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Chris Evans | 15:14 UK time, Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Dear Bloggers, listeners, schloggers,

As you may or may not have been able to summise, the last week or two I have not been in my normal blogging habitat. This has been due to mattersñ€©

blogging mode. Yesterday however, something crazy was going on and all sorts of Da Vinci Code style significa started exploding up all over the place.

Today I am almost back to normal but still several hours behind the time Iñ€™d normally be in blog mode.

Emptying boxes, visiting nice people in white coats, presenting the show and then eating far too late at night when itñ€™s all over has been my existence of late. Far from taking itñ€™s toll, I should point out, I feel rather enlightened.

When the essentials of life call, the simplicity of living takes over. There is no time to be sidetracked by nonsense, no place for people who are not needed, no appetite for things that proceed guilt or gluttony.

Rather refreshing all in all.

Tonight we are talking clutter. I had no idea that the amount of clutter a person has in oneñ€™s life can have a direct effect on oneñ€™s health and well being, canñ€™t wait.

Off to catch up on your posts for a bit and then itñ€™s brush my teeth time and off to the BEEB.

Love and lots of it,

CLP x.

P.S. ALTON TOWERS was fab but v. cold. I had to sit through OBLIVION ten times on my own ! You can see it all on ±«Óătv 1 on WEDNESDAY night, at around nine p.m.

Really really have to go now xxx


  1. At 03:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Coops wrote:

    Am I the first one again? Hope so!!

    Wonder what the 'matters' are...?

    Coops The New Boy

  2. At 03:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    great show

  3. At 03:30 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Wow, cant wait for show tonight Chris, I got loads of clutter, i just cant seem to throw stuff away .

    Kev C

  4. At 03:30 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Sigh wrote:

    The turmoil of it all! I feel anxious for you though I don't know how you feel about it yourself.

    I just hope it leads you to a good place when the dust settles.


  5. At 03:32 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    great show

  6. At 03:33 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    Clutter!! Just Bag it and bin it! It helps if you chuck it in the skip at the household waste recyc place yourself......... very refreshing! It's like gathering up your life and chucking away the parts of it, that mean nothing, leaving you with everything that you really "have".

    Keep smiling


    PS Chef's Table ........ , you know it makes sense.

  7. At 03:33 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Phew Chris - gremlins a plenty yesterday. As for matters ... Do give us a clue - I'm pathalogically nosey and hate being kept in the dark.

    Clutter, I could win Olympic medals in it. I moved out of the marital home 5 years ago and de-cluttered big style - soooooo therapeutic. Looking forward to the show.

    ciao xxx

  8. At 03:33 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hello Chris :0)

    Nice to read you again. I really loved last nights show and am going to listen again just so i can hear the bit about the lady who was blind etc....

    I to am just about moving and am clearing out the clutter - there is a great website for this called freecycle.org where you can.......


    Hear You Later.


  9. At 03:35 PM on 30 Jan 2007, dyoungone wrote:

    AH! There you are.
    That lady relating her story on her new found sight last night brought this grown man to tears. I don't think it was the storytelling, but the Luis Armstrong song just set me off.
    Absolutely perfect radio.

  10. At 03:36 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Clutter!!! CLP - see my posts yesterday about clearing out the loft and trips down meory lane. Where is the dividing line between clutter and life's memorobilia?

    Glad all's hunky-dory in CLP land, although a tad concerned about the veiled reference to men in white coats.

    Til 5 o'clock!

    Cheryl The Diva x x

  11. At 03:37 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Aw CLP, you little sweetie. Just take care of yourself and don't worry about us lot! I had to miss the exciting interview with the lady last night, so did a 'listen again' today and was immediately made to feel guilty for worrying about stupid things like my inability to pay the rent this month (might be a BIG thing to me, but it's nothing compared to what that lady had struggled with for so long).

    Anyway, hope you're feeling more yourself soon and I can vouch for the fact that clutter reflects on your health cos my cupboards are bursting with rubbish and I feel totally cack about it. Hopefully your show tonight will spur me on to make an effort and dump the stuff. Love ya loads xxxx

  12. At 03:42 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Aw CLP, you little sweetie. Just take care of yourself and don't worry about us lot! I had to miss the exciting interview with the lady last night, so did a 'listen again' today and was immediately made to feel guilty for worrying about stupid things like my inability to pay the rent this month (might be a BIG thing to me, but it's nothing compared to what that lady had struggled with for so long).

    Anyway, hope you're feeling more yourself soon and I can vouch for the fact that clutter reflects on your health cos my cupboards are bursting with rubbish and I feel totally cack about it. Hopefully your show tonight will spur me on to make an effort and dump the stuff. Love ya loads xxxx

  13. At 03:42 PM on 30 Jan 2007, MACKIE wrote:

    thank goodness you've arrived!!! i can get on with work now without poooping on the site every few mins to see if you've checked in!!

    i become very attached to stuff - consequently i have lots of clutter - it's good to look at the things around you which remind you of nice times but its very rewarding to have a clear out! looking forward to seeing waht the expert says.


