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Oh, it's a Wonderful Life!

Chris Evans | 11:41 UK time, Monday, 15 January 2007

Just woken up. In the new house. It has magical sleep powers. Had ten hours glorious shut eye and could easily have stayed there all day but no, for today…..

….the first day back at work! Back to the best job in the world. No L.A. Galaxy for me, no thank you. Drive time and good old Radio 2, that’s all I need. Three weeks off, and wham bam here we go again, how was it for you?

I had a non-stop carousel of festive fun. It included my first ever Aga cooked turkey, my Robosapian 2 robot, New Year in sun drenched Portugal, skiing in Switzerland and back to Portugal for a few rounds of golf and then back to England and the new place on Saturday, which is, I swear, the quietest house in the world.

My goodness me, hark, what was that? Well if it wasn’t a wood pigeon. I love it here.

Listening to Radio 4 yesterday, they were telling us that if you want to stop the squirrels stripping the bark off your trees then you might want to try hanging used nappies in amongst the branches, I might have a go at that later. Where do I get the used nappies from? Answers on a poo card to the usual address.

Today is my third day in a row without a shower, alas now that must change. I must be washed and scrubbed for my audience, as I expect them to be for me.

So, I will pootle around for a while, load up my city box, jump aboard my new car, complete with German Shepherd of course in his new Christmas basket, and off to Radio 2 I shall head, to see if it and you are still there. For I honestly have no idea….. a lot can happen in three weeks.

CLP 2007 x.


  1. At 11:52 AM on 15 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Oh Christoph, how wonderful to see(?) you again. You've been sorely missed and there will be many happy peeps at 5pm today - hell, I might even drive home slowly to ensure I don't miss a hearbeat !

    So happy for you that the house is a home and that you had such a great Christmas and New Year. Have you got any white bits?

    Woof, woof to Enzo!

    jillygoat xx

  2. At 11:52 AM on 15 Jan 2007, Frances wrote:


    Mr Chris Evans has returned and everything is once more happy happy happy in our world.
    We have missed you SO much.

    Happy New Year to you all!

  3. At 11:54 AM on 15 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Welcome back Chris!

    Of COURSE we're still here! Kept the home fires burning and whatnot and everything and stuff and things...you've got LOADS of reading to do!

    Hope you're all settled in...

    Missed you, but some b*gger broke my car aerial, so you not being on t'radio didn't matter from that point of view!


    mange tout

    ps When good veggies go bad.

  4. At 11:55 AM on 15 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Christopher what can I say.............WELCOME BACK!


  5. At 11:57 AM on 15 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Welcome back Chris xx We are still here eagerly waiting for your return, wish I could fast forward the day to 5pm :-)

    Sounds like you have had a fun packed three weeks. Very pleased to hear of the great powers in your new home, long may they continue xx

    Missed you lots, so good to have you back xx

    Now I will catch up on todays post from the previous thread xx

    Bye for now
    Mary xx

  6. At 11:57 AM on 15 Jan 2007, Tara62 wrote:

    Welcome back Mr Evans!

    You have been very sadly missed.

  7. At 11:58 AM on 15 Jan 2007, moose wrote:

    welcome back, Chris...

  8. At 12:06 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mackie wrote:

    welcome back!!!! oh how i have missed your blogging!

  9. At 12:08 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Lou Lou wrote:


    Spent time late in 2006 cruising the blog and loved it all. So starting 2007 with my first blog.

    Didn't go to Portugal for Christmas and really regretted it, glad the sun shined on you.

    Looking forward to 5pm.

    Kissey, kissey

    Lou Lou

  10. At 12:13 PM on 15 Jan 2007, cath wrote:

    Yippee, you're back!!!!!!!!! Can't wait till 5pm. The only thing that's happened is that we're all desperate for you to get back on the radio!!!!

    So glad you had a lovely break and that the new house is lovely. Bet Enzo is thrilled.

    New job for me tomorrow, last day at my old one today. New year, new job, new start to my life as a free single woman!!! Quite exciting eh???

    Love to all

  11. At 12:13 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Aaaaah, Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome back Mr Evans and team. YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED

    Many apologies from the Blog community for you having to read 800+ posts to keep up with what we have been up to. No Sunday rag exposure for us.

    Well is it?

    No not that, your new squeeze!

    Is it the girl on the sofa?

    Come on Christophe spill the "Haricot with Sauce Tomate"

    Roll on 5!!

    DD out

  12. At 12:16 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Of course we are here you lovely man.....we missed you...

    So please you had such a lovely, lovely time.



    Sorry for short message - was due out ages ago but have been blogging!!! xxxxxxx

    Mange tout

  13. At 12:21 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome Back....

    And Look... we're all still here. And the extremely sad thing is, we've been here all the time... since you left.

    Check out the last blog Christof... We've been blogging madly every day since.. waiting and
    watching for a return.

    Some of us have to go to therapy now.


  14. At 12:22 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Well then Chris.

    You'll be pleased to hear that there are some new members on board. They have all taken the plunge whilst you've been off air, and now they've started, they can't stop.


    We have also been joined by someone called Q (how y'all doin?) and someone called M. We think they may be the blog police, but then they may not be...

    SOOOOOOOOOOO glad you had a great Christmas...seems so long ago now, need to start looking forward to the next one...I hope Enzo appreciates all this luxury!

    I take it you meant skiing on the snow in skis and not spending the kids inheritance?
    ...time for some more blog pics methinks?

    There is a wonder about the first record you will play after your long sojourn...still, not long to find out now eh!


    ps five!

  15. At 12:23 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    I tried to congratulate Jillygoat on being numero uno - but got 'done' for excessive use....

    ...hope this one gets through....


    Moose - here's to #100


    Chris.....WE MISSED YOU

  16. At 12:24 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Wow - I thought I had had some quick refreshes in my time - but just now - beats them all.


    ps Hazel Love .... : ) : ) x

  17. At 12:34 PM on 15 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Welcome back Chris – it’s great to have you back and a new blog thread! Looking forward to my journey home already!

    Thanks to all those yesterday on your kind words and support. I am still catching up on all the comments.


  18. At 12:34 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good morning Christopher, and welcome back to the land of blog

    How the devil are you? Glad to hear that you’ve eased gently into this wonderful place that we call 2007 and have settled nicely into the new pad.

    As you can see, we’ve all been getting on famously in your absence, keeping the heart of the blog beating and warming each others cockles with tales of joy and sadness drawn from our experiences as we negotiate this rocky road called life.

    So, good weekend all? Seen the highlights now, Moose, and we encapsulated my current approach to life – don’t let them grind you down. I don’t know whether this is down to my detox (day 15) and/or subliminal messages from Mr McKenna, but this ‘life’s too short – get on with it’ attitude is coarsing through me at the moment.

    3 years ago last week a friend of mine took his own life. We weren’t close friends in the strictest sense- we often went years without seeing each other – but we went to school together and had a ‘bond’ that can’t be described, but if you have one with someone, you’ll know what I mean. When our paths did cross, the old magic was always there. Many people misunderstood him, and although he clearly had his demons, I was lucky enough to share laughter and tears with him in his all too short life.

    I don’t mean to bring a downer on this sunny, joyful Monday. I suppose what I am trying to say is grab life by the horns and treasure the precious times while you can.

    Be very, very happy and lucky everyone. You can do it. Really.

    Peace and love


    PS Negative reality inversion

    PPS Everybody hurts. Sometimes.

    PPPS The world was on fire, no-one could save me but you.

  19. At 12:35 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    So the remedy for gnawing squirrels is hanging used nappies from the tree which begs the question....

    Who discovered this and how on earth did they discover it???

    Welcome back Mr. E - as you can see from the posts so far sent we've missed you. It's not been the same without you. Although I feel the bloggers have been in fine form in your absence.

    Lotsa love

  20. At 12:41 PM on 15 Jan 2007, ASHY wrote:

    Welcome Back Chris can't wait for 5 o clock

  21. At 12:41 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Jo wrote:

    Afternoon Chris

    Of course we're all still here, where else would we get to!

    So glad you like your new house, we're moving in a few weeks and I can't wait for the first morning at the new pad after everything has been unpacked and it's ours all ourds!

    It's very organised of you to just have a city box, I would spend ages thinking about what I might need for the week ahead and then spend ages finding things again from where I'd left them... Tricky stuff this 2 maison lifestyle you lead.

    Roll on 5pm - is it going to be a special first song?

    Welcome ±«Óãtv Chris :o)


  22. At 12:46 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back Mr Christopher. Good to hear that the hols were good. We've missed you lots.

    Ciao Baby

  23. At 12:46 PM on 15 Jan 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Good afternoon Chrissie,

    The evening bottle of wine just ain,t tasted the same without you sunshine.

    Welcome back, I spotted you in the crowd at the Springsteen gig, no mistaking that hat.

    It was on the HD channel, great show was,nt it, great pictures and 5.1 Digital sound.

    Come on our team


  24. At 12:47 PM on 15 Jan 2007, moose wrote:

    I think that encouraging people to use re-usable nappies might be better for the environment, and therefore better for the squirrels, than hanging used disposable ones in the trees!!!

    Glad the move, holiday etc went well. Looking forward to the show tonight. Give us all a mention for keeping going through your absence...what about playing "I like Trucking" or "Kinda Lingers" for all of us Not the Nine O Clock News fans??

    Office update - the IT man has been to install the new guy's PC but no sign of him yet...I'll need to blog like mad before he gets here... What's that? I hear you say. Moose blogging like mad - NEVER!!! And Gaby, "Backs to the wall" had a different meaning in my day!

    Just had a delicious salad for lunch - nearly broke a tooth on a stray olive stone that was still in there. I ate quite slowly (for me). So the theory works fantastically well. Only trouble is, I'm still hungry. Must resist the urge for another 20 minutes or so, for my brain to catch up and tell myself that I'm full. The brain is a wonderful instrument isn't it? At the moment mine is creating a picture of my stomach with a muffin shaped hole in it...

    There is something quite lovely, in a disgusting dirty kind of way, about spending the day in your own filth. Due to ill health, I too did not shower yesterday, and after the initial feeling of yuckiness, I quite enjoyed the rest of the day. Anyone would think we were not made to shower! A mate of mine at school would always say: "If God intended us to shower, he'd have given us armpits facing upwards." He wasn't the most popular boy in the school.

    Also, Chris, you may not have caught up yet, but you and the team are cordially invited to attend our first OAMC, THIS Thursday evening 18th January, Nags Head (Covent Garden) at 7.30pm. Hope at least some of you canmake it.


  25. At 12:48 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Soozy Woo wrote:

    Well, good day to you all!

    It's been AGES since I last posted, and I have to say - I've missed, not only CLP, but all of you. Hope you are all keeping well.

