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Chris Evans | 11:39 UK time, Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Is there anything lighter in the world that gives as much pleasure as a…


They are the size zero model of the pleasure giving world. When you look for a teabag, it’s like looking for love and finding it straight away.

Teabags never fail to please. Tea never fails to please. I love tea.

Whilst I was trying to think of something as light or even lighter that gives as much pleasure as a teabag, the word feather popped into my head. Not because feathers are useful but because they are essentially light. And white.

The immediate thought of a feather makes me happy but actually they are most annoying, pretty little things masquerading as something far more than what they really are. Feathers are a nuisance, they itch and make you sneeze and get everywhere. They are as useful as employing the Mona Lisa to do the cleaning.

I had a day yesterday. Gee whiz, it was none stop. Two new jobs, one I can tell you about and one I could tell you about but if I did I would probably end up then not getting it.

The builders from downstairs have been up here and gaffa taped all the gaps between my floorboards in an attempt to abate dust hell. I think it may be working.

I went to see my ex-wife in her new play last night. We ended up back at mine with her new beau Laurence. Now he really is a nice guy, so bloody fit and handsome. She seems really happy with him. We were all happy actually but then who wouldn’t be at three am. in the morning with a mountain of chips, some steak pies and a savaloy each to munch on.

You know the nearest word to savaloy in my spell check is cavalry. What the hell’s that all about ?

I am turning into what I always wanted to be. A rather dippy writer in a one bedroom flat in North London. My living room is majestic, my kitchen small, my bedroom cosy and bathroom perfectly adequate. I want for nothing save stretchier skin, a thicker mop of hair and the odd bit of how’s your father.

My life is simple but could be simpler and I intend to make it so. Today is a good day. I am very lucky.

I’m now off to reheat some of last nights chips because they’re there, I want them and I can.

Lots of love my friends.

Today if you post, say something. Just listen, listen for the inner voice, the real you, not the automatic you. The automatic you is not you at all and has little if anything at all to say.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 11:44 AM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Morning Bloggers!

    I have been to see my osteopath this morning and the sun is out! Life is good once more! The inner me is in fine fettle and I'm ready to take on the world.

    CLP it's mushrooms for me, never fail to please, so very versatile.... even good with warmed up chips!

    Bon Champignon!


  2. At 11:47 AM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hello Chris et al

    Teabags don't really do it for me. Whilst I enjoy a cuppa as much as anyone, I'm none too keen on their ability, especially when wet, to spontaneously burst under the slightest pressure, thus coating me in both tea and tea-leaves. Maybe I just don't squeeze them right.

    Your life could be simpler, but it could also be shorter if you keep up muching saveloy and chips at 3am, then reheat the leftovers for breakfast.

    Are you pining for the student life by any chance...?

    J McC

  3. At 11:47 AM on 06 Mar 2007, The Kate wrote:

    I'm the first...I'm the first...I'm the first...!

    OK that's the automatic me...Now here's the real me...

    Simple is beautiful...


  4. At 11:47 AM on 06 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Tuesday's Game is on.....
    My "teabag" much as I love a brew - is a hug. Not sure what it weighs but it certainly lightens my heart.
    Feeling all teary now! Think it's time for a hug - and now the sun's out.
    Teabags to everyone.
    N.B. No critique of the play????

  5. At 11:50 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Spoodle Doo wrote:

    I made pasta for the first time yesterday. It took an hour and was marvellous.

  6. At 11:53 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    The real me just stepped outside for a sly smoke and was amazed by how truly beautiful the sky is today - real life simpsons clouds all fluffy ( and some that look like feathers too) the real me could look at things like that all day whereas the automatic me is aware of the more hum-drum rubbish that has to be done, like going to work, mortgage payments and housework crap.

    It's great to let the real me out now and again (at least once a day, and every evening once home with gorgeous guy and a bottle of wine)

    I loved your thoughts today Chris, kinda sunny and 'up' if you know what I mean ('arry)

    Love to all
    take care

  7. At 11:54 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    This happened yesterday too - as soon as I'd posted, CLP's new blog appeared....


    You seem less stressed than yesterday - I'm glad.

    Will write again later (and think of something profound to say!!).

    S xx.

  8. At 12:02 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:


    I'm afraid the real me is lost under masses of work which I can't be bothered to do as am not in concentrating mood - The real me wants to go to the beach and fly kites - The real me says that I should get some work done as that's what I'm being paid for. I wish I could wake up and be really motivated to work but I just can't. I would love to be one of the people who get invigorated by their job but I'm afraid I am counting down the days until I can be off again!

    Actually the real me wants to dedicate more time to my home life and family but having just moved we've still got a mortgage to pay (at only 29 I feel this is Ok though!) and my wage contributes to that.

    I think I may be having a down day but I wish I wasn't. It's sunny and a blustery day which is my all time favourite weather but something is tieing me down whereas normally I'd be flying high. Apols!

    Glad the gaffer tape seems to be working I hope the butter was sufficiently butter coloured this morning.

    Here's to making today a better day than it currently is :o)


  9. At 12:06 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I can't write about my inner voices, because if I did I'd get locked up.

    I did something bloody fantastic at the weekend, and I can't tell you that either, (a) because you wouldn't believe it, and (b) because it was so amazing, I'm struggling to believe I did it myself.

    There's a lot of things happening out there, and we all need to listen to the inner voices more often!


  10. At 12:09 PM on 06 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Well, I've tried listening to my inner voice and this is what I've heard:

    I love my partner, we have a home by the sea, just enough money in the bank for anything that we might need, and my friends and family are a joy.

    Apart from children, I have everything I have ever wanted.

    I am a very lucky girl.