  14. At 03:46 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Bon Soir Mon Ami,

    Je Suis Tres Heureux that you've appeared at last.

    What you up to mateychops?

    You've got something (or someone) on the back burner there... hiding her / him / it from all of us, and the paps.

    Good on you.. gives us something to ponder...

    and gossip about..


  15. At 03:47 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh no it's happening again.
    Any more of this and we shall all $ÂŁ%^&(&%$.
    Oh no I've got it now.
    What is happening to &$$$%)))?


  16. At 03:53 PM on 30 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I really have just realised (this afternoon) that you are up against it at the moment. Naturally, whatever is happening in your life is your business and I hope we are not too demanding.

    You just do what you have to do - we are here when you want us! I do know from experience that when serious stuff is happening in our lives, the trivia just becomes even more trivial and we have to cope with what's most important.

    Love you Chris (if it's possible to love someone you don't even KNOW!)

    One last thing - let's all get rid of our clutter - it's just such a waste of time. I still have a ticket stub from 1990 when I went to see Level 42 in London! Hello?!

    C xx

  17. At 03:55 PM on 30 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Oh, I am glad to see you again CLP - things just aren't the same without you, but you are understandably busy, busy, busy!

    When I got divorced and moved into my tiny house, I brought with me two huge boxes which I vowed to unpack 'at some point'. Because I believed they contained stuff from earlier and happier days it was almost four years before I could face them. They were like a millstone round my neck - I knew they were there but I just couldn't summon up the courage to approach them. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but I realise now that I was depressed and didn't want to face what had happened.

    When 'im indoors asked me to move in with him he insisted that I get rid of the boxes - fair enough I thought - and with his help I went through them. To my utter amazement, and disgust, they contained nothing more than my ex-husband's old football programmes, some photos, and various bits and pieces that neither of us had wanted but that I somehow ended up taking with me. After all that time, there was nothing of any importance and nothing that could hurt me.

    Hanging on to clutter can indeed affect your health, your sanity and ultimately your life, if you're not careful. Nowadays, I clear out clutter every few months - it's liberating.

    Looking forward to tonight's show and seeing you on The Oblivion!!!!

    jillygoat xx

  18. At 03:56 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Glad you're there Chris - still not quite right with all the wierd thingamejigs but better than nothing! I havent been blogging long but it's become part of my day! Can someone please tell me what CLP stands for?

  19. At 03:58 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to hear you are finally ok. Interesting use of small squares throughout your blog.

    If they were circles, one would think you were being infiltrated by the Mysterons...

    ..and Oblivion, ten times...Captain Ginger, indestructible...b*ggere alle that for a larke...


  20. At 04:06 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    #6 Dog with no brain you are onto something.
    Hope you are ok chris the visiting people in white coats bit worries me. I hope you are ok. We do all worry about you,
    Loved last nights show especially the radio4 interview. brilliant as always.
    take care and keep well, missy xx

  21. At 04:09 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    #6 Dog with no brain you are onto something.
    Hope you are ok chris the visiting people in white coats bit worries me. I hope you are ok. We do all worry about you,
    Loved last nights show especially the radio4 interview. brilliant as always.
    take care and keep well, missy xx

  22. At 04:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to hear you are finally ok. Interesting use of small squares throughout your blog.

    If they were circles, one would think you were being infiltrated by the Mysterons...

    ..and Oblivion, ten times...Captain Ginger, indestructible...b*ggere alle that for a larke...


  23. At 04:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Debbsxx wrote:

    Don't talk to me about clutter Chris for I have always been a 'just in case' hoarder - of the most serious kind - with a wardrobe full of clothes that 'I might get back into one day' and and drawers full of 'boxes that might come in handy to keep 'stuff' in'!!!??? Hrmmm!

    However, last summer I did have a couple of mammoth clearouts & donated suitable items to the local charity shop (worthwhile in itself), then.....dum da dum dum dummmmmmm, my boyfriend moved in*

    I cleared out my sofa bed from the spare room so that he could have a room to call his own, complete with TV, play station et al. "Can I put some shelving in for my bits and pieces", he asked. "Of course", said I, my ever accommodating nature preceding my sense of doom.......

    He has now moved back to Manchester (temporarily) whilst he finishes his MBA, leaving me not only with the usual clothes, shoes, coats, personal bits & bobs etc, but 4 huge helicopters, 3 planes, 3 trucks, 3 buggies, 1 porche and 1 mini. I hasten to add, they are all remote control 'boys toys'. but still - I'd love to be able to access my tumble dryer but perservere with drying my clothes on the radiators until such a time that he comes back & shifts them.

    (It's more than my life's worth to risk even dusting them, let alone moving them!!). Such is the power of love eh - one will put up with anything??........

    Anyway - point is - any tips for de-cluttering readily welcomed!

