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Chris Evans | 13:18 UK time, Friday, 17 November 2006

Happy Friday people. Ridiculously happy, can’t stop smiling.

What about those generous angels that gave us so much money for Children In Need? Absolute heroes, every one of them. Haven’t stopped thinking about how to make their night so special. Have a load of brilliant ideas. I’m thinking about making it an annual event.


…it’s all guns blazing for more money and the music marathon, Johnny and Rebecca will be in the studio the whole night treading out your requests and generally having a right laugh. Should be a hoot.

Spent last night with a load of French people drinking Beaujolais, their accents sound so put on it’s really funny. I had a row about the fact that the French have four different names for a fillet, a French guy said they didn’t and he was a chef but he was 100% wrong. Yeeeeeees ! Filet mignon, cote du boeuf, chateaubriand and I can’t remember the other one.

Then went on to a club and ended up talking to Steve Merchant till very early this morning, Stephen, the tallest man in the world., he’s such a nice guy.

Bill’s just been round, she looks amazing. She brought Baxter, her little Jack Russell with her, Enzo tried to eat him in one single gulp, he’s such a naughty German. She’s off work until December, then she starts rehearsing a play !

Off to see James Bond this eve and then cooking on gas, the whole weekend, gonna try and master Heston’s 24 hour steak.

Be lucky people, must dash, I have to figure out whether to sacrifice my spare room to make way for a bigger kitchen. I think it has to be done, cooking is becoming my life.

I hope you all have a bloody fantastic weekend, you deserve it.


P.S. I asked a French guy to put togezer a sentence with the words green, pink and yellow in it, he said,

“Zees morning zee phone went green green, so I pink it up and said yellow.”

Ha ha ha ha ha.


  1. At 01:27 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Debs '75 wrote:

    Knock through and get a sofabed.

  2. At 01:29 PM on 17 Nov 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Afternoon Bloogers,

    well we had a powercut last night... very spooky as it's the first I've experienced in my new home and all went dark. Fortunately I do have a flash-light, but I realised I didn't have any candles or matches or anythng else. Need to go shopping this weekend!!!

    Luckily my ipod runs through battery-powered speakers so I had some company. I cannot stand silence as then I hear the noises.... no no need to worry, I'm not going mad, but I do suffer from tinitus.

    The power came back on just after midnight and then the lights came on and the kettle started again and it woke me up just as I'd drifted off.

    have a lovely weekend!


    PS... How much did you raise for CIN last night as I missed the end of your show?

  3. At 01:30 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Karen George wrote:

    HELLO!! Is anyone out there???

    Wot no comments??

    Are the powers that be too busy on the phones for CIN??

    Happy children in need everyone hope you have a fab day

    Chris - I would knock through def! and as you say cooking is becoming your life! and anyway everyone who stays over seems to sleep on your sofa so i see no need for a spare room!! he he

    Loads of love and kisses

    Karen xxxx

  4. At 01:31 PM on 17 Nov 2006, galadriel wrote:


    Happy children in need day !!

    Defo knock down the spare room...everyone kips on your sofa anyway ;-)

    I have a large kitchen and practically live in it

    have a good weekend one and all.

    Galadriel xxx

  5. At 01:32 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Erasmus Pipebagger wrote:

    Booked up for Jimmy Bond at the flicks next to work.

    Centred my whole day around this.

    What do I do now?

    Am I first?

  6. At 01:33 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Em M wrote:


    I love the French accent, but I think programmes like Allo Allo make people think it's a bit funny don't you?

    My grandad is French and he has lived in the UK for the past 30 years, but his accent is as strong as ever. He's definitely got a touch of the Hercule Poirots about him!

