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Chris Evans | 08:49 UK time, Wednesday, 22 November 2006

I’m lying in my bed and the light outside the window refuses to be ignored. It’s pure gold, speckled with leaves of green enjoying their proudest moment of the year, they know their time is almost up and are making the most of every last second. There isn’t a breath of air. The little girl downstairs has just shouted to her mum,

“Goodbye mummy I love you.”

What a lovely start to hump day

so get this, the chef went out and got drunk last night with some old college friends of hers, after of course she’d prepared and left my dinner for me. On the menu, an ever so small portion of risotto, (the less you have on your plate the more you make of it,) drizzled with some truffle oil followed by a wafer thin slice of veal in morel mushroom sauce with spinach and green beans, bloody gorgeous. A nibble of stilton and half a ripple served as my desert.

By the way, for the record, no fags since last Thursday, I think, though I’m not a hundred per cent sure, that I’ve finally decided I’m not a smoker.

Chef gets in around ten o’clock and asks blearily if she can watch Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares which she’s recorded. I concur and offer her a glass of wine. People talk so loud when they’re smashed don’t they ? And everything movement is so big and uncertain.

The next hour was hilarious, as much as Gordon was shouting at his latest victim my chef friend was screaming at him. I was enjoying two for one entertainment.

One and a half bottles of wine later, she had almost convinced me Gordon didn’t know what he was talking about and then as the credits rolled she eyed up my twelve year old highland single malt. There was no stopping her and I was soon to realise why, she was saving her real venom for Heston Blumenthal whom she’d also recorded. “The Hest” was literally making a meal of fish and chips, I have to say even I got bored of him last night.

Chef went quiet towards the end of the show and as I dared to look round I discovered the reason why. She’d passed out stone cold.

Unable to remove her anywhere near to her bedroom I took her shoes off, as she gurgled a little more and left her be. There’s no sound from her thus far, although I have just noticed she’s prepared us both something for breakfast
. Sliced kiwi fruit and some raisins and various nuts, doesn’t sound great but it’s very very good for you and they taste surprisingly bright on the tongue.

Did you hear Branson on the show yesterday ? If you didn’t please “listen again” to him, he was interviewed brilliantly by our Rebecca at around half five.
The chilling thing that he said and that I’d never realised is that Rupert Murdoch is well on his way to turning Britain into a non democratic society, if he has not done so already, leaving us with the illusion that we are deciding on the next government when his television channels and newspapers have already done so.

My main bug bare with Murdoch is this;

He has taken a television provider, i.e. Sky Television and charges us FIVE times for watching it.

1. Like ITV, Sky runs adverts and takes on sponsors. This is the only payment ITV receive !


2. He then charges us on top of that for installation and equipment.


3. He then charges us FORTY POUNDS a month (at least) for his programmes, this is nearly
four times as much as you pay for everything the B.B.C. gives you. All
those great radio shows and television shows, Planet Earth, Radio Four etc.


4. He then charges £8 a shot for SKY BOX OFFICE, hang on a minute haven’t we
already bought our ticket for the cinema ?


5. He then says would you like to buy a season ticket for PREMIERSHIP PLUS ?


In the words of RICKY GERVAIS
.”Is he ‘avin a laff ?”

It is literally like taking CANDY from a baby. All consumers have to do is go on consumer strike, something that’s never happened, we hold ALL the cards because it’s our money everyone wants, if we stop giving it to them, they’re going to have to start being nicer to us. House prices are beyond stupid, nurses can’t afford to live, bank charges are out of control, whilst the banks continue to make billions and our free media is under threat because a bloke who doesn’t even live here has got us by the balls.

Well at least he thinks he has !



  1. At 09:14 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Joanna wrote:

    Morning Christophe! and fellow bloggers

    Your blog has depressed me this morning as I realised that we have actually paid Mr M SIX times, as we have SkyPlus as well. Humph. (What else are we to do, they put all the best programmes on at 9pm! Why is that?!)

    To be honest I prefer terrestrial telly (having said that I have only just got an ipod, what's wrong with CDs now??, have only just discovered blogging and am generally rubbish technologically speaking) but Hubby to Be needs his football.

    Anyway I'm not sure if you've managed to get to see Casino Royale yet (sorry if you've mentioned on the schlog and I've missed it!) If not we went to see it last night (in a packed cinema I might add) and here is a quick review.

    Daniel Craig - HUBBA HUBBA.

    Ha ha! No seriously it's a terrific film, overlong by about 30 mins in my humble opinion (numb bum!) but it has the requisite fights (loads of blood and audience going 'ouch'!), chases and a relatively modest level of gadgetry, but the main difference between this and the other Bond movies is it really has heart. Far less cheesy, far more enjoyable.

    DC is best bond since Connery - and I'm so pleased after the bloody horrible tabloids gave him such a slating. James Bland? I think not!

    Anyway must go to work. Hope the rest of the day turns out as gorgeous as that sunrise,

    love Joanna x x

  2. At 09:21 AM on 22 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    I have to agree with you on Murdoch. All I can say is that we all have a choice. He doesn't get a penny of my money..the only Sky I watch is a very small bit (occassionally) of the free bits that you get with Freeview.
    The real problem is that our society is ADDICTED to football. That's where Murdoch reels everyone in. The only way to watch most decent football...a cracking Celtic - Man Utd match last night aside...is on Sky.
    So, if you want to beat Murdoch, wean yourself off football and don't pay him any of your hard-earned cash. Spend it on delicious and healthy food instead!

    The Hest was pretty over the top last night, wasn't he...I only saw some of it during half time, but really, how much can you go on about, what at the end of the day, STILL isn't very good for you! I'd rather eat the veal and veg you had (sounds scrummy) or the pancakes with vegetables that I had last night.

    Congratulations on nearly being an ex-smoker. I really encourage you to go all the way today and decide you really are an ex-smoker. It'll be the best thing you can do for yourself today.

    Have a great day,

  3. At 09:22 AM on 22 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    Too true, too true. I am in the process of starting my consumer revolt by posting my bank a letter to get my thousands of pounds of unlawful bank charges they have taken off me in the last 2 years.

    When we sold our house last year we accepted a lower offer on it simply because we knew it wasnt worth what the estate agent wanted us to sell it for. He was trying to push the market up in our town by increasing house prices by a few grand everytime one of us put our house on the market. Its just not on.

    must dash and post that letter to mr bank manager.

    have a good day all - the sun is shining and life is sweet.

  4. At 09:22 AM on 22 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    ...oh, and I forgot to say...

    It really is the best thing in the world when your own child comes up to you totally unprovoked and tells you that they love you. Can't beat that!!!


  5. At 09:28 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning Chris

    I had a lovely start to hump day too. The boy is working away again at the moment, but arrived home this morning at early o'clock this morning as a surprise. He left again at 0530, after lots of warm, snuggly cuddles...aaaaaah....

    Have to say I got right bored with our Hes last eve. Voted with the red button (TW calls him Heston Bloomin'hell). I for one however, will give him the b of the d as I enjoyed the steak thing last week. He also looks remarkably like someone I know, so that gives an added interest.

    Sky. I have a sky package. I don't have the sport or the films though. Neither myself nor the boy enjoy sport, and if we want to see a film, we rent it or go to the pictures. (I still have yet to get tickets for the Daniel Craig fest as well by the way!) I agree that we are being HUGELY ripped off, but I'm waiting for the great cable revolution, and think I'll be going for NTL (other vendors may be available in your area. Whether this will be better or worse remains to be seen.

    I also got HUGELY ripped off personally by three people last year, so it's what you get used to in this day and age (I remember when...). It seems that there is no respect for anyone from anywhere for anything these days. Least of all trying to get what you pay or work for... (Have MASSIVE soap box on this subject, but it is currently locked in the garage).

    Ennyhoo, got the rest of the day to be getting on with. Still got that warm feeling inside, so that should see me ok.

    Hi TRACEY-ANN xx

    ...and hey gorgeous babes and babettes...you all know who you are! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  6. At 09:39 AM on 22 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Morning Chris and all bloggees,

    Richard Branson is so right about our non democracy. I really think that others in the media need to speak out to highlight what Murdoch has been doing to our society and across the world for years. Public awareness of this needs to be raised. The scary thing is that Murdoch is doing his utmost to decrease the number of influence free platforms avaiable.
    Wouldn't it be a good idea if someone at the ±«Óătv did a documentary showing all the pies he has his fingers in so the level of manipulation could be laid bare. (James Bond-Tommorrow never Dies is so close to the truth)

    Oh gosh, I'm sorry, do you think you touched a nerve!

    I'm so impressed at Cheffies offering for breakfast considering it's the morning after, Wow.

    Have a good day all


    PS Tracey-Ann my thoughts are with you hope today goes ok

  7. At 09:43 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    Morning bloggers and gorgeous gorgeous chris,

    I am on bright and early this morning as have a long day ahead. Still feeling like an intruder but ho hum.

