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Chris Evans | 16:04 UK time, Thursday, 12 April 2007

So, digging, still digging and then a thought - our bodies are by far the best....

....tool we have. My feet have been better than a rake, my hands better than my trowell. Thank God I have been using them. But what about the people who hardly ever do ? Those poor people who lose the balance and use only the brain. It's not right is it ?

Our bodies and our brains are meant to be used together not too much of one either way.

I'm sure if someone did a study they'd discover the fittest of the by-gone greats were greater/happier then those solely intellectual.

I'm loving my time in the garden and it's loving me. My apetite, already substantial, has gone through the roof yet my weight is behaving itself. I'm dirtier outside but I feel cleaner inside. I'm craving healthier things. I'm sleeping better. I'm taking less shit from people. I'm seeing things clearer.

Get out there for God's sake everyone...

I thought it time I gave you a snapshot of the plot... here goes !

Oh and the car after a trip to the garden centre.

Oh and Enzo refusing to move out of the removal van which he laid claim to.

CLP 2007.


I am so glad


  1. At 04:50 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Healthy body, healthy mind.

    My body is falling apart systematically. Pulled muscles, now bad back.

    But I'm soldiering on.

    What about my mental state? Is that cracking up in line with the physical side?


    Maybe I ought to get out in the garden this weekend.

    Life is a bed of roses.

    Peace & love


    PS Sorry seems to be the hardest word

    PPS We're leaving together.....

  2. At 04:51 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Glad you're glad!

    It must be the weather that has lots of us out in the gardens, each trying out their own methods to 'tame nature'. If hands are useful for digging (and mine are as well) then our minds are great at breaking down overgrowth and ordering it to a way that we find suitable.

    So last night for me it was the grass being tamed again, tonight, some more digging in preparation to the numerous trips to many garden centers at the weekend...and I can't wait!

    Have a good thirsty Thursday!

  3. At 04:51 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Kate wrote:

    Its looking good! Enzo looks vert sweet in the removal van too!

    Kepp going...it certainly seems to be filling you will hyper beans for the radio, which is great...especially when today I am trying to learn 2,000 words of German for my speaking test in 2 weeks time!

    take care one and all!

  4. At 05:11 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Another inspiring Blog - OK, OK, I'll do my patio pots at the weekend. Alright, satisfied now?!

    Glad you're happy honey. I'm happier than I was - I'm at home, already and been in for 15 mins already! I love my new job!!!

    Right, off to plunder the stores and find something for dinner tonight.


    S xx.

  5. At 05:27 PM on 12 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Ooooh CLP how much fun can you have getting dirt under your nails? I was out tidying my garden at the weekend and I loved it! MW,a! had a nasty accident in the garden of a friend at the weekend but seems remarkably cool about it. One of my friends known as the pieman has recently dedicated an area of his huge garden as a veggie plot and I've not seen him so happy for ages!

    Here's to a gardening thirsty thursday!


  6. At 05:28 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Wow CLP, your veggie patch looks bigger than my whole garden!

    I am loving my garden too at the moment. The whole concept of nuturing and watching things grow is quite relaxing. Watching the little bugs going about their business, listening to the birds, it's all very theraputic!

    Love Deb x

  7. At 05:32 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Gloria wrote:

    Hello (again) everyone!

    Although my last post would have been on Wednesday - if I hadn't been BP'd - I suspect for suggesting that some enthusiasm for the blog had gone missing from The Top!

    Shame really, as I had a message for Jo #1 & 22 - I could help as I am a qualified HR professional.
    However, if it's personal I would recommend your Union representative or an employment solicitor. If it's for your employer - or if you are the employer, again your solicitor or a qualified HR professional should help.
    If neither of these are any good for you - come back to me!

    Happy Thirsty Thurday all, I'm off now for a beer!