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone,

    Em xx

  7. At 01:38 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    good afternoon chris!
    how good is radio2 today. was just listening to jeremy and the amazing keith chegwin! BRILLIANT!
    i can't make up my mind to see 007 or not. being a girl its not really my thing but seeing daniel craig come out of the sea on the trailor i think i might have to see it!
    have a wonderferful weekend bloggers!
    missy xx

  8. At 01:41 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Ruth wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris

    I've just read through yesterday’s blogs, what a nice lot of folk there are in the world.
    The conversations over I'm a celeb make me giggle. I don't have a TV and did try to text you last night as I think it's a bargain, I get loads more hours in the day, no brainwashing adverts and still get to listen to radio 2 for free!

    I'm a happy bunny this week and life is good, it was my birthday and we went to Glastonbury for a few days, wonderful place lovely food. I’ve been so inspired that I've just made and eaten some soup which was lovely and no recipe.

    Keep doing what you do so well
    Ruthie xx

  9. At 01:46 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Debs Schofield wrote:

    CRIKEY! never done this before - how exciting is this!!! loads of peoples might see my note!
    I love the show - you converted me to a radio 2 listener - such cooooool music.
    Now about this cooking business - I have been dreaming about how to spend the ÂŁ120M I' going to win later and although a lady of simple tastes my one 'must have' in my new 'designed for me' home is a HUGE kitchen with loads of squisy sofas for all my mates and daughters mates to lounge around on whilst I have nothing more important to do than create culinary freasts and comfort food - you need to 'knock through'

    Do it!
    PS if you need help in the kitchen on your big night I have my own pinny and rubber gloves!

  10. At 01:52 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Rich House wrote:

    If you haven't heard it already, download the Ricky Gervais Podcast (Season two I think), and listen to Steve Merchants tale of needing a pee on Copacabanna Beach.


    Now there is a man who you would want to have a pint with down the pub.

    Congrats to you if you had enough spondoolies to donate and get a table at the event of the year!

    Threw my hat into that ring with some high hopes of what would have been the best Christmas present ever for my girl - but was massively outbid. Hey Ho! Will donate none the less....

    have a great weekend all.....

  11. At 01:53 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    Happy Friday to you all.....indeed !

    Chris, if any of your sofa dwellers ever found out that you had a SPARE bedroom (or kitchen-in-waiting as you have pigeon-holed it) just around the corner, they'd be a bit non too chuffed at having gained their collective, sofa induced back aches! In fact, rather than broadcast it, just get the conversion done el pronto and deny that a SPARE bedroom ever existed.

    You must convert it. Afterall, you can only sleep in one bedroom at a time....yet we all manage to run out of kitchen space within seconds of starting a creation.......or is it just my 'reckless abandon' style?!.....

    Have fun tonight - I'll be glued to my wireless, egging you on every step of the way!

    reminds me of something I once heard (which I'll now regurgitate inaccurately)

    DANCE like no one is watching
    LOVE like you've never been hurt
    SING like no one's listening
    WORK like you don't need the money

    or as I prefer to remember it...

    DANCE like you've never been hurt
    LOVE like no one's listening
    SING like you don't need the money
    WORK like no one is watching

    The second lot are much better life rules, i@m sure you'll agree.

    Have a crackin' one everybody

    Love and fiddly bits

  12. At 01:57 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Dit wrote:

    I'm a virgin blogger so here goes. CIN is just incredible. Having 2 boys of my own I practically cry all the way thru the TV programme with my 2 boys asking "are u ok mum?" Massive thank you to radio 2 for all their work, listen all day. Havin laughed with you since your days on GLR (still shout "Billy" out the car window from time to time - how weird that she should turn out to be your wife!!!) wud hav loved to have bid for the evening at your pub Chris but money too tight to go that far. No doubt we'll hear all about it & feel part of it. Keep it personal. Dx

  13. At 01:59 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Knock through, definitely! If you don't, now that you've had the thought of it, you'll be constantly asking "now why didn't I do that again?". Just do it!

    Have a great weekend all - off to a ball tonight in aid of Children in Need - one of my workmates is doing my hair this afternoon for me so no more work for me today and a nice skivy afternoon planned!!!