  24. At 04:40 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Glad you are OK Chris, thank God you are talking clutter tonight, I need some serious advice. I am by nature a bit of a slob and I also have an inability to throw anything away; you can imagine what my house looks like! If my husband ever divorces me it will be for intolerable laziness I think. Did you ever used to watch that proramme Life Laundry? It was interesting that most of those hoarders had some psychological issues in their lives they needed to deal with, and getting rid of loads of junk was painful but therapeutic. I know I'd feel better if I chucked stuff out but I just can't seem to do it, procrastinating as usual!

    Em xx

  25. At 04:40 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to hear you are finally ok. Interesting use of small squares throughout your blog.

    If they were circles, one would think you were being infiltrated by the Mysterons...

    ..and Oblivion, ten times...Captain Ginger, indestructible...b*ggere alle that for a larke...


  26. At 05:13 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Frank Dogoody wrote:

    "Well, well what `ave we here?" She said in a shy voice. "I`m all tied up at the moment Mavis", I shouted to the cook.
    "Well get yourself down here and help me with the chicken - it was chicken stew for dinner. I`d just poured myself an ample measure of the finest malt wiskey and was enjoying a cigar when in came the cook. "What the... are you upto?" she said in a most indignant way. Can I tell you it took me all of an hour to explain my way out of it, needless to say Suzie the maid was non too impressed with my excuse especialy as she was still only half dressed...

  27. At 05:13 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hello All

    OooH I’m so glad your back.. honestly, today I’ve waiting, waiting, waiting..it’s not like I haven’t got any work to do
it’s crazy.. in fact 2 minutes ago I came back from seeing someone and had to hold my head, literally..it was going to explode. You know what there’s too much clutter in my head..let alone my house..well that’s another story!

    I remember when I was a little girl I used to have a “tidy mood” and do a mega clear out..but now I’ve amassed 20 years of STUFF and combined it with 20 years of my husbands STUFF

    You know what though, I sleep much better if my bedrooms tidy ( now I’m old enough, I have a cleaning lady, she comes on Thursday – BLISS).
    Infact, I wrote a short story about recruiting her!

    This year I plan to de clutter my mums attic..other peoples stuff is so much more interesting than your own!

    Ragedyann:I agree re freecycle
    And if you can be bothered, E b*y is a great source of expelling STUFF

    Hazel: îî Σ Ж what do you make of that!

    Chris, Keep on keeping your chin up..you do, and with humour, Well done on a fab show


  28. At 05:13 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    In case you needed further proof that the Human Race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer products:

    1. On a blanket from Taiwan - NOT TO BE USED AS PROTECTION FROM A TORNADO.

    2. On a helmet mounted mirror used by US cyclists - REMEMBER, OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ACTUALLY BEHIND YOU.

    3. On a Taiwanese shampoo - USE REPEATEDLY FOR SEVERE DAMAGE.

    4. On the bottle-top of a (UK) flavoured milk drink - AFTER OPENING, KEEP UPRIGHT.

    5. On a New Zealand insect spray - THIS PRODUCT NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS.

    6. In a US guide to setting up a new computer - TO AVOID CONDENSATION FORMING, ALLOW THE BOXES TO WARM UP TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE OPENING. (Sensible, but the instruction was INSIDE the box.)


    8. In some countries, on the bottom of Coke bottles - OPEN OTHER END.


    10. On a Sears hairdryer - DO NOT USE WHILE SLEEPING.

    11. On a bag of Fritos - YOU COULD BE A WINNER! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. DETAILS INSIDE. (The shoplifter special!)

    12. On a bar of Dial soap - DIRECTIONS - USE LIKE REGULAR SOAP. (And that would be how?)

    13. On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom of the box) - DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN. (Too late! You lose!)

    14. On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding - PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING. (Are you sure? Let's experiment.)

    15. On a Korean kitchen knife - WARNING: KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN. (Dammit! Who are they to tell me what to do with my kids?)

    16. On a string of Chinese-made Christmas lights - FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. (As opposed to use in outer space?)

    17. On a Japanese food processor - NOT TO BE USED FOR THE OTHER USE. (Now I'm curious.)

    18. On Sainsbury's peanuts - WARNING - CONTAINS NUTS. (Really? Peanuts contain nuts?)

    19. On an American Airlines packet of nuts INSTRUCTIONS - OPEN PACKET, EAT NUTS. (I'm glad they cleared that up.)

    20. On a Swedish chainsaw - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP CHAIN WITH YOUR HANDS OR GENITALS. (What kind of consumer phone-call led to this warning?)

    21. On a child's superman costume - WEARING OF THIS GARMENT DOES NOT ENABLE YOU TO FLY. (That's right, destroy a universal childhood fantasy!)

    22. On some frozen dinners: SERVING SUGGESTION: DEFROST.

    23. On a hotel provided shower cap in a box: FITS ONE HEAD.

    24. On packaging for a Rowenta iron: DO NOT IRON CLOTHES ON BODY.

    25. On Boot's "Children's" cough medicine: DO NOT DRIVE CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY.

    26. On Nightly sleep aid: WARNING: MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS. (Duh!)

  29. At 05:16 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Simon P wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear you may be having a hard time, I really hope it all works out ok for you.

