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Chris Evans | 13:42 UK time, Monday, 25 September 2006

Well howdy doody,

What a weekend, seriously, yesterday marning, I was as excited as a child at christmas who knew they'd got what they wanted. Yes the Ryder Cup, I know if you don't like golf you don't get it but just be happpy for those of us who do. Compare it to your most favorite thing ever and that's how those of us who love the game felt yesterday.

Things like golf are funny...

...because some people who don't like it, feel they must tell you this. The highly unoriginal, misquoted and totally over used, "...golf, it's a good walk spoilt" has been thrust in my face many times.

I findsomeone having to tell you how much they dislike what somebody else does for pleasure all a little strange, I "get" that some people don't "get" golf but so what ? I don't "get" loads of things but if people want to go about doing them that's fine by me, I'm happy for them. I wouldn't go out of my way to tell them how much I don't "get" whatever it is they may be in to. Whatever floats one's boat!

What about when you say, that you've been doing something and before you've barely got the first sentence out someone cuts in, "...oh I hate that !"

Hate !

Hate is such a strong word, it almost hurts.

I am very wary of anyone who uses the word "hate" I think it says a lot about a person. I try and distance myself from such people.



Sorry part one was v. short 'cos I'd only just got into town and had to do some work on tonight's show. Talking SNORING tonight and DADDY LONG LEGS, SAL'S back as well, which is nice.

Encouraged about comments and posts so far. WOOSIE'S snot moment was hilarious. We were watching it in the pub and at that moment the whole pub nearly threw up...

Indeed, hats off to Mr. Clarke, what a bloody man ! I have big love for him.

Other news, the HAMSTER seems to be on the mend. Top Gear must continue, anyone who says the opposite is a Cromwellian doom monger and probably reads the Daily Mail to be told what their opinion is.

Played the fastest eighteen holes of golf ever this morning, less than two hours, had to play after yesterday.

Already booked to go to the K Club in November.

Came up with the next Big Idea over the weekend could be as big as when we bought the radio station. Could of course also be an absolute disaster... I'll let you know

Have to go now, there's a very big dog looking at me as if he wants to go for a walk and I think I'd better say yes..

Labour party conference, good value, very dramatic. Better than the usual daytime trash.



  1. At 02:09 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Dan wrote:

    Completely agree, young man. The "h" word appears much too often in my spheres of work and play and is an exmple of laziness; Laziness on two plains 1) not being bothered to articulate your feelings with reasoning and persuasive arguement 2) not being bothered to use other perhaps more appropriate words.
    Have a good afternoon - glad you enjoyed the golf - we Irish know how to throw a party!
    Dan in Belfast

  2. At 02:11 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Jaynebeth wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    There's something special about the Ryder Cup that encourages the golf enthusiast in us all. I rarely watch golf as a sport - but this weekend it's been on our tv, and on the radio when we've been out & about. I think it's the 'Flag waving' syndrome!

    People comment on the strangest things - mention you've had marmite on toast and someone will always comment/pull a face.

    Mention you're a Man Utd fan and people will automatically comment that you should support your local Nationwide Conference side instead.

    Nothing as queer as folks!

  3. At 02:15 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Em wrote:

    Afternoon Chris,

    I only half "get" golf (other than the All Star Cup which I've religiously watched both years!), but I have to admit that there was something magical about this weekend.....even for a Golf Widow like myself!

    I've only just experienced the first Ryder Cup having met my boyfriend (TOTAL golf nut) in a non-Ryder cup year, but it was entertaining, emotional and educational - I now know the meaning of previously mysterious terms like "Fourballs" and "Dormies",

    How anyone could not be touched when Darren Clarke approached the tee every day is beyond me. Sportsmanship and respect in this sport is just a given and should be admired by all, even those that don't "get" it.

    Not sure we needed to see Woosie's nasal champers explosion though....

    What a party there must've been last night, and it was well deserved.


  4. At 02:16 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Penguin wrote:


    I don't play golf but the coverage yesterday was so exciting. I would imagine it is a bit like fly fishing or being at a roulette wheel 'This time, this time, I'll get it'. Whether you like it or not, the skill those chaps showed was a thing to behold. How do they do it? Is a scratch handicap, now the sign of a mis-spent youth?

    You are quite right to berate folks for being rude, for that is what it is and rude people suck.

    chin chin


  5. At 02:16 PM on 25 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    hellooooo! Yes, what a great weekend, we won the golf, the Hamster's getting better, and Frankie L scored twice!!


  6. At 02:22 PM on 25 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    ok, I'll go with that, I vaugely understand the basics of golf and have been known to play it a couple of times to try it out, got some good friends and relatives who play, I take an intererest because they are interested.

    But come on Chaps, it's more than that it's that national pride thing again, who can't get fired up about europe putting one over on the Americans (again!)

  7. At 02:23 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Such a negative word is hate isnt it Chris full of dark emotion, learning to laugh at life and our experiences is what I think blogging is about.
    Certainly my blog looks for the humour in everything.
    I too have had a good weekend, went Ice Skating at Doncaster with my son and niece - great fun

  8. At 02:23 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    I think some people feel the need to deflate others or try to make them feel small by attacking things or opinions that are important to them! I had, and I use the word had as in past tense a friend similarto that, he was actually very controlling and liked to bash your believes until they would change to his, and his arrogance would make him maybe talk louder than you and for a while you may think that made him more valid than you!