    Take care everyone

  14. At 02:00 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris! Really enjoyed the selection of music you played last evening, especially the Dean Martin track! Steve Merchant is the same height as my son I believe, 6ft 7ins!! I have bred some very tall children, my youngest son is 6ft 4in and my daughter, the eldest is nearly 6ft!

    The only problems the tallest one has is remembering to duck when he goes through ordinary size doors, and finding tops and trousers etc in the shops which are long enough!

    Sacrifice the spare room - the ktchen is the heart of the home!

    Love to Enzo from Marvin The Dog x
    ps My dog Marvin is really respectful of small dogs, as they are so much more sparky than dogs his size! Marvin is always very wary of them, but they all love him just the same!

    Jeannie x

  15. At 02:04 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Linus bear wrote:

    Hello Chris
    I've never blogged before and feel all nervous - how silly!
    Had to blog today as yoru blog was so happy it has filled me with giggles and good feelings and that is such a great way to feel on a friday.

    Keep on cooking


  16. At 02:07 PM on 17 Nov 2006, gaby wrote:

    Chris, ladies and gentleman,

    Loving your work Chris, always have done : )

    Keith - you made me smile - I have just read your post re Hazel Love and me and the laughter police and the towers!! lol : ) Good luck with the job application - keep us posted : )

    Oh Chris, thanks for playing Donny Osmond's Puppy Love - that was the first single I owned - wow, did it bring back some memories - the day I was given it I listened to it in my bedroom after I got back from school (yes, they had them in those days) and it was helping me to recover from a particularly unpalatable fish pie we had been served that day (it was a friday : )). I share a birthday with Donny..I know, I know, not something to boast about really!!!!

    I had such a good night yesterday - saw Jools Holland - fab concert - his brother Christopher was the 'warm up' and did a Squeeze number - memories again. I hope this post doesn't get conviscated - I mentioned Jools in one of my missives yesterday that never made it to the screen.

    I know that by the time I have finished typing this and it has appeared on the page(perleeaasse police perleeaasse let it through) there will be other posts - but it always feel strange typing one when no one else's has appeared yet : )

    Ah yes, to knock through or not to knock through - it would appear that your guests utilize your sofa rather than your spare room anyway. You could always buy a chaise longue to accompany the sofa as part of your guest suite.

    mange tout et, bien sur, crudites a la table


  17. At 02:11 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon !

    Have to agree - Steve Merchant is a gent ! Lovely chap....

    I`m off to Shepperton Studios at the weekend for the filming of the last episode of Vicar Of Dibley. Richard Curtis is THE MAN !! Such a talent but also such a heart - he does so many amazing things for charity.

    Knock the wall through... You obviously don`t need a spare room as no one ever makes it past the sofa...

    Enjoy this evening, hope loads of worthy causes benefit.

    Watch out for Fearnes bit about postpals everyone ! Excellent concept !

    Have wonderful weekends one and all..

    Tracey-Ann x x x x

    P.S - For those of you wondering about tests and the like. Haven`t mentioned it as trying to stay positive and not worry but I had my letter from the hospital on Wednesday. They have called me in to see a specialist a week on Monday. At least we`re one step closer to knowing whats going on I suppose....

    Also - haven`t really posted because I wasn`t sure what to write to some of the "cute" comments and responses. I am very very fortunate to have a wonderful support network of friends and family but I like the fact I can let off steam to people I don`t know as I feel I don`t want to burden my friends and family with my worries. I do really appreciate you all. So, thank you. x x

  18. At 02:12 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Yo dudes!

    Definitely knock through Mr E. As has been said before, you seem to mainly use the sofa for guests so why have a spare room. If you really needed an extra bed surely you could put someone up in a hotel, or even share your bed (what a thought) in a top to tail sleepover fashion!

    The kitchen is most definitely the heart of the home and having a bigger one means that your home has a bigger heart, plus when Enzo comes to stay he will be able to sniff your delightful cooking smells from further away!

