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BASILLLL !!!!!!!!

Chris Evans | 16:17 UK time, Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Been out and about all morning looking for....

.... a new site to open up a second restaurant.

There's so much good stuff out there especially down this part of the world where we live.

We've discovered that any place ran well makes money and is successful. And all the people in charge have the same qualities: friendliness, smiley, hard working and a genuine love of being in the service industry. Good places don't have to worry about competition because there are enough bad places around to ensure disappointed customers always looking for value for money. It's not rocket science after all.

It's amazing what one can get done in a day.

After putting in an offer on a brilliant old place went for a work out, drove a Londres and am now in the middle of show prep and looking forward to dinner with the ex Missus and her new hubby-to-be later on tonight.

Can't believe it's only Tuesday but a full day is the best sort of day for me.

School for Scoundrels was on yesterday, Ian Carmichael, Terry Thomas and Alistair Sim - way ahead of their time. Did you see it ?

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:26 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Dan wrote:

    Hey Chris
    Running late - have a great show . . .!!!!

  2. At 04:31 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Full days are often the best days aren't they. Good luck with the restaurant hunt maybe you could get Manuel to be one of the waiters. Oh and Penny... damn it, bring them all back!

  3. At 04:41 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hazel many thanks for the tip .. no longer have to erect a mosquito tent over my bed tonight. Phew what a relief. Actually I killed it with no, not the candlestick or the revolver but a bathroom towel. A particularly lethel instrument as you may know.

    Good luck with the new Restuarant Chris let me know if you need a good Spanish waiter, I come quite cheap.


  4. At 04:44 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Wow you do get a lot done - such a bundle of energy indeed.

    Good luck with the second restaurant.

    Have a great show - I usually get to listen to everything up to women's minute as I am then almost home from work.

    Plum - nope didn't get to read your comment about the guggi band but they were fab.

    HL - tiara indeed - amazing the difference caused by a letter change in a ward!

    All all other bloggers - howdy one and all

    Phoenix out

  5. At 04:45 PM on 10 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Basil or Rocket...now there's a conundrum...there are various theories about why staff are good...and despite a swift thumbing through (other finger methods available) the book I thought I'd read recently which had some very funny ideas...I can't find it. We got served by some lovely waitresses on Sunday lunchtime - they may well have had sellotape (other sticky fastenings available) behind each ear, but they were brilliant.

    Christophe, if your new staff are even half as welcoming and good at their jobs, you count yourself a very lucky man! Lord Nelson at Deal, we salute you!

    Give our fondest to ex and her h2b.

    Herbivacious Christophe

    ...and why is it now, that I can't record anything at the moment, that the tv companies are showing some truly fabulous old films! The Ghost & Mrs Muir, The Admirable Crichton and now School for Scoundrels...anyone know when the new St Trinians is out?

  6. At 04:51 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon All

    Years ago I met Terry Thomas's film double, it was uncanny how much he looked like the orginal, he was a true gentleman from another bygone era and he had a genuine affection for the real man who he acted alongside and made his money from, it was wonderful listening to all his stories about Terry Thomas and other actors from that era, very fascinating, it sounded like such a fun time.

    Hope you are all okay

    Toodle pip old bean


  7. At 05:22 PM on 10 Jul 2007, M wrote:

    hi, Long time no listen, glad to see all is well in your world, nice wheni t all comes together! find your comment true about successfull and happy people. Those who do something they love for a living ultimately are the most content. If you have to work do something you love. I do!
    Been busy but good, have day working from home today, gr8, did lots and cooked a lush dinner with the chickens round my feet! Eglu and chix are a gr8 addition, garden has some life again since losing my dog, they are brill no idea where the term birdbrain comes from these are pretty much on the ball and certainly a little prehistoric in their ways at times, very T rex. Not pets but certainly part of home life if you know what i mean.
    Listening to the show,and all is well in my world, looking forward to the weekend of to chill with a good m8, stay safe and good luck with restaraunt number 2.

  8. At 05:46 PM on 10 Jul 2007, ki wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Good luck with the restaurant . You were spotted in our local early Sunday night. It's for sale, so you were obviously sussing it out. I really hope it's the one you have bid for as it's got the 3 things needed for a succesful business : location, location, location...it just needs the qualities you mentioned and it would be a little goldmine....... and no more "lousy food" !!!

  9. At 06:16 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Em M wrote:

    I've had a busy day too - both kids got fab SATs results, and its big son's 11th birthday! Lots of friends popped in and I was childminding, so we had a houseful.

