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Chris Evans | 13:00 UK time, Monday, 2 October 2006

So Des is giving up COUNTDOWN eh, why on earth would he do that ?

He’s so good on it.

The great DICK WHITELEY’S shoes were a big and weird pair to fill but he’s done it brilliantly. He’s great, he looks like he’s having fun, he’s nice to the contestants, he gels with the rest of the team, the ratings are good and I’ve heard the pay’s pretty handy.

So what’s the problem…

…Des says it’s the travelling. Get him a helicopter CHANNEL FOUR, or a Winnebago complete with a trio of concubines to feed him grapes, serve him champagne and read him aloud The Sporting Life.

For now a sure fire television hit is no longer a sure fire thing. Never before has the industry been so fragile, one small change in any tv. recipe is now enough to knock even the most steadfast of formats off the menu for good.

Channel Four got lucky with Des, can they be as luck a second time?

I hope so, for the sake of the show and the viewers. Countdown is the high light of millions of people’s afternoon, a much welcomed and needy daily work out for their noggins. The joy of deciphering a nine letter word or beating the current champion to recognise today’s Countdown Conundrum.

Unfortunately, I think Des just doesn‘t want to do it anymore. He’s probably had enough. He’s older and he’s tired and as good as Countdown is, it’s a long way from the superstardom he used to enjoy as British television sport’s Mr. Cool.

So who should replace him ?

The bookies favourite is Carol but I think she’s already cast in the perfect part. The numbers and the letters belong to her, that’s her side of the pitch and call me sexist but I think she works really well with a guy as the host. She is the clever totty, the host we’re never sure about, we suspect they may be intelligent but we never really know.

I think another man is required but for the hell of me I can’t think whom.

I thought Des’ last time and told his agent so.

This time, there is no natural successor. May be it does need someone younger, some one to take the programme forward, someone who’ll be there for the next twenty years.

Who is really nice, a bit cheeky and willing to put the hours in ?

It would also be nice if they had always been a fan.

I’ve got it…

…Stuart Maconie.

He’d be perfect, really. And he is clever !


P.S. How bloody humbling is The Great North Run ?

P.P.S. Got caught in the tornado yesterday, sheeesh now that was a wind.


  1. At 01:56 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Nix wrote:

    Afternoon all...

    Think Noel (Edmunds not Gallagher!) turned it down last time. How about Bruce? He could fit it in between golf and Strictly. Found him particularly entertaining during the Allstar Cup.

    He reminds me of my youth, Saturday nights after Dr Who, watching weirdly dressed Aunts and Nephews icing Easter Eggs and throwing pots.

    Brucie gets my vote!

    Nx (Don't fancy an extra gig then Chris?)

  2. At 01:58 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'll miss Des, it's a great programme and I really enjoy it the few times I get to see it. I love it when you suddenly find yourslf stuck at home with loads to do and suddenly you've got an excuse to sit down and watch a bit of telly for half an hour or so.

    Stuart McConie - will I like him. Love the wigan accent and the sense of humour. His book is good too - 'Cider with Roadies' - see what he did there - eh? Might just be too smart for Countdown - also I think he's younger than Carol. Would that work? Who else though - anyone from radios 1/2/3/4 - Vernon - no, Melvyn - no, Moylesy - definitely no. How about Sandy Toksvig? I know you said a chap but Sandi is a bit sort of 'Danish' I believe, she could flirt with Carol.

    Getting silly now, so will finish.

    Tornado - where were you - Texas?


  3. At 02:19 PM on 02 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Afternoon all.
    I think Stephen Fry would be the ideal person to take over from old Des.
    He would be perfect. He is very clever, and funny with it. Stuart Maconie is great, but without the risk of being rude, I think he should stick to radio.
    Tornado? If you were in Suffolk yesterday, you would have seen giant hail stones!!!!! What weird weather we are having!!!!
    Laters Peeps
    Melanie C

  4. At 02:20 PM on 02 Oct 2006, wrote:


    I'll miss Des too, but if you are unhappy it shows in your work, so perhaps he is doing the right thing.