    I've been getting my Dr J McC fix by reading his book of the blog. Does he have official Genius status, or is it still pending?

    I've been sticking to all my New Years Resolutions so far... been to the Gym at least 3 times a week, lost my targeted 7lbs for January already - but I've not started on my third. I've been toying with the idea of binning it, maybe you could give me some advice?....

    Growing Up ... would you recommend it? I'm 28, Married, Own my own home, got a responsible job... is it about time I grew up? The first step would be to stop referring to myself as Soozy Woo I guess - but Suzanne is a little dull!

    HELP - yea or nay - Do I grow up or carry on jumping in all the puddles I see?



  26. At 12:48 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Chris your back hooray! sounds like you have had a wonderful few weeks off! yum aga turkey! its sooo good isn't it!
    the radio will be on at 5pm today! love to all you bloggers!
    love missy xx

  27. At 12:50 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:


    how was the sun in Portugal? and the rounds of golf you played? who did you play with/against? and were you under or over parr? sounds like you had a wonderful time, but are glad to be back at 'the new' home..

    You HAVE been missed on Radio 2 ! - although Mark Goodier did do a good job in your absence. And I've been a little bored in not finding any new blogs, news or story's from your goodself over the past 3 weeks... damn it's sure been a longtime, without your radio tones, jokes and thoughts...

    Although I've been giving you some FREE plugs on my website!


    - with many interested viewers asking about who Chris Evans is! of course I've pointed them in the right direction and asked them to tune-in to your drivetime show, where ever they are in the world! So you may agin a few more listeners from this week, via the internet!

    Talking of Technology... I would love the opportunity of being a guest or tech expert on your show.. lots of people use technology everyday, from mobile phones to computers.. (in-fact listeners to your show SHOULD be downloading your weekly podcasts!!.. oh hell!! another free plug for you!).

    Roll on 5pm, with CLP back in the Radio 2 Drivetime hotseat.. I for one will be tuning in.. in fact I may also send you a welcome back Chris text! - or shall I call in.. hmmmm if only one of your team would answer the phone.. and put me through...

    WELCOME BACK Chris and team !

  28. At 12:54 PM on 15 Jan 2007, moose wrote:

    Yeah, and I meant to say...

    THANKS guys for holding back your excitement at Chris being back to allow me free access to the number 1 slot.....NOT!!!!

    Anyone would think Chris is more important to you than I am... :-)

    Typical though - I spent an hour refreshing the main page every 30 seconds, waiting for the new blog to appear. Went off for a pee and guess what happened!! If only I had the bladder control of a woman, it could have been me! :-)

    BigUn - How's your day going?

    Matt from Rudgwick - hope you are keeping those pesky auditors at bay. Send them over to me if you want...I have many wheezes for sending them off down rabbit holes, developed over many years of trying to get them NOT to look at the ONE thing that you don't want them to notice. Bombard them with lots of little snippets that they don't have enough time to investigate...


    PS Roll on 100
    PPS Roll on roll off ferry
    PPPS Roll on deodorant
    PPPPS Roll on from Grange Hill
    PPPPPS Roll on 5 o'clock

  29. At 12:54 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Jo wrote:

    And again -

    Moose - just noticed, 3 out of 5 recent comments, will that make up for never hitting one of the big numbers???

    :o) Jo

  30. At 01:00 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome ±«Óãtv!!!!!!!

    We have missed you soooooooo much! Some of us have even blogged a "little" in your absence {{{{{{grin}}}}}}.

    5pm for us mortals that went back to work ages ago has been a very strange and disorienting time of the day.... we are all in need of therapy... so Mr E your challenge is to make us all feel whole once more, our lives restored to the natural balance we had before the Chrimble break.

    So pleased you love your new house and I'm sure Enzo is happy.

    Mange Tout!

  31. At 01:02 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Welcome Back Christoph - Happy New Year and a big hug to Enzo

    Can't wait for 5pm

    Happy Monday people


  32. At 01:03 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I think,,,,

    That the first song should be....

    HI HO SILVER LINING.... And Away you go.... TA DA DA. I See Your Sun is SHINING... DoooDooo Be Dooo Doo.

    and we can all sing along.....

  33. At 01:05 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Fintone wrote:

    Yep. We're still here and can't wait for this evening. You have been missed BIG time! The evenings haven't been the same especially when Sally and Rebecca were away as well. The daily crawl from Northampton to home will seem much shorter tonight and I will not have to resort to listening to Harry Potter.
    Great to hear about your new house. How to deal with those squirrels? Teach the hound how to climb trees or invest in a water rifle. They can't keep their balance when the jet hits them!

    Tuning in at 5 pm.
    Fintone xx

  34. At 01:09 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    The station is still there and thanks to the good boy Mark Goodier keeping the drivetime seat warm for you over the last few weeks, and Bob Harris over the festive period. Hope you had a good break, and ready for a new year at the helm to make the drive home or whatever a pleasant one? Did you over induldge yourself are you on a strict diet? A good walk to broadcasting house will do wonders.

    Hear you later

    Best Regards

    Mark Occomore

  35. At 01:11 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Scottie wrote:

    For used nappies you could just head straight to your nearest landfill site. Apparently there are absolutely millions there and they last for thousands of years!

  36. At 01:16 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi MfR. This is just for you.

    My boy has his birthday next Tuesday. This date will be the second anniversary of a very good friend of ours dying on the way back from a previous birthday do. In his memory a few of us put a bird box up on the fateful tree with some messages, and his favourite CD stapled to the front of it. Every time we go by here, we say hallo. We are still sad, and miss him dearly, but we too have many happy memories and were glad to share in his life...

    Fortunately he was someone who lived to the full, and had done right up to the end. He was like an eager puppy always wanting to go on to the next exciting thing, and he infected us all with the same enthusiasm.

    Since then, I have tried to do the same. I've probably done a few things which I shouldn't, but I hope I've in some way kept his spirit alive. All of us who knew him now think a little bit more how what we do affects others.


    There wasn't anything I could do last week to get myself out of my black hole, but everyone on here helped hugely, and I felt LOADS better even before the boy got home.

    You have to reach out. No-one will mind.


  37. At 01:18 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Welcome back Chris,

    It's been different without you, I've really enjoyed listening to Mark Goodier (and talking to him on New Year's Day representing Queen in the Great British Bands!), but it's good to have you back.

    Hear you at 5,

    Em xx

  38. At 01:20 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    hi to chris and the team ! like eveyone else i am so pleased that youre back..
    it would be great if you could dedicate a song (any song or even a mention) to all of the peeps of the blog who as well as keeping the blog alive have supported ,hugged and helped each other thro some pretty awful situations. also to those facing some important personal decisions this very week - you know who they are! i was taught if you don't ask you don't get so here's hoping....

    ps. i have forgiven you for the blue belly button fluff scare you gave me.
    pps try to get to the first OAMC meet at covent garden - it would be a real buzz for all of us.

  39. At 01:21 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:


    First blog, but read them all, missed you on the drive home!!!!!!

    Good to have an all round presenter/ DJ/ good guy back


  40. At 01:26 PM on 15 Jan 2007, moose wrote:

    Not good enough for me. I'm an all or nothing kinda moose. And it's not my pb...have had 4 out of 5 before!!


    PS St Blazey, Marazanvose and Zelah.
    PPS Have to have z's or v's in them to be proper Cornesh! (say out loud)

  41. At 01:27 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter comes and takes their drink order.
    "I would like a Sprite," said the first little piggy.
    "I would like a Coke," said the second little piggy.
    "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the third little piggy.
    The drinks are brought out and the waiter takes their orders for dinner.
    "I want a nice big steak," said the first piggy.
    I would like the salad plate," said the second piggy.
    "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the third little piggy.
    The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter approached the table and asked if the piggies would like any dessert.
    "I want a banana split," said the first piggy.
    "I want a root beer float," said the second piggy.
    "I want water, lots and lots of water," exclaimed the third little piggy.
    "Pardon me for asking," said the waiter to the third little piggy, "but why have you only ordered water all evening?"
    The third piggy says -
    "Well, somebody has to go 'Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!"

  42. At 01:29 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Happy New Year Mr. E
    Glad you had a nice break - I went skiing as well last week in France - joints are still recovering!!
    The fist song has to be The Beatles "Back in the USSR" peut-etre - what do you think??

  43. At 01:34 PM on 15 Jan 2007, moose wrote:

    Hey Blog Police...what's up with you guys? Every time I put the full details of the OAMC on a post (this time was inviting Chris and the team) gets confiscated...I am officially frustrated.

    Chris and the team - now you will have to read the previous thread all the way through to get the location and time. Hope you can be there if the BP don't block this.


    PS Q & M - you've gone quiet. Have we exposed you or frightened you off?

    PPS Guys - look out for my next post. I have plans...

  44. At 01:39 PM on 15 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    So good afternoon bloggers and schloggers!

    So Chris is one of the great unwashed, has a new car and a new house! Has the new house no shower is the car new, new or old new like the VW Beetle (has the beetle been retired or just tired) and the new house sounds great……peace and quiet, squirrels and wood pigeons……just perfect! -) I would still love to have an Aga to cook my turkey on ;-(

    And as for finishing with a lot can happen in three weeks…………………..what an understatement…………….just check out the blog!

    I am looking forward to 5 and the show, first song? Something from the Happy Mondays perhaps?


    P.S. work has been mad this morning with so many people asking me so many questions. I have an appointment with my boss a 2 pm, when I will put my cards on the table ;-) I hope he is a ready as I am!

    P.P.S, Mildred and Fred had been married for 67 years and sadly, Fred passed away in his sleep, leaving Mildred devastated and alone. Mildred decided she couldn't carry on without Fred so would kill herself. Pulling Fred's gun out of his desk, she decided that as her heart was already broken, she should shoot herself directly in the heart. It would be quick and clean and she could go up to heaven and be with Fred once again. Not exactly sure where she should aim the gun, she phoned up the local hospital and asked a nurse whereabouts her heart was situated. 'Just under your left breast' he said. Later that day, Mildred was taken to hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee.

  45. At 01:47 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:


    It seems ages since Christmas now, and three weeks since I have even looked atthe blog!

    Well the new year has been a weird one so far! Alot of drama in the old love life! Wanting what you cant have having what you dont want! Arrgghh!

    Is it actually possible to ever get to the stage where you are just totally satisfied with your lot? Im not talking about being gratefull, I am very gratefull, but when do you feel totally content? Is iteven good to feel, is wanting and desiring striving all part of the game?

    Any answers truely gratefully recieved!

