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Chris Evans | 15:12 UK time, Thursday, 26 July 2007

Is love a good thing when...

... here's what happened the other day.

My intended has assured me since i met her that I do not have a belly.

But yesterday, both of us having been on the wedding diet for a couple of weeks now, she pipes up...

"Your belly's nearly completely gone."

"Hang on a minute," I said, "wait right there, you said I never had a belly."

"Well of course you had a belly but i didn't mind it though."

"Yes but you said I didn't have one at all."

"Well, I was lying."


"Because i love you."

"Oh, so how do I know that you're not lying now ?"

"Because if you look in the mirror, you'll see that your belly has nearly gone. You knew you had a belly before, you just wanted to know if i minded. Well I didn't but you do look better now."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !""

Yes of course she did the right thing in both instances but now I'm gonna have to keep the tumm tumm trimm trimm !

Ever since the wedding diet started, ironically I've been treating myself at certain times in the day.... just had a bag of choccie minstrels - loverly.

No bread, no chips, no beer and the power plate every day but choccie every afternoon, I don't know how but it does seem to be working.

CLP 2007


"Well, you've lost a bit too."


  1. At 03:29 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Belly's gonna get ya!

    Nearly 4 months into the lose gut and weight manifesto and 2 stone down as of this morning. Mind you this E-Coli and Gastroenteritis diet is a killer!

    DD out

    PS Off to Jim

    PPS it's PSing down in Bucks

  2. At 03:37 PM on 26 Jul 2007, lazykev wrote:

    chris at your age your doing great dieting ,i couldnt do it .....i mean no beer...

  3. At 03:38 PM on 26 Jul 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Lambie Pie bless you.

    You know what's working don't you.

    You're in LOVE bless yous.

    When you're feeling euphoric there's something that happens to your body and it's fuelled by the spirit.

    I bet your eyes are shining and your skin is glowing too; and the fact is that you're chock full of positive energy and bonhomie.

    That's the best diet. If that could be bottled and sold to all of us, we'd none of us be looking in mirrors and complaining. We'd all be thanking God or the universe or whatever the bejeaysus that we're alive and living in a time that offers us as many opportunities as it does.

    Me, I say a prayer of thanks every day for what I have, namely good health, striking good looks, (har har well to a blind man on a gallopin' horse anyway) and a Genius daughter who lights up my life when me batteries get low.

    Fair play to you, my friend.



  4. At 03:39 PM on 26 Jul 2007, D wrote:

    Bless her...

    That sure is love Chris...


  5. At 03:59 PM on 26 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Isn't love just most wonderful thing? I am stones heavier since my wedding day in 1928 (or thereby) but my husband is very understanding. And he loves me more now than ever. But, let's be honest, he would love me to be slim. It's just a fact.

    You are sounding so happy and it just makes me happy too! Incidentally, I LOVE the term "my intended"!!!

    The future is so bright, you better start wearing shades!

    C xx

  6. At 04:03 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    I'd deffo rather have my man a bit chunkier than me!! Keep those lurve handles guys!!

    CLP, you are GAWJUS however you look - your inner beauty shines out of every orifice :-)

    I had a bag of minstrels yesterday - had to stop at a petrol station to buy a bag, felt strangely drawn to them ... maybe they're really tiny space ships making us ingest them ...


  7. At 04:08 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's so sweet.

    Don't forget plenty of water and eat breakfast every day.

    I've lost a stone on just eating properly and drinking water as much as you should plus riding horses for one hour at the weekend and the gardening.

    Keep it up CLP

    All the very best to everyone in flooded areas - if you can listen to the radio then R2 is the best place to leave the radio on and turn the volume up - cheers me up no end.

    I was creased up trying to navigate a roundabout and junction the other morning whilst Jonny Walker was playing the little girl on the phone to the demolition company in Ireland - CLP if you didn't hear it - play it - there are several sites on the net with it on.

