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Chris Evans | 05:10 UK time, Thursday, 10 August 2006

Blog of the morning to you.

Last night, on the show, it was hats off to Mr. JOHN HARRIS, a moon gardener and a lovely ninety year old lady who put most of us to shame with her wonderful attitude to life.

So, thirsty THUSRDAY is already upon us, this week may well have been the quickest of my life, it's strange that time is different for all of us. One day is someone else's week, a sure sign that we can speed up and slow time down, depending on how we live our lives. A great way to slow things down is silence, to read in candle light as opposed to lamp light, to have a bath, go for a walk, read a book, stay away from technology.

Anyways that's not why we're here today, first of all a quick word about today's title.


One of the most exciting, rip roaring, pieces of writing one could ever read is PLATO'S SYMPOSIUM, which actually is not his at all, it's SOCRATE'S really but PLATO owned the pen and tended to write everything SOCRATES said down. You can buy it for next to nothing in any book store and read it in just an hour or so.

The basic plot is this.

Socrates and all the guys are round at their mates house one night and they decide to have one of their clockwise debates, the subject in question is LOVE, ah, the toughest topic of the lot. Each attendee is then invited to have a stab at what love is, once you have said your piece that's it, you sit down, there is no "chat." It's the next dude's turn.

Each speaker has to say something original and of course the task becomes more difficult and profound as more people take their turn. The chap with the toughest gig of all, is the one who has to go last and guess what ? Yep, it's SOCRATES, when you think everything that could be said about love has been said, up gets The Big S. and............well I don't want to spoil it for you.

Anyway that's what this blog is. One hit, bang ! and then it's someone elses turn.

A postee asked yeasterday, why don't I single out some comments, pick up their points and engage in some kind of dialogue ? Well, a. I don't have the time and b. that way the conversation becomes a tennis match, which may go on for ever, this way it's a gigantic stream of consciousness that will find it's own sea in which to flow.

Each posting should take the conversation on. It's the difference between a good film script and a pedestrian one, very few questions, just more progressive statements. Don't disagree with each other, we'll be here all day, just move the thought on. If all you can say is you don't agree with the last "post it", then frankly you're not helping yourself or anyone else. Go call a talk show, so dull.

So here we go.


Last night I stopped and had a few beers with some people, who seemed to spend most of the night wondering why they were having a few beers with some people, so after I'd had a few beers wondering the same thing, I left and came home. I decided to "cook in" last night, very rare for me., though having been inspired by JAMES MARTIN'S omlette challenge on SATURDAY KITCHEN and having had a particularly good omlette a few nights before at my favorite restaurant, I thought I'd give it a go.

I was glad I did. I sat down to a wonderfull garlic, mushroom and smoked salmon three egg special, plenty of olive oil in the pan and a heap of salt and pepper. I washed this down with an excellent episode of SEINFELD and then beddy byes.

In my nest I snuggled, with, get this....a special proof copy of MARCO PIERRE WHITE'S new book, WHITE SLAVE. It's fabulous. (One of the best things about my job is that I get really good stuff to read way ahead of time. Top read by the way, brutally honest and very funny.)


The night before I was wandering home after the show when I passed a lovely old blue, 1972 VW BEETLE, so pretty and what was this ? A small note stuck to the rear window announcing that this little baby was for sale, she was beautiful, a little beaten up but, hey, aren't we all ? I had to do it, I took out my phone and dialled the number. It went to answerphone,

"Hello, this is LUCY," announced a silky toned female voice, "I'm not here, please leave a message."

"Oh my God, " I thought, "er., do I really want this car ?" then the sound of the beep panicked me in to action.

"Er, yes, er hello, I was just ringing about your car, if you still want to er' sell it then please call me back on this number, the name is....,.....,..... Pete!"

Pete, PETE ! What the heck did I say my name was Pete for ? I'm such a schmuck such an idiot.

Now what if she calls back and I have to meet her and she's sees it's not Pete.

"Where is Pete ?" she may ask.

Before I had chance to thump myself in the face for being such a loser, my phone rings, it was the number I had just called, it was Lucy, the owner of the car...

"Hello ?"

"Oh, hello, this is Lucy, you called about my car, is that Pete ?"

"Yes, this is he !" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"So, you're interested in the car ?"

"The car, the car, yes I love the car, it's lovely, I love it, the car."

"Are you alright ?"

"Yes, I'm fine, er...er,....could you tell me a little more about it, please ?

She went on to tell me, that she'd bought it for £3k, spent one and a half on it, ( thousand that is), and was off to go travelling so needed a quick sale, preferably to someone whom she felt would love and cherish the little beauty just had she had.

I impressed her suitably enough for her to agree to meet me at the car ten minutes later.

I quickly brushed my teeth, made a quick call and set off back to where the car was, just round the corner from where I live. There was the car and there was Lucy.

So here's the thing, the owner, the lady, Lucy, was absolutely drop dead, blimin' gorgeous, stunning, I mean unbelievable, breath taking.

"Hi," I said.

"Oh hello, hang on a minute..."

"Yes, I know, my name's not PETE... CHRIS, pleased to meet you."

"Why did you say your name was Pete ?"

"I have no idea, I really don't know."

"Ok......, fine...., er well would you like to have a drive of the car....Chris ?"

I'm dying now.

"Yes please."


The car was great, Lucy was great, I decided to buy it. Lucy said she would come round to my house st three o'clock, the next day, yesterday, to drop off the paperwork and pick up the cash. I went off to my favorite restaurant to pick up the pieces of my mind.


I sorted the cash out and waited for the arrival the lovely L.

Right on time, my door bell rang, there she was looking even lovlier than the day before. I showed her in to the living room, there were scraps of notepaper and scripts and newspaper cuttings everywhere, I'd just finished preparing the show.

"Wow, seems your busy then ?"

"yes, yes but I love it, so what do you have for me ?"

She plonked down a thick and very impressive leather bound complete history of the BUG. This was a good car, with a good vibe, I already loved the car, she told me a little more about it, I gave her the cash and that was that.

A smooth and friendly transaction. A win win, perfect.

I opened the main front door for her to see her out.

"Thanks a lot, " she said.

"No, no, thank you... oh by the way where are you going travelling ?"

"Oh, I'm not," she said, "I'm an unemployed actress, I needed the money and I didn't know what else to say, PETE !"

And with that, she winked, like a sly old fox and vanished.

GIRLS, you gotta love 'em.

See you on the radio, I'm off to make friends with my new sky blue baby, now where are those keys ?



  1. At 07:02 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Impulse. What a wonderful thing it is. Well done for actine on it, and seeing it through. One of the best aspects of it is the complete unknown of where it might lead. Change of state.

    I have a 'do something that scares you every day' philosophy. Seems you have too.

    Right on mate.

    Shame about your impulsiveness with L though ;)



  2. At 07:22 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    You have too make Omellettes in a unique and special way to get them right. I like to whisk the Eggs together adding a little Milk, a little Salt and lots of Pepper, Herbs, Ham then cook and add the Cheese afterwards although it has to be a matured cheese to get the full flavour.

    Very true why do you need to reply to every single post everyone has there own opinion and it would take to long. As a blog ( or your shlog) should flow with different messages..

    Have a good drive in your car

    Hear you on the radio later


  3. At 07:31 AM on 10 Aug 2006, john wrote:

    Hi Chris,great show yesterday,was really impressed with your interview with Mary, skydiving at 90!! you treated her with much patience and respect and it made great listening. I couldn't agree more with your comments regardind Paul Mc. and Heather. He should give her what she wants so they can both move on and get on with their lives. After all you can't spend it all. Longhoursjohn.

  4. At 07:38 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Gavin wrote:

    In a morning, I have a routine. Today though, I got up late. So I figured, why bother rushing around? I am gonna sit right here with the shlog until I can be bothered to get stuff done.
    Yesterday was very normal for me. Same as the day before and the day before that. Not that I am boring but because me and my girlfriend are saving for a house so can't afford to go out.

    I really like the show, unfortunatly I only catch it on my drive home between 5:30 and 6:15. Was annoyed that I missed the garderner and granny last night. PLUS I get to hear fox the fox question but never the answer, bwah!

    Somedays I am found driving around my local streets after work because I would rather listen to the show than go inside!

    Anyway, got stuff to do now. Have a great day all of you out there, listen to you later Chris.

    Todays Tip! Your day is what YOU make it.

    ps Chris, you looked great in the pigeon suit!