    Yes I saw School for Scoundrels yesterday, but I'm afraid I also watched Big Brother - sorry, i know we said we wouldn't!

    good luck with the restaurant, and give Billie a kiss from my 7 year old, he has a big crush on her!!

    Em xx

  10. At 06:19 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Eleanor Lightbody wrote:

    Hi everyone

    a radio 2 virgin blogger here. am a big fan of radio 2 and an even one of Mr E.

    Just thought i'd long on before i go to my local slimming club - i've not been good this past week so i am procrastinating somewhat. fingers crossed though, eh...

    Hazel - St Trins comes out in December. The 21st to be specific.

    Chris - good luck with finding a new pad. East London's a cracking place and i really appreciate fine dining. bet you can't find chocolate brownies better than mine though.


    E xx

  11. At 06:28 PM on 10 Jul 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CLP - I love 'School for Scoundrels' - what a great film!!!

    Brief Encounter is still the absolute tops for me tho .... can't beat a bit of smut in yer eye, aye HL?!!

    jillygoat xx

  12. At 06:48 PM on 10 Jul 2007, kazzy wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    What are you going to call your restaurant? Had
    busy day too. Entered phone comp to win a car
    but didnt suceed. Just had a lovely relaxing bath.


  13. At 07:32 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Expanding the empire, eh?

    Well, if the new one is anything like the 'old' one, it'll get my vote. Be even better if it is in walking distance.....

    After an eternity struggling to get past the first few pages of 'my book' - after all, everyone has one in them, apparently - my head is spewing out ideas left, right and, indeed, centre. It is bizarre. Still, make hay and all that.

    Many moons ago I was in a band. Let me qualify that, they needed a bass player and I figured that being that there were only four strings it can't be that hard to pick up. So off I went. I was mostly awful, no, I was totally awful, but I could do enough to get away with simple stuff in the studio and on stage. The bit that I could never get my head round was writing a song. It looks easy, and strumming a simple bass line and writing crap lyrics is easy, but you try coming up with something decent. I retired at 19 to a life of accountancy and searching for 'the book'.

    Hopefully, I have found it.

    Good to hear that you are still getting down the gym, Chris. It has been so long, I thought you had retired to a life of restauranteering and searching for the hole in one.

    Or maybe you found it.

    Peace & love, one & all


    PS Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?

    PPS Whatever happened to Corey Haim?

    PPPS Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

  14. At 08:45 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    HL - have emailed you off blog!

    St Trinians film has Russell Brand in it - apparently playing the role originally done by George Cole, You all know I adore Mr Brand, but sorry, I just can't see it meself!

    Sleep tight everyone - will report for duty in the morn!

    CtD x x

  15. At 10:32 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Luke Warmwater wrote:


    Didn’t see the film. Good luck with the new restaurant. Let us know if you open one in the North West.

    p.s. where’ve all the Bloggers gone - I reckon they’re still there and like me haven’t Blogged for a while but are “sleeper Bloggers” - well wake up & get writing!

    Take Care one & all.

  16. At 11:11 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Mark P wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Great show - as always.

    FIRST time on the blog. I worked from home yesterday, in the most loost term after getting caught up watching School for Scoundrels.......totally brilliant........just hope my boss is not a reader of this blog and discovers why the paper I was writing was late. Keep up the good work.

  17. At 11:18 PM on 10 Jul 2007, Ian Webb wrote:

    Yes good luck with the restaurant from the bloke you made the offer to today!!!
    Good to meet you.

  18. At 01:34 AM on 11 Jul 2007, lunacy wrote:

    Hello, Hello Christoff lamby-pie! The westcountry misses you so much that we demand you make a re-entry into north devon!
    The truthe of ye olde tale be known is this........
    Mr Damien Hirst Esq has a finger or two within a local restaurant and farm or three, but does nothin to assist and further fulfil local community spirit. Mr Rick Stein has recently been aproached by a local business owner proposing a deal that would be direct competition to Mr Hirst's establishment (6 doors down), but Mr Stein declined on the grounds of being too busy.
    So, Mr Evans, here may be your chance, and our chance, to finally propel Ilfracombe back into the popular seaside town that it so thrives on.
    May I just take the time to point out that I'm writing this with a 4 inch pink mohican type tounge in cheek (or spike on head) and that with many a weekend in town fully booked for jolly japes all round for the rest of the year, that you, one and all are cordially invited to indulge in our frivolities and festivalities!
    Pip pip for now,
    lucylunacy the first