    Office news - one of our guys made a noise in the office that sounded rather like the soup dragon so he has been renamed.

    All the very best

    Phoenix Out

  8. At 04:18 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Gaby wrote:


    If choccie be the food of love......eat on babe.


    ps psing down in Berks too..

  9. At 04:19 PM on 26 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh, dear, CLP, this could be the start of the slippery slope...the Badger has a belly of which he is totally one hundred percent unhappy with. It does not seem to diminish with exercise or with diet. He is in the process, however, of trying to register with a doctor so that he can get checked out for any allergies. We have tried cutting out some things but we don't really know what we are doing, and his job is very physical, so he gets plenty of exercise too.

    What I am coming to is this. I loves me Badger. So I have no problem with how he looks. He doesn't understand this, but I have no problem with his belly. At all. But I would only say to him that his belly had nearly gone if he had pointed it out first, else it'd make me out to be a liar, which I'm not, and he had pretty much the same belly when I met him.

    All of us are different
    None of us the same
    If you've got a little belly
    You can play the bouncing game

    If you wibble it a little
    Then you wobble it some more
    You can bounce it on the table
    Or bounce it on the floor

    It's fun to have a belly
    It holds your trousers up
    And if you have no saucer
    You can even rest your cup

    We like our men with bellies
    Then we can play the bouncing game
    It's good to have a belly
    And we love you all the same


    Time for more medication. Nurse...

  10. At 04:21 PM on 26 Jul 2007, louise wrote:

    You see...... ladies have oodles of diplomacy & tact, as we only have our men's best interests in our hearts.

    Yay for the brilliant loved up girls!

    Leb x

    Ps. for tonight's womens minute my commute is in a white rover called "wilf" and I'll be heading home to my fabulous fella G and cutest cat.

  11. At 04:23 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    I said to my 'better half' or is it 'other half' last week that I thought I had been letting myself go a little.

    He agreed with me.

    Chris you are a very lucky man.

    Looking forward to the show.

    Deb x

  12. At 04:34 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Tickle wrote:

    What's better - to be told bluntly or to be gently guided into loosing the belly? Or anything else at that!

    You're onto a winner there CLP - no pressure and the results come in!

    Hurrah! And Mrs Tickle does a similiar trick...and I blindly follow...boys are the weaker sex, without a doubt!

    Tickle :)

  13. At 04:36 PM on 26 Jul 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Choccie is good for you , especially dark choccie.

    Not as fattening as some think.

    AND a little bit of what you fancy does you good.

    De x

    unusual name 'well' ....:) nice to tell her tho..:)

  14. At 04:42 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    If you really love someone you love them just the way they are surely.

    |Depends on what the attraction is in the first place I guess.

    Personality v Looks.

    Unfortunatley looks fade but a personality never changes (barring alzimers of course).

    Moral don't marry for looks alone. otherwise you will end up with an ugly mush with no sense of humour.

  15. At 04:58 PM on 26 Jul 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hear hear Tinsel, Christoffe is GAWJUS as you put it.

    Not sure about his orifices however and since I'm doin' calamari for me tea I don't think I want to go there.

    Down the years I have taken soooo much stick for having a positive fetish-like adoration for the Ginger one. With or without his mythical belly, he embodies my dream chap. Daft as a brush yet he has fantastic wit, strength, spirit and courage.

    However. My number one dream chap without any shadow of a doubt was that fantastic bloody madman, Steve Irwin. Joking apart, I'm serious. What a man. I absolutely and unreservedly would have climbed over Brad Pitt, George Clooney and David Beckham together to get to him. In his safari suit, spattered with snake venom, legs like summat holdin' up the Sphinx, mad hair.....yes, every time.

    I recently watched one of his programmes when he was with a group of chimps which had been mal-treated, and there he was, the daftest looking chap you ever saw, with the most magnificent heart and spirit but as gentle as a little lamb. I blubbed like a baby along with him, it was so funny and poignant.

