

Counting decimal places

Three point seven two eight. Seven is labelled ‘First decimal place’. Two is labelled ‘Second decimal place’. Eight is labelled ‘Third decimal place’.
Image caption,
Decimal places are counted from the decimal point. The number 3 ∙728 is written to three decimal places.

The number 5.714 has three decimal places – 3 digits after the decimal point.

The number 23.4275 has four decimal places while 674.4 has one decimal place.

Rounding to a number of decimal places

Rounding to one decimal place

Look at the second digit after the decimal point

  • If that digit is 5 or more, add one to the number in the first decimal place
  • If that digit is less than 5, the number in the first decimal place stays the same

Rounding to two decimal places

Look at the third digit after the decimal point

  • If that digit is 5 or more, add one to the number in the second decimal place
  • If that digit is less than 5, the number in the second decimal place stays the same


Ruby divides 61 by 7 on her calculator. The display shows 8.71428571

Round this answer to one decimal place.


Solution: The second digit after the decimal point is ‘1’ (less than 5) so the digit in the first decimal place stays the same.

Answer: 8.7

Calculator showing 1.36176470


When 23.15 is divided by 17, the calculator display shows 1.36176470

Write this answer to three decimal places.

Calculator showing 1.36176470

Solution: The 4th digit after the decimal point is ‘7’ (more than 5) so add 1 to the digit in the 3rd decimal place.

Answer: 1∙362

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, Example 1: Eight point seven three six. Three is labelled ‘Second decimal place’. , Round 8∙736 to 2 decimal places. This means starting at 2 digits after the decimal point. Count the digits from the decimal point. The digit 3 is in the second decimal place.
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How many decimal places does the number 12.725 have?


Divide 14 by 13 and give your answer correct to three decimal places.


Ryan divides 0.998 by 5 and gets an answer of 0.1996.

Round this answer to two decimal places.

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