  19. At 01:43 AM on 11 Jul 2007, lunacy wrote:

    Hello, Hello Christoff lamby-pie! The westcountry misses you so much that we demand you make a re-entry into north devon!
    The truthe of ye olde tale be known is this........
    Mr Damien Hirst Esq has a finger or two within a local restaurant and farm or three, but does nothin to assist and further fulfil local community spirit. Mr Rick Stein has recently been aproached by a local business owner proposing a deal that would be direct competition to Mr Hirst's establishment (6 doors down), but Mr Stein declined on the grounds of being too busy.
    So, Mr Evans, here may be your chance, and our chance, to finally propel Ilfracombe back into the popular seaside town that it so thrives on.
    May I just take the time to point out that I'm writing this with a 4 inch pink mohican type tounge in cheek (or spike on head) and that with many a weekend in town fully booked for jolly japes all round for the rest of the year, that you, one and all are cordially invited to indulge in our frivolities and festivalities!
    Pip pip for now,
    lucylunacy the first

  20. At 08:20 AM on 11 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    so cool

    now I can take MrsW away for 2 weekends! The Mulberry weekend is being arranged with babysitters as we speak!

    Will come back later to write more but I'm now off to pick up some friends from the airport


  21. At 08:39 AM on 11 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh, Lunacy, Ilfracombe...what a lovely place I remember! Meena friend were staying in Combe Martin, and we went to the Radio 1 Roadshow at Ilfracombe...I won the 'Bits and Pieces' competition...hoorah...and it was Peter Powell doing the DJ thang...coo...years ago that was! Thank you for bringing back a superb memory!

    So, Christophe, once again, I listened to the show whilst driving last eve. Until I'm sure of my homeward route (got lost last night thinking I'd found a short cut, but that's not for here) I don't feel I can concentrate fully...

    BUT...I do recall some SUPERB music in the first 45mins, and also hearing you comment on John Dodd and the lovely DCI Gingembre! YAY! This was while I was waiting at a junction, in between wondering if I did actually know where I was...never a policeman around when you want one...quango quango...sounds like a queue for a song...

    Anyhoo, the sun is shining on my hometown, Tezza is buzzing away in the background, I have a full pint of tea awaiting my attention, and the day is lookin' good!

    Lets hope it stays that way eh?

    ps MfR, I too was in a band, vocals, as if you couldn't guess...and CtD, you well know my opinion of Mr Brand...I think he could play a bit of a sleazy, little bit way, little bit woo, little bit wshshshshy character quite well...will pick up your mail later today I hope...

    pps Well done to the young lady who passed her Pony Club exam too! I am chronically allergic to horses much to my chagrin...she is a very lucky girl...

  22. At 08:53 AM on 11 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    psssssssst Em M - I've been watching BB too. Oh, the shame. My names Tinsel, and I'm a BBaholic ...

    Happy Hump Day all! Congrats on the new restaurant CLP, sounds like you're getting happier with life by the day!


  23. At 09:32 AM on 11 Jul 2007, Sebastien wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe,

    You should open a restaurant here in Paris...

    A restaurant with a british owner and a british chef, it would be so uncommon, that i'm sure a lot of people would be absolutely curious about it. It would be the talk everywhere. And soon very trendy.

    ' Good places don't have to worry about competition because there are enough bad places around to ensure disappointed customers always looking for value for money'

    Yes, definitely you should come here, so many tourist-traps, so many places where you pay a lot of money for nothing with an arrogant waiter that laugh at you...

    Oui, Christophe great opportunities here....

    Have a nice day, a great show,

    take care,


  24. At 09:57 AM on 11 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Morning CLP and all, especially all these lovely new bloggers we've been getting in the last few days.

    Yesterday was not a day for me - I was busy, busy, busy but doing stuff I'm not overly fond of and having to do it all again today!

    Then there's the ÂŁ20 if you marry bonus - I'm single. Then I sussed that I'll never get any maternity leave - how unfair is that! It's like non-smokers not getting fag breaks!

    I want to start up a movement demanding those of us without kids still get breaks throughout our lives - not maternity leave but .... No couldn't come up with a witty name - perhaps I could hold a competition for someone to name my new movement!

    I hope today is much better than yesterday for all those bloggers out there who didn't have a wonderful day yesterday!


  25. At 10:32 AM on 11 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Dearest J

    Eternity Leave. Go away for a long time somewhere nice.

    Infinity Leave. Go away for EVER.

    Fraternity Leave. Go away with a brother or sister and not argue.

    Trinity Leave. Three of you go away, and don't think the other two are talking about you.

    Insanity Leave. Time you went away for a while.

    That should be enough to be going on with for the moment, and it should go without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway, but ALL of these would be on totally full pay.

    ...and J, for one, I'd like to see your new movement...am going out on Friday eve and any help on the dancefloor would be a bonus....

