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Chris Evans | 11:50 UK time, Monday, 14 August 2006

Blog on everyone.

(Have now turned heating off again and put a sweater on as suggested. Thank you, in fact I am going to try to resist turning the heating back on ever !)

This Blog is a little tardy but I did warn you, although I was once again up at five, I was nowhere near my compiter, infact it was in another county.

What a fab weekend, lots of excercise, about twenty miles walking. Three excellent meals, good converstaion, not too much booze and plenty o f sleep, I feel as good as I have done for a long time.

Because it's later than normal and those lovely obscure sleepy thoughts that tend to go into my ramblings have long since faded, let me explain to you how the day works, as far as the show is concerened, seeing as I'm actualy in the middle of it right now.

We, that is the team and I, listen watch and read what the the world has to offer around the breakfast period, we then split up the the papers and then I have a conference call with HELEN, our producer, at exactly eleven o'clock each day. We bat all the stories back and fourth and come up with basically four ideas, two ideas for guests and one idea for the subject of WOMANS MINUTE and another for the text.

This often includes self generated ideas about what life has thrown at us in the immediate past.

Today, for example, I want us to talk about lightning, as yesterday I was caught in the middle of a two hour thunder storm, when some friends and I were way out in the open and we suddenly realised we had no idea what to do. This was made all the more urgent when a lightning bolt hit the ground fifty feet away from us, we were literally petrified !

It turns out, after some initial research that we were actually in even "more" danger than we thought, as a lot of formulae we'd heard about calculating how far the threat of impending doom was away, transpired to be completely bogus.

Someone was struck in fact not far away from where we were but thankfully it looks like they're going to be ok.

Other stories circulating today are:- there'll be 1.7 millionaires in BRITAIN by the year 2020, although I just heard RADIO 5 do a great piece about that, tribute bands are bigger than ever and have their own festival. Rambling is on the up ! Always nice to encourage people to walk and talk. There's an elderly gent who's just discovered You Tube. com and after posting his own video up there is now lsited as the most viewed clip. (He talks about being old and what it's like etc.) I've tried to find it but I can't.

The criteria for stories we choose and the philosophy of the show is to turn you and ourselves on to a wider panorama of subjects that both effect and can enhance our lives. Either by revealing a new source of interest or information, or by talking to someone who, merely by what they have done, what they know, or what they have to say, will be an inspiration. It's that simple.

We figure, if we play quality music, generally be in a good mood, and deliver useful details in an entertaining way, then the vast majority of people that tune in will come away from the show feeling energised and hopefully having learned something they may not have known before.

That's why we love doing the show, every day is an opportunity to find out something new and because of the draw of the B.B.C. we get to talk to the people who absolutely know what they're talking about. Often, we actually talk to the number one expert in the world in their choosen field of knowledge.

It's not rocket science I know but if you compare it to flicking through a book.... you may see something you like, and decide to find out more.

Once we've decided on a few TARGET subjects, the team then have an hour and a half of initial research time, they figure out which stories/subjects and guest have the most "legs" and these are usually the ones that we go with.

Two o'clock sees another conference call during which all the final decisions are made. Some stories that started off as guest ideas may well end up as the subject for our WOMAN'S MINUTE competitons, or TEXT in subjects.

All the time this is going on, JOHNNY and REBECCA are going through a similar process, in the worlds of sport and business.

I then have an hour and a half to write, interviews, links and intros.... have a quick bath, or stretch, or both and then it's off to work, if you can call it work, this is honestly the best job I've ever had.

And now we have the blog too, what can I say ?

I'd love to expand on stuff from over the weekend but the secret to a good blog is a quick hit, so there you have it..

Briefly though, stuff from last week...

A. I will not be asking LUCY out, it doesn't feel right.

B. The VW BUG needs quite a bit of work doing so she's off for some t.l.c. at a local garage but I still love her and in no way do I regret my impulse purchase. x.


Lots of love and have a nice day, Christophe.

P.P.S. This is also my fave blog so far as it has got me out of having to go to the gym, whooppee.


  1. At 01:00 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Dyoungone wrote:

    Lightning, always a good conversation starter. How, Where and When. I heard that being in a car is probably the safest place. Always feel vulnerable in a car when a storm is brewing.

  2. At 01:02 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I can't believe it is 1pm and it looks like no-one has commented on your blog! So I thought I'd be the first!

    Love the show and the guests on - although I only really hear the first hour as I drive home from work - was gutted that I missed the 90 year old skydiving granny last week! And don't suggest the listen again function - I don't have the time for that!

    Anyway - wait with intrigue for tonights topics and guests

    Alison xx

  3. At 01:05 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Val wrote:

    I almost put my heating on too, feels quite chilly today. Maybe the true British summer has arrived, this is the weather we're used to. No lightning seen yesterday but tons of rain today. Brr.

  4. At 01:06 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Haven't had a good thunder storm for ages. Last best one was camping in France, at La Yole. Thought the tent was going to take off. Very scary, but lovely to come out the other end of it eh?

    I did Edinburgh Fringe Festival yesterday. What a brilliant day. Free Fringe Sunday in the Meadows, and hundreds of street performers everywhere.


