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the sheep, the damn sheep.

Chris Evans | 12:28 UK time, Tuesday, 26 June 2007

So the sheep have invaded the vegetable patch. What a pi++er ! Total devastation. Carnage. The girl on the sofa...

...will not be happy. I fear for the sheep when she finds out.

Went to George michael's birthday bash last night. Lovely people, brilliant nosebag and a heart stopping speech from Yog himself.

I sat next to Richard and Judy and Shirley and Martin, George's engineer, a lovely lady called Jenny (she had some great stories) and her husband Big Baz. The girl on the sofa had a half an hour chin wag with a bloke called Frank, an art agent. I've known him for years but as a drinking buddy, I had no idea he actually worked for a living. Anyhow it turns out he's only the boy Hirsts man ! So you know all those questions I was asking about Damien last week ? Well last night I got some of the answers. Fascinating stuff but totally confidential of course. Ha ha.

We bailed early due to my voice deciding to begin to disappear shortly before the end of last night's show and showing no signs of recovery as the night went on. George got a hug, from the both of us and off he popped.

I nipped off to Harley Street this morning and have been dosed with a nuclear remedy of some sort or other. Will it work ? We'll have to wait and see.

I have nothing wrong with me, the voice has just decided it's had enough. Ever so strange.

Spent some time this morning working on Sunday's Diana concert, should be good. Apparently we've got an interview with the princes, t'all starts at 3.30 this Sunday, you know it ....

Right more AIR LAW to learn and an afternoon of hush to concentrate on.

CLP 2007



  1. At 01:46 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Awww Chris - sawy to ear yor not well - can't have that - we won't be able to hear you give as good as you get with Sally. I laughed so much last week when you went off to try and find her passport whilst she was doing the traffic report.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. At 01:52 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Well air law, air law, air law. Wots goin on 'ere then?

    I have always wondered about people called 'Big...' or 'Little...' in that whether they are distiguished as such by an opposite. For instance, does Big Baz know a Little Baz?

    ...and frankly are you surprised your voice is given out? It is the only way your body knows it's going to (if not stop you for a while) slow you down! You just need a bit of a rest young man. You spent your holiday dashing about like the proverbial fly...better start the meditation again, and REALLY TRY TO GET SOME TIME TO YOURSELF FOR A CHANGE.


    There now, that's said.

    Had this sheep long Sir?

  3. At 01:56 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Aw no. Sheep in the veggie patch. Gutted for ya, CLP. We had badgers eating our corn on the cobs last year and we're praying they don't invade us again, despite the fact that they leave cute little badger hand-prints on the cob stems.

    MFR - WELCOME BACK!!!! The roadtrip sounds awesome - will we see the photos on any online piccie sharing sites?

    Today is turning into a real effort - had a row with the franking machine company, which although felt good, hasn't resolved the fact that i've got 500 or so things to frank for today's post and their "system is down" Grrrrrr!

    Will pop back laters amigos.

    CtD x

  4. At 02:00 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Dan wrote:

    Good man, Chris -
    Hope all goes well with the nuclear stuff - quite amazing, I know people who've had it done - absolutely fascinating!
    I wont be able to watch the concert on Sunday I dont think - there are 13 belfast eejits heading to Galway for a stag party on Friday and I'm one of them - we're karting at apparently the biggest track in Europe on Saturday, should be a bit of craic - and then the obilgatory black stuff in the evening . .
    Still Tuesday unfortunately - cant wait to Hump day . . .

  5. At 02:08 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Gee that is a real p1++er with the sheep.

    Good luck with the voice returning, I haven't heard too many good mute Radio DJs.

    Air Law sounds a ickle dull but I guess it has to be done, we don't want you crashing into any of our budget jumbos as we fly off on holiday.

  6. At 02:12 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ello Ello Ello! "Sheep have ..." as opposed to "sheep has ..." you got another one then??????? Must have missed that.

    Poo to sore throat - garlic, lots of garlic m'dear.

    Air Law eh? I think you should start practising your captain's voice (when you get your voice back that is) - "This is your captain speaking, we will be cruising at 88-91 for the next two hours and I hope you enjoy the journey"

    MWAH all.

  7. At 02:18 PM on 26 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hazel Love.

    Yes sunshine. In our gang there's a Big Baz, a Little Baz and a Naughty Baz. And guess which one's the squirrel murderer.


