
Photography genres

There are many different genres of photography, including:

  • studio
  • portrait
  • fashion
  • landscape
  • street photography
  • documentary
  • wildlife
  • macro (close up)


Studio photograph of a wrench and nut

Studio photography

Working in a studio gives you most control over lighting and and you can plan everything in advance. It is still important to experiment with different , angles and moods.

Studio photograph of a wrench and nut
Wildlife photograph example of leopard looking off to the left of frame

Wildlife photography

Using a will help prevent blurry wildlife images of moving or distant animals.

Wildlife photograph example of leopard looking off to the left of frame
Student macro photograph of bubbles

Macro photography

Choosing the right lens and distance from your subject is key for macro (close-up) images.

Student macro photograph of bubbles
Landscape photograph of a tree growing from a rocky outcrop

Landscape photography

With landscape photographs it is important to think carefully about your viewpoint and how wide a composition you want.

Move around to change the relationship between elements in the frame and experiment with different arrangements between , and .

Try working at different times of day and in different lighting conditions. Including a will help make sure your photos have interest and impact.

Landscape photograph of a tree growing from a rocky outcrop