  5. At 07:41 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Jayney Vaughan wrote:

    Good morning Christopher
    Fresh from a lovely dream, here I am back at work. I know you've meandered through the dream issue on the show previously but I think I'm going to share this as it was both vivid AND I can actually remember it. It starts with me and my concert buddy Kerry going to a gig in a theatre that I've never been to before but could tell you every detail. We are surrounded by people who are there to see a few 60's bands play, you know, 50 plus females, all hair and nylon. Anyhoo, somehow I've gone back stage and find myself in the company of Robbie Williams, we strike up a conversation and get on very well, at this point he's called to go off to perform and I'm left with Mick Jagger, his bird and a bunch of cute kids to look after, yes I know, this felt as odd as it sounds. I have a row with Mick's bird because Ronnie Wood has slipped me some wacky backy and I've tripped over one of the kids, i dash back to a jammed auditorium to me mate Kerry and as I'm craning my neck, several chaps run past us all wearing dirty footie kit. I shout out, "LOBSTER" and Robbie grabs me and cover my nice white top with mud. I'm not sure if he drags me on or near the stage but the conversation with him then involves his PA, they are both trying to convince me to accept a house Rob wants to buy me. Cut to the next day and all over the press is a headline saying that I am the Yoko Ono to Rob's John Lennon. I would hate to think what a dream analyst would make of that! Oh well, work to do, people to see. Have a cracking day young man, looking forward to turning you on again tonight! Petit pois, petis pois. Jayney

  6. At 08:02 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Christoph,

    and of course you have called Lucy back and offered to take for dinner haven't you?

    Haven't you?


  7. At 08:12 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Gail Hunter wrote:

    Love thes how, love the blog - especially this mornings.

    Now, do you know what morning radio is sadly lacking?

    CRIS EVANS!!!!


  8. At 08:27 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Simon wrote:

    Does this mean that there will be a radio 2 Beetle club now?

    You and Sarah Kennedy could be the founder members!!!!!

    Great show


  9. At 08:36 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris, just want to say how much your show has cheered up our early evenings, from listening to the Geordie you scared into thinking he was going to be asked to sing along on a friday night, to your story about buying the Beetle.

    Johhny was a hard act to follow but you have made an excellent job of it.

    Some times a change really is as good as a rest.

    We wish you all the very best.

    Rob & Chris Box.

  10. At 08:37 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Jayney wrote:

    Hi, theres something about an original vw beetle isnt there? I love the sound that the engine makes as it passes you on the road, turning heads everywhere it goes. It may be old, but it still demands attention and respect - a bit like the old lady you apparantly talked to on your show last night ( I missed it, I lost my 100 year old grandmother this week so am obviously out of sync at the moment - another lady with a great attitude who lived a great life). Feel like I could write a blog the size of war and peace to even begin to describe how wonderful she was, but there we are, this is not the place to do that.
    Enjoy the car Chris, and ask Lucy out to dinner if thats what you want - take a leaf out of my nans book life is way too short to wonder about what ifs!
    take care, Jayney

  11. At 08:46 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Lyn wrote:

    Love your cheerful starts to the day Chris - what a wonderful attitude to life you have, just wish there were a few more like you about in the rush hour!

    Had a great giggle at the "Beetle" story - reminded me of my Mom and her "banger".

    Just one complaint... your story of the omlette really got to me.... You made it sound so great that I'm starving now and have ages until I can do something about it.

    Keep up the great 'blog' postings and have a wonderful day... Lyn

  12. At 08:54 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    lovely story...

    hey chris - what's your favourite Seinfeld ep?

    mines the one where the four get lost in the multistory car park...

    stunning dialogue throughout.

    in a seinfeld mood myself now... where's those box sets?

  13. At 09:00 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Emma wrote:

    I like the sentiment behind "life's too short for what ifs" but the trouble is, in these sort of situations, there's a fine line between appearing spontaneous and romantic and appearing creepy. There are a load of things I'd do to try to win the affection of the person I admire from afar but I just have to imagine the person who "stalked" me (harmless as it turned out but scary enough at the time) at college doing the same to me and it's enough to make me think again and keep such gestures locked safely away in my imagination. Not that Chris Evans need worry about appearing creepy, but you know, just trying to keep a balanced view point here....

  14. At 09:01 AM on 10 Aug 2006, rick wilkinson wrote:

    morning chris
    new to blog myself. brill show. and go on ask her out and impress her with your...erm her car.
    good luck

  15. At 09:05 AM on 10 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    My The blog is getting used for all sorts now, A new game show, better than Who wants to be a millionaire, Hmmmm well good luck Mark.

    Sounds like this Lucy made an impression on you Chris, and why didn't you invite her out for dinner to "discuss the Quirks of the car". Very Impressive car, I would really like to get a VW camper i think there’s something about them, not sure what just something.

    About the night before, why do you need to know why your having a pint with people, isn't it just nice to be sat there when you don't have to be, have no reason to be or if there is a reason you don't know it.

    Well I’m guessing as this Blog has appeared today you didn’t win the lottery last night and slide down to breakfast this morning.


    Ps, whats happened to the Fox Photo shoot for the blog?

  16. At 09:05 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I totally agree with Gail in posting 7. My drive of 91 miles from work to home is made all the more easier with your show Chris, but I could really do with your show in the mornings to pep me up during the 91 miles drive to work... long slog could do with a great shlog! :-)

  17. At 09:09 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Andy Stanbridge wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    My day was fairly boring, worked til 1pm then went home as I was expecting a plumber to call and fix some taps to the wall of the bathroom (just bought an original cast iron roll top bath) I think my plumber name is David Blaine as he has mastered the art of vanishing off the face of the earth. Stayed in until 8pm then went to the pub to have a few beers and debate why plumbers do not seen to be able to communicate with their paying customers.

    Great show


  18. At 09:19 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Andy Stanbridge wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    My day was fairly boring, worked till 1pm then went home to wait for a plumber, who was coming round to fit some taps to the wall (just bought an original cast iron roll top bath). Waited until 8pm before heading out to the pub, the plumber, a.k.a David Blaine had vanished off the face off the earth, the wife was working late so the company of beer and mates beckoned. The only upside apart from the beer was listening to your show, while I performed SRTs (simple repetative tasks) painting etc.

    Great show loved your lady guest last night, maybe my plumber could take a leaf out of her book.



  19. At 09:31 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Matt wrote:

    Morning Christophe,

    Firstly kudos and man hugs on your life enriching, top rate show and the new blog and secondly why not go for it with Lucy? Whats the worst that can happen? Actually, best not answer that as your furtive imagination could probably come up with many a melancholy scenario. You'll never know though if you dont ask. You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs...
    All the best,


  20. At 09:34 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Lovely!
    Well, last night my way home was walking the little 'un home, through the park back to our house...where upon I looked in the fridge to prepare his tea and alas there was just enough ingredients to make an OMELETTE! Ha ha synchronicity...and that's what I made the other half for his tea too. It wasn't my usual standard, as I am the omelette Queen I tell you..my best recipe comes from a place I stayed in Thailand, they made theirs with lashings of :
    sweet soy sauce,
    spring onions
    a dash of toasted sesame oil
    a little finely chopped red pepper
    (fry ingredients in sauces first, soften and then chuck in the whisked eggs)

    Try it sometime its gorgeous...maybe you could invite 'Juicy Lucy' round for an omelette. It's another way of asking "How do you like your eggs?"..isnt it.

    Wishing you the top 'o the morning...and groove on baby in yer lil V-dubbl-ya.

    xx coz

  21. At 09:44 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Louise wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Some friends and I were chatting with a brew a few days ago and I mentioned that I think that people are suited to certain cars. For example - I am small and quirky and I can see myself in a Morris Minor. Janet is elegant, firey and fluent in Italian - she's more of a sporty number. Sarah is a bubbly redhead and crazy and I put her in a Beetle.

    Thanks Chris - You have just proved my point, just wait till I show them!!!


  22. At 09:49 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Peter wrote:

    Great impulse buying there Chris. In fact rather like the great Cosmo kramer. What's next, a batch of 20 1960's trenchcoats?

    Full moon farmer was amazing yesterday although I was disappointed to hear nobody goes out in the middle of the night to howl at the moon and plant some garlic.

    I wonder what oddities today's show will bring.


  23. At 10:02 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Last night (in the early hours) I saw a London chef cook /boil an ostrich egg, which has now got me on a mission to find an ostrich egg and one BIG pan and make me the mother of all omlettes ! I'll let you know how I get on :)

    Please could you do me a favour and say a big hello to my fiancé Debbie in Greesboro ,North Carolina ,who yesterday picked up her engagement ring with the final installment, and is over the moon.