  5. At 01:06 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    THis is the link to the old chappie! Lovely Jubly

  6. At 01:13 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Great article.

  7. At 01:21 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Peter wrote:

    Great article Chris

    However, being a bit picky, you need to watch your spelling - 'We bat all the stories back and fourth' - no 'u' in forth when used in this context.



  8. At 01:22 PM on 14 Aug 2006, John Hansom wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I always listen to the show, on the drive home from work normally 1 and a half hours, 120 mile round trip evey day just to earn a crust ( must be mad !!). Great show, first time I've seen the blog, but its great. Tribute bands are the tops, if any of them want a decent Bass Player, aske them to give me a call !!!!!

    All the best


  9. At 01:26 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Kurt wrote:

    Hey Chris - must be a quiet day on the blogging front!
    I won't bore you with all the "you're great" stuff - you know it!
    I must admit though some of last weeks shows were ACE.

    I really enjoyed the interview with Monty Panesar - did you notice his phrase-that-pays?
    Very funny!

    Your philosophy on how the show should be is spot on.- I miss Johnny, as I did Noel Tidybeard after he sat in - but your show is unique, fresh and fun - and shows how much you enjoy it.

    Well done and keep it up!

  10. At 01:29 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Mark wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Great Blog - Excellent insight into how the show is put together...

    I think it should be against the law to put your heating on before the end of September or at least before the kids go back to school (Global warming LOL!) - although I'm sure my chilly wife and daughter would love to. Maybe an idea for a phone in?!

    Love the show etc....


  11. At 01:42 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon Chris,


    Well what a weekend. Firstly; let me clear up something from last week too.. On Friday's show you had a caller from Harrogate and you asked her, " why should I come to Harrogate? " Got me thinking...... what would I say about where I live, if asked the same question...... I've lived in Dorchester for 4 years now , I say have lived, but what I really mean,.... is stay at home,.... as I rarely, if ever, go into town. I shop elsewhere or on the net. So; on Saturday morning, I went for a drive around, to have a look. Approaching Dorchester from the South .. you'd be greeted by a rather grand looking tree lined avenue with some fairly sizable retirement/nursing/care homes on the left, overlooking the cemetery .. Gosh,.... what do they say when potential residents phone and ask, what's the view like? Other attractions are the Dinosaur Museum and the Tutankhamun Exhibition...... so; to sum up.... Dorchester can boast, the nearly dead, the recently dead, the very dead and the pre-historic dead. Of course the great thing about Dorchester is ..... its location, if you're going to live in Dorset, Dorchester is the easiest place to get away from. There are some fantastic country-side walks though- which is what I love about the place and what we spend most of our time doing... The Hardy Trial is fab....

    It was my younger daughters birthday on Saturday ( her 17th) and she came for the afternoon. We (both of us) played the piano and sang for 3 hours , we had such a fab time - we wrote a new song! (needs more work though) It really was a special moment, she's grown so much since the last time we were together. We both cried in the car when I drove her back to her parents, as ever, I have no clue when I will see her again. Very often, what seems like the right choice at the time, can lead to a very complicated life and the occasional sorrowful future moment. It's best not to dwell on what should have been though and just get on with what is.................

    Sunday is very traditional in our house - we read the papers in the morning , have proper roast dinner with real gravy ( my great-grandma taught me how to make it, 30 years ago) In the afternoon we walk for miles or/and do a spot of gardening. Although this week, it was cold and looking far too much like it may rain, so we started stripping the wallpaper in the hall - and that can only mean one thing .. ........we must be moving house soon................

    This coming week I'm being sent on a yet another training course .........(I really dislike training courses- I'm 40 years old - If I don't know-it by now! How can a three days in a classroom make much difference? - I'm not even sure what this course is about- its called, dealing with conflict! I don't have any conflicts!).... so I'll be fairly quiet for a few days while I learn how to start a fight........ I'll have to blog in the evenings....... Looking forward to the show on my way home ....... Lightning !! ..... you know, it travels up not down.... :)

    Keep smiling


  12. At 01:42 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    SUNDAYS... I love the idea of a perfect Sunday, waking up slowly with my beautiful girlfriend around 10am, putting the radio on and slowly making my way down to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

    Get a good paper (they were invented for sundays) and have a cup of coffee and a slice of toast!

    The weather outside would be Autumn-like, windy and overcast, whilst reading the paper I start to think about lunch and preparing the roast.

    After nipping to the supermarlt to buy the things we forget the day before, we open a bottle of great bottle of red and talk about the future and what we what to do for our next holiday or what the next project in the house will be...

    Why do my Sundays always start at 12pm with a banging head and not feel like eating anything incase it doesn't stay down and after lying on the sofa feeling sorry for ourselves and promising not to drink that much ever again its 10pm and time to start the week!

    Time for a change!

    Great blog and show Chris!

  13. At 01:44 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Tony wrote:


    ONLY 1.7 millionaires in Britain by 2020, where are all the rest going, and will you be joining them??
    And come on, turning the heating on, get a grip man and put a sweater on.
    Also, thanks for introducing me to Youtube, absolutely fantastic, but way too much time now spent on it when I should be working.

    Keep up the good work


  14. At 01:53 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Lorien wrote:


    Excellent weekend, bought curtains and two fish.