    Wanted to get on early to find out how you all slept last night- I was in bed at ten to 8 with a good book so feeling hyped up and happy this morning.

    Chris, I remember that there was a campaign to put pressure on oil companies to bring down the price of petrol by boycotting certain petrol stations about three years ago - largely prompted through e-mail, but it just didn't work, which leaves me little hope for a campaign against SKY or Mr Murdoch- particularly for those people who would refuse to campaign in case they miss The Match or the latest episode of "Lost"

    We don't have sky - just our freeview box, and that already gives us too much choice AND despite pressure from 14 year old son I am determined NOT to pay huge amounts for more excuse to sit in front of the box like a numpty.

    What I find frustrating is that many people (like my mother) DO believe what they read in the newspapers and see on television and don't approach situations with any clear idea of 'critical thinking' ie making up their own minds and in my darker more depressive moments I end up believing that most of the population of the uk do just listen and believe - It's like my favourite scene in Monty Pythons Life of Brian, when Brian is addressing the crowd and he says "You are all Individuals" and they ALL reply in unison "We are all individuals" except for one little guy who say's "I'm not"- fantastic paradox and a genuine commentary on society. No-one wants to be seen to dissent.

    Am I being pessimisstic - perhaps a tad, lets hope the law will have some impact on Mr Murdoch's Megalomania. And perhaps a campaign led by yourself - the effervescent, enigmatic lovely Mr Evans MAY have an effect...... Are you ALLOWED to do it though?

    enough ranting. Im awa.

    Love to all bloggers,

    Em (SK)


  8. At 09:55 AM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    but sky plus?? its fantastic..!! how can I not!

    althouigh, if I get funding, my latest hair brained idea could help the world!!

    yet another Internet TV chanel...

    but we'll see won't we..

  9. At 10:01 AM on 22 Nov 2006, mr asher wrote:

    Nobody forces anybody to subscribe to Sky or by the Sun or the Times, so presumably those who do don't mind paying, or else they wouldn't bothher.

    Better that we have the choice surley, than ITV where the choice ain't that great, or our take it or leave "impartial" state output paid for throught the TV tax which unlike Sky its a crime not to stump up for?

  10. At 10:02 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Didn't get to read yesterday's blog before setting off with our Greyhound to the vets. We then made a 50 mile trip in the opposite direction to take him to the animal hospital.

    I've mentioned our greyhound on here berfore but not by name. His name was Clive. A strange name for a greyhound perhaps but that was the name given to him by the rescue centre where we got him six and a half years ago.

    We didn't get to hear last night's show (me and my husband) because we weren't in the mood, Clive had been put to sleep.

    I suppose we had both been preparing ourselves over the last few weeks as Clive had not been enjoying life, he was often in pain or discomfort, and the vet couldn't offer any solutions. But it is never easy.

    Arriving back home last night I felt instead of us being a little family which we were, that suddenly my husband and I were on our own out here in this foreign land.

    Clive was the most gentlest of dogs. Although undemonstrative ( he never jumped up or licked) he was very affectionate. Since being in Sweden (6 months now), he had made his own friends. He would always go up and greet whoever came to visit us, he had the freedom here to roam in and out the house. During the summer he spent long hot sunny days under the lilac tree in the shade, or lay in the long grass, anywhere really that was close to us. He would always seek our company if we had moved off over to the garage or the workshop.

    We will have to let people know in the UK who loved him, our children, neice, nephew, sister and friends, our grandson is to young to understand.

    He had lots of names, my daughter called him Tiger because of his brindle stripes on his otherwise white coat, my son although the youngest of our children called him son 'How are you doing son,' one of my husbands son's called him Clivey and his other son looked after him if we were ever away. My husband had lots of names for him, two of his favourites being Loopy Dog and Mr Chooch.

    My husband is busy outside digging in one of Clives favourite places under the lilac tree, so we can lay him to rest.

    I could say much more about him, and if I knew how, I could post some photos of him, like Jo did of Charley, but I don't.

    The tears are making it difficult for me to type. I need to go and help my husband.


  11. At 10:12 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Debs '75 wrote:

    Personally, TV licence, phone line rental and broadband are enough costs for me! If I want to see a film I'll buy it or rent it (far less ÂŁ per viewing cost).

    Anyway, why do we need all those channels!? If there's nothing on terrestrial or Freeview I just watch a DVD or turn it off and do something less boring instead (never did understand why 'Why Don't You?' told you to switch off the telly when it was only just starting, though!).

    Sir Richard's right, but surely the country will only become undemocratic if we choose to use Murdoch's media channels?

  12. At 10:13 AM on 22 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Chris (and everyone)

    Couldn't agree more about going on consumer strike, but how do we go about it? Isn't it like cutting off your nose to spite your face? If I give up Sky (I'm on the cheapest package and all I want to see is the Sopranos, and our daughter NEEDS the music channels) what will happen? I'll get fed up not seeing aforementioned Sopranos and my daughter won't be able to function without the music, so what happens then? I wish I had more spine!!

    No doubt about though, if we vote with our feet (or remote control) the powers that be will listen - it's just taking the first step! Will you give up Sky? If you do, so will I!!

    Lead on, MacDuff!! (Don't know where I heard that saying, but it's been in my brain since I was about 5 years old!).

    Have a great day one and all.

    C xx

    P.S. I do argue all the time with my Bank over charges and more often than not, they waive the charge, so you are right!

  13. At 10:14 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I only watched the last five minutes of Heston last night, but I thought the fish looked delicious. I then watched that programme about alcoholism, I think it was called Rain in my Heart, it was so sad, I think it should be compulsory viewing for all 15 year olds.

    I also have Sky, but not movies or sport. We would like to get a digibox instead but the kids love the Disney channel so...... i also read the Sunday Times, and I agree with what Richard Branson had to say about Murdoch having too much control over the media and the government. This isn't the end of the world as long as people realise they shouldn't believe everything they read (I expect we will see a shocking story about Richard Branson in The News of the World sometime soon!).

    Are other people's kids collecting Dr Who cards? They're starting to drive me mad, my son just had a screaming fit in the playground as someone showed him the card for Toby (the character with writing all over his face) who he is terrified of. I hope the head will ban them soon, these fads always seem to end up being more trouble than they're worth.

    Em xx

  14. At 10:21 AM on 22 Nov 2006, CrispyJ wrote:

    Branson certainly does provide food for thought, and indeed you do too Chris!

    By the way when you eventually get to see pouting Bond, there is a scene at the airport where you see Sir Branson going through the metal detector! Shucks Rebecca could have asked him about that too.

    Enjoy your hump day..

  15. At 10:23 AM on 22 Nov 2006, David wrote:

    First time on the blog. I have to say Mr E - you have lost it in a style that is large, as they say (well something like that). Read your dream and wow, I'll have a pint of what you're having.

    Now the sycophantic bit - love the show. You're the only radio I listen to these days, whilst trundling up and down the M4. Highly entertaining and informative listening.

    Loved the Branson interview. Listening to him umming and erring it's amazing he's so successful. And was it just me or did it sound somewhat like sour grapes. Not that I totally disagree with him but I feel that way about all these massive conglomerates. They hamper consumer choice by limiting it. So Mr M hampers our choice of information as well as ripping us off royally in the process. If it's not his News Corp it will be another (perhaps Branson headed) massive organisation.

    I'm off the soap box now. Ooo that was invigorating. I can get on with fascinating things like work now (can work from home today so lots of coffee and breaks and things).



  16. At 10:23 AM on 22 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Seem to be posting a lot today...a new found toy is always a treat...

    For all those of you who, like Chris, are trying to give up a bad habit, I've just found the quote of the day on WikiQuote:

    Man is free at the instant he wants to be. (Voltaire)

  17. At 10:31 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Morning morning!
    I won't say too much about Mr M. - I've got Sky tv in the house just have have some choice from the 4 irish tv stations - but the amount of rubbish that gets included to represent value for money - honestly!

    Hope all is well with everyone, I haven't written for a while as I've been up the walls!! And working too :)

    Tickle :)

  18. At 10:33 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris and all!

    I totally agree what you are saying, not only about the price we pay for the service but the influence and control the media has. I suppose its like the internet, in the right hand an incredibly useful toll but in the wrong hands scary.

    Its like the US elections, I remember watching the last one scared to death at how stupid people were being for voting Bush in and how strong an influence someone so obviouly bad can be.

    On a happier note, thank you all so much for wishing me a happy birthday! It made me feel rather special I wont lie!

    Also christmas is just round the corner, I am rather excited! I have never understood people that are miserable about christmas, great food, family friends and everyone is in a good mood! How on earth can that be bad!


  19. At 10:36 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Two cans of cider, two glasses of wine and Heston’s experiments with batter. OK, not necessarily the right answer, but I got some sleep last night. I’m playing squash later than usual tonight, so while I’ll be physically shattered, I just need to make sure that I am mentally exhausted too. Perhaps a crossword and some lavender in the bath.