    My Charley is so submissive with other dogs and wouldn't have dared to try and eat Baxter, although now he's got poorly he doesn't see as many other dogs. He used to run up to strangers and then lay flat (like a sheep dog even though he's a spotty!) and wait for them to come up and say hello to him. Then he would spring up and get them to chase him all over the field!

    I watched Coast last night and it made me yearn to return to the sea side to live and raise my family (not that I have kiddies but a girl can dream). What can be better for kids to be able to go and play on the beach after school and at weekends, I was playing on the beach until I was about 14 or 15 and I wouldn't have had it any other way!

    Radio 2 is fab today, have already heard a few of my favourite CHUNES, but I will request something myself in a little while. Got the out laws coming round for tea tonight (they want to see the poorly puppy - again!) so will miss a bit of CIN but am hoping that it won't be too much :o)

    Jo :o)

    PS Went to Waitrose last night (to get something for tea tonight!) and picked up a Cider Perry, it was garjus!! Cider is the way forward I'm sure of it :o)

  19. At 02:13 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Tobes wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe...

    Knock through and get an airbed! Magic inventions, even with an electric pump, up & down in seconds!

    Went to see Bond last night... He is such a 'Bad Ass'.

    Very good movie, it seems to have started a new feel/era for the Bond movies, I'm fully in tune with it!

    Credit card & phone at the ready for this evenings crazy event!

    Have a great weekend all

  20. At 02:14 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Bloggers

    How u'll doing today??

    I enjoyed last nights show and am determined to make my own pasta over the weekend.

    Spent today working on my essay for uni. I'm on my last module and after Christmas will have a BSc in Cancer Care. I can't wait to be finished at last (it's taken 4 years).

    I'm feeling so happy & enjoying life to the max. Youngest daughter has had a poem selected for publication in a national competition (she's only 6) and eldest (9) is the star goal shooter on netball team. Loving being single - I decide what we do and when we do it.

    Most of all I'm very excited cos this weekend we are going to battersea to adopt a dog!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait............................

    The thing I like most about this blog is the fact no-one judges you on appearance - you are valued for your contributions and made to feel part of something special. I do feel at some point we should have a bloggers away weekend I'd love to meet you guys.

    Talking about dreams (as we had earlier this week) I had the naughtiest dream about Chris last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Babe I had always had a brother/sister love for you but man you have hidden talents - thanks a big mwoah to u!

    Hope guys are having a good day - I'm back to my essay (actually to check out the doggies on the battersea website)

    Love & kisses

    catherine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  21. At 02:25 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Sally wrote:

    Chris you seem to be madly in luv with Italy and Italian at the mo. Just thought you might spare a thought for me sitting in my little ex-monastery flat near Como beavering away at the computer to pay my Italian taxes........??!! I suppose the slightly higher temperature and Italian shops within reach should be a consolation?? TG for your show to make us all appreciate life that little bit more!

  22. At 02:28 PM on 17 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good afternoon again Bloggers and schloggers,

    I am looking forward to the show this evening I think it is going to be a blast…..even better than the normal Friday feast if that is possible? I will have to start saving hard to be able to afford a table at your pub Chris for next year or any year! :-( Still it was a great effort by your listeners last night! :-)

    Why knock through to get a bigger kitchen, surly it would be better to move to a flat that has what you need?

    Keep smiling everyone, it will soon be Christmas! :-)


    P.S although I have already posted two jokes earlier on today I thought you may enjoy this one an a Children in need extra!

    A woman went to a pet shop & immediately spotted a large, beautiful parrot..
    There was a sign on the cage that said ÂŁ50.00.

    "Why so little," she asked the pet store owner.

    The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in
    a house of Prostitution and sometimes it says some pretty vulgar stuff."

    The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the bird any way.

    She took it home and hung the bird's cage up in her living room and waited for it to say something. The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, "New house, new madam." The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought "that's really not so bad."

    When her 2 teenage daughters returned from school the bird saw and said, "New house, new madam, new girls." The girls and the woman were a bit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering how and where the parrot had been raised.