    Love the lightning, its nature's way of letting us know it's still in charge and no matter how much we think we understand it, it can still give us the ocassional kick up the arse.

    Fact of the day : Cologne Cathedral completed 1880 (started in the 13th century).

    Take Care


  15. At 01:56 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Amanda wrote:

    In the short time this blog has been in existence, I have already made it a regular part of my day.

    Fascinating to know what goes into a radio show. I never really thought about it before, but naively assumed you walk into the studio about 15 minutes before air time and speak off the cuff. I stand corrected.

    It got me thinking about what other professions I take for granted...give little thought to the rigor of their day. Athletes? Postal workers? Retail salespeople? Trash collectors? Teachers? These and other professions are all a part of our every day lives and we rely on them without really acknowledging how difficult it might be to do what they do.

    Have a great day!

  16. At 02:00 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Cameron wrote:

    Saw some wicked lightning bolts yesterday over Strood on the way back from Maidstone. I love electric storms and the best I ever witnessed was many years ago when I lived in Rottredam. It was night and the sky illuminated in wonderful colours and huses - turquoises and purples. It was almost like the aurora borealis.

    Missed most of the show last Friday, but hoping to escape on time to hear Rebecca's business brief part 1 (if I'm lucky)

    Take care

    Cameron (a Scott in the Medway)

  17. At 02:05 PM on 14 Aug 2006, A Pril wrote:

    is that the script then?

  18. At 02:07 PM on 14 Aug 2006, debbie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yep- my heating went on last night! Off again now but friend from south visiting at the weekend so will no doubt have to warm up her mancunian visit!

    Loved the commnet on Fridays show about woman who separated the eggs!!! Hilarious. Liz- my wonderful and quirky daughter has a similar and fantastic view of the world.

    She once asked if euthanasia was a country in eastern europe!

    When Liz was about 10 we had been away for the weekend and arrived back at Piccadilly train station. At the end of the platform a lamp post had flowers and cards attached to it. Lizzie asked why and I said it was just like at the road side after a car accident- that someone must have died, falling on the track or off the train. "Oh mum what a horrible way to die, to fall off the train and then splat into a lamp post." Brilliant!!

    Last year (aged 17) Liz asked me what the white stuff was that cricketers put on their faces.
    I told her it was ball repellant- that the cream has a magnetic field that repels the magnetic force in the cricket ball. So as the ball flies towards the face of a cricketer it veers away and doesn't cause injury. Liz vaguely rememered doing magnetic fields at school and was quite animated as she chatted about like poles repelling etc. Many of her friends play cricket so I suggested she discussed it with them that night in the pub- apparently the lads were on the floor crying with laughter.

    Met up with all the mates this weekend and we cried laughing as we remembered our "Lizziisms". Just thought I'd pass it on- hope they raised a smile.

    Anyway, the sun is shining- no work till Sept so I'm off for a walk.
    Looking forward to the show.
    Debbie x

  19. At 02:14 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Please watch the David Attenborough programme about global warming and make your own mind up about whether or not you should have your heating on. Enough said.

    Lightening..very scary stuff. When I was 15 and on a girl guides camping holiday in Balls Park Hertford, probably 1986 ish (ABC where the band of the moment!) there was one of the largest recorded storms in our area. One of our tents actually did blow away and get stuck in tree and a cow in the field next to us got struck dead with lightening. In the end we all had to move into a local gym for the night. I still find that whilst frightening there is something enchanting about storms, going back to one of your previous shows, maybe its just all those negative ions floating around.

    Sundays, its one of those days of the week that is either great or miserable. I had a miserable one this week. Too much alcohol, 4 hours sleep, demanding toddlers and a grumpy husband. Love the sound of yours though. If you ever fancy a life swap for the weekend, please feel free to come along to Farnham and play mum.



  20. At 02:18 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Paul Rees wrote:

    I'm in school, working on a homework booklet for all of our Year pupils, and I reckon there's more in it than I did in 7 years at secondary school. It's occured to me that later this week most of the UK media will start on a fortnight's whinging about how thick and lazy kids are and how exams are so much easier nowadays, so I wonder if you could pre-empt them by congratulating all those kids who've put the effort in and done as well as they could have done BEFORE they get the results and the CBI and the rest of them stick the boot in.
    Thanks, Paul

  21. At 02:22 PM on 14 Aug 2006, david wrote:

    afternoon Chris fox the fox, and johnny(what's in the locker cocker). bit late but still smashin(steve wrighty styley)
    blog of the day titter y not!

    well i had a incident with the thunder and lighting when i was a kid i was in russia(brrrr) @ the time and the almighty storm brewed and wallop i fell though a glass panel in a door thankfully not hurt but it was scary at the time.

    Johnny and rebecca(foxy fox) doin there thing and you sorting this and that out for the show sounds all go and radio2.

    right Blogging off now off to listen to steve wrighty wright and then i'll be listening @ 5PM

  22. At 02:28 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Christine Vorres wrote:

    Its getting quite autumnal in the mornings now already. We have had the heating on, my excuse is that you are supposed to run it at least once a fortnight to stop the pump seizing up. We only know that after waiting all summer last year, it didnt work when we needed it.
    PS - love the spelling!