    I wanted to make a comment more in response to yesterdays blog. You mentioned the TV you were watching the previous night and it got me thinking a bit. I think I really dont get much happiness from watching TV most of the time. For most people it's a very passive activity and personally I often come away from it feeling like I have probably just wasted time that could have been spent doing something much more ejoyable or fulfulling.
    As nice as it is as a way to relax, its not the only option available. Watching TV is probably about the most common activity in the western world but why do we really do it? I have a feeling most of you're listeners are not typical couch potatos but think of what could be achieved if they all swiched off their TVs for a night??

    As much as the ±«Óătv may object Chris, I think you should lead this campain! Your listeners could report back just how happy not watching TV at all for a day has made them?!


  30. At 05:18 PM on 30 Jan 2007, BenQ wrote:

    Hey Sandra...

    RE: Can someone please tell me what CLP stands for?

    It Christophe Lamby Pie...alas back to the good 'ol days of Radio 1 and TFI Friday...not that the current days are not good also!!

  31. At 05:21 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Simon P wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry to hear you may be having a hard time, I really hope it all works out ok for you.

    I wanted to make a comment more in response to yesterdays blog. You mentioned the TV you were watching the previous night and it got me thinking a bit. I think I really dont get much happiness from watching TV most of the time. For most people it's a very passive activity and personally I often come away from it feeling like I have probably just wasted time that could have been spent doing something much more ejoyable or fulfulling.
    As nice as it is as a way to relax, its not the only option available. Watching TV is probably about the most common activity in the western world but why do we really do it? I have a feeling most of you're listeners are not typical couch potatos but think of what could be achieved if they all swiched off their TVs for a night??

    As much as the ±«Óătv may object Chris, I think you should lead this campain! Your listeners could report back just how happy not watching TV at all for a day has made them?!


  32. At 05:46 PM on 30 Jan 2007, mackie wrote:

    sandra s #10 ....just in case no on else answers

    CLP = chris lambie pie .....that make's it all clear ???!!!?

  33. At 05:50 PM on 30 Jan 2007, mackie wrote:

    sandra s #10 ....just in case no on else answers

    CLP = chris lambie pie

  34. At 05:50 PM on 30 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    The lady telling all about finding her eyesight was very humbling, we can take too much for granted when we are blessed.

    De-cluttering - I have been forced to declutter regularly due to moving house a few times in a few years - it always feels good to create space which I can then fill with nicer things!

    Great show, great music, great blog.


  35. At 05:59 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cat wrote:

    Hi all- just tried to post a blog, but the computer went weird, so don't think it worked. This is my umpteenth attempt at blogging, so please please please, powers that be, let me join in this time.
    I love the show, Chris. Makes me laugh in the car when I'm driving home - other car drivers probably think I'm completely mad, but I don't care!
    Glad you had a good time on the rides Chris -just thinking about it makes me dizzy.
    I love this blog, and long may it continue,
    Cat xxx

  36. At 07:38 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Evening Christoff!

    Still got a Da Vinci Code thing going on there! I didn't have any problems with yesterday's blog, but today's is full of funny wee quirks ... and that's just my fellow bloggers and blogettes! Hee-hee!

    Enjoying the show on the laptop - hubby in the huff cos I haven't got his trout cooked!

    We've been in our flat now since October and are STILL surrounded by boxes! I'm going to have to listen again to the Feng Shui lady cos someone phoned me when she was on. I don't know about you, Chris, but we soooooooooo need to declutter! Are you going to get the feng shui lady in to your new pad? I would LOVE someone to come and organise us!

    A bit concerned aboutwho the folk in white coats are that you were visiting!! Glad the change isn't dragging you down but energising you!

    OH WOW! Just seen the dress on the webcam! It's gorgeous! I've a good mind to get married all over again so I can hire it! I was so disappointed in our original wedding photos, so might have to consider another go! It would be perfect for a March wedding! When we did get married, 6 years ago, there was deep snow on the ground and we came out of the church, on the banks of Loch Ness, straight into a blizzard!

    Well done for lasting through Oblivion for ten trips! Chris Evans, man of steel!! Look forward to seeing the results on Wednesday!

    Back later to catch up with everyone!


    Susan, Highland lass

  37. At 07:41 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Kt G wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    Am reading the Blog whilst listening to the show online - how perfect (also half heartedly keeping an eye on the kids in the bath!). Slightly worried that I am becoming a little obsessed with the blog (well Mr G says so). Still it's good for the soul.

    Hope everything is ok in the world of CLP. Oh, what I would give for a bit of 'TFI Friday' to brighten up those Friday evenings now that I no longer have a social life!

    Must go as the baby is trying to escape from her bath seat...

    Kt Gx

  38. At 07:59 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Thanks for reading out my text tonight, great show as always! x

  39. At 08:14 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Boohoo... Missed the show due to too much work. Will have to listen on the interweb some other time. I'm sure I tried to post earlier but must have been BP'd or lost in the #((*%ÂŁ"" ether with everything else.