    Moments later, the woman's husband Chris came home from work.

    The bird looked at him and said, "Hi, Chris!"

  23. At 02:29 PM on 17 Nov 2006, IanG wrote:

    Hiya all

    Following on from yesterdays chat about IACGMOH. Surely last nights piece with Dean Gaffney has got to be the funniest thing I've seen on TV in ages.

    Also, Chris - whilst I agree with your comment about the people bidding last night being angels, don't forget that everyone who gives anything is a hero not just those with the capital to spend big on things out of reach of us mere mortals. ( I always think the true heros are those kids that give up thier pocket money to help those less fortunate).

    Now, when I win the ÂŁ120M tonight (sorry Debs, it's mine) I'll give a huge whack to CIN and maybe you'll consider me to be a hero!

    Take care all


  24. At 02:37 PM on 17 Nov 2006, james cargin wrote:

    Chris, good luck with the 24 hour steak, it did look like a lot of bother but I bet it will be worth it; let us know how you get on and if you remember your cooking it! Keep up the good work - james

  25. At 02:37 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Michelle wrote:

    Hi to all,

    Am v. new at this but just had to come and gush about how fab the show is, how great the blog is etc etc.

    I only get to tune in on my way home and sometimes only catch the last half hour (although today am 'working from home' so..) - but its fab to have you back with us Chris...

    For what my opinion is worth - definately knock through - I am having the same dilemma but about my bathroom and toilet - both are small rooms and my friend (a fab interior designer) has come up with a way to increase the space, but having only moved in in March (first property yipee!!) funds are a tad low!!

    but life is short and all that marlarky

  26. At 02:40 PM on 17 Nov 2006, raymondo wrote:

    Hey Chris go for it. Like you I love cooking, I've just done something with Sweet Potoes (no nothing like that!!) Wot happened to the gravy recipe's? being from "up t'north" I loooooove gravy.

  27. At 02:58 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Joannie (Toronto) wrote:

    Hi Chris and fellow bloggers....
    Yayyyy it's Friday. Yes, the CIN donations are brilliant....a yearly event, that would be fantastic!!! We have had ton of rain in Toronto over the last few days (a month's worth!!) and Vancouver have had it worse - are you OK Littlest Hobo???
    Have a great weekend everyone. I am going to try and get my painting finished - living room/dining room etc.
    Chris - sacrifice your spare room for a kitchen - you will be glad you did. The kitchen is the 'heart' of the home. Nothing like preparing a great meal for you and/or guests. Go for it - your spare room is never used anyway, just your sofa so it wont change anything :-) LOL
    Take care all
    Joannie xxx

  28. At 03:01 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    ps sorry guys i think the ÂŁ120 mill is going in my bank account!! I think on monday we will have to have to see if anyone won anything!

  29. At 03:25 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:


    Knock through ASAP.

    Just done same and bought huge table for friends to sit around whilst food cooks. Kitchen now hub of the home and house of the hob.

    Great show yesterday. Keep ideas for donations and events boiling.

    Goodwill cooking nicely.


  30. At 03:32 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi chris...just wanted to say thank you to all those who have raised money today too...thinking of others before yourself that old thing your mum says when you are a child but you don't understand until you're her age yourself...angels everyone how true xxx

  31. At 03:33 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    Good avo to all,

    As regular bloggers will know I am a newby but having first posted a couple of days ago and now having read through some of the comments that you've all put over the last couple of days can I say that you all seem LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY people which I guess is only natural given that we all listen to the BEST radio show ever- I love driving home listening to Chris and Rebecca and Johnny, feels like catching up with old (and comfortable friends) and I'll try not to be the irritating friend that annoys everyone as I learn how to blog better....

    As for the kitchen spare bedroom thing; definitely knock through, but leave space for a BIG squishy sofa along one wall, so that all your freinds can veg with Enzo as you create and chat to you. Cover it with losts of BIG squishy PATTERNED cushions too, so that when they spill the wine or the gravy it won't matter cos it won't show. Trust me. One of my friends has a big sofa in her enormous kitchen and its FABULOUS.

    ok think will go as am overdoing the capital letters.