    Cheers mate keep up the good work , love the show :)
    ps you might like some of the stories on my weird news blog :)

  24. At 10:05 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    The Socrates thing is quite good but not as good as Aristotle's Laws where he talks about life in general and everything is exactly how life is now on reflection. he states in Book IV (i think) that 'that which is common to the greatest number has little importance bestowed upon it'. When I first read this I thought, 'wow', how true is it that the more we see something around the less impact and originality it bestows. If prostitutes had all their rights and we saw them everyday, we (society/media etc) would nolonger see them in the contemptuous tone that they usually have been given. However, the best Classic and one that is seldom seen as Philosophy is that by (Roman Emperor) Marcus Aurelius Antonius. His seminal work was called The Meditations, a series of reflections which represent a Stoic and spiritual outlook on life. I believe this to be a book that everyone should read. Those who need to reflect and assess themselves and see a brighter future too would love this book. It is always strange reading such classics when on reflection we still go through the same issues as our ancestors over 3000 years ago (minus the Roman superiority complex issue). Go on pick it up at the bookshop. Take care Chris and bloggers
    Mark Boden

  25. At 10:11 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Ray wrote:

    Hi, After the first few comments on a blog.......does anybody bother reading on?
    Lets see :-)

  26. At 10:15 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Lorien wrote:

    Last night, after much protesting, I reluctantly sat down and watched "The World's Fastest Indian" with my motorcycle-mad husband. Before the end I was blubbing like a baby. It was all about fulfilling dreams and that guy had to wait 25 years to do it but his landspeed record still stands today.

    I guess the morale is never give up dreaming, everything is possible.



  27. At 10:15 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Katy wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I just read your blog about buying your new car and it made me feel really happy whilst sat at my desk at work.

    Thank you for cheering me up on a dull day in the office.

  28. At 10:15 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Taniwha wrote:

    I like the idea of a spontaneous "fib" that then went on to gain a life of its own and a monster. You managed to "own up" to Lucy pretty quickly.; I wonder if readers could give examples of "fibs" that have grown out of all proportion?

    What about great "fibs" in history?
    - Alfred saying he was planning the defence of Wessex, when he really just went out for a waz
    - Brutus joking that Caesar was a pain in the bum and then ending up killing him.
    - Herman Goring getting stewed one night in 1932 and saying to Adolf that he could destroy the Royal Airforce given half a chance.


  29. At 10:43 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Ian wrote:

    What is love was the question. Well I think the Blue car thing is all about love, love of a flash blue car, and love of a gorgeous actress, so you can love anything, be it a lump of metal, or a beautiful girl.

    I suppose the key is to enjoy the thing you love and make the best of it, and hey, Plato knew that god knows how many years ago.

  30. At 10:48 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Simon wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love the show. Started a new job same week you started the show. Listen now everyday from 5:30 during my 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive home depending on the traffic. Thanks Sal for keeping us uptodate with what's happening on the roads. You've saved me from a few major delays!

    Also, really reckong Johnny should do that parachute jump you challenged him to yesterday. I did one myself for the first time last year and loved every minute of it. Also, my 16 year old daughter did the jump as well and she absolutely loved it too! So go on Johnny it's a great experience and one you'll love!

    Keep up the good work Chris and team, we love ya!


  31. At 10:49 AM on 10 Aug 2006, nic wrote:

    What did I do last night....

    went for a swim nothing strange in that, but then I got out my new aqua jogger!! fractured my leg in Feb and can't run so have been advised by those in the know that using this expensive bit of foam will me get running again, picture it a girl in the pool with a bit of bright blue foam round her waist trying to run in water, hope it does help as I can't continue to look this stupid for no reason....

    luckly the evening got better when I got taken out for dinner, bottle of red and some pasta later and all was well in the world well my world at least

  32. At 10:54 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Fiona wrote:

    Why are eggs in the UK brown, and in the USA white??????????

  33. At 10:54 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Ian Russell wrote:

    I've only ever owned 3 cars in my life (i'm 45 now)... a ford Escort which I recently sold after a little trouble with the law; a BMW 325i Automatic I wrote off in France in 1898 and my first car.. a red 1959 VW Beetle (registration OTS 234) which I bought for £60 in Scotland in 1979. I called the car Emily and treated her like a queen. She ran like a dream for about 7 months before having a nervous breakdown on the A9 near Dunkeld (women!) and refusing to go any further. I still have fond memories of our time together and whenever I see an old Beetle I think of Emily and those happy days.

  34. At 11:11 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Graeme wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Please don't ask Lucy out, she's all I've got, and we get on really well. I don't know where she got the Beetle from though, she must have stolen it. What was she doing in London anyway? Just wait 'til I get home tonight!

    Keep up the great show.

    Graeme (Lucy's Boyfriend)

  35. At 11:20 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    With all the huge gas gusling cars around, its refreshing that you would get so excited about a Bug, I learnt to drive drive in my sisters white Bug many years ago, fab cars. Is it impulse or a drving force from fate? Who knows.

    Have to say I was very sad when JW announced he was leaving drive time, you and the team have done a fab job putting a new format together, best wishes to you all.


  36. At 11:20 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Hal wrote:

    Hi Chris

    When I needed a new [old] car, my biker mates took me round to look at second hand cars to find a suitable one. [which I could afford] They said it had to feel like my car....I ended up with a Skoda! what does that say about me!

    She is still going after 3 years.

    Have fun in your beetle


  37. At 11:22 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Yesterday ..... was quite boring until I got to drive home and listened to your fab chat with Mr Moon Gardener - really interesting and I'm going to put this into practice with the seeds and plants I've bought - peppers, tomatoes, chilies, courgettes and strawberries - wish me luck!

    Last year I took six months out around the west coast of Britain with a campervan and had the most amazing bumming around experience - campervan was in far from perfect condition, but she was perfect for me. So ..... this is a really girly question, but will you give your new baby a name? What will it be?!

    Take care

  38. At 11:24 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris....

    On my way home last night ( I went a different way to my normal drive home) I past a sign-post indicating that a particular village was the next turning on the left, but after the name of the village was the word "Only". Anyway I got thinking.... click click wur........ only; what does that mean, on a sign to a village? Would there be a place to turn around? Do people drive down that road and never come out again? Is there a car park? What is at the end of the road where you can't go any further? Would it be a gate leading to open countryside, perhaps a stone wall, a river , a forest...... What is it, I thought! How many people live there? Is there one of those village shops that sells everything? Does everyone who lives there know everyone else who lives there? I'm so curious about the place now that tonight, I'm going to turn left and take the road to only and see what happens...........

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  39. At 11:40 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Bruce wrote:


    Yesterday was one of the best days I have had in many years, School holidays mean that for the first time I am able to take my daughter to work with me, she is 11yrs old. (too young before).

    Spent 10 hours in the company van driving from Greenford to Rye , then onto Brighton and then back to Didcot (±«Óãtv), most peoples idea of hell, well we had a great time and a fantastic laugh, without her I would probably have reached rammimg speed after about 20 minutes of the A40.

    We really enjoyed your show as we sat in traffic for 1 hour stuck in Brighton, on the way home we just talked and talked and talked, about everything and anything and had a damn good laugh.

    That is what I did on the way home last night, although the trip home took 4 hours..............


  40. At 11:43 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I had to collect my 5 year son Sam from his Nan's house last night after work as she looks after him during the summer hols. It is usually a round journey of about 20 miles and really boring.

    When I'd collected him I decided to let him make the descisions about how we got home, every junction that we came to I let him decide straight on or turn etc, it was great fun, we had to do 3 - three point turns to get out of dead ends, we took a country lane I never knew existed and got proper lost twice!! It took us just over and hour and half to do the 40 miles home. It was great fun and it meant I got some quality time with him as he was chat/chat/chat all the way. definately something I would do again only next time he can drive and I'll make the descisions! hahaha.
    Excellent show


  41. At 11:44 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I really enjoy reading your blog. It brightens up my day.

    Impuls buys are grate I bourght a canon EOS 350D yesterday on implus and am so glad I did now I can take better quilty photos and perhaps some might sell. (wish me luck)

    My photos are on the website listed above if you have a spare moment to have a look.

    The show is supurb and makes my 1.30hour travel home not so bad any more.


