
Measuring social development – WJECThe human development index

Social development refers to the way society is changing. Geographers always want to know if people’s lives are changing, in what way they're changing and if the change is for the better. Development is a continuum scale which is dynamic and forever changing. Countries and people can be at different stages of the development continuum.

Part of GeographySocial development

The human development index

With economic progress and development, often there is social development. The scatter graph indicates that the wealthier someone may be, the healthier they are. This means the between the two is positive. This is because the more money earned, the more money can be spent on healthcare, such as fighting disease or training more doctors. As health improves, death rates and infant mortality rates (IMRs) fall. Other social indicators also change as a population becomes wealthier, more money is spent on education, and therefore more children spend longer in school and so literacy rates increase.

A scatter graph comparing the life expectancy and income relationship of every country in the world.
Figure caption,
A scatter graph comparing the life expectancy and income relationship of every country in the world. When reading a scatter graph it is always important to identify its correlation

As a consequence, in order to measure how developed a country is, it is best to use a range of development indicators, both social and economic, the most reliable being the UN’s Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is calculated using an average of four development indicators:

  • education – average length of schooling years
  • education – literacy rate (as percentage of adults who can read)
  • gross national income (GNI) per capita () in US dollars
  • life expectancy in years

The advantage of using the UN’s HDI as opposed to any single indicator is that it gives the opportunity to identify how socially developed a country is, and not just how wealthy a country may be.

The choropleth map of the world shows the world’s countries divided into their respective HDI scores. An HDI score is always between zero and one. The closer to one, the more developed a country is. The closer to zero, the less developed a country is.

HDI map of the world 2017. The dark green countries have the highest HDI and the red areas have the lowest HDI.