    I suspect they may go down the rotating presenter route? Of course the newbie needs to be a Countdowner but not necessarily a huge name, or even a man. What about Kathryn?

    However, I do have alot of time for Stuartdotmaconie so would give him my final vote.

    hope weekend was good and not too emotionally draining after yesterdays mail on sunday piece?



  5. At 02:20 PM on 02 Oct 2006, david lumb wrote:

    afternoon Bloggers bloggettes, chris and Enzo

    firstly appolgy for my posting over the weekend it's not my blog and i was too make assumsions

    right chris Tell you What if des of cool lynam is leaving why not dale winton or as a guest host what's he's name the drivetime lad whos on now!

    and rebecca"foxy" pike in dictionary corner.

    stuart maconie would be a good choice as well

    a Tornado well Blow me down

    must go cheers

  6. At 02:22 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Morning Lambypie and friends,

    Stuart Maconie would be perfect! or Johnny Walker?... or is he too old school rock n roll?

    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend - we were pulling up carpets in the lounge and dining room ready for stripping and waxing.. the floorboards need doing too..boom boom! It was veh 'citin' though - pulling up the underlay to see... to see....wow....WOW! look at the lovely floorboards!... fantast...oh. Theres a girt big concrete hearth. "NO PROBLEMS LADY!" says my fearless man... and ToolMan is off to the shed to get Special Tools.

    Right, back to Countdown presenter conundrum... I know of a clever ginger chap that would cheekily flirt with Carol... actually we can't have you leaving Drivetime now can we? Scrap that idea...

    xxx mwah xxx

    PS. BigUn - whatever happened to your daughters friend you looked after that evening she was in need? Just a thought - I'm not prying, just hope she and her Mum are on the right track x

  7. At 02:42 PM on 02 Oct 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Afternoon Bloggers!

    Countdown is one of those shows that really should be on at 7pm rather than tucked away in the afternoon schedules. In the Netherlands, quiz-shows are prime time and intelligent too.

    I haven't really seen Des in the role so I cannot comment. To many Dickie WAS Countdown, so it's kudos to Des and the production team that it's actually flourished.

    Maconie would be a good choice, but methinks you were suggesting yourself and I think you would be an affable host.

  8. At 02:46 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Em 25 wrote:


    Well monday hey! A rather tough one for me, I went out with work on friday night and had one of those nights when you wake up the next day just wanting to stay under your douvet for a week!

    I remember drink, i remember being upset and leaving! arrgghh!!!! How horrible!

    Also I have a new girl in the office, my job is a boring one so was always quite a shock that the girl i work with now who is leaving was so interesting! We were/are great friends and I cannot gel with the new girl at all!! I must give it more time, but i do think I may need to move on! Weall get to that stage hey!!


  9. At 02:47 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Rob wrote:

    Afternoon All.

    I think Stuart Maconie would be great, he is clever and witty. Also Alan Titchmarsh (no.....seriously), he used to be good on Pebble Mill before all that Ground Force stuff happened.

    Didn't have a tornado yesterday just a bloody big downpour whilst at the zoo and all the animals buggered off inside......cosmic!!

    Be good,


  10. At 02:53 PM on 02 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    It is I, McCrumble. Having been released on bail for crimes I DID NOT commit, I am now living incognito at a secret location after some dreadful shenaginins involving the brother of Ravel, my trusty research assistant. I will try and re-connect with this fantastic blog, partly to keep up my spirits, and partly to make sure that if I go missing someone will make a fuss.

    So anyways, on to todays topic. I used to be a fan of Countdown, and in fact can claim to have watched the very first episode when it was used to launch Channel 4. I unfortunately withdrew my support after they refused my application to appear on the programme, first as host and then as contestant. I accepted the first refusal (as host) with good grace, but when they turned me down for the sixth time as a contestant I began to question whether there was some systematic bias in their selection.

    My initial efforts to find out what was happening were frustratingly useless. Letters went unreturned, phone-calls unanswered. After some period of weeks, however, I did eventually manage to make headway. I was at home in the Cumbernauld Institute for Parasitology watching television with Dolores one evening when a documentary about UFOs mentioned the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA). A lightbulb popped briefly into existence above my head, and an idea began to form.