    Glad you got your floorboards sorted and hopefully the dust will be kept to a minimum.

    jillygoat xx

  11. At 12:11 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    What makes me happy? My furball of a black cat curling up against me in the wee small hours, the gentle lilt of her purring and Mr Diva's deep-sleep breathing. Total contentment.

    Not very happy today though. Not sure why. Just not very happy.

    Desperately want a new job. I'm doing all I can to expedite said new job, but the job market here is very static at the mo. Yep, portacabin life is really getting me down - very tearful at the weekend and constantly tired and achey.

    Added into the equation an upside down house thanks to decorating - living in total chaos.

    Will attempt to check in later, but for now

    (a very down at heel) CtD x

  12. At 12:14 PM on 06 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    Me? My inner self? Well I`m just fedup, nothing in my life seems to go right for me. Is that my fault or the World around me?

  13. At 12:14 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Wibs wrote:

    I love reading the blog but sometimes Chris is off his rocker................and i thought I was mad. Gee whizz it must be to do with being 40 + not caring what one thinks.
    How can anyone write about a teabag, but he does, and he can cos he;s MARVELLOUS!

    Why did the ex-wife let him go? She is mad as i think CE is lovely.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. At 12:25 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Something lighter than a teabag that gives pleasure...hmmmmm...lets see now...

    Well, I've just been outside for a quick smoke, and have been watching some baby rabbits snuffling and rootling about in the grass. Their mum must have seen me watching them though as they suddenly all hopped away to hide.

    Far too cute!

    Small, light, and made me smile from there to there.


    ps les petit lapins sont tres belle!

  15. At 12:29 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris,and the bloggettes

    Ah tea..... nothing comes close to tea, if there's ever a need for such a thing, tea must be, the ultimate panacea and always only a few minutes away, well; almost always.

    For me, "as much pleasure as a tea bag" has to be kissing. I mean proper kissing with another woman. A full on, warm, sensuous, tongue-tangling French-kiss with real passion. Nothing a man can do ( for me anyway) comes close to that. Well, ok I concede that guys have their strong points - I'm married to one, so I've kind of painted myself into a corner on that score but the lesbian kiss is something that blows everything else into the weeds in terms of raw passion........a little thinking leaves me with this thought: maybe, just maybe, that is why guys like girls so much. It's the way we kiss.

    Gaffa tape, dust and pedestrian activity..... Just wait until you have to take it off ........ ..... get that bottle of solvent in now and pop it in the cupboard......

    Hi Hazel ... all well up here in Angel world thanks :)x Busy at work doing stuff that nobody will notice, even if I stopped........ How are things on the sunny south coast?

    Keep smiling


  16. At 12:32 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hello again

    Oh yeah, the inner voices thing. I forgot to mention them. My inner voice tells me quite frequently not to do what I am about to do. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), I have an override switch that cuts out the inner voice automatically if the inner voice becomes annoying. All this happens subconsciously, of course, which means all that my conscious receives is the filtered signal. I don't knowingly disobey my inner voice.

    So if these voices are all in my subconcious, how do I know they are there?

    I found out a few years ago when I was in hypnotherapy for an irrational fear of needles. My therapist told me that whilst under hypnosis that I enacted a battle between my inner voice and ovverride switch to gain control of my arm, which wanted to hit the therapist because he was a bombastic individual who had insulted my wife in a supposed 'role playing' episode prior to the hypnosis. The therapist denied that he had genuinely insulted my wife, but the override switch had won the battle, and I hit him anyway, causing a split lip. All this whilst under hypnosis!

    J McC

  17. At 12:34 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Em 26 wrote:


    my south african friend cate is pregnant! She has endimetreosis and has had fertility treatment for three years and finally! I again believe there is justice in the world!

    Cate is extraordinary, she taught me how to be happy I think!

    I have joined this facebook thing that is like my space i think. My friend marie insisted I did, I have always been dubious, but it has been marvellous, Cate is now in Colorado and now there is photos from her life on tap!

    I think Billie Piper is an amazing actress and comes across like a great girl in interviews. I actually cried at herlast scenes in doctor who!!!!!


  18. At 12:34 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good afternoon Christoph

    My, what a bohemian you are turning into.

    I have always been a worrier. Not outwardly, in fact, over the years many have commented on my positive outlook on life and the fact that I appear to ooze confidence, which seems to be in direct contrast to the way I feel.

    Unless of course they’re right and I am worrying about worrying?

    Either way, I really feel that I am in a transitional phase at the moment. I still get a bit stressed about work, but I am a perfectionist (Virgo. textbook, apparently) and despite my loathing of being a slave to the grind I still endeavour to deliver the goods, but my outlook on life in general is, well, maturing. I’m not going to be a footballer or a rock star, I know that, but I am going to achieve something and be remembered for being a little more than a bean counter.

    Not that there is anything wrong with beans, the amount of them or who determines it.

    It is time to create. I’m just not quite sure what yet. I currently have several ‘projects’ on the go, it is a question of which one comes to fruition first.

    Having spent my formative years chasing improbable dreams and never being content with my lot, I have realised that, in fact, life has actually dealt me a pretty good hand.

    It is up to me whether I want to turn over the next card.

    Peace & love


    PS It’s the loneliness thats the killer

    PPS Done with mirrors

  19. At 12:38 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Rozzer wrote:

    Hi CLP

    Heard you saying last night about going to see your ex in her new play and kissing another man whom she may marry! If she did - she would be Mrs Fox! Would she walk down the aisle to your Fox the Fox music?

    By the way she came across very well on Top Gear on Sunday as the Star in the RPC. Obviously charmed Clarkson even if the Stig didn't want to let her get away with her unorthodox route round the track.

