
Case study of a global disease

AIDS- location

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is caused by which, over time, wears down the . This lack of makes an infected person extremely susceptible to picking up viruses which, in most cases, eventually leads to death.

Every country in the world has, or has had, someone living with AIDS. However, the distribution of cases around the world is very uneven, with over 70 per cent in . Even then the vast majority of the cases found in Africa are located south of the with most of these in itself.

Percentage of global population with AIDS
Figure caption,
Percentage of global population with AIDS


Look at the map above.

Describe, in detail, the global distribution of AIDS.

HIV/AIDS is usually passed on through contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. The main ways people contract HIV/AIDS are:

  • Drug users sharing drug injection equipment, such as needles and syringes.
  • Having with an infected person.
  • Babies drinking the breast milk of an infected woman.
  • Infected .
  • Infection can be passed on from mother to during pregnancy.
  • Lack of , advice or medication.
  • Lack of education on how the disease is transmitted.

Effects of AIDS

In a developed country AIDS is often found within specific groups such as . News of someone contracting the virus can have a detrimental emotional impact on relatives and families, as well as on the individual.

There is a great cost involved in treating the disease, eg with , and in costs.

In a developing country the cost of medicine to control the disease means that most people go without treatment. AIDS is a disease which means that eventually those infected will not be able to work, lowering the and potential of a country.

Development may be hindered which leads to fewer jobs and less wealth in a country. The will increase and decreases.

In countries like South Africa or where AIDS is endemic, children may be left without parents and brought up by their grandparents. Entire middle-aged populations may be missing from societies. There may also be a loss of if it becomes known that there are specific problems with disease in the area.

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