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Chris Evans | 13:58 UK time, Monday, 18 September 2006

Today's blog was about being behind time. However I still wanted time to blog, so I rearranged a few things and then after spending half an hour writing, went to post and the blimin' thing vanished. So now I'm double way behind and I know the phone's about to ring with a call I have to take.

So quickly, quickly...

Mum had a great birthday and is now in hospital enjoying her present. A pain killing epidural for her back.

The pain was chronic, so we sent her private and got her seen as soon as poss.

She felt terribly guilty about this, as she worked as a nurse for the national health for over twenty odd years but once the surgeon had explained that by going private, she was effectively freeing up her allotted N.H.S. space to someone else, it sat a lttile better with her.

So, have you ever done the maths on life...

Last night a mate of mine was round and they asked if we could watch SPOOKS, I said I'd never seen it but if they wanted to watch it that was fine with me.

We counted down to 9 o'clock and then set ourselves in front of the telly along with a cup of tea each and a bucket of maltesers.

Well, how good is SPOOKS ?

So good !

But now here's the problem, I don't have the time for SPOOKS.

Seven hours a day, I spend sleeping. Two hours, travelling to and from work. The gym is an hour and a half. Eating, an hour(all meals), working...seven-eight hours, reading - forty five minutes, toilet and showers (cumulative) forty five minutes. Phone calls, half an hour. Organising life in general, an hour.

Now I'm well over twenty two hours and I haven't been to the cinema, seen or talked to friends, listened to any music, had a a long relaxing bath, been for a meal, had a relationship, looked to find a relationship (even more time consuming) or watched bloody SPOOKS !

My mum did all of the above, some of it whilst getting bombed by the nazis and brought up three kids and held down a job working night shifts at a mental hospital.

No wonder her back hurts x

Must dash, will check the posts when I get to work.



  1. At 03:06 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Gilly Marlow wrote:

    Hi Christophe!

    You seem to be suffering the curse of the 21st century.SLOW DOWN a bit mate, smell the roses now and then, but its a great shame about SPOOKS, its fab!! Seriously though, life is such a treadmill at times, its a relief to step off it from time to time.

    Hope your lovely Mam is soon feeling better.

    Gilly xx

  2. At 03:07 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I have also read the book of life.

  3. At 03:08 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Bill C wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Sky will tell you that that's what SKY+ is for....it just doesn't tell you when you are supposed to watch it. Hopefully one day soon you will do able to get ±«Óãtv shows downloadsd onto your iPod so then in theory you would be able to watch them on your way somewhere, or in the gym, or the bath, or just as you veer all over the pavement oblivious to anything except the screen....

  4. At 03:10 PM on 18 Sep 2006, sundance wrote:

    Christophe Lambie Pie

    Final words of wisedom on the food/diet/health thing...

    "...nothing tastes as good as slim feels".

    Off to calculate where my day goes now too. Think I'm going to find it an eye-opener!

    Not long til Friday!

    Sundance. x

  5. At 03:11 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Totally agree! If you add up all the time you spend doing things it gets to way over 24hrs a day!

    Superb present for your mum. It'll do her more good knowing that she is guilt free too.

    I didn't watch Spooks either. Was gonna, but then decided the call of the bed was too much - see previous posts re headache and hospital! Had completely forgotten that his wife got shot before...and now Hermione is in it hoorah!

    Anyway back to today - cannot believe the time. I feel as though I've only been at work about 2hours and I'll be going home in less than that. I have no idea where the day went, but I did spend some time watching a mole hill just to see if I got to see the mole too. Thinking of them trundling about under ground with little spady hands!

    Oh, and if I still have your attention Chris, I put the link on this mornings rambling for the Canadian thingamajig.

    til 5 alive

  6. At 03:17 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Ali wrote:


    I'm a virgin shlogger so here goes.

    Time is the great enemy. Always battling it and never going to win. I have the same dilemma with so many things falling off the edges which throughs me into a panic.

    Love the fact you are back, saying what we think and living the life. Have to check out your words of wisdom daily, takes up more precious time but worth it.

    Not sure about your NHS stance though understand why. If they funded and managed it properly and didn't resource wars there would be no need to deal with the dilemma your mum faced. (Are politics allowed on a blog?)

    Love Ali

  7. At 03:22 PM on 18 Sep 2006, old kent road wrote:

    mummmwah Chris

    I'm not sure where the time goes.....but it takes me about 30 seconds to suck all the chocolate off a malteaser before it melts away and a reach for another one.

  8. At 03:31 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Ola Chris & all

    Yep, there's just not enough hours in the day! But then you look at the list of things that we have to do and realise that there isn't a one of them that we can/should drop as the problem is that you'd probably end up dropping the one thing that is good for you/relaxing etc.

    Glad your mum is receiving treatment for her back, there's not much worse than pain and hardly anything worse than chronic pain so I do hope that all goes well and she feels some relief very soon.

    I also watched Spooks for the very first time yesterday - scared the bloody hell out of me .... even screamed at one point which then made hubby jump..... good job he's on afternoons today so he won't be here when I scream again tonight when part 2 is on.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Hear you at 5


  9. At 03:31 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Caz wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    Just a theory to Chris and anyone else who doesn't have enough time to watch all the tv they would like, perhaps if we played tapes of shows during our sleep we would have watched them subcontiously and thereby found a use for all those hours where all we do is sleep. As I say just a theory, but probably an slightly insane one.