    When you let these people go from your life you not only have space for yourself but space for the good folk of the world!


  9. At 02:23 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    it was wonderful wasn't it -

    I met a chap the other day who announced that he hated watching sport on TV - he prefered to do it. I dont disagree with the principle but can he really believe that you can't get pleasure from watching the golf yesterday, or steve redgrave get his gold medals, or england win the ashes - I appreciate that perhaps Henrik Stenson and Darren Clarke felt fractionally more euphoric than I did but I am happy enough to have witnessed their hard work, sometimes genius and a little bit of luck from the comfort of the sofa.

    well done chaps - and have a good week bloggers.


  10. At 02:26 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes


    Wow! Parts of your blog today are almost word for word what I've written about hate, in the past: have you been reading my diary? Only teasing ... I guess with nearly 7 billion folk on the planet it's not beyond possibility that some folk think the same way or maybe even have the same opinion.

    Golf; a good walk spoiled, or is it the reason to go for a good walk?

    Well here we are in another virginal week, filled with so much potential ...I feel like a coiled spring today, anything could happen this week. Sat at my desk, eating a rare treat for me ( flake), 45p from the vending machine. The last time I bought one, it was less than 30p.....

    We've finally finished decorating the hall stairs and landing. ( phew! yeah I know it's taken ages)........... It looks nice but rather bland....... this is what happens when you try to appeal to everyone. We went for the safe "natural" colours; you know, those colours that all those programmes on TV say you should use in your home: do they get up anyone else's nose? Yeah I know, I don't have to watch them but how else do you find out what everyone else is doing. It seems there's an endless tide of folk who will tell you that you're in the wrong style, driving the wrong car, have the wrong hair do; all meaning of course that you're not living the dream life; as if a new frock, a lick of paint and hair cut will make much difference. We should spend much less time trying to be like everyone else and just be ourselves. We're all in danger of loosing our identity in a giant pot of magnolia; cream or is it just, off white, paint. Be different! My lounge is Electric Banana!!!!!

    Keep smiling


  11. At 02:36 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Congrats Europe in a great win! I watched with interest the clouds forming outside my window hoping that they'd miss the K-Club over the weekend. Oh well....

    And..if you ever meet someone who expresses their "hate" - then find out why...you'll often find that it's more misunderstanding than actual hatred! It's a misleading label!

    Now I'm off to dig more holes in my garden/make shift golf course. 3 par course from the patio to the shed......

  12. At 02:37 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I dislike golf - note not hate - because my very first boyfriend cancelled a date with me to go and play golf. How traumatising for a 16 year old! I am now a part time golf widow (hubby only has the time to play occasionally) and I have tio admit it's nice when he plays as I get a couple of hours to myself!!

    Actually - I have a memory of a drunken conversation between me and hubby on holiday (just back from Tavira in Portugal) where I suggested he teach me to play so I can at least make an attempt to play - and the next holiday to Portugal can have some time on the golf course.

    So people might have a reason to "hate" golf - but in the right hands that hate can disappear!

    Not that I approved of the 24/7 coverage that hubby insisted on for the Ryder Cup - trying to get any sense out of him all weekend was useless!!!

    Glad to be back and joining the community again. Missed you all

    Alison xxx

  13. At 02:42 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Hello Chris & all

    Glad you all enjoyed the golf and I'm very glad that we won. I'm not a golf fan in any way, shape or form but can understand those that are - I'm a tennis girl myself and it drives me mad when people ask 'why are you watching that?' whenever Wimbledon or one of the other televised matches is on - Thank you Sky! Each to their own I say.

    I had a brilliant weekend, hubby & I went to stay with his brother, wife and our amazing (almost) 4 year old niece on the RAF camp that he's based on at the moment and she was just a complete little treasure, as good as gold and so much fun, believe me it was no fun saying goodbye.

    Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

    Hear you at 5


  14. At 02:49 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    What a brilliant win! It's not that I don't 'get' golf - just unable to hit the ball. I've tried! Therefore have nothing but respect for those that cannot only hit the ball but also make it go in the right direction, over and over again. Huge skill involved.

    Why do people have to be so negative about others interests? It's an oddity. Love it when you discover a person has a passion for something. Doesn't really matter what it is, don't care whether it's my bag or not, just love it that everyone is so different.

    Agree re the hate word. Used far too much, as is ugly. But I will say, hate is an ugly word. There, used them both in one sentence. Won't be using them again for a very long time (I hope).

    Watched lions cubs playing at Longleat yesterday. Marvellous. Still grinning at he memory.

    Looking forward to the show.


  15. At 02:52 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    I have to say I agree with Chris. I teach my kids never to use the word hate unless it is applied correctly. How many times have I heard one of them say 'I HATE sprouts' or 'I HATE you'? Too many to recall here. What I have been trying instead is when I catch them doing it I make them say what they just said but with the word 'BLAMANGE' instead. It has worked to deflate tension on several occasions.