    It doesn't seem to matter how much I de-clutter it just keeps appearing! I'm looking at my office now and now I need to clear it again.... Ahhh well at least I can remember last week and all the squeaky snow :)


  40. At 08:34 PM on 30 Jan 2007, martin wrote:

    I was riding my bicycle to work this morning and I thought to myself, "I dont remember having a ruby last night, why does my arse hurt so much?" Then I realised that due to the recent wet weather I had removed the saddle to try and dry it out and neglected to return it to its mother ship! oooouuuch!!! Hi Chris and whoever else, I just got my first pc..... Well I am 45 had to happen sooner or later. Wonder what else I can do with this darned contraption.... Austin Allegro M.

  41. At 08:34 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh Christopher, Christopher, Christopher,

    I do believe I could convince you to marry me you know, if only our path's would cross ... You are indeed incredibly good for one's soul, and in these bonkersly crazy time, that, m'dears, is a gift in itself. For now though, I shall quite happily sigh contentedly at your passing through my world today ...


    E x

  42. At 09:39 PM on 30 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Evening, again, Chris!

 we’ve had our trout, tatties and baby corn - baked the trout in lemon zest & juice, onions, hot spice and mixed herbs 
. overdid it a bit on the lemon, but it was yum anyway! The wee one has been bathed and has my pal, Ann (of the clan MacLeod), playing with her train set on the floor!

    Must be great to have your Mum with you 
 even if she does watch all the soaps! You’ll be conversing with Terry Wogan soon about all the goings on! Does she like your new house? I’ll bet she’s having a whale of a time getting you organised! As ChrissieS says, I hope we aren’t making too many demands on your precious time! Want us to come and give you a hand?

    Raggyanne - hope the move goes well. We’ve moved 6 times in the last 6 years. It’s such a blessing to get settled, isn’t it?

    Jonahwood - my goodness! Hope you get your rent paid! Why don’t you declutter and sell your stuff on eBay (other auction sites are available!)? I think we should all declutter and tell each other how many bags and boxes we’ve got rid of!

    MACKIE - please don’t pooop on the site!! Lol! I’m awful at hoarding too!

    Moose - glad to see you on the blog today! I say ?:&%** and %$”>?@, what do you think?

    Sandra S - I get very confused with the letters sometimes too! I think it is Christoff Lambie Pie!

    Debbsxx - well done for decluttering! Think I’d be decluttering the boys toys too though! There’s a fab site (other sites are available) that really helps with decluttering home, mind and life! I started with them 
. But got all cluttered again! But, for the period I was FLYing 
 it was wonderful! But hubby and I are just messy hoarders!

    Caroline - a cleaning lady! You lucky thing you! You must share the story sometime!

    Parker - as always you bring a grin to my crabbit face! Though the Swedish chainsaw made me grimace!

    Simon P - I’m with you on the campaign!

    Hope you are all having a lovely evening!


    Susan, Highland lass

    ‘Amidst all the clutter, beyond all the obstacles, aside from all the static, are the goals set. Put your head down, do the best job possible, let the flak pass, and work towards those goals.’

    Donald Rumsfeld

  43. At 10:18 PM on 30 Jan 2007, Cat wrote:

    Hi all - I've tried several times to post a blog, but no luck so far, so please, please, please, powers that be, let me get on this time.
    Hi Chris - great programme! Always makes me giggle in my car on the way home. I'm sure other car drivers think I'm mad - probably am, but at least I'm happy!
    I love all the comments on the blog - you sound like a great lot - long may it continue!
    Love Cat xx

  44. At 11:14 PM on 30 Jan 2007, prof Plum wrote:

    Good evening one and all.

    The city of blinding lights was cold today. And Moose that pub the Nags head was sad. You really need somewhere more up market where the guys and gals go after work posing with computer over the shoulder... have computer will travel.

  45. At 11:28 PM on 30 Jan 2007, kingfisher wrote:

    Was going to text in today re things u.r ashamed of. I never thought the great Johnny Walker could be replaced & was very biased against you taking over drivetime.
    How wrong I was ! Your enthusiasm & compassion are addictive & I listen avidly, love Sal, The Fox & Johnny's locker (& I don't even like sport!). The Jilted Bride & the wedding dress made me cry with the Beauty of it all.
    Top show, Top team & Top man yourself.
    Can we have some Spiritual guests or themes sometime please ?
    Bless & Bliss.

  46. At 12:07 AM on 31 Jan 2007, jo gresham-ord wrote:

    Thankyou Chris so much. I came home to find a clothes donation bag from great ormond street hospital in my letter box. I cleared all those unwanted clothes from my wardrobe and feel not only decluttered but benevolent too!