    A rather confused

  46. At 01:48 PM on 15 Jan 2007, jswt wrote:

    Welcome back christophe. glad to hear that you had a great break, can't wait to hear you back on air later.

    bad christmas for me, losing job soon so thinking of going to New Zealand so will need to take internet with me to keep in touch. otherwise I might go to jeopardy, because there are lots of jobs there.

  47. At 01:52 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Greetings and salutations from the Creeping Spleen, Lord of the Great Bone Idol, and weilder of the Holy Hitty-thing of Antioch!

    It's going to be great to have you back following the festive yuletide-type season. :)

  48. At 01:55 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Pickle wrote:


    normal serice resumed and I have cancelled my 5-7meeting so I can listen


  49. At 01:55 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    ...and he's gone too early (again)...sorry BPs!!!

    Soozy Woo - you know the answer we're gonna give you. And you know we're right!

    Enjoy the puddles


    PS When I'm old, I shall wear purple

    PPS Worth having a link anyways up...feels good to have my very own blog too. I can be whatever number post I like on there!!!

  50. At 02:05 PM on 15 Jan 2007, AS wrote:

    Welcome back Chris,
    Good to hear you sounding in such fine form and looking forward to 5pm!

    mwk - have been reading yesterday's posts and congratulate you on taking the enormous decision to become a foster parent. As the mother of 2 adopted children I understand the challenge you are undertaking and the UK needs more people like you. Forget celebrities and the fashion for adopting children from overseas, here on our doorstep there are many children who did not ask to be in the circumstances they find themselves and people like you are sent from God to give them a safe and secure place in life until their situations are once again ready to change. Thank you - you make the sometimes ugly world a much better place.

  51. At 02:08 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    The only way to be totally satisfied with your lot is to expect nothing.
    Easier said than done.
    And probably doesn't help.


  52. At 02:16 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    It still has that meaning in my day now : )


    ps people: how about 'It's Alright, Baby's Coming Back'...as his first song

  53. At 02:18 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    My this thread is so much quicker to load than the last one!!! Hmm I wonder why?

    Moose looking forward to your next!

    DD out

  54. At 02:20 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Val wrote:

    Soooooo glad you're back. Happy New Year to you and Enzo. Been staying late in the office as yu haven't been there but tonight I will be tuned in and waiting!

    Love Vxx

  55. At 02:22 PM on 15 Jan 2007, sars wrote:

    For all of you who like purple - especially Moose #48, the complete poem 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph is as follows (and gives us all something to look forward too!):

    When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
    I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
    And run my stick along the public railings
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick flowers in other people's gardens
    And learn to spit.

    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
    Or only bread and pickle for a week
    And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street
    And set a good example for the children.
    We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

    But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
    So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
    When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

  56. At 02:23 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    At last !......
    ......Now we're all finally present (I hope you've got a note from your Mum for being late) 2007 can finally begin !

    Glad to have you back Christophe - I'm looking forward to afixing my grin and seeing similar ones on fellow drivers' faces on the way home tonight. It's just not been the same without you.

    Nappies in trees, eh? I can definitely see how the noise of a screaming child would make a squirrel think twice about hanging around. Is there a safety issue though?.....


    PS - Nice one Moose - loving the James Bond-esque methodology!!

  57. At 02:27 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Becca McInally wrote:

    Chris, I am totally in love with you. You RAWK!!!

  58. At 02:31 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    moose I hear ya but I also enjoy that feeling of hope, however unlikely!

    Im a lost cause hey!

    Im having one of those ridiculously restless days when you have no outlet!!!!

    a frustrated

  59. At 02:37 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    soozy woo. puddles puddles puddles ! designed to be jumped in - wasted if not...

    big un. i hope your jokes are not under copyright because i hope to use some in a fortcoming caberet im involved in.(all for charity)
    keep them coming !

    missy. i wondered where you had got too....nice that your'e back.

    dissing dave. glad the missus got the job. are you any closer to being a kept man?

    matt and hazel love...i know exactly what you mean . its been 13 years but i still vividly remeber the pain and the puzzlement involved.

    parker. nice one.

    work calls now....

    treacle pud and custard
    mooses fault from last week
    still hungry

  60. At 02:41 PM on 15 Jan 2007, flo wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to hear you had a FAB Christmas too. Very happy your back to the ±«Óãtv, as we have all missed you cheery self.

    Take it easy, 3 weeks with no work, it will be a shock to the system.

    Love Flo xxxx

  61. At 02:46 PM on 15 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    Welcome back! What a LONG three weeks!
    All the best for 2007, which sounds as though it's off to a flyer for you. You seem to be in great form, but be honest, wasn't it great to have a shower this morning?! I will only get to hear a little of the show tonight, but can't wait!

    Hi also to all the "regulars" and greetings to lots of new names showing up today! It has taken me nearly the whole morning to catch up on the weekend comments - wish I could join the blog at the weekend! Sallycat, you were warned about the addictive nature of this blog! I have really enjoyed reading your comments.

    Em26 #45 - can any of us be completely content? I don't think that's possible to be honest. We start off by thinking if I get that job/partner/house/child/whatever ..... I will be sooooo content. Well, it doesn't seem to go that way, as far as I can see. It seems to me that every day brings some new challenge and we just have to play the cards we are given to the best of our ability. Not terribly helpful, I know!!! But yes, I think we can be reasonably content if we stop striving for what we can't have!

    C xx

    p.s. Moose #43, can't Chris just hit "Ctrl F", type in "Covent Garden" and he will get the info from that? I could be wrong!!

  62. At 02:53 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Mulby boy,
    I used to think I would quite like being a kept man, but after the list of jobs Mrs DD had for me this past Sunday blow that for a game of soldiers. Went to the boat show on Saturday spending the lottery winnings that will eventually be mine! Here's wishing! Got home Sunday and Andrex Puppy was carrying around the list of todays jobs and they were all over the house. Worked like a dog all day, but she did cook a fantastic Sunday Lunch as a reward. Eventually finished just before I blogged last night at 09 something pm on the mega-blog!
    I remember the days of the old scholl yard, we used to laff a lot!!

    Song after the interview, I've got a brand new combine harvester?????

    DD out

  63. At 02:56 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Mulbarton Boy - hold on in there. 20 minutes later you won't feel hungry any more...and sorry for the temptation I put in your way. At least it worked for me, right up until I saw the word treacle...

    Sars - I'm already wearing terrible shirts and getting fat - what am I gonna do when I'm old?
    What about if I wear even more terrible purple shirts, and paint my belly purple too. That should do it.


  64. At 03:07 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon All,
    #36 Ms Love - you've set me off crying... thankfully I can hide behind the screen from most in the office but now my headache's back. Because of the last four lines of your message I'm going to say the following: I had wanted to make some cheery comment to you after the late Friday posting you made but...... was sadly the best part down the black hole myself. Saturday was the second anniversary of my husband's death and seeing all the kind and positive responses to you made me cry all the more - but for a good reason! - Surprised to see the banks of the Thames and Kennet haven't overflowed this weekend with all the tears - I know from the sane brain cell that if I just keep breathing in and out I will get through this and have decided that this is the year that I start living my changed life and not the same one "but without David" - which doesn't sound too difficult but he was such a fun, larger than life figure who loved dodgy jokes and me. I don't think belly or tap dancing is an option/answer for me, too much stomach for one and clapped out knees for the other; but I will make changes and get them going sooner rather than later. Sorry about the gloomy witterings but I know you lot will soon start fizzing again!

    "They say it takes a minute
    To find a special friend
    An hour to appreciate them
    A day to love them
    But an entire life
    To forget them."

    PS Manic Monday - The Bangles
    Cheers all,

  65. At 03:08 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Mystic Mog wrote:

    Thanks to the Gods you are back Chris

    Hello all of you on here too.

    Squirrel nappyikins interesting but doomed to failure. You need a magic spell, dance around the tree three times singing " Squirrel Squirrel be thee gone in the style of Chris Richard. Should do the trick

    If I can help anyone in my capacity of a pyschic I would be delighted to help.

    Peace and love.

  66. At 03:09 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Hiya everyone, it's the hiccup again!
    Meant to say that as Mr E states It is indeed a Wonderful Life - whether your names James Stewart or not.
    I shall leave you in peace now.

    PS Keep voting for McCrumble

  67. At 03:10 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello Chaps, Chapettes,,the lovely Chris and the drivetime A Team

    Happy New Year
    Welcome Back Chris, glad you are refreshed and ready to do what you do best.

    Sorry, have not looked at the blog since Dec. Stuff going on, and no access to computer ..long story....Thank goodness for the regular contributors in keeping alive and well ( I alas, deem myself a newbie once again!)
    Promise I will be contributing soon...(if you want me?) However, I do love lurking and enjoying the virtual high jinx of the blog.
    Moose et al - wish you success with the meeting on Thursday - I'm there in spirit!
    caroline x

  68. At 03:13 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Lynne wrote:

    Welcome back Chris,

    Sounds as though you've had a great time, and well deserved too.

    Beg to disagree but I think I live in the quietest house in the whole wide world, except maybe not, husband got a set of drums for his birthday last week! So maybe you're right after all. I'm wondering which instrument to take up so I can join him in his music making.

    Well I've not been on here for the last week so I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Well done Moose with the instructions for Thursday. Wish I could join you all. But look forward to hearing all about it.

    Lynne x

  69. At 03:19 PM on 15 Jan 2007, sars wrote:

    Moose #63

    I now have an interesting vision of you, as described, joining Jax at her belly-dancing classes!

    Jax - now it HAS to be the purple one, so you'll match!


  70. At 03:23 PM on 15 Jan 2007, JOJO wrote:


    Hey, doesn't everyone sound brighter today!

    Moosey Moose Moo - I feel soooooo bad at stealing the 800 (comes with practice on ebay bidding I guess). I REALLY want you to get the 100, my digits will be well away from the keyboard when it approaches (must say though, I did feel quite pleased with myself, and had a cheeky smile) - sorry to admit!

    BigUn - Hope your meeting went well - let us know.

    I can't blog at work, new job, wouldn't look good if I was caught, I'll get through the probationary period and then sneak the odd one in....

    Looking forward to 5 pm - Welcome Back Chris & Team.

    JoJo x

    PS Q & M have left the building..........

  71. At 03:27 PM on 15 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    What did I do? What did I say? I get to # 1 for the first time ever and then every comment thereafter is blocked - I do believe I've been BeePee'd. I'm now stamping my foot - ouch.

    Anyway, I've completely forgotten what I'd said earlier, suffice it to say that:

    Moose - no hard feelings, I hope, on me beating you to # 1? Can I still be your fwend? Purty please xx

    sars - I love that poem!! Good to read it again x

    Em26 - I'm 45 and still skip along the road on the odd occasion, much to the embarrassment of 'im indoors. I've already admitted on the blog that I've trolley surfed in the supermarket, Asda trollies being far superior to Tesco's (other supermarket trollies are available). I have finally reached a stage in my life where I am very content - the most content I've probably ever been - but I still strive to do other things. I think you always need a goal in life, or something to aim for and I don't think that's a bad thing.