    Of course, using the 'h' word does have its moments. I've found it particularly effective with Joseph. For example, he has an unnerving habit of picking dirt etc out of his fingernails instead of washing his hands before preparing food. I tell him each time in no uncertain terms that I HATE it when he does that. Slowly but surely it is beginning to have an effect. He still picks out the dirt but now rinses his hands more often. I haven't had any gut problems for months.



    P.S. He is still locked up, but sends his regards. I have agreed to continue commenting for the time being, as it was me who actually introduced himself to the idea.

  16. At 02:56 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Shona Mercie wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    My first comment on here, I know what you mean about negativity, my mum often uses the word hate, right before she tells you you can't do something, I have just started surfing, upon telling her this, I hate water (other than to drink)...you can't surf you can't swim very well...(little does she know I do a half mile on a friday morning - so there!) it is very easy to be negative and discouraging, much much harder to be positive and encourage someone to excell themselves (or in my case use punctuation!)

    I love the shlogg, although I can't catch the show every night, i do read the blog.

    Shona M

  17. At 03:00 PM on 25 Sep 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Good day Christophe!

    I don't get sport - full stop! But I appreciate that others do. My parents follow the golf - at arm's length, i.e. through the medium of newsprint rather than tv.

    Me, I'm an ESC fan and most people don't get that it's not the kitchiness I love, but the music itself.

    Hate is indeed a strong word and a very powerful emotion, but alas too many people bandy the word hate as easily as they use the word love. Both require a level of commitment and in-depth knowledge that most people lack.

    My mum always taught me to say "dislike" rather than hate. Fortunately, I have few of those too.

    keep on schlogging!!!


  18. At 03:04 PM on 25 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    Hi a blogging good monday to one an all

    well after the party the EUROPEAN golf team had
    he'll be feeling a bit Woosie(a bit wooise no shut you face) in a frankie howerd way!.

    the "H" word yes i can see where your coming form on that

    got to go my nose is running(doh!)

  19. At 03:06 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hate is a word that should be flushed down the toilet.

  20. At 03:08 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris and all!

    I'm one of those people who don't "get" golf, but my new job has placed me working with a group of guys who play, and we have a road sign halfway up the field outside the office which is used for driving practice. I have been advised that if I'm bored, I can take a walk in the long grass and look for balls...

    Anyhow, I've also been told that I'll get lessons as long as I promise not to take the mick out of my boss's shorts again. The lessons are a long way off yet...you should see the shorts!

    I don't "get" sport in general. There was ALWAYS some sporting occasion on the TV at home, and I had it thrust down my neck by my mum and brother, so I can't bear anything remotely connected to sport now. Having said that I'll glady wave my flag in the spirit of patriotism, and my favourite background noise when I'm sunbathing in the garden is cricket!

    Hate is an evil word, and, as you state, is a very strong word. It's an emotion as much as a verb, it certainly isn't a word that should be used lightly, and DAN 1# has summed it up totally. I remember using it against my parents when I was a teenager and I KNEW it would hurt, but sadly the word has become so over-used and now is viewed in a more diminished way. This doesn't take away the fact that it is a horrible word, and probably the most negative feeling you can ever have.

    Mind you, the English language is suffering all over the place, and the one word I simply CANNOT STAND TO HEAR is "GOBSMACKED". What on earth is that about.

    Cor blimey guv, it's ages since I had a rant...

    hasta luego

  21. At 03:11 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon all...

    Thank Heavens you've blogged Chris!! I need the distraction - work is soooooo tough at the moment.

    Hate is a very strong word - a terrible term for children to misuse, as Dolores quite rightly points out - I may try the blancmange thing - thanks for the suggestion Dolores.

    Have a magnificent Monday


  22. At 03:11 PM on 25 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    Just so.....I have been happy for all you golf fans this weekend. I always look for excuses to be happy if I haven't got my own. There's usually one not far away. Happiness is something I've practiced all my life and I'm really good at it now. x

    When I can I offer chocolate to anybody negative or moaning. It's hard to moan in a chocolate zone. There's far to may moaners and haters out there but there's even more chocolate. x

    I've had another fab weekend and have yet another to look forward to this weekened so that should be enough to keep me smiling all week........oh, that and your daily blogs and radio show of course. x

    Keep spreading the love,


  23. At 03:11 PM on 25 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    I had a teacher at jnr school, strangely enough the one I still say hello to!
    She banned the words "NICE" "HATE" and "BORING" unless they were followed by a back up statement justifying why you felt that way.
    It taught us to think that little bit harder before we made a random statement and wether or not we did actually want to use that word.
    This wasn't just in class She was behind myself and my friend in the shop one day and caught my friend saying how boring it was the night before.
    Monday morning We had a blow by blow account of what my friend did that weekend and we took a vote on if her weekend was more exciting that the one we had. It killed a whole morning!

  24. At 03:17 PM on 25 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Happy Monday to you Chris and all Bloggers and Schloggers!