  10. At 03:33 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Ben wrote:

    I think the morale we must take from your blog today is that life is to interesting to sit and watch spooks as good as it may be. All the best to your Mum from all us bloggers. Hope she feels better soon.

  11. At 03:35 PM on 18 Sep 2006, J wrote:

    Did you know the scientists have proved that if you spend 3 years of your life (accumulative) in gyms exercising, you can add 3 years to your life ! Mmmmmmmmm.......

  12. At 03:37 PM on 18 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    First of all I wish your mum the very best. That must be an awful lot of pain she carries. If you haven't tried already the laying on of hands, (spiritual healing, Reiki, channelling) as a palliative measure can work wonders. The worst it will do is nothing at all and in the case of Spiritual healing costs nothing at all. You can arrange for a home visit. Much love to you both. x

    I've had quite an amazing weekend one way and another and really wanted to share this with you all and spread the lovely vibe that's going on around me. I stupidly have no access to any funds whatsoever! I have cut up my two credit cards, I'm not allowed any more o/d on my account (which is a blessing in disguise I like to think). My son Joe gave me £20 housekeeping (my first!) on Fri eve and I put petrol in the car for the week and bought milk and bread. Then I realised that I would need money to feed the parking meters at work the next day as in between clients I have to pay to park. I decided to lie and say I'd left my purse at home and could I borrow £2 (max) until the following week. In case you hadn't guessed already I have a real problem asking people to lend me money. (Hazel Love - I hear ya!)
    My ma and pa coughed up the last two months and of course I've repaid them. I'm afraid that if I ask them again they'll think I'm not coping at all having just bought a new and rather nice house and all. I'm always biting off more than I can chew but I think it's character building......at least I haven't sunk yet!
    I went to bed that night in great despair wondering how I would manage without any money until pay day on 29th. I really tried to stay positive and visualised lots of money pouring down the chimney and bursting through the front door - the types of image that those positive thinking guides tell you to create. I half heartedly called upon my 'angels' to lift me out of the darkness and although I couldn't see a way out I had faith that they would come up with something based on somethng very loosely mentioned to me by a friend some time ago. It was tricky and it didn't make me feel much better but I did get off to sleep eventually.
    Well I have just had one of the sunniest weekends ever! Talk about treats! First of all I had back to back appointments at work so no parking required! After work on Sat (c.5pm) I went straight to P & A's (v. ggod friends and neighbours) as I hadn't seen them all week. They were already on the red wine and invited me to join them which I did. They also offered me dinner c.6pm and that was most welcome too. So I sat with Alex drinking red wine and schmoking whilst Pram got the dinner on. We'd been working and she'd been at home all day......seemed fair to us! Later that eve I was going to spend an evening with old school mates at a friends house. By 6.30 when dinner wasn't ready and I'd had 3 large ones I was thinking up excuses to back out of going to my freind's for the eve as I had had too much to drink to drive, had no money for a taxi and too proud to ask to borrow any.
    Whilst I was worrying my mobile rang and it was Cath asking if I wanted a lift to Toni's! 8o/c? Fine. I'd have time to eat Pram's curry. She's Indian so it's the best. Cath would drop me off home too as she wasn't drinking! Bonus! She also told me she had bought me a hair colour and would die my hair if I wanted her to! It certainly needed it having not had the funds to go to the hairderesser and she'd seen me the week before so she knew! That was me sorted for the evening.
    Toni had already said not to bring any booze as she needed to get rid of a case of red they'd had since last Christmas as she and her husband only drink white! I didn't quite finish the case but made I a fair dent in it!
    My hair was cut and coloured - no brilliantly (as neither Cath nor Toni are hairdressers!) but with lots of warmth and laughter and affection. Toni's 8 year old, Georgia, gave me a hand massage and rubbed creams into my hands. She wants to be a beautician in a wine bar when she grows up! What a fab idea! From my experience that's certainly where they need 'em post midnight!
    On top of all this I'd forgotten that Toni had said that she was cooking chilli and she does a mighty chilli. Having already eaten at P & A's and not yet let on I gratefully accepted the huge bowl of chilli in front of me. Felling like the vicar of Dibley at Christmas I managed a few mouthfuls before I fessed up that I had already eaten two hours previously.
    Later we were discussing gardens (Toni has a fab garden). I mentioned that I had hedges to cut in my gardens the next day and Toni produced this hench electric hedge trimmer which looked pretty scary to use. She said it was a breeze to use and insisted that I take it and try it. Many many glasses and laughs later I flopped into Cath's car with a very full belly, new hair, very soft hands, two bottles of red and a hedge trimmer. I was so high on the massive injection of friendship I swear I could have floated home!
    It doesn't end there.....midday Sunday June calls. Did I fancy going shopping? I explained that funds were too low but June insisted on lending me the money until payday. That was a relief. I spent very little but had covered breakfasts, lunches and dinners for Joe and I for the week. Combined with the remnants of what's left in my larder and dad taking us out for mum's birthday dinner on Thurs eve we should be fine.
    Soon after I got home Dave and Alison turned for a cuppa. I was just plugging in the hedge trimmer and Alison announces that she would love to do the job for me as she has the same trimmer herself. I must say that she did a very good job indeed. Then Dave announced that he needed to get back to cook dinner and as he had bought a rather large piece of SILVERSIDE OF BEEF (that he couldn't trust Alison with). Would I like to join them for dinner?!!!! Well it was a feast. Expertly cooked beef and no less than 8 different veg with a red wine gravy and........just two glasses of a very nice Bordeaux.
    This bunny slept very well last night and is now planning a bonfire night (early eve) do to repay all these lovely people and their children. I think that will be the first opportunity (money-wise) that I'll get.
    Last night I visualised an eight berth Winnibego and asked my angels for a Ray Mears/Johnny Depp cross. I can't wait to get home tonight!
    Happy Monday evening Chris and bloggers.
    Much love to all,