    The other day I was reading all these loving remarks about you on the blog and remembered looking at the message board in the Johnny Walker days when someone posted that they had heard a terrible rumour that Chris Evans was going to be taking over the drivetime slot. This then brought forth a barrage of postings on the lines that they would never be listening to the drivetime show again etc etc. I just wondered how many of those dissenting voices have been won over by you. You certainly seem to have charmed Sally Traffic who was a bit glacial to you on your first day. I think you won her round with your fanfare for kids spot.

    Anyway - thanks for amusing me on my way home. I used to love listening to you on Virgin when I was taking my son to school - great to be sitting in a traffic jam and laughing out loud at 8.00am!

  20. At 12:38 PM on 06 Mar 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    at last i can join in with the essence of the blog from the master....

    i have always been told i'm "simple." how lucky is that !

    norfolk is best
    MooseMcCrumble and custard
    ps where is the BIG-UN ? hope he's ok.

  21. At 12:43 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Lighter than a teabag and gives pleasure...
    see number 7 and use one 3 times a week.

    PS The real me is a psychopathic maniac intent on destroying society through the subversive means of blogging and generating as much dust as possible, who also makes a fortune selling gaffer tape, saveloys and spell-check software. Do you really think I should let him out?

  22. At 12:43 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    My inner voice is just saying, "Relax, it will all be okay" and I only hope it's right. xxx

  23. At 12:46 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Sorry I can't do anything about your hair or skin Chris. xx

  24. At 12:50 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    Martin James, cheerup mate.

    A good joke with laughter is lighter than a feather, lighter than even air - take helium! Ha, ha. More pleasing than a cup of tea. It brings a smile to your face, and a cup of tea has never done that.

    Contrasts are the secret of enjoying something. If you drank tea all day you wouldn`t enjoy that odd cuppa. You enjoy a holiday more if you really need one. That glass of crystal clear cold water is more enjoyable after a walk through the desert. A pint of extra cold Guiness is more enjoyable after a long summers day hiking. Your head meeting that pillow is more enjoyable when you are deadbeat at the end of a long day.

    My inner self is calling, it says feed me, feed me. Time for some soup and bread.


  25. At 12:51 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello One and all,

    Felt choked with emotion to read how you get on so well with your ex-wife and her new partner – how wonderful. I also get on well with an ex we did not part on the best of terms but have made a good friendship of it now – we even went on holiday together just as mates…..yes it is possible.
    Life is far toooo short for bitterness, either cut loose or deal with it in a loving way.

    Glad you got your dust problem sorted – nothing worse (had windows done many years ago the thought still sends shudders thro me).

    Now comments from my inner voice…….
    The real me sometimes screams loudly inside but no sound is made,
    the real me has occasions when the duvet wants to grab hold and not let go,
    the real me feels like a washing machine on a spin cycle that only stops when I’m asleep,
    the real me is frightened at the moment.

    The real me is going for an assessment for counselling tonight and is scared but the automatic me says don’t worry everything will be alright and change is for the good. So the real me calms down, thinks of waterfalls and stops the babble at once.

    Take care out there - Hugs Pea x

  26. At 12:58 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Em 26 - you've made me feel hopeful as my friend has just had a failed IVF and is v. upset about it, I think that may be why I feel a bit down, guilty I 'spect.

    Anyhoo, the sun is still shining and all is well with the outside world

    :o) Jo

  27. At 01:02 PM on 06 Mar 2007, tobes wrote:

    How much is it to take out a gas fire to replace it with a real one? (continuous inner thought as moving into new house and need to find a price from somewhere... HELP?)

    How do ou make life simpler is that a word?) if life keeps crashing into itself every now ad again...

    Your a lucky man & have every understanding pals... Ex wife & new Beau together in the same room without weapons... Good work fella!

    Sandwich ideas anyone?


  28. At 01:03 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Oh I agree 100%. The simple life is beautiful! And I am envious. I feel like I am biding my time, living an unnaturally complicated life until my daughter goes to college (in about 4 years) when I am on my own again...THEN I can live the simpler life. It seems rather impossible to live simply with a young teenage daughter in the house. They are programmed for complication and drama. If anyone has the secret, let me know! My inner voice continually mutters "Fraud" and "Disingenuous" under her breathe when I look in the mirror.


  29. At 01:12 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    I also watched Billy on Top Gear - nice girl. But I do think girls should dye their eyebrows the same colour as they dye their hair! Top Gear is so funny these days. But I have to let you into a secret - I`m in love with Vicki Butler-Henderson, she of Fifth Gear fame. Sore her once at a motor racing meeting, but I didn`t have the nerve to speak to her -drat, what am I like always missing opportunities.

    I too enjoyed the Virgin Radio days, with Chris, Johnny Boy, Holly Hot lips, Dan the man et al. But life moves on. Who remembers when Chris attempted to jump over a chair on the Big Breakfast and went base over apex as he did so. What a laugh.


  30. At 01:16 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Nix wrote:

    oh dear.....inner voice told me on Sunday Morning NOT to put cash in my pocket for my trip to IKEA. Stood there checking the outfit in the mirror...thought hmmmmm, pockets aren't very deep.....money might fall out.

    Hardly a surprise.......£80.00 lost somewhere in the mayhem that is IKEA on a Sunday morning. 4 crisp £20 notes fresh out of the cashpoint and the proceeds of two days at work. Some git probably treated themselves to a 'Guggenflander' television unit.

    From now on I will be as Her Majesty and carry no cash EVER, EVER again!

    Never mind, whats gone is gone.


  31. At 01:18 PM on 06 Mar 2007, sally wrote:

    You know my a conversation repeating in my head has been nagging me since I woke up about the shoddy treatment a friend has given to another friend.