    I'll never grow up, just older, but I'm determined to do it disgracefully !!!!!

    jillygoat xx

  72. At 03:31 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Jill Evans wrote:

    Had this e-mail last week and thought you and your fellow bloggers might like to read it - made me smile.

    YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2007 when...

    1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
    2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
    3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
    4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
    5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
    6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.
    7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
    8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 30 years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.
    10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.
    11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
    : )
    12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
    13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
    14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
    15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list

  73. At 03:33 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Hello my friends and fellow schloggers,
    Hi Chris Happy New Year n have a good un mate, cant wait till 5.00.

    Sorry Ive missed so much over the weekend guys. I must get round to reading all the blogs

    Moose Q & M
    "there behind you" !!!

    well guys Im into the last week of rehersals for Babes in the Wood, I think all is going well. I can feel my heart miss a beat when i think of the count down to opening night. I wonder if Chris get's a tingle of nerves just before he cracks up DRIVE TIME.

    I have decided, (need) to, lose wieght. My car broke down yesterday for the 3rd time !! About a mile n half from home. I had to walk up a fairly steep hill and by the time i got to the top i was out of breath. Alarm bells were ringing LOUD (in my chest). This a man who ran London Marathon in 3hr 30mins . So folks, all the help & support gladly welcome. I think excercise is what im lacking, due to panto rehersals of late, I've missed my weekly dose of 5 aside footy, add that to the 2 stone i've put on in 12 month and you get the picture.

    Very busy at work today, catch up later.

    Have a GREAT show Chris, glad your back.

    aka Nurse Molly Coddle

  74. At 03:42 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Em 26 wrote:


    Thanks I do agree with growing old disgracefully and believe I have totally become comfortable in my own skin which i think leads to confidence, but there is just that restlessness!

    I think im scared of missing anything, I have a three year old who I love dearly and whole heartedly, but cant help to think it is all flying by without me sometimes!!!


  75. At 03:43 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi Y'all

    Hey it's cool your back Chris dude.

    I had a really busy weekend installing some CTV at a restaurant. Guess who were there guys... yes you got it Ed Stewert and Jess Conrad. Wow they are a slightly senior but hey they dont wear purple man.

  76. At 03:58 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Suzy Woo - Genius, moi? Only at making a hash of things. In which case, I have few peers. Apart perhaps, from P, whose sorry letter to me is reproduced below.

    Did anyone log onto the statistics site where you can calculate your personal inflation rate? I've not done it myself, but a colleague did, and sent me this email as a warning. Please read carefully, and be grateful this is not you..

    Hi Joe

    P here. Did you see that thing about calculating your inflation rate? Against my better judgement I gave it a go. Severely regretting it. Came back with a figure just a sliver off 245%. I guess I'm partly responsible, but is it really my fault I suffered a mid life crisis just as the cost of motoring reached an all time high? OK, so maybe I shouldn't have bought the BMW with quite so many optional extras. And I accept that thinking I was never going to become a father at the age of 45 was a serious misjudgement. I only took up smoking to relieve the stress of finding out F was pregnant, which happened just after I volunteered for a higher workload to impress the new boss. How was I to know that he preferred all his work meetings at the pub?

    Course, now that I'm going to be a dad (congrats to yourself incidentally), I've had to sell the flat and buy somewhere bigger. I could just about squeeze the mortgage out in the old pad, but in order to upgrade, we've had to move 15 miles out of town. The mortgage has more than doubled. F needs to go to work as soon as possible after the kid is born, so we've booked it into a nursery when it reaches six months. The company are capping all claims for payrises at the offical inflation rate, which means I'm looking at a 242% deficit.

    You know what Joe, I suddenly feel a little queasy. I think I might just need a fag.



    J McC

    (This comment was brought to you by McCrumble Financial Services - money matters covered for the Financially constrained blogger)

  77. At 03:59 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Alphabet For The Elderly.

    Ais for arthritis,
    B s for bad back,
    C s for the chest pains. Corned beef? Cardiac?
    D is for dental decay and decline,
    E is for eyesight - can't read that top line,
    F is for fissures and fluid retention,
    G is for gas (which I'd rather not mention)
    And other gastrointestinal glitches,
    H is high blood pressure,
    I is for itches,
    J is for joints that are failing to flex,
    L is for libido - what happened to sex?
    Wait! I forgot about K for bad knees,
    (I've got a few gaps in my M-memory)
    N is for nerve (pinched) and neck (stiff) andneurosis,
    O is for osteo-
    P is for porosis,
    Q is for queasiness. Fatal? Just flu?
    R is for reflux--one meal becomes two,
    S is for sleepless nights counting my fears,
    T is for tinnitus--bells in my ears,
    U is for difficulties urinary,
    V is for vertigo,
    W is worry About what the X - as in X-ray - will find,
    But though the word terminal rushes to mind,,
    I'm proud, as each Y - year - goes by,,
    to reveal a reservoir ofundiminished Z - zeal -
    For checking the symptoms my body's deployed,,
    And keeping my twenty-six doctors employed.

  78. At 04:00 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sars #69 and Moose #63 - OK OK so purple belly dancing costume it is then....maybe I'll get a picture and post it on my website....depends on how I fell about myself on that particular day.

    Hazel Love # 36 - I agree, you have to reach out when in need and no one does mind. I've said it before but my virtual family have helped me through the last few weeks - given me encouragement, a little self belief, tears and many smiles. I don't really know what I'd do without you all. Anyways enough of the emotional pap....

    Wilsmar - sending you many {{{{{{hugs}}}}}

    Moose #49 - v. impressed with your technical abilities! Still v. sad that I am unable to make Thursday - would love to meet some of you and Covent Garden is such a great place. Still I shall think of you when swinging my hips in a belly dancing manner.
    BigUn - I hope youre feeling better now - I know you were poorly and I don't remember reading if you got well?

    Matt from Rudgwick - sorry to hea rbaout your loss. Sending {{{{{hugs}}}}} and BIG kisses XXXXX

    Tracey-Ann - not heard from you for a wee while, I hope you are ok.

    Everyone - sending {{{{{{hugs}}}}}. Wish I could mention you all individually but there's so many of you lovely people I feel my fingers will turn numb if I type them all out.

    Lotsa love,

  79. At 04:00 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Moose you were right. #74 - Q is the BP and now they're installing CTV - hope they don't tell our bosses! M's probably in the van doing the monitoring. Let's hope they haven't recruited for the other 24 letters of the alphabet!
    PS Be careful out there - Hill Street Blues
    For now.

  80. At 04:06 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Golly, nearly four o'clock already...yip as they say pee!

    Wilsmar - I knew there would probably be someone else out there, and thank you so much for the good wishes you sent my way on Friday, even if you couldn't put anything into words. I can't imagine what you feel, for something as tragic as the loss of someone so dear and so loved. You still have that love, and that is a wonderful thing. He was a very lucky man.

    MfR - big love honey...I think you may have an important appointment on Thursday, which you've tried SO hard to cancel, but sorry you really have to leave work by 5 at the latest, otherwise...will leave the rest up to you...

    Yay. the return of the assorted Ems hoorah! You've got plenty to catch up on if you've forgotten to bring a book to work...


    Forwards is a very long way to go, but at least backwards has already been. I just made that up, and it sounds reasonably philosophical, I may just use it again...

    Moose, you never know...100???? keep it up...

    JILLYGOAT, number 1 da da da da da da daaaaaa

    chalet numero un


    Wood Pigeon says 'Whoo whoo, hoohoo'

    Dove says 'Only me!'

  81. At 04:09 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Have you seen #74

    He's back, hiQ !!

  82. At 04:17 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    I've been terminated.

    They got me. The BP.

    I only wanted to thank Hazel for the post and to apologise for airing a negative thought on such an upbeat day.


    Only 42 minutes to go......


    PS Toxteth O'Grady, USA.

  83. At 04:30 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    blimey...further to Jill Evans..you know your brain cell has gone to the costa del sol for the winter when...

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying that you have been wearing purple for quite some time.

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying 'but when did you actually run the London marathon Kev C?'

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying all HUGE credit to mwk. Mary, our friends went through all the fostering, but they were only able to do it for a year. I couldn't do it atall, so I only have massive admiration for you and for those others who can and do.

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying, ooh look, Q!

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying, hey Moose, I only had a shower this morning...ahem!

    You realise you have posted a comment without saying SOOZY WOO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! Puddles are there for the splashing, leaves for the shooshing, and conkers for the conking. Anyway, you can do it all in purple wellies!

    at the third stroke the time will be pip pip pip

    ps Public Service Warning on behalf of the Fashion Police:
    Anyone who is of a sallow complexion should really avoid purple as it just makes them look as though they have jaundice. However if you are already wearing purple, tough t*tties to the fashion police.

    pps Moms apple pie

  84. At 04:32 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Still here clp??????????????? Check out the previous thread it has over 800 posts on it!! We are your devoted bloggers. I shall tune in again at 5pm. I actually haven't listened to the drive time show for the last 3 weeks - sorry mark but what was the point????

    Moose - so glad things are ok between us. {{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}} right back at you. maybe the new guy will be a slogger - think positive now!

    Lillygoat - number one post congrats!!

    MFR- I feel very moved by your posting re: your friend. I know exactly what you mean I have freinds I touch base with every year or so and we take up from where we left off - lots of love to you

    Sam Downie where have you been???????? Over 800 blogs since christmas!

    Duncan Crabbe and other new bloggers welcome - don't be a stranger

    CMel xxxxxxxx

  85. At 04:33 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Jan Lewis wrote:


  86. At 04:35 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Janice wrote:

    It's lovely to have you back - very excited. Mark Goodier is in the mould of fake DJ and is not my style. I listen to Mark Radcliffe of an evening and he said last week that he was constantly surprised to be still coming back to do more shows as he kept thinking they would tell him a 'proper dj' would be doing the show. Neither CE nor MR are of that ilk and thank the gods for that.

    Do you ever get fed up with the nature of some of the blog responses?

    Happy New Year.

  87. At 04:37 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    and moose u might not have been 700 or 800 but 3 of your comment have have been highlighted in the recent comments

    c x x

  88. At 04:44 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Anna Log wrote:

    Holy Moly! Busy day at work and only just had a chance to log on - what busy bees you have all been today filling up the blog! Haven't had a chance to catch up on the weekend news on the last one yet either. I must find a job with less work attached to allow sufficient blogging time.