  42. At 11:45 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Paul Burley wrote:

    What did you do last night...

    Left work at 4:30, met the family and friends at Pizza Hut then when to the cinema to see 'Cars'. Perfect end to the day.


  43. At 11:52 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Just over a year ago I bought a 1970 Mk3 Triumph Spitfire on eBay for £1300. It's now been a year in restoration (I think I've spent about £7k now), and is nearly ready to go back on the road, as good as (or possibly even better than) new. In October I'll be taking part in the Round Britain Reliabilty Run - 100 classic Triumphs will drive from "The Plough" in N London to John O'Groats, then down to Lands End, and finally back to London (approx 2000 miles) in 48 hours. We'll be trying to raise over £50k for "Bliss" the premature baby charity. Why not join us at the Plough on Friday evening, 6th October, to see the spectacle as all these lovely cars (GT6, TR7, Dolomite, TR4, Spitfire, 2000, etc, etc) set off on this historic event?

  44. At 11:53 AM on 10 Aug 2006, derek lewington wrote:

    Hey Chris good to hear you got a new car when are you going to put a picture of this on the web page

  45. At 11:59 AM on 10 Aug 2006, Me Julie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Well like you I am new to the whole blog thing. I heard you talking about it, on the show last week, it is so good to have you back by the way (I know its a while now - needs re confirming) reminding you how happy you make your listeners... So blogs, I was really intrigued what they were all about, so Monday I excitedly logged on only to find that my computer said NO - well actually by company had band you... so not put off I decided today I would work from home and at lunch time have a little look as to what you had to say.. .now up to date, on blogs to date…and not disappointed. I now plan to read the books you talk about, appreciate my blue VW (more than I already do) and feel settled that rich and famous you still are a good guy spreading the word of balanced and positive living… things I COMPLETELY agree with... the human race really need to share and put positive stuff out there so that we don’t all have to learn the lessons someone else has, we can take there experience add to it... that way we ALL progress, into a happy place.... Thanks again! Ohhhh that was longer than I expected. Remember the Beetle drivers code - always acknowledge others with a little wave and smile - it is a very sociable car and always fun! Probably find even more people will talk to you now… Enjoy!!!! Big smile Me Julie

    PS: My partners parents 80 anf 83 just off to Iceland, and just done some absaling , and spend time looking after people, and then some..say it isnt what you do to your body before 40 it how you treat it after.... the proof is in the living!

    PPS Hope Im doing this blog thing right?

  46. At 12:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:


    I'm going to stop defending you on the R2 messageboard unless you learn to spell properly. Seriously, can't you get someone at the ±«Óãtv to tidy up your scribblings a bit?

    One thing that always irritates me is misuse of apostrophes. In particular, please try to remember this handy rule:

    IT'S always means IT IS (or IT HAS).

    Get it right, Ginger.

  47. At 12:37 PM on 10 Aug 2006, mike wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I listen to your excellent podcast each week from Italy. I commute from Turin to Milan each day so listening to you really helps. The only problem is I keep nodding off in the morning whilst listening to your show - no offence intended! - I am just so knackered. I relisten and relisten till I have hear it all. One small criticism - 30 mins is not enough to last the week. Any chance of them making it a icckle bit longer?
    Mike 'the cappuccino kid'.
    PS I have been blogging for a few months, just after arriving in Italy. Good fun and an easy way to keep fans (well, family!) up to date and amused.

  48. At 12:54 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Congrats on new car.

    Comments on blogs only work when commentators interact. This doesnt, ufortunately, seem to be happening yet. I live in hope but at the moment thi place seems just like the merssage boards.

    sorry hugs


  49. At 01:03 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Re: Ray's comment number 25 :-)

    I read 'em all. Chris supplies the bones and we add the meat :-)

    Today's blog has got me thinking of things that make me smile...
    * Volkwagon Beetles
    * Yellow cars
    * Robins (birds not cars...)
    * Sunflowers
    * The Capenters' song "On top of the world - which was just on the radio...

    ... a nice list to work on... :-)

  50. At 01:05 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:


    I remember when you were on ......mornings, can't remember if it was Beeb, or Virgin, but you did a week of Eggs, with Delia Smith's Cook Book, and sales rocketed.

    Every time I make boiled eggs, I think about you. Never did succeed with the omelette tho. And some of them on James Martin's show put me right off eating an omelette ever again.


  51. At 01:15 PM on 10 Aug 2006, david wrote:

    afternoon christop

    well a beetle form a lovely lady you slighy fox!
    and cheap as chips as well.

    and i saw the last half of gordon ramsays the f word and his two pigs in the slaughter house not for the squemish!

    and has anyone out there got a copy of chris reas first album on cd it's called Whatever Happened to Benny Santini?

    one for the foxy fox why is it that the business rate for pound to the euro is always more than the holiday rate?
    ie the business rate @ 1.46 and the holiday rate @ 1.42 say.



  52. At 01:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I have read Socrates and Plato. I had to do a book report on one of Plato's Books on Governmet and received a high mark.

  53. At 01:32 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Brendan O'Connor wrote:

    Hi Chris, I did as you and bought myself a customised Beetle on impulse it was lovely, ICI 2K white was the colour tinted windows, momo steering wheel, Porsche 911 engine, it looked stunning shame it didn't run very well, Isold it for a fraction of the price I had bought it for, a year later, good luck with yours...BO'C

  54. At 01:39 PM on 10 Aug 2006, David wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Thought you might be interested in this extract after the item yesterday about "an extra" Ellen Burstyn being nominated for an award for 14 sec appearance...

    Ellen studied acting with Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio.

    Her big break came when she was cast as the female lead in The Last Picture Show (1971). For this role, she received nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award.

    Next, she co-starred with Jack Nicholson in The King of Marvin Gardens (1972), giving a chilling performance. Then came The Exorcist (1973). Ellen was again nominated for the Golden Globe and Academy Award. In 1974, she starred in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974). For this performance, she won the Oscar as Best Actress as well as the British award for the same category. For the Golden Globe, she was nominated but lost to Marsha Mason.

    The same year, Ellen made history by winning a Tony Award for the Broadway play "Same Time, Next Year." She won praise and award nominations for the movie version of Same Time, Next Year (1978) and Resurrection (1980). "Resurrection" was a another great film in which she played a woman with the power to heal.

    A succession of TV movies in the 90s resulted in two Emmy nominations kept Ellen going as did the series "The Ellen Burstyn Show" (1986). The TV movies continued through the 90s. Also in the 90s, Ellen was cast in the supporting role in such movies as The Cemetery Club (1993), How to Make an American Quilt (1995), The Baby-Sitters Club (1995) and The Spitfire Grill (1996).

    In addition to her acting, Burstyn was the first woman president of Actor's Equity, the actors' union, from 1982 to 1985.

    JW was a difficult act to follow but I love the show.

    Cheers, David

  55. At 01:54 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Amanda wrote:

    What I did on my way home...My schedule lately is the envy of my friends. I am a university professor and we are currently out of session. So my schedule is my own. So after going into the office at noon, spent about 3 hours writing, I decided to leave for the day.

    Lately I have been going for a 2.5 mile run before heading home. I am slowly increasing my endurance and my pace with the intent of running a half marathon next March. It is slow going right now. While at a mere 36 years old, my head and my heart want to keep running; my knees seem to believe that I am 80 years old and scream the entire way! Note to self: knee transplant.

    So driving home I was still wearing my IPOD. I love to do this because it adds my own soundtrack to my everyday activities. Taking out the trash takes on a new significance when you do it to the sounds of U2's "It's a Beautiful Day"! So anyway, driving home I was listening to the new James Morrison cd. This is significant becuase I live in the U.S. where he is unknown and his cd is unavailable. While I was listening I could not help thinking that I just might be the only person in the US listening to this at this very moment. It was this realization that gave me a kind of knowing smile...280 million people are missing out.

    Made it home in 3 songs, iced my 80 year-old knees, and spent the rest of the evening watching a movie with my howling-happy dogs (see yesterdays post).

    Love the symposium idea. Love the blog. Love the show.

  56. At 01:55 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Steph wrote:

    ain't life just wonderful when you roll with it?

  57. At 02:34 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Christine Vorres wrote:

    the car was obviously meant to be yours. I fell in love with a gorgeous blue convertible BMW - but when I went to back to look properly it was sold.
    I've been offered various similar models/colours, but it's not the same. It's a "feeling" thing!
    Happy motoring.