    Should I say something - or is it none of mine - or what - why is it bothering me so much - my mind keeps drifting back to it ...... Oh what to do??? I always think DO THE RIGHT THING but can't work out what IS THE RIGHT THING and is it just RIGHT NOW.

  32. At 01:28 PM on 06 Mar 2007, larry wrote:

    Could not agree with you more;Tea,the greatest drink in the world.
    However,its got to be loose tea!So much more variety,and you can mix the various types.Also once converted,you will realise that most of the taste of a tea bag,is ,the bag itself-paper!
    Iether in a pot with a removable filter cone,or a bodum coffee pot or a one cup twizler thing....
    As you are a self confessed foodie,you have to drop the bags and try the loose tea..Let me know.Larry

  33. At 01:28 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Inner me??? Is happy and content ta v much. And having a delicious cup of lapsang souchong tea, that oaky smoky smell, reminds me of log fires (reminds other people of kippers but that's their problem!).

    Chris, my inner me just has to tell you, it seems like you and Billie are made for each other - please get back together!!

    (the outer me's been stopping me for ages from saying that cos obviously I don't know all the ins and outs, but you did insist!)

    Shallow outer me would like to say - loved the Naughty Nick audition last night - hilarious!!!

  34. At 01:29 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Peni wrote:

    I was on my way to Tesco's this morning (other supermarkets are available, although sadly not near me), when my inner voice told me to forget the food and go 20 miles up the road to a small craft shop that sells lots of fab bits and pieces.

    So I cut up the poor man behind me (sorry mate), and swerved on to the dual carraigeway, and spent a couple of hours browsing and chatting to the owner in this lovely shop. And then she offered me a job, which is AB FAB because I am vegetating at the moment. So I resolve to listen to my inner voice more often!

    Happy Tuesday,
    PS I went to Tesco's in the end, so my kids will eat tonight

  35. At 01:33 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hey y'all

    It can't be all that bad out there surely! It would appear that the only bods having not too bad a day are those of us who have popped outdoors for what ever reason...

    Go outside. Breath in. Thank nature for being there. Thank yourself for being here. Try to forget, just for a moment, that there is anything wrong in your life, and you'll hear the voice. Softly at first, like the wisp of a wing...and the more you listen, the more sense it will make, and the more you will trust it to be true.

    ...and breath out....

    Other news on the South Coast today.

    It's not sunny but the buns are bunny...

    What DO you think you look like???

    ps My inner voice sounds like my mother.

    pps I was lost now I'm found

  36. At 01:35 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    Oh Chris I love those sort of blogs, i can just picture you sitting smiling to yourself while you're typing!

    I have never dared follow my inner voice, I always think it might make me do something I might regret, and I already regret so many things I've done in my life (not working harder at school, not going to university, drinking too much, smoking too much, doing things having drunk too much). I know something's missing in my life right now, but I don't know how to find it, and i can't think about it too much as I have my kids to think about, so I just set my sights low and try to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

    Laurence Fox is absolutely gorgeous; all I can say is, your ex has very good taste in men. She seems like a lovely natural girl, I can see what you both see in her.

    Off to school assembly now, catch you at 5!

    Em xx

  37. At 01:36 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a very interesting blog as always.

    Tea bags are ok as long as you have hot water to go with it. Not avaiable to me first thing this morning with a power cut that lasted three hours.
    Inner thoughts confuse me at times as I'm not really sure who I am anyway.

    Rachel One thing for sure which is automatic to me would be never to kiss another woman ... sorry I'd rather kiss my West highland terrier.

  38. At 01:37 PM on 06 Mar 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    Wasn't going to post as inner voice very calm but then read Danny Dayglow saying a cup of tea doesn't put a smile on your face. How wrong is that.

    Tea is the elixior of life - it's only surpassed by water which is wierd stuff quantumly speaking - but tea is just amazing.

    A pot of tea to get started in the morning.

    A nice, hot cup of tea in any crisis.

    A cup of tea to soothe to bed.

    No I can think of no situation which won't be improved by a nice, hot cuppa tea - well, perhaps not ALL situations, but it's close!

    J-n-J x

  39. At 01:39 PM on 06 Mar 2007, snodgrass wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    was not feeling too good this morning when i woke up__everything is now hunky dory as i have just read your tea bag piece, what a scream and so, so true its like an old friend!!!!
    hope your gaffa tape works and keep on entertaining.

  40. At 01:44 PM on 06 Mar 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Ah Christoff dear boy ,

    The Bertrand Russell school of philosophy eh,
    though if you require inner peace and fulfillment I would suggest taking up crown green bowls.

    Now that may sound odd , but on a warm sunny afternoon, or evening you will soon be in touch with your inner zen.

    Mariella, good luck with your flood defence operations, I,m on standby with my bucket if required. Mw,a


  41. At 02:13 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Ivor Boil (last time i looked) wrote:

    Monge two, monge two to one and all.

    Ivor Boil here. Had the smelly tanker round today to empty the septic tank. Guess what, it was a tanker painted bright pink, driven by a lady with blond hair and the company was called Caroline's Effluent Services, the honest truth.

    All for now, Ivor Boil signing out.

  42. At 02:14 PM on 06 Mar 2007, john wrote:

    Inner voice? Ok stop worrying about global warming the world is not coming to an end and get back with Billie Chris, Lawrence Fox is a public schoolboy, for goodness sake she looked happier with you.

  43. At 02:31 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris,

    Oh my we are in a contempative mood today - hmmm teabags - mine would have to be a cup with lid that takes an inner mesh so I put the leaves in the cup and brew the tea then remove the mesh liner and my tea is done.