  23. At 02:31 PM on 14 Aug 2006, ruth parker wrote:

    I've never read a blog, never mind replyed to one, but in reply to Kurt's message earlier, I do NOT miss Johnny Walker, his show was soooo tired and scripted, Chris always sounds fresh and funny and has taken the time to research guests. Great job, Chris, many thanks for keeping me sane on my dire trip on M1 from Leeds!!! I was the one who texted in from Leeds traffic with a man in the car behing with a white parrot on his shoulder!!! Ruth

  24. At 02:35 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Claire wrote:

    Dear Chris

    Just waiting for a marketing rep to pop 'round to try to sell me some advertising space and the cat has got a frog. Now I thought frogs just made that 'ribbiting' or 'croaking' sound but this one is squealing like a squeaky toy. I am now feeling very sad at the thought that frogs feel pain and I must go and rescue it from the evil furry creature. My other half says I am soft and it is just the puncture marks that the cats teeth made (this makes me feel no better) but as it is wriggling I must endevour to save it.

    Great show.


  25. At 02:45 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I spent the weekend teaching teenage Air Cadets to fly in a fibre glass glider. Seeing lightning arc in the distance is a bit like seeing a tornado: you're captivated by its beauty and terrified by what it could do to you.

    Much better to be on the ground wishing you were flying rather than flying wishing you were on the ground.

    Love the show, gets me home every day without fail.

  26. At 02:53 PM on 14 Aug 2006, gk wrote:

    A car or something similar IS the safest place to be during a thunder storm, as if lightening should hit it, it will dissapate the charge, and transfer it to the ground.

  27. At 03:04 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Peter C wrote:

    Hi Chris, as a publican, what's your view on kids in pubs? Last night my lady and I visited a local hostelry with a view to having a quiet drink, a mosey through the Sunday rag and a plateful off scoff. True to from though, there was a nice little family group in causing untold chaos. Why do parents think that taking a screaming baby to a restaurant is acceptable? Surely they can feel the hate emanating from other pub goers or does parenthood dull the senses completely? I vote for brat free pubs or at least brat free nights.
    Anyway, on the subject of the show I didn't think you'd be any good mainly because I thought you were an arrogant, egotistical git. I know, I know, was wrong! You ARE an arrogant egotistical git but the show is brilliant and now I never miss it :-)
    Have a good one - and Hi from Essex!

  28. At 03:04 PM on 14 Aug 2006, jane wrote:

    Hi Christophe,
    The cold weather has really got me down in the dumps, had to root out a jumper today and i actually saw someone in Harrogate today wearing gloves! can you believe in august!! I took my mum for coffee at Bettys in harrogate this morning, as mentioned by your caller on friday, you should take your mum, im sure she`d love it.
    I remember you once saying that you would love to wear a brand new pair of socks every day as they only cost about the price of a pint and they feel sooo good, i would love to do the same with knickers and you went through my mind today because i treated my mum and i to a new pair each from m&s today, lovely!!
    Loving the show so much i had to buy a little radio thingy that goes on my i-pod so i can listen and walk the dog, trouble is the reception is a bit hit and miss and i have to walk sideways sonetimes when there`s a good bit so i can still hear, but worth the odd looks!!

  29. At 03:06 PM on 14 Aug 2006, JO DIXON wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Great to have you back and making us all smilely happy radio listeners again.
    Thank goodness that your bush with nature at the weekend has left you unmarked (physically at least).
    I think the youtube man your looking for is geriatric 1927. He is a lovely old man and i have been enjoying him reminissing since i read your blogg earlier.
    Have a great show later.

  30. At 03:08 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    First time I have got on to the blog, but I am going to "syndicate" yours onto mine, so I read you, and all the other great sites about the www..

    two things..

    Don't you blog at the weekend?? Disapointed!

    My ex kept turning the heating on during the heat wave.. Not that I am against being warm, but crumbs, she had even the dog sweating! ( recalls you recently telling us, that dogs can't sweat, and the larger, and flatter the toung the better for them"

    keep up the good work, and the blogging too!!


  31. At 03:35 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Matt wrote:

    Good Monday Chris and gang,

    Hope you had good weekends. On Saturday I embraced my masculinity and put up shelves in my outdoor cupboard. I realised just how good DIY could be, fatal injuries aside. Since then I have now extended my DIYing into my kitchen and have bought myself a breadmaker so I can DIY my own bread.
    DIY makes me feel GAY (Good About Yourself).
    Just wondered about your feelings on Doing It Yourself and whether you feel GAY when you DIY?
    Take care Y'all,


  32. At 03:39 PM on 14 Aug 2006, The Errant Chemist wrote:

    Hello Chris,
    First ever blog, read a little of your blog page, Heating on in August? I made the children sit under sleeping bags last night.
    Have warmed to your show now, it took me a while, not your fault, you are a sweetie. It was my resistance to change that caused my reluctance to enjoy your show. No stopping me now listen every day on my way home from Dagenham to Hastings. Keep on Keeping on
    Loads of Love
    The Errant Chemist

  33. At 03:45 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Don't you just love walking in the rain? (Lightning aside, of course!) I always used to be a fair weather walker and, being a rambler on the weekends too, I always had contingency plans for when I stuck my nose from out of the duvet and saw the rain through the windowpanes. However, now I love it! The rain feels lovely on my face and everything smells wonderful - except my socks and my hair! So, now, if I've planned a day walking and it's raining, I don't stay tucked up in my pit, I leap out of bed and am offski - it's fab!