    Welcome back Chris. Will have to catch tonights show on Listen Again because I have to work late tonight - how bad is that?

    Must dash (other facial hair is available).

  89. At 04:45 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Jo wrote:

    Oooh Hazel - a friend of mine had her 'colours done' and she said that the only colour that tuly suits every one is purple - I agree, even have purple t-shirt on today and have purple socks and used to have a purple skirt (althouth it was really more maroon!)

    :o) Jo

    PS Went out in the car earlier and heard a trail for THE SHOW, got a bit excited and nearly crashed - whoopsy.

    To add to the puddle debate, neatly swept leaves - there for the scuffing (I tried to type kicking but it came out licking - now that's another sort of thing all together!)

  90. At 04:49 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and a good evening to all back in Blighty,

    Firslty, I consider it only right and proper to welcome back the imperator of the Radio 2 airwaves. Please accept our most congenial collective handshake as a welcome back to the fold. Your surrogate hosts were all splendid, but naturally, the prototypal presenter is always hard to surpass.

    Moose-Though I spend some time there, alas, your hat is not to be found within the confines of the Granville Island market. Not buying fish, not purchasing muffins and, after a couple of hours searching, not in the brewery sitting at the bar. Maybe one day soon the aforementioned had will be seen in resplendant glory...

    To one and all, I wish the most prosperous of weeks and, as 'tis my birthday tomorrow, I shall raise my customary pint of ale to the return of Mr Evans.

    Good day to you

    Dr. T

  91. At 04:54 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I had my colours done a few years back - it was very interesting nad I stick by it even now. It makes clothes shopping easier - I know what to aim for straight away. At the beginning of the day the lady 'doing my colours' said there will be one colour that comes up that will really suit you but it's a colour you've never thought of wearing - mine was yellow! And true enough if I do wear it I always get compliments about how well I look.
    My little black dress should be red - apparently!
    Vibrant colours - that's me.

    Lotsa love

    PS Dance like no one is looking xxx

  92. At 05:01 PM on 15 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Here we go! here we go! here we go!

    3 weeks is too long and should not happen again ;-)



  93. At 05:01 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    oh my

    look at the time

    by your beds - Chris is back and the first song is......


  94. At 05:06 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Hi Again,
    Hes back !! and what a cracking start to the show. I always know i've got half hour before i fin work when i hear chris's voice. So glad he is back, thanks MG for the last 3 weeks, good efort mate.

    Hazel Love I ran it in 1987 "i know 20 yrs ago " but i've always kept myself fairly fit. I played local league footy up until 8 yrs ago (40yr old) but still kept fit by swimming and 5aside footy. I need a good push in the excercise stakes !!
    Oh and i do like my food.

    Mr Evans, was you talking about me staring at my GYM bag, I can't even walk for the bus never mind run !!

    Nurse Molly Coddle

  95. At 05:19 PM on 15 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Evening drive timing schloggers!

    Well who would have thought? Run baby run! Way to go Chris! Now where are my gym shoes?

    As for me and the update I did promise you. Today the organisation I work for were looking for a response from me so I told them I want in writing exactly what they intend to offer me in the way of a salary and the exact number of staff they will allow me to recruit to assist me. I have told them what I thought I needed last week in writing in the way of a 40 page report. They have had time to read all of it now and understand the extent of the problem I have been faced with. The long and short of it I have told them I will not withdraw my resignation without concrete guarantees that I can hold them too. It is a little like Russian roulette to be honest but I have to look after myself and my family first. I have not mentioned that I have spoken to a lawyer as I do not see it as their business ;-)


    P.S. All I hear on the news is all about cabin crew and all I can think of is WHERE ARE YOU WEEZIE?

    P.P.S who need a colour? Grey is a colour! ;-)

  96. At 05:22 PM on 15 Jan 2007, kerry m wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Great to have you back, missed you lots.
    Only blogged a couple of times before, so still a newbie.
    A bit scared as next Sunday I am taking my course ans exam to become a hockey umpire aarrggh, feels strange as i never played hockey at school all those moons ago.
    hope it goes well

    kerry m

  97. At 05:36 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Karen Bali wrote:

    Chris, I’ve missed you!

    I hope you had a lovely holiday and a good rest.

    I’m a recent convert to Radio 2 thanks to you and your show. A few months ago I heard you in a friend’s car and after years of switching between local commercial radio (I’ve grown up) and Radio 4 (but I’m too young for talking all day) Radio 2 offered a refreshing change. I’m now a Radio 2 bore, trying to convert all I know to its delights. Your show is the highlight of my day and I listen religiously. I think my husband is even a little jealous because he is shoved out of the kitchen or told to keep quite while you are on.

    Please don’t go away for so long again and please, please, please, please play with ‘Love it when you call’ by The Feeling – I just love it!

    Huge thanks, good wishes and Happy New Year to you and the team.


  98. At 05:39 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    lillygoat - I meant jillygoat

    moose tried to post a comment on your blog but it wont let me. Do you have BP too?


  99. At 05:40 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Oz wrote:



    CALL O800- USED- NAPPY FOR FURTHER INFO & RATES, SKIVING, SKIING CARROT TOPPED DJ's sunning it up in Portugal may get discount!

    Good to have you back Chrissy DE-BO!!

    When's the house party then ? Me thinks it won't we so quite when u invite your adorning drive time listeners for a few cheeky drinks !!


  100. At 05:47 PM on 15 Jan 2007, moby2 wrote:

    hi Chris glad you had a fab festive god to have you back

  101. At 05:51 PM on 15 Jan 2007, JOJO wrote:

    GO ON MOOSE! It's all about t i m i n g


  102. At 06:19 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Bloggers, shloggers and lurkers

    Q. According to the experts, full blown sex is the equivalent of running a marathon for a man!! If this is true, should I really be practicing my sprint finish?

    Good to have you back Christophe

    DD out

  103. At 06:32 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Moose what can I say - I've been waiting for #100 before I blogged!

    AS - That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me, thank you xx I don't think of myself as being special, I have a lot of love to give a child and if I can bring some sunshine into their lives I will feel I have served my purpose in this world xx

    Hazel - thank you xx
    What you have done for your friend is special, I'm sure they look upon you with lots of love xx

    Wilsmar - my thoughts are with you xx Sending you a special {{{{{{hug}}}}}}

    Gaby - I don't know how many times I've almost gave myself an injury with washed floors!! As well as being careful what floor cleaning products I used I had to change from spray furniture polish to wipes, because droplets of the polish would land on the floor (laminate flooring - other types are available) and before you know it you feel your auditioning for dancing on ice!!

    T - Hope your ok, thinking of you xx

    Lynne - Hello, nice to see you!

    MfR - I was very moved by your msg, I too have friends who I touch base with once/twice a year and we just pick up from where we left of, it never feels like months has gone past since we last seen each other!

    Sallycat - How are you today?

    Enjoying the show but there is just one problem! It has to be the quickest two hours of the day!!!

    Have a nice evening everyone
    Mary xx

  104. At 06:35 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    My my Chirs, it sounds like a fantastic 3 week holiday, I wish I could have gone for the skiing! On the off chance of sounding rather sad, for a man that prides himself on giving us great info on allotments, small holdings and the like, did you think about your carbon miles this winter?! I know that holidays in the area are bad on the weather side of things, however, I thought it worth a mention.
    John Humphries has written a great book by the way; The Great Food Gamble. Worth a read as it gets the old grey cells going.
    Great to have you back,
    Jenny xx

  105. At 06:36 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Sue Wilkinson wrote:

    Hi Chris, I'm listening to you as I type. Nice to have you back. I've just looked up the ingredients for the magic juice receipes, they sound impressive.

    The new house sounds great, it sounds like an older property in the country, if so I hope you enjoy it. I love mine! I would love to have a bit of land for a small holding, but only got a big enough garden for a couple of chickens and a veg patch at the moment.

    As you are so into food I thought you'd like to hear that we (hubby and I) are carefully nurturing our sour dough bread starter mix. We started it just after New Year and we have kept it warm and fed ever since. It's starting to smell lovely and yeasty now and shouldn't be long before we can use it for the first loaf. And then! Wow! ±«Óãtv made sour dough bread is magnificent. This is how bread should be. The hard part is not eating the whole loaf before it has cooled down. You must try it because the Aga will be perfect for cooking it in.

    Once your starter is going you just use a bit of it each time and keep it fed in the fridge to keep it going. Bread making with natural yeast the way our forefathers would have done it. Fab!


  106. At 06:50 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Sue wrote:

    Welcome back Chris, I for one have missed you and your highly interesting Blog.

  107. At 06:50 PM on 15 Jan 2007, TigerT wrote:

    At last your back - The drive home just hasn't been the same.

    1st day back and you've cost me money already - Mika is fantastic - bought the single as soon as I got home.

    I'm going to have to set up a playlist on my MP3 player just for things I heard first on your show. That's a few tunes I've got now that I've spent the whole journey home trying to remember.

    Cheers and Happy 2007

  108. At 06:56 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Back again,

    Keith...thank you for the update. When do you think you will get an idea of how concrete their guarantees will be etc?......

    Guys.....I have a decision to make - and I need to make it tonight. Option Z (yep, that one) has come up at my place of work - wasn't expecting it - and I really don't know what to do. Wizards are not talking that loudly today. Well, actually they are but it is about another decision to make about the car.

    I have to tell employer my decision tomorrow - My instincts are all over the place and my gut feeling seems to have sunk to somewhere near my toes - so , I have no idea what to do. If I accept option Z then i carry on there - if I don't then I leave and may be missing an opportunity of job with working hours that suit my situation. I feel an obligation and pressure to get my decision right because they have re-employed me (I left them last year) and because I have great deal of respect for the MD etc. So, I don't want to say yes and then in a couple of months be in a situation where I want to leave again.



    ps sorry for self-indulgent post

  109. At 07:04 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Happy New Year!!
    Great to have you back. Top show as usual. 5-7 hasn't been the same while you've been off. God you've had an eventful 3 weeks haven't you? Lots of new things for a New Year - lucky you!!
    Glad you like your new house, it's sounds great.
    We've just started looking for one as well and premises for our business. We've finally decided to bite the bullet, pack in our full time jobs and expand our internet business. Very scary but exciting at the same time. We know we'll be successful though, we are very determined people!!!
    take care, hope you continue to settle in and enjoy your new place.

    Anne xx

  110. At 07:40 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Gaby dear friend, never apologise for asking for help on the blog, we are you friends and here to help whenever we can xx

    I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words but I will do my best, so here goes.