    The inner teabag is the sense of wellbeing that just sitting on the harbour wall looking at the scenery fills me with the wonderful sense of well being that I can'tr really beat anywhere else.

    After my brief spell on the quayside I relunctantly go passed the park where major renervations are ongoing with lots to look forward to for the summer but at present looks terrible with the workers equipment and large metal fences all up but at least they are making progress. Then I join the commuters and make my way to work.

    The sun is out and there are blue bits amongst the clouds which after last nights horrendous gales is most welcome. my garden is looking more like a paddling pool - come back sun all is forgiven.

    I've rambled on enough - glad to see that your visit to the nice lady and workmen downstairs has had a result - good to hear that you are getting black dust free.

    All the best to all bloggers

  44. At 02:33 PM on 06 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    Gingee, what happened to the proposed golf course in Essex, a joint venture with Robbie? So, I read. I wonder what the most amazing to reach hole is? Like you have to hit the ball over a gorge then walk along a rope bridge to get to the green! That would have an amazing Wow factor.

    I remember Chris somersaulting over the Big Breakfast chair.

  45. At 02:39 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    How lovely to see everyone partaking in an afternoon beverage, especially the good Professor Plum...you go girl!

    By the way, I feel that the 'Long Man of Wilmington' followed by a jolly around 'Drusilla's Park' would make for a fun day out. I think they confiscate matches at the turnstile too.

    Boy George famously (allegedly) once said he'd prefer a cup of tea to sweeping the roads.

    Each to his own.

    Me, I'm back outside for another smoke (join me Nicki?) and watch the wee bunnies, then ready for a national dunk in at 3pm. Biccies at the ready captain!

  46. At 02:43 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi, Danny Dayglow,

    the eyebrow thing .... I'm a natural blonde and have blonde eyebrows but colour them (brown) with an eyebrow pencil everyday, so that they can be seen. Eyebrows are a really important facial feature.. it's vital to show them off ....... It wouldn't be a good idea to dye them blonde ....... :)

    Prof Plum.. West Highland Terriers are cute little pooches...... :) My mum has one... You're not my mum are you? :)

    I've just had , what I think is a great idea for the keen web surfer.... have a web holiday! Think, where would you like to go and go there ...... on the web, spend a few days in Australia, Japan, or maybe France, join a local chat room, chat to some locals ...go on a virtual tour, down load a few pictures to show your friends when you get back, order some food from that area and eat it while browsing, if it's somewhere really hot , turn up your heating, put on a swim suite and cover yourself in fake tan. Think of the benefits... no waiting around at Airports, no stressy taxi rides, you wouldn't have to sit next to that iffy looking guy on the plane... and the best bit..... when you get to the end of the holiday .. you're already at home .. for a cup of tea and just a short walk away from your own bed.... How cool is that?!
    Keep smiling

  47. At 03:06 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Inner Voice wrote:

    I would love to have a whirlwind, short term romance. The initial feeling of being in love, is so short, but an amazing feeling. The best.

    I would pack a picnic, champagne and silk sheets.

    During the day after a long walk in the middle of nowhere, stop for lunch and lay on the silk sheets. After feeling slightly tipsy watch the sky and birds. After a refeshing swim in the river, light a fire and after another bottle of champagne, lay and watch the stars.

    No worries, or cares about anyone else outside of that.

    Dream on.......

  48. At 03:13 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Paula - will be thinking of you tonight, best of luck and I'm sure you'll feel much better after; not least because the assessment will be over and done with!
    Peni - inner self/wizards - whatever. Congrats and well done you.
    Tobes - Would you be interested in some warmed up chips as a filler - I think I know where you could get some.
    Sun's still out in a clear blue sky.

  49. At 03:14 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    My inner voice says:

    "What the hell are you doing with your life? Why don't you listen to me? Is it because you know you will end up back at counselling, on the happy pills? You can pretend you're happy - at least you ARE happier, BUT and here's the rub - how do you know you're happy if you don't listen to yourself?"

    My 'automatic' voice says:

    "Stop being so self indulgent. Life sucks sometimes. Pick yourself up and get over it. You've got a good job, two fabulous kids and an excellent social life - what more do you want?"

    That dear Bloggers is THE question....

    S xx.

    PS - My damn toe hurts!

  50. At 03:16 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon everyone!

    Oh I do love a cup of tea. But I have to have a Latte every other day. Oh I do love a nice Latte and a biscuit! The only thing with a latte is I can never make the perfect one myself so have to go out for one.
    I think my teabag though is pomogranates. I could eat them all day every day.

    Is spring really here? I love these early spring days, the air seems fresher, the sun is out and people seem in a better mood. Is sounds silly but on days like these it always reminds me of Disney land Paris. I love that place!!! I have taken my cousin a couple of times in spring and its great. With the sun out, walking round going on different rides and looking at the children and some adults having a wonderful day and trying to have their photo taken with micky and minnie.
    That was my inner voice talking.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, missy xx

  51. At 03:17 PM on 06 Mar 2007, kaz wrote:


    Well let me think - the real me? Feeling quite guilty today that i am just pottering about and done just a couple of hours work because work some of time from home. Feeling a bit lonely but have to deal with that on a regular basis. Worrying alot about finances but on other hand realising I have got an awful lot already around me which I should be thankful for. Needing some tlc. Looking forward to deal or no deal. Want to be able to be genuinely happy.

  52. At 03:20 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Oh for the simple life.

    I guess life must be quite simple when you are grateful that when you wake in the morning you do not need wellies to get to the kitchen.