    Great show... I love it and you always make me laugh


  47. At 01:13 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Cat wrote:

    Couldn't sleep, so thought I'd have a quick peek to see if my blog finally got on, and it did, so THANK YOU! Saw a picture of you in a magazine the other day, Chris, with your pooch Enzo. He's a very handsome dog. Can't wait for tomorrow's show.
    Going to try and get some sleep now - very happy to be part of the blog at last,
    Lots of love,
    Cat xx

  48. At 01:14 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Cat wrote:

    Couldn't sleep, so thought I'd have a quick peek to see if my blog finally got on, and it did, so THANK YOU! Saw a picture of you in a magazine the other day, Chris, with your pooch Enzo. He's a very handsome dog. Can't wait for tomorrow's show.
    Going to try and get some sleep now - very happy to be part of the blog at last,
    Lots of love,
    Cat xx

  49. At 07:10 AM on 31 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Good morning everyone. Tried to blog several times last night without success. The meaggae I got said that I wasn't allowed to - how to hurt a girl's feelings!

    Anyway, hope this one gets through.

    Good day all.


  50. At 07:14 AM on 31 Jan 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    So, of course the one that looks like it's going to get through is the one with the big typo. I can't admit to it being a spelling mistake becasue I do know how to spell message - I think!

    EG ..... again

  51. At 08:37 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Good morning to all in the Blogmunity!

    HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Moonwalk training suffered a setback this morning - I've got a blister the size of a RUGBY BALL on my right heel - so much for paying a small fortune for 'walking' trainers.

    Re: last night's guilty secret? Closet Barry Manilow fan! For a Diva Rock Chic that's one helluva secret.

    Petit pois mes amies

    CtD x x

  52. At 08:53 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    I tried to post this yesterday, and obviously don't know the difference between a penguin and a letter box...but what ever, it didn't go through...

    Just to say, every time I have a good throw out, something good always happens. We are due one VERY soon as the boy is a terrible hoarder of complete cr*p, wires, bits, stuff, things, bits of wood for 'projects' (not seen one to completion yet...) etc etc. I have to try to do it when he's not there, and the dustmen/women/persons are due...it takes expert timing....

    So good luck with your clutter. Be ruthless, you won't miss it in a weeks time!

    HOWEVER, once again due to circs etc, only caught the first 10mins or so of the show...so, shot in the dark, I hope these men in white coats are doing lots of good...

    and Kev C

    Welcome back to the land of make-believe!

    So, photos, are they on any web sites, or are we destined to suffer for ever trying to imagine what you looked like dressed as a nurse...

    upside down watch

    ps You really do not need to keep that ornament that you can't even remember the person who gave it to you...

  53. At 09:05 AM on 31 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Good Morning!

    Can't believe it's Wednesday already!

    Just want to say hello to Cat #35 - welcome to the blog - isn't it great when you see your post has gone through?!

    Also, Coops, what's your secret with the #1's?

    Susan S #42 - it's really a surprise when you realise that someone has been reading your comment, and I'm glad you understand that I wanted Chris to know we don't want to put him under any pressure.

    Hope everybody has a good day - I really must clear my desk today. If I don't, the next thing to land on it will be my P45!

    Take care.

    C xx

  54. At 09:42 AM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning hump day bloggers,

    Been really busy over the week, hence my restricted blogging, damned inconsiderate of work to get in the way of CLP's Army!

    However, had to share with you all this morning's sunrise. A deep indigo blue strip along the horizon line, topped off with a vivid pink band which slowly graduated into a pale blue sky. absolutely stunning, once again I was in awe of the colours produced which I do not believe could ever be captured or matched by a man-made paint pallet.

    Further along my commute towards High Wycombe I received a message from above, via the posterior action of a Kite straight onto my windscreen. Laser guided bombing take a back seat!

    DD out

  55. At 10:14 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Hello Peeps & fellow shcloggers

    Boo Boo Hisssss Hissssss
    I missed show last night, i was really looking forward to hearing what peeps have to say about clutter, Im not a person which can listen to the web replay thingy niether. Had a customer to see late afternoon, then got call from her who must be obeyed to go do the BIG shop. Oh well lets just put it behind us!!

    Hi Hazel Love, Thanks for the welcome back. Ya I got loads of piccys, We are thinking of doing a little website for our Panto Troupe, so if it comes off i will let you know. Or even if i ever get round to doing a my space thingy bob. The panto went really well and all the cast were on a high at the after show on Sat night. There is talk of doing a summer revue, Ugh i cant sing really so i dont know how that will go. Its nice to be back in the real world, but im not sure which i like best ??

    Kev C ( Nursie)

  56. At 10:18 AM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff!

    Hope you had an enjoyable, jam-free drive home last night to Mum! Did she enjoy her soaps? I think there is still some boogers in the blog! Either that or some bloggers and bloggettes have a severe case of repetitious! How are you this wild, windy Wednesday? It’s rather dull here today, so thought I’d have my daily blog fix to set me up for the day!

    Cat - glad you finally managed to post! Long may you continue to!

    Jo Gresham-ord - well done for being first off the mark for decluttering!

    EG(Scotland) - ahhh 
 but do you know how to spell because? Lol

    Hazel love - great tips!

    Thought I’d pick up on some of today’s comments on yesterday’s blog 
 just to confuse us all! Though I don’t know if my last couple have just gone walk-about or have been BP’d.

    Coops - welcome to the fold! Great to have you joining in! We are a pretty good bunch, I think!

