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Chris Evans | 13:31 UK time, Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Last night went to see...

... Bill's new house.

She's made the break from the big smoke with Lawrence of the Fox.

They've bought, (together..alright !) a fab and truly lovely cottage deep in the West Sussex Hills. Views to die for, very managable and sizable gardens and a mulit level living space.

It really is a wonderful place but it made me realise something... I'm always a huge fan of nearly everything people I like have. Which makes me think that although I pretty much like what i have in my life, I probably wouldn't mind if it Which, in turn, takes the pressure off decision making in the future, phew what a relief !

Time and life are too precious to clutter one's mind with things that are just of no import. Learning to prioritise is an absolute art form aint it ? Some days I'm good at it, other days I'm pretty rubbish. At the moment I'm going through a good spell.all different or not there at all.

Every day we must make space to have the time to do nothing and the more one can do this the less chance one has of blowing a gasket for what seems like no or little reason at all.

If there is less inertia in the machine, there is less potential for disaster. If a car is only rolled down a hill of five hundred feet or less it has no chance of rolling back up a hill of a thousand feet. This is what I'm doing, I'm diffusing myself at every opportunity. Lighter and lighter by the day.

Let other people worry abour some stuff, it can't all be done by the one bod.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I feel better already.

CLP 2007



  1. At 02:44 PM on 30 May 2007, lazykev wrote:

    you should get out more and live for what you have

  2. At 02:48 PM on 30 May 2007, lazykev wrote:

    you should get out more and live for what you have

  3. At 02:50 PM on 30 May 2007, lazykev wrote:

    you should get out more and live for what you have

  4. At 03:19 PM on 30 May 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Hey Chris...very interesting..... I'm very fortunate to have no major problems in my life but I'm in a constant state of anxiety, I rush around like a demented frog and worry about everything and dont sleep at night. I'm just beginning to realise that it's in my power to change although realising it is one thing and changing is another isnt it. You've inspired me though and I will try to make space and chill.
    Dont worry...be happy as that old song goes eh x

  5. At 03:27 PM on 30 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, what you doing here so early? I'm here too cos its half-term and I've just finished watching An Inconvenient Truth, very good it is, and I thought maybe leaving my computer on all day isn't so good regarding my carbon emissions.

    I often have little bits of spare time, and I'm very good (if I do say so myself) at doing nice things, like reading a magazine or going for a walk. We all need some me time, and I think its good if we can enjoy our own company.

    Anyone see Gok last night? That man is so lovely but even he couldn't get me to feel like I look good naked. The girl last night looked amazing though.

    Love Em xx

    PS Please ask Jonny to bring his trumpet into work one day. Also can you believe he's so young? I mean, he looks great, but Christophe, he's nearly 10 years younger than you (sorry to mention it) xx

  6. At 03:30 PM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    Gracious me Christophe, it reads as though you couldn't get that out of your head quick enough!

    A-rollin' and a-tumblin' came those words flying out of your head and a bit too quick for the fingers!

    It's easy. Liking stuff that people have if the people that have it are people that you like. It's when you start getting envious or covetous that it gets a little harder...

    Odd isn't it. The boy and I went out for a meal recently. I liked the restaurant, and had never been there before, and I really liked the paintings they had on the walls. I would like them for myself. I thought about mentioning my admiration to the waitress, but I don't think she'd have cared particularly...and they were far too big to fit in my house...so I shall have to go there again...even if only just to see the pictures!

    Billie's cottage sounds idyllic. I do hope it has a white picket fence and a proper gate and everything! She deserves something good lately...

    ...and she could call it 'Dun Rosin'

  7. At 03:46 PM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    Oooh, very thought provoking. I'm in a period of not being very organised with my life. I feel the need to de-clutter yet the time never seems to be quite right or something else comes up. My mind is having trouble concentrating on the task in hand.

