
Preparation techniques - breathing control and self-talk

Performers use a variety of techniques to prepare themselves mentally for a performance. Two common techniques are breathing control and self-talk.

Breathing control

Breathing control is a physical - or - process. This means it directly affects the body. The body and mind are interlinked, so breathing control also affects how an athlete feels. It affects their control of .

When someone is anxious, they breathe from their upper chest. Breathing is rapid and shallow. Breathing control helps performers to breathe slowly and steadily from the . This reduces anxiety. Performers can use different exercises to control their breathing.

The different types of breathing - chest breathing and diaphragmatic breathing.


Self-talk is a process. This means it directly affects the mind. Self-talk is the voices in our heads. It is what we tell ourselves about a situation.

Self-talk can be:

  • positive – for example, 'I can run faster' or 'I will take this shot'
  • negative – for example, 'I'm no good at running' or 'I'll probably miss the goal'

Performers practise and use positive self-talk, especially when they are learning new skills or are in challenging situations during a performance.