    If they are offering you a post, which by the sound of it is one that you want, with hours to suit and it's a Company you like and most importantly have respect for the MD then I say go for it. It's a bit too much of a coincidence for the post to become available just as you have gone back! Sometimes the wizards make it too obvious for us to see whats staring us in the face. I really don't mean that to sound rude, I'm just speaking from experience.

    With regards to what happens in one, two, six or twelve months thats not for you to worry about at the present time. I really think you should accept because if you don't as you say you will be unemployed and wonder what would have happened if you had accepted.

    They obviously have a lot of respect for you also.
    In the working environment respect goes a long way Gaby xx

    I hope I've helped in some way, I'm sure our fellow bloggers will inspire you with wise words xx

    Take care and try to relax and unwind, easy to say I know but tonight of all nights you need to
    have a good nights sleep.

    Lots of love
    Mary xx

  111. At 07:40 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    me again,

    re: my last post. The way I worded it made it sound like employer had changed my terms and if I didn't like them then I leave. Not so, it's difficult to explain, but it's not like that at all. It's all above board and I don't want to put too much down here.

    Sorry to bore you again.


  112. At 07:45 PM on 15 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    defo been bp'd this time, and dont think i said anything cheeky, certainly didnt say s-e-x like dd.....! Im tellin'.

    Will try to recap tho lets face it, its been a busy one today!!

    Chris - The Mancub says you can have his nappies. Will pop them in the post for you. Good to have you back :o)

    Sammie - Go for St Agnes, its beautiful!

    Jo - innit

    Hazel - I love Celia Imrie, in fact i think id like to be her when i grow up!

    Gaby - ooooohhhhh, think i have just realised why i got bp'd..... tho it wasnt that racy. Just about bloggers doing it at work.....

    Moose - i agree, the badger is definately not the sloop......tho the steak is better!

    lets hope this gets through.

    PS - Woodwork!!

    PPS Hazel - anytime, just you name your day!!


  113. At 07:47 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Apparently we are following the same new year low carb diet regime. Was writing about mine in my blog today, and then you mentioned yours on air.......

    So good luck with yours!


  114. At 07:58 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:


    Keith - thanks for the update. I was hoping it would have been resolved for you today :-( I hope they don't leave it too long before giving you a concrete guarantee xx

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  115. At 08:05 PM on 15 Jan 2007, The BigUN wrote:

    Evening bloggers,

    Great show Chris I can not tell in words alone just how good it is to have you back on the air!

    Gaby, I expect a decision in writing by next Wednesday (because that is what I asked for) although my last day in office is not until 9 Feb. I just got home and I have had an email from an old friend offering me some work as he heard I am quitting. He is offering me enough to live on and no stress. I just do not think it is what I want. The job I have is a good one with very good staff working for me it is just they are asking too much of us. For me it certainly is not the money (although it helps) it is striving to improve my working conditions and that of my staff. My resignation was all I had left and the timing I delivered my blow was the key. I will be alright and if I was a betting man I would put my money on me to win! ;-)

    As for you (as with me) we can only support you with our love and best wishes but honey the decision is yours! I can honestly say I care for you and wish you the best of luck in making the right choice. The one you (or I) make we have to live with and not live with regrets, life is too short. Your head may not know the right thing to do but you heart does so follow your heart! ;-))))))) And for you {{{{{A HUG}}}} just because I can ;-) xx


  116. At 08:06 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Two things.

    First. Once again I would like to apologise for my downbeat post. It is something very important to me but wasn't really the right thing to air on a cheery Monday. I appreciated the lovely comments as I did get a bit emotional once I had begun to think about it.

    Second. I will be at the OAMC on Thursday. Mrs MfR is working in the big smoke that day and I have prepared my excuses to shuffle off early. Are we supposed to wear something to identify ourselves or is there a special call-sign? Moose, chances are we will arrive nearer 6.30 than 7.30. Will you be there then? If so, should we gather around a trannie for updates as to whether Mr E and the gang are coming?

    I shall consult the interweb now to find out where the Nags Head is.......

    3 more sleeps.

    Peace all.


    PS Put the right letters together and make a better day.

  117. At 08:12 PM on 15 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:


    Gaby - I understand you can't go into detail re: Option Z, is it possible you can accept for now, but tell them you would like to Review in a couple of months? Working hours which suit are always a plus, but then so is a hard working, and highly regarded employee whom they know will do a good job.

    I work from some really good people at the moment, I feel valued but not stretched or fulfilled (in fact jobs wise I've gone from one extreme to the other) - where's the middle ground here? Do you know, you've made me think, I'm going to have my say tomorrow, better out than in. Let you know tomorrow if there's any sitings of a P45.....

    Stay positive, professional and above all do what's best for Number 1.


  118. At 08:37 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Daveo wrote:

    How is it that Gibbs gets a ban and Australians can openly shout Poms, Pommie bar studs?
    Its even on the TV.

  119. At 08:38 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Why is it kindness moves me to tears - Jax/Hazel Love/mwk - you've made me blub a bit today.
    Giving the blog back to fun stuff.
    Have a good sleep all.

  120. At 08:42 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    All the best for the New Year Chris. It's good to hear you back on Drive Time.

  121. At 08:45 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Welcome Back.

  122. At 08:49 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Chris is back!!! The only good thing about this wretched day!!! Grrrrrrr

    Took 2.5 hours to travel from J22 M1 to J8 M1 this morning, at which point, son's school rang me to say he had Conjunctivitis and could I please come and get him.....

    Could have been worse I suppose, I could have managed to make it round the M25 before being called back....

    Poor chap - he's OK, we have ointment now....

    Couldn't get to see the Doc until late - so only got the first 10 mins of the show tonight!!! Once I was home, was thrown into the dinner/homework/what do I do with child for the rest of the week scenario...

    All sorted, ex's mother is helping out thankfully.

    You know some days, it's just not worth fighting - just gotta roll over and say - ok, I lost this one and save the energy for a better day...

    SoozyWoo - DON'T stop jumping in puddles!!! My son told me off last year for skidding in the snow - he's worried that at my age, if i fall I will break something (brittle bones and all that!!). So sweet!

    Haven't done anything remotely interesting date wise since I last blogged, so no updates there.

    Moose - I DID manage to pick up on the OAMC info and am also scheduled to be in 'the Smoke' that day!! Oooh - shall I or shan't I????? May leave you all guessing!!! Does sound intriguing though...

    OK - worst day's over (except tomorrow is weigh in day - just realised after eating a bowl of mint choc chip icecream....) so onwards and upwards!!

    Kisses all



  123. At 08:51 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mandy wrote:

    hello hello hello chris and all'long time no blog.so good to have you back in your place chris.....but WHAT was that thing that you said would make us feel BETTER????sorry but wasnt sure weather to slit my wrists or be sick!sorry didnt do it for me ,may be it was all a bit soon,bit like kissing on your first date!!??or may be not???any way of corse you are forgiven as the good stuff will always blank out the bad.thanks for coming home.tho' mr mark did great job.keep up the good work your people need you even when we dont blog very much mx

  124. At 08:55 PM on 15 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    evening, just a quickie.

    MfR - stop apologising, no matter how upbeat everyone else is, if you arent feeling it you should say, the honesty of this blog is part of its beauty. We have all taken advantage of the anonymous offloading it presents us with. Have sent some good thoughts for your friend. x

    Gaby - go for it, work hard (as if you would do anything else i am sure!) and what happens in 6 or 12 mths is not for you to worry about now. Of course you dont want to mess people around but you also have to look after number one. You cant hold yourself back 'just in case'. As BigUn says, Life is too short.

    night night.

  125. At 09:02 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Back again - you know what it's like....

    Chris - sooo glad you're new home is right for you - it is such a troubling time, trying on a new house for size. I moved into my new one on New Years Eve and don't like it!! Mind you, it is only for 6 months, so will make the most of it - after all, this is only a house until people make it their home and my home is where my kids are, so....

    Anna and Moose - Darlings, you can take whichever Cornish villages you like, I like them all, especially the ones near the sea.

    S xx.

    PS - I will wear purple - remember 'Waiting for God' anyone???

  126. At 09:02 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Chris! Oh my dear God! (Welcome back by the way - Missed you x) My other half listened to your show on the way home from work this evening the stopped off at local retail shops to buy a smoothie maker. Then, I was taken to our local supermarket where leeks, grapes, carrots, garlic, pears and apples were purchased.

    Once home, the smoothie maker came out of the box, the groceries came out of the bag and there was a flurry of chopping.

    I did my best to concentrate on the washing up and not what was being thrown into the new blendery thing. (Is it me or are smoothie makers just blenders with a spout on them - am waiting for the day when things get pulped and the tap is open! Smoothie everywhere!!! LOL - anyway...)

    Have you tried Nigel's recipe? For a start, it looked like mashed swede (which I hate). Didn't help sell it to me I have to say. Still, I had a sip. It's amazing how the flavours hit the tastebuds at different times. First, the carrot, then something sweet - the pear and grapes I pressume, then oh my! The Leek and garlic. How can this be good for you? The only way is because you stink of onions and garlic so people stop talking to you, inviting you to the pub etc and you go for a walk because even you can't stand to be in the same room as yourself stinking like that!!!

    Unfortunately the smoothie maker didn't come from the shop where you get a 16 day money back guarantee, however, we did purchase some strawberries and bananas and some 'cloudy' fruit juices, so I am hoping that once the current gloop has been cleansed from the jug, a recipe from the book that came with the machine will taste a bit nicer!

    As your show is so inspirational, for tomorrow's show, can you please do a spot about the importance of clearing up after your loved ones, the health benefits of chocolate and recommend a nice bottle of wine? :0)

    Many thanks
    Amy x

  127. At 09:03 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Mary and Keith,

    Thank you both so much - I thought everyone would have 'gone home' now, as in away from these pages....and there you were.

    Mary - your words helped hugely and you were so perceptive when you mentiopned the bit about not worrying what I will be thinking in 6 months time. I was just thinking before I came on here that whenever I leave (if I don't get fired before) I won't feel I have stayed long enough. That is irrational I know, but I am being given a second chance in an industry where that doesn't normally happen and I am not very good at being selfish. I have had a hard few days and I think I am being a little irrational about this loyalty thing to them. Normally, I am a real live-each-day kinda gal - today is the important day. You are right - I shouldn't be thinking about a few months time. I wouldn't be if it were my first time there. Thank you so much, thank you.