    To try to combat all this mayhem that's going on inside my skull I went to a yoga class last night and slept better than I have done for ages. Maybe it's time for me to just take a step back, make some "me time" and learn how to relax into it again.

    I shall make a priority list and see how it looks. And I've invited some friends round for chilli fajitas tonight to spend some quality "us time" this evening... equally important.


  8. At 03:49 PM on 30 May 2007, Grant wrote:

    "Time and life are too precious to clutter one's mind with things that are just of no import"

    True words Mr Evans!!!!

  9. At 03:50 PM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    More rain here today - are we getting the rain out of the way for a special summer?...we'll find out eventually!

    Decisions decisions....I often find the simpliest decision to be the most tricky and the really tough ones to be the easiest...why's that?!

    A fabbo weekend in the big smoke was had by all, still recovering from it and the bags are still sitting on the bed waiting to be unpacked! A job for tonight then!

    And once that's sorted, it's Apprentice night - ah, the day is passing by.....

    Tickle :)

  10. At 04:00 PM on 30 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight Christoff & ALL Blog friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I agree with you Christoff in terday's blog. There are too many people rushing around in a stressed out state nowadays.
    This life has got better, and lets face it life today in this country is better than it's ever been, in a sense of wealth, health, expected life expectancy.
    It's just alot of people don't seem to know how to use this modern life to their advantage.
    They get caught up in modern materialism which is not a bad thing to a degree, to want better things.
    It's just people are never satisfied, they always seem to want more and more.
    Then they become stressed, rushing around, trying to get more and make themselves very unhappy in the process.

    Also the faster everything gets, the faster people want it and god forbid when it doesn't come fast.
    Maybe it's just the human make up, were born awkward!

    Like you Chris I chill and take it easy, I don't want to get caught up in this crayzee rat race.
    It's just sometimes it's not easy to resist it when you've got other people always hurrying you along.
    I too try my best to just leave it to the other people to get on with stressing themselves out, but really they don't have too get stressed.

    What people need to do is get out of the rat race. Take a long look at their lives and realise just how lucky they really are to have what they've got.
    Like I say some just can't seem to see it.

    I like the song by Beverley Night called Gold.
    It's about this. The words are very meaningful about how people don't realise that what's in front of them is pure gold, but alot are just fools who can't see it. It's such a great soulful song.
    I believe she wrote it about a best friend she had who had aids and eventually died. Very emotional song- check it out.

    Anyway blog friends, bit of a serious comment by me today but sometimes yer just gotta get abit deep - know what am sayin'!!!

    Adios, aye and remember ter chill blog friends!!

  11. At 04:16 PM on 30 May 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Crikey Christophe - you're early - what a pleasant surprise! Mind you, as this is the first time I've logged onto the blog this week... pots, kettles, etc...

    Completely agree with you. I'm having a really weird week, in that all my usual 'distractions' have gone away (only temporarily), leaving me with a huge void... Desperately trying not to log on to work... (I WILL have the week off!)

    I have plenty of reading material and also plenty of things to do in the house, but I can't seem to motivate myself, although, having said that, I think this is my body's way of saying "STOP! I've had enough!!"

    So, for once, I'm going to do very little and adjust to a slower pace - it's only temporary after all, isn't it?

    Love all,

    S xx.

  12. At 04:37 PM on 30 May 2007, Dan wrote:

    Holy God, every day is a school day with you Christoph.

    Completely agree - just back from 2 weeks in the Bermudian sun and no, it wasnt the fact of the beautiful people, the nights out or the sand in the toesies - it was the head clear of work, of worries, no tv, no inane news channels or other clutter. The chance to rest, breathe properly and think made me appreciate life a hell of a lot more and I am now back a bigger and better man.

    Tip for everyone: buy Bill Cullen's book "Golden Apples" - read it, re-read it, keep it by your bedside and treasure it with your heart - easily one of the best tombs ever written. I'm sure it has passed through your hands once or twice Chris, truly inspiring.