  8. At 02:26 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Jo wrote:

    Yo Bloggers :o)

    Visited the physio this morning, while you Chris don't have anything wrong with you I apparantly sit up too straight and over arch my back - which I've probably known for the last 15 years...It's the pregnancy that makes my ligaments relax more so I am actually and literally falling apart at all my major joints - ACE!

    MfR - Hurrah for you being back and returning safely....Glad you enjoyed your trip so much, it sounds divine but I fear that any future holiday of mine will include 'baby friendly' ativities only.

    Hope your voice deigns to grace us with your presence in time for the show Chris, don't know what I would do without you each evening

    As for the nuclear medicine thingy - go careful with it! I've always wondered about celeb types, do they have a normal GP like the rest of us? It always seems that whenever anything is worng a trip to Harley Street is in order...Do they have to get referred or can you just pitch up on the door and say (or whisper in your case Chris) that you need to see a specialist. And how do you know which specialist to go and see if your GP isn't guiding you in the right direction?

    I guess it's in the celebrity handbook...I couldn't imagine any celebs pitching up at my local GP practice could you??

    :o) Jo

  9. At 02:28 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Oh my oh my oh my - I got the first post today. I never usually get that spot.

    Chris seriously you need to sort out the sheep - the girl on the sofa just won't be happy that the veggies have been sheepnabbed - and you don't even have to call on the services of DCI Gingembre to find the culprit either.

    Hazel you are still cracking me up down here - keep up the good work.

    The conversation the other day about Sarah Kennedy - strangely enough I too get up to SK and drive to work with the togmeister and drive home with Chris. Terrry gave us another Janet and John story this morning and as he got to the punchline he was cracked up laughing.

    Makes my day.

    Off now until tomorrow

  10. At 02:39 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    O CLP, you make me laugh, you do!
    Saw George at Norwich few weeks ago, he is still so damn sexy, goddamnit! I was right up front and almost wet through my Tena lady with excitement.

    Rest those little vocal nodules , need you with me this afternoon!

    I hear brandy and port works

    s x

  11. At 02:44 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:


    Your are perfectly correct. It isn't Wednesday. I am now calm and in a smalll dark room with only limited access to the outdoors...until the clock strikes midnight...and the hairs on my palms disappear...then it shall BE!


  12. At 03:21 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    If it ain't the crows eyeing up the vegetable patch, or the rabbits digging it up --- it's now the sheep!! Mon goodness! How baaaad. (Sorry)

    But more worringly - how mad will the girl on the sofa be when she hears this...and will she finally make it off the sofa on hearing such news....?! (Queue dramatic ending akin to Eastenders theme!)

    Clodagh - I think the Baz holding the dead squirrel is in fact, the squirrel murderer....


  13. At 03:22 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    ...sorry, one other thought...I thought if you've got an infection...

    ...you go to Jermyn Street...

    Sometimes I just gotta...

    lots of hot drinks

    ps Clodagh, at a guess, I'd say the one with the gun.

    pps Sometimes life is just complete isn't it. We have just received a, 'official warning' about the caterpillar of the Brown Tail Moth. Apparently said moth is problematical in the Brighton & Hove area from now until the end of June. They are liable to drop from leaves as they get fatter, and because they've got spines, if they land on you, can cause a nasty rash and breathing difficulties for those with asthma or other allergies.

    So that's no sitting under trees for a while then.

  14. At 03:33 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    hey CLP you're just a slave to fame haha! hope your voice gets right for this arvos show!

    I hear the Red Arrows have an opening for a pilot, could be one way to fill your mornings?


  15. At 03:48 PM on 26 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    A word to the wise Christophe.

    If you're chasin' sheep, wear wellies and a skateboard helmet and don't stand behind one. In fact them goggles wouldn't come amiss. Fluffy clouds they ain't when they're riled.

    As possibly the worst farmers' wife in living memory, I well remember an altercation with a sheep in a ditch at 2 in the morning and suffice it to say I've never been Wonderwoman to any large fluffy mammals since. The ex-husband nearly turned the tractor over laughin', I lost an earring and some considerable dignity and from that point the marriage was doomed.

    Bless 'im. Mind you I had the last laugh when his cauliflowers buttoned. A very sore thing.


  16. At 04:13 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Chris are you having a mid life crisis? Learning to fly and wanting a motor bike?! Intresting.

    And can we all assume that you and the girl on the sofa are an item and that she doesn't sleep on the sofa now! Oh I love romance. Forgot to say yesterday I saw the guy I wrote about (on thursday) on saturday. Still yum but I think he see's me as a friend nothing more so thats what I will be.