    Two weeks later I had the answer. Using the powers available through my access to the FoIA I discovered I was on a celebrity black-list, banning me from appearing on all terrestrial television shows as a paid guest. The document went on to state that I was under a 'Category 3' ban, which lives for 7 years from the 'point of incident'. There were, I learned, multiple incidents in my case, each one of which carried a penalty of 7 years, to be served successively. Category 3 is the highest level of banning order, and is only handed out to those celebrities who pose '...a significant risk to the health or life of employees and other guests.'

    At this point I had to concede defeat. I have indeed been involved in a few episodes where others have suffered/perished. Though I would like to state that I was only ever a witness and never a defendant.

    I hope this explains why I cannot endorse any new host for Countdown.


    J McC

  11. At 03:03 PM on 02 Oct 2006, cath wrote:

    Ooh, Melanie, Stephen Fry's a great idea. He does have his hands full with QI though. Deffo needs someone charming though. When El Tel gives up the breakfast show, maybe he could do it??

    Chris, it was lovely to read Ms P talk so warmly about your time together and about how great you made her feel. So sad it didn't work out between you, but so fab that you still get on so well.

    Have a great week everyone

  12. At 03:12 PM on 02 Oct 2006, wrote:

    What about you Chris, that would be the perfect part I am sure you would gel well with the rest of the team but that would mean having to replace you on drivetime.

  13. At 03:20 PM on 02 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Just read #10- Mr McCrumble. Eh? I am missing something big time there, I think. I used to know someone who reckoned she had a transmitter in her head that had been illictly inserted, and once you got used to her weird world view, it did all make perfect sense. Is this something similar?

    I am alone in thinking that Des never actually got Countdown right? Didn't do it for me, anyhow. And how lazy is he being? He only needs to go to Leeds once every few weeks. It's hardly the end of the world.

    Much as I like Stuart Maconie (like looking forward to him taking over from Johnnie Walker when he stepped down from Drivetime, heretic that I was), I'm not sure he'd be right for the gig. You need someone who treats it seriously, at the same time as having a laugh at himself. That's where I think Des went wrong, in that he didn't take it seriously.

    Still thinking over who I'd like instead though. Mr Fry is a good shout, but he's close to ubiquitous already. But someone relatively erudite would be good, without their being an out and out comic. Would Germaine Greer do it??? He says in a moment of sheer madness. Or Clive Anderson??

    I've clearly lost the plot.

  14. At 03:40 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Frances wrote:

    Stephen Fry is definitely my No 1 for Countdown. He'd make contestants feel intellectually inferior - but then aren't we all to the wonderful Mr Fry?
    Griff Rhys Jones is another erudite and eloquent option.

  15. At 03:46 PM on 02 Oct 2006, wrote:

    No. 13 I concur, I thought Stu Maconie would be the new Johnny.

    In fact dare I be so bold as to say on his very own blog that I was REALLY miffed when Chris appeared in the slot.

    Thankfully my temper has abated and now I am used to the Evans style and enjoy Drivetime as much as I ever did.

    I'd grab Eammon Holmes from Sky News and make him the new Countdown Host. He'd never outshine Carol.

  16. At 04:04 PM on 02 Oct 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I hope that you've had a corker of a weekend as I have. Did you make it to the curry house for 8.15 on Friday? Did big Phil get a proper send off?
    I hosted a fab dinner party on Sat and thoroughly embarrased myself so couldn't leave the house yesterday for the shame of it all. I'm beginning to forget it all now which I am doing quite deliberately. I'm having no dinner parties before Christmas now as I'm getting really porkie. I may need my tastebuds corterised.

