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Chris Evans | 16:12 UK time, Thursday, 21 June 2007

That's how it is, i know it's not Shakespeare but...

... these are the kind of decisions I have to make, when I say I, I mean we, the subjects for WOMANS MINUTE our hit DRIVE TIME quiz.

Today we have choosen PRICKLES, TEN THINGS THAT ARE PRICKLY. I would like to have gone for ten people or personna that wear a cape but we could only think of eight however one of them was the phantom flan flinger, which personally i think is worth two. The DREAMS category refers to, ten things i wanted to be when I was kid, not "WHEN" I was a kid but when I grew up as a kid, oh you know what I mean.

When i thought about this, I realised they were all pretty similar things except i did toy with being an accountant believ it or not. because I was quite good with numbers, still am, as it happens.

To be honest I always wanted to be a d.j., ever since i could remember, that and a television presenter. mY favorite tv. shows were SWAPSHOP and TISWAS, I thought TARRANT was a great host but SWAPSHAP was a better show, more production values and though at it's best, TISWAS was hilarious, it was very hit and miss, as was the throwing of the flans in fact.

So, that's WOMAN'S MINUTE today, the rest of the days decisions and briefings have revolved around razor clams and Stonehenge.

So that's me, how about youbees doobees ?

Off to a food festival tonight with most of the gang from the show, as well as a few friends, must spend the next few hours trying to get hungry... any tips anyone.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:33 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Jeepers Christophe, I thought it said PIckles. I could probably think of ten things that should, could or would be pickled.

    Possibly my friend's liver

    I said probably, give me a chance!

    Anyhoo, lovely to see your blog before tomorrow, however I shall give it due and proper perusal in the morning as I am orft hame mayself inamin, whaylst lisnin to your eversocarefully thort art shay.



  2. At 04:40 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon CLP

    Chewing gum ALWAYS makes me starvin' marvin!

    Prickly stuff .... gooseberries, roses, hedgehogs, mohicans, Gary Rhodes, raspberry canes, courgettes (freshly picked ones - not polished from the supermarket), sea anenomies, starfish, lychees ... do I win owt??

    Enjoy the food fest ... any sign of Bradley Smith in the locker yet??

    Ciao bella - ti amore CLP.

    CtD x x x

  3. At 04:45 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Prickles huh? I'm gonna phone in - pick me, pick me!!!

    I wasn't allowed to watch Tiswas - it was for too anarchic for my parents, so Swapshop it was for me. I loved it!

    10 things I wanted to be... Vet, Nurse, Doctor, Actuary (yes, really!), Princess, Soldier, Pilot (fighter jets), Spy, Author, Lawyer.

    There you go - I've been two of those and still really, really want to be a third. However, I am now hoping to be made redundant in the inevitable next round of cuts, at which point, I will choose between retraining as a Midwife or a Paramedic.

    Dull day in orifice today - brightened at times by some banter with colleagues - not all bad then. Thirsty Thursday and a bottle of wine awaits.

    Question of the day - do I book flights this weekend, or wait until just before I'm ready to go???

    S xx.

  4. At 04:46 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    More thirsty Thursday greetings......... suggest you get arty and go hungry until later - send out for a smock (you can always wear it when gathering in the animals). Absolutely no charge for this useless bit of info. I'm sure you will meet the gastronomic challenge, prepared or otherwise.

  5. At 04:54 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Nix wrote:

    Swapshop all the way! I remember it always used to start back up in the Autumn, after the Summer break, around my birthday. Foolishly as a lickle girl thought they put it back on especially for me.

    Had to watch the Swapshop special twice when it was on last! Sad I know!!


  6. At 04:54 PM on 21 Jun 2007, phil l wrote:

    yep don't eat!!

  7. At 05:01 PM on 21 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Lambie Pie.

    I've no clue as to how you get hungry. That's a first. Mind you I can tell you what not to do.

    Don't watch Countdown with all them adverts about earwax and fungal infections of the toenail. Don't watch CSI:NY or Casualty, or for that matter, Life on Earth with bugs or larvae of any sort, or anything featuring vets.

    Don't go with your mum to the Warfarin clinic and sit next to an aul fella eatin' a 99 whilst clearin' 'is throat, and opposite another chap pickin' 'is nose.

    And most of all, don't be returninin' a vexed text message to the bold cousin Barry, calling him a variety of nasty names only a woman of the night should know and threatening to nail his wedding tackle to his horse chestnut tree and beat his sad and sorry remains to death with a big stick, only to send it by mistake to your accountant.