    G x

  8. At 05:35 PM on 12 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Jaysus Christophe.

    Speakin' as one who loses the plot regularly, that photo looks like the main arterial route from Dublin to County Cork. Except there aren't any Soon Fatt chinese restaurants and no upturned wheelbarrows causin' 6km. tailbacks.

    And that reminds me. What do you call a chap from Killarney on his back beneath a wheelbarrow.

    A mechanic. Hurrah.

    And by the way Sammie. Of course it wasn't my dear cousin Barry took a pot shot at your tyres. It was the Squirrels. I tell you theys is vicious. And if not the squirrels then it's the Bats.

    I bought a bat box for said little soldier Barry last Christmas and I tell you now, never tangle with a bat. If you saw the state of my hairdo after spendin' a night barbecuin' beneath the sycamore tree you'd know.

    Phyllis Diller rides again.


  9. At 05:52 PM on 12 Apr 2007, maryla wrote:

    Hi CLP and All,

    Could not agree more and I'm not speaking for Enzo only.


  10. At 06:02 PM on 12 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    How right you are.
    I am a child of the country side & the coast.
    There is no place quite like it...
    evenif its just a little patch..
    Appetite increases at the sea side too...
    De Smith x

  11. At 06:16 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Tom wrote:

    How very exciting! Good luck with it Chris!

    Best Wishes,


  12. At 09:16 PM on 12 Apr 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Chris - you are so right. We all need balance in our lives. And that at this very moment is my own very personal crusade. Mother nature has a way of helping us find that balance - fresh air, the earth under the nails, eating what we harvest (and of course sharing with the rabbits, the birds, the bees and the snails etc) and just enjoying the simple and good things in life.

    Power to you.


  13. At 09:40 PM on 12 Apr 2007, Loupy Lou wrote:

    How wonderful, the bug is catching. I've been gardening and growing my own since I moved into my lovely palatial palace 5 yrs ago.

    Although, I think i got way more enjoyment out of it at the beginning when i didn't have a clue and everything that sprouted from the ground was a source of serious excitement.

    The only thing I have had "0" success with is carrots, unless you call seven legged specimens a success.

    anyway, enough old waffle, I'm glad everyone is loving their gardens, mine saves me a fortune on therapy as I would be a complete number crunching crackpot without it.

    p.s. excuse the crap sign in name, think i had a few too many sherrys the night i came up with that one!

  14. At 07:31 AM on 13 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:

    Hey CLP, took inspiration from you and went outside to start on the abyss that is the family garden!!!
    Despite the injury I managed to cut the grass and tidy the borders, my son thought it was great to sit in the muck and feed the plants with handfuls of dirt, his nails took an age to clean, MrsW not so pleased there tho'!!!
    All in all though, we felt better for it, our lungs filled with Norfolk air and the boy slept through til 0700 which hasn't happened in a long while (a lie-in, hooray!!)
    We've just sold our house and bought a new 'un - might even go for a bit of home growing when all is completed??
    Loved the pics too, hope the green gardener thing helped if you had time to look?
    Bonnet de douche.
    KW x

  15. At 09:02 AM on 13 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Morning all

    An achievement for me yesterday - having split up from long time partner last year I now have to do 'his' jobs too.

    Have moved into a house which apparently used to be very productive but is now just a jumble of grass, nettles and god knows. It's also on a 45 degree slope.

    So I bought myself a petrol strimmer yesterday - followed all the instructions, put it together and even got it going. Managed to strim half (nearly) the garden and have even found a bed under the nettles.

    I was all of a quiver at the end of it all - not just from the machine - what a rush!

    So (in the words of the great man) whatever the weather this weekend, enjoy your garden!

  16. At 09:39 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:


    I've not blogged for over a week. Why Why Why ? ?

    First and foremost, regular bloggers will be chuffed to know that my PORTACABIN HELL is over! Finito. Ended. Kaput. In a nutshell, I went back after the Easter break (Wednesday) and asked my (ex)boss if I could finish Friday 13th and he said go now so I went! Hurrah!! Start my new job on 23rd April so have a bit of gardening leave to take ... which is ironic because we've been spending loads of time on ....

