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Where was the Battle of Bannockburn?


The exact location of the Battle of Bannockburn still remains uncertain. The previously favoured site on the carse would have been boggy at the time and probably unsuitable for cavalry fighting. Many historians now feel that the English were not caught unawares but had moved to a more suitable battleground, possibly on the dry field, before fighting began.

Classroom Ideas

Students could plot the various sites where the battle might have taken place on a map. Students could discuss the evidence for each site and take into consideration the reliability and accuracy of different types of evidence. Drawing their own conclusions based on the evidence from this clip and other sources, students could decide where they think the battle took place.

Students could also research the battle strategy used by Bruce at Bannockburn. This could be re-enacted in the playground or gym hall, using bats or hockey sticks as spears to create the schiltron, and marking out the ditch with rope or marker cones.