    That one will put paid to your appetite for a good 24 hours. Mind you, the said accountant will be most impressed and ask you out for dinner so that's win win.

    And Christoffe. Can I just say that the aforementioned psychopath Barry started out in life training as an accountant before branching out into becoming a fully paid-up Rat Catcher and Squirrel Torturer. So nah, mate. Bonkers, accountants. All of 'em.

    Well, that's me for now; Thirsty Thursday it is and I'm spittin' feathers.


  8. At 05:04 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Dickie D wrote:

    Tips for staying hungry.....
    1. Dont eat enything
    2. Watch the food channel on TV
    Say Hi to my pals at th "Canteen" Stand
    Observer Food Monthly Resturant of the year 2007

  9. At 05:10 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    'the caped hedgehog' would make both of your lists however I just made him up so perhaps you would not have got it?!

    Anyhoo, ten things to be when grown up... I'm fortyone and still can't think of what I'm gonna be if i ever grow up.


    ...childish, that's what I want to be when I grow up! ooh hang on is that possible or is it an oxymoron?


  10. At 05:22 PM on 21 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ten things that are prickly.



    Gareth Gates' erstwhile hairdo.


    My legs.

    Sticky bobs.

    My mother Renee's nylon bedlinen.

    Coconut mattin' that we kiddywinkles used to have to land on in P.E. Ow.

    David Starkey.

    And finally.

    The heart of an artichoke. The choke in other words. Eeeew beeeargh yuk.

    That's why I'm spittin' feathers. Phhap pfffthap. pthhh.


  11. At 05:27 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Jelly Fish are prickley!!!!!! There I helped!
    Well today I popped in the city and saw a guy I know, man I forgot how delish he is! I could have kissed him senseless right there, but we are friends nothing more he's just a very goodlooking friend! Oh lovely!
    I can't get hungry I just have to eat when that tummy starts making noise!
    And now I'm hungry!!!!!!!
    Must go and watch neighbours (I just love that show!) and then have a bath whilst listening to Chris and the crew!
    Love to you all, alex xx

  12. At 06:04 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Prickly eh? according to MrsW that's me after a night shift!!!

    Always wanted to be a P.E teacher, then an Olympic 1500m Champion, then an MTV presenter!!! Ended up a photographer then.... well you all know what I do now.
    What do you all do? - obviously CLP you don't need to answer that as we all know the answer.

    have to say I was always torn between Tis and Swap, although I was swayed when I got ON AIR to Noel and got a swap in - action man for some subbuteo.... cool or what???!!!

    Grange Hill was the #1 tho'..... Tucker, Benny and Alan, I remember the first episode like it was yesterday.

    I was lucky enough to appear on Play your cards right (other game shows weren't available!) with Brucie and his dolly dealers.... always wanted to go on Toothbrush and flash my flake - or was it light my lemon?

    miisy - wow! you little monkey, well it's good to see you back on top form.... wonder what he'd have done?????

    Oh, and hazel, the tequila bottle sounds perfect for the move....

    Great few days blogging folks, it's taken me an age to catch up, but I have laughed out loud many times in the process.

    All this food talk.... I'm really hungry now.

    Bonne Appetite


  13. At 06:12 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hello all.

    It occurred to me yesterday that in exactly 2 years and 3 months I will turn 40. Holy Crappers!! When did this happen? How did this happen? How can I make it stop?

    No wait...now it is exactly 2 years, 2 months, and 29 days...AARRRGH!


  14. At 06:16 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- He would have loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. At 06:24 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Sorry for the maniacal rantings of nearly-forty year old. I have gathered myself together, taken a deep breath, and have shamed myself into getting a little perspective. I have started a list of Things-I-Must-Do-Before-I-Turn-Forty. So far, I have only listed "Run a marathon"...any suggestions?

    Am listening to Chris now talking about movie series. I have seen all GodFathers, Star WArs (1 - 6), James Bond movies, and Harry Potters. But, I have never seen a Matrix. Am I missing anything?


  16. At 07:10 PM on 21 Jun 2007, lazykev wrote:

    ten things that are prickly thats a tough one but it depens what situation yor in.... get it

  17. At 08:53 PM on 21 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Well that's me for a bit, hurrah just off to get into some mischief.

    Things I wanted to be when I were nobbut a nipper.