    I do love golf, I find it very therapeutic nowadays as I do not take it or me seriously anymore. If I hit a shot in the trees then so be it. I play for the exercise and the company. The Ryder cup was fantastic! Darren Clarke stole the show in my opinion and yes I will admit to a tear in my eye even though a real man should not show emotions apparently. Of course all this talk of golf reminded me of a joke….so here goes!

    A guy out on the golf course took a high speed ball right in the crotch.

    Writhing in agony, he fell to the ground. As soon as he could manage, he took himself to the doctor.

    He said, "How bad is it doc?..... I'm going on my honeymoon next week and my fiancée is still a virgin - in every way."

    The doctor told him, "I'll have to put your willie in a splint to let it heal and keep it straight. It should be okay next week."

    He took four tongue depressors and formed a neat 4 sided splint, and taped it all together; an impressive work of art.

    The guy mentioned none of this to his girl, married her, and went on their

    That night in the hotel room, she ripped open her blouse to reveal her beautiful breasts. She said, "You're the first; no one has EVER touched these."

    He immediately dropped his pants and replied,.............................. "Look at this,……………. still in the CRATE!"

    Oh come on smile :-)))))

    Now for the “H” word, I agree with your Chris I think it shows a lack of vocabulary to have to use the word inappropriately or out of context far too often. It is the same as swearing, not that I condone swearing but in the right place and in the right company some swearing can be deemed OK. For me though I can find no time when the “C” word is acceptable :-(

    Still life is too short to worry about words…………………what is the old saying “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me” all lies I am afraid :-( Maybe I am far too sensitive :-)

    Happy Monday everyone :-)

    Keith x

  25. At 03:30 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Weezie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Have already posted a comment about DARREN CLARKE and what an inspiration he is yest night on Fridays blog!

    I do not play golf, my hubby does and so does my Dad and Brother. Me, I really enjoy it as a spectator! Have attended a few Opens and usually, as this weekend, the Ryder Cup enjoys continuous coverage from Fri-Sun!

    Anyone who does not GET golf should watch the celebrations last night and take note of:

    how TOM LEHMAN AND TIGER WOODS hugged DARREN CLARKE on the 16th,

    how WOOSIE told DARREN it was destiny and DARREN was "safe" once he got into the arms of his team - SERGIO GARCIA AND PAUL CASEY

    how LEE WESTWOOD could not speak,

    how SERGIO smiled and smiled and smiled till you thought his face might break,

    how MONTY wasn't on the 16th green celebrating because he was with PADRAIG HARRINGTON who was still playing and he was supporting him!,

    how ZACH JOHNSON praised DARREN CLARKE by saying that Darren was an amazing player but a better person! (WOW)and

    how WOOSIE dedicated the Win to HEATHER CLARKE.

    Gentlemen, every one of both teams, with a capital G.

    As you are wary of people who use the H word, I am wary of people who decide things without knowing anything about it!

    Give me a guy who GETS golf any day of the week!!

    Love to you all and HIP HIP HURRAY FOR EUROPE!!

    Weezie xxxxxx

  26. At 03:36 PM on 25 Sep 2006, maryla wrote:

    Hi Mr.Golf

    Like the show but can we have more interesting subjects than "supermarkets
    loyalty cards " & snoring, 17:00 too early
    to go to bed....

    Mange tout & la pia Doir

  27. At 03:38 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon Chris & fellow bloggers/bloggetts

    Hate........a horrible word although am ashamed to say I have been known to use it in the past...........

    Golf......don't totally understand it BUT loved the All Star Cup - think I need to go next year....

    Monday afternoon in Norfolk - absolutely chucking it down with rain - think I might need help getting home - anyone got a boat I could borrow?

    He ho Friday's not far off!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luv to all



    P.S. #19 Roberto - Man of few words but knows when to say them - will you marry me???!!!!

  28. At 03:51 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Em M wrote:

    Loved your Daily Mail comment; couldn't agree more!

  29. At 03:53 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Fellow Blog Readers, another interesting posts today, with lots in it to make me think!

    I agree particularly about the people who respond to anything you say with belittling and negative remarks etc., Or if you are enthusing about something and they try to deflate you. I think we have all known people like that - and I certainly have. Simple solution, I have just dropped them! Life is too short for being friends with irritating people. And the way they are behaving they cannot possibly count as "frends". Sometimes I am sure it is a form of "insecurity" on their part when they do this type of negative stuff. Once I had off loaded anyone who was like that, life was a lot easier!

    I don't know about anyone else on here, but I have found just lately time seems to be going so quickly, almost as if my days are the sand in an egg timer. So I certainly do not want to waste time on negative people, or negative thinking.

    So, so, pleased about the Golf, fantastic news! Love and Light K C aka Jeannie :0)

  30. At 03:56 PM on 25 Sep 2006, mini girl wrote:

    Next Big thing? How exciting! I love the way your brain works and always like to see what creative thing you've cooked up next! Guaranteed to be a novel and new idea even if not a crowd pleaser, or big wig pleaser anyway!
    SEE! that just goes to show that doing what you love best, be it golf or any other fancy that tickles your....fancy?! It always gives you a real boost and is guaranteed to bring out the creative juices in you! And that can never be a bad thing can it?