    Take care

    Em xxxxxx

  32. At 03:36 PM on 17 Nov 2006, steve potts wrote:

    Hey Christoff & Bloggers,

    I salute you and team, a tremendous effort for the children.

    Yeah Chris make your pub night an annual event, I would defo be in the frame for the next one,but will be setting up an injection moulding plant for most of next year,so unable to bid this time.

    Looking forward to tonights show.

    Come on our team


  33. At 03:40 PM on 17 Nov 2006, SaraB wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    I missed the second half of the show last night as I am currently dog-sitting 4 very lively mutts! Could just about make out some bidding and that was about it…. From the comments it seems I missed a treat although I think it would have been a bit out of my league for this year anyway.

    I have just brought a property and the kitchen is tiny… unfortunately I do not have the option of knocking down the walls and I am doing everything I can to make it appear bigger, afterall it is where everyone congregates at a party. So swing that hammer….

    Am looking forward to the show tonight.

    BigUn another good joke. Where do you get your repertoire from???

    Have fun!

    Sara B

  34. At 03:56 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Knocking through is a must. We moved the kitchen, took out the outside wall and stuck a conservatory over the hole to put a big dining table in. Everyone gathers in a kitchen anyway! Now we can still talk to our chums while the courses are being prepared and stare out at the garden at the same time; doors open in the Summer, look at the snow in the Winter. Soopa!

  35. At 04:06 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Happy Friday

  36. At 04:16 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Em #31

    Brilliant idea re: sofa in kitchen. I love talking to friends while I'm cooking but they have to lean on the surface or wall. What a genious idea (if ur kitchen is big enough) to have friends chilling on the sofa

    C xxxxxxx

  37. At 04:24 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Pistoleros Pedro wrote:

    You forgot the faux-fillet Chris.

    Cooking is life.


  38. At 04:41 PM on 17 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    Hi All

    Chris - great blog today - give up the spare room your mates seem to sleep on the sofa so you don't need it.
    I hope you made lots of money last night for CIN - my bid was unsucessful but that doesn't matter to much.

    Tracy Ann - keep sounding off to those who don't know you but don't exclude those that love you. They are worrying to - I learned this the hard way keeping my father out of the loop when I was sick as I thought he wouldn't able to handle it, he was upset that I didn't "trust him" enough. Don't take on their worries you can only deal with your own concerns. best of luck.

    Happy fridays all


  39. At 04:54 PM on 17 Nov 2006, jimmy wrote:

    knock through chris. its only a wall

  40. At 04:58 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Joannie (Toronto) wrote:


    If I had a hammer
    I'd have a bigger kitchen
    I'd hammer in the evening
    All through my 'ouse
    I'd hammer out the spare room
    I'd hammer in my kitchen
    I'd hammer out the love between my friends and bloggers
    All over this land

    I know.......hokey :-)

    Have a great weekend everyone
    Joannie xx

    PS Keeping in mind Chris I am an interior designer and could come over to help with your new design. www.roomsandroots.com - come on fly me over to help.

  41. At 05:12 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Anna Log wrote:

    I'm just an occasional contributor but I love reading all the comments - you do make me smile!

    I wish I'd known last night what I know now - then I'd have made a much bigger effort to get a table at your pub night. I've been doing a bit of research on the whereabouts of Chez Evans and realise that your pub is none other than one I spent many a happy evening in 20 or so years ago (although the names has obviously been changed to protect the innocent - both mine and the pubs!). Must try and get back to see how the old place has changed - I bet it has because 20 years is half a lifetime to some of us!

  42. At 05:26 PM on 17 Nov 2006, anna wrote:

    great blog CLP!

    Defo knock through, we moved house and have a lovely big kitchen now. My man cub is only 15 mths old and when he comes home from nursery, the only place he wants to be is sat on the floor in our kitchen. He brings a book through and me and him in doors sit with him and read with him.

