning because I completely forgot Unversity Challenge was on last night! It just makes my week to hear Jeremy Paxman say "and it's goodbye from me ..... goodbye"!

  19. At 09:50 AM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Prof Plum, I am right up there with you. As a teenager, I got to detest the themes of The Big Match, Match of the Day, Ski Sunday, The Horse of the Year Show, the Cricket...Soul Thingie thing, whatever it was for Wimbledon, the Golf, the open, the closed, the rained off, the sport the sport the sport was all that seemed to be on in our house...and indeed b-all else...

    Most fortunately, however, the badger detests sport with as much venom as I do, so we don't watch it. Not even when England are on.

    Just purely by coinkydinks I switched on the telly when Mr Evans was on, with Mr Lineker, and I don't think I realised quite how handsome Mr Faldo was until he brightened up my damp Saturday morning. GAWJUS he is. He still don't make me wanna watch golf. Something else possibly to pass the time on a damp Saturday morning possibly, but that's not for here...

    ...and Gingembre, that is lovely! I am a proud mummy...when my boy brings home a mouse or a bird...SO proud, and if it is still alive, well, man, that's LUNCH! The only thing I miss about not having my own babes is that I can't go and watch school assembly, or a concert, or the Christmas show...no point in being upset though...

    But, talking of children...Tinsel...am in TURTLE agreement with you...have I also missed something???

    Am already assisting with the organisation of the Bridesmaids as you know (and the Caddie collection now stands at £11.09) but a Christening Gown is WAY beyond my non-seamstress-relying-mainly-on-wundaweb hands!

    Can it be troooooo? A wee Evans-Shishmanian on the way? Un petit pois?

    Can it

    CtD, hope Mr Diva is improving by the hour...and to reiterate, take care of yourself too!

    ...and Em M and SammyM, hope you're both doing ok xx

  20. At 10:04 AM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:


    A mini Lambie Pie!!!!?????

    Guess I missed summit too!

    CtD x x x

  21. At 10:05 AM on 24 Jul 2007, Gary Lowes wrote:


    This year's Open was the best that I can remember and really enjoyed the coverage. You were like a kid with a new toy!!

    I sent you an email yesterday but I am wondering if anyone else picked up on a brief chat between Padraig Harrington and his son on the 18th green just after the presentations? It put it all into perspective for me and made me laugh out loud!!!

    Padraig was bent over showing the Claret Jug to his young son who, staring intently, asked;

    'Can we put ladybirds in it?'


    Looking forward to listening to Padraig this evening!!


  22. At 10:08 AM on 24 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    OMG I know I've been absent but I didn't think I'd missed such a crucial piece of information.

    Congratulations Chris to you and Natasha.

    Golf mind you is just not my thing I never did understand the fascination of watching someone hitting a ball around. But the exercise is good for you.

    I spent last weekend volunteering to work 10-6 Sat & Sun at RNLI Lifeboat College as it was their open day weekend - oh what fun even the weather wasn't too bad - okay Sat it did teem down but Sun was great. My wishes go out to the Fishguard crew who came down for the weekend to show the public over the Trent class lifeboat and were great sports. Thanks also to the Sea Survival centre training staff who were doing Atlantic 75 capsize drills every half an hour.

    All the best to all bloggers

    Phoenix rising

  23. At 10:31 AM on 24 Jul 2007, Jacqueline Harley wrote:

    Go for 'Hello' magazine...it's not as tacky!

  24. At 11:59 AM on 24 Jul 2007, VinoLady wrote:

    Hey up Chris - Hope you enjoyed our lovely wee town of Carnoustie! Albeit a rather damp few days - typical when the sun came out at the end for the Awards.

    Actually saw you coming out from the Chinese Takaway on Friday night and getting into your posh black car...

    Carnoustie has never been soooooo busy!! It was a fab weekend and the pubs were heaving with great live muisic everywhere.

    Vino! :o)

  25. At 12:43 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I did allude to the fact, both here and in the mail, that Brighton was more than likely not to happen due to sold out tickets and uncertain weather. I’m glad you weren’t arrested and the result did turn out OK. Currently, the boys are strutting their stuff in Hong Kong.

    For the record, I won’t be there either.

    Whilst I don’t think I’m totally out of the woods, I would like to report that for the past few weeks I have managed to settle into a fairly good sleeping pattern. I think that the holiday had an effect as it broke the routine that I had fallen into, and although things are back to normal from a work perspective, I seem to have learned how to sleep again, without the aid of relaxation CDs. I hope the other CBIs (Christophe’s Blog Insomniacs) are fairing as well.

    Must off. Meeting an old mate at The M this evening and there is a pile of rubbish two feet high to get through first.

    Peace & love


    PS It’s cold gin time again.

    PPS None more black.

  26. At 12:53 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    missy - glad you like the boots, they're wicked aren't they! And not bad for £9. I was a bit of a plank when i signed your guestbook - it seems to think i'm in Aylesbury when i'm actually in Suffolk (not far from you!) - can you change it if you get time please as it won't let me do it.

    i have to say, 2 days in of my home-nursing career and i'm absolutely knackered! just getting in from work last night and doing everything made me realise how much we do together. tonight after work i have to go to the allotment, dig up some spuds for the week and pick any other veg ready for consumption. i've remembered to put my gardening gloves in the car as (a) i'm not that good with worms and (b) i don't want mud under me acrylics!

    so, what's all this about a little CLP on the way? let's hope our man can clarify things before we all start knitting booties as it would be a shame to waste all that wool!

    righteo chums, best get on - my desk currently resembles a table with mountains of paper and a computer upon it!

    Hugs and love

    CtD x x x

    PS: listening to Mr Vine at the mo - he should go head to head with Mr Kyle of morning itv fame - i'd buy tickets for that!

  27. At 01:37 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    MfR - no bones

    CtD x x

  28. At 02:27 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Ian wrote:

    Hi Chris I was marshalling Wednesday to Sunday on the 4th/14th grandstand at Carnoustie, know what you mean to be so close to the golfers absolutely superb.
    Would like to say a huge thank you to Padraig Harrington.Yesterday outside the Carnoustie Golf hotel at the 18th green he took time out to do an impromptu photo and signing session. He even allowed us to have our photos taken holding "THE JUG".
    What a realy nice guy.... a real gentleman. I would like to wish him every sucess in the future.


  29. At 02:31 PM on 24 Jul 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris and good afternoon friends...

    I haven't seen Tiger's biceps (not in the flesh anyway).......I would also like to see Teddy Sheringham's .......but that's for another day..

    Matt f R #25 .....from one 'CBI' to another....similarly, I am getting quite alot (sorry to use 'alot'....was never allowed to use it at school - just making up for lost time) of it these days - but don't feel much better!!!!

    mange tout


    ps Chris, talking of excellent biceps - when is Nice Nic going to be a fully-fledged member (again) of the team?

  30. At 02:55 PM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Biceps of note: Steven Tyler, Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Rafa Nadal.

    Hmmmmmm. Feel much better now!

    CtD x x x

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