    Take care

  34. At 03:50 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    We are expecting thunder here in Durham!!!!

    Anyone got any ideas for a cure for a massive tooth abcess?


  35. At 03:51 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    help me to speak English well

  36. At 04:03 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Ben wrote:

    After reading about your lightning-related escapades and the bloggees suggestions about being safe in cars I'd like to add my own suggestion. Don't be in a canoe. I was in a 2-person canoe on the Chelmer in Essex during a storm yesterday. We didn't see any of the lightning, but there was plenty of thunder to make us think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to be holding metal paddles in a big, flat expanse of countryside!

  37. At 04:12 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    massive tooth abscess?

    Well Ryan in our office drunk a whole load of whisky, then pierced the abscess with a knife. Then rinsed his mouth out with TCP. He says it's a lot better (But I'm not so sure).

  38. At 04:25 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    dwnb -

    thanx for that but think i will stick to anti biotics!


  39. At 04:42 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    I am getting addicted to this blog thing....was getting serious withdrawl symtoms as I could not find the blog this morning...There are some seriously cool peeps who reply to this (not sure where I fit in)!!!!!!

    Its now 4.40pm and looking forward to getting in the car to get my fix of you Christophe,

    Had a great weekend, went to Newmarket races Friday nite and the very lovely Jools Holland was playing and won some money too.....perfect


    Mayhem xx

  40. At 04:46 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Lynn, Chichester wrote:

    Hi Chris, this is the first day I've managed to get around to reading your blogs and they are great! You are so well informed and they make very entertaining reading - I've told the girls in the office to have a read! Love your show by the way - but then again, anything you do is pure entertainment! Keep up the good work...

  41. At 04:47 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    1.7 millionaires in BRITAIN by the year 2020

    I don't want to be the 0.7. lol

  42. At 04:52 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Nigel Steady wrote:

    Talking about Tribute Bands in the villages around where we live in Somerset they have a day called Harvest ±«Óãtv where there is a church service, meal and then a fun fair plus live band in the evening and these are always Tribute bands. This year it was U2 but a few years ago they had Suzi Quattro. My wife is a fan of Suzi because amongst other instruments my wife plays bass guitar. We assumed it was some one doing a tribute so didn't go. Some time later we found out it was the REAL SUZI! Doh! Only a mile from our house and we thought it sounded a very good tribute!!

  43. At 04:53 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Geeze you ramble on. Why not KISS.
    Keep It Simple Stupid.
    Takes to long to read it all

  44. At 04:53 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Ali wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    Congrats on the blog, I do listen to the show and am slowly adjusting to the loss of Johnny Walker, who's show I loved.

    Since you mentioned the subject of millionaires, I'm sure a lot of people like me wonder what the real background was to the big story in the papers a few years ago about you giving all your millions away to charity.

    I remember reading it and thinking "what a great guy" then waiting for it to happen and it didn't seem to (unless you count buying Billie the Ferrari!), so then it just seemed like a cheap publicity stunt.

    So was the story true and did it ever happen? - let us know.

    I can't catch the whole show due to putting kids to bed, so an answer via your blog would be good!



  45. At 04:59 PM on 14 Aug 2006, The ern wrote:

    Lightning always hits the tallest thing around. The best survival trick is to only go out walking with friends who are taller than you.

  46. At 05:14 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Ian wrote:

    Hi Christophe

    Heating in August? - you're having a laugh mate. I am sitting here in a balming 23c feeling rather warm. It was the same yesterday.

    Honestly, you Londoners must be pretty thin skinned. Try eating and drinking more to build up the overall cover of fat thus insulating yourself better. Reminds me of a joke...

    40 degrees-Californians shiver uncontrollably.
    People in Scotland sunbathe.

    35 degrees-Italian cars won't start.
    People in Scotland drive with the windows down.

    20 degrees-Floridians wear coats, gloves, and wool hats.
    People in Scotland throw on a T-shirt.

    15 degrees-Californians begin to evacuate the state.
    People in Scotland go swimming.

    Zero degrees-New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
    People in Scotland have the last bbq before it gets cold.

    10 degrees below zero-People in Miami cease to exist.
    People in Scotland lick flagpoles.

    20 degrees below zero-Californians fly away to Mexico.
    People in Scotland throw on a light jacket.

    80 degrees below zero-Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic.
    Scottish Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets
    cold enough.

    100 degrees below zero-Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
    People in Scotland pull down their ear flaps.

    173 degrees below zero-Ethyl alcohol freezes.
    People in Scotland get frustrated when they can't thaw their kegs.

    297 degrees below zero-Microbial life start to disappear.
    Scottish cows complain of farmers with cold hands.

    460 degrees below zero-ALL atomic motion stops.
    People in Scotland start saying "chilly, you cald an aw?"

    500 degrees below zero-Hell freezes over.
    Scottish people support England in World Cup!!!!

    ;-) I am just kidding so relax everyone

  47. At 05:15 PM on 14 Aug 2006, The BigUN wrote:


    Great Blog!

    I have been reading and listening to your show daily and love it!