    We always tried to get him in the lounge where his toy box is and he was so not bothered.

    Kitchens are the best room in the house.

    chinese take-a-way, wine and CIN for us tonight.

    have a great weekend

  43. At 06:49 PM on 17 Nov 2006, lou wrote:

    hi chris
    i would like to donate ÂŁ50 to children in need in exchange for a date with you because....

    i like the sound of your voice
    you make me laugh and
    i have nothing to loose in asking you

    i am 29, a yorkshire girl, with a nice smile and a great personality - that doesn't mean that i am fat and ugly either!

    let me know if you are up for it!

    lou x

  44. At 06:53 PM on 17 Nov 2006, mandy wrote:

    hi chris and crew so glad youre back to liven up the eve again.what a great energy you are giving the children in need bash!!!!we love you all.rebbeca not alone with the tears wish i was in lesleys shoes,isnt it great to be loved,but why dont we know it sometimes???thanks for giving chris.have great eve all mxxx

  45. At 07:00 PM on 17 Nov 2006, JillyC wrote:


    Just heard you ring up Lesley on-air and tell her "sorry" from her husband - you are just the best!! OK, so he was pledging money but only you could do it without making it all about _YOU_! I was smiling like a fool when you did it - I just knew she would answer the phone in that flatt "Oh what now?" post-row voice and she did, she really did! And then when she knew it was for real she just thawed instantaneously, you could hear it in her voice, how great is that?! Lucky lady, lucky guy - its what life's all about really isn't it, making people's lives a bit brighter. I was going to pledge my donation to say "Thank You" to your good self and your team for just being so darned lovely but then thought it might be a bit cheesy. So, I'll say it now - Thank you!

    J :)

  46. At 07:28 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Susie wrote:

    Hi Bloggers!

    Fantastic show huh? Made the start of my shift an absolute treat...only 4 more hours to go!

    Lou #44 - get in line honey...Chris is an absolute dream boat and i've hinted at dates for ages and not heard a peep!

    Sometimes i think it's such a shame that people get famous because they are always the ones that would be great to have dates with!

    Hey-ho, we're all mates.

    Enjoy your weekend kids

    S x

  47. At 07:44 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Jane of Duckers wrote:

    Hi Chris and everyone else out there. My first time posting here and in fact reading the blog - have really enjoyed it. Will be settling down to watch CIN soon with my children - who are all arguing like mad and being really irritating but hey - we're togeher, we're healthy - so how can I complain (well, maybe just a teeny weeny bit!) Just wanted to say - love the show and so glad you've joined Radio 2 - I love it - great music but mostly I love the humour from the Togmeister et al and now you're there too! YIPPEE! So glad you're now into cooking - it (and food) are one of the great passions of my life - to create a dish and then serve it to people you care about is so very satisfying. Anyway - knock through - I have a reasonable sized kitchen but have always dreamt of having an enormous one (pardon the pun) with enough room for sofa's, coffee tables, enough shelving for my vast collection of recipies
    etc - one day when I'm a billionaire! Have a great weekend to everyone out there - it's raining but I'm cozy - nothing better.x

  48. At 07:57 PM on 17 Nov 2006, barney rock wrote:

    c an gang

    got 2 dash of out
    agee with every thing
    barney theflash

  49. At 08:08 PM on 17 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Last year for Children in Need I ran a charity night of ghost-hunting at on old manor house in Cornwall and raised over ÂŁ1000 through having each participant sponsored to spend the night inm the haunted house!

    I'd love to do it again with Robbie Williams as a guest (he loves ghost hunting apparently!) we'd raise MILLIONS!

    Ross Hemsworth
    Net Talk Radio

  50. At 09:34 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Dean Howell wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I managed to miss the last part of the Nigella rub! Can you post it so we gastronauts can appreciate the technique?