    Debs xx

  13. At 03:45 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Ian Corper wrote:

    You only need to make time for the important things in life, Family, Friends, Food & Sleep (oh and Work for some of us), the rest will take care of its self, and besides the non-important stuff can wait anyway.

    SPOOKS is excellent tv, but it is only tv.

    Catch it on a replay, its always on somewhere.

    Good blog today, wish yer Mum well.


  14. At 03:47 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Em M wrote:

    I watched Spooks too and scared myself to

    death. I then had a nightmare about my

    friend's son being kidnapped and woke up in a

    complete panic, so no more scary telly for me.

    Tonigh at nine is Britain's Next Top Model,

    mindless rubbish I know but it's so

    entertaining! Looking at your breakdown of your

    day, it seems the most wasted time is travelling

    to and from work. Maybe you should broadcast

    from home - why don't you put it to the R2

    bosses? Hope your mum is feeling a bit better

    now xxx

  15. At 03:50 PM on 18 Sep 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    Afternoon Chris & fellow shloggers!

    Holy Schmoly - scary time blog. I won't share mine with you all but needless to say, it scared me witless!!

    Time to go for a walk in the park tonight for some quality 'me' time. Hope your Mum feels better soon.

    C x

  16. At 03:51 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Amanda wrote:

    I find that time is like money...on paper it looks as though I should have enough of it; I can't quite figure out where it all goes; and it is very difficult to find more of it!

    This morning driving in to work, I thought to myself how different my life would be if I just threw away the television. Think of all of the time I would free up in the evenings! And even more if I installed a house policy that the computer had to be turned off by 7pm. I would get to actually read the stack of books gathering dust by my "reading" chair. My daughter would actually focus on her homework rather than rush through it to get online. She and I might be able to sit down and have a real conversation where she actually asks me questions and inquires about my day...Who am I kidding...she is 13yrs old.

    Well, I can dream can't I?

  17. At 03:51 PM on 18 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    my goodness what happened to those hills from a couple of weeks ago! Lay back smell the flowers!

    I know what you mean though!

    I read and talk to friends in the bath. They were a little freaked out by this the 1st couple of times it happened (the friends not the books!) however now they are used to it some of them do it to, It's a bit like having a communal cyber bath!
    And I must admit I've not done it for a little while but on a Friday I call my friend who lives 200 miles away and we have a very large gin and tonic on the phone while cooking tea!
    About 6 years ago I started reading the free tv mags that come with the wkend papers so I know whats going on in the soaps and I can join in the chat in the office without actually watching them. this is fantastic it saves about 20 hrs a week!

    hope your mum feels better soon.

  18. At 03:55 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    The old adage Chris of there not being enough hours in the day is even more truer today than it was yesterday. I've just built my whole day around the hope that when I come to log onto the darling laptop some work will be waiting for me which will keep me going till the magic hour - 5pm (wonder what happens then!!) only to find there is no work waiting for me.

    Hey ho, so this has freed up some time to take up the hem on my new stripey trousers (the problems of being 5'4") then no doubt this evening I'll have to forsake my weekly fix of University Challenge (which of course is really multi-tasking as I can oggle at La Paxman at the same time) in order to do the before mentioned work which failed to materialise this afternoon. Such is life eh?

    Well, I'll go now and get my sewing basket out. Hope you and fellow bloggers have a good week ahead. Take care you'all. Jane x

  19. At 03:57 PM on 18 Sep 2006, dazed Lou wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I hope your wee mummy is doing ok. Mums are great - what would be do without them?

    Spooks is soooooo good - I just love Rupert Penry Jones - he's nearly as good looking as you Chris!

    Love your show - except the weather report as it always seems to be hot and sunny in London and miserable and grey here in the Emerald Isle!!! I get jealous!



  20. At 03:59 PM on 18 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Has anybody read a book by David Icke called The Biggest Secret? Sounds like a mad theory but I've got to read it. Having never heard of the book before I've had two independent friends recommend it to me over the weekend and I value their opinions on many things. However this is very heavy subject matter. I'd love to hear any comments.


  21. At 04:09 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    The maths rules my days, the problem is I have too many priorities! I feel I need to exercise, I also amd broke so overtime comes in, then walking my dog, spending time with my son, doing my degree, seeing friends arrgghh!!!