    I don’t tend to watch much television, but I have Sky as I enjoy watching sport and, try as I might, showjumping, curling and the other offerings from the beeb (Wimbledon excepted – don’t ever let that go) don’t really do it for me. Whilst I begrudge lining Murdoch’s pockets, the alternative is travelling into London and forking out £100 for two tickets to watch my team (no, I do not support Chelski, Arsenal or Spurs).

    Driving to work this morning the sky looked incredible, like the early scenes in Tom Cruise’s War Of The Worlds – wierd cloud formations and glowing bright orange. Perhaps we are being invaded? Maybe we already have been? They could be implanting us with ‘wide awake chips’ to prevent us sleeping and wear us down before they take over?

    Have a great day all.


  20. At 10:45 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Ldj wrote:

    Hello there folks,

    I would like to go out in the dead of night with a big pair of pliers and cut down all the satellite dishes and then cut the cables to the T.V.s so that when people went to turn on the telly nothing would happen. Sky and the whole mind monolopy is so depressing.
    People- it only works because you're paying him.

    Anyway, went to see Bruce last night on the last night of his tour in Belfast. he was BRillIant! what age of a man is he? nearly sixty I think and as fit as anything. He did not get that way from sitting in front of a telly.

    Turn off the(SKY) t.v. and turn up your radio.

  21. At 10:47 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Jonahwood wrote:

    Well if you think that's bad! I pay for the bloody Sky and never get to see it cos my husband watches fishing and sport all the time and I spend my evenings in the spare bedroom watching terrestial TV! I know, it's my own fault, but anything for a quiet life. Besides, said life is way too short for watching fishing programmes!!!

    Chris, may I just say that you ought to come with a goverment health warning as when you blew that raspberry last night, I almost crashed the car!!! It was bloody brilliant (I'm with you all the way on Bazza) and I haven't laughed so much for ages. I only wish you could have heard it from THIS side of the mic, and I'd recommend you do listen again yourself, just to hear that bit!

    Anyway, best get on. Love to all the bloggers. Don't often comment, but love to read your 'bits'


  22. At 10:48 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Cathmel wrote:


    It's an early blog from me as I'm logged on at work. I'm in the most boring clinic at work ever - so far none of my patients have turned up! I have now given an NHS secret away I think! If you don't turn up for your booked appointment we find something better to do! I am also working on a document about what happens to our prostate cancer patients after diagnosis (what info/support they get, specialists they see etc). Even that got a little boring so here I am bloggin

    Autumn is my favourite time of year - the amazing colours in the countryside. I love my journey to work when the sun is out it looks like everything is tinted in a golden glow. I love it even more when there is a frost on the ground and everything glints in the sunshine.

    I was so impressed with Branson last night at last someone is not afaid of speking their mind. I'm sure lots of people share these views in private but to get a public figure to say what they feel is refreshing!!

    Anyway back to the cancer pathway.....................................

    Love Catherine

    P.S. Found a joke section on our intranet at work and thought i'd share one with my friends on the blog:

    A Police Officer chasing a motorist for almost two hours in the wee hours of the morning comes to a dead end, comes out of his car and asks the Driver

    Officer: why did you not stop even after I had put on the
    siren! and you made me mad by chasing you? If
    you do not give me a proper explanation you are
    in big trouble!!!

    Motorist: Last week my wife ran away with a Police Officer.

    Officer: SO?

    Motorist: I thought you were the Police Officer trying to
    return her back!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. At 10:51 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Christiaan wrote:

    Sounds like fighting talk on the blog today. I love it and I'm all for taking positive action to improve the deal we as consumers are getting at the moment. As well as the items you mention above, why not get to the heart of the reason our world is in such turmoil today - oil dependency. Now if the collective could get behind the goal of dramatically reducing our dependency on oil and it's derivatives, we could quite literally change the world for the better.

    The trouble is, we've associated so much of our "perceived" happiness on the consumption of oil that it's entrenched in our very existance. How and where we travel to, how we provide heat and light and how we entertain ourselves (most gadgets etc. are made from plastic). The issue here is that all these things give us pleasure and we can't associate enough pain to the means of securing our supplies of oil for the short term or to what will happen when it runs out, therefore because there's only pleasure, we'll continue the cycle until it's too late.

    What if every time we filled our cars with petrol, or took a flight, or turned our heating up a notch rather than putting on another jumper, we thought about the victims of 9/11, or 7/7, or the war in Iraq and the thousands who have been killed just to secure our on-going supplies of oil. Because however it's packaged, all of these events are simply effects or consequences of the global dependency on oil and the need to secure supplies for the world's largest economies.

    I really enjoyed listening to Richard Branson on the show last night and if someone like him got behind a a cause such as this (unlikely since he owns an airline) as well as a great communicator such as yourself, it might just grow some wings.

    Rant over, I'll wait with anticipation to see if this one gets past the moderator!

  24. At 10:55 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Janice wrote:

    At last - for many years I have refused to buy Sky because I deplore what's happening to TV and I despise that little man and the power he wields.

    I am a huge sports fan and so the price has been high, especially as I've seen all the price sporting events one by one disappear into his nether regions. Never more so than with the Ashes. I'm sure that was placed on a sacred list by the government to always remain on terrestrial and where is it now...

    Sadly the highlights are also on so ridiculously late that I shall not be able to see these either and as I don't own a (working) video, I'm up the creek with no paddle.

    Please, Chris, stand up for us, curb his power and return democracy (and sports) back to us!

    Kindest regards

  25. At 10:58 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Janice wrote:

    Actually, whilst we're on about democracy and fairness - any chance you can do a free, or cheap, draw with the prize being two people able to join in the evening in your pub? I know a fantastic amount of money was raised for charity - great - but an auction does preclude those of us who are skint!


  26. At 11:12 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Oh dear MATT FROM RUDGWICK...I noticed the sky this morning too...and last night (prior to my nice surprise and apparently I was sparko when he walked into the bedroom) I thought I was joining the massed ranks of the Insomniacs Choir.
    I was totally creamed when I went to bed, then proceeded to lie there...and lie there...and lie there...then got up...then had some water...then lay down again...then read a bit of book...got up again...went back to bed again...et cetera et cetera et cetera Miss Anna...
    ANYWAY, the sky was AMAZING! I felt wide awake just looking at it...whaddya think these chips look like...and wheredya think they're putting 'em??????
    They certainly aren't Heston's chips, as I prefer more onion vinegar than a light misting...
    Will probably be purchasing some knock-me-out tablets on the way home (other stunners are available) and swallowing one about 20mins before up the wooden ladder. The boy DEF not due back tonight sob!

    EM M...Regarding conspiracy theories...Make sure the Dr Who cards aren't published by the Murdoch press eh? (or his evil twin, Thebear)

    EM 26...Hope you had a good evening too...x

    TICKLE - good to have you back hon. I trust the walls are finished with you now. It's enough that they've got sausages without having a Tickle too!

    Oosa oochi coochi den

  27. At 11:14 AM on 22 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning bloggers and schloggers (2nd attempt),

    I have been Policed by the Blog mafia :-( so I will try again ;-)

    So a drunken chef on the sofa! I hope she is the only thing that is pickled in your kitchen this week ;-)

    I have to agree with you and sky although my biggest disappointment is there customer service. I had a right falling out with them just over a year ago. They kept sending ma a letter and I would reply, one month later the same letter with no reference to my reply, and so this went on! In the end I wrote a “Personal for” letter (recorded delivery) to the head of the department requesting he arranged for the removal of my sky dishes, the making good to my property and that if he felt that way inclined I would visit him and deposit the dishes, where the sun don’t shine! As if by magic it was all sorted out within two weeks :-)) I even got three months at half the rate I was paying :-) (All so out of character you understand)

    I am sure I will be back later ;-) If the blog police let me on ;-)


    P.S. Not my original joke as I fear it may have been the problem!

    Two spinster sisters lived on the side of a mountain in a very rural part of the country. They had two prized possessions, a bolster pillow and a rooster.

    One morning the sisters put the bolster pillow out to air and it unfortunately opened and most of the feather filling escaped and was blown to the four corners of the land.

    Very disappointed, the sisters could only think of one solution to their problem, i.e. to pluck the rooster and use the feathers to fill the pillow.

    Being very fond of the rooster and mindful that he would feel a chill without feathers they knitted him a woolly jumper and trousers to keep him warm. This did the trick and the rooster carried on with his daily life as if nothing had happened.

    One morning there was a terrible banging at the front door and the sisters opened it to see the postman spluttering and doing his best to tell them something.

    Fearing that something terrible had happened they took him inside, gave him a generous measure of whiskey and eventually calmed him down to the point where he could speak in an understandable manner.