    Bus conductress. But went off that career path when they abolished the ticket dispenser that looked like a small oven with the dial on top and the whizzy handle. Kerching! oops sorry love, nearly had your eye out...hurrah.

    Ballet Dancer. Non-starter. Got the legs for it but unfortunately a sense of balance more like Norman Wisdom than Darcey Bussell. Oddly enough though, after 3 vodkas, a Harvey Wallbanger and a couple of baby Guinness I can Riverdance with the best of 'em, knees on ball-bearings and a Triple Salko like you wouldn't believe.

    Air Hostess. Nope, not tall enough. And Judging by what I was confronted with on Air France recently, threatening me with a croissant like a small house brick and a cup of hot paraquat, not enough like Danny La Rue.

    Tennis player. Turned out I was possibly the worst player in the history of the school...best dressed, though.

    Doris Day. Er, no. More like Boris Karloff.

    Mother. Ah well did that one ok and it serves me right. Well, must go; the daughter beckons with a vodka tonic and a grin that spells trouble so I must away.

    Happy ARF one and all. And remember. You're never too old to be childish.


  18. At 10:30 PM on 21 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello, I'm definitely feeling a bit prickly today, don't know what is wrong with me, hubby and i have just fallen out (please don't read this one out!).

    I quite like baring my soul a bit on here but after you read out what I wrote yesterday I feel a bit funny, its different when you text or email somehow, you write something you want to be read out.

    I much preferred Swap Shop by far, I've always had a little thing for Noel the Cosmic One, Chris Tarrant on the other hand (shudders!). There was something about the anarchy of Tiswas that unnerved me.

    Love Em xx

  19. At 01:49 AM on 22 Jun 2007, John wrote:

    A certain type of cigarette used to make me very hungry but I gave up smoking so thats no good anymore. Smells work for me but then I am mostly always hungry.

    JK Nonegreen

  20. At 06:58 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning All!

    Great blogging yesterday... Woman's Minute - I'd have lurked and then hit Chris with "Me with a hangover" to take the lot!!!

    Em M - keep smiling honey :-)

    Missy - good to read you're back on form! I love Neighbours too - just never grew out of it!

    Amanda - someone told me that in ten years time, I will be almost in my 50's. He got slapped!!! I don't think I will ever grow up, so age is actually irrelevant, although, having said all that, one way to turn it into a positive is to say "right, that's only xx years left until I retire!"

    CLP - can we purleeeaase have Danger Mouse on MOnday night?

    Will try to ARF tonight - must think of something clever and amusing to tell CLP - Oh - just thought of it!!!

    S xx.

  21. At 08:41 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good Morning Bloggers/Bloggettes

    Hope that you're all well on this fine ARF sunny day?

    Shower or bath? I had this dilemma this morning, one is less time consuming but I can never decide which I prefer - a good freshen up or a deep clean? What say you?

    missy - I bet he would've.
    I've left you 2 comments on your personal space about it. In my opinion you should've surprised him there and then.

    Em M - Don't feel bad about your comments being aired in public. I went to my daughter's annual dance show last week and I have to say (apart from her - how biased am I?) it was awful. BUT, they love it up there on the stage and that's what's important. Honesty is hard to take (and give) but we can't all live in a fluffy world can we? Hope you and Mr M are back on speaking terms? How's this week with the childminding going? Did you see my post about MrsW going back to work soon? Which part of Norfolk do you cover?

    Amanda - I only have 1year and 8months togo but I will have a huge party to celebrate.... might even turn it into a CLP blog meet-up?

    Bonnet de douche


  22. At 08:47 AM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Morning all.

    It's raining like billyo here. Gonna put the kettle on and report back later!

    CtD x

  23. At 09:01 AM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Anhoo, sorry about yesterdays comment re the pickles, but you know when you read sunnink really quickly...ma brain is FRIED guy!

    Ergo, Batman, Robin, Superman, The Riddler, Scottish Widows lady, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Nurses, Pantomime baddies, Dry cyclists.

    ...and I cannot and never could stand Chris Tarrant. I don't really know why. I'm sure he's a nice enough chappie, but not for me, but then as my dear not departed ex mother in law(!) always says 'it wouldn't do if we were all the same would it?' My mum thought 'Spit the Dog' was an abomination (other words are available but that's a cracking one for a Friday morning eh?) so I was a Swapshop girl.
    Mind you, we did all used to go to my mates house to watch OTT on tape when we all got home after a late Saturday night out...possibly not quite so funny if we'd have been sober...but I will NEVER forget Trevor McDoughnut...singing the blues...thank you Mr Henry!