    The flood warnings were not necessary, yet we still have to wait a few days before getting the all clear. The automatic, pragmatic me is glad that all is normal, yet the inner me is slightly disappointed. The inner me craves excitement, challenges and changes from the norm (text book aquarius, if that is indeed possible).

    What is it that makes our lives complicated anyway? Other people? Jobs? Money? Emotion?
    Personally I think its ourselves. We have control over our own lives, and its up to us to live them how we want to. I know stuff gets in the way, but at the end of the day its just stuff which with some thought, planning and creativity can be dealt with effectively to help you follow the path you want to follow, or carve out a brand new one.

    You know those little tracks made through parks or woods, that don't follow the normal route, but have been made by people cutting a corner, or just wandering off the track - they are called dream lines. I want to create my own dream lines throughout my life - not just one, but many leading to different experiences, different destinations and different passions. They don't have to end or take you anywhere in particular, they may just take you slightly off course before bringing you back again - but isn't it worth a meander?

    Think I may be on one right now!

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  53. At 03:24 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Anna wrote:

    okay - am reaching for my inner "me", and it wants to say...how genuine, exuberant and "happy to be alive" your blog sounds today. Simple, straight forward, pure joy.

    And i've never posted before - look what you did!

    I'll be listening on my way home to saddleworth tonight, as i always do, and without fail i will laugh out loud at least once. That's a good thing.



  54. At 03:26 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Size zero models are whiny, self-absorbed and thus unable to provide pleasure. Give me a tea-bag any day.

  55. At 03:36 PM on 06 Mar 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    This is a tough blog to reply today.

    So: one's inner voice - if you listen to it, it will take you where you should be. Without fail. It may not be where you thought you would go, but in the main, it will take you on your true path. Be brave, EmM#36!

    Having said that, (and I am sorry to jump on the bandwagon that you and Billie Piper are made for each other) when you married Billie, did you consult your inner voice? What you did appeared to be automatic and I think in the fullness of time, it will have been the right decision!

    To conclude - inner voice: yes, but automatic does not mean it's not the real you!

    C xx

    P.S. Sally #31 - much as you want to, you can't interfere! The only person this will back up on is you. You must let your friend fight her own battles, difficult I know!

    Rachel #15 (I love it when we share!) how any married woman prefers kissing another female is beyond me. Some of my best acquaintances are lesbians but I have never wanted to kiss one of them. Maybe I'm lucky because my husband is the most divine kisser!

  56. At 03:41 PM on 06 Mar 2007, kaz wrote:

    Peni - you made feel like jumping in car to the
    nearest little craft shop!

  57. At 04:43 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    My bunnies are not light, but are also cute, and now that their nappy rash is healing, they are almost perfect.

    I still say, "blast the neighbour"


  58. At 05:36 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    "It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not."

    Andre Gide

    I wonder how many people consider that to be true and out of those people how many have the courage to see it through? It is something I have only learnt in the last two years or so.

    I love tea to! But I am a fruit tea girlie, I love buying the loose stuff from Whittards, yum, yum in my tum :0)

  59. At 05:37 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Parker wrote:

    Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and
    said weakly: I have something I must confess."

    "There's no need to, "his wife replied.
    "No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace. I slept with your
    sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!"

    "I know," she replied, "now just rest and let the poison work."

  60. At 05:45 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Lollie wrote:

    I have never blogged before so I will try to listen to the inner voice and not be automatic..

    Just listened to you explaining about the play on the radio as I was reading the blog .. I agree with Sally how nice it is that you can still have a special intimacy with Billie- something I think many people fail to have with their current partners!! So buig thumbs up to you both..

    I do find it funny reading your train of thoughts from Tea bags to chips!

    I look forward to your next blog!

    Really enjoy the show- cheers x

  61. At 06:35 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Ian wrote:

    I need to turn my life around!
    Thats the inner me..

    The automatic me just plods on.

  62. At 06:41 PM on 06 Mar 2007, The Debster wrote:

    My inner voice said take your mum and dad some daffs on the way home from work - only 5 miles extra on the journey. I speak to them every day and visit at least once a week but but a visit out of the blue with their first bunch of daffs this year and they were delighted. I also thanked them for taking such good care of themselves and being so fit and happy at 78 and 82 respectively. I left them bickering over where the jug of daffs would go.........I'm a very lucky bunny. xx

  63. At 06:44 PM on 06 Mar 2007, The Debster wrote:

    My inner voice said take your mum and dad some daffs on the way home from work - only 5 miles extra on the journey. I speak to them every day and visit at least once a week but but a visit out of the blue with their first bunch of daffs this year and they were delighted. I also thanked them for taking such good care of themselves and being so fit and happy at 78 and 82 respectively. I left them bickering over where the jug of daffs would go.........I'm a very lucky bunny. xx

  64. At 07:13 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Simon wrote:


    That is greetings again - the BP deleted my last one (and it was a contribution to knowledge - honest!!!)

    Debster # 63 & # 64 (BP please note!!!) yes you are lucky. Cherish them but don;t be too sad when they are gone (that goes for CLP too). They're never really gone just in a different place. That's meant to be an uplifting thought not a sad one by the way.


  65. At 07:34 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Kay Allen wrote:

    Chris, I love your show. After years of radio 4 all day, I am sick to death of all the bad news, the doom and gloom, the dishonesty of this government. The remedy? Listen to more music, and Drivetime is now a must when I get home from work. My hug I suppose. But how did you feel when you saw Billie with her new man? You said some lovely things about her and it's great you're friends. A couple of years ago I was standing at a bus stop, waiting for a bus, obviously. Standing a few feet away was a young couple - a Chris Martin lookalike, and his punky looking beautiful girlfriend. He had his arms around her (she was much smaller than him) and every now and again gave her a protective hug and kissed the top of her head. He didn't let go of her until the bus stopped and they parted. It made me feel so envious, as I was in dire of hug. That's all you need sometimes - a hug.