  51. At 10:04 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Rosie wrote:

    Blooming Nora!!! After weeks of hearing you talk about 'Blogs' i finally managed to log on and track you down.What a wonderful little village of bloggers - which i'd love to buy a house in!! (Then definitely extend the kitchen into the spare room.A must. )

    What a MEGA idea choosing a country each year and exploring it. Its exciting even thinking about it! First fact to add to your Costa Rica file:One main export is fertiliser! Also! The currency is called Costa Rica Colon. hmmm?

    Ciou ciou,off to watch some boats, 'Coming in and going out' Marvin. xxx.

  52. At 11:13 PM on 17 Nov 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good afternoon from Vancouver and a late good evening to all back in Blighty,

    After the fabulous even that was the Children in Need music marathon on the radio, I can but salute each and every person who donated to this supremely worthy cause. Incidentally, for those of us oversees, we can contribute via Visa/Mastercard so no excuses will be accepted.

    Anyway, to one and all, I hope you enjoy the delights of the weekend and the pleasures it may bring. I for one am off, though it is only 1530, for a pint of ale, a chat with friends and then on to an evening of fine wine and piquant food accompanied by lashings of even better company.

    Early it may be, but my bar stool is calling and I have done quite enough work for this week.

    Good day to you all.

    Dr T

  53. At 02:28 PM on 18 Nov 2006, sue lorraine wrote:

    Dear Chris-I am falling more and more in love with you-don't panic I am just about old enough to be your Mum(by the way I think 40 is the hardest birthday by far-50 was actually fun by comparison) What I am falling in love with is your energy,your total aliveness(no such word methinks but dont care)your ever enquiring mind-made me laugh when you wanted to know what Pudsey has done to his eye-for how many years has nobody elso asked that question?!And your totally crazy streak which I can relate to easily. I was the crazy lady who sent a request for you to say thanks for putting the sunshine back into the evening darkness. And I mean it sincerely. When the family was young-(both my cracking daughters are at uni now so its just me and the Black Labrador-Barney the Barmy-great companion and keeps me warm at night just cant keep him out of the river...)we lived next door to a young lad with the same colour hair as yours. His 'mates' called him duracell and actually I think that is pretty appropriate for you too,an energy filled package that has the potential to fire up others too. And for those of us who are not at our most active at this time of year, you are a real blessing.As far as your ktchen goes-definitely go for it-I bought a very run down bungalow last year-took six months to strip it down and I now have the kitchen of my dreams-not necessarily the most expensive but just really carefully planned and built by a real craftsman. He likes to come back for a cup of tea;he sits on a stool at the central island tapping it with affection saying "nice kitchen." Bless. Must stop-just set up my own jewellery making business, using Murano glass beads(what an excuse to go to Venice....) so days on and days off get a bit confused-but at least I know the boss very well and shes not likely to take me for granted or make me redundant! Very sincere good wishes and no more holidays just yet cos we miss youx

  54. At 08:07 PM on 18 Nov 2006, Alan from Dover wrote:

    great show , listen to 2 all day now that way i dont miss it.. Keep up the great work

  55. At 10:50 PM on 19 Nov 2006, Phil middleton wrote:

    well done on C I N.
    Think its great fun with all that is done to raise money.
    Not seen anyone doing anything as mad as our annual 18 mile thong run in november for sobell house hospice though. (as seen in the bbc news archives13 nov).... thanks for having that on there beeb.

  56. At 08:52 AM on 20 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Happy Monday everyone ;-)

    Only 6 Mondays till Christmas :-(

    Still I thought I would pop on and congratulate Mr E and the ±«Óătv crew for the excellent show on Friday night! I think my favourite moment was the phone call to the woman whose hubby paid ÂŁ50 to CIN for Chris to ring her and tell her he was sorry and would she still go out for a meal with him? And the song “it’s all about you” Priceless :-)

    See you all later :-)


  57. At 06:36 PM on 21 Nov 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    hi chris it me again i love to meet you one day becouse iam one of your ffans

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