    Parents are fine, thanks for the comments. The car is a right off but as my Dad says, its just a lump of metal!

    Will listen in at 5pm, missy xx

  17. At 04:27 PM on 26 Jun 2007, wrote:


    Nice to have an early blog today - fanx!

    CtD x

  18. At 04:28 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Sally Timms wrote:

    Sheep - well, they will do that. If they can get in (and it's our collective responsibility to keep them out) they will eat anything! Our pet Ram, Puddles, who is now 15 months old, and grew up in our kitchen (orphaned at 1 day old - and we bottle fed him for 6 weeks including the dratted 4 am feed), still will eat our garden of EVERYTHING if we let him! We just have to keep him and his harem (his girlfriends - we bought them to stop them being sent to the 'you know what' and to give him company, as sheep can't be on their own - they just give up) in the paddock. We had to resort to an electric fence in the end, and he did get the message (right across his nose - hated that happening to him, but he did get the HINT) and is no problem now. Can recommend this as a solution. If you need to know more about lambs/veg gardens/recreational gardens/rabbits/moles/squirrels - you name it we've got it, then just let us know!


  19. At 04:30 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Jackie wrote:

    So what were you and Johnny talking about during the back to back songs when you feel able to have a "chinwag"??????

  20. At 04:41 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Lindsey wrote:

    Oldy on a minute...

    as much as I love reading all your blogs Christoff I did just log on today to find out what you and Johnnie were talking about last night whilst - arh can't remember the name of the track - was playing. You said you would reveal all today on the blog, come on... spill the beans!!

  21. At 04:46 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Oh I am so jealous, you got to go to George Michael's birthday party! I saw him at Wembley on June 9th, it was the most fantastic night ever.

    Wish you better Chris...

    Love Debx

  22. At 07:08 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Kate Wollaston wrote:

    Woooooh, listen to you Mr Evans...lauding it up with the rich an' fameuse AND leaving early! I have just discovered your blog but have listened in to your radio show since it's beginnings when you took over from Johnny. I have to say i was sceptical at first thinking that no one could fill his shoes and you did just the right thing, you didn't - you walked in with a brand new pair! I love everything about the show - but especially your up-beat slant on life that everyone needs on that drive time home, loads of giggles and joie de vivre. Hope george wasn't too miffed that you left early.
    Ta very much. kate x

  23. At 10:36 PM on 26 Jun 2007, Plum fool wrote:

    I'm coming out so you better get this party started....one and all.

    Well tip for today don't go Sky Broadband package milarky. I spent ages today trying to sort me broadband out. Not to mention why all my fav channels have gone...... UK Gold, Drama, Music etc etc .. woke up at 5am and could only watch how lamp posts are made on the Knowledge Channel. OK could come in useful I suppose...

    Mc Crumble sorry to hear you are hungry and homeless ... But might be worth paying the ransom money for Timothy after all he could be the new Britain has talent star.....

    Chris get married and buy a new sofa.

  24. At 06:48 AM on 27 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning folks, hope you're all well today?

    MfR - great to have you back, sounds like you had an ace time, tell us more...

    I was wondering yesterday during the 'cutting in' about sayings and where they come from?
    eg, "Happy as Larry"
    .... I mean who is Larry? Why is he so happy?

    CLP - hope you're feeling better, take it easy, only speak when spoken to????

    Decorating went well, just the hallway to do today, if you hear a loud bang/scream don't panic Mr Mainwaring.... it'll only be me falling down, doing that awkward bit that is far too high on the stairs which needs a ladder and some bottle!!!!

    oh, went to see Oceans 13 last week - very good, back on track after 12's poor effort. Loved the jibes between Clooney and Pitt at the end about their personal lives, very funny.

    Petit filous (other yoghurts available!)


  25. At 07:18 AM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Mornin one and all.

    Been in radio purdah for the last 2 days so haven't managed to catch the show at all. Hope the voice is ok now Chris.

    Air Law - back in my dim and distant past I recall learning something about - deemers - a glider is deemed to ... All about giving way I think - where do we drag this stuff up from.

    Have a swell day - haricot vert xx

  26. At 08:43 AM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Happy Hump Day one and all.

    Got in early this morning as we have a 21st Birthday in the office and we wanted to 'muller' his desk before he arrives at 9 !! Lots of balloons, streamers, a flashing tiara ... wow!!

    Will pop back in later for a chin wag!

    CtD x x

  27. At 10:07 AM on 27 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    How lucky is the girl on the sofa, getting to hug two of the most gorgeous guys in showbiz!

