
Polyatomic ions

Some are formed from groups of . The table shows the names and formulae of some .

Ammonium, NH4+Hydroxide, OH-
Calcium, Ca2+Nitrate, NO3-
Sodium, Na+Carbonate, CO32-
Lead, Pb2+Sulfate, SO42-
CationsAmmonium, NH4+
AnionsHydroxide, OH-
CationsCalcium, Ca2+
AnionsNitrate, NO3-
CationsSodium, Na+
AnionsCarbonate, CO32-
CationsLead, Pb2+
AnionsSulfate, SO42-

The formulae of containing polyatomic ions are worked out in a similar way to single atom ions. Except when there is more than one polyatomic ion, then its formula is written inside brackets.


Calcium hydroxide contains Ca2+ and OH- ions:

  • this is two positive charges and one negative charge
  • to balance it will need, one Ca2+ ions and two OH- ions
  • so the formula is Ca(OH)2


Deduce the formula for sodium carbonate.


Deduce the formula for lead nitrate.