    "What's the problem, postie ", inquired the sisters

    He leaned forward checked the room to ensure they were alone and stated, "I've just seen the most weird thing down the road. I saw a rooster holding down a chicken with one leg and trying to get his trousers off with the other.

    Keep smiling :-)

  28. At 11:17 AM on 22 Nov 2006, cathmel wrote:

    Lynne # 10

    Really sorry to hear about Clive.

    hope he didn;t suffer too much.

    Will an extra prayer you and your family tonight


  29. At 11:21 AM on 22 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Just had to come back on to say to Lynne #10 that I am so sorry to hear about Clive (fabulous name) who sounded so lovely.

    Lynne, I don't own an animal. I did have a wonderful wee cat about 26 years ago (his name was Toots and I adored him) but we had to leave him in America when we had to come back to Scotland. I have never forgotten him, and he died a long time ago, so I do have an idea of how you are feeling. There are no words that can help, it just takes time and all I can say is that you did the right thing. How awful it would have been not to let him go - some people don't understand that if their pet is in misery, you have to give them peace. You and your husband have done all you can, so please know in your hearts that Clive IS at peace. (If only we could be so kind to the human race).

    C xx

  30. At 11:23 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Sally wrote:

    Morning Christophe

    How right you are !

    I've just cancelled my subscription cause can't justify the ÂŁ44.50 any longer - am seriously going to miss the footie but what can I do - priorities I suppose :-(

    Have a great hump day

    Sally x

  31. At 11:36 AM on 22 Nov 2006, cath wrote:

    (((((((Lynne))))))) so so sad to hear about Clive. At least he was very much loved and cherished for the last few years of his life.

    Greyhounds are just the best - I have a rescue one too. Please please, anyone who's thinking of adopting a dog, think about adopting a rescue greyhound? They have usually had a fairly harsh start to life with not much (if any) human affection - they need very little exercise (20 mins twice a day) - the rest of the time they just find the most comfortable spot in the house and sleep. They are so affectionate and loving and love nothing better than to curl up with you and snuggle in.

    On a brighter note - Gordon last night - phwoar!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (and Man U - ha ha ha)


  32. At 11:43 AM on 22 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Testing, testing 1,2,3...........

    Just checking if the ±«Óătv blog police will stop this as well :-(((

    I am in disgrace as two posts this morning seem now to be blocked!

    Will this be the hat trick?


  33. At 11:45 AM on 22 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    For Lynne,

    I am so, so sorry to hear about Clive. Nothing anyone can say will take the heartache away.

    When I went through with the awful decision myself someone sent me this poem, it still helps me now and I know it has helped others. My thoughts are with you at this terrible time.

    When Is It Time?
    by Kit McCallum

    When is it time to say goodbye,
    To all the love I've known,
    When is it time to end your pain,
    And leave me all alone?

    I've watched you on your good days when
    I feel your strength renewed;
    But shortly after little ups,
    The down days then ensue.

    We ride this roller-coaster of
    Emotions as we try,
    To make it through another day,
    And yet, I can't deny ...

    That as I look into your face
    On days that have been bad,
    I see a look that beckons me
    It's tired, and hurt, and sad.

    The little spark I used to see
    Behind those loving eyes,
    Is growing ever clouded
    By life's cruel inhumane side.

    I try to see beyond the pain
    You feel with every step;
    And softly whisper to myself
    This may get better yet.

    If I can bear to watch you
    Just another day or two;
    I justify my reasons to
    Ensure I cling to you.

    For letting go is harder for
    The person left behind;
    It means that if I let you go,
    I cannot turn back time.

    Back to the days I long for now,
    When you were full of life;
    And every day held promise,
    And our futures, clear and bright.

    But now the lights are darkening ...
    We take it daily now;
    I cannot see our futures clear
    Or think beyond this cloud.

    I think the hardest part in this
    Is never knowing why,
    I have to be courageous
    And I have to say goodbye.

    For if I let myself admit
    It's time to let you go;
    I'd have to face reality
    Without you ... but I know ...

    That soon I have to face the
    Final outcome that I dread,
    And holding on will only serve
    To hurt you in the end.

    You've given such unselfish love
    For all our time in life,
    But if I hold too tightly,
    You'll not move t'ward the light ...

    On to a better life, where you
    Can once again be free,
    Of all the pain and discomfort
    That holds you here to me.

    So if I find the courage just to say
    This last farewell,
    I hope you will forgive me for
    The time it took me; still ...

    I'll hold with me, the memories
    That in my heart remain,
    Pray one day, down the road a'ways
    ... They'll lesson my own pain.

    Please take care

  34. At 11:49 AM on 22 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    To Lynn #10 - I am so sad for you and your husband, and of course for Clive.

    My beloved dog Enoch was 15 when he had to be put to sleep - we buried him in the woods at the bottom of our garden - and when we came indoors we didn't know what to do. Seven years on I still miss him - it was like a teenager leaving home, although I guess some people are glad to see their teenagers go!!

    Telling other people was difficult but it sort of helped because like Clive he'd been well loved - we actually got some cards of sympathy. It might sound daft or pathetic to some people but we get attached to our pets and they give so much but ask for so little - they can be more rewarding that some humans in my experience!

    My only advice (not asked for I know) would be not to rush into getting another dog. There are rescue centres who need people to walk their dogs for them which will give you the contact that you desperately miss, but not the responsibility. Be kind to yourselves and take a little break.

    Thinking of you all

    Jillygoat xx

  35. At 11:55 AM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Have severely depressed me. I love my Sky Plus, but I fully appreciate what you are saying. Maybe I should cancel for a while until he relents? Do you think that will happen? Doesn't he have a dynasty to take over and inflict even more pain on us.

    I don't even watch that much. My kids are all so busy I just catch things on the run. I gave up 2 for 1 chickens after reading about hugh ferningly whitthingham thingy about natural foodstuffs, now my sky Plus. Do you think it is a sign, that I have already reverted back to knitting that we are slowly creeping back into a non-technological age where we sit by the wood fire, toasting our hand reached chickens, while knitting our clothes.

    I can think of worse things.


  36. At 11:58 AM on 22 Nov 2006, Selena wrote:

    My husband is so anti SKY it's not funny!!!

    We have plain old free view plus top up and it gives us more than enough tv. I do nag about getting SKY sometimes but his logic is that for the same price as SKY we can buy a few bottles of wine and have have nights goggle-box free and 'catch-up' with each other, something which most other couples with children forget to do!

    SKY is appealing, but a bottle of wine in bed is much more enticing!

  37. At 12:00 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    The lilac tree will forever be a beautiful safe fragrant haven for Clive.

    A perfect farewell

    All my love

  38. At 12:04 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Chris you are so so right. I refuse to get Sky and I can't afford it anyway! I have got freeview and thats enough.
    Your chef sounds great although I don't think I could eat your breakfast!!! I need cereal in the morning!
    Glad you are not a smoker food tastes better and you will live longer!
    Well I hope all my fellow bloggers are well. Love alex xx
    ps If you pick Norwich in the tombola can you come to my house. Norwich is brilliant! and I will make everyone scones! yum yum

  39. At 12:13 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Lynne I'm so sorry about Clive - I know that we have that day coming soon and the thought of it is not good. I suppose it's not good leaking tears at work but I couldn't help it... We are already thinking about another puppy, I know that may sound heartless but Charley whispered to me that he wanted us to get another spot to keep us company and to make sure we keep walking every day and stay reasonably fit.

    I;m sure you did exactly the right thing but I know that it must have been really hard for you to take the decision. Everyone I have spoken to it about has said that you will just know, it will be in his eyes and while it may have been a little sooner than you wanted I'm sure Clive is happy running after heaven bunnies and stuff. Plus when Charley goes I'll tell him to find Clive and make sure he's OK (I know it's sad but a little belief helps me out of tricky spots!). Charley's aunty Ellie is waiting for him to arrive so I'm sure they'll all be alright.

    Big hugs - Jo

    PS. I registered with a site called photobucket and uploaded some photo's to the web, then I just posted the link to the photo (right click then go to properties copy the address and then paste to the comment section)


  40. At 12:19 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Lynne - am so sorry to read your sad news.

    Keith - oh no, you are in our 'zapped-off' corner again by the sounds of it. Will probably be in there too myself after my last post - I am now thinking that the 'strict ones' are on duty today - they have shipped them in from message boards afar to keep us in line...harrumph. Mine may well not slip through their convoluted net today (not for the first time). Keep smiling Keith, we like what you post even if they don't.

    Em26 - a very belated but huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from me : ).....I remember being 26 ( I think)

    (aged 42 and very nearly twelve twelfths)


    ps Daniel Craig

  41. At 12:19 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Jonahwood wrote:

    Message to Lynne. Just to say that I'm thinking of you and feel your pain. It's one of the hardest and bravest decisions we can make for our pets and you know you did the right thing. Clivey 'son' will be with the angels and so many other furry friends now and he'll be patiently waiting until he can wag his tail at you once again. Meanwhile, take solace in the fact that you removed his pain and now he can run around having a great time.