    Lucy Henman is another lucky lady - the kids I childmind were quite horrified by my victory dance, my kids are used to it (although it hasn't been performed very often recently!)

    Pretty stressed at the moment, lots going on, just ended up in the school office crying my eyes out - how do you stop yourself crying? I thought I'd get better with age but I seem to have got worse! Anyway happy humpday to everyone,

    Good luck to Handsome Henman!!

    Love Em xx

  28. At 10:31 AM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Thank heavens, it is now Wednesday, so a happy Hump Day to you Christophe and EVERYONE!

    Yes, thank you CtD...we got here eventually! I trust the desk was suitably decored and he is now wearing his tiararara! Blimey, 21, I remember what I did in the war, but I can't remember what I had for breakfast...I do however remember my 21st birthday. I went to see Twisted Sister at the Marquee...

    I hope everyone is having lovely days and no one had to get to work in a boat...it's been pouring here, but nothing like anywhere else!

    I am I'm me

    ps Christophe, we are still getting hot and sweaty packing, who'd have known we had SO much stuff eh? Still having your show on in the background is making it much lighter work...and we (hopefully, not counting any chickens) are picking the keys up tonight...

  29. At 11:45 AM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    HL - Twisted Sister: you ROCK baby!

    Did you know they're appearing at Butlins Minehead in November as part of a rock weekender?!

    Our young whippet was quite speechless when he arrived this morn. His desk is bedlam and the tiara fits! Now he's just gotta go out to buy CAKE!!!

    Back later - still filing at the mo.

    CtD x x

  30. At 12:23 PM on 27 Jun 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Christophe

    How exciting George Michael's birthday party! I really enjoyed the your interview with him, much better than Parky's! Oh just had a thought, could that be your news, are you taking over from Parky? That would be fandabbydozzy if you did!

    Great to have Sally back, love the banter between the two of you ;o)

    Bloggers can I ask you to send some special thoughts and prayers to Susan S, thanks.

    Happy Hump day xx

    Mary xx

  31. At 12:40 PM on 27 Jun 2007, mary fraser wrote:

    Gosh Chris i wonder where the sheep are leading or where you are leading the sheep???Watched your pal Gordongdon last nite with Gavin and his mates and TG for a good vet diagnosing an pneumonia at the final exit -----saved Gavin for another day!! For those who could watch without hiding behind fingers I'm sure it was very educational---I know it was for Gordon--bless him he was upset too.
    And he enjoyed every moment with Yuk Tan?? even if he did to a strup to exit (Yuk Tan) that is

  32. At 01:00 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Plums get Mildrew wrote:

    iS IT ME..
    Oh well one and all

    SKY TV ... I have been around the world this morning passed around to Scotland ,Ireland and India. It must have cost a fortune in phone calls. Speak to somebody who contridicts the last person, giving a different package price, and no you can't get Broadband,then another saying yes you can. I am at at complete loss, except to say it is all a complete rip off and needs investigation. The fact is, nobody really wants to know it's just all about sales...

    In dire need of a new internet connection even phoned BT to speak to an Irish guy I really could not understand and was reading from a script. Whats happened out there?

  33. At 01:15 PM on 27 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Here I am, at lunch so legally blogging (makes a change, I know!)

    Coming back from Donington on Monday was like living in one of Sally's traffic reports. We had our very own homage to the First Lady Of Traffic .... Leicester East Services on the M1, Cathorpe Interchange, Brampton Hut, Black Cat Interchange ..... I tell ya, I always thought these places were made up, but no, they're real .. and with loads of lorries too. Trucker heaven!

    This morning has flown past in a flash. Probably been the busiest day since I started here back in April.

    Anyone see Gordon Ramsay last night? Gok was on there making his chinese Wanton soup - and being quite wanton with Gordy, if I may say so.

    Had a nice thing in the post when I got home last night ... our tickets for Joseph have arrived - yippeeeee!!! Not wanting to wish the summer away, but roll on December and let's hope that Lee is still performing well 6 months in (interview with Lee in Heat this week - fab!)

    Righteo, off to surf other sites for a bit ...

    CtD x x

    PS: Tomorrow never knows!

  34. At 04:57 PM on 27 Jun 2007, Dave wrote:

    Ah Air law... so can you explain to me the difference between QNH and QFE? Good luck with the flying - where are you learning? Think I've probably forgotten most of my Air law by now.

    Love the snow. Love Bozi too - she has the sexiest voice on radio.

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