    So I decided I cannot let this beat me! So I had to organise my fun for a while (which to me kind of defeats the object!) So now I have to get up even earlierto exercise, go to work, study in my lunch break, work an hour late, pick up my son, do the house work, put child to bed and then study!!! And I am still tired and broke!!

    I allow myself one TV programme a night, this works out well, it means all that crap you ended up watching because it was on gets filtered out and only the quality gets in!

    I also only see the people I actually want to see and not those I feel I should see! It frees up so much time, and so much negative energy!

    I have saturday religiously for me and my son to do something really fun, wheras sat evening is all mine! Because I only get one evening to do as I please, I literally do just that!

    Chris I hope your mum feels better soon, she is lucky to have you, and vice versa!

    Oh and Rachel blue eyes you always make me smile you remind me so much of my south african friend cate!!!


  22. At 04:15 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes


    What a great birthday pressie!

    Time…… hmmmmm this could be tricky, but as Douglas Adams said, via Ford Prefect: time, is an illusion … lunchtime , doubly so….. it seems that when we do stuff that we like doing;…… time goes by more quickly… almost like the clock is sat there,…… annoyed that you hung it on the wall in the first place,…… and it’s just waiting for you get busy, so, when you’re not looking, it thinks… revenge is a dish best served cold …. I’ll just pop forward by a few hours and see if they notice….They’ll think twice next time they want to hang a clock over a radiator at the bottom of the stairs, staring the same old Monet print in the face, day in day out…. oh yes, I’ll show them….….…. of course usually we don’t notice that the clock has pulled a fast one, and that, is when the trouble starts.….

    The trick babe, is multi-tasking; you see, right now, you think, I’m just sat in front of a PC blogging… oh no! If only!! Yes, I’m blogging but I’m also having a cup of tea while taking a break from decorating (yes still!), also listening to the radio, just phoned my mum, while popping dinner in the oven, I have a load of washing on the go and a loaf baking in our breadmaker, all at the same time as keeping an eye on the clock( just in case- you never can tell with clocks) so that when hubby gets home, I will have cleared up all the decorating mess, have his tea ready, be washed, smelling pine fresh, have his dinner on the table, be filled with enthusiasm, interest and sparkling conversation about his day at work…… and today, is my day off!

    Keep smiling

    PS type your blog into some sort of text editor first ... then just copy and paste in into the blog ...so if the blog page pokes you in the eye... you can just copy and paste again.....saving lots of time... :)

  23. At 04:16 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Sara B wrote:

    Forget the gym (rubbish way to exercise, just go walking more when you can) Read while you eat. And on the toilet. And on way to work (oh, except you walk don't you?) Then spend the spare time meeting up with all the girls on the blog who fancy you - that sorts out the relationship bit.
    And any time left over? Drink tea. (with music on)
    Sara x

  24. At 04:19 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Mark wrote:

    Hi Chris, great blog as usual. Love reading it whilst I'm supposed to be working!!

    After watching Ant and Dec on Saturday... I hope you are getting paid for it. How much do they want to rip off Don't Forget Your Toothbrush!!??!!
    They'll be lighting their lemons soon!!!

    (plus they don't do it half as well!!)

  25. At 04:21 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Emma wrote:

    Blimey, you want to trade with my life? Try doing all that and raise a couple of kids too!

  26. At 04:21 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Debs #12 - what an amazing weekend you've had, I'm so glad that it turned out so well for you... the smile on my face got bigger and bigger the more I read your post ==== may all your hopes come true.


  27. At 04:22 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Emma wrote:

    ...And another thing! Where are all the domestic chores within that list???!!

  28. At 04:27 PM on 18 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    afternoon christop

    firstly hope your mum is well soon!

    and SPOOKS is brilliant seen every series i think unless i've obviously missed one somewhere along the line.

    gut down on the gym they are expensive anyway and the only pounds you'll lose the most are the round shiney ones SO MORE TIME FOR SPOOKS!

    the second episode is @ 9pm or bbc3 @ around 10:25 ish i will be watching it.

    off to eat a lovely juciey peach MMMM....ahhh!

    and to listen to the show @ 5:05(or 17:05 to be picky!)

    top man chris

  29. At 04:29 PM on 18 Sep 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    A propos of nothing in particular except catching up with Friday's blogs, whoever recommended The Kite Runner: yes, it's a decent book, but if you're interested in great literature read the latest one by Sebsatian Faulks, Human Traces. I read it on holiday and it is mind-blowingly good. Works on so many levels. It's like a modern day Dostoyevsky or something. Except no-one gets killed with an axe, or throws themselves under a train. Just brilliant.

    Also read The Historian, which is good for a diversion. Imagine a vampiric equivalent of George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman series, or anything by Edmund Crispin. Intelligent fun.

    To #3 Bill: I've just got Sky+ and it is great so long as your wife and daughter aren't continually watching something else and so you never get around to watching what you've "taped" anyway. I found myself deleting Match of the Days yesterday without ever having seen them. And I've still got Solaris and Peter Kay to watch even before Y Mamba Ta Bombalomba or whatever it's called tomorrow. And then I have to wade through all the episodes of Malcolm in the Middle that my daughter has recorded.