    Take care and very fond thoughts to you and your family. xxx

  42. At 12:37 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Spudge wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    Well, how true your comments are this morning. I do not have sky just terrestial and a freeview box which does me fine. I have seen sky and quite frankly it seems like hundreds of channels of rubbish. I do like my rugby and thuus far the ±«Óătv have the lions share, but how long that will last we shall have to see, (the RFU may well sell out to Mr M). What I have found is that when sky are showing matches, all us rugby chaps head down to our local social club and watch it there, great atmosphere and cheap beer.
    There is a seventh payment to Mr M. sky charge our club ÂŁ650 per month which our subs go towards paying, even though some members have sky at home.

    Onwards and upwards


  43. At 12:55 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    :( : ( I spent ages typing a post - which has been conviscated : (


  44. At 12:57 PM on 22 Nov 2006, ken wrote:

    Hello Mr non smoker and fellow bloggers.
    I am not a non smoker i just choose not to smoke today. You see how it works is that when you wake up you see how long you can last without a ciggie, and if you do till ,say 10 am well then you can smoke for the rest of the day. But the next day you have to go without untill 10 30 am and so on until you go without for a full day and night . It take quite a while to get that far but like i say, Today i am not having a smoke, the last one i had was in 1998. Once a smoker always a smoker but just not today . ps Hestons chips are to die for. have a nice day everyone

  45. At 12:57 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Late up and about this morning having flown to scotland and back in 2 days for a meeting and spent a ridiculously long time in a bar at some point. Very Henry Davenport!! Sitting on the M25 this morning noticed that the clouds in the sky had a dappled hue, very artistic, isn't God's paintbox a wonderful thing amazing sunrises and sunsets at times with colours from pale yellow through amazing Indigo's and violets. Special effects with lightning and winds, and calm almost ethereal skyscapes in less chaotic weather patterns.
    Missed the last two shows so will be listening again shortly.
    Re. the blog, Chris you've missed one payment don't forget Multiroom, a curse that is just about to be inflicted on me as the missus wants to watch different programmes to me, and during the football season this is impossible.
    Looking forward to the show tonight.

    Happy Hump Day everybody.

    DD out!

  46. At 01:04 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    CHRISSIEs #12 - It's nearly from the well known Scottish Play by Bill Shakespoke...just before Macbeth is killed by Macduff...

    "Lead on, Macduff", meaning "Go ahead and I'll follow you" is a misquote of Macbeth's final lines in the play: "Lay on Macduff, and damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!"

    GABY #40 - Another conspiracy theory. 'They' are keeping all the naughty messages to bring out a book for Christmas called 'Blogs from the Edge' wherein the hero, possibly an accountant, attends a rehabilitation clinic, possibly in Cumbernauld, and his/her middle-aged mother is totally impossible because he/she keeps telling risque jokes. The author of this book will be none other than Vladimir Fruitbat, who you will also know from the book and musical 'Bent' which is all about a group of young drop-outs who won't pay for their digs because they have no metal coat hangers.

    KEITH #32...how many times...a hat trick is what the rabbit is for.

    JO #39 - Faith is as important as belief xx

    Time for my medication Miss Playdeau

  47. At 01:04 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Mary wrote:

    I just want to say That I have finished my degree in Drama and I am currently working for a Book Suppliers! with a student Loan debt of about 10,000 building up because of the interest we have to pay!

    Maybe I should have got Pregnant at 16 then I would probably have my own house, money coming in!

    This government incourage young girls to get pregnant!!!!!!!

    It gets me so Angry!

  48. At 01:09 PM on 22 Nov 2006, cat wrote:

    Lynne - I'm at work trying my best not to cry, I really feel for you, and for Jo and Charley too. I remember my mum's dog Sherpa being put to sleep and that was awful, and I've got my own pooch Archie to think of (although he's fine at the moment). Thoughts with both of you.

    As for Sky, I love football and it really really bugs me that "normal" kick-off time of 3pm on Saturday is moved to all over the place to accommodate Sky adverts and income. And if you don't have Sky you don't watch, simple as that. Growl.

    My 41st birthday in Edinburgh was completely FAB, had wonderful time, ate at David Bann's restaurant (give it a whirl even if you're not veggie, it's brilliant) but lovely husband felt the effects of a few too many vegetables...if you know what I mean....

    love to all,
    cat & archie dog

  49. At 01:19 PM on 22 Nov 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    To our lovely Lynne,

    Thank you for sharing your news, although sad to hear of the passing of your dearest Clive.

    The gulf will get wider and deeper for a while, but spring will come the lilac will blossom and you will cherish all the wonderful memories you have.

    I lost my little Skweeelie last December. I miss him heaps, like I miss all my little beasties who still reside with their other daddie. (The worst part of breaking up was leaving them behind.)

    I'd love to give a rescue greyhound a good home or some unwanted kittens, but I am away too much from home... it would be so unfair on them. I must check on Jillygoat's suggestion of helping out at a rescue centre.

    All my love and warmest thoughts to you and your hubby and to any schloggers out there who've lost a beloved one recently.


  50. At 01:27 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Jude wrote:

    A sad hello to everyone- through my tears for Clive and his family. I'm so sorry for your loss Lynne but he sounds like he had a perfect family looking after him.


  51. At 01:32 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Sylvia wrote:

    Up here in Scotland we never got fish and chips with the chef that blow torches everything... we got steak and salad and he was in a huge fridge with big blocks of cow that had been aging for about 3 months and looked yukky and brown outside but he assued us it was all good stuff inside.

    Why did we not get fish and chips up here north of the border???

  52. At 01:41 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Am so heartbroken for you.

    I lost my wee cat in the summer. We had the pleasure of her purryness for 18 years, and it was only in the last couple of weeks of her wee life that she started to be worn down.

    Thankfully she died with us, comfortably in my arms and although it was heartbreaking, and my heart still aches for a wee cuddle of her, it was peaceful, and I knew that death came as a release for her and she was comfortable at last.

    We buried her in the garden, wrapped in her blanket under a tree in the garden where she had spent most of the last few weeks of her life.

    I go out most mornings and say hello to her, and I'd love to have another cat to fuzz over, but my husband is still grieving.

    The pain doesn't get less, but it fades slightly, and you will start to smile again at the memories of Clive.

    My vet told me that a new pet immediately may seem heartless, but it is the best cure for a broken heart.

    Take Care,


  53. At 01:44 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Cat -

    So pleased that you had a great birthday in Edinburgh. I ALWAYS enjoy myself in Edinburgh.

    Now I'm all down in the mouth about my Sky Plus and Clive, I think I'll have to have a wee drive over to pick myself up.


  54. At 02:03 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Chris wrote:

    Ah Chris, an emotive subject indeed. Never having had a proper revolution in this country we will moan about, and then put up with, an awful lot.

    I wonder how many people won't give up Sky for fear of upsetting the kids. Boomerang 24/7 that's what we've got to look forward to. Check out how many car adverts have tapped into pester power.

    I'm just the same, I would give up Sky, but what if everyone else doesn't. You go first. I'll carry on paying and try not think about Mr.Murdoch.

    Thats the one and only thing you've got to admire a French farmer for, He'll block a ferry port in the blink of an eye.


  55. At 02:10 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Claire wrote:

    Lynne #10,

    So sorry to read about Clive. I had to have one of our cats put to sleep last Sunday. His name was Scampi and he was 3 and a half years old. He was a farm kitten that had got separated from his mother and siblings that we found when he was about 4 weeks old. He spent the first coule of weeks sleeping in a basket (hence the name) and slept with us every night until last Sunday. Making the decision was the hardest thing I've had to do for a long time but it wouldn't have been fair to keep him alive for me but I miss him dreadfully.

    We've buried him close to the Xmas tree in the back garden cos he used to like the tree in the house at Xmas. He didn't like going outside at all so he didn't.

    Really feel for you.
    Love and stuff

  56. At 02:11 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    mary #47 I really dont think that is the case. I had my baby at 23, i was pregnant at 22. Ok not quite 16, but there is so little help out there. I am like you and did, well still doing a degree, i have loads of student debt.

    i have never had the option not to work because there just hasnt been that help, so now i work full time (have done since ben was four months) pay all my taxes, pay to finish my degree have no money and get no benefits.

    And even 16 year olds that do get help live in a small council house with no prospect of moving up in the world, at least you do have.

    Besides we all make our decisions.


  57. At 02:15 PM on 22 Nov 2006, cat in the hat wrote:

    Morning Captain Chris of the good ship blog and all who sail with her :-)

    Hope you're all fine n dandy today even if it is a rainy Tuesday...........sorry think I've od'd on Johnny Depp......MMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't have sky (am I the only one??) the robbing scoundrel isn't getting a penny from me!