    Been dreading this week for ages as mum goes into hospital for a parathyroidectomy. It means slitting the throat and I'm soooo squeamish it's been giving me the horrors for weeks. But bravely and like a good daughter (as dad can't cope with it at all) I took the morning off of work and took mum to the hospital fro her pre op assessment. Everything is ok. So the op goes ahead as planned on Thursday. Now I'm really squirming. I'm also in a proper sulk as I got a flattie on the way to the hospital so had to do a wheel change - dirty heavy bloke's job - and then I broke my shoe - favourites of course - and then discovered I've mislaid £50 so I'll be sorting through the bins after work this evening!

    So, call me selfish but I really have to say that I don't give much of a hoot about who takes over countdown but look forward to the day when it is something I can give some time to. Maybe Friday.

  17. At 04:07 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    hi guys n gals

    # 14 - great idea - Griff Rhys Jones for Countdown.....

    .... Michael Palin came to my mind - Leeds wouldn't seem so far to Michael - after all his travelling for the beeb!!!!!


  18. At 04:14 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Em M wrote:

    I love Andrew Castle, so I'd be happy to see him on anything but I don't know if he would get on with Carol; also Noel Edmonds is great but if he turned it down last time he's unlikely to change his mind now is he?

    Great North Run was wonderful, I've always wanted to take part in something like that but I run like Phoebe out of Friends; does anyone know of a good book that would teach me how to run properly?

    Em xx

  19. At 04:19 PM on 02 Oct 2006, col mustard wrote:

    Countdown well I think this show was Richard Whitley. Infact, I have never watched it since. I think it now deserves to be in room 101.

    What a windy Sunday I spent it getting sand blasted on the sea front.

    Nice to hear Crumble got bail. Do you need a legal eagle Crumble?

    love the show Chris.

  20. At 04:25 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Gaby #16 - Michael Palin would be PERFECT! Also, I think he is pretty darn sexy... despite him being about 30/40 years my senior, I still would...

  21. At 04:39 PM on 02 Oct 2006, LISA wrote:

    we need someone either very articulate OR creative with words . . . how about either Mr Lydon - certainly creative??!!! or the articulate lady herself . . . Ms J Street-Porter?!!!!

  22. At 04:39 PM on 02 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Parsnip #13 - are you suggesting something? I assure you Mr Parsnip that I am not affected by voices in my head. As a scientist, I try to maintain objectiveness at all times.

    Col Mustard #19 Thanks for the offer Col, but my Uncle Jake is already handling things on the legal front. Well, I hope so at least. Haven't heard anything yet.

    J McC

  23. At 04:42 PM on 02 Oct 2006, LISA wrote:

    kyleigh!!!! please!!!! i've gone right off my cheese sarnie!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. At 05:07 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Ian McGirr wrote:

    some say he just didnt have the drive to keep on going! boom boom

  25. At 05:09 PM on 02 Oct 2006, SweenyB wrote:

    So, if not Des then "who?" I hear you ask.

    Well taking the Sandi Toksvig theme in a little more TV friendly direction, the perfect person is...........
    Sue Perkins!

    She was great recently when she was on Radio 2 with mark radcliffe so she could carry on her Sue Says slot within the programme, possibly in the slot for those "amusing" anecdotes just before the breaks in Countdown!

    As for this tornado, did getting your tent out of the car help you at all? In fact do you even still have the tent?????


  26. At 05:30 PM on 02 Oct 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hi bloggers and schloggers!

    I have not watched countdown for years due to work and the timings, when I did however it was Mr Whitely who ran the show and was very entertaining indeed. My late father loved it and it helped to keep his mind agile (I am sure Carols legs helped too).

    I would like to see someone like Eammon Holmes or Clive Anderson to take the job as I do think they have what it takes to energise the general public along with a reasonably believable intellect to work with the contestants who are generally geeks to be honest! :-) For the right person it could be a job for life with a good rate of pay and a huge established fan base to boot!

    As we are on the theme of words have a look at these they are very clever!

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters:

    When you rearrange the letters
    (With no letters left over and using each letter only once):

    Yep! Someone with waaaaaaaaaaay
    too much time on their hands

    Kyleigh # 6

    She is doing good thanks in fact she is at my home at this moment listening to what teenage girls call music with my daughter :-( Things at her home have calmed down for the moment but she still has a lot of issues to deal with. She is a nice kid but I worry for her that is just what I am like :-)

    Thanks for remembering about her and my night of woe with her and her mom, you are sweet! :-)

  27. At 05:38 PM on 02 Oct 2006, mjg wrote:

    Good show as always Chris!