  66. At 07:47 PM on 06 Mar 2007, De Sm wrote:

    I too, love tea. I love many things... the best things in life are simple ... and often free,

    Love De's Inner Self

  67. At 08:16 PM on 06 Mar 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    I tried - but it's a bit deep for me. Maybe I'm just shallow. No, I'm not - I'm deep. But when I talk deep - no-one understands or wants to listen. Yet, I've got so much to offer - why does no-one seem to really want what I have to offer? Are they threatened? Or am I simply giving myself more credit than I deserve. You see thinking deep brings out my insecurities - not a good thing coz they can be bad enough even on the surface. Sometimes I just think I'm invisible. I mean what's this blog about if it's not about being invisible. But then it's not just me - why are there so many out there doing the same? Is the blog deep?

    I could live a simple life but no-one will let me. But who is no-one? There's always soemone, right? So who is stopping me? Must be society. Must it? Am I just conforming? Does society force me to conform.

    Is there a point to any of this?

    I'm done.


  68. At 08:24 PM on 06 Mar 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Oh my goodness - I think I may have just blogged the biggest load of rubbish ever. Apologies to all CE bloggers.


  69. At 08:56 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Howard wrote:

    I'm off tea (and coffee). It makes my ankle crack and twitch in bed. Thoroughly brasses the wife off!!


  70. At 09:07 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Frances wrote:

    Frances leaks everywhere, she falls into the airwaves, determining to reinstill her fixation for news, frances snow ploughs the sunshine, scattering rain from the wet beach, creating mist sensations with over reach, frances has her sights set on various perspectives, she is false footing her imaginations, look where she treads, fingering the nation with silky headphones, frances has clues to sew against her understanding, what she does is good for huns. Frances instills where she is with what she grapples, she is shuffling teasing threats of death and seduction, holding hands with her favourite word and ransom. Frances is threaded with deep purple veins, she has fresh iconography, she has duracell personality, there goes the beatle rabbit lady. Frances has to answer for her careleness, all she cares for is inventiveness, she must reach the hypothesis. Frances should explain a hypothesis, something that fits the story.

  71. At 09:33 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Virtual Scarlett wrote:

    Well CLP, after daily reading I've finally been moved to join in. Are you going to publish your blogs in a book? You should - your writing is powerful (not to mention funny!) and can reach inside and drag us away from the everyday treadmill and help to put things back in perspective - we need more of it - thank you!!
    To the Debster - last July I had been working away for a few days. I was driving back home and could have called on my elderly Mum and Dad on the way, but I was tired and it was very hot so I didn't. I went straight home. My Dad died that night and I've regretted ever since that I didn't take the time to see him while I still could. Your blog made me smile - I'm so glad you listened to your inner voice - wish I had done the same last July.

  72. At 11:12 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Francisco wrote:


    I feel for you mate. Keep it real

  73. At 11:24 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman
    One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each proceeded to buy a pint of Guinness. Just as they where about to enjoy their creamy beverage three flys landed in each of their pints, and were stuck in the thick head.

    The Englishman pushed his beer from him in disgust.

    The Scotsman scooped at his beer until he washed the fly out and then continued drinking.

    The Irishman carefully picked the fly out of his drink, then held it out over the beer and started yelling "SPIT IT OUT YOU -------! SPIT IT OUT!!!!"

  74. At 11:59 PM on 06 Mar 2007, wrote:

    The athiest:

    An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat at least a hundred feet into the air. The monster then opened its mouth while waiting below to swallow man and boat.

    As the man sailed head over heels and started to fall towards the open jaws of the ferocious beast he cried out, "Oh, my God! Help me!"

    Suddenly, the scene froze in place. As the atheist hung in midair, a booming voice came out of the clouds and said, "I thought you didn't believe in Me!"

    "God, come on, give me a break!" the man pleaded, "Just seconds ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!"

    "Well," said God, "now that you are a believer you must understand that I won't work miracles to snatch you from certain death in the jaws of the monster, but I can change hearts. What would you have me do?"

    The atheist thinks for a minute and then says, "God, please have the Loch Ness Monster believe in You also."

    God replies, "So be it."

    The scene starts in motion again with the atheist falling towards the ravenous jaws of the ferocious beast.

    Then the Loch Ness Monster folds his claws together and says, "Lord, bless this food You have so graciously provided....."

  75. At 12:45 AM on 07 Mar 2007, anne bowman wrote:

    Hi Chris and Gang
    Just wanted to say I listen to your brilliant show every night on the way home from work. As I walk across the carpark thinking about all the 'crap' of the day, I suddenly remember I have you lot for the next half hour and it makes life seem a whole lot better!! I love you Chris - your born for radio - so sharp and fast and always funny and sometimes interesting! Sally and Rebecca I get mixed up with as they both have this really rich, cultured voice. However, they are great support to the show. I also really like Billy and am sorry that you and she did not stay together - however, it is obvious that you both still have a great love and respect for each other and that's great. Need to go now as gotta be up at 6:30 for 'work'. Keep up- the good work xxxxx

  76. At 12:57 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Morning Christopher (well … it is almost 1am!)!

    I do love a nice cup of tea. I really love a cup of tea with my virtual friends.

    Congrats on the 2 new jobs.

    Reheated chips …beauch!

    Glad the gaps have been filled.

    I, too, believe that you and Billie are destined to be together and are soul-mates.