    #19 Debster. The universe is ruled by giant lizards, and a number of highly important "people" on Earth are in fact lizards in disguise. ;) %) I think that's what he says. But you can tell them if you look in their eyes.

  30. At 04:32 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    I agree with Becks (17), go back and lay under the trees again before they lose their green jackets!

    With regards time....someone obviously had enough spare time to graffiti on the bridge over the M25 at Junction 16. They wrote PEAS, how bizarre is that....did they mean to write peas? Did they mean PEACE? Risking life and limb over the M25 to write PEAS. Very strange.


  31. At 04:34 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi DEBSTER #12!

    I can't either! I don't mind lending it to anyone though, as it always seems to be paid back just when I need it! Well done on the fruits of your visualisations too, but you know none of this would have been forthcoming if the people didn't love you and want to do something for you, so you must be doing some good somewhere else! ...and breathe...

    I sent Mrs Evans some Reiki on Saturday evening so I hope that may have made things a little easier. It doesn't cost, but for all the pleasure Chris has given me over the years (on the radio...) it was my pleasure to give something back - kind of like a barter!

    Keeping the faith

  32. At 04:37 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Tasha wrote:

    Oh I can so relate to the way you have just given a run down or your timetable/ schedule for your life - why do we do that???? I mean, for Goodness Sake will it really be the end of the world if we don't go to bed at a particular time, shower and dress at a particular time, eat at a particular time - NO of course it won't! Do what you want to do and do it NOW! I am so done with "to do" lists, appointments, ensuring this happens when it should, I am where I am suppose to be. I have just returned from a week's break at a very well known large holiday village which have their villas situated in various forests up and down the country and you sound like you really could do with this type of holiday Chris - it was wonderful, eye opening and I just want to go back right now (currently at work, going through a mount of rubbish that just isn't important!). If you want to watch SPOOKS - watch it, go on, indulge yourself.

  33. At 04:37 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:

    Bonjour mes amies!

    Chris, can understand the frustration with technology - damn computer has been on the blink today so lost all the work I did this morning. Great! :o( Not enough hours in the day to get everything sorted and watch the excellent Spooks - great start to a great series last night!

    All this positivity seems to be rubbing off - plucked up the courage to go on a date yesterday afternoon - and one drink turned into several and a meal and a walk along the river which was beautiful. Quite a relief and a nice end to a difficult week. :o)

    Glad your mum had a good birthday and hope that she feels better soon. Keep sending the positive thoughts out!

    Cat x

  34. At 04:49 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    To free up a little time you need to multi task.

    For instance run to work this will take less time and negate the need for the Gym. Eat with friends this combines social life with eating. Sleep with your chosen relationship partner. Get the idea.

    Nick C

  35. At 04:52 PM on 18 Sep 2006, sue wrote:

    Re the epidural for you mum's back - i had same thing few months ago - worked really well - unfortunately I now have to do the gardening !
    Hope she's up and about soon !

  36. At 04:55 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:


    The problem is men and women are different. We females can multi task so get at twice a much done.

    It requires concentration and forward planning but works!

    Monday hugs


  37. At 05:00 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Orrie42 wrote:

    Glad your mum had a good birthday, and hope her birthday pressy is doing its stuff!

    Spooks - yup - excellent programme! I am not watching this series though far too easy to end up addicted :)

    BUT....... I have a boss who tells me its not that I don't have time, it is that I CHOOSE to do something else!!!!!!

    A fair comment I suppose, although your first few blogs were all about stopping to smell the roses, and see the greens etc, so.... Physician, heal thy self!!!!!!

    Happy Monday!

    Love n licks

  38. At 05:03 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    A day in the life of McCrumble:

    04:45 Dolores is snoring. I look at the ceiling wondering why no-one has ever solved the puzzle of why we spend a third of our lives asleep.

    06:00 Rays from the sun begin to flood into the bedroom. I sit up straight like a fence-post and wonder when I'll get over my fear that there aren't enough hours in the day.

    06:05 Out of the shower and putting the kettle on for a cup of tea. Watch Ravel, my faithful research assistant, doing his early morning workout in the Institute garden. Wonder where he gets the energy.

    06:30 In the office answering emails. Wonder if I should take up an offer to buy one million shares in a Greek company specialising in the dredging of shipping canals.

    07:07 Smoke detector goes off. I wonder when Ravel will learn that you should not leave toast unattended under the grill.

    07:30 I am greeted by Dolores. She complains of a lousy night's sleep due to my snoring. I wonder if does this kind of thing to annoy me.

    08:00 I am called by the local police. They want to make sure I am still in the country. I wonder how far I could get in the next 24 hours if necessary.

    08:10 Begin first experiment of the day. Wonder whether I made a mistake in the dosing of three field mice with a new anti-parasitic drug as they are all lying motionless in their cage.

    09:00 Finish first experiment after resucitating the mice. Check emails. Wonder why my spam filter isn't working, again, as I read that my life is in danger from a disaffected ex-student and warns that I should leave the country immediately.

    09:45 Coffee-break with chocolate digestive whilst watching day time television. Wonder during the ad-break why manufacturers of nappys seem to have new products every other month, but chocolate digestives never change.