  58. At 02:36 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Christine Vorres wrote:

    the car was obviously meant to be yours. I fell in love with a gorgeous blue convertible BMW - but when I went to back to look properly it was sold.
    I've been offered various similar models/colours, but it's not the same. It's a "feeling" thing!
    Happy motoring.

  59. At 02:39 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Zip wrote:

    Left work slightly late, as client meeting ran on, a little too long. A first time buyer needing a little extra reassurance.

    jumped into my battered old land rover, Electrica!, coaxed her gas powered V8 into life, and set off to sit in some trafic on the ring road out of town.

    Sarted off by doing my personal development, homework, by listening to a tape chapter 7 irrational belifs, this is really shocking but megga usuful and reveling. Talking all about the things that have been taught or learnt that are defective thinking. Things like I must win, I must be loved, i must be right, i must, i must i must.

    But having been listening to the same tape since Thursday night, after i went to a group session on stuff, its all a bit heavy so on goes the radio. 1st on to the new RHchilly pepers new CD, not sure which CD, but the last track is fab, very Zefer song, and suppose will be realised as a track.

    Then on to your show, i must admit, i'm a johnny fan, he made me laugh, but your bringing me round, had a laugh listening bomming long in my big bouncy landy.

    Finally go home, in the country side, said hellow to my oxford sandy and black sow (pig) who lives near the house and she gave me a big "honk honk". Got a kiss from my wife and got changed into my "farmmer" gear.

    Went to the edge of my field and started chopping wood till it was to dark to carry on. Its an amazing thing chopping wood, you have to consentrate or you may just have an accedent, so for the 2.5 hours i was chopping wood my mind kinda stopped, its fab to do this at the end of the day, have time not to think. Any way after about 5 wheal barrows full of wood was choppped and it was dark. i went in and whatched "kindom of heaven" on sat plus.

    Not sure of what i make to this film, but it wasted another hour of two.

    then went to bed and read lady chaterlys lover, interesting book, why was it ever baned its difficult to imaging now. It seems very insightful to a man, as its writen by one, is it? (insightful?) is this the way some women think,

    oh who knows.

  60. At 02:40 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Zip wrote:

    Left work slightly late, as client meeting ran on, a little too long. A first time buyer needing a little extra reassurance.

    jumped into my battered old land rover, Electrica!, coaxed her gas powered V8 into life, and set off to sit in some trafic on the ring road out of town.

    Sarted off by doing my personal development, homework, by listening to a tape chapter 7 irrational belifs, this is really shocking but megga usuful and reveling. Talking all about the things that have been taught or learnt that are defective thinking. Things like I must win, I must be loved, i must be right, i must, i must i must.

    But having been listening to the same tape since Thursday night, after i went to a group session on stuff, its all a bit heavy so on goes the radio. 1st on to the new RHchilly pepers new CD, not sure which CD, but the last track is fab, very Zefer song, and suppose will be realised as a track.

    Then on to your show, i must admit, i'm a johnny fan, he made me laugh, but your bringing me round, had a laugh listening bomming long in my big bouncy landy.

    Finally go home, in the country side, said hellow to my oxford sandy and black sow (pig) who lives near the house and she gave me a big "honk honk". Got a kiss from my wife and got changed into my "farmmer" gear.

    Went to the edge of my field and started chopping wood till it was to dark to carry on. Its an amazing thing chopping wood, you have to consentrate or you may just have an accedent, so for the 2.5 hours i was chopping wood my mind kinda stopped, its fab to do this at the end of the day, have time not to think. Any way after about 5 wheal barrows full of wood was choppped and it was dark. i went in and whatched "kindom of heaven" on sat plus.

    Not sure of what i make to this film, but it wasted another hour of two.

    then went to bed and read lady chaterlys lover, interesting book, why was it ever baned its difficult to imaging now. It seems very insightful to a man, as its writen by one, is it? (insightful?) is this the way some women think,

    oh who knows.


  61. At 02:53 PM on 10 Aug 2006, alan morris wrote:

    love is?
    picking my son Tom up from nursery on my bike.Cyling along the canal towpath chatting to him about my day.Feeding the horses, then home to scoff some raspberries from the back garden.
    Same again this evening.

  62. At 02:57 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Big Bad Bern wrote:

    Chris you old blog,

    I told my kids last night about the slide down to the breakfast table, and they loved it. They're aged 6 and 4, and they asked if I could put one in our house, or even better, make a slide that will take them all the way to school.Imagination, is a wonderful gift, and it's not just for kids.

    Your show is excellent, and you may have gone off the boil a few years ago, but you know what they say, you can't keep a good egg down.

    Your car needs a name. How about something really interesting, exciting, like you.................................Pete perhaps ?

    Big Up

  63. At 02:59 PM on 10 Aug 2006, mancfrank wrote:

    Your wisdom last night about Paul and Heather could be considered as part of the discussion on Plato's Love. They have to learn to live and love with themselves but exclude the thought from their minds that they might have lost against each other.
    I thought it was great piece Chris you do have hidden depths don't you.

  64. At 03:13 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Gavin wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just to say that it's great having you back on the radio. You are better than ever, and always make me laugh - it's like having an old friend back in town.

    Keep up the good work.


  65. At 03:16 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Caroline wrote:

    This has nothing to do with your blog and I apologise.
    Can you believe I was supposed to go to Israel for my hols and that got cancelled and now I have booked for the US.
    Next year I am going to stay at home
    I just cannot understand why humans are so evil and wish to cause so much harm
    I know this is a silly thing but if I was flying I would be so sad if I couldn't take a book on the plane - it would be heartbreaking. I love books with a passion - far more than men lol

  66. At 03:23 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Sarah wrote:

    last night went to watch Crystal Palace play a friendly against Whyteleaft, we took my 7 year old step son, who was so excited to be so close to the players, when he waved to his hero's most of them waved back, ahhhh. Thank you to any of you that are reading.

    Must say, I love your show, have never watched any of your TV programs in the past and didnt realise it was you, I even thought, "what a coincidance - two DJs called Chris Evans" - how stupid am I. So with much amazement and delight I now enjoy your show every night on the drive home.

    First time I've blogged by the way, am I going on a bit!

  67. At 03:26 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Dan wrote:


    You seem to think that defining love is hard - it is not. I will define it for you in one simple sentence, just a few words.

    Most people will not agree with me, but if thought through they will realise that there is a greater element of truth than they first thought or would like to admit to, and for some they will totally agree.

    From a pragmatic point of view I am totally right, but from a romantic view I am totally wrong. What you need to consider is from a global, practical viewpoint. Look at it with essentials and consequences in mind.

    Here we go.

    Love is…

    “Lust gone wrong.â€


  68. At 03:32 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I don't finish work til 7, so I am one of the few people that looks forward to the end of your show.

    Last night after closing up I went to Pizza Hut for my tea with my other half and his son. I was looking at houses in the paper and felt very much like impulse buying a beautiful thatched cottage - however, having not won the lottery on Wednesday I decided against it. We then disappeared into the local cinema and enjoyed a showing of My Super Ex Girlfriend.

    After the film and I had got home I took my cats for a walk down the garden, and fed the horse a carrot and apple.

    I don't really know how to put into words what love is, but I read a quote the other day that you might like. When you are young, you love somebody because you need them. When you are older, you need somebody because you love them.

    Keep happy,

    M x

  69. At 03:34 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Nick wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I only have a couple of things I need to say. If Lucy was so good why did you let her get away? I'd choose the girl over the car any day.

    The other relates to you blog a couple of days ago when you said you woke up with a dry mouth. I think I may have solved this with half a litre of water just before I go to bed. As you say you do wake up needing the loo, however if the colour of your wee is the best indication of how dehydrated you are I'm still not drinking enough. I really think that if you can give the body all the water it needs its got to be good for you even if that means getting up in the night. What worries me is that I may have gone through my life up until recently short of water. I'm now 38.



  70. At 03:37 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Jane wrote:

    only just had time to catch up with todays blog, never usually leave it this late as it brightens up my day!

    Can't BELIEVE you bought a lush ole beetle just like that! Hope you really enjoy it, they are fabulous cars.

    So you seized that day by buying a new car, seize tomorrow by ringing Lucy back and asking her for a coffee or sommat....she sounds like she has a good sense of humour and in my experience, thats a great place to start!!

