

  • A fraction is part of a whole and is shown by writing one whole number above another.
  • The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator.

Equivalent fractions

Fractions are equivalent if they are equal in value.

Block divided int two halves, showing 1/2
Block divided into four quarters, showing 1/4 in two of them

The diagram shows that \( \LARGE \frac{1}{2}= \frac{2}{4}\)

Equivalent fractions can be created by:

  • multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by the same number
1/2 ~ 12/24

\(\LARGE{\frac{1}{2}} \Large{\genfrac{}{}{-0.0001pt}{}{\times 12}{\times 12} = } \LARGE{\frac{12}{24}}\)


  • dividing both the numerator and denominator by a number which divides exactly into both.
Two blocks - one divided into thirds the other into ninths,  2/3 and 6/9 are highlighted

\(\LARGE{\frac{6}{9}} \Large{\genfrac{}{}{-0.0001pt}{}{\div 3}{\div3} = } \LARGE{\frac{2}{3}}\)

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To decide if two fractions are equivalent:

Simplify each fraction to its lowest terms and then compare the two fractions. If the simplest form of each is the same, then the two fractions are equivalent.

\(\LARGE{\frac{14}{20}} \Large{\genfrac{}{}{-0.0001pt}{}{\div 2}{\div2} } = \LARGE{\frac{7}{10}} \quad \LARGE{\frac{35}{50}} \Large{\genfrac{}{}{-0.0001pt}{}{\div 5}{\div 5}} = {\frac{7}{10}}\)

These two fractions are equivalent because they both cancel down to \({\frac{7}{10}}\)


Some of these fractions are equivalent to \(\large {\frac{4}{5}}\). Which ones?

\(\large {\frac{8}{20}}\)\(\large {\frac{20}{30}}\)\(\large {\frac{16}{20}}\)\(\large {\frac{8}{10}}\)

What is the missing number?

\(\LARGE {\frac{4}{9}}= {\frac{\color{red}\Box}{45}}\)

Which of the fractions is not equivalent to \({\frac{4}{5}}\)

\(\large {\frac{24}{30}}\)\(\large {\frac{2}{3}}\)\(\large {\frac{12}{15}}\)\(\large {\frac{8}{10}}\)

What is the missing number?

\(\LARGE {\frac{7}{9}}= {\frac{\color{red}\Box}{36}}\)

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How to convert a fraction to a decimal

Using equivalent fractions

  1. Write an equivalent fraction with a denominator 10, 100 or 1000
  2. Use place value to convert the fraction to a decimal
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, Example 1: Three fifths, A fraction is one way of writing a division. The numerator is divided by the denominator. Fractions can be converted into decimals by processing this division. Convert 3⁄5 to a decimal.

Using division

  • Fractions can be converted into decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator using the short division method or on the calculator.
Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Example 1: Three fifths, A fraction is one way of writing a division. The numerator is divided by the denominator. Fractions can be converted into decimals by processing this division. Convert 3⁄5 to a decimal.
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