    Tell me when will you be mine?

  26. At 10:53 AM on 11 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good morning everyone,

    Just had a really scary moment here at work.

    I do the banking for the pub that the people I work for own and run. Well, my boss came in this morning to tell me that the banking was short by ÂŁ100! Instant panic, I am so careful and the figures all agreed!

    He went off leaving me worrying over till rolls etc.

    Ten minutes later he called me to tell me that I have given back ÂŁ100 too much in the float. Phew. It will take me all day to get over that now! Couldn't he have checked the float first? You just don't need it do you.....

    Off to make a cup of tea now.

    Hope you all have a good day.


  27. At 10:54 AM on 11 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Oh my HL - I just knew you wouldn't let me down!

    Absolutely on full pay - in fact we ought to get a bonus for not clogging up the planet with yet more humans...

    And my movement is embryonic so perhaps not too useful for a dance floor - more of a slither than a full shimmy.

    Besides, should you be making moves on the dance floor, in public, with your piles?


  28. At 12:27 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hello everyone! Apologies for absence (no note either - bad Sammie!), just so darned busy!

    OK - here's a question for the guys and the worldly wise ladies (yes, you too HL) - the other night, my special friend told me I looked like Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday...

    Was it a line, or was he being lovely???

    Answers on a postcard, or the blog please....

    HL - glad to read you've kept standards completely inappropriate! Please let everyone else on the other side know that I say "hello" and that I miss them...

    And, hello to all you lovely bloggers that I haven't had a chance to catch up with recently.

    Kisses to all,

    S xx.

    P.S. Stop the bus, I want to get off!

  29. At 12:33 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Rozzer wrote:

    Didn't see School for Scoundrels but have set Sky + for Green for Danger on FilmFour on Friday afternoon - Also stars Alastair Sim and is a v.g. murder mystery.

    This time last week I was on Paradise Island in the Bahamas - now I'm back at work - sigh!

  30. At 12:36 PM on 11 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends.

    Bingo Star ere.

    Ello, errrr..... CLP the list that you made 82nd on I don't understand 'ow can the whats 'is name make 90th. Yer see i've forgotten 'is name so 'ow come e's only 8 behind you. Yer know the stressed out angry, swearing chef. Maybe 'e isn't, well it's just 'e seems that way ter me.
    Maybe 'e just can't get the staff.
    Question - Does 'e communicate ter the nation live for 2 hours, 5 times a week via the airwaves - No! So 'ow come CLP you are only 8 up, just good job yer ain't 7up or yer could be in the drink. (golf term in the drink) And I ain't mean the 19th hole.
    I'm getting stressed now just thinking about it- know what am sayin'!!!

    Talkin' of the food business. Good Luck with your second restaurant. I think one of the bigger secrets to success in any business is happy staff. Obviously there's got ter be some discipline and push, push. But happy staff with good morale will always work harder, 'ave less absence, low turn over of staff etc, etc. Know what am tryin' ter say like. GOOD LUCK!

    PS CLP Great tune yesterday- Queen - 'ammer To Fall. This is the one i've learn't on me guitar.
    There's lot's of palm muting in this baby. That's how yer get that great strong start - stop sound ter the tune. Palm muting is when yer strum then slam yer palm down on the strings ter stop the sound dead.
    When playing this tune what's going through me 'ead is not 'ammer ter falllllll...a,
    'ammer ter fallllll...a, 'ammer ter fallllll...a. But pick...aaa SLAM, pick...aaa SLAM, pick...aaa SLAM!!!!
    I often wondered if The May aka Brian 'as the same going through 'is 'ead. Could this be Queen's big secret of wrock?
    CLP your 82nd in the influential list- any chance of asking The May if this is 'is secret and then broadcasting the info back to us - hence 'aving influence on your listeners wrock progress!!!
    Tarrr if you could!!!

    PS Anychance of playing the tune by Exploited - UK 82.
    Sometimes you are CLP, 82nd place too low friend.

  31. At 01:07 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hey some of us bloggers are still here, and those in the know, will know, what is stopping the blog from the DD at the mo. If you're not in the know and want to know then tune in elsewhere then you'll know what those in the know, know! You know!

    Congrats to Gingembre on the mention last eve.

    Best wishes to the Bill E and future H2B, just keep on smiling!

    DD out

    Go'arn down to the Withdean on Friday week! See da my tea Gulls in action!!

  32. At 01:23 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Hey All

    Gosh so many new bloggers and i'm another one!

    I've just be reading the blogs over the last couple of days and noticed that people would'nt mind investing in shares.