    09:55 Answer phone call from local paper asking for my opinion on the impact of global warming on parasitic infections in the UK

    11:23 Finish talking to the newspaper. There is no-one on the other end of the phone when I ask them if there is anything else I can tell them.

    12:45 Finish second experiment of the day. Decide to go for a walk into the village for a quick lunch at 'The Loch Inn'

    2:30 Emerge from the pub feeling decidedly innebriated

    2:45 Fall asleep on the sofa

    4:37 Awoken by Dolores telling me that she has invited her mother over for the weekend.

    4:38 Begin process of hiding all the valuables in the Institute

    6:00 Watch the 6 o'clock news. Wonder when I can afford to move to New Zealand.

    6:30 Watch regional news. Sit in wonder as they showcase the talents of a dog that can howl the chorus to 'Angels' by Robbie Williams.

    7:00 Look on the internet for cheap tickets to New Zealand

    7:15 Scour the internet for interesting blogs to comment on.

    7:16 Go to the studio and indulge in some artistic endeavour or other.

    7:30 Enjoy an evening meal prepared by my beautiful wife, helped as usual by Ravel. Wonder why Ravel still burns the toast after all these cookery lessons.

    8:30 Ring the twins at their boarding shool. Wonder why they are being so evasive when I ask what they did in art class today.

    9:00 Watch SPOOKS on the recomendation of several people

    9:10 Give up watching, as can't suspend disbelief any longer. Go back to the computer.

    9:30 Receive phone call from twin's school asking me if Twin X has ever drunk shower gel before.

    10:00 Finish discussing my twin boys behavioural anomalies with the school. Begin to feel sleepy.

    10:01 Dolores reminds me that we haven't had any intimate moments this week - just as I remember a time-critical step in my latest experiment.

    11:35 Emerge from my laboratory. Dolores reminds me again.

    12:40 Interrupted by Ravel, who has heard sounds from the bedroom and wondered if we were under attack.

    12:42 Explain in no uncertain terms to Ravel that any sounds I make after midnight are none of his business

    1:20 Have an emotional moment. Wonder about the evolutionary advantages of crying.

    1:30 Sleep

    2:30 Awoken by the sound of Ravel snoring. Emerge from bedroom to find him curled up outside the door. Kick him gently and tell him to go to his own room.

    3:35 Awoken by the sound of Dolores getting out of bed to go to the toilet. She trips over my slippers and swears loudly.

    6:00 Rays of the sun etc etc

    J McC

  39. At 05:07 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    What happened to shane warne's apple?

    I try to avoid doing anything routine - life is much better without it. I spent 6 hours yesterday picking blackberry's and making jam. The house is still a tip but i will have jam until christmas! (I also look like I've murdered some one since my hands are stained deep red!)

    I hate watching telly (except top gear) I always end up ignoring the program and thinking what a waste of my life it is to sit and watch rubbish. At least with the radio you can get on with doing something - standing in a thunderstorm, picking blackberry's with my mum, before she gets too old to manage, yomping across the fields, even reading the blog?! it has to be better than eastenders right?


  40. At 05:10 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Well Chris, firstly, all good wishes to your Mum and hope she is not in too much pain now. I also think if you start to calculate what you do in the hours of the day, you can stress yourself out totally. Life is too short for calculations of that kind.

    For one reason and another, I gave up full time work 7 years ago, and I find people imagined I did nothing all day but get up at noon, watch tv and read books in a leisurely fashon. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am now busier than ever and still do not have enough hours in the day to get everything done. Never mind, my attitude is what doesn't get done today, will still be there tomorrow morning! I am not going to write any longer, in case I waste anyone's precious time while they are reading my comment! Love and Light Jeannie aka The Kaiser Chef and Marvin The Dog. xxxx ;0)

  41. At 05:30 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Peter Johnson wrote:

    You need to start taking things a bit easier old boy, afterall you arn't getting any younger.

    You really need to shadow Wogan for a week and see how it's done I bet he does no more than 3 hours work a day.

  42. At 05:34 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Sue wrote:


    Life is too short to be watching other people interact with other people on telly no matter how funny! do all the other things first. Getting rid of telly was the best thing I ever did just over a year ago.The best thing in terms of my relationships... pletny of time to watch other people having a life of sorts when I am unable to get around physically, then bring on the telly!

  43. At 06:02 PM on 18 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    dear honey

    hope you are well - and your mam

    i am in my friends house using her pc as think i should stop sending e mails from work - incase i get the sack!
    so poor eleri has to put up with me coming here to her home especially to use her PC!
    she is very kind.
    anyway i got totally sloshed on sat at friends house and decided to weigh myself gutted am now nearly 9 stone, look 3 months pregnant - must stop wine, chocolate and food in general!
    i must get thin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hate my tummy - just can't stop eating food - curry is my favourite food yummy
    can't think of anything interesting to say so am going now to B & Q for paint - exciting.
    hopefully can catch up with your blog tomorrow - am going to miss logging in randomly!
    love juxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  44. At 06:12 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Autumn wrote:

    Everday Someone loses a Dad or a Mum or a child or a brother or sister.For them time stands still. Just took a call from someone in that position and it makes you think. Make the most of the time you have it doesn't need to be planned out throw the clock away.