    As you say "this is the best job you ever had" what was the worst? I have to say I am enjoying your show and blog more than my job at the moment and you have got me thinking I may need to change direction and do something different? Any suggestions?

    Keep up the good work!


  48. At 05:21 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Tracey wrote:

    of course if you've got no tall friends you could always crawl along the floor, that way you'd be less likely to be struck by lightning!!!!! what do you think???

    love the show Chris xxxxxx

  49. At 05:30 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Reading all the lurid tales about the insider going-ons at 'Playboy Mansion' and Hefner's harem... it struck me Playboy needs a re-brand. Baring in mind that in the same way Branson fronts Virgin, Hefner fronts Playboy - it strikes me that the brand should be re-branded 'Oldboy' or possibly 'Playpensioner'.

    Chris, do you ever find yourself feeling a brand ought have a re-brand and if so which ones stand out?

    Ps. love the show, indeed love all the Radio 2 shows... read a quote recently that said 'Radio 2 is the Top of the Pops for Truckers'... it inspired me to work on a new project for one of my clients... I'm sending our artist Winter Roberts on a Truck Stop Tour of the UK! When we get the gig dates together, you are of course most welcome to pop by... who needs the glim glam of London when you can have the glamour of a Truck Stop ehh?



  50. At 05:30 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Mick C wrote:

    Hi Chris and followers.

    I was once in a friends house that was struck by lightning, it hit the front window frame, flashed through the house, and exited through the back window frame without causing any damaged but the thunder was so loud we couldnt hear for a while! I hear the best place to be is in a car cos the steel sends it straight to earth without touching the occupants, cool eh.

    Nothig to do with anyting else but I saw a mole today! It just popped up in a field!

    Chhers all

  51. At 05:38 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I refereed an outdoor 5 a side football match a few years ago. The sky began to get really dark and oppressive as the match wore on.
    It began to spit with rain. All of a sudden there was a huge flash and I reached up to grab my head with both hands as it felt as though someone had whacked me over the head with a bag of marbles!
    I looked around and all the players were rubbing their heads too. Most amazing was my linesman - he had taken off his crash helmet (he had put it on to protect him from the rain)! and he was rubbing his head too!

    As the score was 12 -1 I blew up to end the match there and then. A friend who had been watching the match from his car told me afterwards that he was laughing as we all jumped up in the air at the same time with sparks coming off the back of our hands!

  52. At 05:50 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Susan Furmage wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    In the States those wheelie bags are referred to as "roll-a-boards". This caused me a great deal of confusion the last time I flew in the States and heard the announcement about (what I thought was) "roller boards". I expected my fellow passengers to start skateboarding up and down the aisles! And then I realised they had said "roll-a-boards" - not nearly as much fun!

  53. At 06:07 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Want to be in even "MORE" danger during a lightning storm? Try the M25.

    On Sunday 13th August, 3:30pm, M25 Clockwise, Junction 14. Torrential rain and hailstones. Surface water in some places well over an inch deep. Spray from overtaking vehicles is like a hose on the windscreen - so high and plentiful that the wipers are useless no matter what the setting.

    Nevertheless, the four lanes are full of bumper-to-bumper drivers, rushing to get home for Sunday evening.

    The variable speed limit signs show 60mph !!! They may as well have put up a sign saying: "We think you can do 60mph in this - come on, give it a go!" Other drivers did!

    Thunderbolts and lightning ... driving's very frightening ...

  54. At 06:41 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Lightning oh so powerful, but question why can't we harness it . Global warming and alternative energy etc.... there must be a way someone can build a conductor to use this energy.....Chris over to you.

    Sorry have missed the show today or have I I could click listen again, in which case forget that I listen now as I get some marketing leteres written.

  55. At 07:49 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Chris, just wanted to say that I love the blog. You always sound so happy and contented with your lot that it cheers me up!

  56. At 07:55 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Bron wrote:

    What a load of self serving drivel!

    Trailer overload

    What more are you going to try to boost figures?

    Tell you what.........leave.

    That will do the job.

  57. At 09:15 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Jay wrote:


    My heating is bust! But I have a nice shiny new PC so, I'm happy.

    The Shlog is getting bigger 'n' stronger!


  58. At 10:46 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Nick wrote:

    Lucy 0 Billie 1

  59. At 11:28 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Chris Knall wrote:

    Your podcasts were an astounding failure. Nobody wanted them.

    Radio 2 seem to need to plug your show with annoying trailers every hour to try and get people listening.

    This blog is the last straw to try and get people to post something nice about you. Try reading the message boards - that will paint a truer picture.

    You may have gained a few listeners who never previously listened to drivetime but with a listening figure drop of 150,000 how many of the original drivetime listeners have deserted I wonder.

    Look at Terry Wogan, Ken Bruce and Steve Wright. Constantly gaining listeners and no blog or trailer in sight.

    Beats me how anybody can justify recieving a Sony Award when they've managed to alienate most of the audience of the nations favourite radio station.

    Put us all out of our misery and go and work somewhere else so we can have Stuart Maconie.

    Radio 2. Where different doesn't work.

  60. At 12:01 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Tom Mac wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Like most people replyin to ur blog, i love th show, the fun n enthusiasm jus shoots out of th radio. travel 90mins to n from work evry day, but th home journy's are great fun now. Th folk goin North on the A1 thru Northumberland must think theres a nutter headin South each day. Love it.