    Yep. That's what does it for me. Am I alone?

    Mind you, I also nurse a similar mad crush on Danny Baker. So maybe I do need that medication.


  16. At 06:04 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Piccadilly LILY wrote:

    Who dear, me dear, no dear.

    It must be very difficult if you are rich and famous...... accent on the rich. Look at the Heather Mc Cartney senario. Why get married? It's all so Yesterday.
    Winner takes it all.

  17. At 06:11 PM on 26 Jul 2007, wrote:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwww! she is so sweet isn't she!

    And so are you bloggers for your kind words on the previous post. My mum gave me some encouragment and now feel ready to fight them again! So a cpuple of days ago I told you about how I have been having trouble with stuff. I used the term 'you wait ages for a but and then 3 come along at once'. Well you can probably guess its men! Mr A, Mr B and Mr C. The 1st I used to fancy, got over him and now there is flirting from both parties. Mr B great guy but I'm not sure he gets the whole m.e thing. Since telling him about it I haven't heard anything. And Mr C is just lovely I, a dish who I could fall for right now but he goes to uni miles away. At the mo I'm having a flirt (and nothing more!) with all of them! Well keeps my minds off benefits!

  18. At 06:43 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Dr Truth wrote:


    My hubby said to me if I ever get fat please tell me.
    He did and I didn't because really I could not give a damn. It's just a meal ticket. #

  19. At 06:49 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Lardi man wrote:

    hey up Chris

    Used to love the Proclaimers but they are pretty rubbish now.

  20. At 07:58 PM on 26 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    The Proclaimers, singing live in the studio. It doesn`t get much better.

    Well done Mr Evans and everyone else involved. Bring us more live studio singers. Especially if they are as nice as Craig and Charlie.

    I emailed The News of the World the other day. And the reply read, "Why on earth would he want to do that?"

    You know, I didn`t have an answer. So that was a waist of time!

    But it`s still bugging me!!!

    m xxx

  21. At 08:07 PM on 26 Jul 2007, martin james wrote:

    Dissing Dave, I went on a diet similar to you and lost almost 2 stone in a couple of months. It was called the glandular fever diet.

  22. At 09:35 PM on 26 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Lardi Man- that is so rude to say that about The Proclaimers!

  23. At 09:59 PM on 26 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP

    How lovely it is to know that you want to look the way you think you shoulod for "your intended" (Chrissie S I soooo agree it's so sweet!) and how equally lovely to know that she really doesn't care that much whether you do or you don't have the said belly.

    Just enjoy this magical time when you're both so into each other and always remember the way you feel right now for those times when things might not be quite as rose coloured.

    We all love ya!

    & the Bears

  24. At 11:52 PM on 26 Jul 2007, steve sutton wrote:

    You are what you are, live life to that and enjoy everything about it

  25. At 11:58 PM on 26 Jul 2007, Shakey_shakes wrote:

    Got to agree with Clodagh - CLP has been my hero since the days of GLR and the hoover!! We decided not having a TV would help with studying so listened constantly to GLR instead!
    Steve Irwin does it for me too! Also Robbie Coltrane. Most people think I'm mad when I say that but I think he's lovely!
    Love to all

  26. At 12:36 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Lardi man wrote:


    Not much out of Scotland much use.

  27. At 12:49 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Lardi man wrote:

    Martin James

    Quote "I emailed the News of the World big story was it did I miss something"?

  28. At 08:51 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Aaaah, the wise womanly words of wisdom eh?

    I have lardied up since my 2 ops, gone up a waist size, confined the tight look tshirts to the back of the wardrobe yet still MrsW tells me I look the same??!!
    That's love for you I suppose, but no matter what she says I want to lose the pot, and the side handles which are great for ballast but annoying me.
    It's tough when my gammy knee doesn't allow a good hard run or cycle but I suppose I should meet myself halfway and cut down on the rubbish I tend to consume?

    missy - you flirt away, it's the only way to get thro the day sometimes.
    martin - don't go back there pal, you've been on such good form recently mate x

    Off to Portsmouth tomorrow to spend the weekend with some great friends, can't wait.