    Also Mary, I need to re-read some posts because I 'missed' what you were saying about your decision to be a foster parent. I am so sorry I haven't replied to such an important and wonderful decision xxxx

    Keith - thank you for your update re your situation. It really does sound like things are going to come good for you at work. I think the powers that be will have realised that they need to make some changes....and some guarantees. What a coincidence that you had your friend offering you work today too - it sounds like it has confirmed to you that your current job (with amendments and changes that support you) is where you want to be.
    Thank you for your kind support to me - you know that I have the same approach to life as you........To make this decision, I will follow my heart - and no longer analyse it all in my head (which is a little murky after that last few difficult days)....thank you xxxx

    Matt f R - please, please don't apologise.
    Great news you are going on thurs. Please can you guys give Spurs a good seeing to on saturday. We will discuss tactics on thurs : )



  128. At 09:05 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    mwk - thanks for the thought and sorry for stopping you blogging. I was in the supermarket at the appropriate time so unable to blog. Never mind...next time?

    Dr T - thanks for looking. Would you like me to insist that it is in the brewery and absolutely insist that you go back as often as is humanly (or caninely) possible to look again? Have a great birthday tomorrow! How many? Are we allowed to ask?

    Matt from Rudgwick - great news. Not sure on my arrival timing yet but I shall attempt to be there as early as possible. Wednesday will tell me whether I need to be at work at all on Thursday!! Check out my other blog for details...

    Anna - I'm with you...Inexplicable block on a long post earlier...so apologies to everyone - I'm not ignoring anyone, I've been BP'd...

    Gaby - hope you get your mind around what's right. As someone else said, an MD you respect (and respects you) is worth an awful lot. I recently wrote a long and impressive (of course!!) report for my board. None of them, including the CEO has bothered to say thanks or anything. They are currently implementing my recommendations. Not a single one of them has said anything to me, personally, in writing, e-mail or anything!!! Amazing.

    Cathmel - doesn't appear to be blocked - we're having a real party over there. Me, Hazel, Anna, Gaby and Jo. I'm having a whale of a time!!! Join us...

    Keith - good on you. We seem to be both demanding stuff in writing by Wednesday!

    Off now to concentrate fully on Waking the Dead (I have the remote again!!! Winner)


  129. At 09:10 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    MWK - sorry, I just did it again, didn't I...

    Cathmel - Mary is at the party too!!!!!! she's dancing on the table at the moment.


    PS All those not at the OAMC are instructed to drink a Harvey Wallbanger at 7.30pm in order to be there in spirit with us.

  130. At 09:18 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sammie - go for it. You know you want to. Just pop in for a quick drink and if you like us stay for seven.

  131. At 09:21 PM on 15 Jan 2007, cate D wrote:

    Welcome back Christophe - happy new year.

    We missed your blog, your voice and your humour.

    Mange tout to all


  132. At 09:27 PM on 15 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Hip, Hip, Hooray - you're back Chris. I couldn't blog without you. So good to have you back at 5.

    Hello and Happy New Year to all bloggers out there.


  133. At 09:35 PM on 15 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Mary - sorry. I posted straight away to apologize for missing you off the party list. I think I must have been timed out without being told. So Sorry!!!

    Cathmel - MWK is at the party too!!!


  134. At 09:48 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Mark wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Great to have you back. I only get to hear you for an hour from 5:15 on the way home from work. I pray the traffic on the M1 will be bad each night so I catch some more.
    Keep up the good work.


  135. At 10:20 PM on 15 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good afternoon from Vancouver and a darn fine evening to all back in Blighty,

    Moose- Firstly, many thanks for your birthday salutations. I have no shame, reticence or hesitation in informing you that this will be my 33rd birthday. With regards to your suggestion that my search for your hat be ongoing, I can but embrace such a notion. Rest assured, I will frequent the aforementioned drinking establishment most regularly until the quest for your hat reaches an agreeable conclusion.

    It may not have been a white Christmas here in the city, but 10 cm of snow are forecast overnight so it will be a rather picture postcard birthday. Such weather, naturally, ensures that I shall be traversing to my local, sidling up to the fire and imbibing a few of my favourite ales and a cheeky Oban or two in some fine company. Rude not to.

    Good day

    Dr. T

  136. At 10:48 PM on 15 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Moose lol

    Gaby - I hope we have helped ease your mind a bit xx

    Dr T - Happy Birthday for tomorrow xx

    Sallycat - I hope you are ok xx

    Nite Nite
    Mary xx

  137. At 11:52 PM on 15 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Oh dear, I didn't know how to find Chris's new blog, but thank goodness I've found you all at long last. The only problem is that there are so many blogs now, I can't do justice to getting back to peeps as I would like to.

    Sorry - I forgot to say hello to you, Chris and to welcome you back properly. Lovely to hear about your new home and I wish you much happiness for now and always. Love your new blog as well.

    One of the exciting things, of course, with the new blog is the fact that in addition to all the lovely people who have kept me company for the last few days, there are all those I haven't met before. How glorious.

    A big hello to: Frances, Tara 62, mackie, LOU LOU, cath - good luck in the new job, Sally and

    jillygoat - How on earth did you manage to be first in line? Quite a feat if you ask me.

    I love your admission to skipping and trolley surfing (I have to confess to that as well and am quite a bit older than you). In my head I feel about 16 or 17, it's only when I look in the mirror that I realise otherwise. But it is what's in our hearts that matters.

    Hazel Love - Boy oh boy has Mr Chris got some reading to do! That'll larn him to go and leave us for three weeks.

    I did feel sad at your piece about the death of your friend a couple of years and how wonderful that you did know him, albeit for a shorter time than you would have liked. He is such a special part of your life and will always be remembered with love.

    TheBigUn - Good for you and I jolly well hope you get the result you want.

    mwk - You must think of yourself as being special - wanting to bring sunshine into a childs life is wonderful. I know you'll succeed as well and be magnificent.

    I'm fine actually and have had the most wonderful day. Only marred because it took me ages to figure out where Chris's new blog was! What a silly billy I am. As a result I've been blogging on the Christmas one, so hope everyone will forgive me if I've neglected them.

    moose - Good point, using re-usable nappies, rather than hanging disposable ones in the trees. Any more news about the new guy?

    Really wish I could join you all on the 18th, but I'll be thinking of everybody.

    Dissing Dave - Hope you've had a good day.

    Gaby - It's quite a dilemma you've got and so I can understand your feeling of simply not knowing what to do. You've probably already made your decision, especially after all the wonderful comments and help that people have sent you. Aren't they a lovely group of people.

    As I see it, to have an employer who respects you is obviously very important and can affect how you feel every day you're at work.

    I just wondered why you felt that you needed to leave and whether that kind of situation is likely to occur in the next few months. I do understand that there are things you don't want to discuss in this open forum, but it is important to think about why you wanted to leave in the first place, and if those circumstances are likely to rear their ugly heads again.

    By the way - you're anything but boring.

    The other thing to bear in mind is that not only do you have a sense of loyalty to your employer and possibly your colleagues, you also have a loyalty to yourself, your own life and future.

    I hope you don't feel that my comments at this late stage are just too much and have thrown you into a spin again. If that's the case ignore what I said and simply trust your own judgement.

    dogwithnobrain - I can't believe the amount of blogging we've done during Chris's absence.

    T - Thinking of you.

    I think I'd better close this blog now and continue tomorrow, otherwise I'll be up all night.

    Lots of love to everybody and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all, friends old and new.


  138. At 12:44 AM on 16 Jan 2007, leon night wrote:

    Hey Chris Happy New Year ......sound like you had a great Christmas and New Year......its geat to have you back... but i must appologise for missing your show today Its 00:36 and ive only just had time to sit down and catch up on life that seems to have flown by me today.......so much so it was 19:15 before i left the college tonight and i missed the show..............this new college trainer job isnt all that its cracked up to be you know............i cant even beat the students anymore....! so the time spent collecting suitable pieces of birch over the christmas break has proven to be time ill spent............nevermind .............at least i can listen to the show again and catch up here.......great idea about the communal small holding by the way...................let me know were its going to be.................Chris Farm sounds much better than Jimmys Farm................all the best Chris

  139. At 06:49 AM on 16 Jan 2007, ashy wrote:

    Good morning-not[yet another snoring marathon]Missed yesterdays show can you tell me the first song played?XXXXAshy

  140. At 08:18 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Lovely friends,

    Thank you so much for your help with my dilemma. sorry that I can't reply to you, each and every one, but am in a rush to get to work. When I posted last night the last post was Matt f R's, so I hadnt read from there. xxx

    Well, i had decided (I think) not to stay until my car journey to take youngest daughter to bus stop. She gave me at least 4 stonking (technical term) good reasons why I should stay and didn't come up with one negative. She waited for a perfect comedically-timed pause and then added, dryly (and with no hint of sarcasm or ridicule, humour or unkindness) 'Anyway Mum, you will be retiring soon - who is going to care about your employment record'. : )

    Happy Birthday Dr T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Aged 43 and one twelfth.

    ps should I stay or should I go

    pps have fun today

    ppps mange tout

  141. At 08:28 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Morning all,
    Firstly an apology as I note through blood shot eyes and pounding head, that bad Dissing Dave took over my personality last night, ably aided by a certain pair called Ernst & Julio, and following a couple of bottles (Gallo) of a red liquid imbibed during celebration of my father's release from a medical meccano set around his leg, I posted something which could have upset certain personalities. Sorry, Ernst & Julio have now been despatched for recycling and Bad Dissing Dave has been suitably chastised and put back in his box.
    Unfortunately through the haze I recall hearing the start of Chris' return and then disappeared into a world of drunkenness and celebration. Trust the show was a classic, and once again apologoes!!

    DD out

    PS Sssshhhhh!

  142. At 08:32 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Anonymous wrote:


    It's wonderful to have you back Christophe. I jumped into my car at 5.40pm yesterday turned onto to Dr Chris and was chuckeling (is that the right spelling?) within seconds.

    Any pics from Switzerland? Would love to see them.

    My friend has a 12 week old baby with coleman's mustard style nappies produced on a regular basis you are very welcome to.

    Missed you very much

    Marshie x

  143. At 09:00 AM on 16 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Morning All

    For some reason the BP had it in for me yesterday – unless I am blind and have completely missed my post!
    I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone on your kind words (will not list all names as I am bound to forget some). As an update from my post at the weekend we are going to give the marriage counselling a go.

    Gaby – Re option Z, I may be a bit late here, but do not worry about what could happen in the next year, your decision has t be on how you feel now and if it is right for you at time. I am sure you will make the right decision and most importantly do not feel pressured.
    Big Un – hope it all work out for you and like you say I am sure you will win

    Work is calling – I have the day from hell ahead or me so may not get much time to come back, so I suspect I will have a lot to catch up on later

    Until then…..

  144. At 09:03 AM on 16 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Good morning dears. Drat and double drat; this is my second attempt today as I've just put a blog together - and pretty darned good it was too, only to have it zapped because I'd put ',net' instead of '.net'!!! That'll teach me to be more careful and so be warned folks.