    My simpler life will be in a clean, tidy home with a beautiful mature garden, organic veg patch, and herb rockery, and will have views of the sea and mountains. I will be writing my novels, framing and selling my photos, dabbling in a spot of watercolour. My dog and cat will have the run of the garden, my daughter will have a little sister and brother and they will love going to school and their clubs. My hubby will be in a job that he finds challenging and fulfilling. We will attend a friendly, evangelical church, and my parents will live nearby. I will be back down to a size 10 (nice to dream, huh?) and swim everyday from the nearby beach. My inner voice reminds me of this every so often. Then reality slaps me in the face!

    However … I know I can achieve it!


    SMS 2007

    (aka Susan, Highland lass)

    PS Huge thanks to all for the support! It kicked off again this evening downstairs … my heart aches for the daughter and I’m at a loss as to what to do. It’s starting to make me miserable knowing that this may be the way it is until J leaves home!

  77. At 06:22 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Morning all or should I say jambo. I got back late on Monday and had to attend an event yesterday so today is the first day back in front of the pc and I'm writing this as displacement activity instead of opening Outlook and wading through the hundreds of emails to find the possibly 3 that are of any interest! I was pretty glum yesterday but perked up on hearing CLP at 5. Good show Chris, two new jobs, what a lucky (?) chap. Inner voice says, na I'll just go back to bed, reality says, get on with it girl!
    Mange tout x

  78. At 10:09 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:


    Just a quick correction today. They are not called dream lines, its desire lines - which I think is a much better name. So don't follow your dreams, go where your desire takes you!

    Oh, and the people that wander around creating these lines are called meanderthals! Thank you, Stephen Fry, for that one.

    muchos aquas

    MW, a!

  79. At 10:45 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Is it going to work this time? Forgot to copy prior to posting last time, so all was lost!!!

    Here goes....

    Susan S - sorry to hear you had another disrupted night with your neighbours. It occurred to me that the mother may be quite stressed (teens do that), as the mother of a 15 yo (and I'm sure all other parents of teens will agree), it's hard to maintain a clear head at times, particularly when the teen involved seems hell bent on self destruction.... On the other hand, the teen may be stressed (mums do that) and it seems to me that angry confrontation migh perhaps be the only way your neighbours know of dealing with their frustration and hurt. Perhaps you could approach the mother, you do have your girls in common (I know Charis is an angel!!) and just start talking to her. She may feel isolated and alone and unsure of how to deal with her errant teen....

    Just a thought lovey. Good luck.

    S xx.

  80. At 10:56 AM on 07 Mar 2007, kevin morrison wrote:

    air is lighter than a tea bag and also free

  81. At 12:28 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Allypally wrote:

    Dear Chris

    I listen to the show most evenings on the way home from work,how refreshing.
    Are you really as lovely as you sound?(understanding,kind,generous,sensitive.)
    I think Billy is a silly Billy (you should be together.)

    Tea!!! Give me coffee every time.(Except when I am pregnant.Which aint going to happen again)

    The inner self is there all the time pulling you this way & that.

    My philosophy is do what you want as long as no-one else gets hurt & dont get cynical about life....nothing is that serious.

    Ooer.... What am I doing....I am a blog virgin.


  82. At 12:30 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Allypally wrote:

    Dear Chris

    I listen to the show most evenings on the way home from work,how refreshing.
    Are you really as lovely as you sound?(understanding,kind,generous,sensitive.)
    I think Billy is a silly Billy (you should be together.)

    Tea!!! Give me coffee every time.(Except when I am pregnant.Which aint going to happen again)

    The inner self is there all the time pulling you this way & that.

    My philosophy is do what you want as long as no-one else gets hurt & dont get cynical about life....nothing is that serious.

    Ooer.... What am I doing....I am a blog virgin.


  83. At 12:42 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Alison Rooke wrote:

    Dear Chris

    I listen to the show most evenings on the way home from work,how refreshing.
    Are you really as lovely as you sound?(understanding,kind,generous,sensitive.)
    I think Billy is a silly Billy (you should be together.)

    Tea!!! Give me coffee every time.(Except when I am pregnant.Which aint going to happen again)

    The inner self is there all the time pulling you this way & that.

    My philosophy is do what you want as long as no-one else gets hurt & dont get cynical about life....nothing is that serious.

    Ooer.... What am I doing....I am a blog virgin.



  84. At 02:16 PM on 07 Mar 2007, alison wrote:


    PS. How lovely is the smell of a fresh packet of Post it notes?

    Much better than a cup of tea......


  85. At 02:42 PM on 07 Mar 2007, sue phillips wrote:

    Hello out there,

    Even grumpy old women have inner voices, they are wonderful and tell us we are still young and beautiful.Luckily I have learn't to ignore mine when it tells me to buy from M&S and have started to dress like an ageing rock-chick, which as I am still size 10 is ok and my daughter's haven't told me off yet! My biggest passion is shoes and I advise anyone having a down day to get some new ones that are truly fab and all your friends admire but could never wear, even you guy's. Better than tea!
    I too am sat at work blogging away to pass the time until 4pm and home, the inner vioce insist I do it to keep sane.

    Love to all Pips

  86. At 02:47 PM on 07 Mar 2007, sue phillips wrote:

    Hello out there,

    Even grumpy old women have inner voices, they are wonderful and tell us we are still young and beautiful.Luckily I have learn't to ignore mine when it tells me to buy from M&S and have started to dress like an ageing rock-chick, which as I am still size 10 is ok and my daughter's haven't told me off yet! My biggest passion is shoes and I advise anyone having a down day to get some new ones that are truly fab and all your friends admire but could never wear, even you guy's. Better than tea!
    I too am sat at work blogging away to pass the time until 4pm and home, the inner vioce insist I do it to keep sane.

    Love to all Pips

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