    Take care one and all, have a spiffing few days and see you all on Monday

    Je t'aime


  29. At 09:14 AM on 27 Jul 2007, DebC wrote:

    Loved the live music from The Proclaimers - please sir can we have some more live music?

  30. At 09:19 AM on 27 Jul 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Shakey shakes.

    Hurrah yes Robbie Coltrane. Mind you he'd have to be at the end of the row in the climbin' over competition, if CLP and Danny Baker were at t' other side of 'im I'd be exhausted and sufferin' from vertigo, and I don't look too attractive in crampons and breathin' apparatus.

    AND. Ray Winstone. What about him. Yum.

    Ah me lost youth. Truth be told I'm a bit of a wimp anyway. I'd rather have a nice cup of tea and the crossword these days than chasin' around after boys.

    However, just for yous girls, a couple of affirmations from the barking at the moon grandma, famous philosopher.

    On marriage. 'Why would you want to spend your life makin' one chap miserable when you can stay single and make 'undreds 'appy?

    And 'Don't marry for money. But don't marry for love without it.

    Lucky CLP. He's got bucketloads of both, indeed, we all have if we know how to go about earning it.


  31. At 09:24 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    AHA! ARF FRIDAY HOORAH! Another car free week has bitten the dust! Hoorah! And all the lovely bus drivers who somehow teleport me through time and space (because I'm never really that awake until about 11am) to get me to work have been heroes! All so nice and chirpy, and so early...

    Now I know that loads of you probably get up before 7am, but I'm not terribly used to it you understand? So, each day, getting to work is a bit of a major feat, given that I'm having to w-a-l-k to and from bus stops about a mile from each end...mind you, I've slept well lately...and I think that my lady-belly is diminishing somewhat...speshully if I stand up straight, hold my stomach in, and breathe out until I go blue...but that's not for here...

    I hope you enjoyed my belly poem...I do have work to do, I know you'll be surprised to hear that, but it's good to make a rhyme from tyme to tyme...and for your delectation (you too, Christophe) and delight (as you delight me, lovely CLP) today...for those of you who may have missed this yesterday...

    ...after which I designed a head line...for today...if I may...

    'Death Cat in Hanging Horror'

    Earlier today, Tiddles(12) was found dangling by his collar from the window fastening of Room 73 at the Olldeers Nursing ±«Óãtv in Wetherfookawee, Texas. Albert Smalltrees(97) whose room it was, was also found by nurses, dead in bed this morning, clutching a bowl of sardine heads, with which, it is believed, he was trying to coax the cat out of the room.

    A spokesman declined to comment.

    In the meantime, I can't wait for the rest of today!

  32. At 09:31 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Love n stuff. It's great! I can honestly say that myself and Mr Diva love each other more now than ever. We've been married for 11 years (together for 13 years this august) and things just keep getting better and better (except for his appendix set back!).

    Every night driving home I get a flutteryby tummy with pure excited anticipation of seeing my man. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is, and always will be, THE ONE.

    CLP - I really, really hope that what you and TGOTS have continues to mature and that you are still as happy (or even happier!) in a decade or two as you are today.

    Another thing - me and Mr Diva NEVER argue. We met on 19th august 1994 and we've never had a row. Not ever. Most of our friends find this a bit freakish, but we'd rather cuddle than yell! It's a better vibe, man!!

    TGI Friday - its been a tough week!

    Lotsa luv

    CtD x x x

  33. At 10:05 AM on 27 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi one and all - happy Friday!

    Missy #17 - three guys on the go at the same time - fantastic! Just enjoy it all, it's great fun. If things don't work out with any of them, there'll be another three along shortly!

    Lardi man #26: get yourself up here sonny boy, and say that to my face! I'll be getting John Smeaton to sort you out!