    Chris....How amazing is the chef (does she not have a name????) serving brekkie after a skinful.....crikey, sign her up for life service!

    Can anyone offer any advice.....have two cats, Patrick and Daisy (so called by previous owner)
    who are being terrorised by new fat black cat on the block Dave (a stocky character with a real attitude) who keeps trying to get through cat flap and breaks it cos he's too fat. (this just made me think about last weeks story of the guy in a pantomime who was on the large side and kept getting stuck in the trap door so after many years of "behind you" had to give up) when he does manage to get through he eats all their food (Dave...not the pantomime guy!)and leaves them traumatised....Daisy tries to stand up to him, Pat (the coward) runs and hides.
    I don't want to put collars on them so only they can get in (a friends cat died after getting his collar caught and hung itself :-(
    so any ideas???

    well better go do some work........this blogging lark is so damn addictive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (love the jokes)

    have a cracking day everbody and stay dry

    Cate :-) xxxx

    LYNNE #10 sorry about Clive, he sounded lovely :-(

    SOOPERDOOPER just had the same with my car...they are a pain in the neck!

    CATHMEL hi there.........is it only us who think think a Blogfest get together would be fun?????? surely not!!!
    (can just see the two of us with our party poppers!!! :-)

    WHO IS INSPECTOR BLOG OF THE BLOG POLICE????? is it the main man himself???? cant imagine so being such a busy soul......whoever you are....Hello to you to :-) if we're all really nice to you will you let some more jokes through :-) ........think you should come on here and introduce yourself............."the names Blog.......James Blog"!!!!!!!

  58. At 02:26 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Great Blog.

  59. At 02:27 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Lynne and family

    Sorry to hear your news, There is not much I can add to the nice comments from others already...

    But some people just don't understand the level a dog can be in people life, I got seriouse grief for the amount losing my dog hit me, but he was part of the family, its that simple, I can compair him to my brother...

    You will be in my thoughts...

  60. At 02:30 PM on 22 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    Lynne - your story moved me. sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts.
    these little animals are such special people.


  61. At 02:30 PM on 22 Nov 2006, KarenD wrote:


    haven't blogged for ages ...been a bit busy abut felt I had to contribute on the Murdoch and our money debate.
    Over here in Calgary we have a cable company and one of the channels shows Sky sport...usually two football (I refuse to call it soccer) matches each Sat. (one shown live the other recorded) and I am sure that they have to pay RM a huge amount of money for the privelege so not only is he coining it in from the likes of you and me but also the hundreds of cable companies throughout the world who buy the sport from him.

    Ok, thats the rant for today!!
    Not the best of days for me as it would have been wedding ann. # 26 if my ex. hadn't decided otherwise earlier this year. Reading some of the comments from previous days makes me realise that I am not alone in this predicament and I shall pass on my thanks to all of those bloggers who help (unknowingly lots of the time) with messages of support.

    Happy hump day.
    Love Karen

  62. At 02:41 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    Just wanted to come back and say to

    Lynne #10

    You described Clive so beautifully it brought tears to my eyes. I am SO sorry to hear your news.

    You made an INCREDIBLY brave decision. You must love him very very much

    Emma SK

  63. At 02:43 PM on 22 Nov 2006, No1Marc wrote:

    The sky this morning was just wonderful and FREE

    "Goodbye mummy I love you." Wonderful and FREE

    SKY TV. Manipulative, extortionate, mindnumbing.......if you want to see a football match go to one.......you can't live your life in a TV screen.....it's not a rehearsal, get on with it...

    Chris, do you think it would help if we started a rumour that if you attach a SKY dish to any Ford motor vehicle said vehicle will not only run on tap water but as a side affect it'll fly!!!!..or maybe just suggest that the dish is actually made from gold......

  64. At 02:53 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    Mary #47

    Don't feel I'm "having a go" but I had to say something.

    I was a single mother from the age of 23- yes quite old and yes I was stupid, and yes the father ran off into the distance as quickly as he could. Yes I chose to give up work; but because I wanted to be the first person to see my son walk and hear him talk, and not leave this to a childminder. And OH BOY was it worth it.

    Yes I got a council flat; but then when I decided to go to university at the age of 28, with FRIENDS looking after my son after school (I deliberately waited til he started school):- I had to take out my student loan to pay my rent. One of my fellow students took out her loan to get a boob job. Another snorted their student loan as white powder nuff said.

    I then qualified, and worked in a not very well paid job, as a single mother paying my way, and having to pay back a student loan at the same time as supporting myself and my son. I was a single mother till I met and settled with my current partner. I now live in a house which is owned (albeit by my partner) and I work blooming hard to pay the bills and the mortgage. AND I have the most wonderful son as well.

    Very few girls really fall pregnant to "get a house" DESPITE the myths;- most of them are young and scared and ill informed.

    Sorry to rant - I know what you are going through at the moment is absolute hell and I know that the economy has cornered you - but please remember everyone has their trials and its not the fault of these young women.

    Please don't take this personally - just get fed up with single mothers and asylum seekers etc taking the rap for the country's woes and economy.

    Em SK

  65. At 02:56 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Chris wrote:

    Ah Chris, an emotive subject indeed. Never having had a proper revolution in this country we will moan about and then put up with an awful lot.

    I wonder how many people won't give up Sky for fear of upsetting the kids. Boomerang 24/7 that's what we've all got to look forward to. Check out how many car adverts have tapped into pester power.

    I'm just the same, I would give up Sky, but what if everyone else doesn't. You go first.

    That’s the one and only thing you've got to admire a French farmer for, He'll block a ferry port in the blink of an eye.


  66. At 02:59 PM on 22 Nov 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Afternoon all.

    Oh, how sad it is when you lose a loved one. My heart goes out to Lynne (#10). I dread the day when I lose my dearest cat Alice. She is now a grand old age of 18, and has started feeling her arthritis in her back legs. Alice has seen me through some really bad times and has always been there for me. I cannot imagine life without her.

    As for the Sky dude (Mr Murdoch). Well I couldnt believe my ears last night when Sir Mr B was talking about the monopoly he has on this country. I dont read any of his papers, but I just couldnt live without Sky TV!!!!
    As for the other adiction I have (fags), I believe a little of what you fancy does you no harm..... everything in moderation.

    Laters Peeps.....

  67. At 03:12 PM on 22 Nov 2006, sarah wrote:

    Really really sorry to hear about your loss. I know what amasing hounds greyhounds are and how many need loving homes like you gave Clive. I am sure many of us ( include me) have had to make that journey home from the vets without our beloved pets and how very very hard it is.
    Heart felt sympathy to you and your husband and run free at the bridge Clive

  68. At 03:27 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Jane wrote:

    You are so right Chris- every time our Sky payment goes up I threaten to cancel the Sky package!! But my husband goes ballistic as he likes to watch the footie and all the other stuff on there. I heard Sir Richard on the show last night and he made a lot of sense. So who is going to start the ball rolling to cancel Sky subscriptions?? You?

    Did you stop smoking 'cold turkey', I would love to give up but I jst love a ciggie with some booze the two seem to go hand in hand.

    Have a good hump day!

    Jane xx

  69. At 03:43 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon All.

    Having a very bad day.

    Chris, I know what you mean about RM. It's enough to make you want to jump off the planet sometimes.

    My childhood - with it's ever present threat of nuclear war - seems like bright halcyon days compared to right now.


    Jan x

  70. At 03:50 PM on 22 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Greetings to all;

    What a great blog today - it has every emotion running through it - quite incredible.

    Back again (my third today, sorry) but I just want to thank Hazel #46 for putting me straight on the "lead on MacDuff" situation. I have been using this saying this forever, and I knew I didn't invent it, so now I know where it came from! Good old Will Shakespeare, absolute genius, though half the time I haven't a clue what he's going on about!!

    Thanks again Hazel.

    C xx

    P.S. Thinking about Tracey-Ann and Jo & Charley (did mean to say this earlier).

  71. At 04:09 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Neale Deacon wrote:


    At least you found out all was well with the world with the little girl telling her mummy that she loved her eh?

    I always find it's more sincere when it comes form my little boy than either of my daughters but maybe I'm just a cynic.

    Anyhoo. At some point during the first part of your show tonight my car is going to go through the 100k miles barrier on my journey home to Bradford from Leicester.

  72. At 04:13 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Liz Parkin wrote:

    Hi Chaps,

    I just read the mail from the lady who was a single parent. Both my daughters are single parents, both of them work and do not live off benefits, nor do they spend any of their money on rubbish like drink and drugs. Their children are brilliant and well behaved (and I am not just saying this 'cos they are my grandchildren). My eldest daughter had her son at 17 and managed to take a degree. He is now 19 himself and studying to be an engineer and he looks after his mum and his younger brother (she has bad choice in men and got caught and left twice).