    I've come across this website today (not much happening at work) which is a fantasy share trading site - Bullbearings.co.uk.

    It looks kinda fun, and wat's great - you don't lose any of your own money, which is good since I'm down already!! Ah well

    Chat later


  33. At 01:31 PM on 11 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Dear Mr Starr. I now have 'hammer to hammer to hammer to fall' going through my head, but without the picky slammy bits.

    Odd, too, that I was sitting next to a small boy, who was wearing velcro-fastening sandals, which he kept playing with in the quiet bits, at the ceremony on Sunday, and he had hammer toes.

    Always with the coinkydinks.

    Sammie, on a good day with the wind behind me I used to look like Agnetha Faltskog (without the omelette over the a) and now I look a bit more like Yaz. Although unfortunately most of the only way is out.

    So, if someone says you look like someone else, and if you admire that person (not Yaz on my part, but I thought she looked pretty cool at the time) then be happy that you do. I've tried to do the Audrey Hepburn thing with poloneck jumpers for years, but alas, I can only do her voice...

    Just don't be telling him that he looks like someone else, otherwise he'll be imagining all sorts, (other gopping liquorice sweets available) and we wouldn't be wanting that now...

    would we

    Debbie - same once happened to me. Heart stops! xx Glad all sorted!
    J - a bit of slither may be of assistance...to anyone who may have been in danger of a foot treading incident...and the piles are safely consigned to piles files now!

  34. At 02:20 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon bloggers everywhere,

    I got home late last night, still had to cut the lawns. Listened to CLP enroute and laughed at the woman's minute as usual funny as eck.

    Congrats to Ian Webb - hope CLP signs the paperwork - all fantabulous indeed.

    Missed DCI's mention - awwwww shucks indeed.

    Anyway - did the mowing took 2 hrs as the grass was still a bit damp from overnight wet stuff but it really needed it. Then did some tying up of climbing rose and some weeding I get this plant that if you leave it becomes a triffid and a half to get out - took two guys two hours the last time I let it grow but it still insists in sending up masses of little plants. The golden hop is growing mad over the 6ft fence planel the side of the garage and trying to attempt to climb the cooking apple tree now - but it is nice when the flowers and minature hops appear.

    Other notable bits - oh yes took me ages to track down a dead sparrow in the house - it was well hidden in the bedroom - nice pressie indeed cat. Only one of my cats brings me pressies sometimes alive but mostly dead and just left around for me to find.

    Must go - await CLP's blog for today with anticipation

    ciao everyone


  35. At 02:35 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    See you down the Withdean old chap! I'm popping down to see how Fulham are looking pre-season.

    Rumour has it that HL may even put in an appearance!


  36. At 02:36 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Spooky one and all

    HL Are you a medium? "Sammie says say hello to all on the other side... whats all that about."
    by the way cabbage leaves scattered round the bed worked a treat last night.... no visitors.

    Dissing Dave whats in the know who is in the know and you know you know.

    Am I going slighty mad? I even thought Steve Wrights Luv songs was on Chris's show last night.

  37. At 03:11 PM on 11 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Ooooh it's been a long time since I had the time to say hello on here.

    It's ok Prof Plum the other side is a real nice place, you should take a look some day. Also HL is probably a medium though I'm personally more on the XL size.

    Mange Tout


  38. At 03:15 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Sammie - Hello from the Other Side, hope you are OK.
    A x

  39. At 04:02 PM on 11 Jul 2007, Nev wrote:

    Happened to leave early last night so I too heard the DCI mentioned.

    MfR - when you say HL may appear at the withdean is she a new signing in central midfield?

    As to the other side...I really am spooked if amanda is contacting us from there...........!


  40. At 04:08 PM on 11 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Sammie - Hello from the other side to you too :o)

    50 days to maternity leave - hoo and rah!

    1 day to France woo and hoo!

    :o) Jo

  41. At 10:10 AM on 12 Jul 2007, Emily wrote:

    Dear Chris - I completely agree. Speaking as an ex barmaid/waitress myself, I found it a particular pleasure to serve people people I felt appreciated my hard toil and friendlyness.

    It was a particular pleasure serving someone I fancied madly...

    I hear you are getting married. My heart breaks, but I wish you all the happiness in the world. You are wonderful and you deserve it!


  42. At 12:51 PM on 13 Jul 2007, Yvonne Shephard wrote:

    Just to say I think it's great that you are still friends with your ex (Billie). My ex is now remarried with a small son and living in the US, but we are still best friends and I go over to visit and stay with them at least once a year

    Life is too short to fall out with people regardless of what has happened - hope you are all very happy

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