    Why don't we actually dedicate real time to doing what revives us most - why does it only deserve the fag ends of our time?

    p.s. Doesn't the K club cost real hideous amounts of mular to join? I work for a charity with young people - we'll take it off your hands if its burning in your pocket and I'm sure they'll play golf with you and give you the most entertaining game of your life!! (or frightening!)
    x just a suggestion x

    SOooo looking forward to tonight, missed you in the wend lull. Will listen as i walk along the coast soaking up the sunshine......bring it on!

  31. At 03:57 PM on 25 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    back again just done an iq test and my current iq is 111 it was a very tough iq test

    and again well done wooise and the lads

  32. At 04:08 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I just hit my head off the side of my car. I completely missed the hole (ie the door).

    I like golf. Can't play, but my dear departed dad played ALWAYS. Sometimes he let me caddy for him so that I could spend time with him. Afterwards, I had to take him for a coffee to say thank you. When he was alive I knew all the scores of all the big matches - I feel that with you raving about it, I'm coming back to a place I'm familiar with. Which is nice.

    I don't hate anything .... except tomatos. I have a real problem with them.

    I love mostly everything else......Hel

  33. At 04:21 PM on 25 Sep 2006, penguin wrote:


    You're not the only one with a big idea - I would put it down here but i would have to kill all the other bloggers afterwards!

    Snoring - shall look forward to it. It is a particular bete noir of mine having been married to the worst snorer ever - for over 20 years. He could (he's now an ex) even snore lying on his tum!

    Mr Clark was fab and I wept for him.

    Lbour party conference - I thought I was the only person in the country that enjoyed these things! My mother would be proud!


  34. At 04:24 PM on 25 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Re snoring - my lovely man snores and so do our two dogs who share the bed with us more often than not. Sometimes it's like surround sound in there!! And in the morning they all f*rt as they stretch before getting up! It can't be a boy thing cos the dogs are girls!!

    Wouldn't be without any of them though :-)

  35. At 04:26 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Ben wrote:

    Have you and Dom from the Chris Moyles show be discussing blogs today? The subject is very similar, one of you disagreeing with hate the other one simply hating!!! Look forward to your comments on tonights show!!

  36. At 04:26 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Morag wrote:

    Hi Chris....

    I tried golf a few years ago as then hubby was taking it up and purchased a golf glove and a number 7 iron to practice with...
    Spent many an hour at the golf range hitting HUNDREDS of balls everywhere but the right direction! OH BUT WHEN YOU GET IT RIGHT!!! Bliss. Nothing beats hitting the ball well and seeing it soar away in the direction you intended!!

    Had a fun weekend... weather on Sunday dreadful here in Scotland. Went to a local shopping centre for a girlie lunch and a wee bit shopping..
    Bought a teddy bear for my grandson from a shop where you filled it yourself and added a heart before sewing up the back, aw......then I dressed it as a fireman.. helmet and boots...the lot! soooo cute..

    I remember an old friend telling me never to say I hate anyone or anything as it is such a strong word... you may dislike it/them, but rarely will you ever hate anything!! It is so true and I find myself correcting people now too......

    Have a braw week.....

  37. At 04:32 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Hi Chris and the Bloggers

    I don't seem to really get the buzz of golf but I was jolly pleased that we won this game! I rather do like pitch and putt so could imagine that I would like golf... it's just that I don't want to play with women... can I play with men Chris and not have to be segregated off? Women played with men at the All Stars golf thing and that made me really happy.

    Hate is a nasty word. It's also just as Dan#1 said, a lazy word. I know when I'm tired or hugely frustrated I will sometimes say "oh I hate that!" but I don't mean it, it's just exhaustion and frustration speaking... I will attempt to blancmange it next time! (Thanks Dolores and send best wishes to Dr McCrumble!) Ugly is a horrible word too - nothing is ugly, it might not appeal to my personal sense of beauty, but it is not ugly. What to someone is boring to another person is fascinating! So that distresses me to hear when someone poo-poos another person or their interests as boring (and when I was told by a lad at school that I was "plain and boring" it hurt me so badly I knew the power of such nasty words)

    Nice is another such word. It's a lazy word "ooh that's nice!" I will say and then berate myself for being so incapable of thinking of a better way to describe the feelings I had when I saw, ate, appreciated it. Why do I do it? Because I'm rushing or not wanting to put my mind to really give my thoughts on it and that's perhaps the worst insult I can give anyone really isn't it?

    Another annoyance (before my hormonal induced rant gets out of hand) is asking someone "how are you?" and not meaning the question. I'm as guilty of it as the next person, I often tell myself off afterwards and feel like running up the person and saying "but how are you really?" My dad utterly floors people who ask him that question because he'll say something really odd like "as well as can be expected considering!" or "surviving" and you should see the expression on the other person's face! They don't ask him that question again.

    Right, I've got all that off my chest I can move on!