    Loved the show last night - its the one thing I did miss when I was away.

    have a good one tonight,


  13. At 04:48 PM on 30 May 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hellooooo!! It has been a while since I have blogged on here. I have been checking in most days to read/lurk, but just didn't feel like I had anything to add.

    I just love this time of year. Last night I sat on my porch with a lovely glass of wine and a lovely friend and we talked and laughed while watching the lightning bugs flit about my garden like little luminous fairies. I am but barely 37 yrs old (just a lass) and have only recently learned to breathe in deeply and enjoy the moment. I only have this one life (as far as I know), this one chance to get it right. Why would I want to waste that chance being nervous, stressed, and miserable?!

    Breathe deeply friends!

  14. At 04:50 PM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    That was deep Christophe. Although I do agree we must find time to relax and chill, when I worked in retail it was amazing how we all got stressed over silly little things, looking back on it, it seemed silly.
    My acupuncturist says its a western thing, butI think it's more a UK thing, when you go abroad you see people chilled and relaxed and they aren't the tourists, do you know what i think we should all have a seista (sorry if thats spelt wrong). All close the shops and work places for a couple of hours so we can go and relax, it would work a treat!

  15. At 04:57 PM on 30 May 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    bonjour tout le monde

    Looks like lazykev got a bit manic all of a sudden!

    De-clutter your lives. If you really need it and are going to use it, store it. If you don't need it, ditch it! If you think you might need it, ditch it, you can always get it again!

    Good friends are those worth having! A friend in need is a pain in the neck, unless they are a really good friend!

    DD out

    PS That's the sight I fear most!

    PPS I'd rather have a piece of toast!

  16. At 05:24 PM on 30 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Quite right Chris...

    Life is short...lighten the load whenever you can..

    Nobody thanks you for haring around like a demented blue bottle...

    Brilliant 'green gym' feature

    D x

  17. At 05:27 PM on 30 May 2007, DH wrote:

    Mr C Lambie-Pie,

    Thank you for playing The Logical Song by Supertramp last night, t'was super. I'm surely too young to be liking Supertramp so much (I certainly don't remember them from when they were big) - maybe it is that cardigan thing you mentioned yesterday catching up with me...


  18. At 06:15 PM on 30 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all

    It's nice to admire what people enjoy. Now I was shocked to get a phone call from my daughter and boyfriend in Greece at the mo. They say.... you must come next time... Oh, is it my Karajokie or putting myself up on stage by the hypnotist.. ... anyway that's nice.
    I enjoy doing things that might be questionable but as long as nobody knows you ... what the hell.

  19. At 07:59 PM on 30 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I am still trying to fathom how to detach myself from my conscious, ever churning, day-brain at night.

    i.e. How to sleep.

    Sometimes, now for instance, I am at my wits end. I have created my 'sleep sanctuary'. Abstain from alcohol, caffeine and late eating. Listen to calming music, sometimes, 'How to sleep, loads' type Cd's. Take soothing, lavender-scented baths.

    And then, on the button, PING! The old brain kicks in, the heart starts-a-flutterin' and it is welcome to the most frustrating and agonising 7 hours of your life baby!

    Until tomorrow, 'cos we're going to do it all over again!

    I do get easily stressed, but on the whole, life is in pretty good shape.

    But can I kip?


    Much peace, love and sleep.


    PS Mr Wizard, get me out of here.

    PPS Wild Blueberry.

    PPPS Goodnight, and thanks for the bread.

  20. At 08:24 PM on 30 May 2007, Bodminbabe wrote:

    Been lurking for a while - then, zut alors, we get a stream of consciousness from CLP!

    Even now, been raining all day, but it's a truely stunning evening. I'm down in the office working (a log cabin at the bottom of our higgledy piggledy garden) and 'im indoors is sat on the deck with a mug 'o coffee watching the sun go down. Birds are singing away, little fledglings are sitting on the bird table, quivering their little wings waiting for mum to feed them! Strange world!