    Sammie, probably best if you book your flights before you go, or you'll end up having to walk. I'm sure CtD could probably furnish you with appropriate underwear, footwear and vaseline, but you'll find you have more time at your destination if you choose to take a plane.

    Amanda, you are missing nothing.

    Pass the mescal

    ...and Clodagh, I'm a little concerned that such a wonderful mother and the Official Protector of Knutsford Wildlife can get so incensed that she sends a text to her accountant instead of the Knutsford Knutter...it must be something in the poteen...

  24. At 10:08 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi guys, just been for a brisk walk and feel a bit less prickly now!

    Gingembre - I didn't mind my comments being read out, I just didn't write it for all to hear! I suppose the lesson I should learn is that if you put something into the public domain, there's always the chance that may happen. Those particular comments were harmless, but I don't know that I'd want everything I write on here read out to the nation! As I said before, I may come back in a new incarnation, keep your eyes peeled! Oh, I'm South Norfolk by the way.

    missy - I love neighbours too!!! I've been watching it since it started, and now I'm lucky (?!) enough to have a job that enables me to be home in time for the lunchtime showing (not at the moment cos of Ascot, boo!). Did you cry when Stingray died? I blubbed. I quite like Doctors too, Dr Jimmy is lovely.

    Em xx

  25. At 10:19 AM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Morning proper y'all!

    Righteo, the rain's stopped, I've had 2 cups of coffee and the boss is in a meeting. time to put the world to rights, mefinx.

    I was a SwapShop gal. I actually got thru once and asked Noel Tidy-Beard what footie team he supports! His reply was West Ham. It must've been an early omen as the current Mr Diva is a Hammers fan. My dearly-departed dad was mortified that my intended wasn't a Gooner!

    Tiswas - all that custard and pie throwing put me off. BUT I have it on good authority (Mr Diva again!) that all the young lads fancied Sally James, especially the Saturday she wore a tight leather bodice thingy on air. Oooooh errr!

    Sammie: where are you booking flights to? Hazel's right in that I can set you up with walkwear, but you'll need a good fewweeks to walk your trainers in or else you'll suffer the consequences ... i say no more!

    Driving up to Derbyshire tonight after work (yikes - that's a long way from Suffolk) - at least it means we'll be on the doorstep of Castle Donnington for the GP weekend, and not have to get up at 5am on Saturday for that horrible A14/M1 trek. Will have to get some CDs ready for the car for when ARF finishes at 7.

    Took the liberty yesterday of booking me and Himself into a spa day on the way home on Monday. I figured that we'd deserve it after sitting in the drizzle all weekend!

    Things I wanted to be when I was little: a courier. Y'know, the Guided Tours round London type of bird. Dad was a coach driver and I used to go out with him during all the school holidays - it was great fun! Also went thru a phase of wanting to be a traffic warden but sadly my poor maths exam result meant it wasn't to be. Also wanted to be a music journalist (Julie Birchill was very influential in the '80s) but my careers teacher was stumped at that one and advised me to 'learn to type' ..... so, here I am, a PA .... but love every minute of it!

    Spent most of last night putting photos online for friends to view - feel free to browse and leave comments accordingly!

    Right, Friday Filing calls - definitely the worst bit of any secretarial job - ugh!

    Love and hugs for now.


    PS: Born to be wild!

  26. At 10:32 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Em M wrote:

    Cheryl - Think your man is tons nicer looking than Russell Brand - lucky girl! xx

  27. At 10:47 AM on 22 Jun 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends.

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP you were saying yesterday at the start of your show thank you to the listeners for tuning their knobs the Drivetime way and how much you like having all the enthusiastic listeners or words to that effect, Chris man.

    Well firstly I would just like ter say how glad I am you are their ready to send your most very guten show ter the nation- know what am sayin'!!!
    I mean imagine if we all tuned in and you weren't there friend. It would be two hours of total misery and silence friend.
    Drivetime would sound like this- "___________________________________________".

    Christoff - THANK YOU FOR BEUNG THERE!!!! Sorry BEING! And making the show so guten brilliant. You seemed yesterday like you might just 'ave nicked some of Wrightie's yellow only smarties.

    PS I'd just like ter say I 'aven't got a knob on my radio though. More of a button. But my button in always pressed and tuned ter the Drivetime show.