    It's just like anything else - there are good and bad. There are single mums who drink, do drugs and live on benefits and crime and there are the others, just as there are middle-class, well-educated people who waste their lives plus the good citizens (like me).

    Heston Blumenthal - Hmm, not very practical is he? I watch him with the same sort of fascination as I watch things like 'You are what you eat', that is you can't believe that some people will go to such extremes but I suppose it's no different to standing on your head in a hammock!

    Have to go now. Keep up the good work all and don't let things get on top of you - tomorrow's another day.

  73. At 04:16 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Yo pm good persons of the blog!

    CAT in the HAT #57 - My boss has already told me that it is Wednesday today. Just thought I'd pass that on.

    If we were to have a 'BLOGFEST' or indeed a 'SCHLOGFEST', please can we have Daniel Craig or Richard Armitage to cut the ribbon.

    KARENd #61 - s'funny. Always after the event you find solace where you least expect it. I like it on here. xx

    re the blog or schlog fest, we could have a daytime fete kind of thing with stalls and stuff and do proceeds to CIN and then in the evening have a school disco! It doesn't matter how old or young everyone is then, coz most of us have been through either or both of those! Or not, obviously - we could have world famous bands possibly? Just chucking ideas around you understand...

    Well that's me for aujord'hui
    Hasta manana

  74. At 04:18 PM on 22 Nov 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Can I just ask, has anyone seen the good Doctor McCrumble today?????
    I do hope he is ok........

  75. At 04:30 PM on 22 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    Hi Chris et al,

    Firstly, Lynne there's no words to say at a time like this, we'veall been there at some stage in our lives, it don't get no better.
    I think that you already book a broken heart the day you collect your pooch, kitten, rabbit whatever, you know it's going to happen but don't dwell on it until you have too. Sorry, cosidering I said theres no words to say I seem to have said a few. Thoughts are with you and yours.

    Mr Murdoch gets not a penny from myself, mainly because I dislike 99.99999% of TV
    I do not have a box thingy whatsit, nor dish, nor cable.
    I consider myself real lucky as Georgeous Guy thinks about the same (well, with more 99's really but he does suffer Strictly Come Dancing, he says suffer but I think he likes it really).

    We tend to spend evenings eating, talking and drinking yummy red medicine, as neither of us get in from work until quite late, so it seems criminal to bung the box on, then its bed time, get up and do it all again the next day.

    And, No I've not seen Bond yet, will have to try to get in to see it over the weekend. I have to admit I wasn't that keen until I read all you guys that have seen it being so positive about it.

    Oh well, think thats all from me today
    Take care all (exp Lynne and family)

  76. At 04:33 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Anna Log wrote:

    Is it just me or is this Sky mullarkey mostly a man thing? We have it in our house but the females of the species don't get much of a say in which of the several hundred rubbish channels of sports, cartoons, diy, fishing, gardening, "vintage", "another chance to see", all new and American garbage we watch - the remote is definitely a masculine accessory.

    Like many previous contributors I'd be quite happy with terrestrial tv and a good book and let Mr M and his megomaniac empire earn their money elsewhere. In fact - I'd be happy give up TV altogether (apart from Corrie, obviously) - the pictures on radio are SOOO much better!

  77. At 04:34 PM on 22 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Dear Mary#47,

    I am also not having a go,(Emma SK#64), but... I just want to say that as a specialist midwife for pregnant teenagers trust me, please don't believe all the stereotypes....

    I can't go into detail but if people actually got to see the reality instead of what is portrayed by the Murdoch Media everyone would be shocked.

    There are women in all age groups who get pregnant in the hope of being housed but they in reality are rare.

    Sorry but I had to say something

  78. At 04:34 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    sorry quick ps - completely forgot!!!!

    THROW OR TIP WATER AT DAVE EVERY TIME YOU SEE HIM, EITHER BEFORE OR AFTER HE GETS IN THE CAT FLAP. He won't like it, it doesn't hurt, and as long as you do it every time you see him, even just in your garden, he'll start to keep away. This worked for us when we first moved here, and you may have to do it again periodically just to remind him.

    You'll need to make sure the others aren't about otherwise they'll have bad associations with the cat flap too.

    buenos doodahs

  79. At 04:51 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Did someone call?

    I was sat at my computer writing a long tract on the benefits of global environmental changes on the transmission of parasitic diseases when I suddenly realised that I hadn't made any comments underneath Chris's missive.

    How slack of me. Then I see Melanie C is kindly asking after my welfare. I'm OK, I think. Would you believe I'm still trying to calm things down after my return from the forest? I've started writing the rest of the story - you can read it all (so far) at

    I might just catch up soon

    As the for the debate about Sky vs NTL vs ITV vs Branson - I don't use any of them, so I can't comment.

    have a nice evening all.

    J McC

  80. At 04:59 PM on 22 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Ok I am back (blog police allowing)

    I can see by the posts I am not alone in my post getting stopped. Now on this occasion I do not really mind but I have to say the joke was not that bad

.dare I say I have posted worse and read worse form other people (again in my opinion) so I have come to the conclusion that the stopping of certain posts is all down to possibly one individual who is a real jobs worth and either has no sense of humour or has made it their mission to ensure no else does unless of course you all need protecting from me! :-(

    Anyway I hear you say move on, well I will if this one gets through :-)

    Lynne # 10. Bless you; even to type the post must have been hard enough. Clive sounded a wonderful companion to your family. I fear only time will heal what you must be feeling today. xx

    Gaby # 40. I think they are just picking on us because they can! I do think you are right though and on another day our posts would have got thorough ;-) And as for a lady and her age there seems to be a lot of women on here willing to share their age (not that we know they are telling the truth) I am 43 and 23 days :-)

    Hazel # 46. And for my next trick

oh no wait that will never get past the moderators :-)

    Stay safe everyone :-)

    It is nearly show time!


  81. At 05:08 PM on 22 Nov 2006, David McD wrote:

    Great blog Chris first time i've read. Murdoch needs reining-in, he holds too much power
    and is a control freek. I won't subscribe to Sky on principle, if we all thought that way and boycotted Sky he'd be stuffed.

    I'm about your age and when i was young we'd watch sport on terrestrial telly and then go out to the park and play it, "you can be Rooney and i'll be Ronaldo" but Murdoch has made this elitist & all populist sport is for Sky viewers only. No wonder we are no longer good at sport if the masses have no access to it. Where will the next Rooney or Daley thompsom come from?

    Glad you picked Oz Clarke for your dinner he's a good lad, a mate and really great fun. Please tell him David from Australian Vineyards Direct says Hi! Cheers David.

  82. At 05:21 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Kate wrote:

    Just wanted to say have never had sky on principle of all the above... But did you know that you can buy a digital freeview box with a hard drive for a one-off fee ? This is just as good as sky plus cos you can record whatever you want and watch whenever you want and there are an amazing amount of channels now available on freeview, including film4 and such like... and more coming all the time...

  83. At 05:22 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Jay wrote:

    hi guys.

    If one aussie taking the piss (Murdoch) isn't enough, that kiwi turncoat surely is. Can you post the 'pain' quote on line as a .wav? I'd love to have it to play with in a musical sort of way...especially when we WIN the Ashes.

    Thanks for lots of jollies, shame you chose the closest place in Scotland though. I thought the race to the next place would have been fun. Who knows if you'd have made it without the aid of a helicopter...
    By the way, when you do England, come to Lapford in Devon.

  84. At 05:26 PM on 22 Nov 2006, cat in the hat wrote:

    Cat in the hat here again,

    Sorry.... yes it certainly is Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LYNNE hope I didnt sound insensitive waffling on about the cat prediciment.......I'd be heartbroken if in same situation.

    HAZEL LOVE....Danial Craig....YES PLEASE!!!!!....what a wonderful idea!!! think we'd definately need a few more party poppers then....they'd be beating down the doors!!!

    Re. the little girl shouting to her mummy that she loved her.....had to smile the other day, was talking to my freinds 5 year old little girl and asked what she wanted to do when she grew up
    "I want to bake cakes" (she had been baking with her granny) made me think what a wonderful thing the age of innocence is, before we get caught up in the money rat race.........all I ever wanted to do was to be a cowgirl and gallop accross wild open prairies on my faithful steed (in fact thats still all I want to do!!!)

    DISSING DAVE......Loved your poetic description of the morning sky...if you're not a poet you should be.

    Still no word from secret agent James blog of the blog police then.......

    So Blogfest or shlogfest.........thats three of us then............

    Cate xxx

  85. At 05:45 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Penny wrote:

    He doesn't get a thing from me, I cancelled Sky on principal, even though they ring me up at least once a month, and say things like ' you are depriving your kids' etc etc. Now I just laugh when they say who they are calling from..... I don't bother with newspapers anymore either, they bear no resemblance to real life, but it's the way they pretend to that ticks me off......and I got all my various tv box things off Freecycle.... (Check it out Chris, its a great way to recycle stuff...https://www.freecycle.org/).
    Anyway, love the blog, keep up the non smoking..