  45. At 06:15 PM on 18 Sep 2006, lynn wrote:

    hi chris, im lynn from stevenage, hope your mum feels better soon. i just want to tell you that i and other friends love you on radio 2,it,s like a breath of fresh air, and when i finish work, i rush home, cook my tea with a glass of wine and listen to you,thank you for being you!!!! love lynn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  46. At 06:16 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Suey wrote:

    Watched Spooks too last night. Looking forward to tonight's one - must try and keep my eyes open though!

    Wish I didn't have to do overtime tonight - had such a mega weekend. Why is it that everything seems to get booked into the same weekend, then the following one, nothing happens?

    Another hour to go, then it's home time .....


  47. At 06:48 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Vee Johansson wrote:

    HI Christophe
    I have to confess to having a bit of a SPOOKS habit myself. Like you, I was a SPOOKS virgin until I caught the final episode of the last series. I have now bought (and watched) all 4 series on DVD and am addicted. Even watched tonight's episode on ±«Óãtv 3 last night (how sad is that!).

  48. At 06:51 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers,

    I agree with Gilly Marlowe (1)...time management is curse of 21st century, well the need to do it and not getting it right. Best not to think too much, just get on with things. More important to be sure you do periodicaly slow down and smell the roses.

    I didn't watch spooks, Sir Bossalot likes to have control of the remote and I have to be inspired to put up a fight to see something i want to watch..spooks did'nt do anything for me. I don't watch any of the soaps either, great tip Becks (17), if you are a soapy.

    Good that we are all different eh! I don't always get home til 6pm then I usually listen to you chris til 7pm while preparing dinner, blogging, doing a few chores etc, then swap to the telly (still busy with stuff) usually anything murder mystery or funny, aiming to sit down to telly after eating at 9pm. The only good thing is that Friday comes around pretty damn quick.

    Arghhhh one of my dogs is chewing her feet, sounds horrible, gotta go and stop her....enjoy your spookiness tonight bloggees. x

  49. At 07:00 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Goodly day Christoph Lamby Pie and the Shlog Squad.

    All the very best for your Mum, I've got a crappy back too and can fully understand.

    Sounds to me that you're letting time rule you rather than you taking charge of time. Stop the madness, mate! Do what you want to without getting all stressed and worried about whether you can spare the time. We all need to take a time out every now and again.

    Debster #12 - isn't money hateful? I wish it'd be abolished. You did well in cutting up the cards - they're even more evil than money and as for the companies - usurers. I used to have loads of the wretched things but I got rid of the lot. Now I only have one debit/cashpoint card. Now, if I can't afford something I wait for it. Anticipation is half the enjoyment in getting something - besides I'm also a lot less materialistic than before and am happy with my friends, my books and the radio on the interweb.

    Don't despair, she'll be right.


  50. At 07:28 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Cate D wrote:

    Hi Chris

    great blog. Try making your calls whilst you walk to work and use an exercise bike in front of the telly whilst watching spooks or other tv programe. This will save you hours a day so you can go out and look for that perfect partner.

    Great birthday gift for your Mum. Hope she gets lasting relief from pain.

    Best wishes


  51. At 08:28 PM on 18 Sep 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    Just had to say: Dr McCrumble at blog 38 you have made me laugh my head off and liberally spray my computer with a mouthful of tonic water! Think your blog was the tonic I needed.

    Back to my own research....

  52. At 08:58 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Clair #51

    Sorry, didn't mean to have that effect. Please let me know if your computer is ruined and I'll send Ravel round to fix it. He's quite handy with electronics, allegedly...

    Actually, now I think about it, better squash that idea. I just remembered something - last time I needed a fuse changing he chopped off the plug, took it to the local eletrical superstore and demanded money back on my behalf. When they refused, he got a bit shirty with the staff and had to be led out by security.

    J McC

  53. At 09:12 PM on 18 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Dr Joseph McCrumble....I enjoy reading your blogs very much. Chris, you should have him on the show, I imagine the good Dr to have a very radio friendly voice.

    We should always find time for the things we want to do. Some of us have committments (children, work, a home, Parents) which need our time and rightly so we fullfill those committments.

    I would be interested to know what your Mums response would be to your blog.

    Have decided to g see Charlotte in Powys about Labrador (long bloody way from Cambridge), Son acheived 18/20 in Latin today so he is chuffed, Daughter has temporarily stopped being a tomboy and decided not to wear navy blue shorts and a Steven Gerrard football top to the school party (little Gap number instead) Divorce proceedngs not going so well but hey....

    kit kat

  54. At 09:16 PM on 18 Sep 2006, sam wrote:

    Hi chris,

    How about having a TV, VCR combi installed in the bathroom, record spooks and watch during long relaxing bath.
    Hope your mum feels herself again soon

  55. At 09:44 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Angie wrote:

    Hi Chris, don't forget to make time for your hill it helps you appreciate all the other things in life.

    Hope your Mum feels better soon.


  56. At 10:10 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Good evening Christophe and bloggers,

    Spooks is fab isn't it. But does anyone else find it just a weeny bit confusing?