    Have a lovely, beautiful, satisfying and positive vibe giving day and do as Bambi was told, if you can't say anything good, don't say anything (or words to that effect!)
    Lots of love to you all

  38. At 04:38 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    I don't believe it!
    I've been to my doctor on Friday to get some assistance sleeping whilst on holiday with my mum. While getting my prescription filled I thought I had better invest in some ear-plugs. My mum could win competitions if such a one existed - you'd never imagine the noises that can come out of such a small person!!!! My mum and aunt go on holiday together sometimes too, and my aunt will book a seperate room, preferably on a different floor, so that she comes home rested.
    The boy made me go to the doctor because he 'didn't want me ringing him in the middle of the night crying because I'm so tired like I did the last time I went away with my mother and got no sleep'.

    I will listen to the show with baited breath - it would be superb if I can help my mum not to snore, and even better not to have to take the pills...but please everyone, her snoring is diabolical...and I use that word advisedly...no normal human can emit those sort of noises and so LOUDLY!!!!

    bon chance

    oooooh ps for all request Friday, I'm not going to be here, but any chance of 'Insomnia' by Faithless.............zzzzzzzzzzzz

  39. At 04:38 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Hi Chris

    These are all the instances of the use of the word hate over the last week in the response to the blog. I'm glad to say you haven't used it once or me for that matter. I do correct my kids because they now how strong a word it is but the temptation to be that harsh is often too strong.

    05:07 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote I hate watching telly (except top gear)
    06:02 PM on 18 Sep 2006, ju wrote: hate my tummy - just can't stop eating food
    07:00 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Ian the Drive wrote isn't money hateful?
    08:48 PM on 19 Sep 2006, julie wrote: i hate them - missed the start of the slug talk
    10:37 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Clare wrote: She's also one to adore just stopping to smell the roses, hates multi-tasking
    10:00 AM on 20 Sep 2006, barb wrote i hate them
    12:15 PM on 20 Sep 2006, nicki wrote: I hate it when he’s not here.
    01:22 PM on 20 Sep 2006, Theresa wrote: I hate the question "Are you happy?"
    09:07 PM on 20 Sep 2006, Cunning Linguist wrote: I hate Fridays because you won't
    05:56 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Lisa wrote: and hated how we looked
    09:31 AM on 22 Sep 2006, Em M wrote my pet hate, when people say, "I can't read,
    01:53 PM on 22 Sep 2006, Susan wrote I hated gardening though when I was small
    03:35 PM on 22 Sep 2006, Simon wrote: I hated French but was forced to study.
    06:33 PM on 22 Sep 2006, Mary wrote: I'd hate it if school muscled in on it!

    If it's just people using the wrong word did you really mean to distance yourself from all these people?

    Did you think how many people in the blog have used the word before you mentioned it?

    If your ultimate aim was to try and steer people away from using the word will distancing yourself from the people in the above list really work.

    Nick C.

  40. At 04:40 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Chris P Noodle wrote:

    Like many I don't really "get" golf but that doesn't stand in the way of appreciating the European team's achievements both on the course and off. Well done to all of them!

    David #31 - If you score 111 in cricket it's a Nelson and you're supposed to jump up and down and wave your legs about or something - does the same apply in an IQ test???

  41. At 04:40 PM on 25 Sep 2006, prof plum wrote:

    I don't really mind people using the word hate as long as they don't have it tattoed on their fingers and shove it in your face.
    As for Daddy long legs. Went to a party in a marquee at the weekend and their were more daddy long legs than guests.
    As for snoring well who wants to admit it!
    Have a nice day everybody.

  42. At 04:49 PM on 25 Sep 2006, nick parkin wrote:

    have just read in the papers that the Beeb is thinking of axing Top Gear. WHY? Richard Hammond is an incredibly brave man why would they insult him like this. we all know Motor sport is dangerous and the people who take part in it accept the risks involved. I don't suppose Richard Hammond will be looking for any one to blame for this accident my guess is he will be itching to get back behind the wheel of a car as soon as possible. Sure Top Gear does some stunts that involve speed and high powered cars but they als provide the only seriously credible motoring journalism programme on t.v. at the moment. don't do it ±«Óătv.

  43. At 04:58 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good sequel Chris!

    Daddy Long legs... ... why are they much bigger this year? Is this another sign? .... in a 1000 years will the inhabitants of the planet be saying .... these humans were a bunch of saps .... they had so many clues....they ignored them all.

    A daddy long legs of, lets just say significant size found its way into our house at the weekend, through an open window ( it must have been attracted by the paint fumes) now; my hubby isn't scared of anything .... or.... so I thought....... .. he was whooping like a young girl .. I cannot understand this .. he's not scared of spiders . even the big black ones with hairy legs........DLLs look very similar to spiders........ what's the big deal with these galumphing clumsy things? I decided after trying to capture the thing that they are just way too random and unpredictable for guys to cope with. Spiders run away when you try to catch them ..... Daddy Long Legs, fly right at you....... Spiders have missed a trick..... me thinks.....

    Keep smiling



  44. At 05:10 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Labour Party conference was dramatic, yes good speech, but could we have another contender along side Gor... You are a labour supporter from what I gather?

    No unfortuntaly I dont really enjoy Golf, but I wouldn't stop others enjoying a sport they like.

    Top Gear should continue, why not it's a top show, when will you be invited on Chris?

