
Impact of new technology


Since the 1950s there has been a massive increase in the use of farm such as , , and . Some farmers also use drones to take pictures of their fields to check for soil, irrigation or pest problems. The use of modern farming technology has had both a positive and negative impact on rural areas:

Increased crop yield as work can be done faster and more efficiently.Loss of animal habitats and shelter belts, as hedgerows were removed to increase field size, and accommodate large machinery
Increased profit for the farmerIncrease in noise pollution
Less physical work for peopleFewer jobs available
Fewer workers so less wages for farmer to payAs people become unemployed they move away to find work, leading to rural depopulation
Crops are harvested faster so they are fresherMachines are expensive to buy and repairs can be costly
POSITIVEIncreased crop yield as work can be done faster and more efficiently.
NEGATIVELoss of animal habitats and shelter belts, as hedgerows were removed to increase field size, and accommodate large machinery
POSITIVEIncreased profit for the farmer
NEGATIVEIncrease in noise pollution
POSITIVELess physical work for people
NEGATIVEFewer jobs available
POSITIVEFewer workers so less wages for farmer to pay
NEGATIVEAs people become unemployed they move away to find work, leading to rural depopulation
POSITIVECrops are harvested faster so they are fresher
NEGATIVEMachines are expensive to buy and repairs can be costly

Chemicals - fertilisers and pesticides

There has been an increase in the use of chemical and to try to improve crop and farmers . Chemical fertilisers have also enabled crops to be grown on with poorer quality soil. The use of modern chemicals has brought both advantages and disadvantages.

Increased crop yield as fertiliser makes crops grow better.Increased river pollution due to chemical run-off.
Fewer plants being eaten by pests so more crops to sell. Polluted river water leads to problems such as algae bloom which starves the river of oxygen affecting wildlife.
ADVANTAGESIncreased crop yield as fertiliser makes crops grow better.
DISADVANTAGESIncreased river pollution due to chemical run-off.
ADVANTAGESFewer plants being eaten by pests so more crops to sell.
DISADVANTAGESPolluted river water leads to problems such as algae bloom which starves the river of oxygen affecting wildlife.

Irrigation equipment - canals and sprinklers

In drier areas and - artificial - are necessary to water the crops. Without irrigation apparatus large agribusinesses would not be able to make big profits.

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