
Changing attitudes to immigration

An argument used against is that a large influx can cause a rise in racism from settled people who feel threatened by new arrivals. Evidence suggests, however, that racial tension is highest in very segregated communities and lowest where there is a mix of people from many different cultural backgrounds growing up together and making friends.

A major impact of the high levels of immigration since the 1950s has been increased understanding across cultures. Many negative attitudes and expressions that were common a generation ago are now completely unacceptable, and most people are in friendly contact with people with different cultural heritages. However, economic insecurity and fear of terrorism, among other factors, have recently created a harsher climate for community relations and a rise in anti- feeling.

Revision tip

Look back at the ‘Impact’ sections for the Medieval, Early Modern and Industrial periods.

In what way has the recent impact of immigration been similar to previous periods, and in what ways has it been different?