    Chris, Chris you leave us hanging again with your last few sentences, another BIG IDEA. You going to take the show evening show on the road soon or someday? You are welcome in Crawley..

    Best Regards


  45. At 05:13 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Amanda wrote:

    What a great weekend! Lots of rain and weather to keep my sweetie and me cuddled together on the couch.

    I was also raised to never use the word "hate". My mom used to say that Love can never reside in the same heart as Hate. Choose Love every time!


  46. At 05:14 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    hey Keith No, 24 comment, just love your jokes! Mwah! Mwah! Keep me smiling! Jeannie ;0))))) I keep telling them now to Mr Kaiser Chef, who laughs like mad, then asks me where on earth I get them from!

  47. At 05:22 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Sarah in Peterborough wrote:

    I don't follow golf at all, but I think it is great that we can win stuff - so you go guys!!!!

    When it comes to commenting about other peoples' passion, I am of the view that "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all"

    And this week is getting better and better as we get more news about the Hamster and that he is up out of bed and worrying about the ribbing that James May & Jeremy Clarkson are going to give him!

    So it doesn't get better than that!!


  48. At 05:25 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    oooh forgot to say, Keith (The Big Un) Post 24 on here today, just lovin' your jokes, very funny. Keep on Keeping On with them, certainly make me smile and the One and Only Mr Kaiser Chef! Jeannie ;0))))))))) ps tried to post this earlier and forgot to put my contact details in on the top, so hope this has not gone in twice. xxxxx

  49. At 05:36 PM on 25 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi again Chris,
    FYI I've discovered that Daddy Long Legs are spiders and not crane flies which I always thought they were. See: spiders.ucr.edu/daddylonglegs.html
    It's the crane flies that are invading us so
    I was checking online how to get rid of them because they really make me squirm. I had 14 in my longe the other evening and had the misfortune of seeing my cat eat one alive. It took him ages to get it down and really grossed me out. I guess he didn't enjoy it much as he didn't try another one.
    I couldn't kill anything that wasn't attacking me so I have to suffer them or lock myself in with the windows closed. I burn citronella almost continuously to keep the mozzies away and that doesn't deter them.
    I hope that you have an expert on who can tell us how to keep them out. Is the UK going to become a place where more and more bigger and bigger insects will thrive because of our warming climate? I don't think I want that one answered. If you do have an expert on please please please don't ask him unless you've already checked that his answer will be no. I've never been scared of listening to your show before but I am now! I hope teddy will listen with me. xx

    Debs xxxx

  50. At 05:41 PM on 25 Sep 2006, saz wrote:

    Shame on me.
    I was a hater of golf- ( long story, very valid reason absent father thing -shant bore you with it)
    The i got a job at a golf club, have had my first two lessons cos it would be rude not to as they free....and blow me down....am hooked!!!! LOVE IT ( Is that too strong a word as well?) Am completely useless but dont care.

  51. At 05:52 PM on 25 Sep 2006, saz wrote:

    Shame on me.
    I was a hater of golf- ( long story, very valid reason absent father thing -shant bore you with it)
    The i got a job at a golf club, have had my first two lessons cos it would be rude not to as they free....and blow me down....am hooked!!!! LOVE IT ( Is that too strong a word as well?) Am completely useless but dont care.

  52. At 06:06 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Funny that lumme-pie is talking about Daddy Long Legses.
    I was having exactly the same thinks...

  53. At 06:26 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Howdy doody to you too and all you bloggers.

    Nick C (39), ya missed me off the list, sure I've used it too, sorry if anyone offended but for me its just another adjective. Not normally one i use in face to face encounters tho. (and you just referred to hate-mail christophe)!!!!!!

    I like spectator sports nowadays. (I do have a couple of trophys for ladies darts and crown green bowles and some team things, only work related competitions more social than anything else. Good fun). I just like to see the emotions that are generated, very uplifting...think I might be a bit of a perve. Of course I do like to watch horsie competitions and the racing also Crufts and one man and his dog, my dog spud, loves to see dogs running on the telly. Snow dogs is her favourite film.

    Big un...I laughed (i also don't like the C word, no excuse for that one). I always remember my mom saying that people who swear only do so because they don't know enough words to be articulate. I don't think I swear too much but the odd expletive has been used in the heat of the moment.

    Daddy long legs, Do you mean the crane flies chris? Apparently this year the conditions have been good for them for the last 3 weeks so they have been extraordinarily prolific. Normally they only have a window of opportunity of about a week. So said the man in the pub on friday. Got thousands in worcestershire especially on the race course.

    Lovely evening all, x

  54. At 06:37 PM on 25 Sep 2006, cate D wrote:

    Hi All

    wonderful weekend great golf (and I only watch the master and the ryder cup); blubbed watching Darren and laughed at Woosie; good to know Hamster is improving and wasn.t it great to hear how much money has been donated to the air ambulence service.

    Happy blogging

    Cate D

  55. At 06:53 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    So sorry to have missed you off Linda (53) will try harder next time promise.

