
Changes in farming in developing countries

High Yield Variety (HYV)

were developed by scientists to improve food supplies and reduce in developing countries. These HYV or 'miracle' seeds can produce up to ten times more crops than regular seeds on the same area of land. The advantages and disadvantages of HYV seeds are shown in the table below:

Starvation and famine have been reducedHYV crops need a lot of fertilisers and pesticides to grow increasing costs and pollution
HYV crops are shorter so are more able to withstand high winds and heavy rainHYV crops require a more reliable source of water – irrigation increases costs
More food is grown on an area of land which increases farmers' profitsThe poorest farmers have been unable to buy HYV seeds so they are of no benefit to them
ADVANTAGESStarvation and famine have been reduced
DISADVANTAGESHYV crops need a lot of fertilisers and pesticides to grow increasing costs and pollution
ADVANTAGESHYV crops are shorter so are more able to withstand high winds and heavy rain
DISADVANTAGESHYV crops require a more reliable source of water – irrigation increases costs
ADVANTAGESMore food is grown on an area of land which increases farmers' profits
DISADVANTAGESThe poorest farmers have been unable to buy HYV seeds so they are of no benefit to them


are any kind of fuel manufactured from living things or from waste. Biofuels are a more and source of fuel and they are a cheaper alternative to .

In India Jatropha plant seeds, which are very rich in oil (40 per cent) are and processed. The oil can be used after extraction as it does not need to be refined. The oil– biodiesel- is used to power diesel generators and engines, for example, in tractors.

The plant grows in dry marginal areas which are not used for farming, so no valuable farmland is lost to producing biofuels in India.Energy used to grow and process the crops can be environmentally damaging, eg tractors burning diesel increases air pollution.
They are a much cheaper alternative to fossil fuels, which are costly and pollute the atmosphere.Biofuels like ethanol are more corrosive than petrol or diesel so can't be used in aeroplanes or boats.
The cultivation of the plants provides jobs for people.Industries are reluctant to invest heavily in the development of biofuels while fossil fuels are still available.
Trees do not have to be removed for fuel so they protect the soil from erosion.Biofuels may not be long-term economically beneficial compared to fossil fuels as very little is known about them.
ADVANTAGESThe plant grows in dry marginal areas which are not used for farming, so no valuable farmland is lost to producing biofuels in India.
DISADVANTAGESEnergy used to grow and process the crops can be environmentally damaging, eg tractors burning diesel increases air pollution.
ADVANTAGESThey are a much cheaper alternative to fossil fuels, which are costly and pollute the atmosphere.
DISADVANTAGESBiofuels like ethanol are more corrosive than petrol or diesel so can't be used in aeroplanes or boats.
ADVANTAGESThe cultivation of the plants provides jobs for people.
DISADVANTAGESIndustries are reluctant to invest heavily in the development of biofuels while fossil fuels are still available.
ADVANTAGESTrees do not have to be removed for fuel so they protect the soil from erosion.
DISADVANTAGESBiofuels may not be long-term economically beneficial compared to fossil fuels as very little is known about them.

Changes in the rural landscape

Consolidation of land

As part of the Green Revolution, has taken place. This involved the of smaller fields to accommodate tractors and make the management of the land easier for farmers. Field sizes have therefore become bigger. Hillsides continue to be terraced and cultivated as land is a precious commodity.


such as roads and railways have been improved to meet the need to get crops to quickly and efficiently as well as allowing farm machinery to be brought into the region and transported around it. Roads have been built between major towns and cities and the quality of existing ones improved.

Employment structure and migration

The majority of the population still work in farming but there are fewer jobs available because of increased mechanisation. This area has become an area of - many people are leaving rural areas to try to find work in the larger cities of Patna and Kolkata (Calcutta).

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