    PS Cheryl The Diva - Believe me friend yer don't want the kind of Community Officers we 'ave in Merseyside and Cheshire. I think most of them are ex hoodies. Plus anybody selling doughnuts- well i've never seen a community officer at McD's. I've seen doughnuts there both inside & in the car park!!!!

    I'm off ter work now - It's Friday- Demolishion Derby Day on the roads- poor Bobby Priors will be busy terday!!!

    C U L8R Blog Friends & CLP at the Drivetime!!!


  28. At 10:55 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Paul Glover wrote:

    Things to make you Hungry??

    What ever you have on a friday Or Saturday night before going to buy a kebab or just the smell of a kebab bottled as you always que & buy one...........

  29. At 11:09 AM on 22 Jun 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    How fantastic for you that your childhood ambition was realised. My lack of ambition has resulted in me working in various offices for the last 34 years and I am fairly cheesed off that I have wasted all that time achieving nothing. But Chris, I do understand it hasn't all just fallen into your lap, you've worked damn hard for your success! We get out of life what we put in.

    To all of you facing being 40 - you ain't seen nothing yet! My turning 50 was a frightening prospect, but I have never been happier nor more confident. I can't explain it - it's just wonderful!

    Re: Swap Shop - when it started in 1976 I had just got married (a child bride!) and suddenly realised that I should have married Noel Edmonds instead. (31 years later, I am still of the same opinion!) I used to get up at 7am on a Saturday, clean the house and then get all the shopping in, in time for 9am! We lived in a wee village then and all the shops opened at 8am. Happy days!

    Gingembre #21 - you young whipper-snapper! - showers only for me, but that's because I had a terrible fall a few years ago, damaged my back, and now having a bath is out of the question. I can get IN the bath, but have to be hauled out of it! Not a pretty sight!

    Have a great Friday, all!

    C xx

  30. At 11:17 AM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CtD - I live near Donnington and will be out and about in that general area this evening - no idea where, which is a little worrying, as I'm driving!

    Hope special friend doesn't drink too much!

    Let me know the general area you'll be in - would be fun to go CtD spotting!

    S xx.

  31. At 11:22 AM on 22 Jun 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Happy Friday everyone ... blimey it's been a long week!

    Never liked Tiswas - I was definitely a Swap Shop girl.

    There used to be a Lyons teahouse in Brighton when I was a child, and I remember saying to my mum that I wanted to be a waitress at Lyons when I grew up ...... I could tell she was proud cos she went all red in the face and tearful !

    Take care all

    jillygoat xx

  32. At 11:52 AM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Sammie - we're staying at a lovely B&B for 3 nights at Stanton By Bridge. We stay there every year and the lady who owns it has referred us to having children home from Uni as we always have the same room! We'll probably be dining at Ye Olde Pack Horse as its in walking distance of the B&B so we can both have a pint. Its a treat to go to a part of the world that doesn't do Greene King IPA!!!

    Word of advice (if you need it) - unless you're going to the GP I'd avoid the Donnington area like the plague from tomorrow onwards as the bike / car traffic is usually vile and scary!

    CtD x x

    PS: Showers all the way, except in the cold winter when a hot bath, good book, glass of plonk and candles are a MUST!!!!

    PPS: EmM - you'll make his day! His head may not fit in the Micra and I don't have a sun roof ...

  33. At 12:16 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Prof Victor Meldrew Plum uk wrote:

    Guten Tag one and all

    Kiddies programmes, well the most memorable for me was Crackerjack. I watched some old reruns of 321 some time ago. What a scream when you see the prizes now outdated A huge microwave oven and an Austin Allegro.The clues are the best though and bear no resemblence to the prize whatsoever.

    I always wanted to be a trapeze artist, then a singer, but ended up a .............. Oh well.

  34. At 12:21 PM on 22 Jun 2007, elmlea wrote:


    What was going on with the music on last nights show? You had Mott the Hoople - great! then some sappy middle of the raod tosh called Grace that sounded like my cat winging and then back up to Blur coffee and TV, I know you have to cater for all tastes and mostly the music sounds like you have copied my CD collection but please dopn't play such dreary rubbish! Lemar is also in this clasification.

    Tonight is pick your own music tonight and so I will try abnd call in and get a song played for me pa - wish me luck you all! And if you don't like tohe song I pick you are welcome to let me know!


  35. At 12:43 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Elm.... good luck getting on ARF - we've all been trying for MONTHS!