    But beautiful.

    Good to take time out. Good to appreciate the finer things in life. Good to care about friends. Good to watch the birds....and as the sun goes down the bats that fly across our field.

    Chris....we're living your dream!

    Happy days.

  21. At 09:18 PM on 30 May 2007, clare wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    you are so right... life is tooooooooo short to get caught up in the trivia! another good tip is last thing at night write down 3 things you are going to do tomorrw (apart from go to work, feed the hens etc - you have to do those anyway) and just do them..... but ONLY them. All the other time you have, use as 'me time' to read a book, call a mate for a chat or just do nothing but sit and look at the sunset. Don't cram a load of useless stuff in to your time that basically doesn't matter. No one will suffer if you don't tidy the kitchen this evening.... but a friendship might suffer if you don't make time for a caht with a friend. Travel lite in life, use a compass not a map and be open to the journey!

  22. At 09:55 PM on 30 May 2007, Angie Stevens wrote:

    Chris I nearly crashed the car on Tuesday when I heard you declare that you used to work for TNT. I worked for TNT for nearly 29 years, straight from school I might add. I was wondering which depot you worked at, for how long, which division, doing what, and who was your General Manager at the time? Nosey aren't I!! Your right when you work for them you don't half see a lot of their lorries!

    I'm over them now and have a small business of my own with my old boss from TNT.

    Love the show it makes me largh!!

    Best Wishes Angie

  23. At 06:57 AM on 31 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all...
    CLP - Spot on blog and great replies.

    It's the best thiing about my 12hr night shifts is the quiet day in between when I'm 'home alone' and the house is empty. Music, book, newspaper maybe and time to reflect on the past few days. I think it's something everyone needs to do....reflect.

    My ex-wife has terminal cancer and I have drawn from her awesome courage and bravery during this time. We laugh now at the tiny thngs we argued over and now very rarely have a crossed word. Our 10 yr old daughter is a dream, well balanced and doing really well at school despite having seperated parents. That's what's really important.

    Life's far too short, you're only here once, it's not a dress rehearsal etc etc

    missy - oooooh, you're so posh going to Eaton Waitrose!!!!

    DD & MfR - what do your PS's mean? Everyday I read them and I am baffled - am I being dim, or is that the point?

    Bom Chika Wah Wah


  24. At 08:12 AM on 31 May 2007, lazykev wrote:

    im not manic ....just stop buying crap you dont need with money you cant afford

  25. At 08:34 AM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    Missed most of the show last night - at hairdressers and reading Mr Maconie's new book - Pies and Prejudice, funny, insightful and sharp. CLP gets a mention as being from Warrington. He's a bright lad that Stuart.

    Chris that was some stream of conciousness blog there. Diffusing yourself - if that means taking time out to spend time with yourself in your own head - something I thoroughly enjoy. Can't bear to be too restricted and timetabled, which is why I now have to go and get in the car for yet another meeting! oh well, it was a nice thought.

    Have a swell day one and all.

    Petit pois xx

  26. At 08:54 AM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Good morning CLP & bloggers.
    I am so disappointed and need cheering up...after posting my blog last week and KW looking forward to my 'words of wisdom' no one seems to have read my diary or viewed my videos on my web page. Come on everybody, if I can be bothered to walk nearly 100 miles for charity (Alzheimer's Society) then please cheer me on with some visits. I am going into Bury St Edmunds this morning to have a coffee and chat with Alzheimer's sufferers and their carers. First time for everything!

    So until next blog keep well, keep smiling and remember that your memory is a precious thing XXXX

  27. At 09:18 AM on 31 May 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Good morning each

    Tina: Just visited your web page and good luck with the fundraising. I work with people with Dementia and know how underrated and sometimes unsupported their Carers are.

    Unfortunately, my elderly mother is in hospital suffering TIA's and trying to get doctors and nursing staff to understand that she is not normally confused is very difficult. I am sure that this is the start of Dementia and the startof a long, uphill struggle.