    Penguin - ooer Mrs!!!!

    Kev C - glad the panto went well!

    Sammie - think you’ll have to ask Chris if Nic is single! Calm down, lass, calm down!

    Lyndyloo - if Nic sees your photo I think he may be emailing you (no disrespect, Sammie 
 don’t want another fight on the blog!)! BTW - my auto spellcheck changed your name to Lindale! Go figure!

    Cheryl the Diva - that brought back memories! I think you and I must have been of the same age when we were decorating the pencil cases! Was Mr Diva ever featured!? If so / if not - who was? Go on - spill!

    Em M - thanks for that! I’ll add that one!

    Nicki - congratulations!

    ChrissieS - January is never a good month for the bank balance, is it!

    Sandra S - boo-hiss to the company! Why are British companies so mean!? I remember when I worked in the dental surgery in Oban our bosses used to buy us cram cakes!!! Ahhhhh 
. I miss them days!

    Got to go wake the sleeping beauty that is my daughter 
. She’s 2 years old on Saturday! How did that happen!?

    Group huggles,

    Susan, Highland lass

  57. At 10:39 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Sorry if this comes up a second time.. computer went wierd!

    Good morning all - happy hump day
    at home today, but chores to do

    Susan S 2 things:
    1. I have to clear up the STUFF before the cleaning lady comes..honestly!
    2. I agree with ChrissieS - it is lovely when someone kinda replies to you..Thanks.

    great "warnings" LOL

    Simon P
    Good idea re TV OFF - i'm trying that every wednesday night ( but tonight will be watching CRelief)

    Martin: Ooer I felt that

    Looking forward to the comic relief prog tonight. I was listening to chris moyles on radion1 (other radio stations are avaialble) this morning and he and his team were getting Aled to do funny things to celebrities at the launch this morning..LOL

    Gotta get on..things to do..Clutter to move around!

    love Caroline

  58. At 10:40 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Sandra H wrote:

    Morning all - happy Wednesday. I'M TRAPPED AT HOME! by a sea of concrete....we're having a new drive laid but I hadn't thought of what to do when I need to get to the hairdressers at lunch time...Do you think the 3 young fellas doing the work would carry me over the planks to safety??? Will keep fingers crossed.

    I love de-cluttering - it's so liberating & I'm constantly asking myself 'not sure why I kept this?' I still have birthday cards from when I was 13 (from my nan), I'm 41 now but it just keeps going back in the box. I have, however, got one bag for the charity shop. me & the girls at work are re-cycling our clothes with each other too but promised not to wear them for work!!!

    Luvd the 'i'm slightly ashamed' texts last night - I'm glad we all have these little secrets!!!!

    Sammie & Lyndyloo (I think??) - thank you for your support re the TT boys.....ahhhhh, mmmm

    Cat - welcome to the blog - it's a great addiction to have - everyone is really friendly....

    Sallycat - where are you?

    Moose - you too?

    Better go for now - looks like the conc's poured, now for my escape...
    S xx

  59. At 10:41 AM on 31 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi again,

    Yes, I am working hard but just had to reply to Ctd # 51 - Barry Manilow - love the guy! (Don't like the new face lift, but his music is great). My favourite song of his is "Weekend in New England" - I could cry just thinking of it! The 1980's - those were the days!!

    C xx

    P.S. Yes, yes, I know that most of you would want to cry if you had to listen to Barry Manilow!

  60. At 10:42 AM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff!

    Hope you had an enjoyable, jam-free drive home last night to Mum! Did she enjoy her soaps? I think there is still some boogers in the blog! Either that or some bloggers and bloggettes have a severe case of repetitious! How are you this wild, windy Wednesday? It’s rather dull here today, so thought I’d have my daily blog fix to set me up for the day!

    Cat - glad you finally managed to post! Long may you continue to!

    Jo Gresham-ord - well done for being first off the mark for decluttering!

    EG(Scotland) - ahhh 
 but do you know how to spell because? Lol

    Hazel love - great tips!

    Thought I’d pick up on some of today’s comments on yesterday’s blog 
 just to confuse us all! Though I don’t know if my last couple have just gone walk-about or have been BP’d.

    Coops - welcome to the fold! Great to have you joining in! We are a pretty good bunch, I think!

    Penguin - ooer Mrs!!!!

    Kev C - glad the panto went well!

    Sammie - think you’ll have to ask Chris if Nic is single! Calm down, lass, calm down!

    Lyndyloo - if Nic sees your photo I think he may be emailing you (no disrespect, Sammie 
 don’t want another fight on the blog!)! BTW - my auto spellcheck changed your name to Lindale! Go figure!

    Cheryl the Diva - that brought back memories! I think you and I must have been of the same age when we were decorating the pencil cases! Was Mr Diva ever featured!? If so / if not - who was? Go on - spill!

    Em M - thanks for that! I’ll add that one!

    Nicki - congratulations!

    ChrissieS - January is never a good month for the bank balance, is it!