  36. At 02:20 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Sorry all I'm doing my catch up on all the blogs.

    Plum: Nope not a Cherries (bmth) or Southampton support - Prefer BATH RFC. The glut of cherries I currently have are from the cherry tree which is approx 12ft high in the back garden.

    DCI Gingembre - I'm into performance for companies if that helps on what we all do...

    The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain but not in Poole..!

    People suffering with lots of water have my deepest sympathy.

    Chrissie I'd like you to ask for 10 superheroes
    I really enjoy listening to you on my way home from work.

    Hazel Love - all the best for the move.

    Sammie - you are cracking me up

    So long


  37. At 02:23 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    OMG Plum Crackerjack - cabbages or prizes what a children's gameshow indeed.

    Thank you for bringing it all back - I was reminiscing with the team here all about Fraggle Rock (original puppet series) not the animated cartoon version. The goodies and Banana Splits also had us in fits. Do you also remember the Wombles, Herb Garden, magic roundabout and the Double Deckers?

    Phoenix off back to work

  38. At 02:54 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Aw Phoenix - happy days when kidz tv was sooooooooooo innocent. The Herbs was fantastic - Parsley the Lion et al!

    Does anyone remember a childrens drama set during WW2 where some townie kids got evacuated to a small Welsh community. All I can remember is that it was truly scary, and there was a man called Johnny Gotobed (!?) who was mentally retarded, and he befriended the little boy (i think - it was a long time ago). And another programme where the children were scared of pylons?

    Help appreciated!

    CtD x

  39. At 03:08 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Prof Victor Meldrew Plum uk wrote:


    Yes I rememeber the Magic roundabout , not sure what all that was about really, the only memorable line being time for bed. Actually we had a television from Radio Rentals which was always breaking down. I was more into Music so bought a HI FI on credit, which me mother had to finish the payments on when I gave my job up as a chambermaid in the Isle of Man.Long Story..... Those were the days my friend.

  40. At 03:53 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Either the moderators have nipped down the pub, or I've been BP'd!

    Anyhoooo ... have a grand weekend everyone -take it easy out there: it's a jungle, y'know!

    I'm off soon to pack my wellies/flippers/snorkel for the MotoGP .... will report back like a good girl on Tuesday!

    Love N Stuff

    CtD x x

  41. At 03:57 PM on 22 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Em M- I already knew he was gonna die as went on the Oz site! It was upsetting though but I hope Dylan comes back! and how come when susan and karl went to london they saw loads of celebs, i never do. can't wait for the little britain boys to be on neighbours!

    Now who watches Holby City? I really did cry last night about poor Diane. That did upset me.

    I love Royal Ascot. All the hats. I'm going to go to Ladies Day at Newmarket Races next month (health permitting) Have got the biggest hat ever!

  42. At 04:25 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:


    I'm supposed to be comparing 2 spreadsheets, each with in excess of 4000 entries, by close of business TODAY!!!!

    Haven't even done 1000, so looks like I'll be working late tonight and then again tomorrow :-(

    Have sent Teenager from Hell to Barbers with son, now that he's finally decided how he wants his hair this time. Surprise, surprise, the same as the last couple of times - SIGH. It's not that I don't like going to the Barbers, I do - they guys are lovely ;-) I just haven't got the time! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    Also, when I have really, really time critical stuff to do, why does my phone ring non-stop?

    I have made my request for ARF and if I get on, you'll hear a secret that my mum will go bananas over! Fingers crossed.... (No, not pregnant, getting married, getting divorced {oh yes, that's right, I am!}, haven't been made redundant, evicted or sacked - the weekend however is just starting, so there's time yet... and, just for you DCI - not been arrested/going to court either.)...that I get on!!!!

    Love you all,

    S xx.

  43. At 04:39 PM on 22 Jun 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Phoenix - glad to be of service :-)

    I occasionally have to visit the Poole area with work...

    I remember all that you mentioned, except Double Deckers - can you remind me, please? Used to love Andy Pandy, Bagpuss and Mr Ben. Danger Mouse was also a fave and, wll, not strictly a kids programme, but do you remember Monkey on ±«Óãtv2?

    S xx.

    P.S. CtD - will be looking for you tonight! If I find you - do I get a prize???

  44. At 05:41 PM on 17 Jul 2007, Stevester wrote:

    Hey Christophe
    How come we never see any pics of Bobby Prior on your ±«Óãtv site or ANY ±«Óãtv page for that matter? Does she really exist?

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