    Congratulations Rebecca! When is it due?!!

    I think that Richard Digance is a good choice, or what about Des O'Connor?! Or a wild card choice, Jim Davison...could flirt with Carol?

    When is Des' last show?

  28. At 05:40 PM on 02 Oct 2006, stouffer wrote:

    Congratulations to Rebecca!

    The Mona Lisa comment from Chris last week gave it away.

    When is she due?

  29. At 06:03 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Alison F wrote:


    I think Stephen Fry would be fantastic, as would Stuart Maconie. Alan Titchmarsh is also a great choice as a Yorkshireman.

    Definitely not Dale :(

    I don't recall hearing about Rebecca but I do occasionally get lost in thought during the show :O usually thinking about something that has just been said in the show. Congratulations anyway :)

    Mange tout Chaise Longue


  30. At 06:45 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Stuart Brierley wrote:

    Staurt Maconie for countdown !!!! Oh do me a favour !!! He is just TOO condescending and pompous. The guy does my head in. Sorry Chris it's got to be Richard Stilgoe

  31. At 07:17 PM on 02 Oct 2006, rachel bluish angel wrote:


    Chris I once met Richard Whitley when I had a job as a cleaner at ITV Leeds........... He was a lovely man............... and I miss him soooooooooooo.

    Loved the show tonight xxxxxxxxxxxx

  32. At 07:23 PM on 02 Oct 2006, timotay wrote:

    Staying on the Beeb theme but Mr Mayo perhaps?
    He seemed to fit-in nice with the "older" (sorry:0 ) crowd on that Allotment thingy and he aint shy of a bit of graft!
    adios amigos,x

  33. At 07:51 PM on 02 Oct 2006, jason wrote:

    Undoubtedly the best replacement for Countdown would have to be Christopher Walken, imagine!

    He did a Jackanory once on someone's show, the scariest thing ever.

  34. At 07:52 PM on 02 Oct 2006, mandy wrote:

    recon its all getting too much for all ,paul o'gradey,or julian clarey,hey why not ?you can see by my spelling that i'm not about to be a contestant!stephan fry deff not,hes great but not for countdown.what about alun davis , i actually might whatch it .hey chris great show never fails to chear me up xxxm

  35. At 07:59 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Frank Parker wrote:

    Sounds like CE putting in his own bid....

  36. At 08:01 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hiya Chris and fellow bloggers,

    How about Jimmy Tarbuck? reackon he would be any good? Think Stephen Fry would be good but don't know if that is 'his sort of thing'. Also think Stuart Maconie would be good. I personally don't think it would work with a woman ' in charge' be it Carol or someone else...omg they could always hold a "X-factor" or "Problem with Maria" type show where we could all vote someone new in!......oh another though Nicholas Parsons.

    Right I am of now coz I am waffling! lol

    Have fun xx

  37. At 08:08 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Michelle Firth wrote:


    maybe they should not replace Des and cancel countdown?

    Maybe they could turn Carol in to a chat show host (everybody else seems to be doing it). I am sure that the ratings will stay the same. Carol is a lovely woman and she would probablly do a very good job, better than some other hosts on daytime TV.

    Well I would also like to say that I would love to do womans minute, but I am always driving home and I do not have a mibile ohone.

    Really enjoy listening to the show (not only because it is hometime).

    Kind regards

    Michelle Firth

  38. At 08:24 PM on 02 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    I think it should be Trevor McDonald - I think he would be funny.

    Back to work, need to finish before Spooks.

  39. At 08:26 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Thanks-For-It's-Nearly-Friday wrote:

    I rarely get to see Countdown although I used to catch the re-runs early morning.