    Think u r spot on about tryin to inspire people. Think most of us (certainly me) lead fairly mundane, habit formed lives, due to work n family commitments etc. Things like th Stones on th stage r fantastic. Loads of happy people.

    U might cringe at th idea, but a compo to win a Friday night out in London with u n friends would b really popular. U just seem to hav such a great lifestyle with so many contacts n knowledge etc etc. Might b crap for u but absolutely brill for any lucky winner. A real weekend to remember,...or not remember, but still knowing it was great.

    Me, im goin to try an stay in touch with this blog cos ive been thinkin (but NOT doin) of startin my own blog about my small business for a year now. Maybe yours will inspire mine.

    PS to BRON, if uve got nowt constuctive to say, why bother?

    regards n cheers

  61. At 12:06 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Chris Knall wrote:

    Message 60..........Please do not use SMS shorthand. It is lazy and annoying to read

  62. At 03:26 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Bev Cardwell wrote:

    Hi Chris

    It's 2.18 in the afternoon where I am (New Zealand) reading this and listening to your show at the same time. The sun is shinning (for a change) and I wish that they knew what heating was here! They are in denial what central heating is here and believe me, they do need it!

    OMG - your lightning experience! I hate being out in a thunderstorm because I think I'm going to get struck by lightning! But love to watch one. The best one I saw was in Italy in 1990, a fabulous electrical storm! Never seen anything like it since.

    Great insight on how your show's put together - it works really well.

    Well, best go now and do some work myself.

    Excellent start to the show by the way! OMD - haven't heard them on the radio for ages.

    Bye for now.


  63. At 03:35 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Bev Cardwell wrote:

    Me again Chris.

    I now know what type of lightning it was in Italy! Cloud to cloud lightning! That's probably what made it look so spectacular!

    I learn something new every week with you!



    ps Why didn't you play Electrical storm instead of Flash Gordon by Queen?

  64. At 05:08 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Kelvin wrote:

    Christoph, You fine fellow.

    I bet you a pound to a packet of chips that my good lady "here indoors" had the heating on as well. It is the annual event, she turns it on and I turn it off again because the rest of the family think we have decided to live in a greenhouse.

    We have spectacular thunder and lightning storms out here in Iraq during the winter. The cloud formations are fantastic, very dark and masssive the lightning strikes are such that you think you can see through the walls of the huts. The sound is enormous, bit like a Stones concert then!

    Top show again bud.....crack on.


  65. At 05:30 AM on 15 Aug 2006, Yoko wrote:


    I listen to your show on the internet and I love it. I know I don't have to say it, but I must. I particularly love small chats you and that Traffic lady, Sally. It cheers me up immensely.

    I am, as ever impressed by your decent conversational skill: You always seem to know what to say...and you talk tirelessly with ease.
    For me, conversation doesn't come easily. In fact I think I have conversational disorder. I sometimes feel like stop talking or stop people from talking entirely, especially when I am tired. Communication capability is the first function would go when I am tired. Yet at the same time I feel like I am left out or being less attentive, or rude.

    I know there are different types of people: some are talkative and others silent, and I fall in to silent category. And I know this is not a disease, but I'd like to know if there is a cure. Do you?

    Yours from the land of rising sun.

    P.S. It's over 37C every day in Japan


  66. At 09:45 AM on 15 Aug 2006, jason wrote:

    hi chris

    great show, didn't like you much really, but listen to radio 2 in my van during the day when working all four days a week. It's a hard life!!

    However listened to your first show when you took over the drive time slot and really liked it. heard you were blogging and just posted my first ever blog. keep up the good work.


  67. At 01:53 PM on 15 Aug 2006, Daren Evans wrote:

    From one Evans to another, Hi Chris,

    Love the show, in fact from 2.00 - 7.00 is radio bliss, being a 40yr old myself, Steve Wright still makes me laugh, and you, with your wit and chat it is fantastic. The only down side for me, is that when I listen to your show I am in the car, and people not mentioning the boss sometimes call me, very annoying, especially as I have already heard the agenda. Take for instance last night about the lightening, a friend of mine was struck by lightening a couple of weeks ago and ended up in hospital, I was so looking forward to knowing what to do, and what not to do and missed it. Please can you let me know, also what are the chances of him being struck again?

    Good tip - If there is lightening on the golf course apparently Lee Trevino said "Hold a 1 iron in the air, not even God can hit that"

    Keep up the good work Chap.

  68. At 05:25 PM on 15 Aug 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Well, Mr Evans who'd have thought that you would have so much thoughtfulness and insight into life and love? I guess it proves that one should never take a person at first glance especially when that person is in the media spotlight as all you tend to see is what the papers want you to! Congrats on the fab drive time show. I have long listened to it and loved Johnny Walker but in my view you've just made it even better with wonderful music, interesting new and a general happy feeling- keep on rocking x

  69. At 06:15 PM on 15 Aug 2006, Nessa wrote:

    I'll never forget one Monday morning I was on my way to work years ago and feeling damn miserable about it. I listened to a story you were telling about a man who learned why nobody should ever work on a building site alone - it was a long story expertly told by you and I had tears running down my face from laughter! If anyone can do that to me first thing Monday morning they are a miracle worker!
    Keep up the good work - you're one in a million! xx

  70. At 08:13 PM on 15 Aug 2006, Paul S wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Have to say, never really liked you previously but since you have been on Radio 2 for the Drivetime show I have started listening to you and am becoming a bit of a fan, seems like you have settled down a bit and I hope you find what you are now lokking for.