    Go for it! Catch ya tomorrow

  71. At 03:53 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Marianne wrote:

    Just been reading the 'what i did the day before', and just had to read it out to my 14yr old daughter Sarah!!! It made us both giggle and go awwww in the same places. She's off to a Vee Dub party in Paignton on Sunday with her friend and their family. There will be all sorts of VW's there including a camper thats been converted into a mobile DJ machine. Our friends have the most fantastic camper, red/white split screen with hibiscus flowers all over it. They're having a birthday party there and Luke ( the dad) is playing with his band DAVE CAN'T DANCE (who Sarah says are awesome). Maybe Chris should take his new baby there and join the fun......

  72. At 04:04 PM on 10 Aug 2006, debbie wrote:

    How Chris

    Love the show- it's great to have you back on the radio.
    Love! I'm still trying to work it out!

    The Greeks had two different words to describe love, 'eros' and 'agape.' Eros refers to passionate love and agape describes the stable and committed relationship that exists between two people.

    A wonderful combination of the two would be lovely!

    Anyway, thanks again for a great show with lots of laughs and inspiring moments.

  73. At 04:07 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Alexandra wrote:

    I think one of the best explanations of love I have ever seen is:

    We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck….. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness. (Ellen Goodman)

    Take care

  74. At 04:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Sabrina wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Loved the story about Lucy. Call her back you muppet! Talking of muppets, any chance the bloke hogging the airwaves before your show could finish an hour earlier, so that you could do 3 hours instead??

    Love the show Pete!

    Sabrina xx

  75. At 04:30 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Gordon wrote:

    Just a bit of nonsense to braek things up - but a valid story with a moral, nonetheless:

    A chap is out walking out on the highland mountains of Scotland one day when he comes across a small bird, struggling to survive the harsh winter. Feeling compassion towards the bird, he picks it up in his cupped hands and blows warm air onto it in a bid to revive it. This appears to do the trick, but it is obvious the bird has a long way to go before it is fully fit, so the walker places the bird into the pocket of his jacket.

    As the chap is walking along some time later, he notices a pile of hot steaming, freshly 'laid' stag dung. Realising that it is unrealistic to carry thebird any further, he decides that the warmth of this dung will undoubtedly assist with the birds recovery. He digs out a small hole and places the bird into the pile of poo and builds it up around the bird so it is nice and warm. then the walker sets off on his way.

    Soon the bird is happy with it's new lease of life and quite happily sits in the poo chirping it's little head off with joy. Unfortunately, a passing fox hears this noise and sees an easy meal at hand and takes advantage of this prime opportunity so ending the poor little bird's life.

    So the moral of the story is....

    It's not just your enemies that drop you in the sh1t...

    And it isn't always your friends that pull you out of it...

    But when you're up to your neck in sh1t - keep your mouth shut!

  76. At 04:45 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Judy Moody wrote:

    Love the show and the blog. Symposium - the first time I heard that word I was in the WRNS and received a posting as secretary to the Director of a NATO Symposium. Neither my Divisional Officer nor I had ever heard of the word so looked it up in the dictionary. The definition read "An ancient Greek orgy or drinking party"! Wow I thought - just up my street! It was 1967 and I was 18, how lucky could a girl get! Sadly my DO continued reading and told me the other definition relating to a meeting or conference. What a let down! Never mind, it was still a great posting!

    Kind regards, be happy.

  77. At 04:54 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Diane Wilson wrote:

    hi Pete, never thought they'd manage to follow dear Johnny, but they did, and we listen to you every day. Hope you enjoy the new car, and remember Chris, you cant' blag a blagger!!!
    Keep up the good work.
    From Diane in Colchester.

  78. At 05:09 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Zoe wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'm a bit late in the day with my comments but hey, I'm a first time blogger....

    So last night, on the way home I sang loudly (and fairly melodiously I feel!) to Moonlight Shadow- great song, twice in one day (Sir Tel warmed it up in the morning). Then whilst listening to your fab show at home I was fancying myself as Nigella and making two cakes (one banana loaf and one tea bread type thing made with dried fruit and weetabix- it's nice, honest!) Anyway once they were in the oven, and I had licked the beaters and bowl clean (Scrummmy- you can't beat raw cake mix!), I set to transferring some photos of a trip around South America I did last year onto my work laptop so that I can have them as a nice screensaver...

    So of course I wasn't timing the cakes properly so they were rather "well done".

    Moral of the story- don't ruin the present by distracting yourself with the past? Or perhaps don't judge by appearances, as the inside was perfect. Same with people huh? :-)

    Zoe x

    PS Call Lucy! (I wish I'd had a similar experience selling my lovely blue car. Not a dishy chap amongst the potential purchasers!)

  79. At 05:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Diana wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Excellent insight on spontaneity. I hope you enjoy the ride in your VW beetle. I'm guessing at one time or another we've all lied the good lie on the spur. Can't be helped I suppose! Enjoy the show very much.

  80. At 05:40 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Andrew Sellers wrote:

    Yesterday I sent you a text about my embarrassing secret. This is the 2nd time I have sent you a text, and didn't expect you to read it out. Imagine how surprised I was when I heard you say that someone's favourite film was 7 brides for 7 brothers and that they are a birdwatcher and this always goes down badly whenever I mention it, "from Sean of Solihull" As I am Andy from Leeds, I need to know if this was my text with the wrong name read out, or give me Sean's details as he and I need to talk.

  81. At 05:41 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Job wrote:

    Thursday Thursday indeed. Bang goes all good intentions for the day (previous days of the week don't count). Was so not going to have a drink til I heard "Thirsty Thursday". Such a shame.

    I am now always unavailable between the hours of 5-7 on a weekday thanks to your fantastic show.

  82. At 05:42 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Last night I went to see Sean Brosnan, Pierce's youngest son in Romeo & Juliet at the Leeds Shakespeare Festival. He was absolutely brilliant as Romeo! I thought he would make a wonderful guest on your radio programme.

    I think he likes to have fun. Someone at the show told me Sean had been expelled from school for putting the headmaster's car and house for sale on Ebay.

    He does look like his dad. More so than Chris Brosnan.

    Fun show!

  83. At 05:45 PM on 10 Aug 2006, TC wrote:

    First time ive ever wrote a blog(if that is infact the correct term). From reading your encounter with L and the oh so gorgeous bug you sound as if your losing your touch!!!!!!!or is that the full story ??


  84. At 06:05 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    You can't do that !!!!

    How could you let her walk without, at least, asking her out !!!! Get on the blower mate - give her a ring. Than you can post a blog about your developing relationship.

    Surely it's not gonna end there ???????

  85. At 06:09 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Sugar Kane wrote:

    Thanks for playing The Stones Chris, their new song's fab - must remember to tune in on Sat night.

    I've also done a bit of impetuous buying, a pair of Dior sunglasses from e-bay - the thing is i need to wear glasses and can't get the hang of contacts. Maybe i should take a leave out of Nik's book (1st poster) and do something that terrifies me - laser eye surgery, then i won't have, pleas to put them back up for sale on e-bay. What was that saying, "women, eh?"!!

    Big thumbs down to the terrorists contemplating what we heard about in the news today.

  86. At 06:14 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Rebecca wrote:

    Hello Chris

    You have just been talking about eggs.

    Did you know that small eggs come from very young chickens. The larger the egg the older the hen, and the weaker the flavour.

    But shoppers don't realise the tastiest eggs are the small size eggs, and usually buy the larger sizes.

    As for the lovely Lucy - did she pretend not to know who you are? She sounds deceptive.


  87. At 06:15 PM on 10 Aug 2006, marcus wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry mate i have to leave you now to go and watch Newcastle in the pub.....thirsty Thusday and all...gutted i missed Monty whilst in the shower but technology will allow me to listen later..hehe..what a great world we live in....Enjoyed the JLC last night top man..be lucky


  88. At 06:17 PM on 10 Aug 2006, marcus wrote:

    lmao.....jsut realised the JLC was on Wirghty's show...tough day...lol..

  89. At 06:29 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Off on holiday for a week at Skipsea in the rain so I will have to leave bloggin behind but I will take the trusty notebook and pen to write down all that happens.
    Going to AA meeting shortly, I still go after 2 years dry cos I am scared of ever drinking again.
    Interesting about that 70 million home on tonights show but I really wouldnt want to be that rich.
    Anyway good luck in Blog world next week, I have been blogging since 1996 but still dont even get a fraction of your posts probably cos I am boring

  90. At 06:34 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Sugar Kane wrote:

    All this talk about eggs, just remembered, about a month ago i bought some eggs from Tesco that are laid with pastel shells. (Clarence Court, Old Cotswold Legbars)

    We had them boiled on soft brown bread for breakfast and they were honestly the best eggs i have ever tasted.