    Sandra S - boo-hiss to the company! Why are British companies so mean!? I remember when I worked in the dental surgery in Oban our bosses used to buy us cram cakes!!! Ahhhhh 
. I miss them days!

    Got to go wake the sleeping beauty that is my daughter 
. She’s 2 years old on Saturday! How did that happen!?

    Group huggles,

    Susan, Highland lass

  61. At 10:43 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Good morning all - happy hump day
    at home today, but chores to do

    Susan S 2 things:
    1. I have to clear up the STUFF before the cleaning lady comes..honestly!
    2. I agree with ChrissieS - it is lovely when someone kinda replies to you..Thanks.

    great "warnings" LOL

    Simon P
    Good idea re TV OFF - i'm trying that every wednesday night ( but tonight will be watching CRelief)

    Martin: Ooer I felt that

    Looking forward to the comic relief prog tonight. I was listening to chris moyles on radion1 (other radio stations are avaialble) this morning and he and his team were getting Aled to do funny things to celebrities at the launch this morning..LOL

    Gotta get on..things to do..Clutter to move around!

    love Caroline

  62. At 10:45 AM on 31 Jan 2007, Coops wrote:

    ChrissieS - If I told you my secret, it wouldn't be a secret any more!

  63. At 11:23 AM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Having REALLY bad day.

    Snr Accountant keeps coming down and asking me questions, which I answer, he groans and goes away. Is making my blood pressure rise and rise and rise.

    Think I may explode.


  64. At 11:46 AM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Clutter is a luxury for those of us with cupboards. I have no such hiding places and therefore my house and my life is clutter free.

    Love the show,

  65. At 11:52 AM on 31 Jan 2007, sarah wrote:

    If anyone interested, Sheila Hocken ( the blind lady who regained her sight) has written several books about her story and one of her guide dogs Emma.
    All reviews say they a mightly fine read.

  66. At 12:20 PM on 31 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Good morning all - happy hump day
    at home today, but chores to do

    Susan S 2 things:
    1. I have to clear up the STUFF before the cleaning lady comes..honestly!
    2. I agree with ChrissieS - it is lovely when someone kinda replies to you..Thanks.

    great "warnings" LOL

    Simon P
    Good idea re TV OFF - i'm trying that every wednesday night ( but tonight will be watching CRelief)

    Martin: Ooer I felt that

    Looking forward to the comic relief prog tonight. I was listening to chris moyles on radion1 (other radio stations are avaialble) this morning and he and his team were getting Aled to do funny things to celebrities at the launch this morning..LOL

    Gotta get on..things to do..Clutter to move around!

    love Caroline

  67. At 12:31 PM on 31 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    SusanS - LOL!!!!

    Mr Diva and I met when I was 26 and he was 28, so no, he didn't feature on my pencil cases, books or folders. There were numerous paramours but all very innocent. I remember 'packing in' one boyf to go out with his mate! My best boyf at the tender age of 16 was a trainee hairdresser called Paul. For the duration of our young romance I was his model at teaching nights and mum never used to know what coloured hair I'd be coming home with! He had blond spiky/shaved hair a la Howard Jones and a penchant for Gary Numan (which I never understood).

    Oh to be 16 again .... but with the hindsight of a wise old 38 year old!

    Loving the blog at the mo - keeps me sane in portacabin land. Sadly won't be around much after about 3pm today as I've got a meeting with a load of teachers - scary - I'll be the only one in the room without a degree and I'm chairing the meeting - good job I bought some cake in!!!

    CtD x x

    CtD x x

  68. At 12:34 PM on 31 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all!

    Susan S - don't worry - Lindyloo can have him - I had a lovely second date with A last night and am having a third on Friday!!!

    Have acutely embarrassed myself this morning by falling up the stairs. Have just had to go to Nurse and have ice applied to poorly, swollen knee! Wouldn't be too bad, except that I'm 150 miles from home!! Driving will be interesting...

    Happy Hump Day,

    S xx.

  69. At 12:39 PM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Susan S

    Thanks for that... I'm blushing now :)

    It's another bright breezy day here in Leicester and I intend to keep smiling all day. Have got a lady from LCFC coming to interview me about being a female footy fan at lunchtime.

    Mange Tout!


  70. At 01:39 PM on 31 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all!

    Susan S - don't worry - Lindyloo can have him - I had a lovely second date with A last night and am having a third on Friday!!!

    Have acutely embarrassed myself this morning by falling up the stairs. Have just had to go to Nurse and have ice applied to poorly, swollen knee! Wouldn't be too bad, except that I'm 150 miles from home!! Driving will be interesting...

    Happy Hump Day,

    S xx.

  71. At 11:40 PM on 31 Jan 2007, CatB wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Going to Alton Towers next weekend - can't wait. Will think of you when I see Oblivion.

    Cheers CatB xxx

  72. At 02:05 PM on 02 Feb 2007, sandie wilson-greene wrote:

    A solution to your low beam head bumping.............

    fit a security light! So as you leave your bedroom

    you'll be bathed in light....or maybe blinded, it

    should stop you in your tracks tho.

    Thoughtful Sandie x

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