    Hermione #5? as in from Harry potter? HOw did I miss that one?

    Oh my word. have been multitasking Blogging and TV and eating chocolate). just finished watchin g second part of Spooks. How scary was that?

    #30 I saw that graffitti on the way to Colchester at the weekend. Or was it on the way back? It was such a great weekend I froget all the boring details like driving there and back from Oxfrod.

    What is it with kids setting off fire alarms in school. Some eeejit decided to set of ours at school today five minutes before the end of break. Was jsut tucking into my second custard cream. I mean assuming they want time out of lessons why not wait and do it just after lessons have started. On top of which it meant kids were tricky all day. Too much excitement I reckon.

    Oh McCrumble - your posts are great. I've only been reading for a few days but they always leave a smile. I wonder if my mental image of you, Dolores and Ravel are accurate?

    Re someone's idea of shadowing Wogan to see how to minimise work. All well and good but please don't go on holiday as often as he does.

    Love to alll

    Night night

    Piglet xx
    Okey dokey off for now

  57. At 10:20 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Hello Chris and the Bloggers (sounds like a good name for a band!)

    Flying kisses and blog from me because I'm in the middle of watching god knows how much on TV tonight! it's a TVathon session!

    First of all, and most important, HUGE best wishes to your mum. I hope that she is feeling much better soon.

    The other thing, I find that I don't actually need to go to the gym because I'm running around my living room so much when watching Spooks tyring to find another cushion to hide behind (after I've lost all the others whilst flinging them around in my nervous state) so that I am actually left utterly drained and shattered... far better than a workout! You should try it! Films have the same effect on me... I did nearly get into trouble with a man and his son over this when watching Mrs Doubtfire, I tend to wiggle about when laughing and... guy next to me ended up getting footsie on his leg when I thought it was the cinema chair leg! it's a complex story, but my sisters nearly banned me from all cinemas in the UK after that!

    Beware who you sit next to at the cinema... it could be me!!!!

    See you and best wishes to your mum Chris!

  58. At 10:21 PM on 18 Sep 2006, lea everett wrote:

    My maths has come up with this answer, you are in your life allotted so many hours of pleasure, so many hours of sleep and so many hours of work! I'm afraid as a young adult/teenager I used up my allotted sleep/leisure time and now I'm stuck with the work hours. Methinks you too have burnt the candle at both ends in the past, so now its time to pay the piper! Karma eh.

  59. At 10:42 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Sandrella wrote:

    Hi Chris & all! I'm a perfect example of being behind time!!! had a A4 page today with 'to dos' on it, spent so much time worrying about how I was going to do it all, by the time I started, it was time to go home!! Like The Debster at #12, I'm going to ask the angels for a little help in the work department....
    Had a great weekend tho'. I'd arranged for my mum (coz you gotta look after them, Chris) to meet up with a 2nd cousin she hadn't seen for 50 years!!! It was lovely to see my mum's face light up and be reunited with some of her family....friends & family are what it's all about, the 'to do' list can wait....lots love xxx ps not so sure about slugs....

  60. At 11:45 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Sharon wrote:

    Hi Christope,

    Mmm, new shlogger, but avid listener. Music on the show today (Monday) was cracking - better than usual. Keep it up, it gets me home great.

    Problems can have advantages - I have mega roadworks on my way to work for up to 12 months - so I get to listen to more of your show.

    Not usually one to creep, honest. Nice to hear you back on the Radio and more importantly, back with your feet on the ground.

    As they say....."Love the show"......


  61. At 02:10 AM on 19 Sep 2006, hamraz wrote:

    I need a doctor!

  62. At 08:31 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Steve wrote:

    Hi, Chris,

    I was going to say.....

    Two hours going to and from work and an hour and a half in the gym....That's an extra three and a half hours of found time for....

    Discovering new music
    Enjoying playlists
    Audio books
    ...and chilling to Deva Premal..


  63. At 10:14 AM on 19 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    dear chris i like listen to your music you chills me out but please would you play me queen one vision

  64. At 05:51 PM on 19 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    radio two is one of best studio in the world becouse i love it very much it chills me out an it me go running every day of the week please would you play wham freeden stephen from nelson lancashire

  65. At 06:59 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Chris wrote:

    Hi Chris, wot we need is the 48 hour day should manage to get most things done in that time, plus will bring the weekends quicker as the working week will only be two and half days long how great is that, ooh hang on a min if its only two and half days long will that give us more or less time, bloody ell now I'm confused, best go for lay down to think this over, and heck more time lost where does it all go, take it easy - C

  66. At 10:45 AM on 25 Oct 2006, Claire wrote:

    listen to your show rarely - 3 tots no time but must get back into it - pre pregnancy listened everyday rad 1. hit your blog pure accident looking for Rupert PJ (spooks) links as he is just gorgeous!! Don't believe for 1 second you read all these replies. Surely not! you really can't have time for that. You're not alone - has taken me 45 minutes to write 8 lines. Have made a cinema in living room, Shrek and popcorn, a camp, helped out with a puzzle and broken up 1 arguement and witnessed a hissy fit. Must go before this BLOG turns into a BLONG (too bl***y long).

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