    .... out allotment! Have planted up our spuds, parsnips, salad leaves, spring onions, radishes, beetroot, chard. Also weeded between the soft fruit bushes. Next job is to tidy up the strawberry bed. Also moved 6 blueberry bushes. CLP - if you need any advice ......

    Easter was a bit hectic as Mr Diva ended up in hospital for a couple of days with mystery stomach pains. Possibly apprendix but they discharged him without operating and he's better now! And no - it wasn't my cooking last Wednesday!

    Also bought that NIssan Micra I was test driving last Wednesday. If the insurance docs arrive in today's post I shall be picking it up this pm - very exciting!

    Most excitingly, managed at long last to get my broadband up and running. It's only taken 10 days with a certain brightly coloured communications company blaming a certain national market leading telecoms company and vice versa. But I'm now able to broadband blog at home - hurrah!

    Now off to explore the world of Podcasts - will check back later to catch up!

    It's good to be back.

    Viva La Diva

    CtD xz x x

  17. At 10:11 AM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    ...Chris, your 'plot' looks about the size of our house, the houses attached, and the communal garden all put together...

    ...Enzo looks for all the world as though he's flipping you a doggie finger...

    ...and the back of you car looks as though...well lets just say, it reminds me of when I was a funeral director.

    I love gardening. I am a gardener of the plant and hope variety though. I have no chance of getting an allotment, but I'm more of a potterer than a digger, so that doesn't bother me. BUT, I have hayfever, which sometimes makes it difficult just to be outside. I am REALLY suffering at the moment because of the humidity as much as anything (1,2,3 aaaaaaaaaaaah), and because I have a particular inhaler, I can't take any other medication. Am not properly breathing and got no sleep last night. Despite this, I still soldier on. Bravely. So, mostly this summer I shall be spending my spare time on the beach, where I feel my mind and body will be in perfect tune, not with the earth per se, but with the sea.

    CtD - congrats hon!

    are we sweeping today? 16.41
    ...and Loupy Lou...there ain't nuffin wrong wiv Loupy Lou!

  18. At 10:41 AM on 13 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah hurrah what a GORgeous sunny day, greetings to all from a beautiful Norn Ireland. The sun has got his hat on, Hip hip hooray, the sun has got his hat on and I'm coming back to play next week.

    I'll also be reunited with me little baby after 6 weeks, torn cruelly from my arms and taken forcibly to South Africa away from her mummy by her boyfriend. Well, she is 26 I suppose and an officer in the Gestapo.

    So I'm in a mad excited frenzy. Harvey Nicks here we come, we haven't bashed the plastic for AGES or had a stand-up fist fight over the last toffee nut latte in Starbucks. Globalisation be buggered.

    Happy weekend one and all. And apologies in advance if you're on the plane from Belfast with me and they try to confiscate me lip gloss like last time. Tourrette's, see.


  19. At 11:06 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    If we're sweeping, I'll plump for 15.56 Hrs. Dunno why, I just will!

    Hazel - you'd hate it here at the mo - every field is full of yellow rape seed flowers. Keep those Kleenex handy!

    Have mastered the art of downloading podcasts - have put it on my mp3 and now going for a walk to listen to Rusty Brand's best bits ...

    No insurance docs but walking to town to see if Mr Car Dealer will let me have my new toy.

    Life's grand at the mo!

    Hey Ho Let's Go!

    CtD x x

  20. At 11:22 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning All!

    Bit of a foggy, misty start here this morning, but only took me 20 mins to get in - yippee!! Must be the Friday/school holiday effect. I expect Monday morning will be horrendous!

    I've got that Friday buzz, seeing yummy man later and have 'things' planned for tonight.

    I like being outdoors, but I don't like gardening. Not at all. Never have done, even when as a child, my dad let me and my sister have our own plots in the garden. I grew lots of things, but just never got bitten by the bug. My mother states I'm just not practicle! Hmmm.