    Anyway, I don't have time now to put it all back together again and so will have to catch up when I get back home later in the day.

    Just hope I can remember what I said.

    Having said that:

    Gaby - Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings - specifically on the fact that by looking at the pros and cons of leaving or staying your daughter came up with four reasons why you should stay. That's what I do and it hasn't been too disastrous a system. However, I will take her to task on the 'you'll be retiring soon - who's going to care .... etc.' She'll know one day and had jolly well better beware.

    The other thing to remember my friend is that just because we make a decision it isn't cast in stone. If the situation changes again, then it's time for another decision to be made and that's OK.

    I'm not making light of it by any matter of means because I know that too many changes of job can be a problem sometimes.

    Had better go before I stay here for the day.

    lots of love and catch up with everyone later.

    sallycat xxx

  145. At 09:21 AM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mornin' all

    Well, after my euphoric start to this blog I was BP'd three times - grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    By the time the 3rd BPing happened, it was time to leave work and join CLP et al on R2 and drive home. Ooh, it's so frustrating!

    Anyway, how wonderful to have Mr E back with us again - my heart, she was so light!

    Sallycat - glad you found the new blog - it can appear at any time!!

    DissingDave - I'm typing this very quietly in case you've got a headache xx

    Moose - I didn't find the BP party - perhaps I wasn't invited because I pipped you at the post? You can have # 1 today - I don't want it if it's going to cost me my friends xx

    jillygoat xx

  146. At 09:25 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all,

    Gaby - the kids always know best what you are really thinking...take note.

    Dissing Dave - it's fun having an alter ego to blame bad moments on, innit??? :-)

    MWK - you can get off the table now, it's getting embarrassing!

    Dr T - Many happy returns! Today is the one day that you need feel no compulsion to do any hat searching while in the aforementioned drinking establishment! Enjoy your day!!!

    Sallycat - glad you've found us here! No news on new guy yet. So looks like I'm free today...

    And finally, I just want to say that I for one want to CELEBRATE the GB.
    People from all walks of life, who are accepted no matter whether Scottish, Irish, Welsh or English (other nationalities also available), regardless of race, colour, creed, whether living in the UK or in far flung parts of the world. The beauty of the virtual world is that most of the time no-one even knows, and if they do, they accept it anyway.
    So, please raise your coffee/tea/green tea/other beverage of your choice to the greatest GB of them all, the.....



  147. At 09:43 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Morning all,
    Sallycat if you "lose" your post again - try clicking on the Bye for now.

  148. At 09:47 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    So quick, before there's a new one...d'you think he's having a lie in today?

    BIG HALLO and happy new year to all those who haven't been around for the barren three weeks!

    Jo - Purple is cool. We like purple. We don't like the fashion police. I can't wear yellow it makes me look like a white mouse. (that's mouse not moose)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR T! BIG birthday KISSES XXX Will be checking out the webcam to look at the snow! Is your birthday now, today, or yesterday? I did time travel for 'A' level, but I can't work it out without a tardis...

    Kev C - TWENTY years ago? You must have been but a babe!

    Gaby - Right up there with Mary re the job. The wizards probably aren't talking to you, just showing you...if you feel comfortable then go for it. Go with your first instinct. The more you analyse it, the harder it'll be.

    BigUn - You may have read about me and the boy being sh*fted for a huge amount of money...this is what we got for working with a friend so I'd always warn anyone, but it doesn't sound as though you're too keen! If you want to keep him as a friend, don't do it!

    Sammie - If you fancy joining us for a Harvey Wallbanger, we'll see you there!

    MfR - SO GLAD YOU can make it. Good for Mrs MfR. We love her xxx

    wilsmar - I find, sometimes, whatever the reason, a good boo helps BIG stylee. Sometimes you just need to clear out your head to make space for other stuff...

    Me, I'm fine today. Got the application package for one job last night...LOADS to print out and read before I put pen to paper...gotta put the hours in though...

    going now

    Chris, j'attend

    ps andy pandy

  149. At 09:53 AM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning all,

    I hope everyone slept well and are refreshed and ready for another drive time show!

    Gaby, hope you are ready to make the decision ;-) I have been thinking of you and wish you all the best for today ;-) My friend offering me work was not so much coincidental as hopeful as he had heard through the grapevine I had resigned and was feeling lucky!

    Moose, Wednesday should be renamed D-Day! Bring it on! ;-)

    Jax, I am feeling much better now thanks. Xx

    Hazel, I so pleased you had such a good weekend ;-)

    Did anyone hear Chris mention the BP last night (and make sure he has no connection with them) he may be picking up on some of our frustrations at times ;-)



    P.S. I did send this earlier and for some unknown reason it has bee blocked ! I am frustrated now ;-(

    P.P.S At least it has given me chance to see Gaby’s post ;-) Kids you have got to love them! ;-)

  150. At 09:57 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Dr Jekyll wrote:

    Dissing Dave

    Please return myne alter ego to the crypt fromme whence thou foundest it


  151. At 09:58 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Follow the link (click on my name) to my "other" blog...that's where the party was happening yesterday. Hasn't kicked off yet today - I think some people are a bit hung over and shocked at Mary's behaviour.


    PS No hard feelings and no friends lost. I actually have some work I want to get done today (ie ahead of my BIG meeting with the pointy-haired boss tomorrow) so can't watch it constantly.

  152. At 09:59 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    I don't know what happened with my last message but the middle couple of words have been deleted/zapped/nicked.
    I'll try again....

    Sallycat you need to click on the "Back" button near the top left of the screen to retrieve lost post.
    Hopefully the all the words will be passed on this time.

  153. At 10:20 AM on 16 Jan 2007, Jo wrote:

    Morning all :o)

    Harvey Wallbanger it is then - luckily I got a cocktail book for Christmas so I will have a recipe :o) Although HW's (is that like Sarah Kennedy's SW's) might be detrimental to the packing of the house in preparation for the big move in a few weeks! Oh well, no biggy :o)

    Big HW's to you all

    :o) Jo

  154. At 10:24 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just a thought...

    Maybe Chris has more important things to do in the morning in bed now, than blog with us?

    Have we been dumped?

    I hope she's worth it, Chris!


  155. At 10:25 AM on 16 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Morning all xx

    Moose - I feel as though someone has been dancing on me! I ache from head to toe...day under the douvet for me today!

    The pub manager was pleased with my behaviour, got the pub emptied on time for a change :-)))))

    Hope everyones decisions, meetings, report writing and application submission go well today.

    Have a good one!

    Mary xx

  156. At 10:30 AM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Moose - thanks for the tip off. I'm not sure I can cope with two blogs - I struggle to keep up with this one as it is!

    Will you still be active on this blog or are you going to be having more fun on the other side?

    jillygoat x

  157. At 10:35 AM on 16 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Apologies for any confusion, blog fans, but I've done a bit of reorganisation.

    New link above takes you straight to a new OAMC blog (nice name, huh?). From there if you like, you can get to other blogs under the Moose group of blogs.

    I didn't want to give up my other blog name for other purposes...

    This does mean that comments will be lost. Sorry!


    PS You could really blog your life away with this stuff, couldn't you? I am? Oh...

  158. At 10:38 AM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Moose, Coffee white no sugar is raised as I type (with one hand) I salute you/us all!

    Hazel Love I hear your warning and do remember reading how you were sh*fted by a friend ;-( Thanks for the warning. The offer to me was a fishing trip on his part I think but it would be a salaried post in a very good organisation so no real risk and zero financial outlay. Although the job would be ok it would not challenge me at all so I would only consider it as a stop gap! Thanks for thinking of me ;-))

    T, thanks for your thoughts and good luck with the counselling, for what it is worth I think you are right to try ;-)

  159. At 10:49 AM on 16 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    moose, congratulations on posting the 850th post on the Christmas blog! Such a milestone it could not have happened to a nicer chap ;-)

  160. At 11:33 AM on 16 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Moose - thanks for the info.

    I've tried blogging today but that was yonks ago and my meagre offerings haven't appeared yet, so hopefully I'll have better luck this time!

    I don't think I can cope with two blogs - I struggle with this one sometimes! Does this mean though that you might have more fun on the other side?!

    Anyway, good luck for the meeting tomorrow - we're all rooting for you xx


  161. At 04:16 PM on 16 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and a good day to all back in Blighty,

    "Procrastination is the thief of time"

    Well, my birthday has dawned. After a delightful call from my parents, an unmentionable good morning from my dear wife and an early arrival at work, the day is already of to an utterly auspicious commencement at 0730.

    Moose, Hazel, Gaby, Hazel Love---and anyone else who offered me felicitous salutations, I thank you most sincerely for such warm greetings. Such pleasantries always seem more spontaneous than obligatory when coming from kind folks such as yourselves.

    After a lunchtime meeting with some lads and lasses from Denver, I shall, without hesitation, traverse to my local for a quiet potation, some fine company, piquant food and them more libations of the ale and Oban varieties. Splendidly propitious in every respect.

    To one and all, enjoy the day and celebrate life.

    Good day to you

    Dr. T

  162. At 06:35 PM on 16 Jan 2007, carolyn cherry wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I started listening to your show last summer, after my sister told me about it, she listens on her hour journey home from Weynmouth to Wimborne, my journey from Bitterne (suburb of soton) to Shirley southampton takes apprx half hour due to traffic lights!! I usually run in and switch my new digital radio on to catch the rest of the show and chill, always interesting and puts a smile on my face.

    I can relate to getting home to a quite house, I have a yoga holiday in india recently but returned to find my house was quieter than there, at home no dogs barking, no birds that sing at night! scooters. I was in a posh eco friendly traditional hunting tent by the way. And my little terrace in Southampton is much quieter, its always nice to get home :)

    (my first communicationl to radio station ever at 40)

  163. At 11:08 PM on 16 Jan 2007, "Joanna" wrote:

    So this is what a blog is. Well I never, obviously, as I'm only just discovering you and them ... blogs that is.

    AGA'S + Christmas? Well there are two things that don't go together!
    I moved into a house with anold Aga 2 1/2 years ago, or should I say 3 Chritmas's ago, and still I'm having disasters.

    Can you give me any tips Chris?

  164. At 05:26 PM on 17 Jan 2007, ali crammon wrote:

    hi chris-

    -just wondering if you still have your horse-

    -i finally managed to get my own when i reached 46 years old and i love him to bits:)

    (got rid of the husband-aquired a horse-good swap i think)

    i just wondered how yours was getting along

    love the show--really glad you're back on the radio-virgin breakfast and rock n roll football lost their charm for me when you weren't there any more

    best wishes
    alison crammon

  165. At 06:53 PM on 19 Jan 2007, Nick Parsons wrote:

    Sorry if I am thick what does monge too mean

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