  56. At 07:01 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    What an emotional weekend!

    I would never normally watch golf but this was just awesome, it had everything. Spent most of yesterday in tears, watching Darren Clarke just makes you realise what is really important in life. I would be inspired to play golf but after a few lessons last year not sure I am ever gonna make it round a golf course...

    Chris, say hello to my cousin Lynn when you go to the K Club (she started a new job as Head Teaching Pro this summer- how cool is that!!).

    One of the great sporting weekends, it has to be said. Well done to Woosie and the European team!

  57. At 07:04 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Hi Linda (39) I've checked again and from the 18th to the 22nd you didnt use the word hate as far as I can tell. Sad aren't I but I just had to check.

  58. At 07:27 PM on 25 Sep 2006, nick C wrote:

    Is it me or are the team who vet our posts taking longer to allow posts onto the site. Most of mine are taking up to 30min to get on the site. Perhaps they got told off for the F38 posts that had to be deleted.

  59. At 07:41 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    This reminds me of Denise Richards in the role of Dr. Christmas Jones from the Bond film The World Is Not Enough. There's also a young sidekick who plays the role of tech wizard, able to tap into video surveillance lines at will, and fool the guards into thinking they are watching real time when they are really watching taped playback, etc. We've seen it all before.

    Sean Bean, once again, plays the main bad guy. Has this talented actor ever played anything else? I'm getting tired of him playing the same role over and over again - the team player who goes bad. Witness similar roles in The Lord of the Rings, in the Bond film Goldeneye, and in Patriot Games.

    The film falls apart due to the enormous number of times that you will hear yourself say "How convenient." Time and time again, we are asked to believe that the good guys won't get caught, since the bad guys have lost their trail. Wrong.

    The only redeeming quality about this lightweight fare is that it may spark an interest in history among some, due to its many historical references.

    Would I see it again? Not willingly.

  60. At 08:21 PM on 25 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Just reading all the Bloggers' comments on Daddy Long Legs and why are we all freaked out about them. Think I may know part of the answer, "their legs come off too easily, and they leave them everywhere.....yuk! what is that all about?!" I spent a long time yesterday with Mr Dyson and his hose, trying to coax a flanx of legs away from the corner of our plastic ridged ceiling in our porch, sorry but a whole bunch of the boys legs stuck out there! Yuk, Yuk and more yuk, and even with the power of Mr Richard Dyson's best tools (!)ooooh hope I dont get censored here, they would not leave their perch.

    Too many legs, too many fragile legs, too "dancey" too .....just too much, taken it all too far now, I just dont like them, but even worse of my list of dont likes, is......toadstools, mushrooms and any sort of funghi, one minute there is nothing there, and you walk past the next day and all sorts of horrendous shapes and sizes have arisen overnight. The other thing, oh I know they are good for you, but I nearly choked on one once, and that is experience you never forget, TOMATOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Well, at least they dont have legs.......a highly traumatised KC xxxxxx

  61. At 08:40 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Sarah Storey wrote:

    Just wanted to say Chris's show gets me through the 'witching hour'of 5pm to 6pm when I am imprisoned in the kitchen rinsing out manky packed lunch boxes, trying to fathom what on earth to have for tea, and refereeing the argy bargy's of my three lovely children. I particularly like it when Chris sings along with the closing bars of a song and says 'Mange tout, Mange tout' , makes me laugh every time. Cheers!! xx

  62. At 09:48 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Glad you're happy Christophe. You've made sense again with your blog. ....AND very good luck with your Big Idea

  63. At 11:17 PM on 25 Sep 2006, Si wrote:

    Mr Ten: Eh?

    Kaiser Chef : I hate Daddy Long Legs too. Luckily however, our cat knows that the best thing to do is squash them with her nose. I just wish she'd clean them up afterwards... get a cat. It's helpful :)

  64. At 04:37 AM on 26 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers .....
    Happy Monday to all.... I am just off to bed but read all the posts today.
    Congrats on the golf win!!!!! I must admit, I don't play or watch but that win makes you feel all fuzzy and warm inside :-)
    # 10 - Rachel - being an interior designer, I have to say that if Magnolia is your colour of choice, that is great!!! Fads come and go but Magnolia will always be around!!! If you think your hallway needs something extra, use colour in accessories, artwork etc. You can use bold colours and go wild in other rooms of your house.
    Chris - when you find your house (did you buy that one you were looking at???) and you need some help with the decorating, let me know, I can help you with a colour consultation or can help you decorate the whole house :-)
    Anyway, nighty night all
    Joannie x

  65. At 04:54 PM on 26 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'm relatively new to the dog world with a 5mth old Bichon Frise named Beano. Dog walking is fabulous - since we've been walking I've met so many new people, more than ever before. Owning a dog appears to make you more approachable - a bit sad but true.

  66. At 02:28 PM on 28 Sep 2006, wrote:

    My Girlfriend used to manage quite a prestigious golf club and so I decided to try and "get" golf. Quite enjoyed it tho didnt seem to be much good at it. So nothing wrong with golf, its the golfers I couldnt get my head around.
    Any way long story short I ended up being banned from the golf club. I dont think they liked the pedantic way I tucked my tousers into my socks and apparently those little holes all over the grass are not for putting your beer in.

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