    Martin #20 - dearie me. When I read one your posts the other week and you used the words "I am well" - I knew that meant you are not. But I'm thinking of you - I really do mean that.

    C xx

  34. At 10:11 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    CLP, I know this maybe an overasked question but I'm gonna ask anyway (it is ARF after all??)

    What are the chances of Toothbrush ever being repeated? It was such a feel good show, there are so many satellite channels nowadays, I'm sure it's possible.

    Sorry to go over old ground, I was thinking about it this morning that's all.....


  35. At 10:13 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Hey Missy - Flirt away girl, there's nothing better in the world. I to am lucky that I'm able to flirt with two gorgeous guys. Not sure if I could handle a 3rd.

    Clodagh - defo to Steve Irwin, something strangely sexy about him.

    Give me someone with a bit of get up and go, with a personality anyday of the week and if he's a diver all the better - its the image of the Milk Tray man (dressed in black, other chocolates available)


  36. At 10:34 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    missy #17 - three chaps on the go at once: advice to you sister: unless they've all got the same name (highly unlikely!) best to stick to calling them babe, honey, love etc etc then you won't slip up by calling paul peter or james john or whatever their different names are!

    devious - moi? oh yes!!!!!

    Martin - are you ok chum? thinking of you {{{HUGS}}}

    CtD x x

  37. At 11:08 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh dearie me...was watching Transporter 2 last eve (one other Transporter available) and fell over myself with Jason Statham. Oh I just SO would...and yes Ray Winstone...and yes Robbie Coltrane...and probably Ben Kingsley too...Alan Rickman...Richardy Grant...Christopher Walken...but then Alice Cooper and David Bowie were my first crushes so...

    MJ, good to have you back. Hope you're doing ok.

    Gingembre, wave as you pass us on the motorway. But having said that. you'll probably be going round the other side. We are off to the Potters Bar tomorrow. I'm just hoping that they do Jack Daniel's there.

    Don't forget your toothbrush

    ...and lardi man...please, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.

  38. At 11:16 AM on 27 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    Missy - I think that's a bit greedy, here I am with narry-a-one - any chance you could share abit over here?!!


  39. At 11:26 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    LOL Hazel, I saw that article too! Loved the tummy ditty by the way.

    Missy, life would be dull indeed without a little gentle flirtation now and then - I'm with CtD though, careful with the name mix-ups!! Glad you're feeling a bit more cheerful, hope you manage to get everything sorted though, must be a total pain in the b*m having to keep filling out forms and fighting the system.

    Gingembre, I am trying to imagine you meeting yourself half-way - not a pretty sight, are you THAT flexible?? Just be careful you don't hurt your gammy knee even more!!

    There are lots of yummy men out there. Peter Kay and Bill Bailey, anyone who can make me laugh that much is a winner in my book. And of course Jack Nicholson - who CARES if he's got man-boobs???? That twinkle in his eye makes up for everything!!!

    Have great weekends all


  40. At 11:29 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD, I wish me and my husband never argued!

    Things are pretty difficult at the moment as I realise now that he doesn't want another child. We have 2 children the eldest is from his first marriage and I have been mum to him for 12 years. The youngest is nearly 4. He maintains that he only ever wanted 2 children but he has always known that I always wanted 2 of my own.

    Well I had the post natal depression thing going on which has obviously put him off plus he says that he is too old and doesn't want to be an old dad. He is only 39! I'm panicking a little as I know that the body clock is ticking and one day nature will have the final say.

    I am very blessed and lucky to have my 2 boys, however, the thought of not having another one has left me devastated. I mean totally heartbroken. It's causing tension which gives him more reason not to want another one.

    Sorry to go on, I work on my own in this new job and I really miss 'my girls from work'. I'm just sitting here getting into a state about it all. I feel so lonely!!!


  41. At 11:39 AM on 27 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Just back for a mo:

    Hazel - how could I foget to say your belly poem was terrific! I have printed it and will carry it with me wherever I go!