    Have a look out for them, they're in a blue box, yummy!!

  91. At 06:43 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Jim Cameron wrote:

    I wish I Had .... on the 6th hole stopped and reset my stance, because I was sitting at 1 over par and blasted first ball out of bounds went 6 7 6 7 out in 47 and well mad .... calmed down and shot 33 on the back nine .....Whitemoss golf club ... need I say more ...
    only golfers will understand, by the way h'cap 11 shot 80, exactly css


  92. At 06:50 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    According to different types of chickens lay different eggs.

    Don't wipe your eye's after chilli's as my daughter found out the hard way as one day we were in the local pet food store and that had big bins of all sort of different bird feeds and one of the was red peppers, she was walking down the aisle putting her hand into al the different bins and eventually came across the peppers, on the way hame she rubbed her eye and then she remembered the peppers and was almost crying.


  93. At 07:00 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Zara wrote:

    Hi Chris and Everyone!
    The main thing to remember with eggs if you've whisked them up to scramble or whatever, is that if you then sieve them you can get rid of all those yucky wiggly bits and make your eating experience a whole lot more enjoyable. I get a little jolt of happiness every time I do this, but then I'm easily pleased - which is the secret of a happy life!

  94. At 07:04 PM on 10 Aug 2006, jamie wrote:

    hi chris

    why isn't there a "complain about this post" on your post ??

    not that i read it....it's to long

    how many million listners do you have and only 93 posts !!

    ahhh, what do i know

    jamie the plumber

  95. At 07:29 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Jan wrote:

    Hi, I have a theory about how time passes quickly or slowly...

    Remember when you were a child, the days were long and it always seemed like birthdays took FOR EVER to come around?

    Now, when you are older, time whizzes by and you're another year older before you've got used to being the age that you've become.

    That's because time shrinks as you get older. An example:

    When you are 4, you have to wait a quarter of your life in order to celebrate your birthday. When you are 40, it's only a 10th.

    So, that lovely lady of 90 is packing in as much as she can because it will only be a 90th of her life before her next birthday. Or thereabouts...

    Get my drift?

  96. At 08:02 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Isabel wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Eggs - you're all scrambled!

    Different breeds - different colours and to an extent the size. The egg texture, colour and nutritional value is mostly to do with the feed and environment of the hen - the more natural and stress free the better - fact! Little eggs/brown eggs/speckled eggs thats all about personal preference.

    Chillies - you've missed it! The great Chilli Fiesta at West Dean near Chichester last weekend was amazing - 240 varieties on show, tasting sublime chilli treats - pickles, jams, marinades, sausages, chocolate. put it in your diary for next year!

    Love your info/tainment - keep in coming.


  97. At 08:03 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Matt wrote:


    I started a new job the very same day that you did and you have helped on my 50 mile trip home since. Love the show, love the blog thing.

    Haven't seen you at the gym lately (the country one, not the town one), hope you still go occassionally, you've always had the time to say hello, which is much appreciated.

    Remember. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

    Dalai Lama

    Best wishes

    Rudgwick, West Sussex

  98. At 08:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Steve Houlihan wrote:

    Hello Chris.
    I have a thought, about original VW Beetles. They are one of a handful of cars that should never, i mean NEVER be scrapped! Along with original VW campers, original Minis, and Morris Minors! Hope the little blue bug does you a good service. I'd choose that over Sarah Kennedy's 'BOT' any day!!

    Thanks for a great show, mate.


  99. At 08:24 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Gordon Fraser wrote:

    Very impressed with your comments on Wednesday re the McCartney saga. You have been down a similar path so you DO know.
    Personally I cannot see why she is entitled to the millions that are being suggested, but that is life.
    Enjoy your show each night on my 75 minute drive from Braintree to Rainham.
    Keep up the good work.

  100. At 08:29 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Julie Shaw wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just wanted to comment on your show - it's great and I'm totally addicted to it!

    I listen whenever I can and would happily sit in the corridor at work to listen to you (Radio 2 is piped throuout the ground floor of our building). Unfortunately though, I work on the first floor where we are subject to another (lesser) radion station in our office. I always leg it accross the car park to get to my car when I've finished work to hear your dulcet tones!

    Good luck with the Beetle - my grandad had one of these years and years ago, it was bright orange in colour (I still remember the registration number of it) and you always knew when he pulled into the drive in it - they have a sound all of their own.


    Runcorn, Cheshire

  101. At 08:51 PM on 10 Aug 2006, cal wrote:

    Hello Chris!

    This is my 1st ever blog response or what ever what I'm now doing is called - scary!

    Just had to say, I love the listen again feature - am going to have to listen to you and Johnny tasting chillies - that was pure comedy genius! Think the other people in the Sainsbury's carpark thought I was a bit weird just sat in my car chuckling to myself but I couldn't help it!

    Love the show by the way!

  102. At 08:54 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Eugenie wrote:

    Dearest Chris, and all the other blogers out there!

    I am so excited to be posting my first ever blog.

    Maybe Chris will let me get the fanfare that is usually reserved for the kiddiwinks doing something for the very first time. Hope so, will make my day ;)

    Anyway what I would like to say is that I am in a fantastic mood as my hubby is coming home from Mexico tonight after working there this week.

    I've made loads of plans for this weekend, let's hope he will stay awake for them all!

    Lots of love

  103. At 09:15 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Dan wrote:

    Ah a Sky Blue Beetle.

    i did similar to pillar box red one once upon a time. But my 'Lucy' went on to break my heart. But good luck with the car!

    Love the show - it seems such a natural progression from your great days at GLR.

    Keep it up!


  104. At 09:25 PM on 10 Aug 2006, alison wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I am on a diet and I am starving each day I have to decide if i am a green day or a red day. The first week I went to get weighed with my friend Mag she lost half a stone & I had gained 1lb. Everyone have me so\much sympathy I felt such a freak. The club leader rang last night to ask if I was okay & I lied through clenched teeth yes great! Of course I'll be back on Monday with my £5 fee!!!!!

  105. At 09:39 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Hi Chirs
    Enjoying the Blog and loving the show. I end my working day with a smile on my drive home. Thank you. Think I have your perfect job. Work at golf club. Can play anytime I want, dont have to pay a penny, Best course in SE england. Shame I hate the damn game really . Good omelette....whisk till you can whisk no more, the more air the lighter the result. Dinner for me tonight was Black olives in orange zest, sundried tomato hummus and french Brie and hot beetroot from my garden. The best!


  106. At 09:43 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Stewpot wrote:

    The First Ever Film I saw at a Cinema as a Kiddie was Herbie Goes Bananas.

    Dear Old Dad owned a Beetle Car for Years & many a time on many a Journey I would divulge the Contents of My Stomach to many Pavements & Bushes once I was in unfamilair Surrondings.

    I remember the first time the Ex Mrs.Stewpot tried to make an Omelette She pulled out Her Mrs.Beeton Cookbook & started Reading the Reciepe.

    Seperate Two Eggs........................One was put in the Living Room & one in the Bedroom...............Boom Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bad News on the way ±«Óãtv My Car Radio went dead & not being the most Tecnically Minded when it comes to Cars I'll have to wait till I see a Man who can fix it so its time for the Clockwork Radio to be on the Passenger Seat so I xcan hear the Lovley Sarah Kennedy in the Morning,

  107. At 09:52 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Steve wrote:

    Love is...

    According to Ali McGraw in 'Love Story', love is never having to say your sorry.

    Got a lot to answer for, that film!

    I don't agree personally

  108. At 10:12 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Timbo wrote:

    Heard you talking about eggs, remembered I had none at home, called at farm on way home, bought a dozen realised I didn't have enough cash, (can't leave debit card in the plastic collection cup) I'll drop the odd pence in next week. Can't do that at any supermarket that I know of! (Mixed colours, always fresh)

    Blue cars, can't beat 'em, mines a silver/blue mazda pickup, turn heads where ever I go.

  109. At 10:19 PM on 10 Aug 2006, gavin wrote:

    chris plese ryply do you stiil listion to virgin radio

  110. At 10:50 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Chris Russell wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I enjoy listening to you every day while out delivering parcels. My wife, Lyn, is so envious about the VW Beetle. She has been going on about owning a yellow one for ages. If you're disappointed with your blue one she wouldn't mind taking it off your hands. My first car was a 1961 red beetle with 6volt battery and no heater!
    I had a further 3 versions plus a VW Fastback.
    I gave them up when I had a family. But my wife still going on about having one for herself. Please help.