    However, was in the Cairngorms at the weekend. It only rained when we were in our minibus, every time we got out the sun shone. Loch an Eilan is my little bit of heaven.

    Anne G

  28. At 09:44 AM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    The best way to de-clutter...one drawer at a time...OR...try not to share a very small house with a boy who creates an instant heap of 'stuff' wherever he goes.

    Even he doesn't know what half of it is...

    Have ordered skip for first drawer, and pickfords for boy removal.

    It's the only way!

    MfR, maybe you are just trying too hard?

    Gingembre...ex or not, still hard xx

    Tina...the longest walk starts with the most comfortable shoes...

  29. At 09:49 AM on 31 May 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Chris and fellow schloggers

    Your so right about off loading. I have always been a worrier but I'm learning to worry less as I get older, it's not easy to do but I'm getting there! :o)

    I admire you and Billie for how you both handled the breakup and continue to support each other. It's very refreshing to hear that despite your marriage not working out you remain good friends and will always be there for each other.
    Although I couldn't help but feel sad for you when I read about you going to visit their new
    home, only because I imagined myself in that situation and I don't think I could be emotionally strong enough to deal with it!

    Can't believe it's Thirsty Thursday already :o)

    I'm on holiday next week yipppeee! Going to the South West Coast of Scotland for a few days, looking forward to long walks on the beach, watching the sunset (being optomistic that there will be some sun!) and gazing at the starts - lots of time to de-clutter my mind!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday all xx

    Take care
    Mary xx

  30. At 11:08 AM on 31 May 2007, Jacqui Chapman wrote:

    Just heard about your divorce Chris. You and Bill are a real inspiration and proof positive that the end on a relationship does not mean that you need to go to war, if only more people took a leaf out of our book.

    I'm still sending you a hug though. Don't suppose you need it for one minute but I feel I want to send you one anyway, just because.


  31. At 11:15 AM on 31 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Tina #26:

    I actually did welcome you to the blog last week and at that time I read your diary. I should have come back to say what you are doing is utterly wonderful - makes me feel quite ashamed because I am so lazy, walking 10 minutes from my house to the train station is enough for me!

    It's a wonderful cause and it is an absolute disgrace that the government ignores these poor people completely and leaves all the work to the carers.

    Good luck - it's going to be a long 8/9 days!!

    C xx

  32. At 11:19 AM on 31 May 2007, Keeley Wheeley wrote:

    Hello Christophe!

    First time writing to you and am loving your words of wisdom. Just came back from my holiday in Turkey and totally admire the turkish way of life. They actually have time to enjoy their life and not fill it full of material things. I have had an epiphany at the grand old age of 34 that there is so much more to life than what I am doing. So things are gonna change for me and my lovely partner in crime Martin - its time to be selfish and live every day like its your last!

  33. At 12:23 PM on 31 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    MfR - the time has come, I'm afraid, to take yourself off to your GP to discuss your insomnia.

    I had SERIOUS sleep problems some years ago. Eventually, having tried aromatherapy, creating a sleep sanctuary, yoga, pilates, etc etc, I just had to see the Doc. He gave me a weeks worth of sleeping tablets - to get me back into the routine of sleeping for 6-8 hours per night.

    I really struggled with this, as I didn't want to go down the chemical route, but I'm so glad I did. I took them for only 3 nights and got some sort of order back to my sleep pattern.

    See your Doc, you have obviously tried many other avenues, but now you must seek help - and do it before the road trip!

    Keep well,

    S xx.

  34. At 12:54 PM on 31 May 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I hear your pain mate! 18 months ago, I was having trouble sleeping, went to bed and immediately started having what I called "Active Legs" it felt like my legs were going to fly into the air. I also suffered the brain racing, and fluttery heart beat feeling. Looking back on it now, the cause was work stress (other types of stress are available) eventually I had a "mini breakdown" GP's terminology, and I have since changed jobs, the cause of the problem was not the job but the effect that the people that I worked with had on me. Good luck with whatever solution you need but I deffo think you need to visit GP and explain the symptoms.