    CtD - hope Mr Diva is healing nicely. Sounds as though he's doing o.k. - the other day you were saying something about him laughing. I'm very impressed - I really did think he might play the "I'm in agony, tend to my every need" card just a bit longer!

    Gingembre - I would love if Toothbrush could be repeated. I've also mentioned this before, but to no avail! I wonder if it's something to do with Chris owning all the rights, or it may be he doesn't want to go back over the old stuff. I only ever saw the last two shows - this comes back to haunt me in the wee small hours of the morning when I can't sleep!

    C xx

  42. At 11:42 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Cat wrote:

    Missy, Happy Diver, j - totally agree on the whole flirting as an enjoyable occupation thing! Esp if you feel down it's a great boost to flirt or be flirted with! Flirting PLUS having minstrels to eat - even better!! I really must get myself some choccie - haven't had any this week and it is Friday after all!

    Looking forward to winding down after work listening to you Mr E before having a few relaxing beverages with some friends.

    As for teh weight loss - isn't it always better to be told you've lost weight when you haven't been trying hard to lose it! Your intended had the right idea to compliment later instead of criticising earlier. We women can be sneaky like that sometimes!!

    Enjoy your fridays and have a good weekend.

    Cat x

  43. At 11:50 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Avril Scott wrote:

    Prof Plum

    I work for Social services and strongly recommend that you report the fraudulent ex neighbours. Benefit fraud is stealing from us all and should be stopped.

  44. At 11:50 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Aw Debbie - that's awful. Sorry to hear you're having probs. I must admit that we decided prior to getting married that children were not our bag - many of our friends attribute our happiness and lack of cross-words to our not having kids. Having said that, I'm a fantastic auntie and god-mother (or so I've been told!)

    You sound like you really need to talk. A good solid heart-to-heart. It may be painful and very difficult, even awkward, but unless you clear the air there's room for resentment to grow and fester which is never a good thing. (Apologies to any boy-bloggers for this next bit ..) Does he know how much it's eating you up? Men can be aloof to our bizarre ways at the best of times and he might not even fully realise just how devastated you are.

    Good luck with whatever your outcome - and remember the blog brigade are always here for each other.

    Keep blogging!

    CtD x x x

    PS: on a lighter note: Sawyer out of Lost - definitely would! And Alice Cooper even tho he's about a zillion years old. And Lee Mead - perfect toyboy fodder!!!!! Don't even get me started on Russell Brand ......... (cue cold shower)

    PPS: Mr Diva and I have a policy vis a vis leering at gorgeous people: "window shopping is fine, but never get your wallet out" !!! It works, y'know!!

  45. At 12:06 PM on 27 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I've got meself inter a BIG mess since last Friday blog friends - am tellin' yer!

    I ended up getting arreasted on Friday last, I don't know if I should tell all on the blog or should I keep it top secret?

    Any suggestions from any bloggers out there?

    I don't know what ter do? Do I tell all or keep stumm?

  46. At 12:13 PM on 27 Jul 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Debbie #40 - this is a tough one. Really, really tough. I hope you don't mind me commenting, but I have a tiny bit of experience of this - it happened to someone very close to me.

    This is Catch 22 - there can be no winners. If you insist on having another baby, your husband will be resentful. If he does not agree to you needing (and I use that word deliberately) another baby, you will resent him. The person I know went along with her husband and did not have another child. It took 25 years, but eventually they split up over it. The hurt and resentment just grew and grew. Eventually, her husband admitted that he had been very wrong not to agree to add to their family. But of course it was just too late by then. They did go for counselling and they are back together. It can never be fixed, but they've come to terms with it.

    Now, this story is extreme, I know. Only you know just how much this means to you. Only you knows your own heart. I hope you can work this out but all I do know is, try to be really true to yourself when you think about this. You have to live with this for ever.

    I wish you the very best and I hope I haven't gone on too much.