  111. At 10:51 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Rae wrote:

    Chris! Your programme is great - but your writing is brilliant! What talent!

  112. At 10:54 PM on 10 Aug 2006, brad holden wrote:

    hello chris
    good to have you back on the radio where you belong ..top show..heres a nice quick recipe my missus made up for your next cook ..roll up rashers of smokey bacon,shot some mushrooms,garlic and crush a bovril cube over them.then put a tin of tomatoes(somerfields toms with garlic & herbs is the best) over it and cook slowly for about 2 hours..all that bacon fat..delish!! thats marjis bacon casserole!! keep up the top work lad..

    p.s. do you wanna buy a red renault megane to go woth your new blue bug!!

  113. At 11:04 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Ah a Beetle.
    Don't you just love the history that comes with some cars?
    Ny wife Doreen and I are Saab enthusiasts. We've just bought a 35 year old Saab 96, we have christened 'Gracie', that had only covered 9,945 miles. It was bought new by a disable couple for around £1000 pounds, we have the bill of sale, who used the car for about 18 months and then decided to give up driving. The car was put into a wooden garage, with a view to commencing driving one day. 28 years later, the car was discovered in the same garage, having been in hinernation all that time. The engine was stripped, cleaned and rebuilt. The bodywork needed a good polish, and a couple of panels respraying for surface rust.

    In short, Gracie lives again, coming out to play for car shows, and special occasions.

    Chris, you simply can not beat the fun of owning, driving and looking after an old, classic car.

  114. At 11:09 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Ian Adamson wrote:

    hi chris
    sounds like you had one of those days when you go about with a big smile on your face.
    Pick up a great car and possibly a great women too, go for it . she sounds cool. My old man had a 1966 beetle and during 1972 we moved down to cornwall from fife(scotland) for about a year or so. Unfortunatly my nana wasn't well during this time so we had to travel up and down LOTS
    (10 TIMES) our beetle was magic. no radio, we used a battery radio from the house. budgie on the back seat. Me in the space between the rear window and rear seat. I remember that the code as mentioned earlier was like a Winston Churchill V sign up to the window it was amazing how many did it. happy days. look forward to the show tomorrow. cheers Ian

  115. At 11:56 PM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Love the BLOG, why do no presenters play Stiltskin, have asked all, you are my last resort, try "She" brill track. Never thought the day would come when I would look forward to listening to Chris Evans, sadly it has! Great show

  116. At 12:18 AM on 11 Aug 2006, jean cave wrote:

    I think you should offer the golden stones tickets to the fabulous sky diving grannie..I am prety sure she would be into it!

  117. At 12:41 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Debs wrote:

    Hello Lambie Pie
    Your Blog - too much of a treat for me! I am confidently difserent from most as I think that you are THE sexiext man. Noboday asked me though. Do you accept the result of a poll where I wasn't even asked my opinion? I never do.
    I also find anyhting/one 'different' truly appealing and not apalling so that supports your phiosophy that the different do not fear the different! There's a bottle of single malt and an evening of 'symposium' right there. I expect that Socrates was a single malt guy.....
    As for Lucy and the Blue Beetle (name her Meanie as in the Beatles Blue Meanie) there could be case for serendipity. Apparently the most favourite word for over half the nation although I expect that less than half of them know it's meaning. What I'm saying is CALL HER. You said that she looked "even lovelier" when she came around your place. That's one massive message in my book. What's the worst that can happen? Fear the fear and do it anyway. That's the Aries way.
    I'm up far too late and still need to dye my hair so I'm Seinfelding off. I hate that smelly stuff, don't you?! (Hair dye that is, not Seinfeld).
    So it's tat-tats for me and sweet dreams to you.

    Debz x

    PS Changed my mind about dying my hair as not sure if I should do it at new moon or full moon! x

  118. At 12:51 AM on 11 Aug 2006, baz wrote:

    Its funny how life has a way of balancing itself out, becoming more philosophical as you get older chris I'am sure you would ask youself if this stunner agreed to go out on a date with you, one for old plato himself, what does the gorgeous lucy see in a bespectacled ginger nerd? Perhaps socrates could come up with an alternative question, What does the gorgeous lucy see in the multimillionaire celebrity Chris Evans? nearly typed in a pound sign instead of a question mark then, would have been a freudien typo! In the words of that other great philosopher ELVIS, is this the question, that is ALWAYS ON YOUR MIND.

  119. At 09:20 AM on 11 Aug 2006, jamie the plumber wrote:

    ha.....just found it


    humble pie,,,,yummy

    jamie the plumber

  120. At 10:22 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I was amused to read of your blusterings with Lucy! She well and truli foxed you didn't she. ha ha. Funny.

    Hope the VW is running OK> My bro used to have a blue one years ago. I nearly bought a left hand drive one but didn't!

    I am new to blogging - heres mine if you are interested

  121. At 09:43 AM on 16 Aug 2006, helen Lewis wrote:

    Just read your blog about the bug. I had a bug called 'Henrietta' up until a year ago she was a little beauty with eyelids and eyelashes. love your bug and give it a name to add to its querky personality.

    impulse buying at its best - FAB

  122. At 11:40 PM on 16 Aug 2006, simon lythe wrote:

    Glad you had another good day!

    sorry im not as happy

    just ben told im going to to be divorced ?
    like i did not know i have been sleepin
    on the couch for the last 6 months.

    Please keep making my day

  123. At 12:53 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Think your blog is good. Enjoyed reading it v much. Understand what you mean about the bumble bee on flower and kids laughing. There are some wonderful things in life. We all need to stop or slow down and starting appreciating.

  124. At 12:13 AM on 20 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Well you got another bug then i rmember seeing you had a red cabriuo before. Ive got two of them ones for sale;)

    You will have to sign up to our club site for a laugh, other end of country I know but what the hell.


    or have a wonder into www.volkszone.com

    Better still get yourself up to our new show details on club site

    Nic B-C

  125. At 08:14 PM on 20 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Well done Chris - I've also got a blue 72 but it's a different model, the 1302S. Got a '65 as well. Both off the road but not far to having one back soon :o)

    Enjoy the car and as Nic said, get thee over to Volkszone

  126. At 10:26 PM on 20 Aug 2006, baileybug wrote:

    Ahhhh a fellow ginner with a bug. Don't blame you for falling for a 72 blue, true classics are always in style and speaking as one who has a 68 and an 03 model, I applaud your choice of transport. It's so much more impressive to think that with your means you could have bought any car but you fell for the charm of a humble little bug. Rather like adopting an old hound from the Dogs' ±«Óãtv when you could afford a pedigree.

    Enjoy your flashing & waving at fellow dubbers, we're a lovely bunch :-D

  127. At 10:20 PM on 29 Aug 2006, Angela B wrote:

    Chris, you disappoint me, be a man and get a camper, (Pre '73 of course) My 14 year old plans to save and get a beetle for his first car. When he becomes a man he wants a camper. Go on, you know you want to.
    A fellow ''VW bugger''.

  128. At 01:00 PM on 27 Sep 2006, Kelsey Tobolik wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    From reading your blog above I was pleased to see that you have bought a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle.

    I wondered whether you would be interested in answering some questions about your classic Beetle for Classic Car Weekly and a series which we are running regarding celebrities who own classics.



  129. At 09:14 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Trev Smith wrote:

    Great show cris listern every night on the way home or when still driving the lorry stuck in one of sally's jams. Q for fox the fox as globle warming is on every ones agenda as i drive around the ammount of cars lorries etc on the roads at any onetime is varst miles and miles of queing traffic not only generating carbon but also heat the question is home much heat is generated from an advarage 1.6 engine times that by the ammount of cars on the roads during rush hours the eqation obviously goes on. but that heat has to go some where. any how have a great weekend

  130. At 05:44 PM on 25 Jan 2007, wrote:

    the best thing to cheer you up is to ride a big ol horse named isac over the west downs on a cold sunny day in devon .please can you wish the best horse ridding instructer in the univese a belated happy birthday and have a fantastic night out ,with the girls in barnstaple tonight,from graham,you have made a 57 year old and his 6 year old daughter very glad to be alive,tally ho.ps great show cris

  131. At 06:58 PM on 08 Jan 2008, shannon attenborow wrote:

    can you tell me hyow to make fruit crumble and what temputer the oven should be for school for food technology

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