


Locations of volcanoes

The main features of volcanoes

Volcanoes are found along constructive and destructive plate boundaries. When two plates move apart – constructive - the cracks in the crust allow liquid rock, called , to rise from the through the Earth’s crust, to the surface. When this reaches the surface it is called a .

Features of a Volcano

Magma at the surface is called and it cools and solidifies into solid rock. This process can repeat itself over many years forming a cone-shaped mountain or volcano.

Constructive Plate Boundary
Figure caption,
Constructive plate boundary

Destructive plate boundaries involve two plates moving towards each other. The heavier plate is forced down below the lighter plate, into the mantle, where it melts.

The molten rock rises up to the surface through cracks in the rocks creating a volcanic eruption. These eruptions are usually very explosive because they are mixed with gases.

Destructive Plate Boundary
Figure caption,
Destructive plate boundary

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