    C xx

  47. At 12:15 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    CtD, please, just HAVE Russell Brand. Go on, you know you want to...

    ...and at risk of upsetting the BP, Happy Diver, I hope your man enjoys diving too...

    Debbie, sending big love for you.


  48. At 12:31 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Bingo Star .... do tell! I'm sure I speak for lots of us when I say I'm well and truly intrigued.

    Seriously - we're here if you need to get anything off your chest, although we can't afford to bail you out as all spare coinage is going to HL's collection for the tea caddy for CLP and TGOTS

    CtD x x

    HL: thank you, so so generous, can you roll him up and post him along with the posters???

  49. At 12:54 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh, Mr Star, how I wondered where you are...

    ...and there you are...or were, anyway...

    My only criminal record is by Ottowan, and a few hotly contested unpaid parking fines...but that is definitely NOT for here...

    Whether yours is, is your choice...as long as it was for something you believe in...or in the true SPIRIT OF WROCK...you should be fine I reckon.

    five days to show

    ps I have arrived. I have just been given my OWN stapler. Obviously my colleague has not seen the instructions not to give me anything sharp...oh dear...and that is why...anyone know how to get staples out of ears?

  50. At 12:55 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Summer passed me by - was it April or May when we had that sunny day? But my thoughts have now turned to my hols and how I am ever going get into a bikini. So I've cut out the chocs and crisps and the hardest thing to cut out the beers.

    But my fellow bloggers and bloggettes, I just can't do it tonight, I've not been very social this week, so roll on 5.30 (not that I'm wishing my life away) just so I can savour the sweet amber nectar of a pint.

    And Hazel Love, yes the flirtatious guys are divers, which makes for interesting and enjoyable days when we get out diving. So roll on the hols when 25 of us land on the unsuspecting Eygptians, the diving will be good, the sun will shine and I'll find the crack in the evening most enjoyable. (Well you've got to keep your hand in - flirting is a skill, isn't it??)


  51. At 01:11 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I would humbly suggest that if you need to have the debate about whether you wish to reveal to the nation, then you shouldn't! I had this debate myself in private before revealing my situation in another place amongst virtual friends. I am glad that I took this course of action because it helped my progression through the situation and I am thankful to those who know for their assistance.

    XMwahX to those who know who you are!

    DD out

    PS Arrested Development

    PPS Public Image Limited


  52. At 01:24 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    You are all completely and utterly blinking mad as a box of frogs............but I luv u all and wouldn't have it any other way!!!!!!!!!

    Peace and love
    Have a good weekend

  53. At 01:47 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Bingo - Go on mate, reveal the story, if any of us can help then we will, if you just feel the need to offload it then go ahead and ask for no comments to be left. I'm sure everyone on here will respect your decision....


  54. At 01:53 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Reveal or not to reveal - that is the question?

    Go on bingo - you know you want to.


  55. At 02:12 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Glad you all approve of my flirting! Love it! Whoo Hoo its friday!

  56. At 02:23 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bingo - totally up to you - can't believe it was your fault, whatever it was!

    ((Deb)), I really feel for you.

    Hazel - yep to Christopher Walken, double yes to Alan Rickman - and what about John Malkovich?????


  57. At 02:37 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Happy Diver wrote:

    Hazel / Tinsel - How about Simon King of the springwatch brigade. The voice.

    mmm lovely


  58. At 02:51 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Tinsel! Blow me darn. Was JUST TALKING ABOUT THAT VERY MAN YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!

    I was doing 'Dangerous Liaisons' with a folded up piece of paper, but my colleague is terribly un-cultured donchaknow, and had no idea woss goin on, billy...so I said Glenn Close, John Malkovich, that bird out of that other thing, isn't she called Sam something etc etc but he still has no idea. No idea who John Malkovich is either, and I couldn't explain further due to needing a lie down in a darkened room with a damp hankie on my forehead.

    Oh yes. John Malkovich.

    Most defiantly...