    Great guest tonight on food so look forward to his return Wed evening for the second half.

    don't sweat the small stuff...! and good luck.


  71. At 12:31 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Mike wrote:

    Heating!? It IS NOT cold!
    Got on the jolly London bus this morning and the dozy driver had the heating on.

    It's August not the depths of winter folks...

  72. At 01:02 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Chris wrote:

    The heating thing thing is wasting so much power (Gas & electric) and with my bills just gone up I am getting fed up with the costs (Just swapped suppliers as well). What Chris E said about boiling fast kettles, I always fill mine to full in a morning, not only am I wasting electricity by doing this, I do not like standing there waiting for it to finish, but if I do not put enough then there is not enough for two cups so I have to boil it again, which means more time and money wasted.
    They should invent a kettle that (Just like a microwave) you press a button for what you want i.e cup/mug/pot and then the quantity you want i.e mug, then 2 of. The kettle should then decide how much water is needed and boil it as quick as possible. This should save time and money.

  73. At 01:03 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Chris wrote:

    The heating thing thing is wasting so much power (Gas & electric) and with my bills just gone up I am getting fed up with the costs (Just swapped suppliers as well). What Chris E said about boiling fast kettles, I always fill mine to full in a morning, not only am I wasting electricity by doing this, I do not like standing there waiting for it to finish, but if I do not put enough then there is not enough for two cups so I have to boil it again, which means more time and money wasted.
    They should invent a kettle that (Just like a microwave) you press a button for what you want i.e cup/mug/pot and then the quantity you want i.e mug, then 2 of. The kettle should then decide how much water is needed and boil it as quick as possible. This should save time and money.

  74. At 01:05 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Chris wrote:

    The heating thing thing is wasting so much power (Gas & electric) and with my bills just gone up I am getting fed up with the costs (Just swapped suppliers as well). What Chris E said about boiling fast kettles, I always fill mine to full in a morning, not only am I wasting electricity by doing this, I do not like standing there waiting for it to finish, but if I do not put enough then there is not enough for two cups so I have to boil it again, which means more time and money wasted.
    They should invent a kettle that (Just like a microwave) you press a button for what you want i.e cup/mug/pot and then the quantity you want i.e mug, then 2 of. The kettle should then decide how much water is needed and boil it as quick as possible. This should save time and money.

  75. At 05:15 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Lynne Lewis wrote:

    We have just returned from a week in the isle of Harrris - beautiful and all the brighter for listening to you there. We did unfortunately have to resort to hot water bottles and electric blankets in the evening! Maybe you should just go for the cosy electric blanket?

  76. At 06:32 PM on 18 Aug 2006, Sally wrote:

    Friday night shows always feel like Christmas Eve, you always sound SOOOO excited about the weekend........! x

  77. At 07:06 PM on 18 Aug 2006, mark f wrote:

    congratulations chris on your new show.nobody is better than johnny but you are good. your laughter and exitement would cheer up a "jaraff with a stiff neck" . keep up the good work and dont spend to long in them there pubs.

  78. At 08:50 PM on 19 Aug 2006, Garreth wrote:

    Hi Chris, thought I'd check this blogg dooberry of yours after hearing so much about it, bloody good read really!
    Just wanted to say, I wasn't sure about you doing the drivetime show, it's not that I didn't like you, or your previous offerings, it just didn't seem to me it would work, but fair play, I was soooo wrong, it's the best radio I've heard in years and I now drive home slower so I can catch the whole show Don't tell her indoors!)

    Love it, keep it up, enjoy your break and hurry back.

    Garreth, Lancs.

  79. At 08:55 PM on 19 Aug 2006, Garreth wrote:

    Thanks for approving my comments so quick Chris !! Haven't you anything better to be doing??

    Go out, it's Saturday, and I'm off out now!

    G, Lancs

  80. At 09:10 PM on 19 Aug 2006, Jo wrote:

    Great blogg Chris!

    I really look forward to drivetime on bbc radio 2, you've brought such a spark and mastery to the channel - put simply, you make me smile!

    A genious and great radio host. You make me feel like part of the gang on set, not an easy feet - well done !!!

    Jo xxx

  81. At 09:12 PM on 19 Aug 2006, Jo wrote:

    Superb blog Chris!

    You are a king of Radio 2, long may you reign!!!

  82. At 09:57 PM on 22 Aug 2006, Yvonne wrote:

    Hey Chris, I know you ar eon holies, but miss you. More blog please.

  83. At 06:38 PM on 09 Nov 2007, Annie Lewis wrote:

    Hi Chris and the team. I am a recent convert to Radio 2 and to your show. I get to listen to you as I drive home and then turn you on (oooh er missus) as soon as I have run up the stairs.
    Fabulous, terrific nd wonderful. Love the items, love the upbeat style and love you Chris..keep up the good work. Annie

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