    DD out

    PS I know that I am strong

    PPS I don't need you anymore

    PPPS Gingembre, my PS's are generally just random song lyrics. e.g Cher, above. But sometimes it's just random musings running through my head.

    PPPPS Aaaaargh

  35. At 01:11 PM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- Yep I love eaton waitrose!!! I think they all know me there!

  36. At 01:15 PM on 31 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Blimey, was just doing some lunchtime net surfing while eating my sarnie & nearly choked - is it true CLP, you're planning on getting married to the lucky, lucky Natasha???

    If it's true, or even if you're just kicking the idea aruond at the mo, I wish you every happiness. You deserve it for all the happiness you give to us lot!!!

    and yes ((((Chris and Billie)))) because divorce still weird, even after all this time and even if you're still best friends.


  37. At 01:17 PM on 31 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    MWK - in case I forget to say it - 'cos the memory ain't what it used to be - I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

    jillygoat xx

    PS: DD - I love your PS's

  38. At 01:21 PM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Hey Y'all.

    I'm still here, but haven't heard you all for ages now. That's what I get for driving the car thru a car wash with Aerial up.


    I suppoose I could listen later, but I'm too busy. Still time will come when I will beable to listen once again.

    Christof. The D I V O R C E became final today.... Listen to Billy Connelly singing that. Celebrate the birth of a new start. I'm sorry to see it, I loved you both together as a couple. I'm glad you are still friends.


  39. At 01:25 PM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh Whow! Thank you Hazel, Anne and Chrissie for visiting my web page www.justgiving.com/tinarobins
    I really appreciate your time, advice about socks and kind words. I have just returned from a visit to the West Suffolk branch of the Alzheimer's Society. I met the most amazing people. I did not realise how much of their work relies on fundraising and volunteers. I am so bouyed up to do this walk at the moment. I shall miss it when it is over.
    It is hard to keep repeating things like that though 'cos your friends and families pockets are only so deep. Thinking up ideas to go further afield and struggling to raise any money is when you realise that dementia is not a fashionable cause to support.
    I have just started a fund raiser that I am calling 'tradeitup for charity'. Keep your eye out online for it.
    Great blogs, take care. Great show Christoff. XX

  40. At 02:26 PM on 31 May 2007, wrote:

    Yay Tinsel, I seen it too! Good luck to all of you Christophe!

    Golly...what to wear???????

    After all, it's in the paper. It must be true. I think I'll get them an egg timer. Always useful, an egg timer.

    The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

  41. At 03:03 PM on 31 May 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Jillygoat, Many thanks!

    DD out

    PS Moet et Chandon in a pretty cabinet

    PPS Spangles

    PPPS TFI Thirsty Thursday!

  42. At 12:47 PM on 01 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Chris, just wanted to say that I am really impressed at the way that you and Bill have handled yourselves recently, I understand that you are now officially divorced, which is never a nice time really, but - for a refreshing change in showbiz circles - there has been no public fighting and name calling and I really admire you both for that, long may it continue and may you both be really happy - forever.
    Now where is the sunshine, we are taking our new puppies camping in the Lakes this weekend and we want some sun

  43. At 03:11 AM on 02 Jun 2007, Kirsty Ellis wrote:

    I think age has a lot to do with not sweating the small stuff. We, husband and 4 kids, moved to Florida to run our own business, some of these folks have very little by British standards, makes me happy for what I have.

    Is the Crown pub food any better, and if you go to Chidd fireworks night remember to stay back, it is over crowded.

  44. At 11:57 AM on 03 Jun 2007, wrote:

    >> This is what I'm doing, I'm diffusing myself at every opportunity. Lighter and lighter by the day

    So you want a more simple life ? Well how simple ?

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