
Hoffwn i…/Dylwn i…/Gallwn i…

These three verbs follow the same pattern and are very useful as they can be used in a variety of situations:

  • Hoffwn i... – I would like…
  • Dylwn i… – I should…
  • Gallwn i… – I could…
  • Hoffwn i fynd i Sbaen yn yr haf. – I would like to go to Spain in the summer.
  • Dylwn i weithio er mwyn cynilo arian. – I should work in order to save some money.
  • Gallwn i fynd i Sbaen wedyn. – I could go to Spain then.

How do these verbs work?

The endings are:

  • -wn i – I…
  • -et ti – You (singular)…
  • -ai e/o – He…
  • -ai hi – She…
  • -en ni – We…
  • -ech chi – You (polite and plural)…
  • -en nhw – They…