    There aren't many blogs here today - have they all been BP'd? I note that the last blog from Cheryl 'The Great Escape' the Dive was fairly early this morning. Does this mean that comments are delayed (again)?

    Hmmmph. Meeting someone I used to date for lunch today. Hope he doesn't think it may lead to something. He's a great guy - just not for me. I have made that perfectly clear by the way!

    Right, off to finish some more 'stuff' before lunch (my tummy is rumbling!). Will drop by later.

    Funky Friday All!!

    S xx.

    P.S. ARF....

    P.P.S. Cleo Rocco

  21. At 11:35 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    MW, a - are you able to sweep? Or has your finger significantly reduced your sweeping skills?

    If you are sweeping - can I have 16.06 please?

    Oh, just a thought - what about a virtual sweepstake for the Grand National? Everyone that wants in should say so and someone (happy to be me) can allocate horses to all.

    Blog if you want in - by 16.00 today (sorry, just typed 'toady' and giggled, and my boss is looking at me - oops!) and I'll allocate horses. You may have more than one horse, depending on numbers...

    Btw - no money involved, just fun and pride!


    Right, off to prepare a spreadsheet for the sweepstake....


    S xx.

  22. At 11:42 AM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    My son suffered terribly from hayfever, until he started taking Pollen tablets! Available from Pharmacies that sell homeopathic stuff (Tesco for example - other supermarkets, pharmacies and homeopaths are available...). You have to adjust the dose, according to the time of year, etc.

    Hope that helps honey.

    S xx.

  23. At 01:18 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Ahhh bless CLP Enzo looks like he has conqured the van and is looking pleased with himself. Lovely looking dog.

    The gardening bug is a year round activity for me - my 70ft garden is always a work in progress occupation.

    Have a nice weekend peeps


  24. At 02:06 PM on 13 Apr 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    Sweep - 16:16


    Short ands sweep, I mean sweet

  25. At 02:08 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    My dear Chris, you are so right. Living of the land is how we have evolved and that's why I think it feels so good - on every level. I was even getting more attention than uasual from the men folk when I was out at the weekend. That's definitely something to be encouraged!

    Not happy with just engaging with nature by sowing and reaping my own produce I now want a beehive. I love bees. In fact my name, Debra, means.....bee. Bees defy physics; their body mass is too large for their tiny little wings to get them airbourne - but they do. Bees will work at cross pollinating which should bring me healthier crops and more seeds for next year. They will also produce honey - one of natures great healers. On one of my tours de France I stumbled upon a wee village whose main produce was honey. Each type (orange blossom, lavender, acacia) had a different healing property. I bought 18 jars (one of each type) and dished them out as pressies when I got home. I had no idea that so many people don't like honey so ended up keeping half of it for myslef.
    My moon gardening book dictates that today is a flower day so the caulis and broccoli are going in this evening and tomorrow I am to avoid gardening altogetehe! Mother nature even allows for rest days.......so.......I'm off to look at bee hive starter kits tomorrow. I'll badger someone in the pub tonight to come with me and no doubt discover how many people don't like bees......I wonder if it will be the same ones as don't like honey? xxx

    Happy flowery Friday and a good weekend to all!

    Debs xxxxx

    PS It would be great to hear from a bee expert. This is really their time of year. xx

  26. At 02:17 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Thank you Sammie. Have done a bit of investigation and apparently Feverfew and Turmeric are good too...will be heading to shops on way home!

    CtD - Presently running but nothing to blow

    ppppppps for Gaby

    pppppppps is it 5 o'clock yet?

  27. At 02:34 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Roll up, roll up!!

    Get your Grand National Sweepstake gee gee here...

    Well, I thought it was a good idea...


  28. At 02:35 PM on 13 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Apparently eating local honey helps stop hayfever!