    ...and Mayhem, luv you too...obviously not in a John Malkovich way though...

    Caddie collection now at £16.03 if anyone is interested. Anyone know where we can get some loose tee?

    Bingo, bingo bop

    Have him washed and sent to my tent. I'm just popping out.

  59. At 03:12 PM on 27 Jul 2007, j wrote:

    What a day - just want to share with you all that I might be buying a 25% share of a tiny one bedroom flat in a seaside resort near you!!!!

    It was only a couple of months ago I was ranting on here about how I'd never be able to afford a place of my own and out of the blue comes this offer through a housing association.

    GOD - I am so excited! Got a promise of a mortgage and am just sending off all the financial paperwork the HA needs to see if they'll offer me the place.

    Yippee - bring on the ARF.


    ps - Bingo - you know we want you too!

  60. At 03:31 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    #58 Hazel Love Please see below;

    Ray Stevenson - Titus Pullo in Rome.........Oh my word I would most definitely (lots and lots of times)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. At 03:39 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:


    Yeah, Well, at "my age", which is slightly older than CLP, I'm finding myself becoming more gorgeous every day. I positively glow ALL THE TIME.

    Why I hear you ask, well is because I finally believe that I am gorgeous, and the more I say it to myself, the more other people seem to notice too.

    Everyone in the office calls me Gorgeous now, and someone randomly just bought me a t-shirt which says 100% gorgeous, and if that isn't a feel good confirmation, I don't know what is.

    Gorgeous DWNB

  62. At 03:41 PM on 27 Jul 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere,


    Cheryl the Diva, Tinsel, Hazel Love, J, Dissing Dave and Happy Diver I knew you'd all support me.

    I said that to the ploice, sorry police.

    What I did it was for Christoof and the Drivetime show.

    I'm gonna tell all abit later. I've just gotta psych meself up first.
    DEEP BREATHS...... mmmmnnnnn a.......
    mmmmmmmnnnnnn aaa......

    It's very embarrasing but i'll tell all.

    It involves nappies.

  63. At 03:55 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Happy ARF people
    HS as instructed earlier this week by your goodself. "Answers on a postscript" so.......
    A good weekend all.
    P.S. (HL) I think you may mean Uma Thurman?

  64. At 04:03 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Per the my previous attempt.....
    Sorry for calling you by your Sunday name HL - who the blazes is HS - appollllogies.
    Thought after sending (that has never happened before?) you may also have meant Michelle Pfeiffer.
    PS I'm going for a cat nap if I can get up this tree.

  65. At 04:10 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh dear Mayhem.

    Oh dear, VERY yes.

    Oh dearie dearie me.

    Thanks for that!

    Very well found...but can't think of anything this late in the day for Titus Pullo...I'm quite befuddled...

    ...and DWNB, we all know you're gorgeous! Not only gorgeous, but TOTALLY GAWJUS!

    I'm loving it!

  66. At 04:36 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gaby wrote:

    j... that sounds fab!!!.....I would love to do the same.....I got as far as a beach hut for £10K....or rather, couldn't even get THAT far....thank goodness for dreams : )

    Debbie..... really feel for you xx

    Bingo Star .... lots more of us here for you too...I reckon you have a full house


  67. At 09:12 PM on 27 Jul 2007, vicster wrote:

    just laughed my socks off at todays blog. my hubby is going through the very same thing as you, wants to know if he has a tummy, i said yes the other day but justified it by saying that it ment there was more of him to love. Thats the thing u men don't get, us women genuinly love our men no matter wot, tummy or no tummy it's does nee matter to us x x x

  68. At 10:38 PM on 27 Jul 2007, julie newlands wrote:

    you`ve got lovely future misses there chris marry her quick and hold on to her tightly . lovely choice of sweeties by the way , minstrel`s are the BEST choccy`s going . i just love the way they melt in the mouth . that`s it i`ll have to go and get a bag now thanx chris !

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