    Penny, Cheltenham

  86. At 06:41 PM on 22 Nov 2006, marshie wrote:

    Christophe, I love you for pointing the whole sky business out. Sitting smugly here as a non subscriber for all these reasons I say to you all..... come and join me on a consumer strike!!

    Think about what could be done with the spare dosh (buy more good wine?) or even re-direct it into a rival company where we have the say on content, billing and the freedom to make the right decisions on the next leader etc...

    Mm in danger of hopping onto the soap box, off to finish reading my book!

    love reading all the blogs too. x


  87. At 07:01 PM on 22 Nov 2006, jimmy wrote:

    thats some fine thinking chris

  88. At 07:21 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    oh lynne, i've just read your post.
    don't cry darling. if clive was poorly its best that he is out of pain. Take care, love alex xx

  89. At 07:27 PM on 22 Nov 2006, nico wrote:

    Begining is evocative of Philip larkin's, 'Talking in bed,' when they lie there lit only by the street light and he says, 'an emblem of two people being honest.' Nice little moment to start the day. x

  90. At 07:47 PM on 22 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    Dear Lynne

    so sorry to read about Clive - he sounds as if he was one of life faithful campanions. Take care.


  91. At 08:40 PM on 22 Nov 2006, jean cave wrote:

    I read that 'the barmy army' played an impromptu match with 'the fanatix' at a Brisbane cricket field today and won!

  92. At 09:07 PM on 22 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Good evening to you all....
    I am so sorry to hear about Clive Lynne - like everyone else I sympathise. I lost my dog 18 months ago and still miss her terribly, you never quite get over it. It is one of the hardest decisions we have to make but it has to be done. Clive is at peace. Take care x

    Karen D - I know how you feel, its a hard time, it is always the 'first' everything! My thoughts are with you - too bad we cant meet for a cuppa and a natter :-) (or wine of course!!)

    Claire (I think it was) - along the same lines as earlier, get a squirt bottle and fill it with water. When he appears squirt him - he wont like it and it will deter him.

    Cat - what is the name of David Bann's restaurant in Edinburgh please? To put on my to do list next time I am over :-) I am veggie and proud of it :-)

    Take care all
    Joannie xxx

  93. At 09:39 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Myra wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers

    It's been ages - been depressed cos of a birthday, work and life in general - but back now wanting to kick Mr. Murdoch in his cheeky backside - how dare he, thinks he can influence us all to do his bidding by holding us to ransom over our telly - what next, he'll probably buy all the tea in China so that he can charge us
    ÂŁ20.00 for a pot of tea. Grrr. Makes my blood boil.

    Chris is to right, house prices are over the top. My mortage is now so high that ALL my monthly wage goes to pay it - and my beloved hubby's wages go to pay all the other bills involved with it - it leaves us with just enough to pay Mr. Murdoch for the drivel that we can't be bothered to getting around to cancel.

    Why do we do this to ourselves - I mean it's not as if we can even take our houses with us when we pop our clogs. Surely it'd be better to rent and have a bit more cash to spend on the important things like enjoying ourselves, and appreciating our children - especially appreciating them when they don't ask us for cash.

    My eldest Matthew's in the Army - some mention of Afghanistan coming up - worrying, Kathy my middle child is doing Art in college and thinks that the money tree I've got in my living room actually provides hubby's wallet with the blue and brown papers that seem to come forth on a daily basis, and Mannon my youngest is also in college doing Beauty Therapy - I live in hope that they'll include Liposuction, Breast Reduction and facial plastic surgery in the course, and she can practice and do bits on me at the weekend, so that when I go back to work of a Monday, I can join all the other dolly birds in my office instead of everyone thinking that I'm their favourite mother figure with the amazing boobies, that they all say they envy, but really wouldn't want.

    Think I'll have to up my prescription of happy pills - can feel the middle-aged blues coming back again.

    Going now to check my email.

    So good to speak to you all again.
    Hi Hazel Love, Big Un and all the others - hope you're all well.

    Speak soon.
    Bye Chris - big hugs and come to my house at Llangefni, Anglesey to do your radio thingy.

    Big hugs to all.

    xx Myra xx

  94. At 09:44 PM on 22 Nov 2006, Hannah wrote:


    Just wanted to say that I'm new to this blog but it is great and I'm now going to try to be a regular blogger! I think it's so lovely that you post something each morning Chris to share your thoughts with us :-)

    I'm an avid listener to your show, it really brightens my day - such a warm environment with you, Rebecca, Jonny and all the team, your enthusiasm is so appreciated and infectious too! It really gets me through all my hours of study at university, that's for sure! And what a dynamic show too - I love the UK tombola tour, smashing idea!

    Well done on the Branson interview, as you say brilliantly done. I hardly watch any television at the moment and don't have Sky anyway so feel better about that! but certainly the situation is very scary - we must vote with our feet people!!

    Ok, back to my work, bye for now.


    PS - wish I had such a great chef staying, sounds well exciting and scrummy!

  95. At 10:06 PM on 22 Nov 2006, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Chris - are you revolting? Are you suggesting we revolt? You've certainly brought the issue into sharp focus. Am I cynical or would Richard B. be any different to Rupert M. if he could get away with it? Sour grapes?

    Yet there are for worse things. LYNNE #10 - so very sorry to read of your loss. Know exactly what you are going through. There are no words of comfort at this time. Give thanks that he was part of your life and that you did your best for him - he will know that I'm sure.

    JOANNIE #92 - couldn't see Cat's reference - so sorry for jumping in. David Bann's in Edinburgh is simply called David Bann's. It's just fab - even non-veggies enjoy it! If you get the chance you should try it.


  96. At 10:22 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:


    thoughts are with you.......

    & my bears

  97. At 10:35 PM on 22 Nov 2006, david Lumb wrote:

    well hello chris an all
    it's seems like a bilmin dogs age since i last blogged on

    sky are for definatley Avin a laf

    Murdoch no! no cheap son.

    well i've just watched i'm a celb Like oh my god wot a laf!

    goodnight sleep well all


  98. At 11:06 PM on 22 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Hi again,
    Had to say Myra # 93 ....you had me in stitches about the plastic surgery - that could be a whole other discussion, would we have plastic surger and what would we have done.....us women are never satisfied with any of our 'bits and pieces'. Happy Birthday too...sounds like a significant one...I have had a few of those and you just have to get on with it...but I think happy pills might be the order of the day for sure. So sorry to hear about Matthew - I have two sons and cannot imagine how you feel.

    EG (Scotland) # 95, thanks for the restaurant info...it is duly noted :-)
    Looking forward to tomorrows blog and show if I am able to catch it. I have to go back and listen to Mr. Branson.

    cu tomorrow gang
    Joannie xxx

  99. At 11:08 PM on 22 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Well, Chris

    I did make a stand against the mighty eMpire. Almost a year ago now.

    I have turned off my $ky subscripton and longer buy any newspaper or magazine that the Murdoch empire own.

    I may be the only one, but at least I feel better for it.

    I just hope more people make a stand.

  100. At 12:32 AM on 23 Nov 2006, Iain wrote:

    So so true Chris and it's good to see someone in the limelight admitting this - if only people in this country would wake up and smell the coffee...

  101. At 03:35 AM on 23 Nov 2006, sarah j wrote:

    Am wide awake and its 3am ,so catching up on blog readings ...missed RB yesterday but will re-listen ! He is so dam right about Murdoch - its crossed my mind before
    Bless the drunk chef -

  102. At 08:38 AM on 23 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Morning schmorning,

    just a quickie....

    I have just been trying to do a blog catch up and made the mistake of trying to speed read the blogs backwards ie starting at the last one. Not a good idea, my friends....I got to #78 from Hazel Love which recommended 'throw or tip water at Dave everytime you see him' - I wondered if said Dave had perhaps been watching too much Sky Sports or taking more than his share of the chicken stew or the red stuff - but no, ...Dave is an intruder of the feline kind : ) : )

    Keith - totally agree with you re blog moderation hypothesis : )....I am trying to be on my best behaviour today - not easy for one at such a tender age : ) : )

    #93 - Myra - really lovely to have you back : )

    #46 Hazel Love LOL at the book of 'Blogs from the Edge' : ) : )



  103. At 10:12 AM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I've got a really radical idea...don't buy sky and don't buy News Corp newspapers...that's called consumer power. Love your blog Mr E, very eloquent

  104. At 05:14 PM on 23 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Fantastic idea Chris

    Sky really is the limit.

    Take on Murdoch and we'll fight for another Ashes. His not ours.

    The Empire Strikes back.

  105. At 08:57 AM on 31 Dec 2006, Daniel Mc Ghee wrote:

    I work with a Alcohol related brain damage team, on reading the comments of ain in my heart, i would like to purchase a copy of the programme which i missed.

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