    And I'd like a horse in the national please,


  29. At 03:03 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Wally the Walrus wrote:

    Thanks for reminding me that I have a heap of work to do in the garden this weekend! Have managed to put it all off over Easter...still, I know it's good for me and the garden.

    Sammie - count me in for a nag or two...if I'm allowed?


  30. At 03:04 PM on 13 Apr 2007, tiggy wrote:

    I'd like a gee gee too, preferably the mount of the fabulous Tony McCoy but any old nag'll do!

    Tiggy xx

  31. At 03:08 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    J - I hope there's a flurry of punters, else we'll end up with 20 horses each! Never mind lovey, we'll enjoy the race tomorrow, even if the others don't want to join in!!

    Naa naa nanaa na!!! :-P

    S xx.

  32. At 03:10 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Wally the Walrus wrote:

    Thanks for reminding me that I have a heap of work to do in the garden this weekend! Have managed to put it all off over Easter...still, I know it's good for me and the garden.

    Sammie - count me in for a nag or two...if I'm allowed?


  33. At 03:12 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Sammie - am putting a quid on thisthatandtother and knowhere for comedy value! I'll have some gg's in your sweepstake (and take 4:56 for the blog if it's available MW,a)

    :o) Jo

  34. At 03:22 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    WtW - of course you're allowed!!!

    Your name's on the list...

    C'mon everyone, time's a running out....

    S xx.

  35. At 03:22 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Thank you J. I have Manuka honey, but I'm not really that local to New Zealand. I'm not sure if there is a specific HA honey, but I shall check yell.com. (yes I know other information services are available but I don't think they are necessarily as good).

    ...and I'd like an 'oss fer t'National please....I have a bit of sticky on my finger as I delve into the hat...and...dammit...lost it...

    Ah well, any old 'oss'll do please thank you.

    naaaaay sire

  36. At 03:29 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Count me in for the virtual Grand National sweepstake!

    Mr Car Dealer let me have my new toy and I've been to Tesco in it already! Fab to park - so tiny.

    Also got my nails done in town - well, I had an hour to kill so what's a gal to do?!?!?

    No CLP yet - the queue in the Bakery must be long today.

    Laters all

    CtD x x

  37. At 03:40 PM on 13 Apr 2007, flo wrote:

    GOOD FOR YOU Chris, you sound like you are so on track with your life. i shall try and take a leaf or a tree out of your book, and get in the garden.

    Have a FAB weekend.

    Love Flo xx

  38. At 03:45 PM on 13 Apr 2007, john wrote:

    So your digging, raking and generally working in muck and the dog is sitting in the shade observing. Which is the higher life form? Got to go, cat wants feeding.

    JK nonegreen

  39. At 03:49 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    OK, OK, OK!!

    I'll keep the 'National' sweep open for longer - how about until 12.00 tomorrow? Punters and horses will be published before the big race.

    S xx.

    P.S. If we're oversubscribed (highly unlikely at this rate...) then the first 40 subscribers will be entered.

  40. At 03:55 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Gloria wrote:

    Hi everyone,
    Just been out shopping & thought I'd catch up..

    Sammie - put me down for an 'orse, please!

    Jo - did you get my message? - it's at 7

    Good weekends, all
    G x

  41. At 04:54 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    No blog today CLP? Will teher be a post show version I doubt it? Not on a Friday.

    Bzzz Bzzzz

    Debs xx

  42. At 10:32 PM on 17 Apr 2007, Tracy Edgar wrote:

    I have been digging with my 3 kids Ben who's nearly 8, Robyn 5 and Autumn who's 2 at my allotment which is about 5 mins walk away.

    Such hard work getting turf up getting weeds out raking hoeing, but what a result you get at the end.

    I put carrot and lettuce seeds in today (17 April) which Autumn promptly stood on (clumsy toddler feet).

    I struggle doing exercise as it seems no fun, but gardening is great, I've even joined my allotments association which means I get free manure!! lot's of love Tracy

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