

Competition between animals is usually for:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Territory
  • Mates

Competition between plants is usually for:

  • Light
  • Water
  • Minerals
  • Space

Competition for these resources can affect population growth.

Organisms have adapted to their individual environments and to any competition for resources.

Humans can also influence the normal balance of an .

Competition affecting organism populations

Red and grey squirrels

The grey squirrel is not native to the UK - it was introduced from North America.

A grey squirrel.

There is great competition between the red and grey squirrel with the population of the grey outweighing that of the red in some areas.

This has happened for a number of reasons:

  • The grey squirrel eats a wider range of food and can survive in areas of mixed woodland whilst the red squirrel cannot.
  • The grey squirrel carries a disease that is fatal to red squirrels while the grey remains unaffected.
A red squirrel.

The grey squirrel is an example of a competitive invasive species.

Competitive invasive species:

  • are almost always introduced to an area by humans;
  • spread rapidly;
  • outcompete native species, causing them harm.

Rhododendron is a competitive invasive plant.

It has very dense, evergreen leaves.

This prevents other plants growing underneath it.

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