
Substances with many covalent bonds

leads to the formation of substances with different types of structures, for example:

  • small molecules, which contain a fixed number of joined by covalent bonds
  • giant covalent substances, which contain many atoms joined by covalent bonds

Learn more on properties of giant covalent compounds in this podcast.

An example - Silicon dioxide

Silicon dioxide (often called silica) is the main found in sand. It is an example of a substance with a . It contains many silicon and oxygen atoms. All the atoms in its structure are linked to each other by strong covalent bonds. The atoms are joined to each other in a regular arrangement, forming a giant covalent structure. There is no set number of atoms joined together in this type of structure.

Covalent structure of silica
Figure caption,
Silica has a giant covalent structure containing silicon atoms (grey) and oxygen atoms (red)

High melting points and boiling points

Substances with giant covalent structures are solids at room temperature. They have very high and . This is because large amounts of are needed to overcome their strong covalent bonds to make them melt or boil.

Conduction of electricity

Most substances with giant covalent structures have no charged particles that are free to move. This means that most cannot electricity. Graphite, a form of carbon which can conduct electricity, is an exception.


State three properties that are typical of substances with giant covalent structures.