    Stephen Fry would be great or Clive Anderson :-)

  40. At 08:56 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Anne Williams wrote:

    Great North Run - absolutely humbling. You should stand at the start and see them all walk past you, then to run past you one/two hours later. People with signs on their T-shirts "For my wife who we lost 8 weeks ago" etc. And last year everyone sang the hymn "Abide with Me" - you would have been awash with tears. However does it make me proud to be a Geordie or wot? If everyone in the country gave a £1 for all those runners ..... ?

  41. At 08:57 PM on 02 Oct 2006, karen wrote:


    Definetly Stephen Fry

  42. At 11:33 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Weezie wrote:

    Good Monday to you all, Chris and Fellow Bloggers!

    It has taken me all weekend to catch up with last weeks blogs - very entertaining!

    I agree with the beginning of your blog, Mr E, Channel 4 should do what they can to keep Des.

    Its quite simple, stop filming it in Leeds. No replacement required!!

    Its great to have Dr McCrumble back, although Dolores did a great job in your absence - you know what they say, behind every great man........!

    Fantastic Countdown Conundrums (or something like that!) from the Big Un ;-))

    Brilliant, ney amazing, Spooks again tonight - am now watching it on ±«Óãtv3 a week ahead of terrestial telly. Just couldnt wait to see next episode!!

    Toodle pip me luvlies!

    Weezie xxxx

  43. At 11:42 PM on 02 Oct 2006, Fifi Trixabell wrote:

    Maybe this is madness, but I have an idea.

    What about The Hamster?

    Top Gear rocks, but I have serious worries that it will be cancelled. If so, lets make sure that one of the best presenters on telly has a decent job to come back to, so us lot can see his cheeky face on a regular basis. It brightens up my day, I know that much!

  44. At 12:05 AM on 03 Oct 2006, BED wrote:

    I agree with posting 36, definately should be Jimmy Tarbuck. Quick witted, bright and sharp..Plus he loves golf!


  45. At 12:20 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Andy wrote:

    Des is the best presenter on TV and a nice bloke

    His book was superb too

    And i agree with Stuart Maconi as the host as it will get him off Radio Two

    I dread CE having holidays as we are lumbered with Mr "i am too clever for all od this"

  46. At 05:56 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Sid wrote:

    Change is the only way to survive.

    Old Countdown is dead! Long live New Countdown!

    Goodbye to the unassuming, sanguine, self-assured host.... hello to a new, loud, cocky over-bearing presenter...

    Bring on Gordon Ramsey....

  47. At 07:00 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Hello all,

    What do you have against Stuart M? I think he's great. And althoguh I love Chris' show I was also initially miffed that stu didnt get slot.

    I don't think it should be BRuce under any circumstances or Dale or Noel Tidy Beard Edmunds. Sandi Toksvig might work or how about ALun Coren?

    Michale Palin - yes. Also agree about him being very good looking.

    Am delighted to have McCrumble back. Was very relieved to hear you have been released. Hopefully there wil be no miscarriage of justice and you will not be wrongly condemned.


  48. At 11:17 PM on 04 Oct 2006, Gez wrote:

    Forget how good Des is, if he's working six days per month... yes that's per month... why is the journey too much for him. He needs to get a grip and stop being so wet!

    I used to really rate Des...not any more.

    No one will ever be as good as the ferret fighting Whiteley!

    Scrap the program, Vorderman doesn't need the money!


  49. At 06:22 PM on 07 Oct 2006, lin wrote:

    The obvious choice has to be Ken Bruce or failing that Richard Digance or Alan Titchmarsh.

  50. At 03:55 PM on 02 Nov 2006, Paul Phillips wrote:

    Hi all,

    Ah to Des or not to Des that is the question.

    Well personally i feel although Des does a good job maybe he was the bridemaide before the new person takes over.

    Let me explain my self if you finish a relationship that was pretty serious sometimes you would then go out with someone else who would end up being the rebounder. Then you might end up spending the rest of your life with the person whom comes along.

    I suspect that the said Mr L will be known as the rebounder and the person whom takes over will be the next lifer.

    My thoughts are stange I Know but my prefered choice would Richard E Grant. Although very unlikley....

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